Attorney and Client

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Lawyer and Client 39 SCRA 136

It is said that it takes two to make a relationship work but in the
context of the above-mentioned topic, much is placed on a lawyer’s
shoulder. But who follows who? Who submits to whom?
The relationship that surrounds a client and lawyer is said to be of
fiduciary, personal and confidential. Putting it bluntly, the very nature
and identification of the acts as to why there is a need for law is the
very reason why such relationship was described to be personal,
confidential and fiduciary. The moment the public knew of the act, the
stories or facts behind, it automatically changes the society’s
perception of a person that is why probably it can be said that a
lawyer will probably the only human who have a mind and personality
that should not resort to looking beyond the kind of person a lawyer
takes on.
But again this is not just only about the lawyer. There should be as
well something about a client. Browsing through the book of Agpalo,
there seem to be little of what is expected to a client. But a client and
lawyer will never have the chance to meet and form a relationship if
there is no act or demand to achieve justice. The efforts of a client in
this relationship can be described to be that of passive, it will only
move pursuant to the feedback or instruction of a lawyer. Little is
expected of a client- to submit evidences, give testimony, attend
proceedings and pay the services of a lawyer and much is dependent
to the lawyer. Hardwork, dedication, prudence, candor, honesty and
integrity are the qualities expected to portray by lawyers for no
matter how they look, they always carry this much information, paper
works, and qualities that would assure the confidence and trust by a
client. At this rate, the client is a passive half- just waiting while the
lawyer is the other half required to take the pressure and move.
It can be likewise inferred in this relationship that much of this
relationship is ruled by the technicalities the Rules of Court that much
of this relationship but then even when it might seem that lawyer is
the dominant piece of this relationship; the client can definitely end it
without reason or purpose.

But even so, at the end of a proceeding, either the client win some or
lose much in the process. Nevertheless, the lawyer-client relationship
rakes through battles 24/7 without care of when why such relationship
was created. And, both has the ultimate purpose of achieving justice.

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