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. e ‘ Waihated iy? a UNIT > _ INTRODUCTION Sh SIA GROUP “~*~ PART-A ye SHORT QUESTIONS WITH SOLUTIONS 7 Define PPC. What are its objectives? OR Define Production Planning and Control. (Model Papers, f(a) |Apt-t8, Set, ata (Refer Only Topic: Prodhiction Planning tard Contral(PPC)) OR Define PPC AprilMay-19, Set-2, 1a) (Refer Only Topic: Production Planning and Control (PPC))) oR What are the objectives of PPC : Ageia 1, St, 4) (Refer Only Topic: Objectives of PPC), 1 OR List the objectives of planning and control (Refer Only Topic: Objectives of PPO) Answer : i. ‘Apriliday-19, Set-4, Q1{a) Production Planning and Control (PPC) “Production planning and control may be defined as the coordination of the series of functions according to a plan which villeconomicaly utilize the plant facilites and regulate the orderly movement of goods during the entire manufacturing cycle, fom the procurement of all materials to the shipping of finished goods at a predetermined rate”. - Charles A Koepke Objectives of PPC ‘The following are the objectives of PPC, To attain the highest degree of customer satisfaction and least cost by delivering the goods in the needed quantity to the “ustomer at the required delivery schedule. 1 ge “make optimum utilization of resources. Toassure that the quality products ate produced. cA weg To “stain the optimum level of inventory. 2 Ga. Write the scope of production planning and control. Answer + pest, S201) “The scope of production planning and/or can be understood from following points, 1. Market Forecasting, PPC communicates with marketing department fo find cout the product's magnitude and delivery details Material Planning PPC makes a contact with purchase depar yprocurement of input in an efficient manner. 1 plans the procurement of spare parts and raw materials in the right {quantity atthe right time, from the right source ‘and at the right 2 tment for place. 3, Human Resource Planning PPC contacts HIR department and formulates plan for IR Planning and welfare of labours. 4, Layout Planning PPC Provides the inputs based on which the plant layout is made, Also the plant layout is executed by PPC. 5, Method Selection PPC helps in the selection of best method of production What is production system? List out various : production systems. OR What 'are the various types of production systems. (Model Paper, tf) Arla 19, St, Qa) (Refer Only Topic: Types of Prochiction Syistem)) OR List out different types of Production. -Apitay-18, Se, ata) (Refer Only Topic: Types of Production System)) OR What is continuous production? (Réfer Only Topic? Continous Prodction ‘System! Answer : ‘AprlMay A, S03, a4) Production System i _ A production system converts some inputs like men, material, money etc into useful outputs like finished products and services. The transformation of input into output is achieved through the production system. PRODUCTION PLANNING AND CONTROL LINTU-KAK Nap, Ay “Types of Production System Production systems can be classified into two 4 ‘Yes, “this production system involves an interrupteg of material through the plant, Intermittent Hiotion ; 8 classified as, 4 1, __ Intermittent Production System | (a) Job Shop Production System | (b) Batch Production System. 2; - Continuous Production System ‘This production system involves continuous o tngy ntinvous physical low of material. Continuous production, | classified as,> | (a) Mass Production System (b) Flow Production System. Write a note-on, (a) Job order production. a4. {b) Batch production. OR Whatis job order production? Apitayt7. sect | (REper Ont THPIETOB OMIT? ; OR What is Batch Production? Answer : : vty, 204 | (a) | Job Order Production - Job order ‘production is also known as job si? prodtiction! ‘The job"shop ‘production system deals wilt producing the products for fulfilling the customer: needs requirements. In this system, all the orders need diff processes and different sequences of technological ordet (b) Batch Production are manufactured in lots (je. batches) at regular i Different produets are manufactured and stacked and he on receipt of orders. «This i generally adopted in medium size en Itis the stage i 3 Itis bigger in s Look for the SIA-GROUP-Loco’ 2S “Gnthe® TITLE:COVER: before you Buy? * [ww Introduction 95. List out the differences between Job Order Production and Batch Production System. answer? Jdb Order Production and Batch Production System can be differentiated as follows, Job Order Production z Batch Production Standard machineries are installed depending on whether the factory is engaged in light, medium or heavy engineering, machines are arranged, Sit Cost and time required to make product will be high. Work in progress will be high Requires standard material handling equipment. Requires special supervision, Examples : Ship building, civil engineering ete. Special purpose machineries arc installed. Different machines may be grouped, ] Operation time and total time to make product will be satisfactory. Similar to job producticn. Requites special purpose handling equipments. Similar to job production. Examples: Machine tools, furniture, pharmaceuticals etc. Applications of Batch Shop Production Batch production is applied in either of the followi () When quantity of output increases leading to repetitiveness:. (i) ‘Aih8, Se-, 1a) ig situations, * : When there are fluctuations in market demand across the'year. Batch production system is commonly followed in bakeries and in manufacturing of sport shoes, paints, pharmaceutical product te % Examples of Batch Shop Production Some of the examples of batch production are paints, clothes, drugs, sheet metal pressers, forging machines etc. 7. What is mass production system? Write its applications and examples, Write the ap) (Refer Only Topic: Applications of Mass Producti Answer : Mass Production System." “ AA, Sets, 1) When different parts or assemblies are manufactured with the’ help of a continuous process, then it is known as mass | Poduction, | APolications of Mass Productigi System 1 Int concept of mass production is applicable to different types of fluid and particulates handled in buile quantity ike » food, mined minerals and chemicals) to discrete solid parts (like fasteners) to assemblies of those paits (like automobilés household appliances). By “imple of Mass Production System Components of industrial products. PRODUCTION PLANNING AND CONTROL (INTU-KAKiygs a | PART-B ; ESSAY QUESTIONS WITH SOLUTIONS Hi4 PRODUCTION PLANNING AND CONTROL - DEFINITION, OBJECTIVES AND IMPo} QB, Dofine production. Discuss about production planning and control, OR What Is PPC? What Is tho nood for PPC? (Mods Papas 026) Ape oy <4 (Reyer Ons Topless Preedaction’ Plannliy and Control (PPC) Tnyporiance/Need for LC) OR Explain the Importanco of PPC dopartmont In a typical production systom. (Refer Onks Topies tnportance/NCR fOFPPC) Answer = MANAD YHA cay Production ' Production involves a series of operations which éonvert the materials from a given form to a desired form, Production Planning and Control (PPC) . . “Production planning and control may be defined as the coordination of the series of functions according to a plan whi, will economically utilize the plant facilities and regulate the orderly movement of goods during the entire manufac, from the procurement of all materials to the shipping of finished goods at a predetermined rate”. = Charles A Koa Production planning and control comprise the planning, routing, scheduling, dispa(ching and follow up functions inte | productive process, so organized that the movement of material, performance of machines and operations of labour howere: subdivided are directed and coordinated as to quantity, quality, time and place. It'is based on the principle “plan your work ad work your pl 2 - Aer nda, Production planning and control is the foremost activity of production process wherein firms make decisions regandsg the materials and physical facilities so as to optimally achieve the pre-determined objectives. It involves the planning, alloaisg and coordinating activities: % Importante/Need for PPC an ‘The importance or need for production planning and control can be made elear through the following points, 1, Production planning and control helps in planning purchase of raw materials, component patts etc.,it ensures that the quantity of raw material is brought atthe right time, a ht place, from the right source and at right (easonable) Pe Ithelps in setting performance standards for employees as well'as equipments. It makes sure that the resources available in the organization are utilized to their optimum level. It aims at manufacturing quality products within the budgeted cost and time. Routing, scheduling and dispatching are the important functions of production planning and control,’ « PPC process involves regular inspections and these inspections enhance the performance level of workers, machin processes. Ithelps in selecting one best processing technique from the number of alternative techniques. 8 It ensures flexibility in production related operations. Q9, Explain the objectives of production planning and control. OR What are the objectives for which PPC department Is established in a factory system. Answer : ‘The following are the objectives of PPC, UNIT-1. Introduction 1 To attain the highest degree of customer satisfaction and least cost by delivering the goods in the needed quantity to the customer at the required delivery schedule, ‘To make optimum utilization of resources, To assure that the quality products are produced, To,sustain the optimum level of inventory, 5, Tosustain the flexibility in manufacturing operations. 6. Tomake sure that there is effective reduction of cost and cost control. 7, Toensure effective result for least total costs, g, _Toprevent and stop the barriers of stages of production, 9, _ Tosolve the production problems. 10. Toiincrease the coordination between different departments, labour and machines. 11, To increase the profit levels of the firm. 12, Toretain the stability in production system. | | | | 13, To make sure that the demand is forecasted in proper manner. 14,__ To effectively carry out the optimum utilization of inventory. Q10. “Production planning and production control are the two basic functions of PPC” Explain. OR rae nly Tp Proton Pai Ob eo PE (Refer Only Topic 01 [Answer + oa 683.001 ‘The two basic functions of PPC are, 5 1. Production planning and i aaa ty 2. Production control. . © Production Planning > ve < with planning, directing and controlling the methods to be used make “Production planning is.the function concemes lucts and the way in which the production faciliti Vailable for production”. “Production Planning is concerned with developing specific course of action for production system”. ‘ ~ Chase: nse Dbjectives of Production Planning Following are some of the objectives of production planning, To evaluate the nature of resources such as men, materials, machines, methods ete, * Make necessary arrangements to achieve the production target that is decided in the production budget. To furnish operating measures for converting resources like raw materials, human skills and oiher inputs info finished products efficiently. IM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STODENTS “Sih GROUP QS 1.6 ‘The following information is needed for production planning, such as Inbor, ‘The resources that are useful for producti material etc. a Demand forecasting in prospect of planning, It needs authorized subcontracting quantity and back order level. (iv) Starting and necessary ending inventory. 2. Production Control Production control refers to the various control techniques used t0 achieve performance according to the set plans, Production control coordinates differen resources tims ‘tachieving production targets, increased profits, optimum use sfavailable resources, better quality and more economic goods. The production control regulates and controls the different tasks/operations of production process for orderly and smooth, ‘material flow. Objectives of Production Control : ‘The objectives'of production control are, 1. To optimize the use of production resources, 2. To develop contemporary standards of production. 3. To ensure accurate production cost controls. Q11. Write about the scope of production planning and control. Answer = AprilMay-16, Set-3, (0) ‘The scope of PPC can be understood from following points, 1. Market Forecasting PPC communicates with marketing department to find out the product’s magnitude and delivery details. 2. Material Planning PPC makes a contact with purchase department for procurement of input in an efficient manner. It plans the procurement of spare parts and raw materials in the right aan a the right time, from the right source and atthe right place. 3, Human Resource Planning PPC contacts HR department and formulates a plan for HR Planning and welfare of labours. 4, Layout Planning _ PRC Provides the inputs based on which the plant yout is made. Also the plant layout is executed by PPC. Look for the SIA GROUP. Loco PRODUCTION PLANNING AND CONTROL [JNTU-KAKINay, § Information Needed for Production Planning, 3, Method Selection Day PPC helps in the selection of best method of pr from many other available alternatives. dui 4 PPC communicates with quality departmeny i} formulates a plan for continuous inspection actoss product process. Metin 6. Inspection 7. Process Plans PPC helps in ascertaining the best sequence of oper and in planning for jigs, tools and fixtures. 1 sets essen, andards for the establishment of time schedules for dif stages of production. a 4.2. FUNCTIONS AND PHASES OF ppc. @12. Define the functions of production planning ang control. | (Model Papers O2)| Apap, ag OR List out the planning functions and controt functions separately, explain them briefly, Apt Set co | | oR Explain the functions of production planning and control. Answer = Ai 9, Se | ‘The variois functions of production planning and corte ‘are broadly categorized into two groups, as presented in te following figure, F Production Planning and Control Production Planning Papaion Coan a, Estimating (Var Dispatehing b. Routing b. ExpeditisyFolow-on c. Scheduling Progressing, 4, Loading el spection , Sequencing a Byaasng ant Figure: Functions of PPC it Production Planning Functions : ‘The following are the main functions oF proguetit planning, (a) _ Estimating innit . Estimating includes taking up, the decisions ato “i ‘ tev wuantty of goods which are to be produced and the quantity of g ot cost in producing a product on the basis of sa ii It includes ascettdining the personal capac oa ‘and materials required, in order to meet the budg yniT-1_ fatroaucvon Routine tris the process of deciding the order of operations fo sind out during the production process. It ascertains as to- secures Ghoul be carried out? How these operations will be weet ered? And where these operations would be performed? Feria objective is the selection of best and cheapest way to KS em a job. . Scheduling It includes giving priorities to different jobs and ssceraining the starting and finishing time of each operation! ‘ctv. Scheduling basically lays down the preparation of time- ‘edule, which shows the time and rate of production, teed (Loading Machine loading is performed along with routing to sure the smooth workflow while fixing the loads to different ‘ines, jobs priority and machine capacities are considered, Scteduling enables the firm to be aware of the delivery dates for ‘Beroduction of parts, sub-assemblies and finished products. It iselso used to maintain uniform load on different work centers ea machines. (Sequencing Sequencing involves the determination of the order in ‘hich the operations/jobs are processed. Problems may arise ifthe work centres are heavily loaded and the jobs aré lengthy. ‘Therefore, processing the order is very impértant with respect, toidle time cost and waiting cost. Production Control Functions The following are the production control functions, () Dispatching Itis related to the actual performance of work through Panning process where the instructions are delivered as per schedule, sequences shown in the route sheets and machine baling schedules. Based on their information, orders of raw "terials can be dispatched to the desired site. ) Keeping atrack on the production activites for ensuring * activites are performed as per the schedule is known ‘editing. It follows dispatching function. that th Bey © Follow-up 2 Follow uy , involves 8 one ofthe stage of production control which ‘onversion of plans into actions. ( - snspection Reonstitutes ch Analyzing the ‘ that desired rover recking the quality of production process, « effectiveness of process, methods and workers. So uality can be achieved by making the necessary rents in the process, TE SPEC ‘STRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STdi IDENTS, 17 (©) Evaluating and Corrective Action ‘The entire process of manufacturing is evaluated to make the necessary improvements wherever they are requited. Control of various activities like waste reduction, value analysis, inventory control and optimal exploitation of resources 30 as to reduce manufacturing cost —_—EAr eNO Q13. Explain the relationship between ‘Production’, ‘Planning’ and ‘Control’ Distinguish between production planning and production control. OR Explain the relationship between ‘Production Aprilayt7, Set-2,C2fa) Planning’ and Control. (Refer Oni Topic: Rela Planning and Control) OR Differentiate between Production planning and production control. | (Refer Only opie? Diferentiate benicar: Planning’ and. Production. Control). t Answer : (Modet Paper, 02()|ApifMay-18, Set, a2) Relatioaship between Production, Planning and Control ‘The relationship between ‘Production’, ‘Planning’ and “control” can be understood from the following figure, Input Production System Production] , Modify | aes Control Plan 7 + Material , Machines }+ Energy + information ‘Comparison J —___ } 7m : Outpt Lee + Goods s Series] ” : Figure: Relationship Botweon Production Planning and Control. Production is defined as a process by which goods or services are produced. It is a way of converting raw ‘materials into finished products by carrying out specific set of manufacturing operations, g wi planning involves preparation of a scheme in advance before the start of actual work, control involves supervision of all the important operation using control mechanism that provides the feedback of work progres SIA, GROUP Qi

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