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Worksheet No.

2 Class - XII
Subject: Business Studies CHAPTER -2 Principles of Management

Answer the following questions.

1. “Principles of Management are of universal nature and apply to every type of organization.”Do you agree?
2. State how the management principles are flexible?
3. Explain any five characteristics of principles of management?
4. Explain any four significance of principles of management?
5. What is meant by “principles of management”?
6. How is principle of “unity of command” and “unity of direction” useful for management? Explain briefly.
7. Explain briefly “discipline”, ‘authority and responsibility” and “division of work”
as general principles of management.
8. Explain the following principles of management along with their two positive and two violating effects
a) Remuneration to Employees
b) Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest
c) Centralisation and Decentralisation
9. What is the principle of “scalar chain”. Explain briefly the utility of ‘gang plank’ with the help of diagram.
10. “If an organization does not provide the right place for physical and human resources, which principle is
violated? What are the consequences of it?
11. Explain the following principles of management along with their two positive and two violating effects

a) Equity

b) Stability of Personnel

c) Initiative and Espirit de Corps

12. Name the person who has propounded scientific management. Also explain the principles of scientific
management as given by Taylor.
13. In a manufacturing company as many as 100 labourers are working in the production of department. Eight
specialists have been appointed to look after their work to issue command to them and to listen to their
complaints. They give advice to the labourers on different issues related to their work.
(i) What technique of scientific management is being followed here?
(ii) Which principle of management is being ignored here?
14. Manager of “Sargodha Ltd” has enforced the following concepts of management in his company. Identified
the same:
a) To find out best method of doing work
b) Creating the spirit of cooperation in place of competition between managers and workers.
c) To determine the duration and frequency of rest intervals to complete a particular job.
d) Technique of management which differentiate between efficient and inefficient workers.
e) Movie camera is used to conduct this study.
f) Determining a standard time required to complete a particular activity.
15. Discuss the differences between contributions of Taylor and Fayol’s . Also discuss the relevance of Taylor
and Fayols contribution in the contemporary business environment.


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