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Listening Test

Part 1
You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about how fundraisers are raising
money for cancer charities. For questions 1−5, choose the fundraisers (A−H) each person
describes. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to
Speaker 1 ___________
Speaker 2 ___________
Speaker 3 ___________
Speaker 4 ___________
Speaker 5 ___________
A They raise money through a race for women.
B They didn’t raise as much money as hoped.
C They had a birthday during an adventure.
D They went on an adventure on their own.
E They went on a trek with colleagues.
F They currently hold fundraising events in different places.
G They hold a regular event in a city.
H They raised money by selling an amusing product.
Part 2

You will hear a student called Carol Turner talking about combining her studies with working
as a student ambassador.

For questions 9–18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

Student ambassador

Carol has been a student ambassador for (9) ....................................................

Carol is studying (10) .................................................... and will graduate this year.

Her first job was to show some teachers around the (11) .............................................. ,

Student ambassadors have no choice about working each University

(12) ....................................................

In Carol's opinion, the most important thing is to help future students feel
(13) .................................................... about studying there.

Finding (14) ......................................... is difficult, so ambassadors have

to be completely reliable.

Ambassadors humorously refer to the information booklet they use as

(15) ....................................................

Carol says combining work as an ambassador and studies demonstrates to

future employers that you are (16) ....................................................

Carol says the work has helped her develop public speaking and
(17) .................................................... skills.

As a senior ambassador, Carol currently earns (18) ....................................................

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