Iso 9001:2015 Transition Guide: Instructions For Use

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Instructions For Use

This document is intended to help organisations to manage the transition between ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015, or, it can be used to
assist an organisation looking to implement a quality management system from the start.

It is not the standard – you will also need a copy of the standard because the information given under the column significant requirements, has
been paraphrased, not copied. ISO 9001:2015 is a copyrighted document and as such cannot be reproduced in full.

The suggested actions column is designed to help an organisation to decide what they need to do with their existing system in order to bring it in
line with the 2015 version of the standard. Not knowing what your existing system looks like, makes it difficult to be specific but I hope there will
be a few ideas that may help you.

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ISO 9001:2008 Cross Reference
and the significant Suggested Actions
9001:2015 Comments
requirements from the 2015

You will need to write this
Understanding down somewhere (the
the organisation New requirement quality manual is an option)
What do you do as an organisation? Do you
and its context so that others can read it
manufacture products, are you a service
Identify internal and external issues and understand a bit about
organisation, etc. What are the key factors that
that are relevant to your ability to you and your business.
impact on you as a business? Is it customers,
achieve intended results – include Your strengths and
new product development, legislation,
future monitoring of these issues weaknesses. In fact, it is a
overseas influence, cost of raw materials?
good idea to do a SWOT
analysis or something

New requirement
As above, you need to
Understanding You need to identify which organisations, personalise this and
Identify interested parties that are
the needs and groups of people, regulatory bodies, etc. affect document it. Don’t forget,
relevant to and/or support the
expectations of what you do. This could include employees, things change so you will
strategic direction of your
interested customers, neighbouring businesses, and need to do this more than
organisation – include future
parties society in general. once – why not at
monitoring of these parties
management review?

The scope can be important
Determining the This is not new to 9001:2015 but it has been as it tells others what
The scope of the QMS must be
scope of the formalised. Clearly, 4.1 & 4.2 will have an activities you are certificated
defined – taking into account 4.1 &
quality effect on the scope. It is quite likely that the for.
4.2 above.
management existing scope you have will remain unchanged If there are any clauses not
system but it is an opportunity to revisit it and amend if included in the system, you
The scope is to be available and
required. must explain why they are
any exclusions justified
not applicable.

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ISO 9001:2008 Cross Reference
and the significant Suggested Actions
9001:2015 Comments
requirements from the 2015

4.4 4.2
ISO 9001:2015 does not
Quality The quality management system Your QMS should be constructed around the require a documented
management must be built around the processes processes of your organisation – it always quality manual or
system and its of your organisation. The inputs and should have been, it makes more sense to do documented procedures.
processes outputs, sequence and interaction so rather than slavishly following the clause However, it does require
are to be defined. numbers of the standard as many have done you to ‘provide confidence
previously. that processes are being
These processes must be Get together with a few key people in the carried out as planned’.
monitored and measured and organisation and sketch out a simple flowchart Ultimately, it will be your
documented to the extent which depicts the key stages of the business decision as to whether you
necessary to support their e.g. sales followed by design, then purchasing, keep the manual and
operation. etc. procedures but you can
Then decide how you will control each of the expect more probing
There must be documented processes identified. The most common questions from an auditor if
information available to provide method used is to have documented they are not there as s/he
confidence that the processes are procedures, although these are no longer will need to seek other
being carried out as planned. mandated by ISO 9001. assurances regarding the
control of your processes.

You can expect the auditor
5.1, 5.2 & New requirement
Leadership and to want to talk to top
The new element here is leadership. Top
commitment management more than
Top management still required to management must demonstrate that they are
was previously the case.
demonstrate their commitment to ‘on board’ and involved in leading the activities
S/he will want to hear from
the QMS, their focus on customer required by the standard such as attending
top management their views
satisfaction and now also their management review, dealing with quality
on quality and why the
ability to lead quality initiatives issues at a senior level, supporting the quality
policy says what it does and
manager when required.
how that translates into day
to day actions.

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ISO 9001:2008 Cross Reference
and the significant Suggested Actions
9001:2015 Comments
requirements from the 2015

These changes shouldn’t
Quality policy cause much of a problem
This requirement is very similar to the previous but it raises the question “do
Policy to be appropriate to the
version except that it requires the policy to we know the strategic
purpose and context of the
support the ‘strategic direction’ of the direction of the
organisation and to support the
company. It also requires the policy to be organisation?” If there is a
strategic direction of the company. It
communicated and understood internally and business plan, however
must also be communicated
available to external parties as required. simple, it could be
demonstrated that it
supports the quality policy.

Job descriptions are still not
Organisational mandatory but they an
Top management to define roles, No significant differences here, the
roles, example of how roles and
responsibilities and authorities – requirement for a specific management
responsibilities responsibilities could be
specifically the responsibilities for representative has gone but the activities that
and authorities defined. As are procedures
maintaining the QMS were required of him/her are still there.
which allocate specific tasks
to nominated people.

6.1 It may be that the

introduction of a risk register
New Requirement
Actions to This is one of the big changes in the standard. could help – identify the
address risks It brings in the concept of risk and risks (remember the SWOT
When developing the QMS, risks to
and opportunities. It does not state that risk analysis from earlier?) and
not achieving objectives must be
opportunities assessments need to be conducted – this may record each identified risk.
identified and plans put into place
or may not help. It is hard to conceive that You can then decide how to
accordingly – i.e. what problems or
businesses do not consider risk e.g. taking on manage the risk e.g. reduce
mistakes might occur, what impact
a new type of work or buying a new piece of it, accept it and identify who
could they have and how can they
equipment. The difference is that there should is ultimately responsible for
be avoided. To include actions
be some evidence of this risk management these risks. Don’t forget to
required following changes
process. analyse the risks ready for
management review later.

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ISO 9001:2008 Cross Reference
and the significant Suggested Actions
9001:2015 Comments
requirements from the 2015


Quality To be of use, objectives

objectives and 5.4.1 really need to be SMART
planning to (look it up on the web).
achieve them This is little different than before but the
Quality objectives are needed to They need to complement
worthiness of the objectives may be
support the policy which is aligned the quality policy and they
challenged more. It is unlikely that objectives
with the strategic direction of the need to be evaluated and
such as ‘retain certification to ISO 9001’ will be
organisation. amended as necessary.
There must be a plan in place for See here for more
There also must be a plan to achieve the
how objectives will be achieved information

6.3 5.4.2
There is no real change here, just apply the
Planning of When changes occur, they must be No comment
risk management concept to any changes that
changes planned and consideration given to
are planned in order to better manage the
the potential consequences of those

7.1.1/7.1.2 6.1
The only change here is the addition of People
Resources Resource needs to be determined No comment
as a resource.
and provided, including people

7.1.3 – 7.1.4 6.3, 6.4

Resources The infrastructure and environment

(Infrastructure determined, provided and A slight change in wording but no change to No comment
and maintained to ensure that they the requirements
Environment) support the operation of the

ISO 9001:2015 Transition Guide V2 Page 5 of 12

ISO 9001:2008 Cross Reference
and the significant Suggested Actions
9001:2015 Comments
requirements from the 2015

7.1.5 7.6
This is what was previously under control of
Monitoring and Any measuring equipment used to
monitoring and measuring equipment – or
measuring determine conformity with
calibration as we often know it. No significant
resources requirements to be calibrated. No comment
changes again, just measurement traceability
Where applicable, measurements to
has been separated out, suggesting that it may
be traceable to International of
not always be necessary.
National standards

7.1.6 New Requirement This is a completely new requirement and it A responsibility matrix
relates to how the organisation would deal with would help – list the roles
Organisational Establish the knowledge needed to the loss of key resources (people). It could tie on 1 axis and the people on
knowledge operate the processes in order to in with ‘succession planning’ and also the other. This should help
achieve requirements and satisfy ‘business continuity’ planning. Access to identify where you have
customers – consider succession suitable resource could come from external cover and where you do
planning sources e.g. temporary workers. not.

7.2 A robust but simple

A small change in that they have dropped the mechanism should be
Competence word ‘training’ and simply state that people developed and implemented
must be competent to do the work they are to ensure that people are
Ensure that competence needs are
assigned. able to fulfil the duties
identified and that people
Good records of what competencies people expected of them.
performing tasks are competent
have achieved are essential, especially if there Competence can be judged
are no documented procedures or work by another competent
instructions. person.

7.3 6.2.2 This can be easily achieved

via ‘toolbox talks’ or
Awareness Ensure that people are aware of the briefings for existing staff
quality policy and objectives and of This is not strictly new but it has been included and via inductions for new
the implications of conforming/not as a separate topic, which makes it more staff. Don’t forget to ‘top it
conforming with the quality obvious. up’ from time to time –
management system people forget.

ISO 9001:2015 Transition Guide V2 Page 6 of 12

ISO 9001:2008 Cross Reference
and the significant Suggested Actions
9001:2015 Comments
requirements from the 2015

7.4 5.5.3 All that should be required

This has been expanded slightly, not only does is a strategy for
Communication Develop and implement a strategy it require internal communications, but also communications to pull
for both internal and external external communication with ‘relevant’ parties together all the meetings
communications e.g. customers, regulatory bodies, certification that are held and also keep
bodies, etc. evidence in one form or
7.5 You will already have
4.2.3, 4.2.4 procedures for records and
There has long been confusion between
Documented documents because they
records and documents so the answer has
information Existing requirement to control were mandatory under the
been to put them in the same clause and call
documents and records has now 2008 version. Make a brief
them ‘documented information’ – there is very
been integrated into 1 clause check on them but it most
little different, though there is a bit of guidance
likely that you will have
to good practice when creating documents.
nothing to do on this one.

8.1 7.1 Most of what is needed will

Section 8 contains what was section 7 in 2008 already be in place apart
Operational Risks to achieving product/service – it follows a very similar path. Starting with the from formalising the
planning and conformance must be considered need to plan how production or service delivery consideration of risks – see
control as part of your planning of will be controlled but also including some 6.1 for discussion on a risk
operations element of consideration of risks which may register
prevent successful completion.

8.2 7.2 Apart from the inclusion of

risk management, there
This clause relates to finding out what the
Determination Organisation to have a process in should be no need for any
customer wants and evaluating our ability to
of requirements place to ensure that it can significant change in order
achieve their requirements. The sequence of
for products communicate with customers, to continue meeting the
the sub-clauses has changed but the content is
and services establish what their requirements requirements of this clause.
very similar. They include maintaining good
are and verify whether their needs
communications with customers, establishing
can be met.
the customer’s requirements, reviewing our
Risks to achieving product/service
ability to meet those requirements and
conformance must be considered
managing any changes to the requirements,
when determining and reviewing
especially once an order has been placed.
your customer requirements.

ISO 9001:2015 Transition Guide V2 Page 7 of 12

ISO 9001:2008 Cross Reference
and the significant Suggested Actions
9001:2015 Comments
requirements from the 2015

8.3 Possibly the clause which causes more There should be very little to
concern than most others. The structure of the do for those who already
Design and 7.3 clause has been re-modelled a little but the have design procedures in
development of concepts are the same. First plan how the place. Those who have
products and The design process must consider design will evolve, take the inputs and produce previously claimed not to be
services the risk and complexity of product or a draft design, including what methods will be involved in design when
service to be provided. Establish a used to control the design. The design outputs really they are, will need to
design plan and obtain the design e.g. drawings/specifications/BOM’s can then get a system developed and
inputs, produce the outputs, review be reviewed and verified as being suitable (or implemented sooner rather
to ensure the outputs meet the not, in which case it goes around the loop than later.
inputs and verify that it meets again). From there, the design can be verified
requirements. If required, validate by tests or calculations or the use of models
the design before use and control and simulation for example. Consideration
any changes that may be made. should be given to validating the design in the
‘real world’ e.g. running a full scale
implementation and also consider how
changes to designs will be managed.

8.4 7.4 As long as you have a

decent purchasing process
Control of Previously called purchasing and in place now, you won’t
externally depending on the criticality of what have to change much in
provided is being outsourced, there is a your system. You don’t
Once again, there has been a slight re-
products and requirement to evaluate the have to send out
ordering of the clauses but in truth, there are
services capability of providers of products questionnaires to all of your
few changes to be found here. Once again,
and services. Adequate information suppliers – use ‘risk’ as the
risk should rear its head. Is it a critical product
to be sent to the supplier and driving factor i.e. high risk
or service?
products/services verified as products or services will
meeting requirements when benefit from greater controls

ISO 9001:2015 Transition Guide V2 Page 8 of 12

ISO 9001:2008 Cross Reference
and the significant Suggested Actions
9001:2015 Comments
requirements from the 2015

8.5.1 7.5
Make sure that you have methods of working
which give confidence that the product or
Control of Little change in this section. It No changes should be
service will be correct. This might include work
production and includes ensuring that operations necessary to meet this
instructions or job cards etc., providing
service are carried out ‘under controlled clause.
additional information on how to carry out a
provision conditions’ and where the outcomes
task. This should dovetail well with your
cannot be inspected or tested fully,
system for ensuring people are competent too.
the processes and equipment and
people need to be validated.
Identification and traceability are both
unchanged – traceability is only required where
8.5.2 Other sub-clauses include the No changes should be
it is a stated requirement – typically this might
identification of items at all stages necessary to meet this
be a legal requirement as in food production or
and if applicable, batch traceability. clause.
a customer requirement.

Anything you get from your customers or

8.5.3 The control of property belonging to
suppliers which belongs to them e.g. the
the customer or other body.
customer might supply you with a plastic mould
No changes should be
tool to be used to make some products for
necessary to meet this
them. You are required to verify this is correct
and if anything happens to it e.g. you damage
it, you need to report it to the customer.
8.5.4 Preservation - Maintaining the As with most of these
Preservation of product is the same as
condition of items with specific requirements, they will vary
needs e.g. temperature, handling, for each type of
etc. organisation but will most
This is new and refers to the need to ensure
likely already be in the
that any services required after delivery must
8.5.5 The provision of post-delivery system.
also be controlled. This might include warranty
activities such as warranty provision
services or maintenance provision.
8.5.6 New requirement Make sure that your
processing systems
Control of changes is a new clause but is quite
Control of changes – ensuring that if properly include how
straight forward in that it calls for the
processes are changed for any changes will be managed
organisation to manage any changes to the
reason, they will be authorised and with the minimum disruption
production/delivery of service process.
checked to verify that requirements to supply of product or
are still being met service

ISO 9001:2015 Transition Guide V2 Page 9 of 12

ISO 9001:2008 Cross Reference
and the significant Suggested Actions
9001:2015 Comments
requirements from the 2015

8.6 8.2.4

Release of As a final check, there must be Ultimately, someone has to

This is not new but there appears to be a
products and planned arrangements for product take the responsibility for
greater emphasis on the control required to
services release and who is authorised to do saying that the products
make sure that only good products are shipped
so. This should be linked to risk and/or services are ready to
and only the correct services are delivered.
identification i.e. based upon likely go.
consequences if failures do occur

8.7 8.3
Your existing NC system
Slight changes in the wording but still requires
Control of Segregation and containment are should work fine with the
detailed control over the handling of products
nonconforming now options for addressing new standard – but only if
or services that don’t meet the specification
outputs nonconforming outputs and there is you use it! Perhaps start by
laid down for them. There is more detail
more detail regarding the records to documenting some of the
required when it comes to completing the
be kept regarding nonconformities larger problems you have
documentation following discovery of a
and then spread out to the
nonconformity but it is still the same concept.
rest of the system.

9.1 8.1, 8.2.1, 8.4

Monitoring, Requirement to review and analyse

measurement, feedback from customers, This clause is a step forward from the old 8.2.1
analysis and nonconformities and other sources as it now tells us that we must monitor and Don’t make it too
evaluation of information to determine how well measure specific things, not just say that we complicated but do take
the QMS is working. will do them. The information gathered can be advantage of the data that a
analysed and used as inputs to the well functioning system can
There should be some linkage management review. produce. Don’t do it just for
between risk identification to what the sake of it – this can
needs to be measured and As previously, use risk as a tool to assist when really help your business to
monitored and then evidence that deciding what your organisation needs to run better.
this data is not just being collected improve on – all companies are different.
but also evaluated.

ISO 9001:2015 Transition Guide V2 Page 10 of 12

ISO 9001:2008 Cross Reference
and the significant Suggested Actions
9001:2015 Comments
requirements from the 2015

9.2 8.2.2, 8.2.3

Internal audit Almost no change in the

requirement to conduct internal Keep on conducting internal audits on your Why not consider an auditor
audits. Schedule of audits to system – record what you see – including the refresher course for your
consider the risks involved and evidence you collect. Develop a programme for internal auditors? If audits
there needs to be evidence the audits based on risk factors – not just must be done, get
recorded of what was seen during alphabetically or numerically. something out of them.

9.3 5.6
A good management review process is vital if
Management Still requires a management review Re-visit your agenda, the
your QMS is to be effective. We now need to
review to be performed but there is a more new standard requires more
see the involvement of senior management
comprehensive list of topics to be topics to be included. Make
more than ever before (see Leadership) and
discussed now – linked to risk and sure senior management
make sure that you produce outputs from the
to internal and external issues (4.1 are present and produce
reviews or it is simply a ‘talking shop’.
& 4.2) outpts.

10.1 The key tools for helping

improvements to take place
Improvement - include setting meaningful
General objectives, performing
internal audits with an eye
Improvements will rarely happen of their own on effectiveness as well as
Still a requirement to seek
accord, they need to be managed. It is a good compliance, dealing well
improvements but there is more
idea to have a strategy for how improvements with complaints and
information regarding what should
can happen – it does not have to have a nonconformities and using
be considered for improvement e.g.
documented procedure but feel free if you wish management reviews to
products, processes, systems.
to do so, highlight where changes
can be made for the
improvement of products,
services, processes and

ISO 9001:2015 Transition Guide V2 Page 11 of 12

ISO 9001:2008 Cross Reference
and the significant Suggested Actions
9001:2015 Comments
requirements from the 2015

10.2 8.5.2

Nonconformity Nonconformity has been moved into Your existing procedure

and corrective the same clause as corrective No great changes here but there is more detail should be a good start point
action action because they are strongly regarding the differences between correction for this but is likely that most
linked together. and corrective action. The clause details the organisations will need to
stages in dealing with an NC, through to its enhance it a little in order to
There is more detail regarding the conclusion and once again, risk is part of the satisfy the added elements
methods used to ensure actions process. of the clause.
taken are effective in removing the
root causes of nonconformities

10.3 8.5.1
No real changes here but it does refer to other As long as you are
Continual Whilst the wording has changed, monitoring and measuring activities which can participating in improvement
improvement the requirement to seek continual be used to generate data and this can be programmes there should
improvement remains analysed to determine how well or not be little or nothing else to
processes are working. add.

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