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Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology


Final Year Project Report


Submitted by

Waquar Shahid (GME/1933505)

Akshay Kumar (GME/1933507)
Avinash Kumar (GME/1933517)

Submitted to
Department of Mechanical Engineering

(Title Page for Minor Project)

‘Solar Pond Cleaning Boat’

A final year project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for

Degree of Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering

Submitted by

Waquar Shahid (GME/1933505)

Akshay Kumar (GME/1933507)
Avinash kumar (GME/1933517)

Project Guide
Name of guide: - Ankita Omer
Designation: - Assistant Professor (Mechanical Department)

Department of Mechanical engineering

Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology

Longowal, Punjab, India



The undersigned certify that they have read and recommended to the
Department of Mechanical Engineering for acceptance, a project report
entitled “Designing and assembly of Solar Pond Cleaning Boat”
submitted by Waquar Shahid (GME/1933505) in partial fulfilment for the
Degree of Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering.

(Ankita Omer)
Assistant Professor

(Dr. Indraj singh, Dr. Sunil Kumar, Divesh Bharti)
(Mechanical Engineering Department)

(Dr. Amandeep Singh Shahi)
Head of Department: - Mechanical Engineering



The undersigned certify that they have read and recommended to the
Department of Mechanical Engineering for acceptance, a project report
entitled “Designing and assembly of parts of tank” submitted by Akshay
Kumar (GME/1933507) in partial fulfilment for the Degree of Bachelor in
Mechanical Engineering.

(Ankita Omer)
Assistant Professor

(Dr. Indraj singh, Dr. Sunil Kumar, Divesh Bharti)
(Mechanical Engineering Department)

(Dr. Amandeep Singh Shahi)
Head of Department: - Mechanical Engineering



The undersigned certify that they have read and recommended to the
Department of Mechanical Engineering for acceptance, a project report
entitled “Designing and assembly of parts of tank” submitted by Avinash
Kumar (GME/1933517) in partial fulfillment for the Degree of Bachelor in
Mechanical Engineering.

(Ankita Omer)
Assistant Professor

(Dr. Indraj singh, Dr. Sunil Kumar, Divesh Bharti)
(Mechanical Engineering Department)

(Dr. Amandeep Singh Shahi)
Head of Department: - Mechanical Engineering


It gives us immense pleasure to express our deepest sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to our highly

respected and esteemed guide Ankita Omer (Assistant Professor, Mechanical) , for his valuable
guidance, encouragement and help for completing this work. She gives useful suggestions for this whole

work and co-operative behaviour are sincerely acknowledged.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to Ankita Omer (Assistant Professor, Mechanical) ,

for giving us this opportunity to undertake this project. We would also like to thank Dr. Amandeep

Singh Shahi (Head of Mechanical

Department) for wholehearted support.

We are also grateful to our teachers for their constant support and guidance.

At the end we would like to express our sincere thanks to all our friends and others who helped us

directly or indirectly during this project work.

Waquar shahid (GME/1933505)

Akshay Kumar (GME/1933507) Avinash
Kumar (GME/1933517)

Chapter 1: Abstract
This project emphasis on designing of the Solar Pond Cleaning Boat. “Solar
Pond Cleaning Boat'' a machine which involves the removing the waste
debris from water surface and safely dispose from the water body. The
work has done looking at the current situation of our national rivers which
are dump with crore litters of sewage and loaded with pollutants, toxic
materials, debris etc. Due to increase in water pollution in the form to
waste debris; it is hampering the life of aquatic animal and make their life in
danger. A machine will lift the waste surface debris from the water bodies,
this will ultimately result in reduction of water pollution and lastly the
aquatic animal's death to these problems will be reduced. The main aim of
the project is to reduce the manpower, time consumption for cleaning the
river. In this project we have store the energy in the battery and used this
energy for river cleaning with the help of a motor and chain drive
arrangement. It works on Principal of PV Cell.

Keywords: - Motors, Solar Panel, Bluetooth circuit, Conveyor Belt,

Collector, Arduino uno.

Table of Contents

Problem Definition ……………………………………………………………..1

Problem Scope ………………………………………………………………….2

Technical Review ………………………………………………………………2

Design Requirements …………………………………………………………...5


Design Description ……………………………………………………………..5

Overview ………………………………………………………………………..8

Detailed Description …………………………………………………………....11

Use ……………………………………………………………………………..14

Results …………………………………………………………………………….15

Discussion ………………………………………………………………………...16

Overview ………………………………………….……………………………16

Prototype ……………………………………………………………………….16

Testing and Results …………………………………………………………….20

Assessment ……………………………………………………………………..21

Future Work …………………………………………………………………....22

Summary ………………………………………………………………………….22

References ………………………………………………………………..………………24

The “pond cleaning machine” used in that places where there is
waste debris in the water body which are to be removed. This
machine is consisting of waterwheel driven conveyer mechanism
which collect & remove the wastage, garbage & plastic wastages
from water bodies. This also reduce the difficulties which we face
when collection of debris take place. A machine will lift the waste
surface debris from the water bodies, this will ultimately result in
reduction of water pollution and lastly the aquatic animal's death to
these problems will be reduced. It consists of Belt drive mechanism
which lifts the debris from the water. The use of this project will be
made in rivers, ponds, lakes and other water bodies for to clean the
surface water debris from bodies. Impurities in drainage water can
be only like empty bottles, polythene bags, papers, etc. It’s an
Industrial Working Prototype of Entirely Solar Powered Water
Cleaning Mechanism Which Can auto collect floating garbage and
solid waste from the water surface and collect it into its floating bin.
It can be programmed, scaled up to any size and can operate
remotely. The system is indigenous and efficient to tack river
cleaning cause. a. It’s reduces the human efforts. It’s works fast than
Problem Definition
Nowadays, the environment problems arise in many towns in the
Philippines. These problems come along by developing activities such as
construction of houses, offices, and other business areas. The
environment problems occur due to several reasons; low budget
allocation on environment management and lack of discipline in garbage
disposal. The environment issue which comes up from year to year and
still cannot be solved is about garbage and waste from various places
dispose into rivers. The garbage could clog water flow becoming dirty,
smelly, and often over flow causing floods.

Not all the waste disposed were transported in landfill, for example in
Figure 1 (Moore, 2016) most are dumped in the river. River ecosystem
that gets most pollution in Dumaguete is the Banica River. This river
passes through many villages which have poor sanitary conditions in
general. During the rainy season this river often overflows and causes
Our main motive is to clean the rivers and for that purpose we are
making efficient waterwheel garbage collector. We are using wheel
operated boat which operates by using the current of the water. The
10 | P a g e
conveyor collects the waste present and then collects it in the box
present at the back part of the boat. This is really a good solution for
the aquatic garbage management. We are trying to collect floating
garbage like polythene, food material, and the waste occurs due to
human negligence in disposing such materials.

Problem Scope
Floods are natural events and even more, a natural occurrence in the

Figure 1.2 A man looting garbage after a typhoon hits the


Philippines every after typhoon. Figure 1.2 shows a man looting garbage
after a typhoon hits the Philippines (Orneta, 2014). Floods can cause
various diseases that come from rats and harmful things that go with it.
Floods are then worsened by clogged drains and creeks caused by trash
that blocks the drainage systems of the river bodies. The rainwater does
not drain fast enough thus resulting to prolonged flooding in low-lying
areas near rivers and lakes.

11 | P a g e
Technical Review
Floods, like any other natural disaster, can cause massive damage to
structures, crops, livestock, human health, and worst of all, loss of
human life. As communication links and infrastructure such as power
plants, roads and bridges are damaged and disrupted, some economic
activities may come to a standstill, people are forced to leave their
homes and normal life is disrupted.
Similarly, disruption to industry can lead to loss of livelihoods.
Damage to infrastructure also causes long-term impacts, such as
disruptions to supplies of clean water, wastewater treatment, electricity,
transport, communication, education and health care. Loss of
livelihoods, reduction in purchasing power and loss of land value in the
floodplains can leave communities economically vulnerable.
Floods also have major effects on the environment. It removes the
vegetation in and around the rivers and increase the erosion transfer of
both sediments and nutrients. This in turn have negative effects on the
water quality due to the introduction of excess sediment and nutrients,
and pollutants such as chemicals, heavy metals and debris. Other
negative effects include loss of habitat, dispersal of weed species, the
release of pollutants, lower fish production, loss of wetlands function,
and loss of recreational area.

Due to the effects of flooding to the economy and environment,

various inventions have been made to make a difference and lessen the
effects of these disasters. Governments have been looking out for ways
to clean rivers and coasts to lessen the effects of prolonged flooding. In
the city of Baltimore, Maryland, the harbor is cleaner than it has been in
decades thanks to two anthropomorphic trash wheels pulling debris from
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its waters. Mr. Trash Wheel and Professor Trash Wheel, the latter of
which was installed in December, are solar- and hydropowered trash
interceptors based in Baltimore's Inner Harbor, clearing debris before it
enters the Chesapeake Bay.

Another smart invention that is used to clean up rivers. This device

floats in rivers and lakes, and sucks up floating garbage while filtering
out the water.

13 | P a g e
The Seabin is a floating trash bin made from 70 to 100 percent recycled
polyethylene plastic. It's attached to a dock, and uses a water pump to
suck water and trash into its interior, where garbage and other nasty
fluids can be filtered out of the water via a natural fiber bag. Clean water
is then pumped out.

Design Requirements
The design of the project is inspired from the trash wheel
collector in Baltimore, Maryland. The core requirement for the
design to collect floating trash is that the device should float in
either seawater and freshwater. The design should also be
waterproof because logically, the device is performing in water. As
an innovation to the trash wheel collector, our design is not
powered by solar energy, but solely by mechanical forces from the
flow of the water. The design comprises of a waterwheel, the main
source of power that drives the whole device. The waterwheel is
belted to the conveyer, which in turn conveys floating trash in the
ocean to the garbage bin.

Design Description
In this project design, our main aim is to clean the garbage in
pond, rivers, to minimise the use of fuel and to minimize the human
efforts required to clean this garbage.
A boat will be attached by a conveyor and a waterwheel placed
on the shaft & bearings support. This boat will be anchored in rivers
14 | P a g e
facing directly towards the current of the water. Due to the current,
the waterwheel turns. Power is transmitted to the conveyer system
by means of a belt drive and a pulley mounted on the shaft. As the
conveyer moves, it collects the water debris, waste garbage &
plastics from rivers. The garbage collected by the conveyor will be
put in the plastic box located at the rear view of the boat. When the
box is full, the garbage will be collected manually.

The figure above shows how our project design works. The
garbage flows along together with the current which is
represented by the arrow. Second is the current makes the
waterwheel to turn which is represented by another arrow. Since
the waterwheel is designed that whenever water pass along with
it, it creates a drag force thereby making waterwheel to turn.
Since the water is moving, the only choice of the garbage is go to
the conveyor via the trapper. The trapper helps trap the garbage
bringing it directly to the conveyor belt. Through the conveyor
which is represented by another arrow, the garbage will be
15 | P a g e
collected and be conveyed towards the garbage bin which is put
at the rear part of the waterwheel. When the bin is full, the
garbage bin should be emptied for another operation.
In our design, materials found locally in the market are used.
The material needed was canvassed in different stores here in
Dumaguete City specifically in Zenith Hardware and YY Trading.
Table 1 shows the material and their specific price. Approximate
total price of the design project is also shown.

16 | P a g e
Materials Quantity Price

Plywood (1/2 in. thick) 2 pcs 500

Water Tube 12 meter 400

Shaft 1 pc 100

Connector 2 pc 75

Conveyor Belt 1 pc 250

Plain Sheet (1/16 in. thick) 1 pc 200

V-Belt 1 pc 65

Pulley 1 pc 160

Bearing 4 pcs 300

Microcontroller 1 500

Charge controller 1 400

Bluetooth Module 1 500

Bucket 1 150

Solar Panel 2 2000

DC Motor 1 700

Battery 2 700

Total Price 7000

Detailed Description
To assemble the design project, the boat will be attached by two
waterwheels. The conveyor belt is put in the front. A garbage bin is
put at the end of the conveyor to collect the garbage. In the process
or manufacturing industry, raw materials and products need to be
transported from one manufacturing stage to another. Material
handling equipment are designed such that they facilitate easy,
cheap, fast and safe loading and unloading with least human

17 | P a g e
interference. In constructing the project design, the different
materials and parts are needed. Figure below shows the dimension
and different parts of the project design.

Main parts of machine: -

 Solar plate
 DC Motor
 Conveyor belt
 Arduino UNO
 Bluetooth model
 Battery

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Garbage Bin: - Box used for storing any material. In our project
design, this box is used for storing the garbage collected from rivers.
The garbage collected by the conveyor belt ends up in garbage bin.
When full, the garbage should collected for continuous operation. In
our design project, we use a plastic garbage bin for it is light and easy
to carry.

Platform Stand: - The place where the collector stand to get the
garbage from the bin when full. Since the bin will be full anytime, the
collector can easily collect the garbage in the platform stand. This is
connected in the hull by screws and bolts. The platform stand is we will
be using in our design is made up of plastic.

Waterwheel: - A large wooden or metal wheel that is turned by the

force of water flowing against it. The current makes the waterwheel to
turn. Since the waterwheel is designed that whenever water pass along
with it, it creates a drag force thereby making waterwheel to turn. The
waterwheel in our design project will be a combination of hard plastic
and a metal. Hard plastic for the blades and metal for the connecting
Shaft: -A bar in a machine which holds or turns other parts that move
or spin. The purpose of the shaft is to hold and connect the
waterwheel. The shaft also is where the pulley is mounted where the
belt is connected with it. This makes the conveyor to turn. Another
shaft is mounted in the conveyor also responsible for the conveying
system. The shaft is steel.
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Connector: -Is used to connect two materials. The connector is used
to connect the hull and the outrigger in our design. By connecting it,
the boat will remain in its normal position. This is fastened by bolts and
screws. This should be painted in order for long lasting operation since
it is operated in water, it can get rust easily. The material will cast iron.

Conveyor Belt: -Belt used to move something from one place to

another. It is made up of various layers where the tensile strength is
provided by synthetic fabric plies. In our designed project, we will be
using a light oak-tanned belt.

Trapper: -A devise used for preventing passage of something often

while allowing other matter to proceed. The trapper in our design is
used to trap garbage bringing it directly to the conveyor belt. The
rapper is a stainless steel.

Outrigger: - A structure that is attached to the side of the boat or

canoe to keep it from turning over the water. The outrigger that we
will be using is made up of wood.

Hull: -The frame or body of a ship or boat. The hull in our design carry
the conveyor and other main parts of the boat. The hull is made of

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V-belt: -A type of belt which runs over a grooved or a pulley. This is
used to transmit power from the waterwheel via shaft to the shaft of
the conveyor through a pulley in our design.

Pulley: -This is used to transmit power by means of a belt, cord, rope

or chain. The pulley in our design is used also to transmit power by
means of a v-belt. The pulley material is plastic.

Bearing: -Supports and put in place the shaft to enable rotational

movements while reducing friction and handling stress. A bearing is a
machine element that constrains relative motion to only the desired
motion and reduces friction between moving parts. The design of the
bearing may, for example, provide for free linear movement of the
moving part or for free rotation around a fixed axis; or, it may prevent
a motion by controlling the vectors of normal forces that bear on the
moving parts. Most bearings facilitate the desired motion by
minimizing friction.

Lifter: -An apparatus or machine used for hoisting. In our project

design, the lifter is used to collect the garbage present in the rivers. We
will be using plastic for the lifter.

Bolts: -A metal rod or pin for fastening objects together that usually
has a head at one end and a screw thread at the other and is secured
by a nut. The bolt is used to fasten the shaft, connector, platform and
other important parts needed to be fastened together.

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Screws: -A nail shaped piece with a spiral grooved and a slotted or
recessed head designed to be inserted into material by rotating. The
screw is used to fasten the shaft, connector, platform and other
important parts needed to be fastened together also. We will be using
a standard 1 in size screw available in the market.

Nails: -A long thin piece of metal that is sharp at one end and flat at
the other end and that is used to attach two objects. The nail is used to
attach other important parts needed to be attached together. We will
be using a standard 1 in size nail available in the market.

The main use of our project design is to clean by collecting the
garbage in rivers. In addition to cleaning up rivers, the waterwheel
also provides other benefits. The constant rotation of the
waterwheel puts much needed oxygen back into the water, helping
to attract schools of fish and improve habitat conditions and water
quality. The garbage collector also removes organic waste, which if
left to decompose, causes oxygen depletion and releases ammonia.
Solar panel (12 V, 5W): - It consists a no. of photovoltaic cells,
which can be used to generate electricity through photovoltaic
effect. This energy is used to charge the batteries and the output is
given to DC regulators
DC motor (45 rpm): -In this machine two PMDC motors are used
and these motors are used to control the direction of propeller.

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Another BO (battery operated) DC motors used to control the
conveyor belt and also it is used for tracking system.
Battery (0.396 mA): -We are using secondary type battery. It is
rechargeable Type. A battery is one or more electrochemical cells,
which store chemical energy and make it available as electric
Charge controller: - It is basically a current or a voltage
controller to charge the battery and to protect the cells from
overcharging. It directs the current and voltage comes from the solar
panels to charge the battery.
Microcontroller (Arduino UNO): - It consists of 14 digital
input/output pins in which 6 can be used as PWM outputs, 6 analog
inputs, 16 MHZ quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an
ICSP header and a reset button.

23 | P a g e
SolidWorks today is well known as one of Dassault Systems’ flagship applications, but it started
life outside the company. MIT graduate Jon Hirsch tick founded the SolidWorks Corporation, the
company which first developed the software, in 1993. After two years of work, the first version
of SolidWorks was ready for release in November 1995. It was an instant hit, bringing solid
modelling to a wider audience than ever before. • In 1997, Dassault Systems acquired
SolidWorks for $310 million.
It was great news for SolidWorks, who were able to take advantage of Dassault’s clout and
existing CAD experience—the latter having already developed the powerful CATIA software.
Meanwhile, Dassault Systems reaped the benefits of their new acquisition, which, over time,
acquired a user base of over 3.2 million.


Already a powerful tool when first released, SolidWorks has undergone major development over
the years. From 2001, the program was one of the pioneers in incorporating simulation within the
design process. More changes came with the most recent edition, SolidWorks 2018, which
arrived just two short months ago. The version brought the ability to sketch freehand on touch
screen devices, and integrated CAM and topology study tools for the first time.

The name is a giveaway: SolidWorks is a solid modelling application. It employs a parametric
feature-based approach to model creation. In layman’s terms, this means designers create models
using engineering terms, such as bosses, holes and slots, rather than using geometric terms.
• Though best known for its 3D CAD functionality, SolidWorks also allows users to draw
accurately in 2D. In fact, SolidWorks models typically start life as 2D sketches. From there, users
can extrude their parts into three dimensions using several available tools.

24 | P a g e
• SolidWorks, however, has long aimed to be more than simply a drafting application. • As noted
above, the software has included simulation tools for over a decade, allowing users to test their
parts by simulating real-world conditions. These tools include computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) tools, the ability to simulate fluid flow, heat transfer and fluid forces, and life cycle
assessment (LCA) features.
• Additionally, the software includes powerful rendering features which enable users to see
photo-realistic visualizations of the parts they create.
• Other tools in SolidWorks’ extensive arsenal include PDM packages, and a range of electrical
solutions that make it simple to create accurate schematics and circuit data.

With such a wide range of different features, it comes as little surprise to learn that SolidWorks
has users across numerous industries. Firstly, this includes a number of businesses in commercial
industries that rely on SolidWorks for their day-to-day operations. Key sectors here include the
aerospace and automotive industries, including major clients such as Amtrak and BAE Systems.
• As a major modelling program, engineers naturally also form a major part of the SolidWorks
user base. SolidWorks’ integrated simulation tools make it easy to evaluate designs and materials
before creating physical prototypes. One engineering client is Daka, which managed to achieve
50% development cost savings on its sea scooter.

SolidWorks users include both traditional industries, such as construction, oil and gas, and
emerging sectors, including alternative energy and robotics. With so much on offer, a range of
SolidWorks packages are available to meet various industry needs, including: -

 3D CAD: the ‘classic’ solid modelling program that allows users to rapidly create parts,
assemblies and drawings.
• Simulation: a range of options for users looking to create better products faster and with
less waste.

25 | P a g e
• PDM: to enable teams to collaborate more effectively when developing new products; to
provide all members with secure access to files and documents.
• CAM: the solution for any business looking to integrate design and manufacturing
• Electrical Design: packages that make it easy to create electrical schematics and
incorporate them within mechanical designs and 3D models—all while reducing the need for
physical prototyping.
• Visualization: create photo-realistic visuals of your projects, including both static and
animated content. • 3D EXPERIENCE: work with your team in a collaborative environment to
create new products.

AutoCAD vs SolidWorks

AutoCAD SolidWorks
Ideal for 2D drafting Some 2D drafting functions included
3D modelling functionality included, but Parametric feature-based modelling
less advanced than its 2D tools means 3D design is intuitive

Available for both Windows and Mac Windows-compatible only

Subscription only Perpetual and term licenses
Users primarily in the architecture, Users primarily in automotive,
engineering and design sectors aerospace, engineering and design

Great for architectural design and MEP Less useful in the building design sector
No simulation tools included Range of simulation packages
Easy to create detailed electrical plans Includes sheet metal design tools
Create parts with CNC machines Integrated CAM and design process
View designs on the cloud with Collaborate on the 3D EXPERIENCE
AutoCAD 360 platform

26 | P a g e
CATIA and SOLIDWORKS are 3D modelling software developed from the same company
multinational software company. That develops the 3D design, 3D Digital mock-up, and PLM
(product lifecycle management) software.

First of all, the major difference is the capability in design. CATIA is very sophisticated for
generative shape designs. SOLIDWORKS is used for the machine design. So that mostly
automotive and the aerospace industries are using CATIA.
SOLIDWORKS is purely a product to design machines.


CATIA price and the SOLIDWORKS price are listed below. The maintenance costs are
CATIA :- $9,000- 65,000(Depending on the modules selected).
SOLIDWORKS :- $3,995(since not changed from its first release).


• SOLIDWORKS is a user-friendly tool.
• CATIA is a powerful tool.


27 | P a g e
• SKETCHING: Any feature that is created in solidworks needs a sketch to begin with.
• Line: The line command is used to create single line, continuous lines or tangent lines.
• Circle: You can sketch center based circle with the circle tool or you can sketch a perimeter
based circle tool.
• Arc: The arc command enables you to create a center-point arc, Tangent arc, or 3point arc.
• Ellipse: You can create ellipse of with specify the center of the ellipse.


• Rectangle
• Parallelograms Slots
• Polygon
• Parabola
• Conic section
• Spline
• Text
• Point

Editing sketches • Fillet: Fillet tool trims away the corner at the intersection of two sketch
entities to create a tangent arc.
• Chamfer: The sketch chamfer tool applies a chamfer to adjacent entities. • Offsetting entities:
The offset entities tool offsets one or more sketch entities. • Trim: Trim command allows you
to trim the entitiesthat you don’t want in your sketch.
• Mirror: The mirror tool creates a symmetric copy of the selected entities about a line or axis


• Copying sketch
• Moving sketch
• Rotating sketch
• Scaling sketches • Modify sketches
• Stretching sketches
• 3D sketching
• Dimensioning

28 | P a g e
It is not required to add dimension on sketch before use them to create a feature.
Fully Defined Sketch: the position of all entities are fully described, and all the entities are
BLACK. Under Defined Sketch: additional dimensions or relations are needed to completely
specify the geometry, under defined entities are Grey. Over Defined Sketch: an object has
conflicting dimensions or relations, or both. Over defined entities are Grey.

EXTRUDE: The extrude command converts sketch into base/bose feature by extruding it.

Revolving: The revolved boss feature command createsthe boss feature by revolving the sketch
about a revolution axis.

Sweep: The sweep boss command is used to create a feature by moving a closed profile along an
open or a closed path.

Loft: The lofted boss command creates a feature by blending more than one or dissimilar.

Sheel: The Sheel command is used for internal Thickness.


• Draft
• Rib
• Mirror
• Pattern
• Dome
• Freeform
• Deform
• Indent
• Flex
• Wrap

29 | P a g e
Assembly is a combination of two or more components using parametric relationship. In
SolidWorks. These relationships are called mates.



TYPES OF ASSEMBLY MATES: Mates enable you to control part movement with respect to
each other. These include:

1. Standard mate:
• Coincident
• Parallel
• Perpendicular
• Tangent
• Concentric
• Lock
• Distance
• Angle

2. Advanced mate:
• Symmetric
• Width
• Path
• Linear coupler

3. Mechanical mate:
• Cam
• Gear
• Hinge
• Rack and pinion
• Screw
• Universal joint

30 | P a g e
4. Smart mate:
• Geometry based mates
• Peg in holes smart mates
• Pattern based mates


Solidworks entered the India market through the distributor channel with a single distributor in
1998. Today, it has a network of 38 channel partners, 400 technical resources, and 250 sales
personnel. The company also has a research and development (R&D) centre in India, employing
around 2,800 people. Solidworks has doubled its business in India over the last four years with a
CAGR of 21.2 percent. Their target now is to double this number in the next three years with a
CAGR of 24.2 percent.


Solidworks does not believe that their task is over once they provide their software product to the
startup. Their reseller network then engages with these startupsto educate them and provide the
necessary technical support. From engineering to manufacturing and marketing, design has
evolved to a more holistic activity that involves many disciplines. SOLIDWORKS ensure to
have the capability of easily connecting these design disciplines with tools to complete the entire
product development process in a single environment. As SOLIDWORKS 95 put the power of
3D CAD on our desktop, it is now evolving our mission to empower with the capabilities to take
a product from art to part and beyond…directly inside ofSOLIDWORKS.

 To construct a boat which is easy to use and movements of parts occur smoothly.
 To build a machine which is safe in all aspects as it does not harm the aquatic life.
 Connect the boat there will be a storage bucket to store a solid waste form pond.
 To design a boat in convenient manner to store a solid waste in bucket form water through
conveyor belt.

31 | P a g e
 We are select designing and assembly of Solar Pond Cleaning Boat as our Project
because there are three members in this group and we are working on solidworks so this
topic seems to be good topic for our project.

Steps used in Designing and assembly of Solar Pond Cleaning Boat :-

❖ In this project there are many parts but we have divided all parts into Six major parts.
❖ In the first part we were designing the base (Out Trigger) of the boat.
❖ After that we are working on designing of Wheel of the boat .
❖ After the designing of the base of boat we are working on the conveyor belt designing.
❖ After the designing of bucket to collect the waste .
❖ In the last step we are working on assembly of the parts.
❖ This way our project is completed step by step .


1. Set all parameters: - (Set measurements in mmgs and other

2. Going to sketch and start sketching: - (Make sketch of parts with
3. Define the sketch: - (Check the sketch that sketch is fully defined)
4. Exit the sketch: - (After sketching exit the sketch)
5. Use feature command: - (for required design choose the command and
6. Design all small parts: - (design all the small parts)
7. Save the parts: - (save the parts with suitable name)
8. After that start assembly of all parts.
This way the assembly of parts is completed.

32 | P a g e

 We designed a simple 3D model of the machine.

 Learned about various commands and tools, shortcuts, features of


 On the basis of it design and estimating cost and availability it is

very cheap and very useful for society.

 Learned about Assembly, mating and various other mating tools.

 We are focusing mainly on design of various parts and assembling

them in the right order also keeping in mind the easy of mobility.

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 That’s all




• Surface Finish Symbols

You can specify the surface texture of a part face by using a surface finish symbol. You
can select the face in a part, assembly, or drawing document.

• Datum Feature Symbols

• Datum Targets

You can attach a datum target and symbol to a model face or edge in any document.

• Geometric Tolerancing

34 | P a g e
The geometric tolerance symbol adds geometric tolerances to parts and drawings using
feature control frames. The SOLIDWORKS software supports the ASME Y14.5-2009
Geometric and True Position Tolerancing guidelines.

• Dowel Pin Symbols

You can add dowel pin symbols to holes (circular edges, sketched circles, or arcs) in
drawings. The symbol conforms to the size of the selected hole.

• Weld Symbols

You can use the Weld Symbol tool to add weld symbols to assemblies, drawings,
vertices, and edges or faces of parts. The software supports ANSI, ISO, GOST, and JIS
weld symbol libraries.

• Caterpillars

You can manually insert representations of weld beads as end treatments or caterpillar
symbols in drawing documents.

• End Treatments

You can manually insert representations of weld beads as end treatments or caterpillar
symbols in drawing documents. Use end treatment symbols to represent the end view
(section) of a weld bead on a drawing.

• Using the Symbol Library

The Symbol Library lets you select multiple symbols from all the symbols provided by
the SOLIDWORKS software. You can also use the Windows Character Map to select
additional symbols to insert.

35 | P a g e
 Garbage Collection. Retrieved February 24, 2018 from A044.pdf
 Kuusisto, E. (1985). Lakes: Their Physical Aspects. In: Rodda, J.C.
(ed.), Facets of Hydrology, Volume II, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
 Frederikshavn, Denmark “AN Alpha Propeller MAN Diesel &
Turbo”, , December 2011.

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