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Diploma in Perfor

Performing &
Production Arts
Unit 8 Project Proposal

Candidate Gabriel Trickett

Candidate TBA
Pathway Drama
Project Title It Snows

Section 1: Review
This section provides you with an opportunity to reflect on, review and summarise your progress and
achievements through the first 11 units of the qualification.

● outline the knowledge, skills and understanding you have acquired during this course.
● What you know now, and what it means to you, compared with what you knew and could do
before you started the course, and how this has influenced your choice of discipline or
disciplines and your project proposal.
● explain your reasons for choosing a particular discipline or disciplines and to outline both your
immediate and longer-term aspirations.

Prior to this course, I had done GSCE level performing arts and amateur
dramatics, but I was unaware of the theory behind performing arts and its
importance in being a better actor and knowing your audience. Early on I found
applying myself to the theory was challenging. Reflecting on the first eleven units
I can now appreciate the need for theory. For example, learning verbatim (How
To Perform Verbatim Theatre) and how I could use this to show the emotions of a
character with change of pace. I understand the role a director might play such as
creating moods and setting scenes (Mood and character BBC Bitesize) , I am able
to produce a questionnaire for a target audience ensuring the questions were
fitted to the piece. I understand the need to research the writer of a piece and
what might have inspired them. I have developed knowledge and skills in the
following areas such as creative writing, director skills, lighting/sound design,
rehearsal room techniques, teamwork, voice care, physicality and the importance
of all this coming together in my final major production (FMP) “It Snows”, with
my preferred discipline to acting.

Section 2: Project Concept

Explain the concept and aims of our FMP and the research and ideas that will support its development.

What you anticipate producing, the levels and types of resources that you will need and an indication of
the form in which you will complete and present your final realisation within the allocated timescale.

This might include an indication of when and how you will use studios, equipment and other resources,

how you will make use of tutorial and peer feedback and where you will incorporate independent study.

The concept and aims of my project “It Snow” was to tell two stories side by side on stage,
each story having different tones. Story one is about a “Weird Kid” alone and troubled and
story two is about teenage romance and rivalry, Story two, links story one to the stage
through dialogue and the use of a prop camera.

I researched Bryony Lavery’s writing style to help understand “It Snows”. (Paula Citron
Theatre Profile: An Interview with Bryony Lavery, 2017) She writes with a feministic
approach to her characters as we can see from the independent character of Caitlin in story
two whilst also writing about subjects that frighten or anger her which can be seen in story
one, the frightened teenager in the window

Working as a team we came up with ideas such as using a square wooden window frame as a
prop for the window, which was held up by the girl, it was simple but effective. (BBC
Bitesize, Lighting and Sound Design, 2022) We used large white sheets to represent the fresh
snow. Movement pieces such as the hexagonal shaped dance were used to demonstrate the
uniqueness of a snowflake.

The resources that my team and I needed were props, scripts, sound design such as doors
locking, cameras clicking and snow slush. Working within timescales given by my tutors that
kept me to a good timetable and gave the opportunity for questions and feedback. This
ensured we were ready to present our final production on time. I was aiming to produce with
the team a production that was well linked, balanced whilst leaving the ending, open to
interpretation from the audience.

Section 3: Evaluation
This section provides an opportunity for you to explain how you will reflect on and evaluate your work,
as both an ongoing activity and at the conclusion of your project.

You should describe how you intend to record your decision-making and how you will document
changes to your ideas as your work progresses.

The evaluation should be referenced to your stated aims and be reflective and analytical rather than a
description of actions completed.

When working in collaboration with others you should comment on how this may impact either positively
or negatively and steps you can take to minimise disruption in your own progress.

To be able to tell the two stories of “It Snows” I found keeping a weekly audio blog worked
well for me rather than a written diary. I could refer to this blog and remind myself of the
feedback received from peers and professionals and make changes as needed. I was confident
in the team to positively decline some peer feedback when we felt it took from the stories. I
was able work to work with the team to find the solutions we needed when problems
happened. I gained an understanding of when I needed to be flexible when a team member
was sick so we could carry on rehearsals. I was able to grow in confidence so that my voice
was heard in the team. I will take the experience gained from the production “It Snows” and
my understanding of why the theory matters to grow my knowledge and skills within the
performing arts course

Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)

joseph (2020). How To Perform Verbatim Theatre. [online] Available
theatre-naomi-joseph/ [Accessed 19 May 2022].

Bitesize, B. (2022). Mood and character - Perform music with accuracy - National 5 Music
Revision. [online] BBC Bitesize. Available at: [Accessed 19 May 2022].

Citron, P. (2021). Paula Citron | Theatre Profile: An Interview with Bryony Lavery. [online]
Theatre Profile: An Interview with Bryony Lavery. Available at: [Accessed 19 May 2022].

Bitesize, B. (2021). Lighting and sound design - Designing - Eduqas - GCSE Drama
Revision - Eduqas. [online] BBC Bitesize. Available at: [Accessed 19 May 2022].

Project Action Plan and Timetable

Week Date Week Activity / What you are intending to do - Resources / What you will need to do it -
Beginning including independent study including access to workshops

Monday: First Read through of script, pen

14th March
1 scripts
Monday: Auditioned for our Script, pen
21ST March
2 characters

Monday: Got casted and did Script, pen

28th March
3 character development

Monday: did more character Script, Pen

4th April
4 development

Monday: worked on the first Script, Pen, Water

11th April
scenes Tuesday: Started working
5 on movement, Costume fittings
Wednesday; worked on dance
Monday: Worked on more scenes Script, Pen
18th April
Tuesday: worked on the weird
6 kid's scenes, practiced movement
and dance pieces Wednesday: Did
full run through
19th April Script, Pen, costume
All week: ran different scenes also
7 had tech

21st April Script, costume, prop

Had our first performance

Had our second performance Script, costume, prop

22nd April

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