Marketing Research: Presented by Lijin Mathew

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Presented by
Lijin Mathew
Definition : Marketing Research

 “Marketing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis and

reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation
facing the company.”
 Marketing research is the process of designing, gathering, analyzing,
and reporting information that may be used to solve a specific marketing
Marketing Research Process Evolves From
Answers to Five Key Questions
• Why should we do research?
• What research should be done?
• Is it worth doing the research?
• How should the research be designed to achieve
the research objectives?
• What will we do with the research?
Need of marketing research

 To undertake marketing effectively

 Changes in technology
 Changes in consumer tastes
 Market demand
 Changes in the product ranges of competitors
 Changes in economic conditions
 Distribution channels
Factors to be Investigated through
Market Research
 Trends in the market
 Segmentation of the market
 Information available
 SWOT analysis
 Effectiveness of Marketing
Purpose of Marketing Research
 Gain a more detailed understanding of consumers’ needs:
 e.g., views on products’ prices, packaging, recent advertising campaigns

 Reduce the risk of product/business failure:

 there is no guarantee that any new idea will be
a commercial success
 Can help to achieve commercial success
 Forecast future trends:
 it can also be used to anticipate future customer needs
7 Characteristics of a Good Marketing
1. Scientific Method : Research should use principles of scientific
methods ;careful observation, formulation of hypothesis,
prediction and testing
2. Research Creativity : Research should develop innovative ways to
solve a problem
3. Multiple Methods : Try to use 2 or 3 methods for getting more
confidence and more accurate result
4. Interdependence of models and data : Researchers recognize that
data are interpreted from underlying models that guide the type
of information sought
5. Value and Cost of Information : Estimation of cost and value, it is easier to
determine cost but value is harder, it depends on the
reliability and validity of information
6. Healthy Skepticism : Researcher shows a healthy skepticism towards
glib assumptions made by managers
7. Ethical Marketing : Marketing research benefits both the sponsoring
company and its customers
Marketing Research Methods
1. Based on questioning
 Qualitative marketing research -
generally used for exploratory purposes - small number of
respondents - not generalizable to the whole population - statistical
significance and confidence not calculated - examples include focus
groups, in-depth interviews, and projective techniques
 Quantitative marketing research -
generally used to draw conclusions - tests a specific hypothesis -
uses random sampling techniques so as to infer from the sample to
the population - involves a large number of respondents
2. Based on observations
 Ethnographic studies –
by nature qualitative, the researcher observes social phenomena
in their natural setting - observations can occur “cross- sectionally”
(observations made at one time) or “longitudinally” (observations
occur over several time-periods) - examples include product-use
analysis and computer cookie traces.
 Experimental techniques -
by nature quantitative, the researcher creates a quasi-artificial
environment to try to control spurious factors, then manipulates at
least one of the variables - examples include purchase laboratories
and test markets
Marketing Research Techniques
1. Qualitative Research
2. Quantitative Research
 Primary Market Research
 Secondary Market Research
1. Qualitative Research
 qualitative market research which mainly takes into account the
opinions and feelings of a customer about products and services
 It tries to get behind the customer’s mind
2. Quantitative Research
 This type of research work is based on hard facts and statistical data
rather than the feelings and opinions of the customers or consumers
 This type of research is useful both in terms of primary market research
and secondary market research
 Some of the common examples of quantitative research include exit
surveys, questionnaires, on-site fieldwork, the shopping bag survey,…
 Primary Market Research
 Also called as “Field Research”
 Primary market research is a kind of market research which is done by
the business or company itself with the objective of gathering
information that can be used to improve the products, services, and
 It doesn’t use any information that is already made available through
other sources
 One can gather primary data or information through qualitative research
methods as well as quantitative research methods
 It is a method that only answers specific questions
5 Primary Market Research Techniques

1. Focus Groups :
 This method involves getting a group of people in a room or a
place and asking them insightful questions regarding the
product, its development, their preferences, and feedback, etc
 These types of focus groups can be run or conducted at any
location feasible for the company or business
 Participants in such focus groups are then compensated by
either free coupons, vouchers, gifts or money, etc.
 It is one type of qualitative research
2. Surveys and Questionnaire
 The term ‘surveys’ is a broad term that covers a lot of things
such as survey questionnaires, survey forms, survey interviews
and customer satisfaction cards, etc.
 It is a straightforward method of knowing whether or not the
customer is satisfied with the business’s existing services and
products or what kind of changes would the consumer like to
3. Observation
• There are two major observation techniques
• observation through interaction and communication with
the subject
• observation through no interaction and communication
with the subject
• This is more of a personal approach in comparison to surveys
and questionnaires
• Its come under Quantitative research
4. Trials and experimentation
 This method of primary research involves scientific tests where
hypotheses and variables, etc. are used
 This is a quantitative type of market research
5. In-depth Interviews
 It is a qualitative research
 It takes into consideration the kinds of choices and preferences
a customer
 Interviews, unlike focus groups, involve interaction between
one moderator and one respondent and several types of modes
and methods may be used to conduct them.
 Secondary Market Research
 secondary market research is a research technique that does not aim to
gather new information, it relies on already available information from
multiple sources
 This research focuses on data or information that was collected by other
people and is available for either free or paid use for others
 It takes into account many different sources for collection of
information including government data, office data, newspapers,
magazines, the internet, etc
 One of the benefits of doing secondary market research is that it is
mostly free and takes less time
2 Main sources of Secondary Market Research Data
1. Internal Sources
 Internal sources are those kinds of secondary market research
sources that already exist and are collected in the business’s
database or file system
 It include information that has already been collected by the
company and proves useful for future projects, etc
 Examples
 Balance Sheet
 Profit and Loss Account
 Inventory Records
 Sales Figures
2. External Sources
 External sources are those sources that present data that is
collected by other businesses or people
 These are collected from outside the business’s environment
and include multiple sources
 Examples
 Government Sources
 Universities and Colleges
 Internet
 Competitor Data
Classification of Marketing Research
Marketing Research

Problem Problem-Solving
Identification Research Research

• Market Potential Research • Segmentation Research

• Market Share Research
• Market Characteristics Research • Product Research
• Sales Analysis Research • Pricing Research
• Forecasting Research • Promotion Research
• Business Trends Research
• Distribution Research
Problem-Solving Research

1. Segmentation Research
 Determine the basis of segmentation
 Establish market potential and
responsiveness for various
 Select target markets
 Create lifestyle profiles:
demography, media, and
product image characteristics
2. Product Research
 Test concept
 Determine optimal product design
 Package tests
 Product modification
 Brand positioning and repositioning
 Test marketing
 Control store tests
3. Pricing Research
 Pricing policies
 Importance of price in brand selection
 Product line pricing
 Price elasticity of demand
 Initiating and responding to price changes

4. Promotional Research
 Optimal promotional budget
 Sales promotion relationship
 Optimal promotional mix
 Copy decisions
 Media decisions
 Creative advertising testing
 Evaluation of advertising effectiveness
5. Distribution Research

 Types of distribution
 Attitudes of channel members
 Intensity of wholesale & retail coverage
 Channel margins
 Location of retail and wholesale outlets
Market Research Process
Step 1: Defining the Problem and Objectives

Step 2: Develop the Research Plan

Step 3: Collect the Information

Step 4: Analyze the Information

Step 5: Present the Findings

Step 6: Making Decision

Areas Covered by Marketing Research
Customer Groups
• Consumers
• Employees
• Shareholders
• Suppliers
Controllable Environmental
Marketing Factors
Marketing • Economy
• Product
Research • Technology
• Pricing
• Laws &
• Promotion Regulations
• Distribution • Social & Cultural
Marketing Factors
Assessing Providing
Information Information Decision • Political Factors
Needs Making

Marketing Managers
• Market Segmentation
• Target Market Selection
• Marketing Programs
• Performance & Control
 Doing only primary market research or secondary market research
 Using only the web for research
 Limited Vision
 Not being able to identify your target audience
 Not giving consumers an incentive to communicate with you
Benefits of Market Research
 Tapping Opportunities
 Encouraging Communication
 Minimization of the risks
 Find out possible problems

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