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How can Telehealth help manage my care?

✔ Monitoring your health in the convenience of your own

home. This adds to the care already offered by your
GP/nurse and specialists;

✔ The ability to pick up any issues with your health early;

✔ Reducing the need for you to attend outpatient


✔ Providing you with regular communication with your

health professionals, via text messaging and video
Sut y gall teleiechyd helpu i reoli fy ngofal?
✔ Monitro eich iechyd yn gyfleus yn eich cartref eich hun.
Mae hyn yn ychwanegu at y gofal a gynigir eisoes gan eich
meddyg teulu/nyrs ac arbenigwyr;

✔ Y gallu i ddatgelu unrhyw broblemau â'ch iechyd yn


✔ Lleihau'r angen i chi fynd i apwyntiadau cleifion allanol;

✔ Sicrhau cyfathrebu rheolaidd â'ch gweithwyr iechyd

proffesiynol, drwy negeseuon testun ac ymgynghoriad

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