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We all know the importance of the environment and how it is
being threatened by different environmental problems such as
excess gases in the atmosphere, deforestation, water pollution,
loss of biodiversity, the melting of glaciers, overpopulation and
many more.Faced with this, we can become powerless and think
that there is not much we can do about it since these threats are
caused mainly by large industries. However, there is much to do
in our daily lives, small actions that when practiced by many
people would generate a high impact on the protection of the

Consume only the things you need. Do not waste or use more
than necessary. Reuse everything that can avoid unnecessary
consumption and thus reduce waste. Always recycle at home and
wherever I am, and convince my family and friends to do it too.
Take care of my environment: do not throw things on the
ground, use the bins and containers and collect my pets'
excrement. Don't waste energy: turn off the lights when not in
use, turn on the heating and air conditioning only when
necessary and at a moderate temperature. Energy is scarce.
Saving water whenever possible, down to the last drop is
important. And always choose to shower instead of bathing. Go
walking, by bike or public transport. Avoid the use of toxic
products and aerosols and replace them with others that are
more respectful with the environment. Caring for, respecting and
protecting nature, its plants and animals. Always choose
education, solidarity, respect and civility. That will help me to
love others, nature and myself. Disconnect electrical devices that
you are not using We have all done it at some point: when we
finish charging our mobile we leave the charger connected. What
many do not know is that chargers, as well as other electronic
devices, by remaining connected to the electrical network
remain, not only do we protect the environment but also save
money on our energy bill. Turn off the tap while you don't need
it. Closing the tap is a small step can make a big difference in the
amount of water we consume. When brushing our teeth or
lathering our hands, it is not necessary to leave the tap running,
this practice uses enormous amounts of clean water per year, as
well as impacts our pockets. Take care of the environment
environment separating your garbage Separating garbage into
different containers for plastics, cans, paper and organic garbage
makes recycling work easier for waste collectors. In almost all
parts of the world there are people who work in municipal
garbage dumps collecting everything that can be recyclable, and
the mere fact of separating the garbage greatly facilitates this
task. Likewise, by separating organic waste we can take
advantage of it, with a little knowledge about how to create
compost or organic compost, to nourish our crops and home
gardens. Change your transportation habits Cars and, in general,
means of transport are the main source of air pollution in cities.
These are estimated to generate 80% of nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
emissions and 60% of particulate matter emissions, therefore it is
worth considering ditching the car and using public transport
whenever possible, or if you prefer, a bicycle, which in addition
to significantly reducing pollution is great for health and your
body. Use the hose less When washing the car or your house it is
better to use a bucket of water, since the hose can use up to 18
liters of water per minute. In the same way, when watering the
plants it is better to do it very early in the morning or at sunset,
to prevent the water from evaporating and having to use more.
Environmental protection is the practice of protecting the
natural environment by individuals, organizations and
governments. Its objectives are to conserve natural resources
and the existing natural environment and, where possible, to
repair damage and reverse trends
Due to the pressures of excessive consumption, population
growth, and technology, the biophysical environment is
degrading, sometimes permanently. This has been recognized
and governments have begun to impose restrictions on activities
that cause environmental degradation. Since the 1960s,
environmental movements have created greater awareness of
multiple environmental problems. There is disagreement about
the scope of the environmental impact of human activity, so
protection measures are occasionally debated

That the environment is very important to us, therefore we must
take care of it since it is the world's source of energy, we must
follow some tips such as closing the taps, disconnecting any
source of energy that we are not using, separate the garbage and
reuse what can


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