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Adoption of Twitter's New Length Limit: Is 280 the New 140?

Preprint · September 2020

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3 authors, including:

Kristina Gligoric
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne


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Adoption of Twitter’s New Length Limit: Is 280 the New 140?

Kristina Gligorić Ashton Anderson Robert West

EPFL University of Toronto EPFL
arXiv:2009.07661v1 [cs.SI] 16 Sep 2020

Abstract ing billions of people across the globe; and second, because
the constraints that a medium imposes affect the audience
In November 2017, Twitter doubled the maximum allowed
not only through the content delivered over the medium, but
tweet length from 140 to 280 characters, a drastic switch on
one of the world’s most influential social media platforms. also through the characteristics of the medium itself, or, in a
In the first long-term study of how the new length limit was mantra coined by Marshall McLuhan (1964), “the medium
adopted by Twitter users, we ask: Does the effect of the new is the message”. Thus, anybody in whose research Twitter
length limit resemble that of the old one? Or did the dou- plays a role cannot ignore the switch, and must consider how
bling of the limit fundamentally change how Twitter is shaped the new length limit has impacted Twitter as a platform.
by the limited length of posted content? By analyzing Twit- Early work that studied Twitter users’ attitudes toward the
ter’s publicly available 1% sample over a period of around 3 new 280-character limit (Rimjhim and Chakraborty 2018)
years, we find that, when the length limit was raised from 140 discovered varying initial reactions ranging from anticipa-
to 280 characters, the prevalence of tweets around 140 char-
acters dropped immediately, while the prevalence of tweets
tion, surprise, and joy to anger, disappointment, and sadness.
around 280 characters rose steadily for about 6 months. De- Early studies also revealed a low initial prevalence of long
spite this rise, tweets approaching the length limit have been tweets immediately following the switch (Perez 2017) and
far less frequent after than before the switch. We find widely studied the short-term impact that the length limit had on
different adoption rates across languages and client-device linguistic features and engagement (Gligorić, Anderson, and
types. The prevalence of tweets around 140 characters before West 2018; Boot et al. 2019), also in the specific context of
the switch in a given language is strongly correlated with the political tweets (Jaidka, Zhou, and Lelkes 2019).
prevalence of tweets around 280 characters after the switch in Whereas the above-cited, early studies necessarily had to
the same language, and very long tweets are vastly more pop- consider short-term effects, much less is known about the
ular on Web clients than on mobile clients. Moreover, tweets
of around 280 characters after the switch are syntactically and
long-term effects of the switch. Now, nearly three years af-
semantically similar to tweets of around 140 characters be- ter the switch, the present paper constitutes the first attempt
fore the switch, manifesting patterns of message squeezing to bridge this gap with a long-term study spanning several
in both cases. Taken together, these findings suggest that the years. Broadly, our research was guided by the question, Is
new 280-character limit constitutes a new, less intrusive ver- 280 the new 140? In other words, does the effect of the new
sion of the old 140-character limit. The length limit remains length limit resemble that of the old one, just over a broader
an important factor that should be considered in all studies range of potential tweet lengths? Or has the doubling of the
using Twitter data. limit fundamentally changed how Twitter is shaped by the
limited length of posted content?
1 Introduction Research questions. Concretely, we address the following
On 7 November 2017, Twitter suddenly and unexpectedly research questions:
increased the maximum allowed tweet length from 140 to RQ1: How did tweet length change in the two years fol-
280 characters, thus altering its signature feature. Accord- lowing the switch?
ing to Twitter, this change, which we henceforth refer to as RQ2: How did tweet length change across languages?
“the switch”, was introduced to give users more space to ex- RQ3: How did tweet length change across devices (Web
press their thoughts, as a disproportionately large fraction of vs. mobile clients vs. automated sources)?
tweets had been exactly 140 characters long (Rosen 2017a; RQ4: What are the syntactic and semantic characteristics
Gligorić, Anderson, and West 2018). Understanding the of long vs. short tweets?
consequences of the switch is of paramount importance for
social media studies, for two reasons: first, because Twitter Summary of main findings. Using a 1% sample of all
is one of the leading social media platforms (Perrin and An- tweets spanning the period from 1 January 2017 to 31 Octo-
derson 2019), with content posted there reaching and affect- ber 2019, we conduct an observational study of tweet length
Monthly tweet length histogram In a nutshell, although the doubling of the length limit
2017-1 eliminated the drastic disproportion of tweets reaching the
2017-2 maximum length (e.g., 9% of English tweets used to be
2017-4 exactly 140 characters long before the switch), our results
2017-5 demonstrate the emergence of a similar, though considerably
2017-7 weaker, effect around 280 characters after the switch. We
2017-8 hence answer the guiding question—Is 280 the new 140?—
2017-9 in a nuanced way: 280 is a less intrusive 140. These findings
(the switch) 2017-11 have important implications for Twitter-based research, as
2017-12 they show that, although the new limit is “felt less” by users
2018-2 than the old limit, 280 characters still constitutes an impact-
2018-3 ful length constraint that shapes the nature of Twitter.
2018-6 2 Related work
2018-8 Twitter communication and supporting features: stud-
2018-10 ies of use and emerging conventions. Previous work has
2018-11 extensively studied communication taking place on Twit-
2019-1 ter and the specific features that support them, most im-
2019-2 portantly: retweets (Boyd, Golder, and Lotan 2010), hash-
2019-3 tags (Wikström 2014; Page 2012), quotes (Garimella, We-
2019-5 ber, and De Choudhury 2016), and emojis (Pavalanathan
2019-6 and Eisenstein 2016). Previous work has also investigated
2019-8 linguistic conventions on Twitter, the patterns of their emer-
2019-9 gence (Kooti et al. 2012b; Kooti et al. 2012a), how users
2019-10 align to them in conversations (Doyle, Yurovsky, and Frank





number of characters 2016), how they diffuse (Centola et al. 2018; Chang 2010),
and how they continuously evolve (Cunha et al. 2011).
Figure 1: Monthly tweet length histograms, normalized. Variations in usage and adoption of conventions and lin-
guistic style. Additionally, previous work has studied how
patterns of adoption of these features, as well as the linguis-
over time (RQ1). Once the length limit was doubled and the tic style used on the platform more broadly, varies across
old 140-character limit became obsolete, we find a decline numerous dimensions (Shapp 2014), including gender (Ciot,
in the prevalence of tweets of exactly or just under 140 char- Sonderegger, and Ruths 2013), political leaning (Sylwester
acters, and a rise in the prevalence of tweets of exactly or and Purver 2015), age and income (Flekova, Preoţiuc-Pietro,
just under 280 characters, with a smooth adaptation phase and Ungar 2016); but also within accounts (Clarke and
of around 6 months. Grieve 2019).
Comparing languages (RQ2), we find vastly different lev- Length limit and the impact of message length on success
els of adoption patterns. The prevalence of 140 characters and linguistic characteristics. Previous work has studied
before the switch is strongly correlated with the prevalence how the imposed length constraint on Twitter and other mi-
of 280 characters after the switch, indicating that some lan- croblogging platforms affects the dialogues and the linguis-
guages have an inherent affinity to longer messages. Com- tic style (Zhou and Xu 2019; Jin and Liu 2017), and the suc-
paring device types (RQ3), tweets above 140 characters are cess of the message measures through the received engage-
used more on Web clients, compared to mobile clients. Au- ment (Tan, Lee, and Pang 2014; Gligorić, Anderson, and
tomated sources and third-party applications were the slow- West 2018; Gligorić, Anderson, and West 2019; Wang and
est to adapt. They continue to tweet around 140 characters Greenwood 2020; Wasike 2013). More broadly, philology,
disproportionately more often, compared to regular users, communication, education, and psychology scholars have
and in general, tend to publish longer tweets. investigated conciseness and its benefits in many different
Finally, we observe that 280-character tweets are syn- contexts (Laib 1990; Vardi 2000; Sloane 2003).
tactically and semantically similar to 140-character tweets Message framing on Twitter. Many previous studies have
posted before the switch (RQ4). The 280-character tweets investigated the question of what wording makes messages
show linguistic fingerprints indicative of “message squeez- successful in online social media, often formulated as the
ing”, with inessential parts of speech (e.g., fillers, adverbs, task of predicting what makes textual content become popu-
conjunctions) being relatively less frequent, and essential lar (Berger and Milkman 2012; Guerini, Strapparava, and
parts of speech (e.g., verbs, negations) being relatively more Özbal 2011; Lamprinidis, Hardt, and Hovy 2018). In the
frequent, compared to shorter tweets. Their usage is ad- specific case of Twitter, in addition to characterizing how
ditionally associated with specific topics, such as Money, language is used on the platform in general (Murthy 2012;
Death, Work, and Religion. Levinson 2011; Hu, Talamadupula, and Kambhampati 2013;
Distribution of tweets 10%
Fraction of tweets, n_chars [136,140]
across languages the switch
English 6%

Spanish 4%
Korean 2%
Turkish 0%


Italian date
Polish Figure 3: Daily fraction (indicated with a circle), and 10-day rolling average (solid line) of
Hindi faction of tweets that have between 136 and 140 characters (inclusive).
Haitian Creole Fraction of tweets, n_chars [276,280]
Estonian the switch
Urdu 1.5%


number of tweets 0.5%

Figure 2: Number of origi- 0%

nal tweets in the 1% sample
posted between January 1st
2019 and October 31st 2019, date
across the 23 studied lan-
guages where the switch hap- Figure 4: Daily fraction (indicated with a circle), and 10-day rolling average (solid line) of
pened (in orange), and did faction of tweets that have between 276 and 280 characters (inclusive). Note the different
not happen (in blue) y-axis scales.

Eisenstein 2013), researchers have investigated the corre- community level change as opposed to user-level behaviors
lation of linguistic signals with the propagation of tweets since user-level information is incomplete (in expectation,
(Artzi, Pantel, and Gamon 2012; Bakshy et al. 2011; Tan, we have 1% of tweets posted by a fixed user).
Lee, and Pang 2014; Pancer and Poole 2016).

3 Data
We use publicly available 1% sample of tweets, spanning the
period between 1 January 2017, and 31 October 2019, avail-
able on the Internet Archive.1 We consider original tweets Character counting. We carefully count the number of
(i.e., we discard retweets). There are between 1 and 1.5 mil- characters based on the official documentation2 . Tweet
lion daily original tweets. In Figure 2 we show the exact length is counted using the Unicode normalization of the
number in total across languages. tweet text. The tweet text is selected from the tweet ob-
We study 23 biggest languages: three languages where the ject using displayed text range information, discarding any
switch did not happen: Japanese, Korean, and Chinese, and retweet tags, and leading @user mentions that are not
twenty where it happened, each language with more than 2M counted towards the length limit. The text content of a Tweet
tweets in total. The switch did not happen in Japanese, Ko- can contain up to 140 characters (or Unicode glyphs) before
rean, and Chinese because the 140 characters limit was not the switch, or 280 after the switch. Emoji sequence using
as restrictive as it was in other languages, since more infor- multiple combining glyphs counts as multiple characters.
mation can be conveyed with the same number of characters Glyphs used in Chinese, Japanese or Korean languages are
(Rosen and Ihara 2017; Rosen 2017b). We note that the data counted as one character before, and as two characters after
is sampled at the community level. We stay at describing the the introduction of the 280 limit. Therefore, a Tweet com-
posed of only CJK text can only have a maximum of 140 of
1 these types of glyphs after the switch.
Histogram of tweet lengths
Hindi Urdu Persian Turkish German Swedish Dutch English
Italian Spanish Polish French Arabic Russian Chinese Indonesian

Estonian Thai Portuguese Korean Tagalog Japanese Haitian Creole
Jan-Oct 2017
4% Jan-Oct 2019

1 70 140 210 280 1 70 140 210 280 1 70 140 210 280 1 70 140 210 280 1 70 140 210 280 1 70 140 210 280 1 70 140 210 280
Number of characters

Figure 5: Tweet length histograms in the 23 studied languages, for the period before the 280 limit was introduced (in red), and
after it was introduced (in blue). The languages are sorted by the prevalence of 140 before the switch.

Hindi (hi) Next, we focus on these two interesting ranges, close to

6% Urdu (ur)
hi Persian (fa) 140 and close to 280, and do a more granular daily analy-
Turkish (tr)
German (de) sis. We monitor the daily fraction of tweets that either hit
Swedish (sv)
Prevalence of 140 before the switch

fa Dutch (nl) the character limit or are within a five-character margin of

4% English (en)
tr de Italian (it) it. The daily fraction of tweets that have between 136 and
Spanish (es)
nl sv
es it Polish (pl) 140 characters are shown in Figure 3, and the daily fraction
frpl French (fr) of tweets between 276 and 280 characters in Figure 4. Here
ar Arabic (ar)
2% zh Russian (ru) we consider again original tweets across the 20 studied lan-
ru Chinese (zh)
in Indonesian (in) guages, where the 280 character limit was introduced. Gray
thpt et Estonian (et)
tl Thai (th) stripes indicate omitted days with missing data.
ja ht Portuguese (pt)
Korean (ko) We note that while 140-character tweets became less
Tagalog (tl)
Japanese (ja) prevalent after the switch, dropping from 7.0% to 1.2% over
0% 0.3% 0.6% 0.9% 1.2% Haitian Creole (ht)
Prevalence of 280 after the switch the studied period, the prevalence of 280-character tweets
steadily increased for 6 months after its introduction, reach-
Figure 6: Fraction of tweets that are exactly 280 characters ing 1.5% at the end of the studied period.
long after the switch, on x-axis, and fraction of tweets that
are exactly 140 characters long before the switch, on y-axis 4.2 RQ2: How did tweet length change across
(Spearman rank correlation 0.92, p = 4.87 ∗ 10−10 ). languages?
Next, we seek to characterize the adoption across the studied
languages. We start by examining in Figure 5 histograms of
4 Results tweet lengths in red Jan-Oct 2017 as pre-switch period, and
4.1 RQ1: How did tweet length change in the two in blue the same months 2 years later when the things settled
years following the switch? in Jan-Oct 2019, as post-switch period. Here we restrict our-
selves to tweets posted from regular sources (web and mo-
First, we measure the prevalence of different tweet lengths bile interface, rather than third-party applications and auto-
over time. We start by inspecting monthly histograms of mated sources). Similar to the overall view, across languages
tweet lengths, shown in Figure 1, where across 20 studied the first peak and the mode of the distribution are constant,
languages we visualize the distribution in red for the months and the interesting character length ranges are near 140 and
before the switch, and in blue for the months after. near 280 characters.
We observe a sharp decline of 140-character tweets and In Figure 6 we show the fraction of tweets that are exactly
an increase in 280-character tweets after the switch. Other- 280 characters long after the switch, on the x-axis, and the
wise, the first peak, consistently between 25 and 30 charac- fraction of tweets that are exactly 140 characters long before
ters, remains unchanged (i.e., the mode of the distribution is the switch, on the y-axis.
stable). We observe that the prevalence of 140 before the switch
in a language is correlated with the prevalence of 280 after.
2 The more 140 was used in a language before the switch, the
Fraction of tweets n_chars [276,280]
Hindi Urdu Persian Turkish German Swedish Dutch English



Italian Spanish Polish French Arabic Russian Chinese Indonesian



Estonian Thai Portuguese Korean Tagalog Japanese Haitian Creole
the switch









Figure 7: Daily evolution of 280 limit adoption across languages. Daily fraction (indicated with a circle), and 10-day rolling
average (solid line) of faction of tweets that have between 276 and 280 characters (inclusive). The languages are sorted by
prevalence of 140 before the switch.

more 280 is used after (Spearman rank correlation 0.92, p = is shorthand notation for α + βtreated + γperiod +
4.87 ∗ 10−10 ). In Hindi and Urdu, 280 is very prevalent, and δtreated : period + , where in turn treated : period
it is the mode of the distribution–the most frequent character stands for the interaction of treated and period.
length after the switch. The interaction term treated : period δ is then the ef-
In Figure 7, we further monitor the evolution of adoption fect of switch on the logarithm of average tweet length. Each
patterns of the new limit across languages, for tweets posted studied pre- or post-switch period spans 277 days per condi-
from web and mobile sources. In most of the languages, tion, amounting to a total of 4 × 277 = 1108 datapoints. The
the prevalence seems to have settled, and is even decreasing model is multiplicative due to the log. The relative increase
again, i.e., the peak of usage is past. Urdu is a notable excep- over the baseline is then calculated by converting back to
tion, where the prevalence is still growing, and the adoption the linear scale the fitted coefficient δ. Fitting the model 1,
rate is still not in a stable state. we measure a eδ − 1 = e0.0598 − 1 = 6.16% (95% CI [5.68%,
Differences in differences estimation of the effect of 6.64%]) increase in tweet lengths in the languages where the
switch. Additionally, we take advantage of the fact that the switch happened, over the control baseline.
new limit was not introduced in all languages to perform To conclude, the estimate a significant increase in tweet
a differences in differences estimation of the effect of the lengths in languages where the switch happened, compared
switch on tweet lengths. to the control languages.
To go beyond visual inspection and to account for pos- 4.3 RQ3: How did tweet length change across
sible global platform-wide changes that are not associated
with the switch, we use a differences in differences regres-
sion estimation, where the tweet lengths in Japanese, Korean To understand the adoption of the new limit across differ-
and Chinese, languages where the 280 characters were not ent devices, we monitor the evolution of the daily fraction
introduced are the control timeseries, and the tweet lengths of tweets in interesting tweet lengths separately across web,
in the other 20 studied languages (Figure 2) are the treated mobile, and automated sources and third-party applications,
timeseries. Both are observed in the pre-switch (Jan-Oct in Figure 9. The tweets are tweeted in the 20 languages
2017), and post-switch (Jan-Oct 2019) periods, as illustrated where the switch happened.
in Figure 8. We fit a model We observe different adoption patterns between web and
mobile. Longer tweets are used more on the web. In the web
y ∼ treated ∗ period, (1) interface, where 140 was most prevalent (around 12%), 140
where the dependent variable y is the logarithm of the aver- was quickly surpassed by 280, reaching around 4% at the
age tweet length for each studied calendar day, and as inde- end of the studied period. Automated sources and third-party
pendent variables are the following two factors: treated applications the slowest to adapt.
(indicates whether the switch was introduced or not in Tweet length of 280 characters and the near long lengths
those languages), period (indicates whether a calendar day surpassed 140 around June 2018 ( 7 months after the switch)
is in year pre-switch or post-switch). treated ∗ period for mobile, but for web immediately after the switch.
80 Mobile
Fraction of tweets, n_chars [136,140]
12% Fraction of tweets, n_chars [276,280]
70 the switch
average tweet length 8%

60 280 introduced
(20 languages)
280 not introduced 4%
(Japanese, Korean,
50 and Chinese)

40 Web
Fraction of tweets, n_chars [136,140]
12% Fraction of tweets, n_chars [276,280]
30 the switch











Figure 8: Differences in differences setup for estimation of 0%

the effect of the introduction of 280 character limit on tweet Automated sources and third-party applications
Fraction of tweets, n_chars [136,140]
lengths. For the pre- (left) and post-switch (right) periods, 12% Fraction of tweets, n_chars [276,280]
the switch
we monitor the daily average tweet length, in the languages 8%

where the 280 limit is introduced (in orange), and in the lan-
guage where it is not introduced (in blue). Dashed lines mark
the averages of the daily average tweet length in the four 0%


Differences in differences estimation of the effect of Figure 9: Daily fraction (indicated with a circle), and 10-
switch on tweets posted from different devices. To under- day rolling average (solid line) of faction of tweets that have
stand the impact of the switch on tweets posted from differ- between 276 and 280 characters (blue), and between 136 and
ent devices, we fit a slightly different model 140 characters (red). The evolution is shown separately for
y ∼ treated ∗ period ∗ source, (2) Mobile applications, Web interface, and Automated sources
and third-party applications.
where the source is a categorical variable representing
mobile devices, web devices, or automated sources and
third-party applications. By analogy to Equation 1, we
then isolate the total effect of switch on tweet length and third-party applications have a lingering peak at 140 af-
posted by specific sources as the sum of the baseline ter the switch in English, Arabic, and Indonesian.
effect of the switch and the source-specific switch ef-
fect, treated : period + treated : period : source. Fit- 4.4 RQ4: What are the syntactic and semantic
ting the model from Equation 2, we consistently measure a characteristics of long vs. short tweets?
largest increase in tweet length of 17.46% (95% CI [16.54%,
18.39%]) for web, followed by 9.76% (95% CI [8.88%, Lastly, we aim to provide deeper insights into the nature of
10.66%]) for automated sources and third-party applica- long tweets tweeted after the switch. Why do users tweet
tions, and the smallest of 5.64% (95% CI [5.19%, 6.08%]) long tweets? What are their signature characteristics? To an-
for mobile. swer those questions, we examine the content of the tweets.
Next, we further investigate tweets posted by automated We study tweets in English that were posted from mobile
sources and third-party applications. This is content likely and web devices during the two previously introduced pre-
generated by bots or otherwise automated applications, as (75.56M tweets) and post-switch (65.29M tweets) periods.
opposed to the content generated by regular users. We show We annotated the tweets with LIWC (Pennebaker, Booth,
for five biggest languages where 280 was introduced (En- and Francis 2007) syntactic features (linguistic categories)
glish, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, and Indonesian), in Fig- and semantic features (psychological, biological, and social
ure 10, tweet length histograms of tweets posted by third- categories).
party applications and automated sources. The probability First, to characterize syntactic features of tweets, for all
is normalized relative to the baseline, the probability of tweets with a given number of characters, we measure the
the same character length in the same language for regu- occurrence frequency of different syntactic features–part of
lar sources (web and mobile). For example, +200% means speech (POS) tags among tweets of that length. In Fig-
that a tweet of the given length is two times more likely to ure 11, across all possible tweet lengths in the period be-
be observed among the tweets posted by automated sources, fore the switch ([1 − 140] characters), we observe the frac-
compared to the regular users. Again, we compare Jan-Oct tion of tweets in that length that have at least one POS tag.
2017 and 2019 as pre- and post-periods. The patterns look The dashed black line represents this quantity across tweets
similar across languages. Automated sources and third-party posted in the period before the switch (under 140 charac-
applications tweet longer tweets before the switch, and post ter limit), and the solid colored line represents this quantity
tweets in longer length ranges after the switch. The infliction among tweets posted in the period after the switch (under
point at around 70 characters remains. Automated sources 280 character limit).
Tweet legth probability for automated sources and third-party applications Adverbs Article Assent AuxVb Conj Filler Negate
0.75 0.75 0.4
0.6 0.10 0.75 0.10
0.50 0.50
Jan-Oct 2017 Jan-Oct 2019 0.4 0.50 0.2
+300% +300% 0.05
+250% +250% 0.2 0.25 0.05 0.25 0.25
+200% +200%
+150% +150% 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0
+100% +100%

+50% +50% 1 140 1 140 1 140 1 140 1 140 1 140 1 140

mobile and web mobile and web
-50% -50% Nonflu Numbers Prep Pronoun Quant Swear Verbs
-100% -100% 1.0
-150% -150% 0.03 0.4 0.100
-200% -200% 0.10
1 70 140 210 280 1 70 140 210 280 0.5 0.075
0.02 0.5 0.5
+300% +300% 0.05 0.2
+250% +250% 0.050
+200% +200% 0.01 0.025
+150% +150% 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

+100% +100% 1 140 1 140 1 140 1 140 1 140 1 140 1 140

+50% +50%
mobile and web mobile and web
-50% -50%
-100% -100%
-150% -150% Figure 11: Occurrence frequency of POS tags across tweets
-200% -200%
1 70 140 210 280 1 70 140 210 280 in different character lengths possible in the period before
+300% +300% switch ([1 − 140] characters). The dashed black line repre-
+250% +250%
+200% +200%
+150% +150% sents this quantity across tweets posted in the period before
+100% +100%

+50% +50% the switch (under 140 character limit), and the solid colored
mobile and web mobile and web
-50% -50% line in the period after switch (under 280 character limit).
-100% -100%
-150% -150%
-200% -200% Adverbs Article Assent AuxVb Conj Filler Negate
1 70 140 210 280 1 70 140 210 280 1.0 0.6
0.75 0.75 0.75 0.15
+300% +300% 0.10
+250% +250% 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.10 0.4
+200% +200% 0.5
+150% +150% 0.25 0.05 0.05 0.2
+100% +100% 0.25 0.25

+50% +50%
mobile and web mobile and web 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0
-50% -50% 1 280 1 280 1 280 1 280 1 280 1 280 1 280
-100% -100%
-150% -150% Nonflu Numbers Prep Pronoun Quant Swear Verbs
-200% -200% 1.0 1.00 1.0
1 70 140 210 280 1 70 140 210 280 0.6
0.2 0.75 0.10
+300% +300% 0.04
+250% +250% 0.5 0.50 0.4 0.5
+200% +200% 0.1
+150% +150% 0.02 0.2 0.05

+100% +100% 0.25

+50% +50% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
mobile and web mobile and web 1 280 1 280 1 280 1 280 1 280 1 280 1 280
-50% -50%
-100% -100%
-150% -150%
-200% -200%
1 70 140 210 280 1 70 140 210 280 Figure 12: Occurrence frequency of POS tags across tweets
Number of characters posted in the period after the switch (under 280 character
limit) in different allowed character lengths ([1 − 280] char-
Figure 10: Tweet length probability for tweets posted by au- acters). POS tags are sorted alphabetically. Note the differ-
tomated sources and third-party applications, before the 280 ent y-axis scales.
limit was introduced (on the left), and after (on the right).
The probability is normalized relative to the baseline, the
probability of same length in the same language for regular
sources: web and mobile. We observe a “dip” in the frequency of the spoken cate-
gories, conjunctions, and numbers among the 280 character-
long tweets, traces typical of “optimizing” a message to fit a
length limit.
Comparing the solid colored and dashed black lines
across different POS tags lets us isolate the effect of the In Figures 13 and 14 we measure the same quantities
length limit on the content of the tweets. The largest gap for fine-grained subtypes of personal pronouns. This sug-
is observed for swear words and spoken categories (non- gests that personal pronouns I and you were most affected
fluencies, fillers, and assent), adverbs, and conjunctions– by the 140 character limit (i.e., they were most likely to be
nonessential parts of speech that are deleted in the process of omitted). We observe a similar non-monotonic distribution
“squeezing in” a message to fit a length limit. No gap is ob- around 280 characters in Figure 14.
served for verbs and negations, essential parts of speech that To summarize, 280 character tweets are syntactically sim-
are known to be disproportionately preserved in the shorten- ilar to 140 tweets before the switch: their usage is associated
ing process (Gligorić, Anderson, and West 2019). with patterns that are indicative of “squeezing in” a message.
Figure 12 represents the same quantities after the switch This is evidence indicating that they are generated by similar
(under 280 character limit) across all possible tweet lengths writing processes as 140 character tweets were.
in this period ([1 − 280] characters). We note that there is Next, in Figure 15 we study topics of tweets, measured by
no counterfactual observation, i.e., we do not know what LIWC categories describing psychological, biological, and
the probability of observing a POS tag among 280 character social categories. Across the studied topics, for each allowed
long tweets would be if the 280 character length limit was character length in the pre-switch and post-switch periods,
lifted. Nonetheless, among the 280 character long tweets af- we measure the factor by which the topic is more frequent
ter the switch, we do observe patterns similar to those asso- in a given character length, compared to the overall topic
ciated with the 140 character long tweets before the switch. frequency. Categories are sorted by the value of this factor
I SheHe They We You 4.0
0.2 Money Death

tweets before the switch, compared to among all tweets


tweets after the switch, compared to among all tweets

0.15 0.3 3.5 Achiev 3.5 Work

Factor by which the topic is more frequent among

Factor by which the topic is more frequent among

0.4 Death
0.10 0.10 0.2 3.0 Home 3.0 Health
0.2 0.1 Humans Achiev
0.05 0.05 0.1 2.5 Health
Leisure 2.5 Humans
Friends Friends
0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 2.0 Family
2.0 Leisure
1 140 1 140 1 140 1 140 1 140 Body Ingest
1.5 Sexual 1.5 Sexual

Figure 13: Occurrence frequency of personal pronouns 1.0 1.0

across tweets in different character lengths possible in the 0.5 0.5

period before switch ([1 − 140] characters). The dashed
0.0 0.0
black line represents this quantity across tweets posted in 1 140 280 1 140 280
Number of characters Number of characters
the period before the switch (under 140 character limit), and
the solid colored line in the period after switch (under 280
character limit). Figure 15: For each allowed number of characters before the
I SheHe They We You switch (left), and after the switch (right), across 14 topics
0.3 0.3 0.4 measured with LIWC categories, we monitor the factor by
0.4 0.2 0.2 which the topic is more frequent among tweets with that
0.2 number of characters, compared to overall frequency. Cate-
0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1
gories are sorted by the value of this factor at 140 characters
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (left), and 280 characters (right).
1 280 1 280 1 280 1 280 1 280

Figure 14: Occurrence frequency of personal pronouns ures 3 and 4). Taking advantage of the emergence of differ-
across tweets posted in the period after the switch (under ing length restriction among languages, we estimate a signif-
280 character limit) in different allowed character lengths icant increase in tweet lengths in languages where the switch
([1 − 280] characters). Personal pronouns are sorted alpha- happened, compared to the control languages (Figure 8).
betically. Note the different y-axis scales. We note, however, that tweet lengths increased slightly in
the control languages as well. This is likely impacted by the
nature of how tweet length is counted at the character level
at 140 characters before the switch, and at 280 characters (as described in the Data Section), allowing mixed-character
after the switch. tweets to be longer than 140 characters.
We note the personal concerns categories that were rel- We observe that the more 140 was used in a language be-
atively most frequent at 140 characters before the switch: fore the switch, the more 280 is used after (Figure 6). Disag-
Work, Money, Achievement, Death, and Religion. The least gregation across languages reveals interesting temporal pat-
frequent topics at 140 characters, on the other hand, were terns (Figure 7): In most languages, the prevalence of long
Biological categories: Sexual, Body, Ingestion, followed by tweets seems to have settled, and is even decreasing again,
Family, Friends, and Leisure. An apparent association with i.e., the peak of usage, or the “honeymoon phase” is over.
the importance of the message emerges: while tweets about This is indicating the presence of a period of high usage
topics related to ordinary, overall more prevalent every-day rates of the new feature, followed by a drop and saturation
experiences use the longer tweets the least frequently, top- to a constant level.
ics related to more serious personal concerns use them the
most. Similarly to within-language, there is a within-topic Different adoption patterns are observed between web and
correlation between usage of 140 character length before the mobile devices (Figure 9). Longer tweets are particularly
switch, and subsequent usage of 280 character length after used on web clients. In the web interface, 140 was quickly
the switch, with the ranking of the topics usage at the bound- surpassed by 280, reaching around 4% at the end of the stud-
ary length only slightly changed (Spearman rank correlation ied period. While slower adoption rates on mobile devices
between topics 0.91, p = 7.30 ∗ 10−6 ), implying that 280 could conceivably be linked to clients that did not update,
character tweets are also semantically similar to 140 tweets the fact that tweets were longer on web interface before the
before the switch. switch indicates that there is simply a tendency for shorter
text on mobile phones. Automated sources and third-party
applications are the slowest to adapt. They posted longer
5 Discussion and conclusions tweets before the switch, and post tweets in longer length
To summarize, immediately after the switch we observe a ranges after the switch (Figure 10). It is interesting to note
sharp decline in the frequency of 140 characters, and an in- that automated sources and third-party applications write
crease in the frequency of tweets long 280 characters (Fig- longer than humans, but the effect is weaker at the boundary
ure 1). As 140 characters were becoming less prevalent af- (just under 140 before and just under 280 after the switch),
ter the switch, the prevalence of 280 was increasing af- probably due to the “squeezing” of originally longer tweets
ter its introduction over a period of around 6 months (Fig- that humans do.
Tweets long 280 characters are syntactically similar to Future work. Future work should provide a better under-
140 tweets before the switch: their usage is associated with standing of what user features are associated with adoption
patterns that are indicative of “squeezing in” a message (Fig- (e.g., users’ age, number of followers, levels of activity). Are
ures 11 and 12). This is evidence indicating that tweets close the users who used 140 the same ones who are more likely
to the new boundary are generated by similar writing pro- to use 280? Answering this question requires collection of
cesses as 140 character tweets were before the switch. Sim- data beyond 1% sample, that contains complete records of
ilarly to within-language, there is a within-topic correlation users’ tweets. However, here we caution against naive com-
between usage of 140 character length before the switch, and parisons, as careful quasi-experimental designs are neces-
subsequent usage of 280 character length after the switch sary to truly isolate the effect of age. User age is corre-
(Figure 15). Tweets 280 characters long are semantically lated with other factors–users who stay longer on the plat-
similar to 140 tweets before the switch: their usage is as- form might be in other ways fundamentally different from
sociated with the same topics. We note that this holds across younger users who joined more recently (i.e., there is “sur-
the range of long character lengths, and not only for 280 vivor bias” (Elton, Gruber, and Blake 1996)). Finally, our
character long tweets specifically. study should be replicated several years from today, when
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