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Plan of Investigation………………………………………………………………………1

Artifact One……………………………………………………………………………..2-3

Artifact Two…………………………………………………………………………….4-6

Artifact Three……………………………………………………………………………...7

Reflection One…………………………………………………………………………8-9

Reflection Two…………………………………………………………………………...10

Reflection Three………………………………………………………………………….11

Written Report…………………………………………………………………………...12
Name o
Plan of Oral Presentation………………………………………………………………...13
Oral Presentation…………………………………………………………………………14
Name o


Name o



I choose this topic because I am one of Jamaica’s many citizens who is concerned about

the impact crime has on our society. In Jamaica, crime has been steadily increasing and

continues to increase yearly. It is because of this fact I choose to investigate the topic of

gang violence and how it is affecting Jamaica’s reputation.

The benefits that I have gained are enhancing and upgrading my skill of both

written and verbal communication in English. My self-confidence has also

improved along with my way of thinking analytically.

The three sources are a poem by Saccheen Laing, titled "The Death of The

Young" sourced from the internet. The other is a news article from the Jamaica

Observer dated Wednesday, October 13, 2021. The last piece is an image taken

from the Jamaica Gleaner from an article written by Romario Scott titled

Sergeant, Constable injured in brazen May Pen attack.


The Death of The Young

By: Saccheen Laing

I put on my uniform,

Armed with books

I set out in search of a good education.

Streets lined with the blood stains of those who fell on the way,

I’m determined to live to see another day,

But I have no control over those who believe they can have their own way.

Armed with guns and knives,

They attack me,

They assault me,

They abuse me,

Because they believe they have control over me,

Because of guns and knives in hand.

In my hands I write my plans,

A singer, an actor, a doctor, a fashion designer, a policeman,

I clench my fist as my blood runs to join those who fell before.

My plans remain in my hands,

Never to be realized.

I am young but that means nothing on this land.

The blood of the young will replace the ocean that surrounds and beautifies the land,

How many more shall die before you answer when I ask why?

My mother shall cry and bury her son before he becomes a man,

My brother shall cry and say goodbye to his role model,

My father shall cry and say goodbye to the son he wanted to educate and nurture,

My sister shall cry and say goodbye to the brother who would protect and love her.

My blood flows and you stop to record it.

My blood flows and you walk over it.

My blood flows and forget it.

A girl murdered, never to become a woman.

A boy murdered, never to become a man.

When the young are being murdered, who will be the next generation?



US Embassy issues security alert for several

Jamaican communities
Wednesday, October 13, 2021

KINGSTON, Jamaica— The United States Embassy in Jamaica has issued a security

alert dated October 13 warning US government personnel to refrain from travelling in

crime hot-spots throughout the island, highlighting the war-torn areas of August Town

and Cassava Piece in St Andrew.

"Due to the sharp increase in shootings and gun related violence over the past two weeks

in the August Town community of Kingston, US government personnel are prohibited

from travelling to August Town with immediate effect and until further notice," the

security alert cautioned.

There have been several murders in the community of August Town in recent months

with reprisals and brutal acts linked to a bitter internecine rivalry between the River Gang

and Gaza Gang in the community. The advisory also listed a number of communities

across Jamaica, which has been plagued by gang violence.

The advisory ominously warned its personnel to avoid "all of Clarendon" except when

using the major highways.

There has been a 10.4 per cent increase in murders this year when compared to the

corresponding period last year. According to statistics provided by the Jamaica

Constabulary Force for the period January 1 to October 9, there have been 1,111

murders when compared to 1,006 for the corresponding period last year.

The US Embassy in Kingston further advised US citizens that US government personnel

are prohibited from travelling to the areas listed below, from using public buses, and from

driving outside of prescribed areas of Kingston especially at night.


Do not travel to the following areas:

·Cassava Piece

· August Town

·Downtown Kingston, defined as between Mountain View Avenue and Hagley Park

Road, and south of Half-Way-Tree and Old Hope roads. Downtown Kingston includes

Trench Town, Tivoli Gardens, and Arnett Gardens.

· Grants Pen

· Standpipe

· Duhaney Park

· Mountain View Avenue between Deanery Road and Windward Road

·Neighborhoods including Olympic Gardens, Cockburn Gardens, Seaview Gardens, and

Denham Town.

The approved primary route to the Norman Manley International Airport (NMIA) in

Kingston, the Embassy said, is South Camp Road to Norman Manley Boulevard. The

approved secondary route is Mountain View Avenue to Deanery Road to South Camp

Road and then Norman Manley Boulevard.


The Embassy cautioned against travel in all of Clarendon except passing through the

parish using the T1 and A2 highways.

St Catherine

Do not travel to the following areas:

·Spanish Town

·Central Village

·Areas in Portmore to include Old Braeton, Naggo Head, Newland, and Waterford

St James

Do not travel to the following areas:

Neighbourhoods in Montego Bay to include Flankers, Norwood, Glendevon, Paradise

Heights, Rose Heights, Canterbury, and parts of Mount Salem.



Sergeant, constable injured in brazen

May Pen attack

Published:Monday | May 27, 2019 | 12:00 AM Romario Scott/Gleaner Writer

A screen grab from closed-circuit television footage shows heavily armed gunmen taking people hostage as

they make their way from the May Pen supermarket they had just robbed.



The first artifact is a poem by Saccheen Laing titled The Death of The Young.

The poem shows the fear that exists among Jamaican children and all the other citizens of

Jamaica because of crime. Fear of the unknown – not knowing if they will ever survive

the onslaught of criminals. The Death of the Young supports my point of view that the

future of young Jamaicans with all other citizens looks dark as it speaks to the fact that

youngsters have dreams and aspirations but are uncertain if they will live to see their

dreams become reality because of the wanton killings of Jamaican citizens, including the


From the three articles I have learned that gang violence is negatively affecting the

reputation of Jamaica. Can you image seeing a screen grab from closed-circuit television

footage which shows heavily armed gunmen taking people hostage from a supermarket in

May Pen where they carried out a robbery? It’s like watching a movie. The newspaper

article has caused me to think about the negative effect of a country warning its citizens

to avoid travel to Jamaica would have on tourism, a major Foreign Exchange earner in

the island’s economy. A large portion of the tourists visiting Jamaica are from the United

States of America. I have realized that crime is an epidemic in Jamaica and it is evident

that the nation’s children and adults are living in fear.

Based on image research I have concluded that criminals operating in Jamaica have no

regard for the Laws of Jamaica as they carry out illegal activities at any time during the

day or night. One such incident that comes readily to mind is the armed robbery that took

place in May Pen in broad daylight. The police were unable to foil the robbery and was

also unable to free the citizens who were taken hostage during the robbery.

In September 2021, four men were attacked and one fatally shot in August Town causing

conflict between the River Gang and Gaza Gang in the Community that lead to a number

of murders in that same community. Because of these acts of violence the Jamaica

Observer on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 had as its headline “US Embassy issues

security alert for several Jamaican communities.” The article mentioned crime due to

gang violence as the main reason for the United States to caution its citizens from

travelling to certain areas of Jamaica.


The use of imagery in the first artifact which is a poem is very effective, as I can envisage

all of what is said in the poem. The language used in the poem has stirred up a lot of

emotions in me; anger, sadness, grief, fear, hopelessness. Descriptive language, rhyme

and first person narration are also used in the poem.

The second source of a newspaper article which speaks about the United States embassy

cautioning its citizens to avoid sections of Jamaica is instructive. Statistics from the

Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) has been used by the newspaper which shows that the

instruction given to Americans to avoid areas of Jamaica due to the high crime rate is

supported by facts as there was a 10.4 per cent increase in murders compared to the same

period the year before. Standard English is use to script the poem and the newspaper


The third source is that of a graphic image of the hostage situation in May Pen which has

caused me to be overcome by fear. Will our Security Forces be able to take back our

country from these criminals? I wonder if Jamaica and its citizens will ever be set free

from the claws of the criminal elements that have overrun the country.


The process of completing this School Based Assessment (SBA) has definitely opened

my eyes in many ways. For example, my mother always educated me about the rampant

Crime and Violence that is affecting our beautiful Island of Jamaica.

However, I have to admit that I was naive about the severity of the crime and violence

that is plaguing our society. This research has taught me to be more responsible in every

aspect of my life; especially to choose my friends wisely and to be mindful of my


This research has taught me not to visit any area that is known to have gangs and gang

related activities. I am more cognisant of the danger that is consistently upon us, due to

the scourge of Crime and Violence.


This School Based assessment (SBA) started with our teacher Mr. Jovion Reid

introducing us to the English A SBA an outlining the guidelines to us. I was placed in a

group of four and my team members and I decided to carry out a research on the theme of

crime. We then decided on the topics each member will be conducting a research on. The

internet was use to obtain information on our various topics. The result of conducting this

research was very effective because it enhanced our grammar, reading and writing skills.

WhatsApp group chat and group call was utilized by group members to exchange

information and share ideas. This was necessary because of the restrictions imposed by

the Jamaican government due to the covid-19 pandemic which prohibited us from

attending school and meeting face-to-face.


Theme: Crime

Topic: How does gang violence affects Jamaica’s reputation?

Genre: Poetry

Source: Original piece

Language: Standard English

I have chosen to write a poem because it will allow me to clearly express myself and

effectively bring across the message contained in it.


It’s Time by Javaughn Mitchell

It’s time, time to rise and end crime and violence

Let’s speak, speak out against crime and violence and end the silence

It’s time, time to take back our country from those who hold it at ransom

It’s time, time for us to unite and conquer the hoodlums.

Jamaica, aren’t you longing for peace?

It’s time, time for us to fight back and conquer the crime beast

Jamaica, aren’t you tired of living in fear?

It’s time, time to take our island from criminals so tourists can be happy to come here.

Government, it’s time, time to create effective anti-gang legislation

So Jamaica can once again become a peaceful nation

Jamaica, it’s our duty to create safe spaces for our children to play

We must act in dismantling criminal gangs without delay, and then we can celebrate and

shout, Hip Hip! Hooray!


InSight Crime

Jamaica Gleaner


Jamaica Observer



Loop News



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