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Particle like properties of

electromagnetic radiation
Yudhiakto Pramudya

Is it wave or particle?

Energy is delivered in
concentrated budles like
particles : quantum of
electromagnetic energy
Properties of wave
• EM wave is composed by
Electric Field and Magnetic Field
Maxwell Equation
In the vacuum, no current, no charge
Field Function Time

Poynting Vector
The energy per unit time across a unit
area that is parallel to both E and B

• Intensity (average
power per unit area)
is proportional to Eo2
• The intensity
fluctuates with time
Interference and Diffraction

• Young's Double-Slit
Experiment (1801)
Constructive and Destructive

Constructive interference

Destructive interference
The Bright Location

substracting and solving for yn


maxima interference
Diffraction grating
• Grating is composed
by thousand or ten of
thousand slits
• it is good to measure
wavelength due to the
Crystal Structure
• X-Ray Diffraction by the crystal atom
• Bragg's law
Photoelectric effect
• 1887, Heinrich Hertz discovered the photoelectric
effect. Increasing the light intensity, increasing
number of emitted electrons, not their energy.
Phillip Lenard
• 1893, he improved the Hertz
work and found that charge to
mass ratio (e/m) of the emitted
charge was identical to the
electron that was discovered
by JJ Thomson .
• Vacuum tube to minimize the collision of
electron with other particle
• Electron is emitted from emitter to collector
• Rate of electron emission : measuring
current (I)
• Kinetic energy of electron : applying
negative potential to collector
Kinetic energy
• Electron is bind to the
atom. When the
energy of photon is
bigger than energy
binding, the electron
is emitted
• Electrons can have
various kinetic energy
Work function
• Binding energy can
be expressed as work
function of metal
Classical theory of photoelectric
• The maximum kinetic energy of the
electrons should be proportional to the
intensity of the radiation
• The photoelectric effect should occur for
light of any frequency or wavelength
• The first electrons should be emitted in a
time interval of the order of seconds after
the radiation begins to strike the surface
Experimental results (1902)
• For a fixed value of the wavelength or
frequency of the light source, the
maximum kinetic energy of the emitted
photoelectrons is totally independent of
the intensity of the light source
• The photoelectric effect does not occur at
all if the frequency of the light source is
below a certain value. The cutoff
Lenard works
Experimental results
• The first
photoelectrons are
emitted virtually
instantaneusly (within
10-9 s) after the light
is turned on
Quantum Theory of photoelectric
• 1905, Albert Einstein developed the theory
• Got Nobel Prize in Physics (1921)
• But, 1900, Max Planck had developed a
theory to explain the wavelength
distribution of light emitted by hot objects
• Einstein : Energy of EM radiation is not
continuosly distributed over the wave front,
but instead is concentrated in localized
bundles or quanta (photons)
Energy of photon
h is Planck constant

photon travels at speed of light. So, photon has relativistic momentum

Insert the equation of Energy. So, we can write the momentum equation into

Photon has characteristic of PARTICLE, because carry ENERGY and MOMENTUM

Cut off frequency
Photon energy is absorbed to fight the work function f . If photon energy is
bigger than work function, the extra energy will go to Kinetic Energy

Remember that the Kinetic Energy of electron is NOT depend on light INTENSITY !
If there is no extra energy, the photon frequency become cut off frequency

We can also write the cutoff wavelength

Milikan Experiment (1915)
The slope
• The slope of the line
in Milikan experiment
give the value of
planck constant

• The accepted value

from various
Thermal Radiation
• Electromagnetic
radiation emitted by
all objects because of
their temperature
• Measurement of
spectrum of thermal
radiation. Prism is
employed to separate
• The total intensity radiated over all wavelength
increases as the temperature increased. It is known as
Stefan's Law.

• The wavelength that has maximum intensity decrease

as the temperature is increased. It is known as Wien's
Displacement Law.
Blackbody radiation
• Blackbody : the body
which absorbs all
radiation incident on it
and reflects none of
the incident radiation
Classical Theory
• The box is filled with electromagnetic standing
waves. Radiation is reflected back and forth with
a node of electric field at each wall.

• The number of standing waves with wavelength

between l and l + dl
Classical Theory
• Each individual wave
contributes an
average energy of kT
to the radiation in the
box. For 1
oscillator, energy
distributions follows
The average energy per oscillator

The energy density = (number of standing waves per unit volume)

X (average energy per standing wave)
Rayleigh-Jeans formula
Quantum Theory of Thermal
• Max Planck in 1900.
• The ultraviolet catastrophe occurs
because the RJ Formula predicts too
much intensity at shorts wavelength.
• Planck reduce the number of high
frequency standing waves by reducing
the number of oscillators
Planck suggestion
• An oscillating atom can absorb or emit energy
only in discrete bundles

• Energy of each quanta is

• The integral in the average energy calculation is

replaced by sum. Number of oscillator
(compared with classical calculation)

by using the series properties

So, the Intensity

Stefan Boltzmann
Cosmic microwave background
Compton effect
• Radiation scatters from loosely bound, nearly
free electrons
momentum and energy
relativistic energy

Insert the Energy and momentum

We can write it as
Kinetic energy and angle of
Schematic Diagrams
Compton wavelength

X-ray Gamma-ray

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