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Use the right

4. Be safe when han-
soil and ferti- T C
lizer for your dling your cacti.

Soil mix and food tailored to

You don't want to screech h A
from a gnarly spiker from
cacti is key to healthy growth.
Ensure that the right soil mix is
these plants. When repot- e C
ting or moving your cactus,
used when potting cacti. Cacti
wear leather work gloves
prefer soil that includes more
sand and rocks, in order to drain
and use kitchen tongs to T
gently handle the spikes and
water and keep the plant dry
to avoid pricks.
between drinks and prevent I
root rot..
Al manipular un cactus se
deben usar guantes de cuero
El cactus debe contener ferti-
para no espinarse.
lisante para eliminar plagas o

What is known as a How to Care for Cacti 2.-Water your cacti
cactus? 1-.Give your cacti enough
Cacti, also called cacti, are part light Give them a drink—but
of the group of succulents or #Cacti enjoy all the attention not too much—and give
succulents: plants that have a they can get from the sun and long breaks in between.
modified organ or sector to thrive in the direct light—place "Cacti are known for
store a quantity of water great-
er than that which other spe-
them in the warmest, sunniest surviving without much
cies can contain. This enables
corner of your home. They watering, as they retain
cacti to survive in desert re- would love to go outside for a water in their stems.
gions with a very dry climate. summer vacation if you have a
However, that doesn't
sunny patio or yard .
mean they don't need
CINTECIS (español): Cintecis : watering at all.
El cactus es una cactacea , esta EL cactus debe tomar sol pero no
familia es originaria de Africa y demaciado y tenerlo un lugar calido
es una gran planta que puede y calido. El cactus se le bebe ec-
soportar temperaturas maxi- har agua porlomenos 2
veces a la semana.

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