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Czech Republic: Doctors have founded a parallel

medical association

January 27, 2022

pfm politics 4 minutes

Medical associations have apparently become a lever in many countries to prevent

serious scientific research and discussion, to prevent early and successful
treatment of Covid sufferers, to discipline knowledge-based doctors and drivers of
vaccine distribution and sales. With the possibility of revoking the license to
practice medicine, they have a powerful means of disciplining themselves. Doctors
in the Czech Republic no longer want to be offered this and have founded a parallel
medical association.

from dr Peter F Mayer

In an interview in entitled “A pandemic of stupidity, not Covid.” Doctor

Miroslav Havrda talks about the Czech Medical Chamber and the situation in the Czech
Republic. Opinion about the Covid measures not only divides laypeople, but also experts,
doctors are not exempt. The President of the Medical Association, Milan Kubek, does not
come off particularly well. " Milan Kubek lost my respect the moment he fanatically scared
citizens to death if they didn't get vaccinated," explained Miroslav Havrda, a doctor from
Hradec Králové, one of the initiators of the parallel medical chamber.

In the Parallel Medical Chamber (PLK) there are regular members of the Czech Medical
Chamber (ČLK) who have a different opinion on the issue of the Covid than the President
of the ČLK Kubek. The main goal of the PLK is to initiate a cultivated medical discussion
on this topic, which is avoided by the other side, also with the support of politics and the
media. The aim is to remind the citizens of the Czech Republic that in medicine one must
always search for the truth and that dogmatic statements, as is gradually being
confirmed, are very dangerous for them too.

Havrda says he lost respect for Milan Kubek when he started fueling fanatical fears of
death if people didn't get vaccinated. He also repeatedly denounced healthy,
unvaccinated craftsmen who had been severely damaged by the corona measures. He
too claimed that vaccination means the end of the pandemic. Now we see that he, too,

Havrda believes that a doctor who speaks out in the media should convey optimism and
hope to other citizens and avoid statements that go against medical ethics and common
sense. As we've seen time and time again, many Politruks in medical boards tend to do
just that.

In the Czech Republic, too, there had been bitter arguments about compulsory
vaccination. One day before the end of the Babiš government's term of office, a partial
compulsory vaccination was imposed, which, however, was lifted by the new government,

as reported by Petr Fiala, after some hesitation.

Havrda explains that those who wanted to be vaccinated have long since been
vaccinated. Many people have repeatedly contracted Covid in a very mild form and are
well immune. It is very immoral that people have been getting vaccinated for a long time,
not because they are afraid of getting sick, but because they want to have a beer in
peace or want to travel.

This vaccine does not protect against diseases - the vaccinated, as well as the
unvaccinated, fill Czech hospitals and can also infect anyone. Havrda doesn't believe the
myth that they are less contagious than the unvaccinated. And it is now known worldwide
that vaccination with the outdated Covid vaccine is completely ineffective against

In the Czech Republic, too, the previous majority opinion, which is spread by people who
are fatally wrong in their statements and which is presented by the fanatical media, is
crumbling. Havrda is not against vaccination either, but he is against compulsory

Some other statements in the interview:

“People no longer want to live in medical totalitarianism, they are fed up with the
oppression, the harassment and the lies. You want to live normally. Vaccinated and
unvaccinated alike.”

"The unvaccinated are mentally up to date despite the illegal restrictions - but the
vaccinated are beginning to realize that they have been deceived and are
considering very carefully whether they should receive a third, fourth or fifth booster
dose, when many experts in this country and say around the world that the best
way to prevent severe disease is to contract a mild illness in the form of an omicron
variant infection.”

“The only thing that Válek [the new health minister] has introduced is that we will
alibi test all people in the workplace, in schools, in offices, massively. Given the
assumed enormous contagiousness of the Omicron variant of the virus, this makes
no sense at all. It will burden statutory health insurance funds, employers and the
state with billions more – and the only winners will be the test distributors.”

“The most important information should also be available several hours a day,
especially on Czech television and radio. These media have completely and fatally
failed in their legal task and have been running an advertising campaign for
pharmaceutical companies and selected and politically vetted experts with citizens'
money for many months.

"I find it quite bizarre that a Canadian province has proposed that people who are
unvaccinated should pay a higher healthcare tax because they overcrowd hospitals.
But it's different. The hospitals are mainly occupied by obese, heavy smokers,
unhealthy people and drug addicts.”

A new organization for doctors would also be urgently needed in many other countries.
Above all, the Austrian Medical Association massively violates the rights of patients and
doctors with their absurd policies. A solution should be fought for.

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parallel medical association ”

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