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These Questions Prepared by: SONU (HEETSON)

Computer History and Generations Questions

1. Which was the first Electronics digital programmable computing device?
a) Analytical Engine b) Difference Engine c) Colossus d) ENIAC
Ans. C

2. EDVAC stands for .

a) electronic discrete variable automatic calculator b) electronic discrete variable automatic computer
c) electronic data variable automatic calculator d) electronic data variable automatic computer
Ans. B

3. Which was the first commercial computer?

a) Ferranti Mark 1 b) analytical engine c) difference engine d) colossus

4. UNIVAC stands for .

a) universal automatic calculator b) universal native input automatic computer
c) universal native input automatic calculator d) universal automatic computer
Ans. D

5. ENIAC stands for .

a) electronic numerical integrator and computer b) electronic numerical integrator and calculator
c) electronic numerical integrator automatic computer d) electronic numerical integrator automatic

6. Who invented the punch card ?

a) Charles babbage b) semen Korsakov c) herman Hollerith d) joseph marie jacquard
Ans. C

7. Which Electronic components are used in Second Generation Computers?

a)Transistors b) Integrated Circuits c) Vacuum Tubes d) VLSI

8. Which Electronic components are used in Third Generation Computers?

a)Transistors b) Integrated Circuits c) Vacuum Tubes d) VLSI
Ans. B

9. Which Electronic components are used in fourth Generation Computers?

a)Transistors b) Integrated Circuits c) Vacuum Tubes d) VLSI
Ans. d

10. Which Electronic components are used in Fifth Generation Computers?

a)Transistors b) Integrated Circuits c) Vacuum Tubes d) ULSI Microprocessor
Ans. D

11. ENIAC Computer belongs to .

a) First Generation computers b) Second Generation Computers
c) Third Generations Computers d) fourth Generation computers
These Questions Prepared by: SONU (HEETSON)
12. VLSI stands for
a) Very large storage integratior b) Very large storage integration
c) Very large Scale Integration d) Very Large Scale Integrator
Ans. C

13. ULSI stands for .

a) Ultra Large Storage Integration b) Ultra Large Scale Integration
c) Ultra Large Storage Integrator d) Ultra Large Scale integrator
Ans. B

14. is used as a programming language in first generation computers?

a) FORTRAN b) COBOL c) BASIC d) Machine Language
Ans. D

15. FORTRAN stands for .

a) For Translation b) Format Transformation c) Fork Transformation d) Formula Translation
Ans. D

16. The word computer comes from .

a) compute b) compote c) copute d) calculator

17. How many vacuum tubes used in first generation computer ENIAC ?
a) 1800 b) 18000 c) 1024 d) 512
Ans. B

18. Which computer belongs to the first generation ?

a) ENIAC b) EDSAC c) EDVAC d) All of these
Ans. D

19. Which language used in First generation computers ?

a) Machine language b) Assembly language c) High level language d) BASIC
Ans. A

20. Which language used in second Generation computers?

a) Machine language b) Assembly language c) High level language d)
Ans. B

21. Which language used in third Generation computers ?

a) FORTRAN b) COBOL c) PASCAL d) All of these
Ans. D

22. Which is third Generation computer?

a) ICL 2903
b) ICL 1900
c) UNIVAC 1800
d) All of these
Ans. D

23. Intel Microprocessor 4004 developed in

a) 1971 b) 1980 c) 1960 d) 1965
Ans. A
These Questions Prepared by: SONU (HEETSON)
24. What is used in first generation for storage?
a) magnetic drum b) IC c) vacuum tubes d) floppy disk
Ans. A

25. First microcomputer in the world

a) ALTAIR 8800 b) HP c) ENIAC d) UNIVAC
Ans. A

26. First super computer in the world is .

a) CRAY-1 b) MARK-1 c) PARAM d) C-DAC
Ans. A

27. CRAY-1 super computer was developed in the year

a) 1975 b) 1976 c) 1999 d) 1980
Ans. B

28. India‟s first super computer is

a) PARAM b) CRAY-1 c) C-DAC d) MARK-1
Ans. A

21. PARAM super computer was developed in

a) 1980 b) 1960 c) 1991 c) 1976
Ans. C

22. First keeping records on clay tablets was used in

a) Babylon merchants b) china c) japan d) haddapa
Ans. A

23. CDC stands for .

a) Control data corporation b) Company data company
c) Communication data control d) Company data control
Ans. A

24. KIPS stands for .

a) kite information processing system b) Knowledge information Processing syste
c) knowledge information printing system d) knowledge integration processing system
Ans. B

25. DVD invented in the year

a) 1995 b) 1990 c) 1980 d) 2000
Ans. A

26. The first linux kernel was released in _.

a) 1991 b) 1992 c) 1999 d) 1984
Ans. A

27. MAC operating system was developed in .

a) 1985 b) 1984 c) 1999 d) 1981
Ans. B

28. First floppy disk was developed in .

a) 1980 b) 1990 c) 1984 d) 1960
Ans. D
These Questions Prepared by: SONU (HEETSON)
29. as switching devices are for fourth generation.
a) vacuum tube b) transistor c) microprocessors d) assembly board
Ans. c

30. “C” language invented by .

a) Dennis M. Ritchie b) John mauchely c) Charles babbage d) Allen turing
Ans. a

31. Arch rivals IBM and Apple computers Inc. decided to join hands .
a) 1984 b) 1991 c) 1980 d) 1970
Ans. b

32. The Shockwave rider is a Science Fiction Novel written by in 1975.

a) John Brunner b) charlesbabbage c) timberners lee d) lady adalovelace
Ans. a

33. A computer that is old and perhaps not satisfactory is referred to as a _ .

a) old system b) legacy system c) ancient system d) former system
Ans. b

34. Who invent first electronic digital computer in 1930?

a) John Vincent Atansoff b) charlesbabbage c) Allen turing d) lady Ada lovelace
Ans. a

35. First computer Mark 1 in 1937 was invented by_ .

a) John Vincent Atansoff b) Howard H. Aiken c) Allen turing d) lady Ada lovelace
Ans. b

36. Fortran language was developed by IBM in the year .

a) 1995 b)1984 c) 1972 d) 1957
Ans. d

37. Prolog language was developed in year .

a) 1995 b)1984 c) 1972 d) 1957
Ans. c

38. India‟s first computer made by electronics corporation of india.

a) Siddharth b) Param c) C-DAC d) Microsoft
Ans. a

39. India‟s first computerised petrol pump opened in .

a) Delhi b) Mumbai c) Kolkata d) Chennai
Ans. b

40. India‟s first Politician party which make his own website on the internet.
a) Congress b) BJP c) JJP d) AAP
Ans. b

41. Anupam super computer developed by .

a) BARC(Bhabha Atomic reaserch center) b)C-DAC
c) Intel d) America
Ans. a
42. India‟s first digialnews paper on internet
a) The Hindu b) India Today c) Times of india d) Dainikbhaskar
Ans. A

43. Punched cards were introduced in year.

a) 1837 b) 1949 c) 1801 d) 1991
Ans. c

44. Intel „4004‟ processor developed in .

a) 1837 b) 1971 c) 1801 d) 1991
Ans. b

45. India bought its first computer in rupees 10 lakh, called HEC-2M and was installed at Calcutta‟s indian
Statistical Institute in the Year.
a) 1956 b) 1971 c) 1801 d) 1991
Ans. a

46. First book on personal computer written by .

a) Nelson mandela b) Allen turing c) Ted Nelson d) Taisikeeder
Ans. c

47. First magazine on computer .

a) Computer and Automation b) computer a change
c) computer technology d) computer is world
Ans. a

48. Mother of computer .

a) lady gaga b) lady Augusta Ada c) Ishikachabra d) Sumanredhu
Ans. b

49. Father of modern computer .

a) charlesbabbage b) Alan turing c) Ted nelson d) Taisikeeder
Ans. b

50. First General purpose computer .

Ans. a

51. First commercial computer .

Ans. b

52. First storage program computer .

Ans. c

53. Keyboard invented by_ .

a) Ted nelson b) Christopher lathamsholes c) Taisikeeder d) Alan turing
Ans. b

54. World first network .

Ans. a
55. World first virus .
a) creeper b) worm c)Trojan d) rat
Ans. a

56. processing in first computer.

a) control b) Batch c) separate d) long
Ans. b

57. First computer spreadsheet program was .

a) VBA b) EXCEL c) visicalc d) excel book
Ans. c

58. First e-mail was sent by .

a) Ted nelson b) Ray noorda c) Ray Tomlinson d) Alan turing
Ans. c

59. Seed of internet were planted in .

a) 1991 b) 1969 c) 1974 d) 1984
Ans. b

60. Counter wheels are used as a memory unit in the .

a) difference engine b) analytical engine c) UNIVAC d) EDSAC
Ans. b

61. Time sharing become possible in .

a) first generation b) second generation c) third generation d) fourth generation
Ans. b

62. Analog is a word

a) Roman b) Greek c) Latin d) Russian
Ans. b

63. The first use of the word “computer” was recored in , referring to a person who carried out
calculations, or couputations, and the word continued to be used in that sense until the middle of the 20
a) 1615 b) 1642 c) 1613 d) 1620
Ans. c

64. The abacus was invented in in 2400 B.C.

a) Babylonia b) japan d) India d) USA
Ans. a

65. Napier‟s bones invented by in 1615.

a) Jony Napier b) John Napier c) Bob Napier d) Chris Napier
Ans. b

66. Slide rule invented by in 1622.

a) William oughtred b) salenrude c) John napier d) Chris Thomas
Ans. a

67. invented by Blaisepascal in 1642.

a) logarithm b) pascaline c) abacus d) mark 1
Ans. b
68. Stepped Reckoner invented by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in .
A) 1620 b) 1622 c) 1672 d) 1694
Ans. c

69. The Jackquard loom is a mechanical loom, invented by Joseph-Marie Jacquard n .

a) 1837 b) 1881 c) 1894 d) 1895
Ans. b

70. Difference engine and analytical engine was invented by .

a) Charles Babbage b) William oughtred c) Blaisepascal d) Allen turing
Ans. a

71. Who wrote programs for the AnaliticalEngine.

a) Stephen jackyard b) Hella bell c) charlesbabbage d) Augusta Ada Byron
Ans. d

72. Scheutzian Calculation Engine Invented by _ .

a) Per Georg Scheutz b) Charles Babbage c) Stephen Jackyard d) Augusta Ada Byron
Ans. a

73. The first printing calculator is .

a) Analitical engine b) difference engine c) Scheutzian Calculation Engine d) Mark 1
Ans. c

74. Tabulating machine invented by Herman Hollerith in .

a) 1837 b) 1890 c) 1881 d) 1804
Ans. b

75. computer also known as IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator(ASCC).

a) MAC 2 b) Mark 1 c) ENIAC d) EDSAC
Ans. b

76. Mark 1 computer invented by .

a) Howard H. Aiken b) Herman Hollerith c) Charles babbage d) Allen turing
Ans. a

77. The first electro-mechanical computer.

Ans. d

78. The first programmable computer was _.

a) Z1 b) Mark 1 c) EDVAC d) EDSAC
Ans. a

79. The first programmable computer was created by .

a) Allen turing b) KonredZuse c) Haward H. Aiken d) Herman Hollerith
Ans. b

80. was the first electronic digital computing device.

a) Atansoff-Berry Computer b) ENIAC
Ans. a
81. Attansoff-Berry Computer invented by .
a) Allen turing b) Professor John Atansoff c) KonredZused) Haward H. Aiken
Ans. b

82. EDVAC computer designed by .

a) Von Neumann b) Lady adalovelace c) KonredZused) John mauchely
Ans. a

83. was the first portable computer.

a) Apple Mac b) Microsoft c) Osborne 1 d) Cray 1
Ans. c

84. The first computer company was the .

a) Electronic Controls Company b) IBM c) Microsoft d) MARK
Ans. a

85. The first computer company founded in by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
a) 1944 b) 1949 c) 1956 d) 1952
Ans. b

86. In second GenerationOne transistor replaced the equivalent of vaccum tubes.

a) 10 b) 1800 c) 40 d) 100
Ans. c

87. A term in computer terminology is a change in technology a computer is/was being used.
a) Development b) Generation c) Advancement d) Growth
Ans. b

88. The fourth generation was based on integrated circuits.

a) True b) False
Ans. b

89. The generation based on VSLI microprocessor.

st nd rd th
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Ans. d

90. generation of computer started with using vacumm tubes as the basic components.
st nd rd th
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Ans. a

91. Batch processing was mainly used in this generation.

st nd rd th
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Ans. a

92. is an emerging branch in computer science, which interprets means and method of making
computers thing like human beings.
a) Block chain b) VR c) AI d) Cloud computing
Ans. c

93. In this generation time sharing, Real time, Networks, Distributed Operating System was used.
st nd rd th
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Ans. d
94. The period of _ generation was 1952-1964.
st nd rd th
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Ans. b

95. Who considered as father of computer?

a) Charles Babbage b) John Lickert c) John Mauchy d) M.V Wilkes
Ans. a

96. Who invented Analytical engine?

a) Charles Babbage b) John Lickert c) John Mauchy d) M.V Wilkes
Ans. a

97. What is the main electronic component of the first generation compute?
a) Integrated circuit b) Microprocessor c) Transistors d) Vaccum tubes
Ans. d

98. This invention was 1,000 times faster than any machine built before it. It was so big that it could fill up a
a) Apple 1 b) ENIAC c) Windows d) Z3
Ans. b

99. Steve jobs and steve Wozniak built their first computer using a wooden box. Their company has grown
and is still around today. The name of the company is:
a) Microsoft b) Linux c) Apple d) Windows
Ans. c

100. This man is known for starting the company Microsoft back in the year 1975. Since then, he has
become one of the richest people in the world. His name is:
a) Steve Jobs b) Bill Gates c) KonradZuse d) Charles Babbage
Ans. b

101. Who invented the internet?

a) Steve Jobs b) More than one person c) Al Gore d) William Shockley
Ans. b

102. In 1954 scientist were able to predict exactly what computers would look like today.
a) True b) False
Ans. b

103. The processing speed of first generation computers was…

a) millisecond b) microsecond c) nanosecond d) picoseconds

104. Model 5100 was in 1957.

a) The first PC built by IBM b) The first PC built by Apple
c) The first PC built by Motorola d) The first PC built by Intel
Ans. A

105. The word Abacus is derived from Abax, a word from

a) Latin language b) Greek language
c) Sanskrit language d) Ancient Egypt
106. In latest generation computers, the instructions are executed
a) Parallel only b) Sequentially only c) Both sequentially and parallel d) All of these
Ans. C

107. Which of the following is an example of fifth generation computer?

a) PIM/m b) ICL 2950 c) IBM 1401 d) None of these

108. Which of the following is not a third generation computer?

a) IBM 360 b) IBM 1401 c) PDP-8 d) HP2115
Ans. B

109. Who built the first Mechanical Calculator.

a) Joseph Marie Jacquard b) John Mauchly c) Blaise Pascal d) Howard Aiken
Ans. c

110. Which of the following generation computers had expensive operation cost?
a) First b) Second c) Third d) Fourth
Ans. a

111. Which of the following programming language started from second generation?
Ans. d

112. IBM 1401 is the first computer to enter in Nepal. It belonged to .

a) First generation b) second generation c) third generation d) fourth generation
Ans. b

113. The third generation computer was made with .

a) Vaccum tube b) Discrete Components c) IC d) Bio Chips
Ans. c

114. Fifth generation computers is also known as .

a) knowledge information processing system b) very large scale integration
c) Both a and b d) None of these

115. Second generation computers were developed during.

a) 1949 to 1955 b) 1956 to 1965 c) 1965 to 1970 d) 1979 to 1990
Ans. b

116. When was Apple Macintosh II microcomputer introduced in the market?

a) 1964 b) 1970 c) 1983 d) 1986
Ans. c

117. When was the world‟s first laptop computer introduced in the market and by whom?
a) Hewlett-Packard
b) Epson, 1981
c) Laplink travelling software In1982
d) Tandy model-2000, 1985
Ans. b
118. Today‟s computer giant IBM was earlier known by different name which was changed in 1924. What
was that name?
a) computer Tabulating Recording Co. b) The Tabulator Ltd.
c) International Computer Ltd. d) None of these
Ans. a

119. Who built the world‟s first electronic calculator using telephone relays, light bulbs and batteries?
a) Clauds Shannon b) KonrardZues c) George Stribits d) Howard H. Aiken
Ans. c

120. In the IBM PC-At, what do the words AT stand for .

a) Additional Terminals b) Advance Technology
c) Applied technology d) Advanced terminology
Ans. b

121. Which of the following is feature of fifth generation computers?

a) Use of natural language b) artificial intelligence c) bio-chips d) All of these
Ans. d

122. Charles Babbage was awarded by Royal Society for his

a) Difference Engine b) Analytic Engine
c) Binary System in Analytic engine d) His concept of input, mill, output and storage
Ans. a

123. Mini computers and micro computers are from which generation of computers?
a) First b) second c) third d) fourth
Ans. d

124. The operating speed of third generation computers was .

a) millisecond b) microsecond c) nanosecond d) picosecond
Ans. c

125. What was the first computer brought in Nepal?

a) ICL/2950 b) ENIAC c) IBM 1401 d) None of these
Ans. c

126. The first electronic general purpose digital computer built by Eckert and Mauchly called ENIAC did
not work on the stored program concept. How many numbers could it store in its internal memory?
a) 100 b) 20 c) 40 d) 80

127. What was the name of the first commercially available microprocessor chip?
a) Intel 308 b) Intel 33 c) Intel 4004 d) Motorola 639
Ans. c

128. When did IBM introduce the 20286 based PC/AT?

a) 1982 b) 1984 c) 1985 d) 1989
Ans. b

129. Who is the father of personal computer?

a) Edward Robert b) Allen Turing c) Charles Babbage d) None of these
Ans. a
130. The first computer were programmed using.
a) assembly language b) machine language c) source code d) object code
Ans. b

131. Operating system is used in which generation of computer for the first time?
a) First generation b) second generation c) third generation d) fourth generation
Ans. c

132. Which generation of computer used CD ROM for the first time?
a) First generation b) second generation c) third generation d) fifth generation
Ans. d

133. Which generation of computer used Power-Book and Pentium microprocessor for the first time?
a) First generation b) second generation c) sixth generation d) fourth generation
Ans. c

134. From which generation operating system were developed?

a) First generation b) second generation c) third generation d) fourth generation
Ans. c

135. Logarithm was invented by

a) John Napier b) Edmund Gunter c) Blaise Pascal d) Charles Babbage
Ans. a

136. Nepal brought a computer for census of 2028 BS. This computer was of
a) First generation b) second generation c) third generation d) fourth generation
Ans. b

137. When was the Pascaline invented?

a) 1617 b) 1620 c) 1642 d) 1837
Ans. c

138. Napier‟s Bones was also called Napier‟s .

a) Strings b) Springs c) Rods d) Strings
Ans. c

139. Silicon Chips were introduced in which generation of computers?

st nd rd th
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Ans. c

140. IBM 1620 and CDC 1604 are an example of generation?

st nd rd th
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Ans. b
141. 5 Generation of computers is called the age of ?
a) Desktops b) Microsoft c) UNIVAC d) Artificial
Ans. d
142. Which of the following computers belong to 4 generation?
a) IBM 1620 b) IBM 7049
c) STAR 1000 d) IBM 370
Ans. c
143. Which electronic components was used in first generation computers?
Ans. Electronic Tube

144. Which concept was developed by John Von Neumann ?

Ans. Stored Program Concept

145. Which is the oldest calculating machine?

Ans. Abacus
146. What does Japanese call to their 5 generation computers?
Ans. Knowledge Information Processing System (KIPS)

147. Abacus was developed by –

a) Chinese b) Japanese c) Americans d) Indians
Ans. a

148. Fifth Generation computers

a) Low cost b) High cost c) Versatile d) Artificial intelligence
Ans. d

Computer Inventor and Their Machines

Inventor Name of Machine
John Napier Napier‟s Bones
Blaise Pascal Adding Machine
G.V. Leibnitz Leibnitz Calculator
Joseph Jacquard Punch Card Loom
Charles Babbage Analytical Engine
Herman Hollerith Card Reading Machine

1. What was the name of first computer designed by Charlse Babbage?

a) Analytical Engine
b) Difference Engine
c) Colossus

2. EDSAC stands for .

a) electronic delay storage automatic calculator
b) electronic delay storage automatic computer
c) electronic data storage automatic computer
d) electronic data storage automatic calculator

3. John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert are the inventors of _ computer.

D) Ferranti
Mark 1

4. Which electronic components are used in First Generation computers?

b) Integrated Circuits
c) Vacuum Tubes
5. Compute is word
a) Greek
b) Latin
c) German
d) Japanese

6. Who invent the Transistor?

a) wiliam Shockley
b) john mauchely
c) graham bell
d) charlesbabbage

7. Who invent IC ?
a) jackkilbi
b) john mauchely
c) jack sparrow
d) bill gates

8. Father of computer science .

a) Allen turing
b) charlesbabbage
c) timberners lee
d) lady adalovelace

9. Mouse invented by .
a) Douglas Engalbart
b) Ted nelson
c) Christopher lathamsholes
d) Alan turing

10. was the first computer ?

a) Abacus
b) Napier’s Bones
c) IBM6000
d) Param8000

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