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Sci (2019) 8(8): 2358-2361

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 8 Number 08 (2019)
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Original Research Article

Constraints Faced by the Members of Farmer Producer Company

S. L. Chopade, P.S. Kapse and V.G. Dhulgand*

Department of Extension Education, VNMKV, Parbhani. (M. S.), India

*Corresponding author


The present study was conducted in Osmanabad district, randomly selected from
Constraints, Marathwada region of Maharashtra state during the year 2018-2019. From Osmanabad
Members of farmer district, Osmanabad blocks were selected purposively based on considerable number of
producer company, respondent as a member of 'Farmer Producer Company'. From one selected blocks, 3
villages were selected randomly based on considerable number of members of Farmer
Article Info Producer Company. From each selected village, 40 farmers were selected randomly. In this
way a total of 120 farmers were considered as respondent for the present study. These
Accepted: selections were done by using simple random sampling method for the purpose of the
20 July 2019 study.
Available Online:
10 August 2019

Introduction the most efficient pathways to address the

many challenges of agriculture, but more
Agriculture remains the largest source of significantly, improved approach to
livelihood in Indian economy. About 45 per investments, technology and inputs and
cent Indian population depend on agriculture markets. Department of Agriculture and
for employment. In India role of small farms Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt.
(and small holdings) in poverty reduction is of India has identified farmer, producer
well recognized (Lipton, 2006 However, in organization registered under the particular
the absence of robust public/private support provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 as the
system at the ground level farmers face most appropriate institutional form around
challenges in accessing land, water, inputs, which to mobilize farmers and establish their
credit, technology and market. Then, there are capacity to jointly leverage their production
emerging challenges like risk and and selling effectiveness.
vulnerabilities due to climate change and
natural calamities (Thapa and Gaiha, 2011). The basic purpose envisioned for the FPOs is
to collectivize small farmers for backward
FPO’s are Collectivization of producers, linkage for inputs like seeds, fertilizers, credit,
especially low and marginal farmers, into the insurance, knowledge and extension services;
producer organization has come out as one of and forward linkages such as collective

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(8): 2358-2361

marketing, processing, and market-led percent of respondent reported that lack of co-
agriculture production (Mondal, 2010). ordination for different group activities, 55.00
percent of respondent reported that lack of
Materials and Methods support from the government department after
establishment of FPC’s, 40.00 percent of
The present study was conducted in respondent reported that political affiliation of
Osmanabad district, randomly selected from member, 30.71 percent of respondent reported
Marathwada region of Maharashtra state that bank are not very much familiar of
during the year 2018-2019. Selected district concept of FPC’s, these companies have
eight tahsils were selected purposively. From limited access to banks, 21.43 percent of
Osmanabad district, Osmanabad blocks were respondent reported that inadequate profit to
selected purposively based on considerable individual members and 10.71 percent of
number of respondent as a member of 'Farmer respondent reported that village level worker
Producer Company'. From one selected not providing enough information about all
blocks, 3 villages were selected randomly scheme related to FPC’s.
based on considerable number of members of
Farmer Producer Company. From each Suggestions of the respondents to overcome
selected village, 40 farmers were selected the constraints in seeking the information
randomly. In this way a total of 120 farmers about the FPC
were considered as respondent for the present
study. These selections were done by using It was observed that 67.14 per cent of
simple random sampling method for the respondent have suggested that wide publicity
purpose of the study. For the objective of should be given to the concept of FPC’s for
constraints faced by the farmers in seeking the increasing awareness amongst the farmers,
information about farmers’ producer 50.71 percent of respondent were suggested
organization. Ex-post facto research design that the management team of FPC, should
was adopted in this study. The data were share information about FPC’s with member
collected with the help of pretested interview farmers, 44.28 per cent of respondent were
schedule. The statistical methods and tests suggested that the success stories of FPC’s
such as frequency and percentage were used should be given wide media publicity, 25.71
for the analysis of data. per cent of respondent were suggested that
state government need to extend all the
Constraints faced by the farmers in seeking benefits of farmer co-operatives, 21.43 per
the information about farmers’ producer cent of respondent were suggested that the
organization agencies involved in implementing the FPC
initiative should provide adequate information
Results and Discussion about their venture, 17.14 per cent of
respondent were suggested that regular
Constraints faced by the farmers in seeking trainings should be given to member of FPC’s
the information about farmers’ producer about agro-based processing units and
organization marketing of agriculture produce and 15.71
per cent of respondent were suggested that the
It was observed from Table 1 that, 72.86 per concept of FPC’s should be explained in easy
cent of respondents reported that non- language.
inclusion of local leaders in FPC’s, 69.28

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(8): 2358-2361

Table.1 Constraints faced by the farmers in seeking the information about farmers’ producer

Sr. Constraints Frequency Percentage

1. Non- inclusion of local leaders in FPC’s 102 72.86
2. Lack of co-ordination for different group activities 97 69.28
3. Lack of support from the government department 77 55.00
after establishment of FPC’s
4. Political affiliation of member 56 40.00
5. Bank are not very much familiar of concept of FPC’s, 43 30.71
these companies have limited access to banks.
6. Inadequate profit to individual members 30 21.43
7. Village level worker not providing enough 15 10.71
information about all scheme related to FPC’s

Table.2 Suggestion to overcome the constraints as perceived by the respondents in seeking the
information about the FPC

Sr. No. Suggestions Frequency Percentage

1. Wide publicity should be given to the concept of 94 67.14
FPC’s for increasing awareness amongst the
2. The management team of FPC, should share 71 50.71
information about FPC’s with member farmers
3. The success stories of FPC’s should be given wide 62 44.28
media publicity
4. State government need to extend all the benefits of 36 25.71
farmer co-operatives
5. The agencies involved in implementing the FPC 30 21.43
initiative should provide adequate information
about their venture
6. Regular trainings should be given to member of 24 17.14
FPC’s about Agro-based processing units and
marketing of agriculture produce
7. The concept of FPC’s should be explained in 22 15.71
easy language

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(8): 2358-2361

The conclusions of the study are as follows: in Ghana. African Journal of Agricultural
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that non- inclusion of local leaders in FPC’s Mahatma Gandhi national rural
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beneficiaries. M.Sc. (Agri.) Thesis,
members. Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi
Vidyapeeth, Parbhani (Maharashtra).
2. Majority (67.14%) per cent of respondent Bhosale, J.S. (2014). Impact of integrated pest
were suggested that wide publicity should be management technology in cotton on
given to the concept of FPC’s for increasing beneficiary farmers of farmers field school.
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Deshmukh Krishi Vidypeeth, Akola
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How to cite this article:

Chopade, S.L., P.S. Kapse and Dhulgand, V.G. 2019. Constraints Faced by the Members of
Farmer Producer Company. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 8(08): 2358-2361.


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