Entrepreneurship Detailed Lesson Plan-1

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Prince Aira Bell Jamon BEED 3B



At the end of the lesson, the students must have;
A. Discussed the meaning of Entrepreneurship; must have
B. Defined entrepreneur
C. Identify and explained the characteristics of Entrepreneurship


A. Topic: The Concept of Entrepreneurship and the Characteristics of Entrepreneurship
B. Reference:
C. Materials: PowerPoints Presentation and Laptop


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Elicit
Good afternoon class!

Please arrange your chairs and pick up some paper on ( The students arrange their chairs and
the floor. pick up some paper on the floor.)

Okay! That's enough, settle down. ( The students sit down)

So yesterday we talked about what? (The students raised their hands and
Yes khen Yesterday we talk about the difference
between wants and needs
Very good!

What is the difference between wants and needs? A need is something necessary to live and
function. A want is something that can
improve your quality of life.
Very good!

Your cellphones, Make ups and watches are examples of

your wants. While your foods and water are examples of
your needs.

B. Engage
For today's lesson I prepared some interesting games,
so are you familiar with a game called pass the marker? Yes Ma'am

In this game you should form into two groups and line (The students will form a group and line
up in front of the board. up in front of the board.)

Each group will receive a word from me.

So, starting from the last person in line, he/she will

whisper the words to the person next to him/ her until
the message reaches the first person. Then he/she will
write the message on the board.
The first students to write all the words and spell them
correctly wins.
Yes Ma'am
So you only have three minutes to do this game.
Your three minutes start now.

Time is up! please go back to your seats.

Group 1 finished first. Let me check if they really write

all the words and spell the word correctly that I've given
to them.

businesses check
entrepreneurship check
economics check
risk-taking check
profit check
labour check
competitive check

So the group 1 wins

Here's your reward. Hooray!!!

C. Explore
Okay, same group. Let's have another activity.

In this picture you need to search for the meaning of

Entrepreneurship and its characteristics.
You only have 2 minutes to search for this meaning.
( Then write your answer at the board)

The first group to finish the task is group 2! Let's clap

our hands for group 2. Are you ready? Yes Ma'am
(The students start their task and search
in the picture)

So before we talk about our lesson for today what do you

think is our topic? (The students clap their hands)

(The students raised their hands)

Yes Teddy?
I think our topic for today is about the
Entrepreneurship and its characteristics
Very Good!

D. Explain
For today's lesson we will be discussing The Concept of
Entrepreneurship and the Characteristics of

What is Entrepreneurship?
(The students raised their hands)
Yes Danica?
Entrepreneurship is the ability and
readiness to develop, organize and run a
business enterprise, along with any of its
uncertainties in order to make a profit.
Very Good!
The most prominent example of entrepreneurship is the
starting of new businesses.

In economics, entrepreneurship connected with land,

labour, natural resources and capital can generate a

The entrepreneurial vision is defined by discovery and

risk-taking and is an indispensable part of a nation’s
capacity to succeed in an ever-changing and more
competitive global marketplace.

What is an entrepreneur?

The entrepreneur is defined as someone who has the

ability and desire to establish, administer and succeed in
a startup venture along with risk entitled to it, to make
profits. The best example of entrepreneurship is the
starting of a new business venture. The entrepreneurs
are often known as a source of new ideas or innovators,
and bring new ideas in the market by replacing old with
a new invention.

What are the Characteristics of Entrepreneurship:

Not all entrepreneurs are successful; there are definite

characteristics that make entrepreneurship successful. A
few of them are mentioned below:

Ability to take a risk-

Starting any new venture involves a considerable
amount of failure risk. Therefore, an entrepreneur needs
to be courageous and able to evaluate and take risks,
which is an essential part of being an entrepreneur.

It should be highly innovative to generate new ideas,
start a company and earn profits out of it. Change can be
the launching of a new product that is new to the market
or a process that does the same thing but in a more
efficient and economical way.

Visionary and Leadership quality-

To be successful, the entrepreneur should have a clear
vision of his new venture. However, to turn the idea into
reality, a lot of resources and employees are required.
Here, leadership quality is paramount because leaders
impart and guide their employees towards the right path
of success.

In a business, every circumstance can be an opportunity
and used for the benefit of a company. For example,
Paytm recognised the gravity of demonetization and
acknowledged the need for online transactions would be
more, so it utilised the situation and expanded massively
during this time.

Flexible- An entrepreneur should be flexible and open

to change according to the situation. To be on the top, a
businessperson should be equipped to embrace change
in a product and service, as and when needed.

Know your Product-

A company owner should know the product offerings
and also be aware of the latest trend in the market. It is
essential to know if the available product or service
meets the demands of the current market, or whether it
is time to tweak it a little. Being able to be accountable (The students will raised their
and then alter as needed is a vital part of hands)
In economics, entrepreneurship
E. Elaborate connected with land, labour,
So what is the concept of Entrepreneurship again? natural resources and capital can
generate a profit
Yes David?

Very good so let's clap our hands for David

Ability to take a risk

Can you give me the six characteristics of an Visionary and Leadership quality
Entrepreneurship? Open minded
Yes Jhame? Know your product

Okay, very good!!

F. Evaluate
Write T if the statement is True and F if it is False F
1. _______ There are 8 characteristics of
Entrepreneurship F
2. _______ Innovation is starting any new virtue
involves a considerable amount of failure risk. T
3. ______ Open-Minded- In a business, every
circumstance can be an opportunity and used for T
the benefit of a company
4. ______Etrepreneurship connected with land,
labour, natural resources and capital can
generate a profit. F
5. ______ Ability to take a risk, Innovation, Visionary
and Leadership quality, Open minded, Flexible,
Know your product are the characteristics of

G. Extend
Cite the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur and
the types Entrepreneurship. Write your answer on a
piece of paper and pass it tomorrow.

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