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Name: Kevin Jung

Science Chemistry Notes 2022

Date Sessio Topic Notes


Apr 5, 2022 1 Introduction - classroom

- On-line
- Scheduled mail
- pdf on manage, merged
- criterion A, B, C, D
- drive sessions
- drive “x” shared

Apr 7, 2022 2 Stoichiometry - Difference between elements, compounds, and atoms

Introduction - Homogeneous and heterogeneous
- Chemical equations and calculations
- How to find molar mass
- Gasses and solutions
- H2SO4 → Compound: H, S, O
- Ca → Calcium, Element, z=20
- HNO3 → Compound: H, N, O
- NaOH → Compound: Na, O, H
- H2 → Molecule: 2 Hydrogens
- Na + O2 → Na2O (Sodium Oxide)

Apr 8, 2022 3 Law of Mass - NH3 + O2 → NO2 + H2O

Conservation - 4NH3 + 7O2 → 4NO2 + 6H2O
- Mass calculation:
- 4NH3
N = 1 x 14.01
H = 3 x 1.01
17.04 gmol-
68.16 gmol-
- 7O2
O = 2 x 16.00
32.00 gmol-
224 gmol-
- 4NH3 + 7O2
68.16 + 224 = 292.16 gmol-
- 4NO2
N = 1 x 14.01
O = 2 x 16.00
46.01 gmol-
184.04 gmol-
- 6H2O
H = 2 x 1.01
O = 1 x 16.00
18.02 gmol-
108.12 gmol-
- 4NO2 + 6H2O
184.04 + 108.12 = 292.16 gmol-

- C3H4OH(COOH)3 = 72.06 + 8.06 + 112.00 = 192.12

- H2O3OH3 = 7.30 + 92.70 = 69.04 gmol-1
- N2O3HO2 = 25.70 + 73.38 + 0.92 = 109.02 gmol-1

Apr 11, 2022 4 Mole Concept 1. Mole definition
2. Relationship mole- mass
3. Worked examples
4. Exercises

- Mole - Maximum quantity of a certain substance

- 6.02 x 1023 - atoms, molecules, ions, electrons
- Avogadro’s constant
- H2O 1 mol = 18.02g = 6.02 x 1023
- NaCl 1 mol = 58.44g
- C 1 mol = 12.01g
- mol = mole

- 100g H2O
- n=x
= 5.5 mol H20

C6H12O6 4 moles, xg
How many grams of glucose are present in 4 moles?

Compound Molar Mass/g Mass/g Number of

mol-1 moles/mol

H20 18.02 9.0 0.500

CO2 44.01 5.00 0.1136

H2S 34.1 3.41 0.100

NH3 17.031 59.61 3.50

Q 28.57 1.00 0.0350

Z 51.60 0.0578 1. 12 × 10

Mg(NO3)2 148.3 1.75 0.012

C3H2OH 55.055 2500 41.59

Fe2O3 159.7 0.0091 5. 68 × 10


Apr 12, 2022 5 The mass of Activities:

a molecule 1. Formula, mass of a molecule
2. Relationship mole and particles
3. Relationship, moles in a particular atom
4. Exercises
𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠
- Mass of one molecule = 𝐴𝑣𝑜𝑔𝑎𝑑𝑟𝑜'𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡
H2 - NaSO4
H = 2 x 1.01
S = 1 x 32.07
O = 4 x 16.00
98.09 grams

Compound Moles of molecules Moles of O atoms

H20 0.1 0.1

SO2 0.1 0.2

SO3 0.1 0.3

H3PO4 0.1 0.4

O3 0.5 1.5

CH3COOH 0.2 0.4

6. Work out the mass of our molecule of each of the following:

a. H2O = 18.02/6.02 x 10-23 = 2.99 x 10-23 g
b. NH3 = 17.04/6.02 x 10-23 = 2.83 x 10-23 g
c. CO2 = 44.01/6.02 x 10-23 = 7.31 x 10-23 g

7. Work out the total number of hydrogen atoms in each of the

a. 1.00 mol H2 = 1 x 2 = 2 x 6.02 x 10-23
b. 0.200 mol CH4 = 0.2 x 4 = 0.8 x 6.02 x 10-23 = 4.82 x 1023
c. 0.0500 mol NH3 = 0.05 x 3 = 0.15 x 6.02 x 10-23 = 9.03 x
8. Calculate the total number of atoms in each of the following:
a. 0.0100 mol NH3 = 0.01 Nitrogen, 0.03 Hydrogen = 2.41 x
b. 0.200 mol C2H6 = 0.4 Carbon, 1.2 Hydrogen = 9.64 x 1023
c. 0.0400 mol C2H3OH = 0.08 Carbon, 0.16 Hydrogen, 0.04
Oxygen = 2.17 x 1023

9. Calculate the number of moles of oxygen atoms in each of the

a. 0.2 mol H2SO4 = 0.8 mol
b. 0.1 mol Cl2O7 = 0.7 mol
c. 0.03 mol XeO4 = 0.12 mol

Apr 14, 2022 6 Empirical Activities:

Formula 1. Differentiation empirical and molecular formula
C2H4 = Molecular
HO = Empirical
H2O = Molecular/Empirical
PCI5 = Empirical
CO2 = Empirical
C3H8 = Empirical
H2O2 = Molecular
CH3COOH = Molecular
CH = Empirical
C4H10 = Molecular
N2H4 = Molecular
C6H5CH3 = Empirical
2. Relationship molecular and empirical formulas
𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠
n = 𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠
The empirical formula of benzene is CH. Given that the molar
mass is 78.12 gmol-1. Work out its molecular formula.
n = 13.02
CH x 6 - molecular C6H6

Empirical formula Relative molecular Molecular formula


HO 34.02 n=
= 2=

CIO3 166.90 n=
= 2=

CH2 84.18 n=
= 6=

BNH2 80.52 n=
= 3=

C = 0.681g H = 0.137g O = 0.181g

0.681 0.137 0.181

Mol 0.681
= 0. 057
= 0. 136
= 0. 011
12.01 1.01 16.00

Ratio 0.057
= 5
= 12
= 1
0.011 0.011 0.011


15) Analysis of a sample of an organic compound produced the

following composition:
C: 0.399g H: 0.101g
a. Calculate the empirical formula
0.399 0.101
C = 12.01 = 0. 033, H = 1.01 = 0. 1
0.033 0.1
, 0.1
= C2H
b. Given that the relative molecular mass is 20.08, determine
the molecular formula
C = 1 x 12.01
H = 3 x 1.01 = 15.04
= 2 = C2H6
16) If an oxide of chlorine contains 81.6% chlorine, calculate its
empirical formula
Cl = 0.816 O = 0.184

Cl O
0.816 0.184

Mol 0.816
= 0. 023
= 0. 012
35.45 16

Ratio 0.023
= 1. 92
= 1
0.012 0.012

Apr 15, 2022 7 Core On Paper

Apr 19, 2022 9 % 1. C6H5NO2 - molecular mass 123.12

Compounds % composition by mass of each element

6 𝑥 12.01
- 123.12
= 58.5%
5 𝑥 1.01
- 123.12
= 4.1%
- 123.12
= 11.4%
- 100 - 58.5 - 4.1 - 11.4 = 26%

2. Calculate the mass of oxygen present in 2.20g of CO2

32.00𝑔 𝑂2
2.20g CO2 x 44.01 𝑔 𝐶𝑂2
= 1.60g Oxygen

3. What mass of HNO3 contains 2,00g of oxygen?

HNO3 = 63.02 gmol-1

63.02𝑔 𝐻𝑁𝑂3
2.20g O2 x 48𝑔 𝑂2
= 2.63g HNO3

Apr 21, 2022 10 Empirical B → C, H, O

formula, 1.46g of B
part 1 / B + O2 → CO2 + H2O
Formative 2.79g 1.71g
𝑥 2. 79 = 0. 761𝑔 𝐶
𝑥 1. 71 = 0. 191𝑔 𝐻
(1.46 - 0.761 - 0.191) = 0.508g O


mass/g 0.761 0.191 0.508

mol 0.761
= 0.0634
= 0.1891
= 0.0318
12.01 1.01 16

ratio 0.0634
0.0318 0.0318 0.0318

11. b) When 1.52 g of compound E, which contains carbon,

hydrogen and oxygen only, is burnt in excess oxygen, 3.04 g CO2
and 1.24 g H2O are produced.

D → C, H, O
1.52g of E

E + O2 = CO2 + H2O
3.04g 1.24g

Apr 22, 2022 11 Empricial 1. Optional homework checking

formula, 2. Paper 2 formative assessment
Combustion 3. Paper 1 feedback
a. D
b. B
c. B
d. D
e. A/B
f. D
g. B
4. Empirical formula hydrocarbon combustion
5. Checklist:
- Session notes 1 - 11
- No missing/uncorrected previous activities “X”
- Core worksheet 1 - 12 (Everything)
- Papers (formative test) corrected

An oprgranic compound, A, contains only carbon and hydrogen.
When 2.50g of A burns in excess oxygen, 8.08g of carbon dioxicde
and 2.64g of water are formed. Calculate the empirical formula.

A + O 2 → CO2 + H2O
A = H and C

= 0. 183𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑥 1
= 0. 147𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑥 2 = 0. 293


mass/g 0.183 0.293

ratio 0.183
= 1. 6
0.183 0.183


Apr 25, 2022 12 Calculations Activities:

involving 1. Formula for solving moles questions involving masses
moles and 2. Worked example
masses 3. Exercises x1

The following equation represents the combustion of butane:

2C4H10(g) + 1302 → 8CO2(g) + 10H2O(1)
If 10.00g of butane is used, calculate the mass of oxygen required
for an exact reaction.

10.00 𝑥 13 𝑥 32.00 𝑥 10.00

2 𝑥 58.14
= 13 𝑥 32.00
→ 2 𝑥 58.14
= 𝑥 = 35. 78𝑔

Apr 26, 2022 13 1. Mole -

relationships On paper
2. Virtual lab.
Law or mass

Apr 28, 2022 14 Limiting 1. Reinforcement worksheet

reactant, intro 2. Feedback amrita, Law of mass conservation
3. Sandwich, limiting reactant
4. Game simulation

Apr 29, 2022 15 Yield and Activities:

limiting 1. Notes Checking
reactant 2. Yield formula, example
3. Limiting reactant calculations

May 2, 2022 16 Limiting Activities:

reactant 1. Limiting reactant video and definition
2. Example
3. Exercises. Core 13, 17, and 18
4. Completing previous activities

- Magnesium and hydrochloric acid

2HCl(1) + 1Mg(5) → MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
6 𝑚𝑜𝑙
1. Find moles (Mass and molar mass)
2. Select coefficient / 2
3. Smallest
a. 0.1 mol Sb4O6 react with 0.5 mol H2SO4
Sb4O6 + 6H2SO4 → 2Sb2(SO4)3 + 6H2O
H2SO4 is the limiting reactant

b. 0.20 mol AsCl 3 reacts with 0.25 mol H2O

4AsCl3 + 6H2O → As 4O6 + 12HCl
H2O is the limiting reactant

c. 0.25mol Cu react with 0.50mol dilute HNO3 according to the

3Cu + 8HNO3 → 3Cu(NO3)2 + 4H2O + 2NO
HNO3 is the limiting reactant

d. 0,10 mol NaCl react with 0.15 mol MnO2 and 0.20 mol
2NaCl + MnO2 + 2H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + MnSO4 + 2H2O + Cl2
NaCl is the limiting reactant

May 9, 2022 17 Assessment On paper


May 10, 2022 18 Assessment

Clarification On paper
part 2

May 12, 2022 19 Uncertainties Digital: 63.6 Kg ± 0.1 63.5, 63.6, 63.7
2.0000g ± 0.0001g

May 13, 2022 20 Preparing

practice lab

May 16, 2022 21 Significant Activities:

figures and 1. Crit B checking
rounding 2. Quoting ±
3. Accuracy and precision
4. Quoting mean ± “⅔”
5. Significant figures and decimal places
6. Rounding (s.f.)
(25.0 ± 0.5) mL
17°C ± 1°C
17 ± 1°C

Measured value ± Value you should quote

71.7 ± 0.2 71.7 ± 0.2

3.475 ± 0.01 3.48 ± 0.01

0.06506 ± 0.001 0.065 ± 0.001

63.27 ± 5 63 ± 5

593.2 ± 30 590 ± 30

783.28 ± 100 800 ± 100

4. State the number of significant figures for each of

the following numbers:
a. 3
b. 4
c. 4
d. 2
e. 4

5. Round each of the following numbers to three

significant figures:
a. 6.79
b. 0.0000798
c. 0.00500
d. 8.25 x 105
e. 1.78 x 10-3

May 17, 2022 22 Significant Activities:

figures and 1. Correcting previous activity
decimal 2. Decimal places and significant figures in calculations..
places 23.57 - 8.4 = 15.17 = 15.2
23.5 - 14.8 = 8.7
0.786 - 0.0367 = 0.749
5.234 x 103 - 1.2 x 103 = 4.0 x 103
23.5 x 14.87 = 349.445 = 349
0.79 x 0.0367 = 0.029
5.234 x 103 x 1.2 x 103 = 6.3 x 106
3. Absolute and percentage ±
(1.23 ± 0.02)g (1.23g ± 2%)

𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑒 𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑦
Percentage = 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒
𝑥 100
A. 0.257 ± 0.005cm
%± = 0.257 𝑥 100 = 0.257cm ± 2%
B. 0.519g ± 1%
%± = 0. 519 𝑥 100
= 0.0051 → 0.519 ± 0.005g

6. Copy and complete the table:

0.345±0.001 + 0.216±0.002 = 0.561±0.003

23.45±0.03 - 15.23±0.03 = 8.22±0.06

0.0034±0.0003 + 0.0127±0.0003 = 0.0161±0.0006

1.103±0.004 - 0.823±0.001 = 0.280±0.005

1.10±0.05 + 17.20±0.05 = 18.30±0.10

7. Copy and complete the table:

Value Percentage Uncertainty (%)

27.2±0.2 0.7%

0.576±0.007 1%

4.46±0.01 0.2%

7.63x10-5 ± 4x10-7 0.5%

May 18, 2022 23 Feedback

practice lab /

24 Practice lab,
part 1

May 23, 2022 25 Criterion A


May 24, 2022 26 Practice lab,

part 2

May 26, 2022 27 Criterion A Mark Scheme:

correction 1. B
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. B
11. A
New Topics:
Atomic structure
Molecular shape

May 30, 2022 28 Atomic ● Atoms Composition

structure intro ● A, Z and symbol
● Ions
● Isotopes
● Core worksheet 1-2

- Protons = p+
- Neutrons = n0
- Electrons = e-

May 31, 2022 29 Isotopes ● Isotopes

● Atoms that belong to the same element
● Same Atomic Number, same number of protons
● Different number of neutrons
● Same element, different mass
The following table shows the number of protons, electrons and
neutrons in a series of atoms and ions.

Symbol Protons Neutrons Electrons

D 27 30 25

X 43 54 42

Q 35 44 35

L 27 32 26

M 35 46 36

Z 54 78 54
a. Which symbols represent isotopes?
D and L. Q and M.
b. Which symbols represent positive ions?
D is cation, X is Cation, Q is Atom, L is Cation, M is Anion,
Z is Atom.

1. Work out the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in

each of the following:

a. p+ = 16 e- = 16 n0 = 16
b. p+ = 35 e- = 35 n0 = 44
c. p+ = 83 e- = 83 n0 = 126
d. p+ = 23 e- = 23 n0 = 78
e. p+ = 78 e- = 78 n0 = 117
f. p+ = 56 e- = 56 n0 = 81

2. In which of the following is the number of neutrons greater

than the number of electrons?

- 20Ca2+
81 -
- Br
- Pb2+
- Pr3+

Jun 2, 2022 30 Isotopes,

practice On Paper

Jun 3, 2022 31 Relative 2.1 Lithium has two naturally occurring isotopes:
6 7
atomic mass Li: natural abundance 7% Li: natural abundance 93%
Calculate the relative atomic mass of lithium
Jun 6, 2022 32 Electron Activities:
configuration. 1. Checking Crit C
Levels, 2. Electron configuration ppt
sublevels, ● Level
orbital ● Sublevel
● Orbital
● Valence electrons
● Lewis structure
● Orbital diagram
● Full electron configuration
● Condensed electron configuration
● Electron arrangement

1. s2
2. s2 p6
3. s2 p6 d10
4. s2 p6 d10 f14
5. s2 p6 d10 f14
6. s2 p6 d10 f14
7. s2 p6 d10 f14
s →1, p →3, d →5, f →7

Orbitals are the region where the electron could be located

3Li Li = 1s22s1 Biggest number is period, level

Subscript 1 is the valence electron (electron in the outermost shell)
Full: 1s22s1
Condensed: [He]2s1
e.a: 2,1

8O 2,6
Full = 1s22s22p4
Condensed = [He]2s22p4

14 2,8,4
Full = 1s22s22p63s23p2
Condensed = [Ne]3s23p2

Jun 7, 2022 33 Ions, electron Ca

20 2,8,8,2
configuration Full = 1s22s22p63s23p64s2
Condensed = [Ar]4s2
A. Ca2+
B. Cl-
C. N3-

Jun 9, 2022 34 Atomic 1. Feedback Criterion C, assessment:

Structure, ● Qualitative data
Review ● Label, Table/graph
● ±
● Conclusion look back at Crit B
● References
2. Clarification, Criterion D: rubrics
3. Homework (Extra Job)
a. Al3+
b. Li+
c. Mg2+
d. P3-
e. O2-
f. S2-

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