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1. A wheel is at rest. Its angular velocity increases uniformly and becomes 80 radian per second after
5 second. The total angular displacement is :
(A) 800 rad (B) 400 rad (C) 200 rad (D) 100 rad

2. If angular velocity of a disc depends an angle rotated  as  = 2 + 2, then its angular acceleration
 at  = 1 rad is
(A) 8 rad/sec2 (B) 10 rad/sec2 (C) 12 rad/sec2 (D) None

3. A wheel having a diameter of 3 m starts from rest and accelerates uniformly to an angular
velocity of 210 r.p.m. in 5 seconds. Angular acceleration of the wheel is -
rad rad rad rad
(A) 1.4 2 (B) 3.3 2 (C) 2.2 2 (D) 1.1
s s s s2

4. A wheel is subjected to uniform angular acceleration about its axis. Initially its angular velocity is zero.
In the first 2 sec, it rotates through an angle ; in the next 2 sec, it rotates through an additional
angle 2. The ratio of 2 /1 is-
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 5

5. The linear and angular acceleration of a particle are 10 m/sec2 and 5 rad/sec2 respectively it will
be at a distance from the axis of rotation -
(A) 50 m (B) 1/2 m (C) 1 m (D) 2 m

6. A grinding wheel attained a velocity of 20 rad/sec in 5 sec starting from rest. Find the number
of revolutions made by the wheel.
 1
(A) revolution per sec (B) revolution per sec
25 

(C) revolution (D) None

7. A wheel starts rotating at 10 rad/sec and attains the angular velocity of 100 rad/sec in 15
seconds. What is the angular acceleration in rad/sec2?
(A) 10 (B) 110/15 (C) 100/15 (D) 6

8. In uniform circular motion-

(A) both velocity and acceleration are constant
(B) acceleration and speed are constant but velocity changes
(C) both acceleration and velocity change
(D) both acceleration and speed are constant

9. A particle completes 3 revolutions per second on a circular path of radius 8 cm. Find the values of
angular velocity and centripetal acceleration of the particle -
rad cm rad cm
(A) 6 ; 2882 2 (B)  ; 2752 2
s s s s

rad cm
(C) 6 ; 288 2 (D) None
s s

Corporate Office : Motion Education Pvt. Ltd., 394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota 8003899588
8 Page : 1
10. A particle is moving along a circular path of radius 6 m with uniform speed of 8 ms–1 . The
average acceleration when the particle completes one half of the revolution is -
16 32 64
(A) m/s2 (B) m/s2 (C) m/s2 (D) None of these
3 3 3

11. A car is travelling with linear velocity v on a circular road of radius r. If it is increasing it speed at the rate
of 'a' metre/sec2, then the resultant acceleration will be-

 v2   v4   v4   v2 
  a2  (B)
  a2  (C)
  a2  (D)
  a2 
 r2   r2   r2   r2 
       

12. A spot light S rotates in a horizontal plane with a constant angular velocity of 0.1 rad/s. The spot of light
p moves along the wall at a distance 3 m. What is the velocity of the spot P when  = 45° ?

Wall P

3m (Top view)

S(Spot light)

(A) 0.6 m/s (B) 0.5 m/s (C) 0.4 m/s (D) 0.3 m/s

13. Tow moving particles P and Q are 10 m apart at a certain instant. The velocity of P is 8 m/s making
30º with the line joining P and Q and that of Q is 6 m/s making an angle 30º with PQ as shown in
the figure. Then angular velocity of P with respect to Q is-

(A) 0 rad/s (B) 0.1 rad/s (C) 0.4 rad/s (D) 0.7 rad/s

14. A point on the periphery of a rotating disc has its acceleration vector making an angle of 30° with the
velocity vector. The ratio ac/at (ac is centripetal acceelration and at is tangential acceleration) equals :
(A) sin 30° (B) cos 30° (C) tan 30° (D) None of these

15. A racing car is travelling along a track at a constant speed of 40 m/s. A T.V. camera men is
recording the event from a distance of 30 m directly away from the track as shown in figure. In
order to keep the car under view in the position shown, the angular speed with which the
camera should be rotated, is-




T.V. Camera

(A) 4/3 rad/sec (B) 3/4 rad/sec (C) 8/3 3 rad/sec (D) 1 rad/sec

Corporate Office : Motion Education Pvt. Ltd., 394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota 8003899588
8 Page : 2

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