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Key word list

01. work shift

Sales representatives submit their reports at the end
of every work shift.
02. sales figures
The company’s sales figures improved after its
advertising campaign.
03. employee productivity
Despite having increased workers’ wages,
employee productivity at the factory declined.
04. safety inspector
A safety inspector will be visiting the building site
to check on the emergency exits.
05. contingency plan
The committee developed a contingency plan in
case their initial one failed.
06. press release
Whitehorn Limited issued a press release to
introduce its new CEO.
07. discussion on
The seminar began with a discussion on product
08. customer loyalty
A seminar about developing customer loyalty was
held yesterday.
09. contribution to
Mr. Jay thanked everyone for their contributions to
the charity.
10. preference for
Customers have a preference for shopping via
online stores.
11. obligation to
Tenants have an obligation to give one month’s
notice before moving out.
12. a series of
Sheryl Warner will give a series of concerts at the
13. net profit
Multi-Pack reported an increase in net profits.
14. signs of wear
The airport terminal has started to show signs of
wear and needs renovation.

15. interest in
Mr. Callum expressed an interest in renting the
office space.
16. decline in
The high cost of airfare is primarily responsible for
the country’s decline in tourism.
17. job description
Ms. Mita found the job description very appealing.
18. confidence in
Ms. Kelly has confidence in Mr. Lawrence’s
abilities as a manager.
19. seating capacity
The venue was changed since the seating capacity
was too limited.
20. apology for
We offer our apologies for any inconvenience this
may cause.


01. Employee ------ at the factory has doubled

since the new sawing machines are installed.
(A) civility (B) objectivity (A) văn minh (B) khách quan
(C) humility (D) productivity (C) khiêm tốn (D) năng suất
02. Mr. Tan noticed signs of ------ on his suits, so
he decided to replace much of his wardrobe.
(A) wear (B) form (A) mặc (B) mẫu
(C) reduction (D) growth (C) giảm (D) tăng trưởng
03. The executives will be meeting on Friday to go
over the sales ------- in last quarter’s financial
(A) motives (B) digits (A) động cơ (B) chữ số
(C) symbols (D) figures (C) biểu tượng (D) số liệu
04. Mr. Glendon made a generous financial ------ to
the museum’s restoration fund.
(A) estimation (B) contribution (A) ước tính (B) đóng góp
(C) introduction (D) remedy (C) giới thiệu (D) biện pháp khắc phục
05. Mattina Cosmetics reports that its customers
have shown an increasing ------ for Asian products.
(A) preference (B) Total (A) ưu tiên (B) tổng
(C) publicity (D) courtesy (C) công khai (D) lịch sự

06. Under the details put forth in the contract,
customers of Venus Car Rentals have no ------- to
pay for vehicle repairs.

(A) pledge (B) admission (A) cam kết

(C) obligation (D) motivation (C) nghĩa vụ
07. The film studio announced that it would be
releasing a ------ of films based on World War II.
(A) chart (B) plan (A) biểu đồ
(C) supplement (D) series (C) bổ sung
08. The city’s Transport Authority has several
------ plans in place should its subway system fail
for any reason.
(A) contingency (B) probability (A) xác suất
(C) condition (D) speculation (C) điều kiện
09. The new performing arts center offers state-of-
the-art facilities and its concert hall has a seating
------ of 2,000.
(A) concentration (B) capacity (A) nồng độ
(C) ability (D) demonstration (C) khả năng
10. The business professor said that customer ------
is a key factor in achieving success in retail.
(A) loyalty (B) franchise (A) trung thành
(C) collection (D) competition (C) bộ sưu tập

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