(Sumit Kumar Saini) CJ (JD) /jagadhri UID-HR0458 Date of Order: 07.10.2021

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HRYN02002718-2020 CS-2258-2020

Sudesh Kaushal Versus M/s CHD Developer Ltd. Etc.

Present: Shri Harvinder Aneja, counsel for plaintiff.

Notice to defendants not issued as copy etc. not filed by

plaintiff. At this stage, an application for filing the correct address of the

defendants and issue the summons to defendants on their correct address

filed by applicant/plaintiff through her counsel. In view of the contents

mentioned in the application, the application is hereby allowed. Amended

title filed. Let, notice to defendants through regd. AD as well as ordinary

process be issued for 28.01.2022 after necessary compliance.

(Sumit Kumar Saini)

Date of Order: 07.10.2021
Sonia, stenographer III

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