Time Dstance & Speed

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Q. No. - 01 to 106

1. Rahul covers a distance from his house to coach- (a) 30 km/h (b) 35 km/h
ing at the speed of 75 km/h and return at the
(c) 38 km/h (d) 40 km/h
speed of 50 km/h what is his average speed.
5. A man covers 60% of distance by Bus at the
speed of 40 km/h, next 30% of distance by Auto
at 20 km/h and remaining distance by Cycle
at the speed of 10 km/h. Find average speed of
(a) 60 km/h (b) 62.5 km/h
(c) 65 km/h (d) 67.5 km/h
2. Sachin walks around a square plot and covers
the distance of each side at the speed of 50 m/
min, 60 m/min, 30 m/min and 20 m/min re-
spectively. What is the average speed of walk- (a) 25 km/h (b) 28 km/h
(c) 30 km/h (d) 35 km/h
6. Aashutosh during his journey, travels for 20
min at the speed of 30 km/h, another 30 min
at a speed of 50 km/h and 1 hour at speed of 50
km/h and 1 hour at speed of 60 km/h. What is
(a) 30 m/min (b) 33 .1/ 3
the average speed.
(c) 32 m/min (d) 35 m/min
3. A car travels from P to Q at V1 km/h, travel back
from Q to P at V2 km/h and again goes back
from P to Q at V2 km/h. Find average speed of
A P Q V1 km/h (a) 51.18 km/h (b) 62 km/h
Q P V2 km/h (c) 38 km/h (d) 47.5 km/h
P Q, V2 km/h 7. A train covers a distance of 3584 km in 2 days
8 hours. If it covers 1440 km on the first day
and 1608 km on the second day, by how much
(a) 2V1 V2/V1+2V2 (b) 2 V1 V2/V2+2V1 does the average speed of the train for the re-
(c) 3V1 V2/V2 +2V1 (d) 3V1 V2/ V1 +2V2 maining part of the journey differ from that
for the entire journey?
4. A man covers 3/7 of distance by Train at the
speed of 50 km/h, next 2/5 of distance by Bus
at the speed of 35 km/h and remaining distance
by Auto at the speed of 20 km/h. Find average
speed of Journey.
(A) 5 km/hour more
A 3/7
2/5 (B) 3 km/hour less
(C) 4 km/hour more
(D) 5 km/hour less
8. Abhimanyu covers 360 km distance from Delhi 12. A train is running at an average speed of 80
to Ludhiyana in three equal parts by Train, by km per hour stopping for 3 min after every 60
Car and by Cycle. Average speed of Journey by km distance. How much time taken by train to
train is five times the average speed of Cycle cover 480 km distance?
and 20 km/h more than the average speed of
Car and he takes 1 hour more to cover the dis-
tance by Car than Train. Find average speed of
(a) 6 hr. 24 min (b) 6 hr 21 min
(c) 6 hr. 18 min (d) 6 hr 15 min
13. A boy is running at an average speed of 12 km/
h stopping for 12 min after every 1 km distance.
How much time taken by boy to cover 36 km
(a) 22 km/h (b) 24 km/h
(c) 25 km/h (d) 28 km/h
9. Without stoppage the speed of a car is 48 km/
h and due to stoppage the average speed of jour-
ney reduced to 42 km/h. For how many min. (a) 7 hr 40 min (b) 3 hr 35 min
per hour does the car stop. (c) 10 hr (d) 8 hr
14. A train travels at the speed of 60 km/h and
halt at some junctions for some period of time
at all junctions. If covers a distance of 1200
km in 22 hr 24 min. If halting time in min is
(a) 6 min (b) 7 .1/ 2 min equal to no. of halt. How long does the train
stop at each junctions.
(c) 8 min (d) 10 min
10. Without stoppage a train travels a certain
distance with an average speed of 63 km/h and
with stoppage it covers the same distance with
an average speed of 56 km/h. On an average,
how many min per hour does the train stop
during Journey?
(a) 8 min (b) 10 min
(c) 12 min (d) 18 min
15. Train A travelled at 120 km/h stopping for 3
min after every 90 km distance and train B
travelled at 50 km per hour stopping for 1 min
after every 25 km. If both train start together
(a) 6 min (b) 6 min 20 sec
then how many km did train B travel in the
(c) 6 min 40 sec (d) 7 min time train A travel 720 km.
11. A train without stoppage travels at 60 km/h A
and with stoppage at the speed of 45 km/h. B
What is the time taken for stoppage on a route
of 300 km.

(a) 300 km (b) 307.5 km
(c) 312.5 km (d) 317.25 km
(a) 1 hr 20 min (b) 1 hr 40 min
16. Running 4/5 of his usual speed a boy reached
(c) 2 hr (d) 2 hr 20 min 11 min later than scheduled time. What is the
usual time to cover the distance.
21. A dog after covering 5 km distance meets a
Swami who counsel him to go slower. He then
proceed at 3/4 of his former speed and arrives
at destination 35 min late. Had the meeting
(a) 44 min (b) 48 min occurred 6 km further the dog would have
reached its destination 25 min late what is the
(c) 55 min (d) 60 min distance.
17. Running 11/8 of his usual speed a boy reached
24 min earlier than scheduled time. What is
the usual time to cover the distance.


(a) 22 km (b) 25 km
(a) 1 hr 6 min (b) 1 hr 18 min (c) 26 km (d) 29 km
(c) 1 hr 28 min (d) 1 hr 30 min 22. A man starts a journey for his home to office.
An hour later he meets with an minor accident.
18. Travelling at 5/7 of its actual speed a car covers
He takes one hour for resuming his journey.
42 km in 1 hr 40 min 48 sec. Find actual speed
of car.

After that he proceed 5/6 of his former speed

and arrives at 1 hr 24 min late them schedule
(a) 25 km/h (b) 35 km/h time. Had the accident occurred 27 km further
from actual place of accident he would arrived
(c) 27.5/7 km/h (d) 38.3/5 km/h
1 hr 15 min beyond schedule time what is the
19. A man can reach a certain place in 30 hr. If he distance from house to office.
reduces his speed by 1/15th he covers 20 km
less in that time. Find his speed?

(a) 72 km (b) 96 km
(a) 16 km/h (b) 20 km/h (c) 108 km (d) 120 km
(c) 10 km/h (d) 12 km/h 23. A man covers a distance from his house to office
20. After covering a distance of 42 km distance with at the speed of 30 km/h and reached 11 min
a uniform speed there is some defect in train late. If he covers the distance at 40 km/h he
engine and therefore its speed reduce to 4/5 reached 4 min earlier. What is the distance
of its original speed and train reaches is from house to office.
destination by 45 min late. Had it happened A
after 36 km more. The train would have reached
36 min late. What is the distance?

(a) 30 km (b) 35 km
(c) 40 km (d) 45 km
24. A boy covers a distance to school at the speed
of 20 km/h reaches his school 3 min earlier
(a) 212 km (b) 222 km next time he increases his speed by 10 km/h
(c) 232 km (d) 235 km and reached 7 min earlier. Find distance of
28. In a flight of 1200 km, an airoplane was slow
down due to bad weather and its average speed
for trip is reduced by 300 km/h and duration
of flight increased by 40 min. Find actual speed
(a) 3 km (b) 4 km of plane.
(c) 5 km (d) 8 km
25. Rahul covers a certain distance from his house
to office however due to rain he started 9 min
later than scheduled time and increased his
speed by 10 km/h than actual speed and
reached at time. If his actual speed is 40 km/ (a) 600 km/h (b) 750 km/h
h. What is the distance? (c) 900 km/h (d) 1200 km/h
29. A plane left half an hour later than scheduled
time and in order to reach its destination 1500
km away in time, it had to increase its speed
by 33.33% over its usual speed. The duration
of flight is-

(a) 24 km (b) 18 km
(c) 27 km (d) 30 km
26. Kalka express from Delhi to Chandigarh was
delayed by 15 min due to signal and covers the (a) 1 hr (b) 1 hr 30 min
distance at 5 km/h higher than normal speed
and still reached 14 min earlier than scheduled (c) 2 hr (d) 3 hr
time. If its normal speed is 50 km/h and train 30. A man covers certain distance by car. Had he
take 7 min extra halt. It is being given that move 6 km/h faster he would have taken 4 hr
there is no approved halt between Delhi and less. If he had moved 4 km/h slower he would
Chandigarh what is the distance from Delhi to have taken 4 hr more what is the distance.

(a) 360 km (b) 480 km

(c) 560 km (d) 720 km
31. A man covers certain distance by car. If he
covers the distance at 6 km/h more speed he
(a) 325 km (b) 315 km takes 4 hr less and if he covers 6 km/h slower
(c) 250 km (d) 330 km speed he takes 6 hr more. What is the distance?
27. A train started from Delhi to Bhopal was
delayed by 15 min due to fog and made up for
the delay on a section of 75 km travelling with
a speed of 10 km/h higher than actual speed.
Find actual speed of train.
(a) 640 km (b) 680 km
(c) 750 km (d) 720 km
32. A man covered certain distance at some speed.
If he had moved 3 km/h faster he would have
taken 40 min less. If he had moved 2 km/h
(a) 50 km/h (b) 60 km/h
slower he would have taken 40 min more. What
(c) 55 km/h (d) 45 km/h is the distance?
(a) 36 km/h (b) 45 km/h
(c) 54 km/h (d) 50 km/h
37. Two rifles are fired from same place at a
difference of 11 min 45 sec. But a man who is
(a) 32 km (b) 35 2/7 km coming towards the place in train hears the
second sound after 11 min. If speed of sound is
(c) 38 1/2 km (d) 40 km 330 m/sec find speed of train.
33. A man travelled certain distance by auto at the
speed of 25 km/h and walked back at the speed
of 4 km/h. If the whole journey took 5 hr 48
min. The distance was-

(a) 72 km/h (b) 75 km/h

(a) 20 km (b) 22 km (c) 78 km/h (d) 81 km/h

(c) 28 km (d) 29 km 38. Buses starts from a Bus terminal after every
10 min but a man going away from Bus
34. Buses starts from a bus terminal at the speed terminal meets the Buses after every 12 min.
of 36 km/h at interval of 10 min. A man coming Find speed of Buses. If speed of man is 5 km/h
towards a Bus terminal meets the Buses at what is the speed of Buses.
interval of 8 min what is the speed of man.

(a) 25 km/h (b) 30 km/h

(a) 8 km/h (b) 9 km/h
(c) 36 km/h (d) 40 km/h
(c) 10 km/h (d) 12 km/h
39. Two bullets are fired from same place at
35. Buses departed from a bus terminal at an interval of 14 min. But a man sitting in a train
interval of 8 min. A man coming towards the going away from place hears the second sound
bus terminal meets the buses at interval of 7 at interval of 15 min. If speed of train is 22 m/
min. If speed of man is 6 km/ h what is the sec what is the speed of sound.
speed of Buses.

(a) 36 km/h (b) 39 km/h (a) 300 m/sec (b) 315 m/sec
(c) 42 km/h (d) 49 km/h (c) 320 m/sec (d) 330 m/sec
36. Bullets fired from a firing point at interval of 40. Every day Jyoti's husband meets her at bus
34 min a man coming towards the firing point stand at 5:30 pm and drives her to their
by car hears the sound of bullets at interval of residence. One day she left office early and
33 min. If speed of sound is 330 m/sec what is reached Bus stand at 5 pm. She starts walking
the speed of car towards home, met her husband coming from
residence on the way. They reached home 10
min earlier than usual time. For how long did
she walk?
(a) 30 min (b) 25 min
(c) 20 min (d) 22 min
41. A motorist leaves the post office to go to the
airport to collect mail. The plane arrives early (a) 6:48 pm (b) 6:20 pm
and the mail is sent on horse cart. After half
(c) 6:15 pm (d) 6:36 pm
an hour, the motorist meets the horse cart,
collect the mail and return to the post office, 44. A thief saw a policeman at a distance of 100
thus saving 20 min. How many min early did mt and starts running at the speed of 11 km/h
the plane arrived. at the same time policeman starts to chase him
at the speed of 12 km/h. In what time
policeman will catch the thief.

(a) 25 min (b) 20 min (a) 5 min (b) 5.2/3 min

(c) 40 min (d) 30 min (c) 6 min (d) 6.1/3 min
42. Saurav starts from his home by car at a certain
45. A thief steals a car at 5 am and drives at 40
time with a uniform speed to pick up his wife
km/h. The theft is discovered at 7 am and the
from office at 6 pm. One day his wife left the
owner of car chases him in another car at the
office at 5 pm and starts walking to home with
speed of 48 km/h. At what time and at what
a speed of 9 km/h and meet Saurav in the way
distance owner will catch the thief.
who left his home at usual time. They reached
home 20 min earlier than usual time. What is
the speed of car?

(a) 5 pm, 480 km (b) 7 pm, 480 km

(c) 5 pm, 400 km (d) 7 pm, 400 km
46. Manish fired a bomb at a place and starts
(a) 45 km/h (b) 48 km/h running at 5 m/sec. After 62 sec the bomb was
blast. In how much time the sound of blast will
(c) 54 km/h (d) 60 km/h be listen by the boy if speed of sound is 315
43. Harish who lives in South Delhi caught a train m/sec.
for home earlier than usual yesterday. His wife
normally drives to station to pick up him but
yesterday he set out on foot from station to
meet his wife on the way. They reached home
20 min earlier than usual Car travel at uniform
speed which is 5 times the speed of Harish on
foot. They reached home at 7 pm. At what time (a) 62 sec (b) 63 sec
they reached home if his wife for warned of his
(c) 64 sec (d) 61 sec
plan had met him at station.
47. Two train starts from Delhi to Calcutta at 5:10 many jump dog will catch the rabbit.
am and 7:10 am at the speed of 55 km/h and
70 km/h respectively at what time train B cross
train A.

(a) 2:30 pm (b) 2:00 pm
(a) 225 Jump (b) 256 Jump
(c) 12:30 pm (d) 1:00 pm
(c) 279 Jump (d) 297 Jump
48. A dog chase a Rabbit and takes 6 leaps for every
52. A train starts from A at 7 a.m. towards B with
7 leaps of Rabbit but 5 leaps of Dog are equal speed 50 km/h. Another train starts from B at
to 6 leaps of Rabbit. Compare the speed of Dog 8 a.m. with speed 60 km/h towards A. Both of
and Rabbit. them meet at 10 a.m. at C. The ratio of the
distance AC to BC is.
(a) 36 : 35 (b) 35 : 36
(A) 5 : 6 (B) 5 : 4
(c) 6 : 5 (d) 7 : 12 (C) 6 : 5 (D) 4 : 5
49. A dog chase a Rabbit and takes 7 leaps for every 53. Two trains start at the same time from Aligarh
8 leaps of rabbit but 3 leaps of dog are equal to and Delhi and proceed towards each other at
2 leaps of rabbit compare their speed. the rate of 14 km and 21 km per hour respec-
tively. When they meet, it is found that one
train has travelled 70 km more than the other.
The distance between two stations is

(a) 7 : 6 (b) 16 : 15
(c) 21 : 16 (d) 21 : 19
50. A dog sees a cat it estimates that the cat is 30
leaps away. The cat sees the dog and starts
(A) 350 km (B) 210 km
running with the dog in not pursuit. If in every
min dog makes 5 leaps and cat makes 6 leaps (C) 300 km (D) 140 km
and one leap of dog is equal to 2 leap of cat. In 54. Two buses starts at same time from two bus
what time cat is caught by the dog. station and proceed towards each other at the
rate of 40 km/h and 50 km/h. When the meet
one bus may have travelled 160 km more than
other. Find distance between two bus stands

(a) 12.5 min (b) 15 min (A) 1360 km (B) 1400 km

(c) 18 min (d) Never Caught (C) 1420 km (D) 1440 km

51. A dog chase rabbit it estimates that rabbit is 55. 2 Places A and B are 60 km apart 2 men P and
Q starts from A at same time and meet Ist time
45 leaps ahead of dog's jump. Rabbit can jump
at a place 12 km from b and they have to
4 times in a time dog can jump 3 times. The reached at A after immediate return from B. If
distance covered by rabbit and dog in one jump speed of slower person is 48 km/h. Find the
is 1.4 feet and 2.2 feet respectively. In how difference of their speed.
A B (A) 48 km (B) 54 km
P Q, A B (C) 60 km (D) 66 km
60. Two buses travell to a place at 45 km/hr. and
60 km./hr. respectively. If the second bus takes
5.1/2 hours less than the first for the journey,
the length of the journey is:
(A) 12 km/h (B) 16 km/h
(C) 20 km/h (D) 24 km/h
56. Saurabh and Sumnath starts at same time from
P to Q. After reaching their destination they 1
turned to their starting point and they meet
Ist time at 15 km from B. If difference between
their speeds is 60 km/h them find the speed of
faster. If P and Q are 60 km apart. (A) 900 km (B) 945 km
P Q (C) 990 km (D) 1350 km
61. A man can reach a certain place in 30 hr. If he
reduces his speed by 1/15th he covers 20 km
less in that time. Find his speed?
(A) 75 km/h (B) 90 km/h
(C) 120 km/h (D) 150 km/h
57. Two person A and B walk from P to Q which are
at 21 km at 3 km/h and 4 km/h. B reaches Q (a) 16 km/h (b) 20 km/h
return immediately and meets A to R. Find dis- (c) 10 km/h (d) 12 km/h
tance from P to R.
62. Travelling at 5/7 of its actual speed a car covers
A B,
42 km in 1 hr 40 min 48 sec. Find actual speed
P Q of car.
B, Q A R
(A) 12 km (B) 16 km
(C) 28 km (D) 18 km
58. in covering a certain distance, the speed of A (a) 25 km/h (b) 35 km/h
and B are in the ratio of 3 : 4. A takes 30 min- (c) 27.5/7 km/h (d) 38.3/5 km/h
utes more than B to reach the destination. The
time taken by A to reach the destination is : 63. Three cars travelled distance in the ratio 1 : 2
: 3. If the ratio of the time of travell is 3 : 2 : 1,
A B then the ratio of their speed is

1 (A) 3 : 9 : 1 (B) 1 : 3 : 9
(A) 1 hour (B) 1 hours
2 (C) 1 : 2 : 4 (D) 4 : 3 : 2
1 64. B starts 4 min after A from the same point for
(C) 2 hours (D) 2 hours a place at a distance of 7 miles from the start-
2 ing point. A on reaching the destination turn
59. A and B travel the same distance at speed of 9 back and walk a mile where he meets B. If A’s
km/hr and 10 km/hr respectively. If A takes speed is one mile in 8 min. Then find B’s speed
36 minutes more than B, the distance travelled one mile in ____ min.
by each is
B, A
A, B
(A) 10 min (B) 11 min (A) 14 km (B) 15 km
(C) 12 min (D) 9 min (C) 16 km (D) 17 km
65. A, B and C travels a distance of 400 km from 69. From two places 90 km apart A and B starts
Delhi to Kanpur. B & C takes a car and A starts towards each other at same time and meet af-
with auto and after certain distance C throw B ter Q hr. If A travels 2/3 speed and B travels
from car. B takes a cycle and C return to pick A double of his speed then they would have met
and finally they reach Kanpur at same time. If after 7½ hrs. find speed of A.
the speed of car is 50 km/h and auto and cycle
is 10 km/h each. Find total time of journey. A B
A, B C B
B C A ½ A
C, B B
C A (A) 8 km/h (B) 7 km/h
(C) 6 km/h (D) 4 km/h
70. A man can climb up a greased pole 38 ft high
in 19 sec. If grease cause a downward slip 2 ft a
second. Find time taken by man to climb a non
(A) 12 hr (B) 16 hr greased pole.
(C) 20 hr (D) 14 hr
66. Two trains A and B starts from station P to Q
and Q to P at the same time after passing each
other it take 4 hr 48 min and 3 hr 20 min to
reach their destination. If speed of train A is
45 km/h. Find speed of train B. (A) 8 sec (B) 9 sec
A B p Q Q P (C) 9.5 sec (D) 10 sec
71. A man can walk up a moving up escalator in 30
sec. The same man can walk down this moving
A B up escalator in 90 sec. If his walking speed is
same upwards and downwards. How much time
will he take to walk up the escalator, when it
(A) 54 km/h (B) 60 km/h is not moving.
(C) 50 km/h (D) 36 km/h
67. A man take 6 hr 30 min in walking to certain
place and riding back. He would have gained 2
hr 10 min by riding both ways. How long would
he take to walk both ways.

(A) 30 sec (B) 45 sec

(C) 60 sec (D) 90 sec
72. At a shooting competition Atharv and Manish
had x, bullet between them. Manish fired ‘a’
bullet per min. Atharv fired ‘b’ bullet per min.
(A) 480 min (B) 520 min After time ‘t’ both of them had some number
(C) 560 min (D) 600 min of bullet. What is the initial number of bullet
with Atharv.
68. A farmer travelled a distance of 61 km in 9 hr.
He travelled partly by bicycle at 9 km/h and x
partly on foot at 4 km/h. Find the distance trav- ‘a’
elled on foot. ‘b’ ‘t’

(A) x – a +b/2 (B) x + (a – b)t/2

(C) x – (a –b)t/2 (D) x – (a +b)t/2
73. A man travels 360 km in 4 hr, partly by air and 77. A bird is sitting on top of a car. If sees another
partly by train. If he had travelled all the way car approaching it at a distance of 12 km. Speed
by air, he would have saved 4/5 of time he was of two cars is 58 km/h and 62 km/h. The bird
in train and would have arrived at his destina- of starts flying from first car to second car,
tion 2 hrs early. Find distance travel by air and reaches the second car and come back on first
train. car and so on. If the speed of bird is 70 km/ h
the total distance travels by bird before crash.

(A) 90 km, 270 km (B) 95 km, 275 km

(C) 94 km, 282 km, (D) 92 km, 292 km
74. Flight A usually takes 1 hour more than flight (A) 5 km (B) 7 km
B to travel a distance of 7200 km. Due to En-
gine trouble speed of flight B falls by factor of (C) 10 km (D) 15 km
1/6th. So it takes 36 min more than flight A to 78. A train approaches a tunnel PQ. Inside the tun-
complete the same journey. What is the speed nel a cat is located at a point that is 3/7 dis-
of flight A. tance of PQ from entrance P. When the train
whistles the cat runs. If the cat moves to en-
trance P, train catch the cat exactly at en-
trance. If cat moves to exit Q, the train catch
B A the cat exactly at exit. Find ratio of speed of
A train to cat.
(A) 800 km/h (B) 900 km/h PQ P
(C) 750 km/h (D) 720 km/h
75. Train A takes 45 min more than B travel a dis- Q
tance of 450 km. Due to engine trouble speed
of train B falls by A quarter, so it takes 30 min
more than train A to complete the same jour-
ney. What is the speed of train A. (A) 3 : 1 (B) 5 : 1
A B (C) 4 : 1 (D) 7 : 1
B 79. Two ants starts simultaneously from two ant
A holes towards each other. First ant covers 8%
A of distance between two ant holes in 3 hours,
second ant covers 7/120 of distance in 2 hr 30
(A) 90 km/h (B) 120 km/h min. Find speed of second ant if first ant trav-
(C) 100 km/h (D) 110 km/h elled 800 feet to melting point.

76. A distance of 600 km is to be covered in 2 parts.

In first phase 120 km is travelled by train and
rest by car and it took, total of 8 hrs but it 200
km is covered by train and rest by car it takes
20 min more. Find average speed of train.

(A) 25 ft/h (B) 30 ft/h

(C) 35 ft/h (D) 45 ft/h
80. A walk around a circular field at the rate of
one round/hr while B runs around it at the rate
of six round/h. They starts in same direction
(A) 60 km/h (B) 75 km/h at 8:30 am. They shall first cross each other
(C) 80 km/h (D) 90 km/h at-
A engine speed becomes 40 km/h. Find may num-
B ber of wagons which can attached with engine
so that engine can carry.

(A) 8:42 am (B) 8:48 am

(C) 9:10 am (D) 9:30 am
81. Abhinav and Saurav practice in a stadium. One
day they start running around circular track
together from same point in opposite direction. (A) 143 wagons (B) 120 wagons
They meet total 20 times when the practice (C) 63 wagons (D) 99 wagons
was terminated. If they meet at a point dia-
metrically opposite to starting point when they
meet second time. Find ratio of their speeds- PREVIOUS YEARS
85. A racing car going at an average speed of 108
km/hr takes 15 minutes to complete a lap on a
racing track. By how much should it increase
(A) 1:1 (B) 1:2
its speed (in km/hr) to complete the lap in 12
(C) 1:3 (D) Data Insufficient
82. A, B and C starts from Delhi to Mathura at 8
am, 9 am and 10 am and their speeds are 3
km/h, 4 km/h and 5 km/h. After meeting on
the way B send back A to C with a message. At 15
what time C will get the message.
A, B C

B, A A C
C CGL Mains 2018
(A) 11:20 am (B) 12 pm
(A) 24 (B) 21
(C) 12:10 pm (D) 12:15 pm
83. Two places P and Q are 324 km apart. Harish (C) 27 (D) 30
starts from city P at 9:15 am and after 1 hour
Manish starts from city P. After travelling for 86. Train A takes 45 minutes more than train B to
1 hour he reaches city R that Harish had passed travel a distance of 450 km. due to engine
40 min earlier city R falls between city P and
Q. If they reach city Q at same time. Find the trouble speed of train B falls by a quarter, so it
difference of their speeds.
takes 30 minutes more than Train A to com-
P Q, P plete the same journey. What is the speed of
Train A (in km/hr)?
450 A, B
(A) 24 km/h (B) 25 km/h B
(C) 26 km/h (D) 27 km/h
84. Speed of an engine is 48 km/h without any
wagon. The decrease in speed of engine is di- 30 A
rectly proportional to square root of number of
wagons attached. If 4 wagons are attached with
CGL Mains 2018 each other when they started?

(A) 90 (B) 120 A B 21 24

(C) 100 (D) 110

87. Two cars A and B travel from one city to an- 1 12

other, at speeds of 72 km/hr and 90 km/hr re-
spectively. If car B takes 1 hour lesser than car
A for the journey, then what is the distance (in
km) between the two cities? CGL Mains 2018

A B (A) 48 (B) 42

72 90 (C) 54 (D) 36

B A 1 90. Excluding stoppages, the speed of a bus is 60

kmph and including stoppages, it is 45 kmph.
For how many minutes does the bus stop per

CGL Mains 2018 60

(A) 270 (B) 360

(C) 240 (D) 400

88. B starts 4 minutes after A from the same point,

CGL Mains 2018
for a place at a distance of 7 miles from the
(A) 12 (B) 9
starting point. A on reaching the destination
turns back and walks a mile where he meets B. (C) 15 (D) 10

If A’s speed is a mile in 8 minutes then B’s 91. A car travelling at an average speed of 72 km/
speed is a mile in ______ minutes. hr takes 9 minutes to travel a certain distance.
By how much should it increase its speed (in
km/hr) to travel the same distance in 8 min-
B, A 4
A, 8 B

_____ 8

CGL Mains 2018

(A) 9 (B) 12 CGL Mains 2018

(C) 10 (D) 8 (A) 8 (B) 9

89. Two cyclists A and B start cycling at 21 km/hr (C) 7 (D) 6

towards each other. They meet after 1 hour and 92. Train A takes 1 hour more than train B to travel
12 minutes. How far (in km) were they from a distance of 720 km. Due to engine trouble
speed of train B falls by a third, so it takes 3
hours more than Train A to complete the same 3.5 A
journey? What is the speed of Train A (in km/ B A,
hr)? 6 B, ___

720 A B

1 CGL Mains 2018

B (A) 8 (B) 10

B A 3 (C) 12 (D) 9

A 95. A bus travels 720 km in 20 hours. Calculate its

average speed in meters/second.

CGL Mains 2018 20 720

(A) 80 (B) 90

(C) 60 (D) 70 CGL Mains 2018

93. Two cars A and B travel from one city to an- (A) 12 (B) 15

other city, at speeds of 60 km/hr and 108 km/ (C) 18 (D) 10

hr respectively. If car B takes 2 hours lesser
96. Two runners A and B start running at 12 km/hr
time than car A for the journey, then what is and 16 km/hr towards each other. The meet
the distance (in km) between the two cities? after 1 hour and 30 minutes. How far (in km)
were they from each other when they started?
A B 60 108
A B 12 16

B, A 2

CGL Mains 2018

CGL Mains 2018
(A) 42 (B) 36
(A) 240 (B) 270 (C) 40 (D) 45

(C) 300 (D) 330 97. Flight A usually takes 1 hour more than Flight
B to travel a distance of 7200 km. Due to en-
94. B starts 4.5 minutes after A from the same gine trouble speed of flight B fails by a factor of
point, for a place at a distance of 3.5 miles from 1/6th. so it takes 36 minutes more than Flight
the starting point. A on reaching the destina- A to complete the same journey? What is the
tion tums back and walk a mile where he meets speed of Flight A (in km/hr)?
B. If A’s speed is a mile in 6 minutes then B’s
A 7200
speed a mile in ____minutes?
B 1
B, A 4.5 B 1/6
B A 36
CGL Mains 2018
(A) 12 (B) 15

CGL Mains 2018 (C) 18 (D) 20

(A) 800 (B) 900 101. A car covers 630 km in 20 hours. Calculate its
(C) 750 (D) 720 average speed in meters/second?

98. A plane files a distance of 1800 km in 5 hours. 20 630

What is its average speed in meters/second?

5 1800
CGL Mains 2018

(A) 8.25 (B) 7.75

CGL Mains 2018 (C) 8.75 (D) 7.25

(A) 200 (B) 10 102. A bullet fired from a rifle travels at an average
speed of 2520 km/hr. It hits the target after
(C) 20 (D) 100
0.2 seconds. How far (in m) is the target from
99. Two bikers A and B start and ride at 75 km/hr
the rifle?
and 60 km/hr respectively towards each other.
They meet after 20 minutes. How far (in km) 2520

were they from each other when they started? 0.2

A B 75

60 CGL Mains 2018

20 (A) 70 (B) 140

(C) 100 (D) 200

103. Travelling at 60 km/h, a person reaches his des-

tination in a certain time. He covers 60% of his
CGL Mains 2018
(A) 60 (B) 45 journey in th of the time. At what speed (in

(C) 30 (D) 15 km/h) should he travel to cover the remaining

100. Excluding stoppages, the speed of a bus is 80 journey so that he reaches the destination right

kmph and including stoppages, it is 60 kmph. on time?

For how many minutes does the bus stop per 60

60 5

40% 9

CGL Mains 2019 12

(A) 42 (B) 48

(C) 36 (D) 40 CGL Mains 2019

104. In a circle with centre O, AC and BD are two

3 5
chords AC and BD meet at E when produced. If (A) 9 (B) 9
8 8

AB is the diameter and  AEB = 68º, then the

measure of  DOC is: 1 2

(C) 9 (D) 9
3 3
106. Walking at 60% of his usual speed, a ma
reaches his destination 1 hour 40 minutes late.
AB  AEB = 68º  DOC
His usual time (in hours) to reach the destina-
tion is:

CGL Mains 2019 60%

(A) 44º (B) 32º 1 40

(C) 30º (D) 22º

105. A person covers 40% of the distance from A to CGL Mains 2019

B at 8 km/h, 40% of the remaining distance at

1 1
9 km/h and the rest of 12 km/h. His average (A) 2 (B) 3
4 8
speed (in km/h) for the journey is:

8 A B 1 1
(C) 3 (D) 2
4 2

1. (D) 12. (B) 23. (A) 34. (B) 45. (A) 56. (D) 67. (B) 89. (C)
78. (D) 100.(B)
2. (B) 13. (C) 24. (B) 35. (C) 46. (B) 57. (D) 68. (C) 79. (C) 90. (C) 101.(A)
3. (C) 14. (C) 25. (D) 36. (A) 47. (A) 58. (C) 69. (C) 80. (A) 91. (B) 102.(B)
4. (B) 15. (B) 26. (D) 37. (D) 48. (A) 59. (B) 70. (C) 92. (A)
81. (C) 103.(D)
5. (A) 16. (A) 27. (A) 38. (B) 49. (D) 60. (*) 71. (B) 82. (A) 93. (B) 104.(A)
6. (A) 17. (C) 28. (C) 39. (D) 50. (B) 61. (C) 72. (C) 83. (D) 94. (D) 105.(A)
7. (A) 18. (B) 29. (C) 40. (B) 51. (D) 62. (B) 73. (A) 95. (D)
84. (A) 106.(D)
8. (B) 19. (C) 30. (B) 41. (C) 52. (B) 63. (B) 74. (A) 85. (C) 96. (A)
9. (B) 20. (B) 31. (D) 42. (A) 53. (C) 64. (A) 75. (C) 86. (C) 97. (A)
10. (C) 21. (C) 32. (D) 43. (B) 54. (D) 65. (B) 76. (A) 98. (D)
87. (B)
11. (B) 22. (C) 33. (C) 44. (C) 55. (D) 66. (A) 77. (B) 88. (C) 99. (B)

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