Asunsion - Alvarez Reflection

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1. Cognitive Theory - Jean Piaget Piaget's Cognitive Theory has prompted more cognitive According to several studies, Piaget's theory is based
development study. People's perceptions of a child's on the observation of a few youngsters rather than the
world have shifted as a result of his theory. entire population.
2. Socio-cultural Theory - Lev Vygotsky The concept of zone of proximal development is the Vygotsky's hypothesis has been criticized for failing to
most important application of Vygotsky's theory to explain for some children's slower cognitive
education. This concept is important because it can be maturation. Both passive experience and heredity are
used by teachers to guide a child's development. thought to play a role.
Vygotsky defined scaffolding instruction as the “role of
teachers and MKO in supporting the learners
development and providing support structures to get to
that next stage or level”.
Gardner's multiple intelligences theory can help Some critics claim that Gardner's concept of
3. Multiple Intelligence Theory – Howard Gardner learners better understand how they learn because intelligence is too wide, and that his eight
humans excel in different areas. The idea can also "intelligences" are nothing more than a collection of
assist teachers in designing varied classroom activities talents, personality traits, and abilities. Gardner's
that provide learning opportunities for students with theory suffers from lack of empirical evidence.
various learning styles and multiple intelligences.

4. Information Processing Theory - George Miller It provides you with a strategy for ensuring that your One major flaw is that flow diagrams or computer
students receive more than a passing knowledge of the systems that anticipate behavior cannot always
content we give. It aids in the retention of information accurately describe how human cognitive processes
in their long-term memory for recall when needed. work. There's a good chance that the differences
between computers and the human mind outnumber
the similarities.
5. Connectionism Theory - Edward Lee Thorndike The teacher can use it in the classroom by introducing Thorndike's "Law of Exercise" has been heavily
the concepts of pleasure and pain, as well as reward criticized because it ignores other factors such as
and punishment. When a student makes a mistake and motives, interests, special training, and so on.
is disciplined for it, he will not do it again for it caused Mechanical repetition without a motive, interest,
him to be disciplined. significance, or understanding does not cause anyone
to learn or remember anything.
6. Social Cognitive Theory - Albert Bandura Positive reinforcement and rewards can be used in the Some critics of social learning theory point to their
classroom to encourage and teach desirable behaviors emphasis on the environment as the most important
according to social learning theory. A student who is factor influencing behavior. To define conduct purely in
praised for raising their hand to speak, for example, is terms of nature or nurture is restrictive, and attempts
likely to repeat that behavior. to do so undervalue the complexity of human behavior.


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