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Terakreditasi B
Jl. Gandaria RT. 01/13 Rawakalong Kec. Gunungsindur Kabupaten Bogor
Tlp. (021) – 71133258 E-mail :
NSS : 202020211758 NPSN : 69980146


TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022
Nama :
Nilai Paraf
Nomor Tes :
Kelas : VIII(Delapan)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 16 Maret 2022
Waktu : 90 Menit
A. Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d!
The following text is for questions number 1 to 2
Number Name Age Height
1 Ali 61 years 150 cm
2 Melisa 60 years 155 cm
3 Sando 62 years 160 cm
4 Surya 62 years 160 cm
5 Nadia 60 years 165 cm
1. Ali is …than Nadia
a. Older b. Young as c. Younger d. Old as
2. Sando is as … Surya
a. Shorter b. Tall as c. Taller d. Bigger
3. Naufal : “Which is more interesting. The safari park or Ragunan Zoo?
Adit : “I think Ragunan Zoo is … than the Safari Park.
a. more interesting c. less interesting
b. the most interesting d. as interesting
4. Novel costs Rp 50.00,00. Shoes costs Rp 60.000,00. The shoes are … than the Novel.
a. most expensive c. more expensive
b. cheaper d. cheapest
5. They usually … basketball on every Sunday.
a. plays b. play c. played d. playing
6. Mr.Farid … to office everyday
a. goes b. going c. go d. went
7. Mr.Marno … my English teacher.
a. is b. are c. am d. were
8. My father … a farmer. He plants paddies and tomatoes
a. is b. are c. am d. were
9. Is Mr.Marno my English teacher? The Negative form of the above sentence is ….
a. Mr.Marno is my English teacher
b. Mr.Marno is not my English teacher
c. Mr.Marno does my English teacher
d. Mr.Marno does not my English teacher
10. She does not write a letter. The Positive form of the above sentence is ….
a. She write a letter c. Do she write a letter
b. Does she write a letter d. She writes a letter.

The following text is for questions number11 to 14

Mr. Alvin’s activity
I get up at about five o’clock in the morning. I usually have juice and a cup of
coffee. Then I wait a couple hours and I have the rest of my breakfast, which is usually an
egg and toast, or oatmeal, cereal, something like that. I don’t eat a lot of lunch. I have
dinner in the evening around seven o’clock. I usually teach in the mornings, but Saturdays
and Sundays are pretty free. I like to sit and read the newspaper. That’s what I do on
11. When does Mr. Alfin usually get up every morning?
a. five o’clock c. seven o’clock
b. eight o’clock d. nine o’clock
12. What day Mr. Alfin does not teach?
a. Tuesday and Saturday c. Saturday and Sunday
b. Friday and Saturday d. Monday and Friday
13. What time does Mr. Alfin frequently get dinner in the evening?
a. around nine o’clock c. around seven o’clock
b. around six o’clock d. around eight o’clock
14. What does Mr. Alfin Usually do on Sunday morning?
a. reading newspaper c. listening to the music
b. take a jogging d. take a travelling

Complete the following text for questions number 10 to 13 !

I usually wake up At 4 o’clock in the morning. I never forget to tidy up his bed and clean
it up. Then I take a bath and pray. After that, I (15)… my mother to prepare the breakfast. And
then, I have breakfast with my family in the dining room. I usually have warm tea, milk, and
fried rice. Then, I (16) … to school with my friends. I (17) … at school till 1 p.m. I go home, put
off my uniform and have lunch with my mother.
After that, I pray and take a nap. I always take a bath at 5 p.m. in the afternoon. Then I
(18) … TV while waiting the time for praying. After I pray, Budi and his family have dinner
together. And then, I read a book and prepare the lesson for the next school day. I (19) … to bed
at 9 p.m. That’s all Budi’s activities starting from waking up till going to bed.

15. a. wakes up c. wake up

b. waking up d. woke up

16. a. wakes up c. wake up

b. waking up d. woke up

17. a. takes c. took

b. taken d. take

18. a. watch c. watches

b. watching d. watched

19. a. go c. goes
b. gone d. going
20. … Dafa go to school yesterday?
a. does b. did c. do d. is
21. My father … eating noodle now.
a. are b. did c. is d. does
22. Desi is … a movie now.
a. watch b. watched c. watches d. watching
23. They … studying math in the classroom right now.
a. is b. was c. are d. am
24. My grandfather … a new car last week.
a. buys b. buying c. buy d. bought
25. Akmal did not … English last night.
a. study b. studies c. studied d. studying
26. I … Badminton with my friend last sunday.
a. play b. played c. playing d. plays
27. They … studying math in the classroom right now.
a. is b. was c. are d. am
28. My brother … to Bandung last month.
a. go b. going c. went d. goes
29. Did fikri … the milk yesterday?
a. drinking b. drinks c. drank d. drink
30. Arrange these words into good sentence!
My parents - village – visited – I – in – two – ago - weeks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a. 4 – 3 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 6 – 7 - 8 c. 4 – 3 - 1 – 5 – 2 - 7 – 8 - 6
b. 1 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 6 – 7 – 8 - 5 d. 4 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 8 - 7

B. Answer these questions below!

1. Make sentences below into positive (+), negative (-) or interrogative (?)
a. (+) They are my best friend.
(–) ….
(?) ….
b. (+) He goes to Bali
(–) ….
( ? ) ….
c. (+) They study English every day.
(–) ….
(?) ….

2. Write 3 sentences using tenses of simple past tense!

3. Make 3 sentences using tenses of simple present tense!
4. Translate these sentences below into Indonesian!
a. They played football together last week
b. I always study English every sunday
c. Alika goes to school by motorcycle
d. Tiger is bigger than cat

5. Arrange these jumbled words into good sentences!

a. The hospital – to – I – go – Sunday – every
b. Student – a – he – is - smart
c. Now – book – is – Mr. Fiki – reading – a


Terakreditasi B
Jl. Gandaria RT. 01/13 Rawakalong Kec. Gunungsindur Kabupaten Bogor
Tlp. (021) – 71133258 E-mail :
NSS : 202020211758 NPSN : 69980146


TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022
Nama :
Nilai Paraf
Nomor Tes :
Kelas : VII(Tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 16 Maret 2022
Waktu : 90 Menit
A. Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d!
I have a friend named Abimata. He is a very fat person. His hobby is eating. He likes all kinds of
food. He eats everything in front of him. His weight is Ninety kilograms. He has very chubby cheeks.
His family and friends like him very much.
1. What is Abimata’s hobby?
a. cycling c. reading b. eating d. writing
2. How much does his weight?
a. 60 kg b. 80 kg c. 70 kg d. 90 kg
3. He has a very….
a. beautiful face c. nice hair
b. chubby cheek d. handsome face
4. He is a very … person
a. good c. nice b. handsome d. fat

Mrs.Salma is a doctor. She has a sharp nose, straight hair and white skin. She is tall and slim.
She is about 170 cm tall. Her weight is about 56 kilograms. Mrs. Salma works in a big hospital
near her town. She stars working at 7 o’clock in the morning and works until 4 in the afternoon.
Everyone likes her. She always smiles when treating her patients and also smiles to others she
knows. On Saturday and Sundays, she stays home or spends her time for recreation.

5. What is Mrs. Salma best characteristics?

a. arrogant b. friendly c. strange d. conceit
6. What is Mrs. Salma job?
a. teacher b. nurse c. house wife d. doctor
7. How long does Mrs. Salma work each day?
a. eight hours b. nine hours c. six hours d. seven hours
8. Ayu and Amel … my students in Junior High School
a. is b. am c. was d. are
9. Mr. Marno : Junior, what does your father do?
Junior : My father is a … He teaches students at the classroom.
a. farmer b. driver c. teacher d. mechanic

The following text is for questions number 10 to 12

Mrs. Dina
Mrs. Dina is my aunt. She is an English teacher at SMPN 13Bandung . She is 25 years old.
She is tall and beautiful. She has round eyes, and a pointed nose. She has straight hair. Her hair is
fairly black. She has white skin. She is very smart. She is also very diligent and patient. She is
never angry to her student. She is a kind teacher and we love her very much.

10. What is Mrs. Dina job?

a. my aunt b. teacher c. doctor d. nurse

11. How old is she?

a. thirty b. twenty c. thirty five d. twenty five

The following text is for questions number 12 to 14

My name is Salya. I am twenty one years old. I am tall and slim. My hair is black and curly.
My nose is sharp and my skin is white. I work for a big company in Bandung.

12. How old is Salya? She is … years old.

a. nineteen b. twenty one c. twenty d. twelve
13. What does she look like?
a. tall and slim b. tall and fat c. short and fat d. tall and thin
14. What does her hair look like ?
a. short and curly b. short and blonde
c. blonde and curly d. black and curly

The following text is for questions number 15 to 19.

Adit is my older brother. He is a good looking boy. He is tall and slim. His hair is black,
short and curly. He is a diligent boy. He is smart boy. He helps me a lot.

15. How is Adit’s face?

a. handsome b. bad c. horrible d. ugly
16. How is about his height?
a. he is tall and slim c. he is tall and fat
b. he is short and fat d. he is tall and thin
17. How is his hair?
a. his hair is red, short and straight. c. his hair is red , long and curly.
b. his hair is black, short and curly. d. his hair is black, long and wavy.
18. He is a diligent boy. The underlined word has the opposite with ….
a. lazy b. clever c. ugly d. smart
19. What is Adit’s personality have?
a. arrogant b. friendly c. bad d. ugly
20. They usually … basketball on every Sunday.
a. plays b. play c. playes d. playing
21. My father… to office everyday
a. goes b. going c. go d. to go
22. Mr. Marno … my English teacher.
a. is b. are c. am d. were
23. My father is a … He plants paddies and tomatoes
a. farmer b. pilot c. teacher d. nurse
24. He gets up at about five o’clock in the morning. in Indonesian is ….
a. dia laki-laki bangun sekitar jam empat pagi
b. dia perempuan bangun sekitar jam lima pagi
c. dia laki-laki bangun sekitar jam lima sore
d. dia laki-laki bangun sekitar jam lima pagi
25.They always … football with their friends.
a. are playing b. play c. is playing d. plays
26. Adit usually … at 4 o’clock in the morning.
a. wakes up b. waking up c. wake up d. woke up
27. I … to bed at 9 p.m every night.
a. go b. gone c. goes d. going
28. Salya … study English every morning.
a. doesn’t b. didn’t c. don’t d. aren’t
29. … to school every day?
a. does you go b. did you go c. do you go d. do you goes
30. Adika … a new car.
a. buys b. is c. buy d. bought

B. Answer these questions below!

1. Make a paragraph for at least five sentences about your teacher, describe their personality dan
2. Make sentences below into positive(+),negative(-) or interrogative(?)!
( + )Fitri speaks English every sunday
( - ) ….
( ? ) ....
( - ) They are not farmer.
( +) .....
( ? ) ....
3. Make 3 sentences using simple present tense!
4. Write your daily activity as student at least five sentences!
5. Rearrange these words into a good sentence!
a. Always – Bali – I - go - to – car - by : ….
b. Mother – a – teacher – my – is : ….
c. Work – the restaurant – not – in – do – they : ….

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