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Name = Rajan… class = X-K


1. Make a Travel Brochure on Telangana.

Note: What`s a Brochure?

A Brochure shares a lot of information about a particular topic in a small space that is easy
to read, which makes them a perfect way to present a project for school.

How to Make a Travel Brochure

A homemade brochure is an excellent showcase for students who want to exercise their
artistic, writing and research skills.
Step 1: Layout

The standard format for a brochure uses a letter sheet (standard printing size) folded twice,
so it is divided into three equal parts. When folded this way it is the perfect size for fitting into
a business envelope.

Step 2: Research

The purpose of a brochure is to sell something or to inform, whether that is an idea, a product
or a destination. For a travel brochure you will want to research the destination carefully and
thoroughly. Investigate the major attractions and think about why someone might want to visit
there. You will also want to find beautiful and relevant pictures to fill your panels.

Step 3: Writing

Your language should be simple yet persuasive. If you are completing an assignment, make
sure you include all the information required. Then you can plan out what else you need.

● Your cover panel should have a simple title in large writing. You might also
want to add a catchphrase.
● The panel that folds inside the brochure should have your "big picture"
information, outlining the basics of the destination and why someone should
go there.
● The three inside panels can either be used as a single big panel or divided
up with separate information. For example, if you are presenting trip
packages, this is where you will outline each option.
● The back of the brochure (the center back panel) can be used for more
detailed information, such as directions, prices or regulations. This is also a
great place for statistics, such as how many people visit each year, average
temperatures, peak travel times, etc.

Step 4: Pictures

Your pictures should be bold and crisp, without too much detail. They need to be easy to
understand on a small, crowded surface as well as interesting and clear at a glance. Choose
pictures that are relevant to whatever you are promoting in the brochure.

Step 5: Finishing Touches

It can be tempting to let the pictures overwhelm the text, but you need both to find balance for
a good brochure. It is best to keep the text in small chunks, with dark lettering on a bright


In ‘A Letter to God’, Lencho asks for remaining 30 pesos from God distrusting the post office
employees. Based on your understanding of the story and the characters, showcase an imaginary
situation where both characters discuss the issue.


After reading the poem A TIGER IN THE ZOO you are filled with pity for wild animals. You want to
stop this cruelty of keeping such animals in zoos. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily
showing your concern. You are Nisha/ Nishit of 131, RJT Colony, Hisar.

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