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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Computer Applications


Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi

Guide: Submitted by:

Dr. Geetali Baneerji Ishika Gupta (06690302019)

Nurturing Excellence

Institute of Innovation In Technology & Management,

New Delhi – 110058
Batch (2019-2022)

I, Ishika Gupta (06690302019) certify that the Minor Project Report (BCA-357) entitled “eBook
Management System” is done by me and it is an authentic work carried out by us at Institute of
Innovation in Technology and Management. The matter embodied in this project work has not been
submitted earlier for the award of any degree or diploma to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature of the Student


Certified that the Project Report (BCA-357) entitled“eBook Management System”

done by the above student is completed under my guidance.

Signature of the Guide

Name of the Guide:




I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher -Dr. Geetali Baneerji as
MANAGEMENT who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the
topic “EBOOK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” which also helped me in doing a lot of
Research and I came to know about so many new things I am really thankful to them.


(1)Title of the Project: eBook Management System

(2)Introduction and Objectives of the Project:
Bibliophilic eBooks is an online website where the customer can read and purchase ebooks online. This
web project is developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP. Through a web browser the
customers can search for a book by its title or author, later can add to the shopping cart and finally
purchase using online transaction. The user can login using his account details or new customers can set up
an account very quickly. They should give the details of their name, contact number and email address.
The user can also give feedback to a book by giving ratings on a score of five. The books are divided into
many categories based on genre like Fiction, Non-Fiction, Si-Fi,etc.

1. Implement of new user to register and login.

2. Implement user to choose any eBook to download and read.
3. Implement the user to buy eBooks.

(3)Project Category: Web Based

(4)Tools / Platform, Hardware and Software Requirement specifications.
Hardware Requirements:

 Processor- i3
 Hard Disk- 50 GB
 Memory- 1GB RAM
 Monitor

Software Requirements:

 OS =Windows 7 or higher
 XAMMP control panel
 Notepad++
 My SQL
(5)Are you doing this project for any Industry/college? Mention Yes/No. If Yes, Mention the
- No
(6)Future scope and further enhancement of the project. Also mention limitation of the project.
(7)Name of your guide: Dr. Geetali Baneerji
(8)Date of submission



S. No Topic Page No
1 Certificate 1
2 Acknowledgements 2
3 Synopsis 3
4 List of Tables/Figures/Symbols 4
5 Chapter-1: Introduction 5
6 Chapter-2: System Analysis 9
7 Chapter-3: System Design 13



Table No Title Page No

1.1 File Design for Database -
2.1 Testing -


Figure No Title Page No

1.1 Block Diagram -
2.1 Use Case -
Data Flow Diagram
ER Diagram

Chapter 1
Systems Introduction
1.1 Brief Description of the System under Study:
Bibliophilic eBooks is an online website where the customer can read and purchase ebooks online. This
web project is developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP. Through a web browser the
customers can search for a book by its title or author, later can add to the shopping cart and finally
purchase using online transaction. The user can login using his account details or new customers can set up
an account very quickly. They should give the details of their name, contact number and email address.
The user can also give feedback to a book by giving ratings on a score of five. The books are divided into
many categories based on genre like Fiction, Non-Fiction, Si-Fi,etc.

1. Implement of new user to register and login.

2. Implement user to choose any ebook.

3. Implement the user to buy ebooks.

1.2 About the proposed System:

The main aim of the project is to create an online ebook store that allows users to search and purchase a
book online based on title, author and genre. The selected books are displayed in a tabular format and the
user can order their books online through online payment. Using this Website the user can purchase an
ebook online instead of going out to a book store and wasting time.

1.3 Methodology used for Analysis, Design & Development:

The waterfall model is a classical model used in system development life cycle to create a system with a
linear and sequential approach. It is termed as waterfall because the model develops systematically from
one phase to another in a downward fashion.

The following illustration is a representation of the different phases of the Waterfall Model.

The sequential phases in Waterfall model are –

 Requirement Gathering and analysis −The product development team analyzes the requirements, and
fully understands the problems. This is a research phase that includes no building. The team attempts to ask
all the questions and secure all the answers they need to build the product requirement.
 System Design − The software developers design a technical solution to the problems set out by the
product requirements, including scenarios, layouts and data models. This phase is usually accompanied by
documentation for each requirement, which enables other members of the team to review it for validation.
 Implementation − Once the design is approved, technical implementation begins. This is often the
shortest phase because research and design have been done in advance.
 Integration and Testing − Upon completion of full implementation, testing needs to occur before the
product can be released to customers. The software testing team will use the design documents, personas
and user case scenarios delivered by the product manager in order to create their test cases.

 Deployment of system − Once the functional and non-functional testing is done;

the product is deployed in the customer environment or released into the market.
 Maintenance − There are some issues which come up in the client environment. To
fix those issues, patches are released. Also to enhance the product some better versions are released.
Maintenance is done to deliver these changes in the customer environment.
All these phases are cascaded to each other in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a
waterfall) through the phases. The next phase is started only after the defined set of goals are achieved for
previous phase and it is signed off, so the name "Waterfall Model". In this model, phases do not overlap.

Waterfall Model – Application

Some situations where the use of Waterfall model is most appropriate are −

 Requirements are very well documented, clear and fixed.

 Product definition is stable.
 Technology is understood and is not dynamic.
 There are no ambiguous requirements.
 Ample resources with required expertise are available to support the product.
 The project is short.

Waterfall Model – Advantages

 This model is simple and easy to understand and use.

 It is easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model – each phase has specific deliverables and a
review process.
 In this model phases are processed and completed one at a time. Phases do not overlap.
 Waterfall model works well for smaller projects where requirements are clearly defined and very
well understood.

Waterfall Model – Disadvantages

 Once an application is in the testing stage, it is very difficult to go back and change something

that was not well-thought out in the concept stage.
 No working software is produced until late during the life cycle.
 High amounts of risk and uncertainty.
 Not a good model for complex and object-oriented projects.
 Poor model for long and ongoing projects.
 Not suitable for the projects where requirements are at a moderate to high risk of changing.

1.4 Methodology used for Data Collection:

Typically, the data collection methodology is comprised of the sampling techniques, sources of data,
various methods adopted to collect the required data, statistical tools for analysis, and data interpretation.

1.4.1 Primary Data

It consists of the original information collected for specific research. It is collected through questionnaire,
interviews and brainstorming sessions. Primarily data was collected for this project with the following
techniques which involved a great deal of effort and time.
Primary Data are those data which are collected for the first time. They are the information received
directly from general public. It is not a published data, it is problem specific data collected by an
Administrator, and it becomes the Secondary data for everybody other than the researcher. It can be
Collected in Different ways: -
• Observation Method
• Internet research (Records, Stats)

1.4.2 Secondary Data

It consists of information that already exists somewhere and has been collected for some specific purpose
in the study. It is collected through magazines, books, newspapers, journals, websites and other
approaches. The following websites were used for collection of the data.
Secondary data are those data, which are already published. It may be useful for many other persons than
the administrator who published it. There are various sources of Secondary data Collection.
They are: -
1. Commercial Sources
2. Industrial Sources

In this System I have used Primary data only. I adopted both the specified methods in primary data

i.e., observation method and research.

1.5 System Requirement Tools:

HTML, XML: Hypertext markup language and Extensible markup language are the predominant markup

language for web pages. It provides a means to describe the structure of text-based information in a

document and to supplement that text with interactive forms, embedded images and other

Java Script: A Client-side scripting language used to create dynamic web content and user interface.

CSS: It is the language for describing the presentation of Web pages, including colors, layout, and fonts,

thus making our web pages presentable to the users.

PHP: PHP is a server side scripting language. That is used to develop Static websites or Dynamic websites

or Web applications.

Hardware Requirements:

 Processor- i3
 Hard Disk- 50 GB
 Memory- 1GB RAM
 Monitor

Software Requirements:

 OS =Windows 7 or higher
 XAMMP control panel
 Notepad++
 My SQL

Chapter 2
System Analysis
Software Requirement Specifications –
A software requirements specification (SRS) is a document that captures complete description about how

the system is expected to perform. It is usually signed off at the end of requirements engineering phase.

2.1 Introduction
The following subsections of Software Requirement Specifications Document should facilitate in
providing the entire overview of the Information system “eBook Management System” under
development. This document aims at defining the overall software requirements for the eBook
management. Efforts have been made to define the requirements of the Information system exhaustively
and accurately.
2.1.1 Purpose
The main purpose of Software Requirement Specifications Document is to describe in a precise manner all
the capabilities that will be provided by the Software Application “eBook Management System”. It also
states the various constraints which the system will be abide to. This document further leads to clear vision
of the software requirements, specifications and capabilities. These are to be exposed to the development,
testing team and end users of the software
2.1.2 Scope – the scope of this project will vary from book readers and traffic on website
2.1.3 Definition, acronyms, abbreviations
SRS-System Requirements Specification

UI-User Interface

DFD-Data Flow Diagram

2.1.4 References
2.1.5 Overview
The rest of this SRS document describes the various system requirements, interfaces, features and
functionality in detail.
2.2 Overall description of proposed system
2.2.1 Product Perspective
The application will be windows-based, self contained and independent software product.

Front End Client
Application (with Backend
data entry / update Database
/delete /view and
reporting facility) System Interfaces

None Interfaces
The application will have a user friendly and menu based interface. Following screens will be provided.
(i) A Login Screen for entering username, password and role (Admin, operator) will be
provided. Access to different screens will be based upon the role of the user. And so on.
The following reports will be generated: Hardware Interfaces

Since the application must run over the internet, all the hardware shall require to connect internet. User will

need a web browser for interact with the system.The system requires Database also for the store the any

transaction of the system like MYSQL etc.

As for e.g., Modem, WAN – LAN, Ethernet Cross-Cable. Software Interfaces Communication Interfaces
None Memory Constraints Operations
This product will not cover any automated housekeeping aspects of database. The DBA at client site will
be manually deleting old/ non required data. Database backup and recovery will also have to be handled by
DBA. Site Adaptation Requirement
The terminals at client side will have to support the hardware and software interfaces specified.
2.2.2 Product functions
The system will allow access only to authorized users with specific roles (Administrator, Operator).
Depending upon the user’s role, he/she will be able to access only specific modules of the system.

A summary of the major functions that the software will perform:
1. Implement of new user to register and login.

2. Implement user to choose any ebook.

3. Implement the user to buy ebooks.

2.2.3 User Characteristics

1. Educational Level: At least graduate and should be comfortable with English language.
2. Technical Expertise: Should be a high or middle level employee of the organization comfortable with
using general purpose applications on a computer
2.2.4 Constraints
2.2.5 Apportioning Requirement
Not Required
2.3 Specific Requirements
This section contains the software requirements to a level of detail sufficient to enable designers to design
the system, and testers to test the system.
2.3.1 External Interfaces User Interfaces
The following screens will be provided: Hardware Interfaces Software interfaces Communication Interfaces
2.3.2 System Features
Module name

One paragraph in brief about module

Validity Checks
Sequencing Information
Error Handling / Response to abnormal situations
2.3.3 Performance Requirements
2.3.4 Logical Database Requirements
The proposed information system contains the following data tables in its database collection.

2.3.5 Design Constraints Standard Compliance
2.3.6 Software System Attributes
This application is a reliable product that produces fast and verified output of all its processes.
This application will be available to use for your end users and help them to carry out their operations
The application will be password protected. User will have to enter correct username, password and role in
order to access the application.
The application will be designed in a maintainable manner. It will be easy to to incorporate new
requirements in the individual modules.
The application will be easily portable on any windows-based system that has oracle installed.
2.3.7 Other Requirements
3 Methodologies for Data Collection
3.1 Primary Data Collection
3.2 Secondary Data Collection
4. Methodology used for Analysis, Design and Development
4.1 Stages of Model
4.2 Block Diagram of Model
4.3 Reasons for choosing Model/
5 Project Planning Gantt chart

Chapter 3
System Design
This phase of the project requires the complete study of the system before database design and Interface
Design could be formalized. Following activities are to be undertaken in this phase:

Description of Bibliophilic eBooks:

1. Overall Design of the System:
Block Diagram- A block diagram is a diagram of a system in which the principal parts or functions are
represented by blocks connected by lines that show the relationships of the blocks.
The basic element of a Block diagram is a block. The summing point and the take-off point.

2. Physical Design
USE CASE: A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user’s interaction with the system
that shows the relationship between the user and the different use cases in which the user is involved.



Search Book


Payment Administrator
Register user



DFD is the abbreviation for Data Flow Diagram. The flow of data of a system or a process is represented

by DFD. It also gives insight into the inputs and outputs of each entity and the process itself. DFD does not

have control flow and no loops or decision rules are present. Specific operations depending on the type of

data can be explained by a flowchart. Data Flow Diagram can be represented in several ways. The DFD

belongs to structured-analysis modelling tools. Data Flow

diagrams are very popular because they help us to visualize the major steps and data involved

in software-system processes.

DFD has often been used due to the following reasons:

• Logical information flow of the system

• Determination of physical system construction requirements

• Simplicity of notation

• Establishment of manual and automated systems requirements

Some Common rules for DFD

• A DFD has to be complete and includes all the vital components of the system.

• It should be consistent in nature. That is, if you are working on one level, it should only be

nested with another level.

• There should be no direct link between one entity/database to another entity/database. A

process should be present in the middle of entity-database, database-database, and database-

entity connection.

• Each component in the system should have at least one data flow linked to it.

• There should be one specific source and an output unit in a DFD.

Notations used in DFD

Symbols Meanings

It represents a process that transforms incoming data to outgoing data.

It represents a data-item or collection of data-item. The arrow indicates

direction of Data-flow.

Login/ Register

Admin Management User
Update info Online reading

Payment Confirmation Payment


User Information
Login/ Register User Information

Status Status

Search Books

Admin User

Payment Payment Status

User Reviews User Reviews


ER Diagram
In ER modeling, the structure for a database is portrayed as a diagram, called an entity-

relationship diagram (or ER diagram), that resembles the graphical breakdown of a

sentence into its grammatical parts. Entities are rendered as points, polygons, circles, or ovals.

The Entity Relationship data model is based on a perception of a real world that consist of a

collection of basic objects, called Entities, and Relationships among these objects.

Entity relationship diagrams are abstractions of the real world which simplify the problem to

be solved while retaining its essential features.

Entity relationship diagrams are used to:

Identify the data that must be captured, stored and retrieved in order to support the business

activities performed by an organization and identify the data required to derive and report on

the performance measures that an organization should be monitoring.

•Entity relationship diagrams have three different components:




Entity: - An entity may be defined as a thing which is recognized as being capable of an

independent existence and which can be uniquely identified. An entity is an abstraction from

the complexities of some domain.

Relationship: - A relationship captures how two or more entities are related to one another.

Relationships can be thought of as verbs, linking two or more nouns. There are potentially

three types of relationship which can exist between two different entities:

One-to-One Relationships

One-to-Many Relationships

Many-to-Many Relationships

Attributes: - Entities are further described by their attributes (sometimes called data

elements). These are the smallest units of data that can be described in a meaningful manner.

An attribute is some quality about the entities that we are interested in and want to hold on the


Phone Number
Register Password
Email address
Email address
Best Selling
Payment mode
Book Number
Any updates
Any queries

Entities: --
An entity is an object that exists inn database administration, an entity can be a
single thing, person, place, or object. Data can be stored about such entities.
Attributes: --
Attributes describe the characteristics or properties of an entity in a database table.
An entity in a database table is defined with the 'fixed' set of attributes. In a
relational database, we store data in the form of tables. The column header of the
table represents the attributes.

3. Database Design

The information system of “Bibliophilic eBooks” performs its function with the help of the
data store in certain repositories called Databases of the system. Detailed descriptions of the
various databases included in the information systems are tabulated as follows:
S.S.NO Field Field
Field Name Constraint Description
. Type Size
Name of the
1 username char 64 Not null
Password of
2 password password 64 Not null
the user

S.NO. Field Name Field Type Field Size Constraint Description
Name of the
1 username char 64 Not null
Password of the
2 password password 64 Not null
Email of the
3 email email 64 Not null
Phone Phone Phone number of
4 10 Not null
number number the user
5 Gender Gender - Not null gender

Chapter 4

Test Test Case Required Expected Actual Remarks
Case ID Input Output Output
1 Login Username, Successful Successful --
Password Login login
2 Registration Username, Registration Successful --
Password, successful registration
3 Dashboard Login-Id Display Display -
dashboard dashboard
4 Search eBook Display Display -
eBook Name, searched searched
eBook eBook eBook
5 Read Now Select Display Display --
eBook to eBook pdf eBook pdf
6 Download Select Download Download --
eBook to eBook eBook

Chapter 5
Future Scope and Conclusion

Future Scope
The eBook management system is gaining huge popularity among the readers. This system is
helpful for the bibliophiles who are always travelling and find it hard to carry books
everywhere. It provides with all kinds of eBooks which you can read at anytime and
anywhere. And by each day this system is increasing its popularity.
It can be accessed anywhere and anytime around the world.

In conclusion we implemented all the functionalities stated in the requirement, all were tested and
it showed that they are all working properly.
Also we implemented the system requirement quality like responsiveness so on different devices
the system adapts to suit it, and also it works on these browsers like safari, google chrome


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