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Modern Anatomy

• Total number of bones - 206

➢ Axial - 80 bone
➢ Appendicular - 126 bone

➢ Vertebrae – 33/26
➢ Ribs -24
➢ Skull Bones - 22
➢ Sternum - I
➢ Vertebral column/spine - length 28 Inch in male and 24 Inch in female
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Types Number In Adult

Cervical 7 7

Thoracic 12 12

Lumbar 5 5

Sacral 5 1

Coccygeal 4 1

➢ 5 Sacral and 4 Coccygeal are immovable vertebrae.

➢ 1st cervical vertebra (ATLAS) have no body and spine
➢ 2nd cervical vertebra (Axis) have odontoid process.

Skull Bones : 22

Bones of calvaria OR Brain case – 8 Facial skeleton: 14

Paired - Parietal and Temporal (2 each). Paired --Maxilla, Zygomatic, Nasal,

Unpaired - Frontal, occipital, sphenoid Lacrimal, Inf. Nasal concha, Palatine
and ethmoid (1 each) Unpaired - Vomer and Mandible (1 each)

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➢ Largest and strongest bone of the face.

➢ Mandible is second bone to ossify in the body, at 6th week of I.U.L. on Meckel's
➢ Common fracture site is Canine socket.
➢ Middle point of base of Mandible is called Gnathion or Mental point.

Hyoid bone:

➢ U shaped, in neck between chin and thyroid cartilage.

➢ Fracture of hyoid bone strongly indicates throttling or strangulation.


➢ Metopic suture - It lies in the median plane and separates the two half of Frontal
bone (in 3 to 8% of individuals).


• Ant. cranial fossa = Its injury causes bleeding and discharge of C.S.F. by Nose
and it cause a condition called 'Black eye'(Raccon Eye or Panda Eye).
• Middle cranial fossa = Butterfly shaped its injury causes bleeding and discharge of
C.S.F. through Ears.
• Post. cranial fossa = Largest & deepest and its fracture causes Bruising over mastoid
region and is called 'Battle sign'

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• Only long bone that lies horizontally

• It is through out sub cutaneous
• First bone to start ossifying.
• Common site of fracture is junction between two curvature and 8-shaped bandage is
its treatment.
• In female its called "Beauty bone"

Scapula: -

• Main parts - Acromian and coracoid process, glenoid cavity.

• Clinically - Paralysis of serratus Anterior is called "winging of scapula"


• Length - 17 cm.
• Three parts =
➢ Upper -Manubrium-thickest & strongest, between manubrium and body
called sternal angle of Louis.
➢ Middle - Body or gladiolus
➢ Lower - Xiphisternum (Xiphoid process) - smallest part.

• Bone marrow examination in done by the Manubrial puncture.

Ribs- 24 (12 pairs)

• First seventh ribs are connected through their cartilages to sternum are called true
ribs. (Vertebrosternal ribs).
• Remaining 5 are false ribs, out of which 8th, 9th, 10'h are vertebrochondral ribs.
• 11th and 12h are floating ribs (vertebral ribs).
• Typical ribs - 3rd to 9th
• Atypical ribs - 18, 2nd, 10h, 11th and 12th
• The length of 2nd rib is twice that of first.
• Maximum length - 7th rib.
• Maximum oblique - 9th rib.
• Paracentesis thoracic is usually done in 6th intercostals space.
• Floating ribs = 11, 12


• The line separating head from rest of upper end called anatomical neck.
• The line separating upper end of humerus and shaft is called surgical neck.
• Main parts = Trochlea and capitulum, bicipital groove.
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• Common site of Fracture = Surgical neck and shaft


• Lateral bone of fore arm

• Main parts = ulnar notch and styloid process
• Fracture = Smith's and Colle's Fracture.
• Clinically = Pulse can be feel better at this bone.

Dorsal tubercle of the radius called Lister's tubercle.


• Medial bone of fore arm.

• Main parts = olecranon process
• It is stabilizing bone of forearm.
• Styloid process found in Radius and Ulna both.

Carpal bones: 8-

• Carpal bones are arranged in two rows.

➢ Proximal row: 1. Scaphoid 2. Lunate 3. Triquetral 4. Pisiform (Lat. To Med.)
➢ Distal row: 1. Trapezium 2. Trapezoid 3. Capitale 4. Hamate (Lat. To Med.)

➢ Scaphoid - Boat shaped

➢ Trapezium - Quadrangular
➢ Lunate - Halfmoon shaped
➢ Trapezoid - Baby shoe shaped
➢ Triquetral - Pyramidal shaped
➢ Capitate - Largest carpal bone
➢ Pisiform - Pea shaped
➢ Hamate - Wedge shaped

Fracture of the scaphoid and dislocation of lunate is common.

➢ Metacarpal - 5 in number.
➢ Phalanges - 14 in number.

Fracture of 1st metacarpal is called 'Bennett's fracture.

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➢ Longest and strongest bone the body.

➢ Main Parts - greater and lesser trochanter, Intertrochantric lines, Intertrochantric
crest, Lateral and medial epicondyle
➢ Pott's fracture = between 40 - 60 years
➢ Fracture of the neck = > 60 years

Patella: -

➢ largest sesamoid bone

Tibia :-

➢ Largest bone of the leg.

➢ Soleal line is found in tibia.
➢ The nutrient artery to the tibia is the largest nutrient artery in the body.

Tarsal bones: - (7)

• Calcaneus = largest tarsal bone

• Talus = second largest tarsal bone
• Navicular = boat shaped
• Lateral Cuneiform
• Medial Cuneiform
• Intermediate Cuneiform
• Cuboid


• Hip joint & Between Incus and stepies & Shoulder joint = Ball and socket
• Knee joint = Compound joint
o condylar - femur and Tibia
o saddle - femur and patella
• Ankle joint = Hinge joints
• Knee joint is the most complex and largest joint of the body.
• Elbow joint=Hinge joint
• Radio-ulnar joint=Pivot type
• Wrist joint = ellipsoid type
• Meta carpo phalangeal= condylar type
• Joint between malleous and Incus = saddle joint

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❖ Ankylosing spondylitis - Sacroiliac Joint.

❖ Pagets disease - Pelvis.
❖ Charcot's joints - Osteoarthritis in denervated joint.
❖ Commoncst inflammatory arthritis in young - Reiter's syndrome.
❖ Perthe's Disease or pseudo coxalgia - Hip joint.
❖ Anvils test is used for spinal lesions diagnosis.

Cranial nerves: 12 pairs.

1. Olfactory
2. Optic
3. Oculomotor
4. Troclear
5. Trigeminal
6. Abducens
7. Facial

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8. Vestibulocochlear (Auditory)
9. Glossopharyngeal
10. Vagus
11. Accessory
12. Hypoglosal

➢ Sensory nerves - 1, 2, 8
➢ Motor nerves = 3, 4, 6, 11, 12
➢ Mixed nerves = 5, 7, 9, 10

Important information about Cranial Nerves:

Largest nerve - Trigeminal N

Thickest nerve - Trigeminal N
Longest nerve - Vagus N
Thinnest nerve - Trochlear or Pathic N
Pharyngeal reflex – 10TH nerve involvement
Palatal reflex – 5TH & 10TH nerve involvement
In T.B. and Syphilis – 3RD nerve involvement
Herpes Zoster – 5TH & VII" nerve involvement
Polio - VI" nerve involvement
Meningitis - VIII" nerve involvement
Thickest Nerve of the body - Sciatic N
Longest Intra cranial course-Abducens
Smallest cranial Nerve-Trochlear

Plexus formation:

• Cervical = C3,45
• Brachial = C5.6.7.8 +1ST Thoraic
• Lumbar = L1,2,3,4 + part of 5th
• Sacral = Lumbosacral trunk +S1.2.3
• Coccygeal = S4,5 + Coccygeal Nerves.

➢ Injury of upper trunk of brachial plexus causes Erb's Paralysis. There are 6 Nerves meet
at Erb's point.
➢ Injury of lower trunk of brachial plexus causes Klumpke's paralysis.

Important Muscles and their nerve supply:

• Deltoid = Axillary N.

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• Biceps brachii = Musculocutaneous N.

• Triceps = Radial N.
• Trapezius = Accessory N.
• Teris Minor = Axillary N.
• Teris Major = Lower subscapular N.
• Pectoralis Major and Minor = Medial & lateral Pectoral N.
• Letissimus dorsi = Thoracodorsal N.
• Stapedius, stylohyoid, platysma and post. belly of gastric = Facial N.
• Quadriceps femoris & Sartorius = Femoral N.
• Gluteus maximus = Inf. Gluteal N.
• Gluteus medius and minimus = Sup. Gluteal N.
• Semi tendinous, Semi membranous and Biceps femoris = Tibial part of Sciatic N.
• Popliteus, Plantaris, Soleus and Gastrocnemius = Tibial N.
• All muscle of ant. compartment of leg = Deep peroneal N.

Eye Ball Muscles: 6

• Lateral rectus = Abducent N.

• Superior oblique = Trochlear N.
• Sup., Inf. & Medial rectus and Inf. Oblique = Oculomotor N.

Controlling areas in Cerebrum : Total 47 Areas

(a) Frontal lobe:

❖ Primary motor area - Area 4
❖ Motor eye field - Area 8
❖ For extra pyramidal system-Area 6
❖ Broca's area (Motor speech area)b- area 44
(b) Parietal lobe:
❖ Sensory speech area - Area 39, 40
❖ Taste area - Area 4
❖ Sensory area Area 3, 1, 2 (Post central)
(c) Occipital lobe:
❖ Primary visual area or - Area 17
❖ Visual association area - Area 18, 19
(d) Temporal lobe:
❖ Auditory area - Area 42.41
❖ Wernicke's area -21, 22, 37 (Sensory Spooch)

Important Nucleus In Hypothalamus:

Sympathetic Centre - Posterior nucleus

Parasympathetic Centre - Lateral nucleus.

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Drinking Centre - Supra optic nucleus (Control A.D.H.).

Feeding Centre - Ventro medial nucleus

Important receptor:

Tactile (touch) - Messiner's Corpuscles

Cold - End bulbs of Krause
Warm - Organ of Rullini
Heat - Golgi Mazzoni body
Pressure - Pacinian corpuscles
Pain - Free nerve ending

Important Nerves:

Vidian Nerves - N. of Pterygoid canal.

Labourer's Nerves - Median N
Musician Nerves - Ulnar N
Jacobson's Nerves - Glossopharyngeal N. (Tympanic branch)
Arnold's Nerve - Auricular branch of vagus

Important Deformities related with Paralysis of Nerve:

Ape Hand/Simian Hand - Median N. Palsy

Claw Hand - Ulnar N. Palsy
Wrist Drop-Radial N. Palsy
Saturday Night Palsy - Radial N. Palsy
Foot Drop - Common Peroneal N. Palsy
Frog Hand - Deep Palmer abscess
Gardeners Hand - Callosity
Obstetrician Hand - In tetany
Policeman's tips or Portel's Hand- In Erb's paralysis
Carpal tunnel syndrome-Medial nervepalsy

Spinal Cord:

Length= 45 cm. Weight=30 gm.

➢ Disc prolapse is common in C5-C7, and Lower Lumbar-region

➢ Parietal pleura is pain sensitive while pulmonary Pleura is not sensitive to pain


➢ Right lungs weight = 625 gm.

➢ Left lungs weight = 575 gm.

Lobes –
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• Right lung = 3 lobes = 10 broncho-pulmonary segment.

• Left lung = 2 lobes = 8 broncho-pulmonary segment

Linguia of left lobe is corresponds to the middle lobe of the right lung.

Trachea bifurcate at the level of T4

• -Trachea → Primary (Principal) Bronchi → secondary (lobar) bronchi → tertiary or

segmental bronchi terminal→ bronchioles →respiratory bronchioles.

➢ Respiratory bronchioles are called pulmonary unit.

➢ Independent respiratory unit = Broncho pulmonary segment.
➢ Perital pericardium is supplied by Phrenic N and is Pain sensitive
➢ Epicardium is supplied by Autonomic nerves and is not pain sensitive.
➢ Pericardial effusion is done by puncturing at the 5th and 6th Intercostal space just below
the Apex beat.

Heart -

➢ Lies 1/3 In the right and 2/3 In the left side of the median planes
➢ Weight –
• Male = 300 gm.
• Female = 250 gm.
➢ Length and width = 12x9 c. m.
➢ S. A. node = pace maker of heart.
➢ Impulse generation rate = 70/min.
➢ A. V node = 60/min

➢ Length of trachea = 4-6 inches

➢ Length of oesophagus = 25 cm. (10")
➢ Length of Small Intestine = 6 meters
➢ Length of Large Intestine = 1.5 meters
➢ Length of vas deferens = 18 inches
➢ Length of larynx
▪ Males = 44 mm. Long
▪ Females = 36 mm
➢ Length of ureter = 25 cm. (10")

• Esophagus pierces the diaphragm at the level of T10

• Trachea bifurcate at = T4

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• Inferior vena cave pierce the diaphragm at = T8

• Xiphoid Process is find at the level of = T9
• Aortic opening is at the level of = T12.

➢ Largest lymphatic vessels in the body = Thoracic duct

➢ Length = 18 Inches.
➢ Hip bone - Innominate bone.
➢ Ilium - Highest point of the iliac crest = at the level of L3 and LA obturator foramen and
acetabulam is found in Hip bone

• In Hydrocele fluid accumulation is takes place in processes vaginalis.

• Reservoir of spermatozoa = Epidydimis
• Deep Artery of Penis - Helicine Artery
• Bruners glands are found in = duodenum
• Crypt's of Liberkuhn are found in = lleum and jejunum
• Payer's patches are found in = Intestine
• Small intestine is the commonest side of worms
• Goodsall's rule = for localization of internal opening in case of complete fistula
• Angle of lovis is also called Sternal Angle
• Erb's Paralysis = due to upper trunk of brachial plexus
• Klumpke's Paralysis = due to lower trunk of brachial plexus

Testis –

• oval shaped
• Weight = 10-15 gm each one


➢ Situation epigasric, umbilical and hypogastric region

➢ Shape –
• empty = J shaped
• distended = Piriform shaped
• Cardiac end at = T11 level.
• Pyloric end at = L1 level

Stomach capacity -
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➢ at birth- 30 ml
➢ In adult- 1000 ml
• Length of stomach - 10 inches
• Stomach bed is made by (7) Contents

Main cells of stomach -

• Parietal / oxyntic cells = Secretes Hydrochloric Acid

• G cells = Secretes Gastrin
• Chief cells = Secretes pepsinogen
• Fundus is also called the gastric pacemaker
• Distal to pylorus part is called duodenal pacemaker

Commonest position of the appendix = 12 O'clock (Retrocaecal)

• Length = 2 - 20 cm. (average 9 cm.)

• Diameter = 5 m.m.

Portal vein = length = 8 cm.

• Form by union of two veins (superior mesenteric and splenicvein) at the level of L2.

Gall bladder: -

• Pear shaped
• Situation - on the inferior surface of the right lobe of liver
• Length = 7 - 10 cm.
• Width = 3 cm
• Bile reservoir capacity = 30 -50 ml.

➢ Bile duct is formed by the union of cystic duct and common hepatic duct
➢ Length of bile duct = 8 cm.
➢ Diameter = 6 mm.


➢ Wedge shaped organ.

➢ Situation - mainly in left Hypocondrium and partly in
➢ epigastrium.
➢ 1" thick x 3" broad x 5" long
➢ Weight = 7 ounce
➢ Related to 9th to 11th ribs

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Pancreas: -

• Length = 15-20 cm.

• Broad = 3 cm, thick = 2 cm.
• Weight- 90 gm.
• Location = L & L2 vertebrae level

Liver: -


• Male = 1600 gm
• Female = 1300 gm.

Situation: - Right hypocondrium , epigastrium, left hypocondrium

Largest gland in the body.


• Right lobe = larger and present caudate and quadrate lobe.

• Left lobe

Blood supply

• 20 % through hepatic Artery

• 80% through portal vein,

Kidney: -

• Bean shaped
• Kidneys are retroperitoneal organs
• Occupy epigastric, hypocondrium lumbar and umbilical region
• Location - T12 to L3
• Right kidney is slightly lower than left
• 11 cm. long x 6 cm. broad x 3 cm. thick
• Left kidney is little narrower and longer than right
• Weight
Male = 150gm.
Female = 135gm.
• Hilus of kidney contains Renal vein, Artery and Pelvis Anterior to posterior.

Supra renal gland

• Height = 50 mm. X breadth 30 mm. X thickness 10 mm.

• Weight = 5 gm.

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❖ Abdominal Aorta is lies between T 12 to L 4

❖ Interior vein cava is formed by the union of right and left common Iliac vein at the level
of L5
❖ Capacity of urinary bladder. = 220 ml.
❖ Urge to micturation > 220 ml
❖ Tolerated upto 500 ml.
❖ Length of male urethra = 18-20 cm.
❖ Length of female urethra = 4 cm.


❖ Ovaries - 3 x 1.5 x 1 cm., almond shape

❖ Situation in Pelvic Wall
❖ Vertical in nullipara and horizontal in multipara
❖ Ovary is smooth before puberty and puckered after puberty

Uterine tube | fallopian tube.

❖ Length = 10 cm.
❖ Parts (4) infandibulum, ampulla, isthmus, Interstitial part
❖ Fertilization takes place in ampulla
❖ lleocaecal valve is also called Fallopian valve


❖ 3" length x 2" broad x 1" thick

❖ weight = 30 - 40 gm.
❖ Angle of
• Antiversion = 90°
• Antiflexion = 120°
❖ Length of cervix of uterus = 2.5 cm.

Blood supply

❖ Chiefly by uterine Artery and partially by Ovarian Artery

➢ In fetal life cervix is larger than the body

➢ During pregnancy growth of uterus occurs due to hypertrophy and hyperplasia


❖ In erect position vagina makes angle with uterus = 45°

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❖ In supine position vagina makes angle with horizontal plane = 75°

❖ Length
• Anterior Vaginal Wall = 3"
• Posterior Vaginal Wall = 4"
❖ Upper 2/3 of vagina (from uterus) is pain insensitive and lower 1/3 is pain sensitive
❖ Medium of Vagina (Acidic) due to doderlein bacteria


❖ lies in the lesser pelvis below the neck of the urinary bladder
❖ length 4 cm. (Transversely)
❖ 3 cm = vertically
❖ 2 cm. = Anteroposteriorly
❖ Weight = 8 gm.
❖ Lobes=5 Anterior, Posterior, Median and right and left lateral.
Anterior lobe = no possibility of adenoma
Posterior lobe = adenoma never occur, but sight of primary carcinoma
Median lobe = common site of an adenoma
Lateral lobe = site of adenoma in old age
❖ Outer larger zone of prostate is sight of carcinoma
❖ Inner smaller zone in sight of benign hypertrophy

Anal canal

❖ Length = 3.8 cm
❖ Inferior part of Anal canal divide in three parts
➢ Upper = 15 mm.
➢ Middle = 15 mm
➢ Lower = 8 mm

❖ Pectinate Line is find between upper and middle part and white line is find between
middle and lower part.
❖ Common site of the piles = 3, 7 and 11 o'clock

Arterial supply = above Pectinate line = by Sup. Rectal Artery

Below Pectinate line = by inf. Rectal Artery

Nerve supply = Above Pectinate line = autonomic N. supply

Below Pectinate line = Somatic N. supply146

• Internal Piles - above Pectinate line = Pain less

• External Piles - Below Pectinate line = Pain full.

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Pituitary gland

Two lobes –

(1) Adenohypophysis

(2) Neurohypophysis

Papillae of Tongue

i. Fungiform = On margin and tip

ii. Filliform = smallest and most numerous

iii. Vallate = Larger in size

Salivary glands-

• Parotid, sub mendibular and sub. Lingual

• Largest salivary gland = Parotid = weight = 15 gm.

Thyroid gland -

❖ 5 cm. X 2.5 x 2.5

❖ Weight = 25 gm.
❖ Cells –
• Follicular cells = T3 and. T4 secrets
• Parafollicular cells or C cells = Calcitonin secrets
❖ Parotid duct opens on Inner surface of cheek opposite upper 2nd molar teeth
• Milk teeth = 20 = 2102/2102
• Permanent Teeth = 32 = 2123/ 2123

Littles Area/Kiesselbach's Area

• common site of nasal bleeding

• supplied by antethmoidal nerve.

Organ of balance in ear-

• Static balance = utricle and saccules

• Kineticbalance = semicircular canal

Cerebrospinal fluid

• Formed by - Choroid Plexus

• Absorbed by - arachnoid villi
• Total quantity - 150 ml
• Formation per day = 5000 ml
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• S.g. of CSF = 1002 - 1006

Main Pressures

• Superior vena cava = 0-6 mm of Hg

• Jugular venous Pressure (J.V.P.) = 2-3 cm.
• CSF Pressure = 50 - 150 mm
• Portal venous pressure = 8-12 mm Hg
• Intra ocular pressure = 10 - 20 mm Hg

Main Ligaments

✓ Lacunar Liga' = Femoral Ring (Pactineal part of the inguinal ligament.)

✓ Liga. Of Cooper = Breast
✓ Thomson's Liga. = Lower part of Transversalis Fascia
✓ Ligamentum flavum = connect the vertebra
✓ Liga. Arteriosum =Obliterated ductus arteriosus
✓ Liga Venosum of liver = Obliterated ductus venosus
✓ Deltoid Liga.= On the medial side of ankle
✓ Spring Liga = Plantar calcaneo navicular Liga.
✓ llio femoral Liga./ = Strongest Ligament in the body

(Also called inverted Y shaped liga. of Bigelow)

Main Fascias

F. Colles = Superficial fascia of perineum

F. Colli = Deep fascia of Neck
F. Camper = Between umbilicus and Pubis (Superficial)
F. Cribrosa= In femoral canal
F. Scarpa = Between umbilicus and Pubis (deep)
Fascia Lata= Deep fascia of thigh
Buck's fascia- Deep Fascia of Penis (does not extend in glans)
Denon villier Fascia = Prostato Peritoneal Fascia (recto vesical fascia)
Cribriform fascia = over the saphenous opening

Main Foramina

❖ Epiploic F. or foramen of winslow = Betweengreater & lesser sacks of Peritonum

❖ F. of Monro-= Opening of Lateral ventricles into 34 ventrical
❖ F. of Magendie = Median aperture in the roof of Ith ventricle
❖ F. Caecum = In the base of the skull
❖ F. of Luschka - Opening of the Lateral Recesses of 4th Ventricle
❖ F. of ovale -Transmits Mandibular N. and Accessory Meningeal Artery

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❖ F. Rotundum = Transmits maxillary N.

❖ F. Spinosum = Transmits middle meningeal Artery
❖ Stylomastoid F.= Transmits Facial N.

Main Glands

❖ Moll's gland = In eyelids

❖ Meibomian gland = Tarsal plate
❖ Zeis's gland = On eye lashes
❖ Cowper glands = Bulbous part of urethra
❖ Bartholin gland = In Labia majora
❖ Montgomery glands = Areola the breast
❖ Bruner's gland = In duodenum

Main Pouches

❖ Rathke's Pouch = Pituitary gland

❖ Douglas Pouch =recto uterine Pouch
❖ Hartmann's Pouch = dilated part of the neck of Gall bladder
❖ Morrison's Pouch = Hepato renal Pouch (common site of subphrenic abscess)

Main ducts

❖ Gartners duct = Duct of epoophoron

❖ Wirsung's duct = Pancreatic duct
❖ Duct of Stensen's = Parotid gland
❖ Wharton's duct = sub mandibular gland
❖ Duct of Bivinus = Sub lingual gland
❖ Duct of Santorini =Accessory Pancreatic duct
❖ Duct of Ballini = Kidney
❖ Cystic duct = Between Porta hepasis and neck of Gall bladder

Main Muscles

❖ Muscle of smiling, laughter = Zygomaticus major

❖ Muscle of grief =depressor anguilaris
❖ Longest Muscle = Sartorious
❖ Smallest Muscle = Stapedius
❖ Climbing Muscle = Lattisimus dorsi
❖ Locking Muscle = Popliteus
❖ Boxer's muscle = Seratus Anterior
❖ Muscle of Anger = dilator naris and depressor septil
❖ Muscle of Horror, terror = Platysma
❖ Muscle of Surprise = Frontalis

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❖ Muscle of Doubt = Mentalis

❖ Muscle of Grinning = Risorius
❖ Löcking muscle = Quadraters femons
❖ Unlocking muscle = Popliteus
❖ Longest muscle in body = Sartorius
❖ Strongest muscle in body = Quadriceps Femoris

Main Spots

❖ Bitot's Spots = In Vit. A deficiency

❖ De-Morgan's Spots = In Senile Hemngiomas
❖ Rose Spots = Typhoid
❖ Roth's Spot = Infective Endocarditis
❖ Koplik's Spot = Measles (In buccal mucosa)
❖ Schuffner's dots = IN P. Vivax
❖ Maurer's dots = P. Falcifarum
❖ Ziemann's dot's = P. Malariae

Main Triangles

• Auscultation triangle = "Lower border of Trapezius and "latissimus dorsi

• Femoral triangle - Şartorius, adductor longus, inguinal Ligament
• Hesselbach's triangle = below by inguinal ligament
(or inguinal triangle) medially rectus abdominis
(site of direct inguinal Hernia) Lateral Inf. Epigastric A.
• Trigone of bladder = Between opening of ureter and urethra
• Sherron's triangle = Lines joining umbilicus Right Anterior Superior Iliac Spine and
Pubic Symphysis

Main Lines

• Burton's blue line = On Gum's (Seen in poisoning)

• Arcuate Line= on Rectus sheath
• Hampton's line=made by barium meal in benign peptic ulceration
• Milk line =On nipples
• Mee's line = on the nails in Arsenic poisoning
• Nelaton's line = Ant. Sup. Iliac spine to Ischial Tuberosity
• Pectinate Line = In the upper part of Anal canal
• Hilton's line/white line = In the Anal canal (at the junction of Internal and external
Anal sphincter)
• Shoemaker's line = greater trochanter to Ant. Sup. Iliac spine

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Main branches of the Arteries

Brachial A

(1) Profunda brachi

(2) Sup. ulnar collateral
(3) Ulnar A.
(4) Nutrient Artery to humerus
(5) Inf. ulnar collateral
(6) Radial A.
Axillary A is the continuation of subclavian A
Brachial A is the continuation of Axillary A
Brachial A terminates into Ulnar and Radial A

Coeliac Artery

(1) Left gastric

(2) Splenic A
(3) Common hepatic –
(a) Gastro duodenal
(b) Right gastric

✓ Aorta terminates by bifurcating into two common iliac Arteries

✓ External Iliac the continuation mmon Iliac A.
✓ Femoral A. is the continuation of Ext. Iliac A.
✓ Saphenous vein is used for coronary Bypass surgery
✓ I.V. Fusion in Infant is done by Femoral vein
✓ For dead body preservation preservative fluid is inserted through Femoral vein
✓ Compression of sciatic N. against Femur causes sleeping of foot

Main Valves

• Valve of kerkring = In duodenum and Jejunum

• Valves of Houston -= In Rectum
• Valves of Ball =In Anal Canal
• Valves of Heister/ =In Cystic duct
• Valves of Gerlach =on appendicular orifice

Situation of main nucleus

• Dentate nucleus, nucleus embiliformis, nucleus globosus. Nucleus fastigi=


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• Red nucleus= in mid brain

• Nucleus ambigus, nucleus cuneatus=Medulla
• Nucleus graciis= In dorsal column
• Spiral ganglion= Cochlea

❖ Lingula, colmen, Alae, Declive, Tonsil, Pyramid, uvula etc. are the parts of cerebellam
❖ Cranial Nerves = 12 Pairs
❖ Spinal Nerves =31 Pairs.
❖ Largest Artery=Abdominal Aorta
❖ Largest Vein =Inferior Vena Cava
❖ Longest Cells of the body = Neurone
❖ Largest Cells of the body = Ovum
❖ Thinnest Membrane= Conjunctiva

Dr. Vivek Tiwari (M.S.)


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