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Briefly explain bandwidth in finite element analysis,

Explain the importance of minimization of band width in FEM.

The bandwidth of the global matrix depends on the node numbering scheme and the number
of degrees of freedom considered per node. If we can minimize the bandwidth, the storage
requirements as well as solution time can also be minimized.

Since the number of degrees of freedom per node is generally fixed for any given type of
problem, the bandwidth can be minimized by using a proper node numbering scheme.

As an example, consider a three-bay frame with rigid joints, 20 storeys high as shown in
Figure. Assuming that there are three degrees of freedom per node, there are 240 (20 storey x
4 node along width x 3 degrees of freedom) unknowns in the final and if the entire stiffness
matrix is stored in the computer it will require 2402 = 57,600 locations. The bandwidth of the
overall stiffness matrix is 15 and thus the storage required for the upper half band is only 15
× 240 = 3600 locations.

Bandwidth (B) = (maximum difference between the numbered degrees of freedom at the
ends of any member )

This definition can be generalized so as to be applicable for any type of finite element as

Bandwidth (B) = D · f

where D = maximum largest difference in the node numbers occurring for all elements of the
assemblage, f = number of degrees of freedom at each node.

The previous equation indicates that D has to be minimized in order to minimize the
bandwidth. Thus, a shorter bandwidth can be obtained simply by numbering the nodes across
the shortest dimension of the body.
This is clear from Figure, where the numbering of nodes along the shorter dimension Figure
2.22 (a) produces a bandwidth of B = 15 (D = 5), whereas the numbering along the longer
dimension Figure 2.22 (b) produces a bandwidth of B = 63 (D = 21).


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