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Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Open Guideline 1 (10)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsible) Checked

ESAMMCK Samantha Mckenzie MANAHBA [Samantha Mckenzie]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

MANA-20:001047 Uen B 2020-03-05

SIM User Guide for Suppliers

1 Introduction to SIM....................................................................................................................
2 Login..............................................................................................................................................
2.1 New Supplier..........................................................................................................................
3 Company Profile..........................................................................................................................
3.1 Profile Updates......................................................................................................................
4 Onboarding Process Flow.........................................................................................................
4.1 Screening.................................................................................................................................
4.2 Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)..................................................................................
4.3 Surveys....................................................................................................................................
4.4 Set up in Ericsson systems.................................................................................................
5 Navigating the Company Profile.............................................................................................
5.1 Bank Details...........................................................................................................................
5.2 Edit Company Profile..........................................................................................................
5.3 My Supplier Profile...............................................................................................................
5.3.1 Profile Tab..............................................................................................................................
5.3.2 Screening Tab........................................................................................................................
5.3.3 Surveys Tab............................................................................................................................
5.3.4 Insurance Tab........................................................................................................................
5.3.5 Contracts Tab........................................................................................................................
5.3.6 Attachments Tab..................................................................................................................
5.3.7 Supplier Users Tab...............................................................................................................
5.4 Tier 2 Diversity Spend.........................................................................................................
6 Assistance.....................................................................................................................................
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Open Guideline 2 (10)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsible) Checked

ESAMMCK Samantha Mckenzie MANAHBA [Samantha Mckenzie]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

MANA-20:001047 Uen B 2020-03-05

1 Introduction to SIM
Ericsson utilizes a tool called Sourcing Intelligence Management – Supplier Registry (SIM)
as the approved tool to engage with and manage Suppliers that are interested in working
with Ericsson, as well as ongoing supplier management. It is used to facilitate all Supplier
onboarding and screening activities. This includes registration, screening, due diligence,
diversity and insurance coverage, as well as any applicable attachments related to

2 Login
If you are already registered, sign in with your email and password on the right side of the

If you are a new Supplier, register first on the homepage by clicking on the green Register
button. See section 1.1 for more instructions.

If you have forgotten your password, click the link to set up a new password.

2.1 New Supplier

Once you have clicked on the Register button, the next screens will be an overview of the
General Company Information and Company Primary Contact. Any fields with a red
asterisk are required. Click the blue Save button after entering the required information.
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Open Guideline 3 (10)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsible) Checked

ESAMMCK Samantha Mckenzie MANAHBA [Samantha Mckenzie]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

MANA-20:001047 Uen B 2020-03-05

Once you have clicked the Save button, a pop-up notice will indicate you have completed
step one of three in the Ericsson Supplier registration process. An email will be sent with
instructions to complete the registration. Be sure to check your spam folder if you do not
receive the email. The email will prompt you to click an activation link and enter your email
and provided temporary password. You will then be prompted to change your password,
after which you will be directed to the login page again.

3 Company Profile
After you log in with your new password, several sections will be visible, including the
General Company Information and Company Primary Contact. You can change any of the
information, as well as add additional contacts. You will need to add additional contacts if
multiple individuals from the company need to access the tool. The additional contacts do
NOT become additional users automatically, they would still need to be added as supplier
users by the primary contact, if needed.

Company Details can also be added including a Company logo.

If your company holds any diversity status(es), please enter each one separately. You must
include the expiration date of the certificate and upload a copy of the certificate for each
applicable diversity status.

A Legal Contact is required. It can be the same as the Primary contact; just click the box to
prefill Legal contact, email and phone number. A fax number is required.

After all sections are completed, click the green “Next Step” button on the bottom right.

The subsequent screen will require a Primary Product/Service selection. Additional

Products and Services can also be added, as needed. After the selection of the primary
product/service, a set of screening questions will need to be answered.
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Open Guideline 4 (10)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsible) Checked

ESAMMCK Samantha Mckenzie MANAHBA [Samantha Mckenzie]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

MANA-20:001047 Uen B 2020-03-05

Once all these questions are answered, click the green “Complete Registration” button on
the bottom right.

The next screen will have an onboarding status flow indicating where a supplier is in the
onboarding process. At any point, you can see this information by reviewing the ribbon
across the top. Here is an example:

The sections can be edited at any time by clicking on the “Edit” button in each section
(Profile, Product & Service Offering, Legal, Diversity and/or Company Description).

The Screening questions can also be edited/answered by clicking on the tab at the top.

Once you have registered and the status is active/green, you may use the menu on the left
side to add/edit bank details (once the suppliers has been invited to add these), company
profile, or diversity spend, or use the edit buttons on the profile tab.

3.1 Profile Updates

It is the responsibility of the supplier to keep the company profile updated. The sections can
be edited at any time by clicking on the “Edit” button in each section on the Supplier Profile
page (Profile, Product & Service Offering, Legal, Diversity and/or Company Description).

4 Onboarding Process Flow

Ericsson Sourcing personnel will initiate surveys, depending on the type of products and
services a company provides. Surveys include Technical Due Diligence (TDD), Quality,
Finance and/or Safety. Each survey will be reviewed by the appropriate Ericsson personnel.
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Open Guideline 5 (10)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsible) Checked

ESAMMCK Samantha Mckenzie MANAHBA [Samantha Mckenzie]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

MANA-20:001047 Uen B 2020-03-05

Additionally, please refer to the legend to indicate the status (Not initiated, Initiated, Draft,
Pending Verification, etc.) of each survey.

4.1 Screening
As part of the registration process, Ericsson asks for specific information in this section, such
as a W-9, Holding Company or DBA names, relevant projects, carriers worked for, etc. These
questions are an important part of the screening process and should not be overlooked.

4.2 Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

A non-disclosure agreement is a contract of confidentiality unique to Ericsson and the
prospective supplier. Before any proprietary information is shared, the NDA must be signed
by both parties. If a need is present and the company can fulfill the need now or in the
future, the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) will be released. Ericsson personnel will
initiate this step. DocuSign is utilized for the NDA.

4.3 Surveys
Once the NDA has been released, Ericsson will determine the appropriate surveys to be
released. If the company does (or will do) any type of construction, tower work, installation
or enter a construction site, or any type of work not listed that Ericsson sees fit for any type
of previously mentioned survey, then the company will need to complete the Technical Due
Diligence (TDD), Quality, Financial and Safety surveys. If the company will not be doing
anything at a construction site, then the only survey needed will be the Financial survey.
Ericsson personnel will initiate the appropriate surveys as needed.

A description of the various surveys are as follows:

Technical Due Diligence (TDD) is used to assess a supplier’s technical capabilities. This
includes service history, crew count, relevant contacts, diversity details, OEM details, and
attachments. The attachments include Anritsu, tower, Andrew connector, PIM Testing, PPC
Connector, JDSU, and other certifications. The TDD will also ask for general contractor,
electrical, low voltage, and other licenses. The certifications and licenses will be on an “if
applicable” basis. This survey is released by the Strategic Partnerships and Business
Development team.

Quality is a review that considers a company’s quality standards. Ericsson requires that the
supplier have a Quality Management/Assurance System in place and that it complies with
ISO 9001:2015 or similar official standard. It will ask about how the company controls
documentation, responsible parties for site documentation, how processes are validated,
training and employee documentation, warranty service process, etc. This survey is
released by the Strategic Partnerships and Business Development team.

Financial is a comprehensive questionnaire about the financial history of the company.

Ericsson prefers five years of financial history (a minimum of three years is required). The
Excel template that is available for download in the tool is the only acceptable format (PDF
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Open Guideline 6 (10)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsible) Checked

ESAMMCK Samantha Mckenzie MANAHBA [Samantha Mckenzie]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

MANA-20:001047 Uen B 2020-03-05

is not an option). The Income Statement (including Cost of Sales and Operating Expenses),
Balance Sheet (the Assets and Liabilities must balance- use row 83 to double check), Cash
Flow and Number of Employees are required fields. This survey is released by the Strategic
Partnerships and Business Development or Sourcing team.

Avetta Safety is a review to ensure that Ericsson and the company’s safety policies are
aligned. All documentation must be completed for the safety review to take place through a
third-party company by the name of Avetta. Avetta is a third-party supplier Ericsson uses to
manage the safety surveys. When a company hires a contractor or supplier, they are
obligated to ensure they meet safety and sustainability requirements. This is where Avetta
comes in, to work with companies like yours, to ensure that those standards are being met.

This survey is released by Ericsson ASP Management – Strategic Partnerships & Business

4.4 Set up in Ericsson systems

After all applicable surveys have been completed and passed, the Services Agreement
(including Task Orders and Supplements, if applicable) executed and Certificate of
Insurance (COI) finalized, a unique ID is set up to identify the supplier in Ericsson’s systems.
This is called an MUSID. The supplier is now ready to do business with Ericsson.

5 Navigating the Company Profile

There are four main sections that the registered company will need to use and keep up to

These categories are listed under the “Suppliers Home” tab:

 Bank Details
 Edit Company Profile
 My Supplier Profile
 Tier 2 Diversity Spend
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Open Guideline 7 (10)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsible) Checked

ESAMMCK Samantha Mckenzie MANAHBA [Samantha Mckenzie]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

MANA-20:001047 Uen B 2020-03-05

5.1 Bank Details

This step involves editing the company’s banking details, which is required for supplier
setup. You will only be able to save information on this page when the Banking info section
has been initiated by Ericsson.

After completing all fields and uploading all required documents, click the “Save and
Submit” button. Ericsson cannot proceed with onboarding if only the “Save” button is

5.2 Edit Company Profile

The “Edit Company Profile” is where you can make any necessary changes and/or updates
to the company profile, such as General Company Information, Company Details, Diversity
Status, Legal Contact, etc.

5.3 My Supplier Profile

The “My Supplier Profile” is where the main onboarding flow is available by viewing the
status at the top of the page. The following tabs are also accessible: Screening, Surveys,
Insurance, Contracts, Attachments and Supplier Users. The following are descriptions of
each of these tabs.

5.3.1 Profile Tab

In the Profile tab, you can view the details that were previously populated at the time of
registration. If you need to edit any of these details, you will need to follow Section 4.2 of
this document entitled “Edit Company Profile”.

5.3.2 Screening Tab

This section has specific questions and fields related to screening to help Ericsson
understand more about the Supplier. If the question is not applicable, please click that
check mark box. Anything with a red asterisk is a required field.
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Open Guideline 8 (10)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsible) Checked

ESAMMCK Samantha Mckenzie MANAHBA [Samantha Mckenzie]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

MANA-20:001047 Uen B 2020-03-05

5.3.3 Surveys Tab

Please navigate through each survey under this tab. On the right, select “View (or Edit)
Survey” from the “Actions” drop down menu and input all the information that is relevant to
the respective company. You can also see any notes that have been entered by Ericsson for
each respective survey.

5.3.4 Insurance Tab

Insurance requirements can be viewed in this section based on the services your company
provides. If insurance has not been validated by Ericsson, the Supplier will only see a
message to contact Ericsson. Once Insurance has been validated by Ericsson, the Supplier
can then add a new COI and enter expiration dates per coverage. The Supplier must then
save and submit to Ericsson for approval.

If the COI has been added, on the right, select “Edit/View” from the “Actions” drop down
menu and input all the information that is relevant to the respective company. In addition,
you can view previously uploaded Certificate of Insurance (COI) documents or archived

5.3.5 Contracts Tab

This tab will show the different contracts between Ericsson and the supplier.

5.3.6 Attachments Tab

This section is where the supplier can view any attachments uploaded by any users of the
company’s profile.

5.3.7 Supplier Users Tab

In this section you can create new or edit existing users. The Company is responsible for
giving or denying access to the respective company’s employees. To control the “Supplier
Users”, the user will need to access this tab. Navigation and User of User Accounts

To edit an existing user, use the drop-down menu to select the correct user. Now the user’s
role can be changed. Please note that users cannot be deleted, only deactivated by
unchecking “Is Active” in the “User Status” section. Click the “Edit Account” button to
finalize and save the edits.

To create a new user, click the “Create User” button and enter the email, First Name, Last
Name and Area of Responsibility and assign role.

After the user is created, the account will need to be activated. To do this, find the user in
the drop-down menu and select “Edit User”. Under “User Status”, click the box next to “Is
Active”. The user will now be able to access the company account. The user will need to go and click the “Forgot Password” option to gain access.
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Open Guideline 9 (10)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsible) Checked

ESAMMCK Samantha Mckenzie MANAHBA [Samantha Mckenzie]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

MANA-20:001047 Uen B 2020-03-05

As soon as the new Supplier user is created, that new user automatically gets an email to
authenticate and activate themselves.

5.4 Tier 2 Diversity Spend

Ericsson holds Supplier Diversity in high regard. As a part of the Supplier Diversity program,
Ericsson asks every supplier to submit spend with any Minority Business Enterprise (MBE),
Women Business Enterprise (WBE), Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE), Veteran
Business Enterprise (VBE), LGBT Business Enterprise (LGBTBE), and/or California Public
Utility Commission (CPUC) companies. Ericsson requests that spend is reported quarterly in
our tool.

At the top of the page is more information about diverse spending. Please read and click the
box “I Agree”. Once this box is clicked, fields for the previous quarter will become available
for spend to be entered in the six diverse spend areas.

6 Assistance
If you require further assistance after reviewing this user guide, please reach out to

About us

We are one of the leading providers of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
to service providers, with about 40% of the world’s mobile traffic carried through our
networks. At Ericsson we enable the full value of connectivity by creating game-changing
technology and services that are easy to use, adopt and scale, making our customers
successful in a fully connected world. For more than 140 years, our ideas, technology and
people have changed the world: real turning points that have transformed lives, industries
and society.
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Open Guideline 10 (10)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsible) Checked

ESAMMCK Samantha Mckenzie MANAHBA [Samantha Mckenzie]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

MANA-20:001047 Uen B 2020-03-05

About Ericsson

Ericsson enables communications service providers to capture the full value of connectivity.
The company’s portfolio spans Networks, Digital Services, Managed Services, and Emerging
Business and is designed to help customers go digital, increase efficiency and find new
revenue streams. Ericsson’s investments in innovation have delivered the benefits of
telephony and mobile broadband to billions of people around the world. The Ericsson stock
is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and on Nasdaq New York.

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