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.CLASS l x_u:,JIAillA::..iS
fRO Qr: \HlL IJY
t. Writ e all poss ible outcome1' when
(i) one coin is tosse d .
(ii) two coin s arc to~~cd.
(iii) one die is rolle d .
· • • ·
~!! com e
I too Imes . The follo w ihg rnifH ~<; tttt:
2. 1hrc c coms arc tosse d s,multancoU!'I Y
tI' B
3101 s
· 2 t-;lll s
NtJt ;;,-1
---:-2 8 -
,w-,f:.~-4 .

_i_ ~ -r-J__!!_=--
Find the prob abili ty of comi ng up murc thnn ·
one tat! . _.. ·'
3. A die is throw n 300 times with the frcqu I 2 J 4 1 1-JIKf 11 ;:.i ~i<Y"~ H1 .r,At:
followio,g table .:.
'Out com e
Freq uenc y
__ - - - -
-y-·0 4~·~,. ,- -31)1
cnd~ ~ tor th e ouf t:(ml e~ • • ' i ~ ' '

~-~ ~
11__ _J
f-- 6.
· •


55 53 _.-J--. 2, _ --,,
Find the prob abilit y of getti ng (i) an eve n num
{i) a num hcr more than 4
4. A box conta ins 3 blue, 2 whi~
3 __
½ ber (ii) n prnn i: num ber and -
- -;:.I D ()
,,,/ .- 111 ,,..~

. and 4 red marb l~.7 t a marb le 1s .

draw n a l raNV Jm fro m~ .~ ~
what is the proh ahili ty that it will be (i) whit ~
e? (ii) blue ? (iii) red?
5. A coin is tosse d 1000 times with
ti1e follo wing frequ encie s: Head : 455,
prob ahilir y for getti ng head . Tail : 545 COClplll'..e ti,.l-:)e

6. Two coins are msse d simu ltaoc ou!-ly

500 times . and we get Two head s : 105 time
times and No h<!a cl : 120 times . Fi.;1d the prob s, Orae ~ : :::::-
abili ty of occu n-en ce of two
bead s..
7. A die is throw n JO(l(J times with the
frequcncic'> for the outc ome s l, 2 , 3. 4. 5
follo wing tabie : anJ 6 as z5.'-~ m~
Outc ome -
I 2 3 4 5
Freq uenc y 6
179 150 157 149 175 190
~~~d the prob abili ty of getti ng (i) an odd num ber
(ii) a prim e num b~r and
(m) a num ber grea ter than 4.

8. 12 dcf(..'Ctive pens arc ac_ci~cntally _mix~

d with 132 good ri1l.:s . ll is 11\ll ross ihl\' h..~
and tell_ ~hct hcr or not 1t 1s <lcfcct1vc. One ha~, "-"-~
prob ab,ht y that th,; pen taken out is a good pen is taken out ut rtUh. l\lm t'I\\U l ll ·s 1· · ,~ . ~.a ~
one. ll . ,1'1 ' °"~qu .H'K' It'.')>('
9. ~n ~ne page of a telep hone direc tory, there
'-l1stnb,1t1on of their unit place dioi t, for e~nmwere 200 ll'l1..' 1,h -, -, " . . , .
- - .
5 ) IS g:1vt:n in Tabl e 15.7 : e " 1 , ,11e1
pc,11 1 11m,b~r" ' '"· numh(; n-. 1h~ h\.·~, h~l"- 'V
'"S~~ ~ ~- lh
. • . I ... ~ • • ' • . ~ " ' ' -1' rt'l\.'~· ,,,;:.:ti>-
___Digi t
1 Freq ueoc ~
I 21
26 ' n. -.,,, · "'4-)
-..::.z---~-...J____ .,._ . _( 31 !_\l
__ .~u
_ -•-~1D
I~ .
·-- --~
_ :N·.=-r~
. . ,-_~--· .,.
~ ~
l ··>!!- -...._~ - ~
With out look ing al lhe page . the pen~~il i1i - , -- -e ~ .. ..;. C. J. ~,' 1
I· . _ _ - ·• = ~---·'•'·" " ' · ··.d
~h,>~cn at rundom. Wha t is lhc prohahil11
a prune number and (iii) a number gr ty I ~h·:td ~m
on~ of ,th'\.~ nmn hc, . ',•. , ,t\(',,m"''"''

c:a er t 1unlhi::
4 .'Jthg11 H• lhi i11u, l'l".;v b· \,) ~1, \\...= • l""
"'-".,. -..m~•
'"' ,, ,,.. ~
... A box ~-ontains 90 discs ,.hicb arc: numbered from ( 10 90. If ooe disc is dra" n al random from the
bo~ find~ prob.lhility that it bears (i) a two-dicit number (ii) a perfect square number (liaia
number di\ isiblc b)· 5. -
11. A l<>C consists of 144 ball pens of 'A-hich 20 are defa.-ti,e and the oth~rs are 2ood. ~uri will bu}· a
~ if_it is good. but will not buy ifit is defective. The shopkeeperdra"s o~ pen at random and
gi,·~ 11 lo her.\\ bat is the probabi lity chat (i) She "ill buy it? tii) She will not buy ic?

12. A bag contains 3 red balls and 5 black ba11s. A baJI is drawn at random from the bag. Whar is the
probability lhat the ball drawn is (i) red ? (ii) not red'?

13. A box contains 5 red marbles. 8 white marbles and 4 I!Teen marbles. One marble is ta.ken out of the
bo, at random. \\nat is the probability that the marble ta.ken our will be (i) n.--d ? ( ii) ~ hire '?
(iii) not green?

1'. A die is thro\\n once. Find the probability of getting (i) a prime number; (ii) a number lying
between~ and 6: (iii) an odd number.
15. A bag contains 5 red, 8 green and 7 white balls. One ball is dra~m at random from the bag, find
the probability of getting (i) a white ball or a green baU and (ii) neither green ball nor red ball.

/6. Harpreet tosses rn.·o difrerent coins simultaneously. What is the probability that she gets at lt>tl.\l
one head?

17. A company selected 4000 households at random and surveyed them to find out a rdation~hip
between income level and the number of television sets in a home. The infonnation so obtained
is listt.--d in the follO'l,,ring table:
"onthly incom~ ~um her of Tele, i~ions,11ou~hold
(in Rs.) 0 I 2 Abo,·r 2
<10000 20 ~o f 10 0
10000- 14999 10 240 60 0
15000 - 19999 0 380 120 30
20000 - 24999 0 520 370 ~o
25000 and above 0 1100 760 220

Find the probability: . . .

(i) of a household earning Rs I 0000 - Rs 14999 per year and ha~mg cuctlr ~ne tclC'\IIMOn.
fu) of a household earning Rs 25000 ~ ~ore per year and o"rung 2 telev1s10ns.
(iii) of a household not any telev1s1on.

II. Cards are marked with numbers 4, S, 6, .......50 are placed_ in the bo~ •~ mixed thor~ghly. One
card is drawn at random from the box. What is the probabihty of gettmg (1) an even pnme number
(ii) a number divisible by 5 and (iii) multiple of7?

1~ The n=cord of a weather s&ation shows that out of the pasl 250 c<>MCCutivc dar5. its weather
· forecasts w-..,
- COi I ect 175 times. (i) What is the probability
• dathat
on a gi1,en day at was COtTect?
(ii) What is the ~ i l i t y chat it was not correct on • IJ"cn Y•
.....___ ·muttaneomly SOO times. Each lime tbe sum of IWO number.I appearing on
ate IIKV-11 SI • .........__ ·
4 S °'
9 10 IJ 12
ss n s "
21. Bulbs arc packed
defective bulb~ . .
cartons each contai
nnd the results are ning 40 bulbs.
given in the follow S,
· even hu
ing table: ndred cartons we
N u m b ~ of defect .
ive bulbs O re ex.amm cd for
Frequrncy 1
. 2
O ne ca11on " "~s " ,1 400 180 48 1 4 4 -r ,~ -z -- r7 :;
, 't d 41 5 6 M -- -~ --

,.._c cc c at rand
ll) no dd ec tiv c bu
"' •·
18 ore than 6
lb'? om Wh t·
· th 8 3 2
(~~~ det~ctive bulbs a ts e probability
that it has
from 2 to ?
(111) detective bu 6
lbs less than
22. Ove~ the p~st 200
the to\lowmg table:working days , the number of de
fe ctive ,
parts Prod uced by a .
machme is given in
Number of
defective parts 0 \ 2 3 4 5 6
Days 7 8
so 32 22 18 12
9 10 11 12 13
12 10 10 10
Determine the prob 8 6 6
ability that tomon-o 2 2
(i) no defective pa w's output will have
(ii) atleast one de
fective part
(iii) not more than S
defective parts
(iv) more than 13 de
fective parts
13. A. recent survey
found that the ages of
workers in a factory
Age(in yean) is distributed as follo
20 -2 9 30 -3 9
Number of workers 40 -4 9 50 -5 9
38 .. 27 ,.,. · 86 60 and above
If a person is selected 46 3
at random, find the pr
(i) 40 years or m obability that the person is:
(ii) under 40 year
24. Three coins are
tossed simultaneou
outcomes: sly 200 times with
the following frequ
encies of different
Outcomes 3 head
s 2 heads \ he
Frequency ad No head
If the three coins are sim 23 72
ultaneously tossed ag 77 28
(i) ain, compute the prob
2 heads. ability of getting
(ii) at least 2 heads
(iii) at most 2 heads
•• •• •• •• •• ••••• •• •• • ••••••••••••••••••••••

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