Application of Feedback From Assignment 2

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Application of feedback from assignment 2

Assignment 2 Feedback Addressing the feedback Evidence of feedback integration

From reading your discussion In this assignment, I focused on
postings to the forums, it was keeping my responses to the
clear that you had engaged discussion posts more direct and
with the content, and had within the wordcount. I focused
considered the impact of on using research to specifically
these on the classroom. I help me address each question
found your discussion postings and used literature to help me
to be thoughtful, however at analyse each aspect of the
times I was hoping that you’d question more thoroughly. As I
be a little more precise in your was writing, I worked on being
analysis of the issues, though I specific with how I was writing
understand that this can be and referring to the literature to
tough with the word count support each idea.
you have available. I
appreciated the fact that your
posts became more precise
and targeted as they
progressed, adhering more
closely to the word
It’s great to see that you’ve During weeks 5-10 I focused on
responded to your peer’s finding research that supported
thoughts with comments on the ideas my peers shared, and
their blogs. Remember to use used this research to extend on
research consistently to their thinking. Through using
support your comments on research, I was able to develop
your peer’s blogs, as this adds my own ideas further in relation
to the depth of analysis that to what had been shared on the
you can provide. discussion board and provide
another point of view backed by
Be sure to read the I spent more time double
assignment description and checking I had submitted all the
marking rubrics carefully when components for each week and
you are preparing your work checked they were uploaded to
to ensure that you include all my website, so I did not forget to
necessary aspects. For insert tasks I had completed into
example, in the week 2 activity the correct weeks.
you were missing the
explanation and week 3 and 4
were missing. It’s really
important to check to see that
you have everything listed in
the unit outline before you
Your reflective piece was well During the second half of the
put together; however, I semester, I focused on making
found your links to research to stronger and more direct links to
be a little vague at times. It’s research to support my writing. I
really important that you are worked on letting the research
specific in your use of citations inform my ideas and helping me
to support your thinking. create stronger links in my
Your portfolio was well laid I changed how the navigation of
out, however the navigation my portfolio worked. I have
was hard to operate. attempted to make it easy,
through the navigation for either
the weekly learning tasks, or
discussion posts to be viewed. I
have added an extra button into
each page to make the weekly
tasks more easily accessible after
having read the discussion posts,
and I have checked the dropdown
menus worked correctly. I
realised that these were not
always dropping down when the
site was accessed during weeks 1- Button added into each page to provide an extra navigation point.
4. I also changed the direction the
navigation menu buttons folded
out, to help with accessing each

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