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A SURFACE VEHICLE inrerwarionat, | RECOMMENDED PRACTICE ‘Strength and Durability Testing for Automotive Hydraulic Brake Components RATIONALE ‘The globalization of vehicle architectures and platforms demands a global basis for testing methods and standards. The trend towards vehicles which meet performance requirements in different regions, benefits from a Recommended Practice (RP) which organizes multiple test methods for hydraulic components. This organization is critical to the success of the vehicle program, including the overall quality, reliabiliy, cost-effectiveness, and safety of the vehicle, To remain competitive and relevant, the development of hydraulic brake components needs to relate to vehicle usage. This correspondence or correlation ensures product design, performance, and overall durability and reliabilty are a flow down from vehicle-level conditions and relate to an expected vehicle or component life or warranty period. To enable the translation of vehicle-level load collectives to component-ievel pressure and torque levels, a flowchart is provided as a Quidance to conduct such canversion and calculations, To assist test pragrams without vehicle- or application-specitic parameters, this RP provides vehicle weights, dimensions, and brake system parameters for several vehicles covering Classes A-to-H trom the U.S. Code of Federal Regulation (CFR), Part 565. The task force would like to give special recognition to the work conducted in Europe regarding load collectives and the corresponding statistical treatment. This work was made available as a direct contribution from several Original Equipment (QE) and tier-1 brake suppliers to this RP. In addition, the work and experience of task force members and their companies provides sufficient evidence to support the minimum cycles indicated as pertormance requirements. These requirements are already used by multiple vehicle manufacturers and brake suppliers as part of their test plans on multiple production programs. When testing in accordance to this RP. product service life is predicted to be 300000 km for regular street usage of a 99" percentile driver. NOTE: This RP also includes a companion spreadsheet with summaries of international standards for performance and durability of hydraulic components. ‘SAE Tocca! Sts Soa ules prove that “This epost publahed by SAE to aavance Me sal of exnal and anpneeting sence. The use oh por s eniey Yount, ands pplenbiey and sai ary pate use. nang ay patent stregemert ein thereon, hese responsi Oe user ‘SAE reviews each technial eg at eat every ve years at whch ime { may be revised, reamed, slabized, or canceled. SAE avtes your wlen comments a Cope 8 2017 SAE internat ‘Allghts reserved. No profs pubcaton may be rpreduee, oven arte! ystm or Yansmtod nary form by any means, elecreric, acharicalphetocopyrg ‘recording. or terse, wthout the por wntan parmesan of SAE TOPLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 87706-7323 inside USA ana Canada) [SAE values your input. To provide feedback on this ee ator ota a) Technical Report, please visit Fox, Taeriecran ntowislandards sae. drg.l2995 201709 mal CostomerServiee@aae 079 ‘SAE WEB ADDRESS: tps www sae org SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 2 of 49 10. 1 W4 wad 144.2 112 1124 112.2 11.3 11.3.4 11.32 TABLE OF CONTENTS: SCOPE Evaluation Concept for Non-Durability Testing, or for Durability Testing Below 1000 Cycles. Evaluation Concept for Operating Strenath (Cumulative Damage) Brake Caliper Assomblios Service Load Test for Caliper Assembly. Simplified Testing in Single-Stage Parallel Endurance Test. Applicability of Load Collectives. Purpose REFERENCES. Applicable Documents... SAE Publications YASONIS Publications Related Publications SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATED TERMS Symbols : Abbreviations DEFINITIONS, TEST EQUIPMENT. DEFAULT VEHICLE TEST CONDITIONS TEST PROCEDURES FOR HYDRAULIC COMPONENTS. RECOMMENDED SAMPLING PLAN BASIC PROCESS TO EVALUATE FATIGUE LIFE RELATIVE TO VEHICLE LOAD COLLECTIVES Test Collectives, Basic Collective Standard Collective (STD} Traction Collective (TC) Operational Strength Tests SIN Test for Fatigue Lite Number of Samples. Single-Stage Test of Caliper Assembly Tes! Hardware and Fixture Conditions Service Load Test (SLT) Endurance tests for Parking Brake Assemblies ‘Clamp Loads in Manual Operation Equivalent to Parking on a Slope ‘Clamp loads in electromechanical operation for EPB calipers THERMAL STRESS. PARKING BRAKE ACTUATOR ENDURANCE TEST Static Strength Tests. Test Setup and Execution Requirements. Additional Requirements for Brake Calipers with Integrated Parking Brake Test Setup and Execution Requirements. Burst Pressure Test. Test Setup and Execution Requirements, 10 14 14 14 gs SSSS8SssaR SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 3 of 49 12. 121 124.1 13, 13.4 132 14. 141 APPENDIX A, APPENDIX 8. APPENDIX G FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 FIGURE 5 FIGURE 6 FIGURE 7 FIGURE 8 FIGURE 9 FIGURE 10 FIGURE 11 TABLE 1 TABLE 2 TABLE 3 TABLE 4 TABLE 5 TABLE 6 TABLE 7 TABLE 8 TABLE 9 TABLE 10 TABLE 11 HYDRAULIC LEAKAGE TEST Test Setup and Execution Requirements, GUIDELINES FOR FAILURE MODES AND FAILURE MODE EVALUATION Metallic Structural Components Hydraulic Seals and boots NOTES. Revision Indicator. DETERMINATION OF NUMBER OF SAMPLES AND NUMBER CYCLES OTHER THAN DEFAULT SAMPLING PLAN. DETERMINATION OF TORQUE AND PRESSURE CYCLES FROM LOAD COLLECTIVE FROM VEHICLE MEASUREMENTS. TABULAR LIST OF MAIN INTERNATIONAL TEST PROCEDURES FOR HYDRAULIC COMPONENTS FLOWGHART OF DIFFERENT STRENGTH ASSESSMENT METHODS: FLOWCHART TO DETERMINE LOAD COLLECTIVE GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF STANDARD AND TRACTION CONTROL COLLECTIVES SCATTER PLOT FOR LOAD LEVEL V. CYCLES TO FAILURE. . SCATTER PLOT FOR CYCLES VERSUS LOAD LEVEL TO DETERMINE SLOPE AND NOMINAL LIFE EXAMPLE OF A SURROGATE STEEL BRAKE PAD WITH SPHERICAL BUSHING PRESSURE AND TORQUE PROFILE OVERLAY... EXEMPLARY REPRESENTATION OF THE SLT REQUIREMENT DEPICTION OF TEMPERATURE PROFILE VERSUS CYCLES. EPB CLAMP LOAD OVER TEMPERATURE. HYDRAULIC PRESSURE OVERLAY FOR EPB (X-AXIS IN LOGARITHMIC SCALE) ... RECOMMENDED SAMPLING PLAN BY TYPE OF TEST STANDARD AND TRACTION COLLECTIVES SAMPLE DATA SET FOR S/N CURVE UAND Uc AS A FUNCTION OF PROBABILITY OF SURVIVAL AND CONFIDENCE LEVEL MINIMUM NUMBER OF CYCLES FOR STD AS A FUNCTION OF THE K-VALUE FROM THE S/N CURVE MINIMUM NUMBER OF CYCLES FOR TC AS A FUNCTION OF THE K-VALUE FROM. THE SiN CURVE 7 RANDOMIZATION AND CYCLE COMBINATION FOR THE SLT ‘TEMPERATURE PROFILE VERSUS CYCLES FOR SLT. DISTRIBUTION OF GRADIENTS AND HYDRAULIC PRESSURE OVERLAY TEMPERATURE PROFILE FOR THE AGING OF LIGHT METAL ALLOYS, INCLUDING CORROSION... TEST SCHEDULE FOR HYDRAULIC LEAKAGE TEST. BSSSRRE B 14 16 19 Se BeBR SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 4 of 49 1. SCOPE Toassess the strength and durability for hydraulic brake components as a function of test conditions. These conditions may include: braking torque. hil-nolding, braking forces, hydraulic pressure, brake temperatures, environmental and corrosion effects, vibration, and time. This RP includes a systematic reference to other test methods and provides new test methods for durability life prediction based on the VDA 311 for operating sirength for brake calipers. When using AK load collectives from vehicle testing for life prediction, the nominal vehicle life corresponds to 300000 km. Braking torques and forces take into account inputs trom non-ABS, ABS, EPB, and ESC systems. It also applies to gasoline, diesel, hybrid, and electric vehicles. This RP applies to vehicles below 4540 kg of GVWR. With the appropriate engineering review and assessment for a given test program, this RP can apply (or be used) to scale the duty cycle (or special collective) to reflect regional, on road special applications, or vehicles up to 7 tons of GVWR. Except for the AK load collectives, which have proven correlation to customer usage, the damage content of other procedures requires (a) the quantification with actual laboratory testing to develop the corresponding S/N curves, and (6) the caleulation ofthe equivalent damage at the test conditions for a given load collective. The hydraulic components covered by this RP include: a, Non-vacuum apply system (brake booster and master cylinder) b. ABS modules ©. Service, IPB, and EPB calipers 4. Proportioning valves fe. Wheel cylinders This RP has an accompanying electronic appendix with the tabular presentation as a spreadsheet of different test procedures by type and by component. NOTE 1: The different test procedures and standards indicated on the electronic appendix are the ones available to the task force at the time of developing this RP. Performance test procedures are included only for the sake of completeness, bul they are considered beyond the scope of this document NOTE 2: It is the ultimate responsibility of the test requestor or the manager(s) of the testing program to assess the adequacy and applicability of the different test methods and standards indicated in the electronic appendix. NOTE 3: The project managers) is also responsible for determining the appropriate test plan, test conditions, deviations from procedures, and acceptance criteria to reflect the requirements for the testing program in coordination with the testing facility and the customer when applicable. NOTE 4: Fatigue of electronics or electric components (sensors, modules, controls, connectors, etc.) are not covered in this RP. Such components have significantly different requirements, duty cycles, failure modes, and statistical evaluations. 1.1 Evaluation Concept for Non-Durabilty Testing, or for Durability Testing Below 1000 Cycles, In order to assess hydraulic components or assemblies for other characteristics, different fram service load life prediction (or evaluation), refer to the companion spreadsheet and Appendix C. 1.2. Evaluation Concept for Operating Strength (Cumulative Damage) Brake Caliper Assemblies In principle, all brake calipers must endure the stresses during service braking with sufficient safety margin. Based on its application, the caliper will experience additional stresses from the parking brake load cycles, SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 5 of 49 This RP identities methods to run the different tests in certain fashion, depending upon the material, the test article (component or caliper assembly}, and whether the caliper works as a service brake only, or also performs parking brake funetions, Refer to Figure 1 NOTE: The durability specitication was developed originally for brake calipers made of cast iron. enna ton oer ney rd Pa err ng ge a eed feecbe rae: atte > son000'm Figure 1 - Flowchart of different strength assessment methods 1.2.1 Service Load Test for Caliper Assembly Regardless of their design, all calipers can be tested in service load tests. The stresses of the service brake and possibly existing integrated parking brake are thereby mixed randomly. For calipers manufactured from light metal materials, additional thermal and corrosive stresses musi be considered 12.2 Simplified Testing in Single-Stage In the case of a brake caliper made from cast iron materials, the simplified single-stage test can be used. Thermal and corrosive stress can be omitted. In the case of an integrated parking brake assembly, use the same assemblies (tes! samples) to carry aut the single-stage test of the service brake, and to perform the endurance test of the parking brake. 1.2.3 Parallel Endurance Test The parallel endurance testing can be used for all materia's. Components that are loaded by service brake and parking brake, must be subjected to the combination of these load collectives in a separate component test. Thermal and corrosive stresses must be considered for the relevant components from light metal materials. Do not use the single-stage test to proof the strength for these components, 1.3. Applicability of Load Collectives The traction control collective (TC) applies only to vehicles equipped with traction cantrol systems, installed on the rear axle brake assembly, on rear-wheel only driven vehicles, and exposed to brake pressure or foundation brake clamping force. All other applications use the standard collective (STD). The flowchart on Figure 2 depicts this scope in a structured yes/no format. SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 6 of 49 Question: Answer 1._ Is the vehicle equipped with traction control? Yes No 2._ Is the component part of the rear brake assembly? Yes No 3._Is the vehicle rear-wheel-drive only? Yes No 4. Is the component exposed to brake pressure or to the clamping | Yes No forces) af the foundation brake? Collective to use: TC STD Figure 2 - Flowchart to determine load collective With respect to in-service strength the performance specification covers all requirements to be met by vehicle brakes in public transport even under high stress. However, it does not correspond to special operational conditions, such as motor, racing events or off-road vehicles. Specific tests containing higher or different load collectives might be necessary in those cases and should be developed or implemented in coordination with the test requestor. Light-metal alloy materials such as aluminum require additional testing relating to corrosion effects and thermal aging. Also, a different fatigue test concept is needed in terms of running a randomized service load test (different from single load test or block test) Alternative or non-traditional materials will require aduitional assessments and test procedures to be determined by the test requestor and the testing facility. 1.4 Purpose This RP is intended to establish a common test matrix and methods to evaluate strength, and durability of hydraulic brake companents, The compilation and systematic organization of different test methods, allows the product or test engineer to better assess the multiple options available for a given test program and to customize the actual test plan to suit technical and business criteria. 2. REFERENCES 2.1. Applicable Documents The following publications form part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply. 2.1.1. SAE Publications Available from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) or +1 724-776-4970 (outside USA), www.s20.010 SAE J101 Hydraulic Wheel Cylinders for Automotive Drum Brakes SAEJ1118 Hydraulic Valves for Motor Vehicle Brake Systems Test Procedure SAEJ1183._ Hydraulic Master Gylinders for Motor Vehicle Brakes Test Procedure SAEJ1570. _Rulbber Dust Bools forthe Hydraulic Disk Brake Piston SAE J1603 Rubber Seals for Hydraulic Disc Brake Cylinders SAE J1604 Rubber Boots for Drum-Type Hydraulic Brake Wheel Cylinders SAE J1605 Brake Master Cylinder Reservoir Diaphragm Gasket SAEJ1713. Structural Testing of Passenger Car and Truck Disc Brakes SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 7 of 49 2.1.2 JASOWJIS Publications Available from 10-2 Gobancho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, 102-0076 Japan. Tel: +81-3-3262-8211 (03-3262-8211 for domestic call). Fax: +81-3-3261-2204. E-mail: webmaster@jsae. or jp. or https://www.jsae.or jp/e07publjaso_e.htm! JASO C41 Passenger Cars ~ Service Brake ~ Structural Integrity Dynamomotor Test Procedure VASO C441 Service Brake Structural Durability Bench Test Procedure JASO C448 Disc Brake Caliper Bench Test Procedure - Passenger Car JASO C452 Automotive Parts ~ Brake Vacuurn Servo Unit JASO C463__Proportioning Valves Bench Test Procedures for Automobiles JIS D1601 Vibration Testing Methods for Automobile Parts JIS 02603 Automotive Parts — Hydraulic Brake Master Cylinders For Hydraulic Brake Systems Using a Non-Petroleum Base Hydraulic Brake Fluid 2.2 Related Publications The following publications are provided for information purposes only and are not a required part of this SAE Technical Report ‘Tumbrink, H. and Stroh, D., "The “Asset” Technique - Assessment of Simulated Service Endurance Tests,” SAE Technical Paper 790464, 1979, doi:10.4271/790464. Dowling, N., "A Review of Fatigue Life Prediction Methods," SAE Technical Paper 871966, 1987, doi:10.4271/871966. ‘Tumbrink, H., "Standard Test Procedure for Passenger Car Brake Components Using Operating Strength,” SAE Technical Paper 971035, 1997, dois10.4271/971035. AK-LH 13.1. Endurance Strength Test for Vacuum Brake Equipment with Master Cylinder without Refill Repository Released For Development AK-LH 13.5 Assy Brake Calipers Made of Light-Alloy ~ Requirements and Tests ASTM B117 Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus ASTM E739 Standard Practice for Statistical Analysis of Linear or Lineatization Stress-Life (S-N) and Strain-Life (e-N} Fatigue Data Iso6tt Road Vehicles ~ Braking Of Automotive Vehicles And Their Trailers - Vocabulary ISO 9534-1 Statistics - Vocabulary and symbols ~ Part 1: General statistical terms and terms used in probability 1S0 9227 Corrosion Tests in Arificial Atmospheres ~ Salt Spray Tests ISO 12107 Metallic materials ~ Fatigue testing ~ Statistical planning and analysis of data ISO 12110-1 Metallic Materials ~ Fatigue Testing ~ Variable Amplitude Fatigue Testing ~ Part 1: General Principles, Test Methad and Reporting Requirements 180 15484 Road vehicles -- Brake lining friction materials ~- Product defintion and quality assurance VDA part 1 Quality Management in the Automotive industry ~ Ensuring Reliability of Car Manufacturers and Suppliers VDA 311 Operating Strength for Brake Calipers ~ Requirements and Testing SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 8 of 49 3, SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATED TERMS 3.1 Symbols Other Symbol __ Symbols Definition Unit a Total piston area acting on one side of the caliper for disc brakes: or mm total whee! cylinder area for drum brakes © Basquin slope for SIN (Wehler) curve = c Confidence level; confidence interval; confidence region % c BEF Brake effectiveness for drum brakes = a Tire design overall diameter m D Damage sum as defined by Paimaren or Miner — Di Individual damage of load at step i - Das Total damage, cumulative damage © Di = ' Test frequency He Tire rolling citcumterence factor - Fe Load at step 1 in the load collective corresponding to 1.0.9 gorN Fa, Fo, Fi Load at step A, B. i gorn Fo Load step at the deviation (inflection) point of the SN curve to the gorn theoretical fatigue limit FA Front axle = F Load on the (SIN curve for number of cycles Nx gor Firm Density function of the exponential distribution = H Cumulative total test cycles of load at step i count He Zero-passage cycles for the basic vehicle load collective = 1200000 count ‘Cumulative frequency of the total load collective h 1 Individual test cycles of load at step X: count don Risk factor considering influence of batches and randomness with a - confidence level C and n test samples mo Service lte-related safety factor for the 99.9% line of the logarithmic - normal lognormal) distribution k Slope of SIN curve (slope of the finite fatigue life strength in double - logarithmic coordinate system) Toa, ‘Average value of all the logFi in the sample gon Too, Average value of all the logNiin the sample count Lica Leoiecie Service life requirement (default of 300000 km) km Ley Calculated service life based on component SIN curve and load km collective Men M Brake torque on the tront axle Nem Mra M_ Brake torque on the rear axle Nm Mer Brake torque for static strength testing Nm 0 Number of test samples or specimens; sample size - Ns, No, Ni Number of eycles to failure of SIN curve at load step 1, 2,1 count Nixo-1) Nix Number of cycles for 300000 km vehiole lite, at 1.0.9 equivalent count deceleration, SIN slope k. resulting in Miner Factor D = 1 SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 9 of 49 Other Symbol _ Symbols Definition Unit Nixo-w Number of eycies for 300000 km vehicle fe, at 1.0 9 equivalent count deceleration, SIN slope k, resulting in Miner Factor D = X Nipan Number of eyotes for 300000 km vehicle life, at 1 g equivalent count deceleration on the parking brake assembly Nive Never Number of cycles for 300000 km vehicle life in reverse direction count Nixsoee Niepec Number of cycles for 300000 km vehicle life, at 1 g equivalent count deceleration, SIN slope k. resulting in Miner Factor D = 1 with a safety factor of Sr Nowe Number of load cycles of the SIN curve at the 1 g load level for a 80% count survival probability Nios Cycles to failure for 10% survival probability count Neo Cycles to failure of SIN curve for 50% survival probability count Neos Cycles to failure for 90% survival probability count Neos Cycles to failure of SIN curve for 99.9% survival probability count Nero Total number of eycles calculated for the standard collective - STD count Ne Total number of cycles calculated for the traction collective - TC count Neo Number of eycles required for the service life test count Ne Load class limit on SIN curve at load Fx count Pra Hydraulic pressure on the front axle bar Pra Hydraulic pressure on the rear axle bar Presta Threshold pressure: Minimum pressure required to actuate the brake kPa and start developing braking torque. Unless otherwise indicated by the test requestor or measured as part of the project, use a value of zero Pa Failure probability of the S/N curve (by default use 0.1% or 1x10) % Par Total failure probability (by default use 0.001% or 110°) % Pe Occurrence probability of the collective (by default use 1% or 10-2) % Pu Pu Survival probabilty (by default use 99.9%) % RA Rear axle = RPMilo Tire manufacturer specification for revolutions per mile - typically count specified for the tire size on the manufacturer's website ret Effective radius: radial distance trom centerline of the piston to he axis. mm of rotation for disc brakes; internal drum diameter divided by 2 for drum brakes, unless other dimensions are provided by the requestor AR Rayn Tire dynamic rolling radius mm s ‘Standard deviation - Sr Statistical safety factor = Sos Logarithmic value of the standard deviation ~ sto Standard load collective = T Output torque Nm Tc Traction control collective — Tw Scatter ratio between the Nevs.and Nio» cycles to failure — u Statistic correction value for the survival probability (number of standard. — deviations) of the normal distribution By default use U = 3.10 for PU =99.9% Statistic correction value for the confidence level (number of standard deviations) of normal distribution for a confidence level C. SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 10 of 49 Other Symbol Symbols Definition Unit By default use Us = 1.282 for C = 90% o ‘Component stress at step iin the load collective 5, ‘Component stress at step iin the load collective corresponding to 1.0 g ” Brake efficiency: ratio of output force acting on the friction material to the input force from the actuation (hydraulic, electric, mechanical, or combinations). Unless otherwise indicated by the test requestor or measured as part of the project. use 1 (100%) a Apparent coetficient of friction for disc brakes x ‘Scaled load factor in the load collective A Failure rate of the exponential distribution 3.2 Abbreviations Definition Assembly Antilock Braking System Automatic Traction Control Brake Effectiveness Factor (drum brakes) Design Verification Plan and Report Electric Park Brake Electronic Control Unit Finite Element Analysis Gross Vehicle Weight Rating Initial Brake Temperature Integral Park Brake Lightly Loaded Vehicle Weight Polytetratluoethylene chemical compound. Room temperature Stress versus fatigue cycles for a given component ar assembly far a particular failure mode Standard load collective Traction control load collective assy ABS ATC BEF DvPaR PB ECU FEA GvwR BT IPB LLvww PTFE Rt SIN sTD Te 4, DEFINITIONS 4.1 Apparent Friction for Disc Brakes Friction Coetticient Dise Brake Effectiveness, Per Equation 1 lo" yo OT ©TAD=Pinssas) Ae lag (€q.1) SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 11 of 49 4.2 Drum Brake Effectiveness Brake Effectiveness Factor Per Equation 2 (P= Pravsiote )? Av? (Eq. 2) 4.3 Gross Vehicle Weight Rating GywR Maximum vehicle weight indicated by the manufacturer kgf. 4.4 Initial Brake Temperature eT Rotor or drum temperature at the start of the brake application’*C. 4.5 Integral Park Brake Brake calipers that combine service and parking brake function. The parking brake feature usually actuates the service brake piston, with either a mechanical (ball-in-ramp or cam-and-strut mechanisms are common} or an electric (motor and gear drive) actuator. 46 Electric Park Brake Refers to parking brake mechanisms using only electrical actuation. Some common configurations include: a. An electric motor and gear driven actuator, combined directly with a caliper (motor-on caliper). This category includes service-and-parking and parking-only calipers. b. An electric motor and gear driven actuator, combined directly with a drum-in hat or drum brake. c. Actuating a mechanical actuator via a cable system. 47 Caliper Knock-Back Caliper Pry-Back Knock-back is the push-back of the caliper piston into its bore, as driven by inertial loads and brake rotor movement during rough road operation. Knock back will usually result in high brake pedal travel. The term "knock-back’ is sometimes used to refer to the phenomenon of “pry-back," in which the caliper piston is pushed back into its bore by deflection of the wheel bearing (and therefore brake rotor) during high lateral-g cornering, 48 Caliper Roll-Back Roll-back is the distance the caliper piston is returned back to the released position after a brake apply by strain energy in the caliper seal. During the brake apply, friction between the piston and the seal, and hydraulic pressure against the seal. drags and compresses the seal against the caliper seal groove features. When pressure is released, the seal relaxes and pulls the piston back in order to provide proper running clearance between the friction material and the rotor. 49 Fixed Caliper Opposed Piston Caliper Caliper which has pistons on each side of the rotor (or disc). The only sliding components are the actual pistons and the friction material assemblies. The piston(s) on each side of the caliper housing brings the brake pads into contact with the isc to develop a braking force on the wheel SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 12 of 49 4.10 Sliding Caliper Fist Caliper A caliper design which has pistons only on the inooard side of the rotor (or disc). The piston(s) push(es) the inner brake pad against the inboard face of the disc. Then the caliper housing slides in its mounting bracket to bring the outer pad into contact with the outer face of the disc. 4.11 Confidence Interval Confidence Coefficient Confidence Level Confidence Limit Arrange of values, derived from sample statistics, which is likely to contain the value of an unknown population parameter. Because of their random nature, itis unlikely that two samples (each containing several test articles} from a given population will yield identical confidence intervals. The confidence reflects the proportion of cases that the confidence interval would contain the true value in a long series of repeated random samples under identical conditions. The percentage of these confidence intervals that contain the parameter is the confidence level of the interval. ‘A 95% confidence interval indicates that 19 out of 20 samples (95%) from the same population will produce confidence intervals that contain the population parameter. NOTE 1: The confidence interval does not reflect the probability that the observed interval contains the true value of the parameter (it either does or does not contain it) NOTE 2: Associated with this confidence interval is the performance characteristic 100(1-a)%, where a is generally a small number. The performance characteristic, which is called the confidence coefficient or confidence level, is often 95% or 99%, 412 Reliability Level Survival Probability Probability that the unit (test article) observed does not fail during a defined time period under given functional and environmental conditions, ‘The proportion of units that survive beyond a given time. These estimates of survival probabilities are often referred to as reliability estimates. Use these values to determine whether your product meets reliability requirements or to compare the reliabilty of two or more designs of a product. 4.13 Load Collective Loading Distribution AK Load Collective Cumulative Frequency Histogram Tabular or graphical representation of load cycles at multiple deceleration or force inputs to represent typical driving usage (see ISO 12110-1) The collective can include special cycles for specific vehicle or brake configurations (like traction control). Load Collective’, as used in this RP, is a graph (or tabular description) of “Load” versus Frequency-of-Occurrence, The collective represents an anticipated severe duty cycle for brake components and systems for vehicles (cars and light trucks) in service on public roads. The “load” is expressed as a multiple of the load experienced at 1.0 g vehicle deceleration. This provides @ common, vehicle-level duty cycle ta calculate loadings (torque or pressure) for any particular component or assembly within the braking system. As an example, a load” of 1.3, means 1.3 times the load experienced at 1.0 g, instead Of the load for a theoretical 1.3 g deceleration The load collective is used in combination with the S/N Curves for the specific component to calculate the total damage or to predict component life for a given safety factor Sr, using “Miner's Rule,” or the Palmgren-Miner Hypothesis. The Load Collective in this RP can be converted to component stress or test loadings (such as pressure, force, torque, etc.) as appropriate for specific components or assemblies SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 13 of 49 The original work to develop the automotive Load Collective was performed by the German Working Circle of automobile manufacturers and suppliers known by the acronym "AK." Their work included measurements on multiple vehicle and multiple drivers with an average of four braking events per km for a total of 1200000 cycles (brake events or brake applications). The nominal vehice lite derived from this collective is 300000 km. See SAE Papers 790464 and 971035, NOTE 1: The actual load collective is subject to continuous revisions and updates by several parties. The updates reflect, new requirements or the addition of collectives for new systems, like ABS operations, traction control systems, and electric park brakes, NOTE 2: The loading distribution is the result of the statistical treatment af records of actual service loading on the vehicle ‘or a typical known distribution, and specific to the automotive industry. The loading distribution applies to loaditorque’stress control modes as well as strain control mode and other loading modes. 4.14 SIN Curve The SIN curve is a statistical fit of experimental data to reflect the fatigue life as a function of the stress or strain levels. The nominal S/N curve includes three regions: (a) quasi-static fatigue up to 1000 cycles. (b) fatigue strength region is typically between 50000 cycles and 600000 cycles, and (c} endurance strength below which the material does not exhibit a fatigue lite limit, Aluminum or other special alloys do not exhibit distinct endurance strength. The SIN curve can be for a given material and metallurgy, a component, or an assembly. The S/N curves are typically log-log or semi-log plots, with life values always plotted on the abscissa on a logarithmic scale. NOTE: As part of general good practice for fatigue analysis, the S/N curves should at least include the 60% and the 99.9% survival probabilities lines or parameters at a confidence level of 90%. The proper application of the methads and calculations provided in this RP, ensures the safely factors include the survival probabilties specified for the project, 4.15 Tire Design Overall Diameter Tire Outside Diameter a Manufacturer specification for the nominal outside diameter of a new tire. The design overall diameter is a function of the section width of the tire, the tire aspect ratio, and the wheel diameter. 4.16 Tire Dynamic Rolling Radius Rolling Radius Ryn Equivalent tire radius that will generate the Revolutions per Mile published by the tire manufacturer for the specific tire size per Equation 3. Use the tire dynamic rolling radius to calculate the dynamometer rotational speed for a given linear vehicle speedimm| w= a a Alternatively, use Equation 4 for tite sizes based on European specifications. (Eq. 4) 4.17. Tire Rolling Circumference Factor Tire Factor Ferro Correction factor used to calculate the tire dynamic rolling radius. The tire factor is a function of the tire design and the wheel size. Unless otherwise specified, use a factor ar 3.05 for passenger car tires as specified on the ETRTO design handbook. SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 14 of 49 5. TEST EQUIPMENT As this RP covers multiple test procedures for multiole components or assemblies, refer to the specific procedure or section for the minimum requirements of the test system, 6. DEFAULT VEHICLE TEST CONDITIONS Unless otherwise specified by the test requestor, in agreement with the customer and the testing facility, use the most, appropriate criteria (popularity. worst case, elc.) to select one of the vehicle configurations indicated in Appendix 8. Use these parameters to establish torque and brake pressure levels at 1.0 g deceleration. Use actual vehicle information, data provided by the test requestor. or default parameters provided on SAE J2789 to determine test inertia for tests using or referencing dynamic brake applications. 7. TEST PROCEDURES FOR HYDRAULIC COMPONENTS. Testing a given hydraulic component requires multiple tests under various loading and environmental conditions. This RP has a companion test matrix (electronic spreadsheet) which summarizes the type of tests and its main conditions by type of fest and by type of component. The test matrix s intended to reflect the most common and publicly available test methods. As part of the development of the DVP&A program. the test requestor needs to confirm a formal test plan including some Of the procedures indicated. Other procedures agreed upon with the customer and the test facility can be included on the final DVPAR to retlect particular requirements or test conditions not included on this RP. NOTE: Use the companion spreadsheet to define the test procedures to include on the test plan(s). 8, RECOMMENDED SAMPLING PLAN Unless otherwise indicated by the test requestor, use Table 1 to determine the number of samples to test under each group of test procedures. Please note that within each type of test procedure (performance at ambient temperature, quasi-static strength, durability with thermal elfects, etc.) there could be several specific test methods, which will be included on the actual test plan. In order to determine the specitic test procedure to follow for each type of test, review the test plan with the test requestor or use the SAE J2995 test matrix. Reference ISO 15484 for additional descriptions of the test phases. Table 1 - Recommended sampling plan by type of test SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 15 of 49 9. BASIC PROCESS TO EVALUATE FATIGUE LIFE RELATIVE TO VEHICLE LOAD COLLECTIVES This section provides the main steps, calculations, and assessment to predict service life of a given component or assembly. Unless otherwise indicated by the test requestor, use the test collectives outlined in this section to determine the cycles at specific torque(s) or pressure(s) equivalent to the deceleration levels indicated on the collectives. 9.1 TestCollectives In order to test a given hydraulic component or assembly for durability and fatigue behavior, itis important to relate it to vehicle-level loading (torque, pressure, or both). There are two main collectives derived from acival driving profiles depending upon the actual function and position along the hydraulic system. The collectives also reflect specific loads from test courses of different vehicle manufacturers. There are two basic load collectives which are part of this RP (a) standard (STD) collective combining the basic collective with additional cycles at 1.0 g and 1.3 g for ABS actvily, rough driving, rough roads, speed bumps, and potholes, and (b) a traction control (TC) collective combining the basic collective with additional cycles above 1.0.9 for traction control activity The respective collectives apply o a vehicle life span of 300000 km with a probability of occurrence of the collective of 1% The entire load collective results then from the assumption of making four brake applications (events) per kilometer to a total of 1200000 brake events. Data analysis from previous extensive vehicle testing has shown that the brake load collectives generally can be expressed using the normal distribution. 8.1.1 Basic Collective Equation 5 represents the basic collective for cycles below 1.0 g, and it is assumed to be normally distributed at any given load level Hy = (Hy ~ 2149) + e-mo"l + 2149 (Eq. 5) Equation 6 defines the load factor. (Eq. 6) 9.1.2 Standard Collective (STD) In addition to the basic collective, the Standard Collective includes the following load cases a. 20 brake applies at 1.3-times, 1 g tangential force (braking on extreme rough road sections, roadway thresholds, etc.) b. 2130 brake applies at 1 g load level, covering a severe driving schedule to represent ABS operation 9.1.3. Traction Collective (TC) In addition to the basie collective, the Traction Collective includes the following load cases: a. 80 brake applies at 2-times 1 g load level b. 220 brake applies at 1.6-times 1 g load level cc. 1850 brake applies at 1 g load level Table 2 shows the individual and the cumulative cycles at each load level for the standard and the traction contral collectives. SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 16 of 49 Table 2 - Standard and traction collectives Standard Collective / STD x 2.00 5 Es 1.60 1.30 20 20 0 300 1.00 2130 2150 1850 2150 0.95, 3 2153) 3 2183 0.90 10 2163 10 2163 os: 35, 2198 35 2198 0.80 105 2308) 108 2303 075, 302 2605, 302 2605 70 802 3407 02 3407 0.65, 1978 5385, 1978 5985 0.60 4525 9910 4525 9910 0.86 9595 19505 9595 19505 0.50 18836 38341 18836 38341 0.45, 34175 72516 34175 72516 0.40 57199 129718 57199 129715 0.35, ‘88081 217776 88061 217776 0.30 124215 341991 124218 341991 0.25 159564 501865 189564 501865 0.20 18487 686432 184877 686492 015, 199938 876370 189938 876370 010 s67163, 1043533, 167163, 1043593 0.05; 115274 1158807 115274 1158807 <0.05 41193 1200000 41198 1200000 Unless otherwise statee, apply the load colectves at the equivalent eycles at 1.0 g deceleration using the appropriate slope for he SiN cures for he speci test article SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 17 of 49 Figure 3 illustrates both collectives as a semi-logarithmic graph. 2 ~rStandard Coectve 18 “= Tracten Control Coecive 16 12 1 08 Lead eel 5a os 02 0 Curanve eyes, Figure 3 - Graphical representation of standard and traction control collectives, Use Appendix B to convert deceleration and load levels into torque and pressure cycles for the specific component for a given load collective, 9.2 Operational Strength Tests 9.2.1 SIN Test for Fatigue Life The development of the S/N curve is the second set of information required to complete the estimation of fatigue life. This calculation allows the assessment against the specific requirement for the component at different load, stress, or strain level. Follow the steps below in order to create the S/N curve for the fatigue life (cycles) of mechanical components or assemblies. The fatigue life of hydraulic components (or specimens) is determined by testing multiple samples at various stress levels to generate a fatigue life relationship as a function of stress. NOTE 1: Fatigue tests usually display significant scatter, even under careful test conditions to minimize experimental error. ‘One source of variation in fatigue life is due to the randomness in material properties, metallurgy, and chemical composition. In addition, inequalities in manufacturing process, tolerances, assembly, or heat treatment among test samples can also contribute to variations in fatigue life. NOTE 2: Variation in fatigue life can be expressed as distribution of fatigue life at a given stress, or distribution of fatigue strength at a given fatigue life. NOTE 3: The testing and the calculations outlined in the section may be applied to other hydraulic components upon careful assessment of its applicabilly with the application engineering team. 92.1.1 Sampling To ensure the specimens accurately represent the population, select them in a random fashion. I the population consists of several production batches. select samples from each group. Extract the samples from each group in a number proportional to the size of each lot or batch. I the population displays a serial nature iif the properties are related to the date or time of manufacture), divide the population into groups related to time. Samples from the same baich will reveal the within-batch variabilty. This variabilty can sometimes be similar in value or importance as the between-batch variability, Hardness measurement is recommended for certain materials or components. When possible, include such measurements (or other significant measurements lke critical dimensions) to characterize the sample. Sampling shall take these elements ino consideration. Samples shall represent the natural praduction variation within three sigma of the product specication SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 18 of 49 Sample Allocation to Testing Assign samples to individual fatigue tests in a random fashion to minimize unexpected statistical bias. Also, randomize the series of fatigue tests. When using multiple fatigue machines or test stations, verify their equivalence in performance prior to testing. Assign samples to the individual test machines or test stations in approximately equal numbers. When the test program includes several independent series (test as different load or stress levels), distribute the samples in approximately equal numbers. For tests an different machines or stations al the same load or stress level, carry out the tests at equal or nearly equal rate of progress (or cycling frequency) Number of Samples This RP uses 12 samples as default to develop the S/N curves. The number of samples selected will be dependent on the purpose of the test and the availabilty of test material. For exploratory tests, use between 7 and 15 specimens. NOTE: For a full evaluation of the reliability levels, at least 28 specimens are recommended; see also ISO 12107 and ASTM £379-10, 92.1.4 Guidelines for Testing a. Use single-stage test or constant amplitude test Unless otherwise specified by the test requestor. use the brake fluid established by the vehicle manufacturer. Run all components at each test load until failure occurs. 4. The test article can be the entire assembly or the component known to exhibit the lowest fatique life behavior. Use prior experience or FEA analysis to ald in the selection of the weakest component of the assembly. fe. Run all samples with all load levels providing failures between 50000 and 600000 cycles. This avoids bimodal distributions. Fewer than 50000 cycles can enter the range of low-cycle fatigue or quasi-static fatigue near the strength ‘of the component. More than 600000 cycles can go into the transition portion to the endurance or fatigue resistance range with significantly long test durations. {. Terminate the individual test when a crack or failure of a component is detected using standard laboratory inspection measurement or inspection techniques @. If readily available, use the statistical parameters for the component, These parameters include the slope of the S/N curve (k), the scatter ratio (TN) and one data point at a specified level with a predefined fatigue life. These statistical parameters provide a survival probability of 99.9% with a confidence level of 90%. h. Split he samples into at least three load levels to provide good coverage of the load or stress levels. When conducting multiple load levels, start at approximately the mean value and use the staitcase (or up-and-down} method, until completing all tests to failure. Use the standard deviation of stress or a factor of the 1.0 g load level as the increment. ‘When conducting tests with sufficient samples, use 5% of the mean stress as the load step. NOTE: Fatigue results tend to exhibit more scatter as the stress or strain diminishes. This increases the uncertainty along the length of the S/N curve proportionately. The recommendation to address this behavior is to select the increments in load or stress using the double logarithm of stress or load. This tends to allocate more samples in the higher life regimes; see also ISO 12107, which is especially useful for new designs or when there is no sufficient historical data. This approach clearly helps to define if the response is linear or curvilinear. Using this approach mitigates any biases since the data is uniformly distributed. ‘a, When the samples exhibit a linear fatigue life behavior, use two load levels only. Use at least six samples per level b. Atthe end of each test. conduct all the measurements specified by the requestor in addition to crack position and crack length, Use microstructure evaluation to confirm the type of failure. and dye-penetrant to locate and measure the crack length. SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 19 of 49 Assessment of the SN Curves. a. Separate the samples after test by each failure mode or for cracks at different positions. Treat each failure mode or rack position using separate S/N curves. b. For each SIN group, plot the fatigue lives on Log - Log coordinates, The results should piot as a straight line, Table 3 ilustrates a data set with the appropriate format to generate the corresponding regression curve using a power function with the Xi values on the x-axis and the cycles to failure on the y-axis. Table 3 ~ Sample data set for SIN curve Load Ni 1.40 86000 1.40 102000 41.30 118000 1.30 120000 1.20 134000 1.20 156000 4.10 278000 1.10 378000 1.00 487000 1.00 484000 0.90 556000 0.90 _e2to00__ c. Calculate slope k using multiple load levels and commercial software functions for inserting a trend line using a power function. This generates a straight line. The regression line takes the form of Equation 7a or 7b. (Eq. 7a) PEON, = Feb Np (Eq. 7b) NOTE:Another form of Equation 7 uses the so-called Basquin slope b = k k. ‘A common format of the S/N curve on semilog coordinates is illustrated on Figure 4, with the cycles to failure on the xcaxis. Note this layout does not lend itself for a direct regression or trend line without special manipulation of logarithmic formulae, SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 20 of 49 16 14 . Load 0 level) asa multiple of 1 30000 100000 1000000 Cycles to failure Wi Figure 4 - Scatter plot for load level versus cycles to failure In order to generate the regression line with the format per Equation 7, the x and y axis of the S/N curve shall be inverted from the default format depicted in Figure 4. Figure 6 illustrates the S/N curve with the axis transposed to allow a direct regression curve using commercially available spreadsheet software tools. Using commercial software tools to find the parameters, Equation 7a would praduce N; equal to 41 1875 cycles (intersecting point an the y-axis), and k equal to 4566 1.000 000, $ et % 20000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Load (x level) asa multiple of 1 Figure 5 - Scatter plot for cycles versus load level to determine slope and nominal life SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 21 of 49 d. Alternatively, determine the slope k according to Equation 8: e. Alternatively, to determine the FD location of the best fit ine relative to the log-log graph, calculate the value of load, FD, corresponding to any specific ND using Equation 9: F, =10) (Eq. 9) 1. Vetity inearity of residuals and correlation factor to ensure the model selected to represent the data adequately captures the data behavior (see ISO 12107). g. The fatigue life has different sensitivity to the load level in different ranges. Do not extrapolate the values beyond the actual minimum and maximum values measured during the tests, NOTE: Different calculation methods or selection of sample distribution will generate different values of Nios and Noon, henee affecting the value of Ty to use on the fatigue life calculations and, ultimately, the acceptance criteria for fatigue life and test duration for a given program. h. Calculate the scatter factor TN using Equation 10. The STD and the TC load collectives use a default value of 2.5 for TN for brake caliper testing, (Eq. 10) i. Calculate the logarithm of the standard deviation using Equation 11 Sieg (Eq. 11) Substituting the default values, Siog yields a value of 0.185. j, Alternatively, determine the logarithmic standard deviation using Equation 12 (Eq. 12) k. When using Equation 12 to calculate Slog, determine TN using Equation 13; Ty = 100020) (Eq. 13) |. Calculate the standard deviation using Equation 14. = 10%e0 (Eq. 14) Substituting the default values, $ yields a value of 1.43. SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 22 of 49 m. Determine the values for U and UC for the probability of survival PU and the confidence level C defined for the project. Use Table 4 Table 4 - U and Uc as a function of probability of survival and contidence level Probabilty of survival - Pu Confidence level - C Vor 90.0% 282 95.0% 1.645 97.5% 960 98.0% 2.054 98.5% 2170 99.0% 2.326 99.5% 2576 99.9% 3.100 1. Calculate the Safety Factor JC.n. This factor retlects the interaction of the scatter on test results and the small number of samples for a given confidence level. Unless otherwise specified, use a value of C equal to 90%. Jc» is used to determine the population mean tram the sample mean. The default value of n (number of successful tests on assembled calipers) is four, instead of the 12 recommended to develop the SIN curve. This default value provides an additional safety margin (use Equation 18), Jen = SH) (Eq. 15) Substituting the detauit values, Jon yields a value of 1.28 ©. Calculate the safety factor JL This factor reflects the endurance to ensure a given probability of survival of the collective once the product goes into manufacturing (population). The STD and the TC load collectives use a dofault value of 99.9% for Pu (use Equation 16) ast (Eq. 16) ‘Substituting the default values, JL yields a value of 3.03, p. Calculate the overall safety factor SF The overall statistical safety factor SF is used to determine the minimum number of test cycles without failure(s). The SF factor compensates for the main theoretical prababilties for a given combination of load collectives and SiN curves (use Equation 17) S (Eq. 17) Substituting the default values, SF yields a value of 3.82. @. SIN curve for 99.9% survival probability The fatigue life from the SIN curve represents the 50% survival probability In order to estimate the fatigue life at a given load level for a survival probability of 99.9% (use Equation 18) = Me (Eq. 18) SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 23 of 49 Substituting the default values, N99.9% becomes 1/3.82 of the average fatigue lite, NOTE: Asa rule-of-thumb, if no further information is available, divide the Noo. by four to determine the Nov x fatigue ite. Computation of the Required Fatigue Life Bogie tor Brake Assemblies The calculation of the required fatigue life, or minimum test cycles with no failure, in this RP follows the Miner's rule of cumulative damage. Using the target vehicle life of 300000 km, the total damage yields a value of D equal to 1. The calculations below assume all samples will be tested at a load equivalent to 1.0 9 a. Calculate the equivalent cycles for the equivalent load level Use all the individual steps of the applicable load collective and the slope k for the product tested to determine the minimum fatigue life (use Equation 19). ny (Eq. 19) ‘As an example, substituting the STD load collective (see Table 2) and using a component exhibiting a slope k from the SIN equal to 2, N1,2(D=1) per Equation 19, yields a value of 74546 cycles. For other values of the k slope, follow 9.22.41 / ay sor 16+ 225 [a] 267 163 +115 274 = 74546 10) 6. Calculate the minimum fatigue life in the forward direction For a given slope k of the SiN curve, and a Miner factor DX different from 1, calculate the required fatigue life in the foreward direction using Equation 20. (Eq. 20) (Eq.21) Fatigue Life Estimation Use the elementary form of the Palmgren/Miner linear damage accumulation to predict the lifetime of the assembly or the companent under ‘est. This method provides a sufficiently conservative estimation (use Equation 22). (Eq. 22) SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 24 of 49 Similar to the equivalent damage of the service brake load collective, consider additional load collectives when applicable (like reverse braking and park brake loading). Use Equation 23, (Eq. 23) 9.2.2 Single-Stage Test of Caliper Assembly For parts constructed of cast iron, a single-stage test is possible as a simplified test, instead of testing with the load collective from the service load test. This approach does not require testing against a fixed number of cycles with associated scattering; instead, the test continues until it achieves a component-specitic minimum number of cycles, which is representing a specific lifetime in years or distance. ‘There are two methods to generate the equivalent braking torque. The preferred method utilizes the frictional forces between the brake pads and the disc to generate the braking torque. Alternatively, utilize a triple-spherical bushing connected through a pin (also known as a walking beam design) to transfer the forces between the brake pads and the disc. Test Setups Frictionally Engaged Setup ‘a. Use a rotating aise, caliper assembly, and brake pads. b. Setup the brake caliper assembly with the original steering knuckle, wheel carer. or surrogate mounting fixture on the test system with a rotating disk (frictional engagement) c. Use the actual brake pads and rotor to provide the frictional torque for the test. Control the braking torque per Mechanical Pin Setup ‘a, Connect the disc and the caliper using an oscillating disc or a reciprocating torque arm (lever pulsator) b. Mount the brake caliper assembly an the original knuckle or wheel carrier (when available) on an oscillating disc (back and forth. c. To connect the brake disc to the surrogate steel brake pads, use a triple-spherical bushing connected through a pin (see Figure 6) Figure 6 - Example of a surrogate stee! brake pad with spherical bushing 4d. The setup uses a steel pin (of proper strength) to transfer the tangential force from the disc (or a segment to mimic the interface) to the caliper. The pin connects the two pads to the disc (or segment} SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 25 of 49 e. To allow for the free deflection of the caliper due to the tangential forces applied by the pads, use three spherical bushings (one on each pad and one on the disc) at the brake effective radius. The pin mounts inside each spherical bushing, connecting the disc to the pads and to the caliper. {. Lubricate the interface between the surrogate brake pads and the disc. Alternatively, insert greased DU disks between the original brake pad and the original brake disk for minimizing any friction. NOTE: DUis a trade designation with aluminum-based composition, with bronze and PTFE coating Test Hardware and Fixture Conditions ‘a. Mount the brake assembly according to drawing specifications as much as possible (steering knuckle, rotor, hubibearing, mounting bolts, etc.). It production-level components are not available, mount the caliper on a steel plate with a stifiness similar to the knuckle assembly. Before production release, confirm the test results using production level mounting components. When the production-level knuckle is not available, confirm the deflection or strain of the caliper assembly correlates, Product validation requires completion of a minimum number of constant amplitude stress cycles with any failure made(s) similar among test samples. b. For those brake components that have a limited service life due to wear-related issues, such as e.g., brake pads and their carrier plates and springs, test in accordance with their required uselul life. 9.22.3 Test Execution ‘a, In order ta ensure both, repeatable and comparable results, use the following deceleration levels as default for testing 1, Mga equivalent to 1.0.9 2. MRA equivalent to 1.09 b. Use the vehicle information available or default vehicle configurations to calculate the equivalent torque and brake pressure when applicable (see Appendix B). Comparing the installed braking force distribution with the ideal braking force distribution based on the fully loaded vehicle at 1.0 g deceleration. Use the calculation of MFA and MRA causing the higher stress on the assembly under testing c. Ifa burnish of the friction couple is required, conduct engagements at 50% of the rated torque until pressure stabilizes toa known specitication. Ensure the assembly is capable of achieving the rated torque for the actual test. Alternatively, follow the burnish schedule indicated by the test requestor. d._ Tighten all fasteners according to the specifications of the automobile manufacturer ar the specification provided by the test requestor. e. The specified brake torque and hydraulic pressure (each representing a 1.0 g deceleration) are required to be at least ‘equal to the nominal value and with overshoots limits as follows’ 1, MFA and MRA = nominal +5% 2. pF/\ and pRA = nominal +20% {. Ensure brake torque and hydraulic pressure fall below 5% of the nominal levels in-between cycles. 9. Ensure the hydraulic pressure rise leads the brake torque rise. Also, ensure the hydraulic pressure release lags, or is at least simultaneous with, the brake torque release. Figure 7 illustrates these requirements, h. Use a pressure ramp rate of (50000 + 10000) kPa/s. i. Use only fatigue testing station(s) with the ability to apply brake pressure and brake torque at the same time (sce Figure 7) SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 26 of 49 oa 06 + 04 o2 time Figure 7 - Pressure and torque profile overlay NOTE 1: Not valid for the rotating disc test stand with frictional engagement. NOTE 2: Alternatively, apply the brake pressure and torque as specified by the test requestor and document it on the final test report NOTE 3: For rotating test stands, adjust the rotational speed to the specific test hardware and ensure the torque and pressure limits remain as stated in this section Fatigue Life Required for Vehicle Collectives ‘The design-specitic D value is determined by the brake assembly manufacturer (and agreed upon with the customer) and it becomes integral part of the product specification. The D value is taken into account fo calculate the minimum number of stress cycles required Nise ‘The tables that follow indicate the minimum number of stress cycles until failure (for the caliger or the component) in the special case of D = 1. The cycles are performed at the torque and pressure levels equivalent to 1.0 g. This assumes the relevant wheel brake is capable to withstand the functional capability of the service brake system. The number of eycles apply to testing using caliper assemblies or components. Minimum Fatigue Life for the Standard Collective (STD) ‘a. Conduet fatigue testing to complete at least the number of cycles indicated in this section. b. The minimum number of cycles assumes a sample size of four or more calipers or components tested under repeatability conditions. c. Conduct fatigue testing to complete at least the number of cycles indicated in this section. d. The minimum number of cycles assumes a sample size of four or more calipers or components tested under repeatability conditions. The number of cycles on the forward direction is rounded-up to the nearest 500 cycles. SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 . The individual number of cycles in the reverse direction are 10% of the forward directions. Page 27 of 49 @. Conduct the cycle in the reverse direction prior to the corresponding cycles in the forward direction (see Table 5). NOTE: The values on the table only apply with D = 1, Ty.<2.5, and Sr = 3.82. For other cases, use the applicable items of this RP to recalculate the minimum number of cycies. Table 5 ~ Minimum number of cycles for STD as a function of the K-value from the S/N curve k-Values Gj SIN-Curve 2.0 25 3.0 35 40 10000 ycles Nik 74546 43633 26832 17329 11766 aan 6334 5017 4167 3608 3237 2988 2822 2713 2644 2604 Test Cycles Forward 285000 167000 102500 166500 45000 32500 24500 19500 +6000 14000 12500 11500 11000 10500 10500 Minimum Fatigue Life for the Traction Control Collective (TC) Test Cycles Reverse 28500 16700 10250 6650 4500 3250 2450 1950 1600 1400 1250 1150 1100 1050 1050 1000 a. Conduct fatigue testing to complete at least the number of cycles indicated in this section. b. The minimum number of cycles assumes a sample size of four or more calipers or components tested under repeatability conditions. cc. The minimum number of cycles also apply to rear-axle brake calipers of vehicles with rear-wheel drive, d._ In the special case of rear-axle floating caliper designs, this requirement for the rear-axle housing applies only under pressure loading cycles (see Table 6). Paragraph 13.1 applies to the rear-axle caliper carrier, NOTE: The values on the table only apply with D .Tu.2.5, and Sr = 3.82, For other cases, use the applicable items of this RP to recalculate the minimum number of cycles. SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 28 of 49 Table 6 - Minimum number of cycles for TC as a function of the K-value from the S/N curve k-Values Cycles Test Cycles SIN-Curve Nie Forward 2.0 75116 288500 25 44480 170000 3.0 28049 107500 35 19044 73000 40 14151 54500 45 41700 45000 5.0 10846 41500 55 sni91 43000 60 12601 48500 65 15127 58000 7.0 18977 72500 75 24516 94000 20 32308 123500 85 43162 165000 90 58230 222500 95 79132 302500 9.2.3. Service Load Test (SLT) This test procedure applies during the release phase of the brake design for all types of material 923.1 Test Setup a. Agree with the brake manufacturer and the testing facility the necessary servo-hydraulic testing equipment, the environmental conditioning (in an isolated temperature/cortosion chamber), and the proper system for time and temperature contral (see Section 10) b. Before setting up and commencing the test, ensure the transferabilty of the stress conditions at the component level between the selected test principle and the original design ©. Use the caliper housing bridge to position the temperature measurement during the tests). 9232 Test Execution a, This testis a randomized sequence af relevant loads from the Standard Collective (STD) or the Traction Collective (TC). b. Include parking brake cycles if the brake design also includes a parking brake feature. Take into account the fact that in contrast to the STD collective, the load cycles for parking brake already include a statistical margin of safely (see 9.2.4). ©. Calculate the total number of cycles required using Equation 24a or 24b. The 1.1 factor reflects the addition of the load applications in the reverse direction: or Spd + Npaeg (Eq, 24a) Moot = Nyc Sp VA + Mean (Eq. 24b) 4d. Itis acceptable to omit non-damaging lower-load cycles. Those are the load levels, which contribute in total less than 5% to the overall damage. To calculate the number of cycles to omit, eliminate all cycles on the low end of the collective and represent up-to-52% of the total damage (according to Palmgren’Miner). Use the applicable SIN curve to extract the appropriate number of cycles. SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 29 of 49 fe. For components made of light metal materials, a temperature and corrosion profile is combined with the mechanical loads from the load collectives. For this purpose, the test schedule includes the overall load collective (with consideration ‘of the 5% omission level} separated into 30 blacks, and the temperature profile (see Section 10) separated into 38 program steps. The main steps to generate the entire test schedule is as follows: 1, Remove the load levels equivalent to lowest 5% of the total damage of the corresponding load collective (STD or TC), 2. Split the remaining collective (95% of the total damage) into 30 equally spaced blocks (in the cycle count domain) and number them 1 through 30. 3. Assign to each of the 30 blocks a random number. 4, Rearrange the original blocks in the sequence of the new random block numbers. 5. For the first cycle of the temperature sequence run random blocks 1 and 2 twice each during steps 1 through 37. followed by one repetition of randam black 3 for temperature step 38 (see Section 10), 6. For the second cycle of the temperature sequence run random blocks 4 and 5 twice each during steps 1 through 37, followed by one repetition of random block 6 for temperature step 38, 7. Repeat until completing 10 cycles total, using up all the 30 blocks derived trom the applicable load collective, Table 7 depicts the methodology to combine the load collectives with the temperature and corrosion steps. Table 7 - Randomization and cycle combination for the SLT Ofar aor ae i — — —_—_ dock beck’ “Gude “Gules “Gees Gilet “Dces Ones “Gee? “Ges Geeo Gee tar ae a) 6 5 @ Fy FA 2 5 Fy 2 SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 30 of 49 9.23.3 Test Requirements a. The minimum number of cycles assumes a sample size of four or more calipers or components tested under repeatability conditions. b. Based on taking over the scatter of the S/N-curve, the test is a pass if the number of cycles without failure per or 9.2.17 c. Alternatively, the test is passed, if the load collective is met with a survival rate of R = 99.9%, based on a confidence interval of C = 90%. d. When using parameters different from the default values, calculate the statistical margins of safety with the results of the SLT (see Figure 8 shows graphically the safety factor as a function of the reliability level, the confidence level, and the number of cycles included in the test schedule. —srandardcolectve 1 10 100 1000-30000 100000 1000000 20000000 eyetes Figure 8 - Exemplary representation of The SLT requirement 9.2.4 Endurance tests for Parking Brake Assemblies 92.41 Test Requirements It the brake caliper assembly also functions as a parking brake caliper. there is a need to complete additional test requirements for the same components. These include brake torque according to hill-hold (see and clamp loads, depending upon parking brake design (see or In addition, examine whether nor not the brake design must meet the requirements according to torque hill-hold (see and clamping loads (see andior as part of a combined test, or if they can be tested separately, a. The minimum number of cycles assumes a sample size of four or more assemblies, tested under repeatability conditions. b. Allthe samples undergoing the following endurance tests must complete the entire number of cycles without failures. c. The tests defined in 9.2.4 already include statistical safety factors. SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 31 of 49 Brake Torque trom Load Case Equivalent to Parking on a Slope (Hil: Hold) a. Perform 5000 cycles 'o. Apply braking torque and tangential forces equivalent to parking the vehicle at GVWR on a 20% grade, with an additional 1.5 margin on the nominal torque (or tangential forces). Apply the load in the most unfavorable case for the specific ‘component, which usually means the 5000 cycles are in the forward direction, These 5000 cycles are to be included in the total cycles of and Clamp Loads in Manual Operation Equivalent to Parking on a Slope a. Perform 20000 cycles. b. Apply a clamping force equivalent to parking the vehicle at GVWR on a 20% grade, with an additional 1.5 margin on the nominal force. Clamp loads in electramechanical operation for EPB calipers Perform 100000 cycles with the following test parameters: 2. With superimposed (overlayed) temperature versus cycles profile of the actuator per b. With clamp loads according to the system functionalities, i.¢., clamp loads in accordance with the gradient distribution (see, including voltage and temperature variations. c. With hydraulic pressure overlay in accordance to 4. Perform the temperature profile versus cycles for four times in arder to complete 100000 cycles. €. Make sure to expose all the (internal) efficiency-relevant components to the temperature profile per Temperature Profile versus Cycles Each series of 25000 cycles is comprised of eight temperature steps with specific number of cycles each per Table 8 and depicted on Figure 9. Table 8 - Temperature profile versus cycles for SLT Temperature Step sc Cycles 1 23 5000) 2 85 250 3 65 1500 4 45 19250 5 23 1000 6 o 1750 7 20 1750 8 40 500 SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 32 of 49 100 80 ‘Actuator temperature /°C s000 10000 15000 20000 25000 . al 60 ‘Cumulative cycles Figure 9 - Depiction of temperature profile versus cycles Electro-Mechanical Clamp Load for EPB Calipers For the evaluation of the operating strength during the component test (¢.g., caliper), unless otherwise indicated by the test requestor, apply the average clamping force. a. The average clamp force adjusts itsel! as a function of the temperature inside the caliper assembly. Figure 10 illustrates an example of haw the average clamp force varies with temperature. b. Control the EPB actuator during the endurance test with an ECU and actual software in accordance to the brake system and the vehicle manufacturer. c. The clamp loads will adjust themselves accordingly over the temperature ranges and cycle number. actuatorclamp load reaps cmp oat === maxctamplood temperature["¢] Figure 10 - EPB clamp load over temperature SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 33 of 49 9.24.43 Hydraulic Pressure Overlay a. The hydraulic pressure overlay uses an exponential distribution to represent road gradients, with 1% of operations at gradients 220% using Equations 25 and 26. -e (Eq. 25) Foca —Set = 23 (Eq. 26) b. A stepwise version of the gradient distribution results in Table 9. Use the gradients for each step to calculate the corresponding brake pressure. c. Increase each holding pressure level by 33% to account for over pressurization by the driver. See Table 9 and Figure 11 NOTE: The distribution of percent of operations by road gradient includes into seven, approximately equal, segments in the logarithmic scale. Table 9 - Distribution of gradients and hydraulic pressure overlay Gradient 25-30 20-25 1620216 B12 48 0-4 Percent of . 5 . . = 7 _ Gas 0.3% 0.7% 1.5% «3.8% ©=— 9.5% © 24% © 60.2% Pressure eit 0.38 0.32 0.28 021 0.16 ont 0.08 grade level /g os os ‘eraue in‘ equivalent to discrete road gradients / § as = Mu ° ‘Cumulative percent of operations /% Figure 11 - Hydraulic pressure overlay for EPB (X-axis in logarithmic scale) SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 34 of 49 10. THERMAL STRESS ‘The application of this recommendation on components made of light metal materials requires the consideration of thermal aging and corrosion. In addition to the mechanical load collectives, apply the changing thermal and corrosive stresses described below. The temperature profile was derived from measurement results using a vehicle test following a specific braking schedule; the mechanical loads use one of the two brake load collectives (STD or TC). The test sequence with 38 individual steps corresponds to the damage equivalent of 1 year or 30000 km of vehicle-travelled distance, To obiain a similar travelled distance equivalent to the service brake collective of 300000 km, 10 repeats of the 38 individual steps are necessary. Table 10 indicales the temperalure and corrosion profile for light metal brakecalipers. SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 35 of 49 Table 10 - Temperature profile for the aging of light metal alloys, including corrosion Duration Step Temperature Sequence ‘min 1 heating from ambient temp to 100°C 25 2 heating from 100 to 170°C 15 3 heating from 170 to 200°C 40 4 holding 200°C 2 5 cooling from 200 to 170°C 15 6 heating from 170 to 200°C. 10 7 holding 200°C 2 8 cooling from 200 to 170°C 15 9 heating from 170 to 200°C 10 10 holding 200°C 2 " cooling from 200 to 170°C 18 12 cooling from 170 to 100°C 15 13 cooling from 100 to Rt 15 4 heating from Rt aut 100°C 25 15 heating from 100 to 170°C 15 16 heating from 170 to 200°C 10 7 holding 200°C 2 18 cooling from 200 to 170°C 15 19 heating from 170 to 200°C 10 20 holding 200°C 2 a cooling from 200 to 170°C 15 22 heating from 170 to 200°C 10 23 holding 200°C 2 24 cooling from 200 to 170°C. 15 25 cooling from 170 to 100°C 15 26 heating from 100 to 170°C 15 a heating from 170 to 200°C, 10 28 holding 200°C 2 29 cooling from 200 to 170°C 15 30 heating from 170 to 200°C 10 3t holding 200°C 2 32 cooling from 200 to 170°C 15 33 heating from 170 to 200°C 40 34 holding 200°C 2 35 cooling from 200 to 170°C 15 36 cooling from 170 to 100°C 15 37 cooling from 100 to Rt 15 38 holding Room temperature 6 Salt Spray Test with NaCl 5% ace. EN ISO 9227 (or ASTM 8117) Total 478 SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 36 of 49 11. PARKING BRAKE ACTUATOR ENDURANCE TEST Conduct a suitable endurance test program for the actuator of the parking brake in agreement between the vehicle manufacturer and brakemanutacturer, Overload tests. 11.1 Static Strength Tests 11.1.1. Test Setup and Execution a. Test setup as described for the single-stage test (see The brake torque Ms: for static strength testing is 1. For front axle brakes use Mgr = 1.75 Mra 2, For rear axle brakes use Mgr = 1.75 x Maa ©. Calculate Mra and Maa according ta item 4. Control rise and level of brake pressure and torque according to, €. Its possible to use the components from the leakage test for the overload test. Minimum sample size of four or more assemblies, tested under repeatability conditions. 11.4.2 Requirements After applying the static load, verity the caliper assemblies meet the criteria indicated in this item. Bofore the measurements, move the piston two times #5 mm, then place the piston in the new pad position and subject the brake one time to a hydraulic pressure of 100 bar (10000 kPa). Unless otherwise indicated by the test requestor, verity the caliper performance per the following items 2. No leakage of the hydraulic system Test pressure achioved of at least 150 bar (15 000 kPa) Cc. Pressure drop over time (Ap/At) is less than 10 bar (1000 kPa) over a period of 2 minutes 4. Caliper body slide load is between 10 and 150 N €. Piston threshold pressure is between 0.2 and 3.0 bar (20 and 300 kPa) {Piston retraction force is between 50 and 700 N 11.2 Additional Requirements for Brake Calipers with Integrated Parking Brake 11.2.1 Test Setup and Execution 2. Apply @ one-time load of 1.5-imes the load (nominal force) according to item for a period of § minutes. b._ Itis possible to use the components from the static strength test per tem 12.1 c. Minimum sample size of four or more assemblies, tested under repeatability conditions. 11.2.2 Requirements Alter applying the static load for § minutes, verify the functionality of the parking brake is not impaired and meets the applicable requirements. SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 37 of 49 11.3. Burst Pressure Test 11.3.1 Test Setup and Execution a. Test setup as deseribed for the single-stage test (see b. Apply hydraulic pressure until failure occurs (leakage, mechanical failure, inability to increase pressure, or other as specified by the test requestor) Cc. Itis possible fo use the components fram the leakage test for item the overload test. d. Minimum sample size of four or more assemblies, tested under repeatability conditions, 11.3.2 Requirements Unless otherwise speficied by the test requestor, the burst prossure needs to be not less than 360 bar (35000 kPa), 12, HYDRAULIC LEAKAGE TEST The product release examination per this item is necessary only once per housing diameter, if the deflection of the calipers is in the same range of tolerance, and if the geometric values (e.g., rollback groove) and the materials areidentical 12.1. Test Setup and Execution a. Use a test setup similar as described for the single stage test using new original brake pads (see, b. Apply the hydraulic brake pressure at a rate of approximately 600 baris (50000 kPals). NOTE: In case of new original pads, the piston travel should be approximataly 0.3 mm. c. Except for the first step at room temperature, control the test temperature within 2 °C of the target value 4. The minimum sample size of four or more assemblies, tested under repeatability conditions. e. Apply the schedule indicated on Table 11 for 250000 cycles in total Table 11 - Test schedule for hydraulic leakage test Number of Temparature Test Frequency Target Pressure Step Cycles 10. vvhour kPa, 1 435000 Ri 800 to 1200 7000 2 45000 40 60010 800 7000 3 62000 150 800 to 1200 7000 4 1000 200 800 to 1200 10000 12.1.1, Requirements Alter applying the cyclic test per Table 11, verity the caliper assemblies meet the criteria indicated in this item. Before the measurements, move the piston two times +5 mm, then place the piston in the new pad position and subject the brake one time to a hydraulic pressure of 100 bar (10000 kPa). Unless otherwise indicated by the test requestor, verify the caliper performance per the following items: a. No leakage of the hydraulic system b. Test pressure achieved of at least 150 bar (15000 kPa) cc. Pressure drop over time (Ap/Ai) is less than § bar (500 kPa) over a period of 2 minutes SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 38 of 49 Gd. Caliper body slide load is between 10 and 150 N fe. Piston threshold pressure is between 0.2 and 3.0 bar (20 and 300 kPa) f. Piston retraction force is between 50 and 700 N @. Vetify the wear of the piston and the cylinder surfaces do not impair the proper function of the caliper 13. GUIDELINES FOR FAILURE MODES AND FAILURE MODE EVALUATION In absence of customer-specific requirements, use the following criteria to interrupt the test(s), conduct a thoraugh inspection, and document properly. Before the test commences, define with the test requestor which of the following conditions would mandate a test termination 13.1 Metallic Structural Components This group includes components such as caliper brackets, fasteners, caliper housings, drum brake backing plates, bleed screws, fitings, whee! cylinders, ete Structural yielding (beyond product spectication) at working interfaces (functional geometry) b. Complete fractures or separation c. Visible cracks using a technique agreed upon between the test requestor and the testing facility 4. Leakage of hydraulic fluid 12.2. Hydraulic Seals and boots This group includes components such as caliper piston seals and boots, drum brake wheel cylinder seals and boots, and master cylinder seals. a. Leakage of hydraulic fluid NOTE: A small amount of uid leakage may be tolerated if certain criterion is met. Suggested criterion is that the fluid leakage is limited to small surface wetting (<0.1 cc fluid volume through duration of test duty cycle) b. Cracking or fracture of seal or boot material NOTE: Dynamic seals that are actuated and deformed against an edge (rather than sliding on a smooth surface), such as a caliper piston seal moving against a seal groove edge, may show slight erosion during durability tests. Degradation of the seal should be limited ta material loss (erosion) near the edges of the seal c. Leakage of external contaminants past seal/boot into brake component 14. NOTES 14.1. Revision Indicator ‘A change bar (\} located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technical revisions, not editorial changes, have been made to the previous issue of this document. An (R} symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the document, including technical revisions. Change bars and (R) are not used in original publications, nor in documents that contain editorial changes only. PREPARED BY THE SAE HYDRAULIC BRAKE COMPONENTS STANDARDS COMMITTEE OF THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE AND ACTUATION STEERING COMMITTEE SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 39 of 49 APPENDIX A (INFORMATIVE) - DETERMINATION OF NUMBER OF SAMPLES AND NUMBER CYCLES OTHER THAN DEFAULT SAMPLING PLAN At WEIBULL STATISTICS FOR SAMPLE SIZE, RELIABILITY AND LIFE CALCULATIONS Use the following guide to set up a success-based reliability demonstration test, if Weibull slope (b) is unknown. These calculations allow yau to determine the appropriate number of cycles and number of samples to meet a target component or sub-system life for a given (assumed or expected) confidence and reliability levels. Att Method 1 a. Assume a constant failure rate. . The reliability distribution is then exponential and is given by Equation At (Eq. At) whore: List R = reliably level t= time or eycles MITE = mean Time to Fallure = 1/falure rate c. For lime-censored testing, in which the test is terminated at a predetermined time use Equation A2 to determine the ‘one sided lower limit for the MTTF. (Eq. A2) probability that the true value of the MTTF is outside the confidence limits (alpha = 1 - confidence) T total number of hours or eycles, etc. number of failures, (for success based testing r 0) 1(a.2(r +1) = Chi-Squared statistic for a given « level and the 2(r+1)° of freedom obtained from a statistical distribution table. A1.2 Method 2 Calculate the number of lives to be tested (L}, using the Equation AS: (0) = Rm (Eq. A3) where C= confidence level n= sample size R liability level SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 A13 Examples A131 Example # 1 ~ Fatigue Life for the Front Caliper Method 1 The estimated MTTF = -vin(R) = -50000 / In(0.98) = 4974958 cycles Therefore, = (MTTF * Chi-squared(Alph: 5, 2))/2 = (4974958 * 1.986) / 2 = 3447646 cycles Since, Ten (# of cycles per unit) Then. Number of cycles per unit =3447646/6 = 574608 cycles, Method 2: L= (In(0.5) / (6 * n(0.99))) = 11.49459, Therefore, Number of cycles per unit = 11.49459 * 50000 = $74730 cycles A132 — Example #2: Torque Capacity Under Panic Load 1-Life: 5000 forward applications + 1667 reverse applications R2 97%, C= 0% L= (In(0.5) / (4 * In(0.97))) = 5.689 ‘Therefore, to demonstrate R97C50, four (4) brakes must complete 28445 = 5.689 * 5000 forward applications without failure 9484 ~ 5.689 * 1667 reverse applications without failure A133 Example # 3: Fatigue Undor Braking Loads 1-Life: 275000 forward cycles + 27500 reverse cycles R>= 97%, C = 50% Applying Method 2: L= (In(0.5) / (4 * n(0.97))) = 5.689 ‘Therefore, to demonstrate R97C50, four (4) brakes must complete: 1864514 = 5.689 * 275000 forward cycles without failure 158452 = 5,689 * 27500 reverse cycles without failure NOTE: If Weibull Slope (B) = Known and greater than 1 Page 40 of 49 SAE INTERNATIONAL J29957 Issued MAR2017 Do Ths: Calculate number of lives to be tested (L), using Equation A4 (-c)= Re (1-0) = RA (ai *B)) where: B = Weibull slope Page 41 of 49 (Eq. A4) SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 42 of 49 APPENDIX B (INFORMATIVE) - DETERMINATION OF TORQUE AND PRESSURE CYCLES FROM LOAD COLLECTIVE FROM VEHICLE MEASUREMENTS. 8.1 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS ap us ABC arent FA RA Total deceleration level from load spectra (collective) for a given number of cycles Brake pressure / KPa Braking torque / Nm Nominal cycles from load spectra (collective) for a given deceleration value Test cycles adjusted by default ABS cycling rate and nominal stop time Load spectra from vehicle testing Standard vehicles on SAE J2995 Gravitational deceleration = 9.81 m/s* greritical = vehicle deceleration at which brake balance becomes unstable and ABS or brake proportioning starts Front axle. Rear axle Follow the flowcharts on Figures 81 to determine the pressure level for each torgue level, Repeat the process until completing the calculations for all the load levels of the corresponding collective. The end results of such analysis will provide an equivalent pressure collective, SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 get and trom L/s vehicle info available? Page 43 of 49 calculate Tand Pasa function of vehicle parameters: *+ braking force split below geerit + ideal braking above g-crit select from SAE 12995 default vehicles pressure cycles only Ntest = wrom L/S calculate P and T for test vehicle/axle test article upstream of ABS module? cycling o Pressure and torque torque- resisting ‘member? Figure B1A - Flowchart to convert load levels into pressure levels for a given load collective SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 N*p=N* test Page 44 of 49 torque. resisting member? N*p=N*T= NW test repeat process and >} catculations for all decels of interest for the test item I ‘obtain boundary conditions for: reliability, confidence level, number of samples, etc apply SAE 12995 or customer-directed statistical analysis to determine: test plan, load sequencing, pass-fail testing, censoring, failure modes, inspection schedule, etc. perform test(s) prepare report per SAEJ2995 and customer instructions Figure B1B - Flowchart to convert load levels into pressure levels for a given load collective Figure B1 SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 45 of 49 B2 DEFAULT VEHICLE PARAMETERS When no vehicle-specitic information is available to apply the flowcharts from this Appendix, use the reference parameters from Table B1. The vehicle category (letter cade) corresponds to the CFR PRT 585. Table 81 - Default vehicle parameters for different vehicles categories SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 46 of 49 APPENDIX G (INFORMATIVE) - TABULAR LIST OF MAIN INTERNATIONAL TEST PROCEDURES FOR HYDRAULIC COMPONENTS Table B2 —Type of test ‘Standard low tests _ — Fluid displacement - 118. ‘SAE 1183) Reavired fuid quanti —JASO C463 Free stroking SAE J101 SAE J101 SAE J1118, ‘SAE 1183 SAE 1803, Reservar capacity SAE J1153, JIS D2603, ind depision tesicual messurev Sati leakage SAE J101 SAE J1153, cuum eapabily Vacuum retention ASO 0463 JIS. 02603, JASO C452. ~JASO C452 - aso case = Air intake noise. ASO C452 Normal temperature operalion characleristies ASO C463 physical stability SAE J1570 ‘SAE 1603) SAE J1804 SAE J1605 SAE JI870 SAE J1603 SAE J1604 SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 47 of 49 —Type of test ‘Standard SAE J101 SAE J1118, ‘SAE J1570 _ SAE J160¢ ~Sirenath / tension test SAE J101 SAE A118, SAE J1153, SAE Ji604 — —__. SAE J1713, Sialic resiionce test AKLH132 ASO C452 — ASO C483 ASO C448. SAE J101 SAE JI118 SAE J1153, ‘SAE W570, SAE J1603, SAE J1604 aliper pressure tatique durability _ ‘Corporate Caliper torque fatique durability ~ Corporate. Panic brake durabilty Corporate SAE J101 SAE 118, ‘SAE J1153, SAE J1870 ‘SAE 1603, SAE J1608 SAE AI713, SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 48 of 49 —Type of test —Standard JASO C452. JASO C463) ‘Corporate. Mio TAKLH-13.7 te ath er Hydraulic. density test. = Caliper piston seal dur VASO 0448, ASO Cage ASO C452 Caipor piston boat éurabiiy ~eu Storage corrosion resistance IS 02603. “Vibration at high frequency Vibralion dorabiy ASO Cage, ASO C452. JASO C463. SAE INTERNATIONAL J2995™ Issued MAR2017 Page 49 of 49 BIBLIOGRAPHY Berger, C., et al. 2002, “Betriebsfestigkeit in Germany ~ an overview,” International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 24, Issue 6, Pages 803-625. 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