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MUO RCN TT Te Ria WOW TALENT & OLYMPIAD SAME HEB OUnRGE BOOK GENERAL SCIENCE OLAS I Strong Foundation for COC) AL Ty eR OO RO CCT) fi ‘ COROT Scanned with CamScanner General Science — +} Uving and Non-living things.... Scanned with CamScanner * Things around us are of two kinds natural things and man-made things. * Natural things include living things and non- living things. ° All man-made things are non-living things. Living things move on their own, need air to breathe, need food, feel changes around them, grow and reproduce. * _ Non-living things do not move, grow, feel, and reproduce. ¢ Both animals and plants are living things. They A seed is the dormant stage of a seedling. If all the conditions like temperature, air and water are provided, a seed germinates into an young plant which isa living thing. show all the features of livings things, but they are different from each other in many ways. Differences between Plants and Animals: Animals. i. | Animals move from one place to another. Animals cannot produce their own food. They get their food from plants and other animals. | andairholes. ls reproduce by laying eggs or by Plants reproduce from seeds, spores bulbs and other parts of the plant. hto young ones. Plants re fixed to the ground. Plants do not have sense organs. Plants Plants make their own food, 3. | Animals breathe through nose, lungs, gills Plants breathe through pores. Scanned with CamScanner ESM Class III - General Sei aT Mel Tele mene oT @ How many ving things are shown in the given figure? Qa «=~ V0 (A) One (B) Two (©) Three (D) Four Which of the following is correct for groups P and Q? Group @ js Group P Group P GroupQ (A) Cannotmove [Can move Cannot (8) Canreproduce Jie roduce Live in water (C) Live on land Cannotrespond to (0) changesin the environment Which of the following is a non-living Can respond to changes in the environment (8) A plant (D) A fish zo 0 What are the basic needs of living things? (i) Air (ii) Clothes (iii) Food (iv) Water (A) Only (i) and (iv) (B) Only (i), (i) and (iv) (© Only (i), (ii and (iv) (D) All of the above Dinesh planted a seedling and measured the height after one week, and two weeks three weeks respectively. He recorded his results as in the table given below. Duration (cm) One week 6 Twoweeks | 12 Three weeks | 20 What does the results tell you about the seedling? The seedling is___. (A) growing (B) moving freely on its own (©) reproducing (D) responding to touch Scanned with CamScanner ECC ESTES cu cet eat Observe the following things in the |@)_ Look at the two groups P and Q given given box. Beioal Plant mushroom grass orp ous ie Qa R LS - we: % Which of the following is incorrect about group P and Q? T u Ss Group P GroupQ : (A) Cannot respond to] Can respond to Classify the given things according to their surroundings | their surroundings ae te ee oe (8) Can reproduce _| Cannot reproduce ak (©) Cannot grow | Can grow Can make their Connotimeke (0) on ana hel ‘own food their own Cannot move on {Can move on their food their own own (A) PRS QU 8 Look at the flow chart. (8) PR,S,U QT ©) STU QR (0) Q,5,U PRT 06 A student is blindfolded and is given several objects to feel. Which of these would he describe as hard and smooth? Which of the following represents ‘X, a "Y' and’Z’ correctly? “ @ A Screw Balloon (A) Computer (8) P oO (0) ee ia} Computer oe Marble v) Ey Scanned with CamScanner © Look at the pictures given below. P Q Which of the following statements is correct about P and Q? (A) Both Pand Q can fly by themselves. (8) Both P and Q need air to survive. (©) Both Pand Qcan grow. (0) Pisa living thing that can fly by itself and Q is a non-living thing that cannot fly by itself. Abhi put all living things in one group. He made a mistake. Identify the thing that does not belong to the group formed by the others D> ) o®) 8) Ge © ow ©® which ofthe otlowing is the nor-lving part in the habitat of a bird? Re UE SCS ccs ua Class Ill - General Scien Match the following pictures in Column - | with their answer jp Column - Il. Column -! Alliving thing will die {iy | Aliving thing is able @ tomove by itself, | Jaap | Ativing thing is O) Je able to reproduce. © ~ | | ty] Ativing thing is able to respond to the stimulus (A) priv) ai, i, si) ®) peti, ai, iv), 54) (0 pHiv), oi), (ii), s-(i) (D) pli), q-(0), liv), s-(ii) © which of the following is NOT true about living beings? (A) Living things feel. (8) Living things need food. (© Living things grow old and die, (0) Living things do not reproduce. © which of the fotiowing cannot prepare their own food ? (A) (8) © Sy (D) Both (B)and(C) Scanned with CamScanner ESS Cer yt O« SELES ETT 4 a 7 tudy the table given below carefully. (A) Plants do not show movement. (B) Plants cannot make their own food. (©) Some animals reproduce by laying eggs. (D) All animals reproduce by giving birth to young ones. Match the following living things in : Column with ther young ones in Column ased on the table, what could ae Column: 'G! represent ? ee a arr | |@ 2 (A) Elephant | Giraffe } (8) Pen _| Scissors Man Boy (C) Elephant | pen ol 2. a (0) Pen _| Giraffe q Which of the following is most likely to be S and T in the given a Men __|__shiek flow-chart? P i Living Organisms ~ a” | ess j ‘Tree Seed Able to make Unable to make (s) ’ w their own food their own food Bs @ Cub @ Match the following living things in Column-| with their breathing organs Bird nest’s fern neon is the non-living part of fee tel Satur . [sonst | a (8) Soil Humans (D) Mushroom | TRUE statement from the fp (0 pil. a: Scanned with CamScanner EORTC i cal tng @ Feed the statements given below. Statement P: Natural things can be living or non- living. Statement Q: Living things can only be natural. (A) Both statements P and Q are true. (8) Statement P is true and statement Qis false. (© Both statements P and Q are false. (D) Statement P is false and statement Qis true. @ Why do animals move from place to place? (i) Tolook for food. (ii) To look for water. (iii) To look for shelter. (iv) To get away from danger. (A) only (iv) (8) only (i) and (ii) (OQ) only (ii), (ii) and (iv) (D) (0, (ii, (ii) and (iv) Which of the following can prepare food on its own? “ F | & ‘a? @ All living things get energy from (A) air. (8) water. Class III - General Scie, [26] The figure given below is a non-gra plant. It get its food lr (A) from dead and decaying plants, (8) through photosynthesis. (©) by eating small insects which come near it. (D) from the water we pour near it, Which of the following statements jg NOT correct regarding a mushroom and a vulture? (A) Both of them cannot prepare food on their own. (B) Both of them feed on dead matter. (©) Both of them are animals. (D) Both of them are living things. Which of the following are the characteristic features of all living things? - Growth ~ Reproduction - Feeling changes — Need air, food and water to stay alive (A) Only PandQ (B) OnlyRandQ (©) OnlyRands (D) All of the above (©) food. (D) exercise. ‘Scanned with CamScanner © Ramu placed a healthy plant in an airtight bag in a dark place for two weeks. When he opened it he found fallen leaves and a dried plant. This shows that to survive, plants need (A) only air. (B) only food. (© only light. (0) light, air and water. @ Which of these living things produces its own food? (A) Cat (8) Bird (©) Grasshopper (D) Dandelion plant X& Previous Contest Questions 4 Which of the following items is NOT made from a material obtained from natural things ? Cotton shirt USES CECE Sc tS Ce nent) 4 Class Ill - General Science oO Plastic bottle © Cane basket There is a great variety of living things around us. {oratag ten Why do we need to classify living things? (A) To show that all the living things have same characteristic features, To show similarities and differences among living things clearly in an organised manner. (QC) To see different changes in the great variety of living things. () To group things that grow and things that do not grow. Which of the following ‘life processes’ is seen in animals but not in all green plants? (A) Movement (8) Reproduction (©) Growth (D) Consuming food Which basic need do moles meet by digging tunnels in meadow soil? (A) Water (8) Shelter (©) Light (D) Air Scanned with CamScanner (8) e What is the aim of the activity shown in the given figure? — Opening Black box (A) To show that plants grow well in the closed container. (8) To show that plants respond to sunlight (©) To show how to grow plants (D) To show that plants do not need sunlight. Which of the following is NOT used to classify organisms according to whether they are fungi, animals or plants? (A) The way they get their food (B) Their body colours, forms and sizes (©) the way they reproduce (D) Their ability to move from one place to another A mango tree is classified as a plant because (A) it can make food (B) it can take in air (©) it can reproduce (D) it has a cap and a stalk esc aes Class III - General Scie: A boy placed four leaves in , caterpillar's cage. Monday Thursday ‘Tuesday | Wednesday’ Friday Ww Wi WS! + He observed the number of leaves decreased in the caterpillar's cage each day. Based on the data, the boy should infer that the caterpillar (A) depends on other organisms forits food. (B) can make its own food. (©) does not need food. (D) isa part of a plant. Which of the following pairs consists ofa living and a non-living thing? (A) Acatand a fish tank (8) A computer and a magnet (©) A penguin and a whale (0) A fern plant and a green bean plant All living things (A) cannot move (B) can reproduce (Q) cannot grow (D) cannot reproduce + oe Scanned with CamScanner synopsis Plant Life @ —Aplant is a living thing. They need air, water and sunlight to live. Plants are able to make their own food in the presence of carbon dioxide, water and sunlight. @ The main parts of a plant are roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. Each plant part has its own function. Tit Bits Bud rom reduced to spines. Food in cactus is made in stems and water is stored mostly in the stem. Part ofthe plant Functions Roots ]* Anchor the plantin the ground + Absorb water and mineral alts needed for growth Stem * Supports the plant and allowsleaves to receive maximum sunlight * Transports water and mineral salts absorbed by roots to the leaves Transports food produced by the leaves to other parts ofthe plant Responsible for reproduction Colour and fragrance of flowers help in attracting pollinators like insects and birds ntains and protects the seeds Plays an importantrole in the dispersal of seeds NE Scanned with CamScanner CR AC eu ec Cr tee UMC 8 The table lists the parts of a plant and their functions. What is the function of a flower? ——— Function, ‘Anchor plant, absorb water Parts Roots Stem Leaves Support and transport Produce energy te Flowers (A) Release oxygen (8) Produce fruits and seeds (©) Absorb sunlight (0) Promote growth 8 The picture shows a sprouting bean plant. The leaf produced will help the plant by (A) absorbing water from the air for nourishment. (8) using sunlight in making food. (©) reproducing more bean plants for survival of the species. (D) adding support to the plant as it grows taller. What will happen to a plant that is left d? Aplant makes its own food with the hal ofits leaves. How does a seed get the fog to grow into a seedling? (A) It uses the stored food in the Seeq leaves (B)_ It makes its food by photo-synthesi, (OC) It gets its food from the soil (D) It does not need food to grow, Which of these is an important function of the roots of a plant ? (A) To absorb oxygen from the atmosphere (8) To absorb carbon dioxide form the soil (©) To absorb water and minerals from the soil (D) To transport water and minerals to different parts of the plant Which plant will grow best? (A) A plant grown in the dark with plenty of water (8) A plant grown in shade with little water (©) A plant grown in bright sunlight with enough water (D) A plant in earth without water The figure shows a tree, Which plant or tree reproduces in the same way as the tree above ? (A) Potato (B) Mango (© Carrot (D) Fern Me CULSc urd ty 4 Class IM! - General Science 0 Shyam learned at school that leaves have pores called ‘stornata’ on them. (i) Connects the roots to the rest On his way back home, he collected a of the plant. ei Pe But he was unable to (i) Takes in onygen and carbon : dioxide for the plant. Which of these instruments will help Contains tiny tubes that Shyam to see the pores? m Pilea sks a = and food. ") & ®) aah. (iv) areas et Fy ae en (A) Only (i) and (i) Y 2 (B) Only (ii) and (iii) o|f (0) (©) Onty Gi, i) and (iv) f (D) Only (i), (ii) and (iv) The picture below shows a flowering plant. Bud If all the flowers are plucked off the plant will not be able to (A) grow taller. (B) produce seeds. (©) make their own food. (D) absorb nutrients from the soil. Which of these will grow into a new plant ? (A) Agrain of pollen A fallen leaf ‘A seed following are the stem ? From which of these plant parts does a fruit develop from? Which of the following are parts of a leaf ? (i) Leaf blade (ii) Veins (ii) stomata (A) Only (i) and (i (8) Only (i) and (i (©) Only (i) and (i) (0) All of the above @© which oF the following should come in ‘the empty box in the given flow chart? [Flower }+[ Fruit }+[ > |-+{Young plant] (A) Seed (B) Leaf (© Fruit (D) Stem pie ar E Scanned with CamScanner Pryde ECAC) Wu wath taken by some substances, green pigment @ tearowsin the given plant show ‘relmporance | > t to the green Chlorophyll is the found in leaves. What is of chlorophyll pigment plant? (A) Ithelps the pla (8) It traps carbon (©) It traps light energ) (0) It absorbs water an its need light energy from the sun to grow. They store this energy a5 substances in different parts. Human beings eat these parts of plants t0 get energy: Identify the substances. Which of the following diagrams shows the correct sequence of transfer of Ce warae energy from the sun to human being? (ii) Mineral salts (A) (iii) Oxygen (iv) Sugar a ee (A) Only (i) and (ii) a +4 / (B) Only (iii) and (iv) 1 le (©) Only (i), (ii) and (ili) © (D) (i), (i), (ii) and (iv) Which of the following basic need if the plant is being met i a pe yet in the picture nt to reproduce dioxide in the air y from the sun \d mineral salts Plant 8 an (8) Water God (0) Sunlight © | anchor the plant to the ground. ! absorb water and mineral salts from the soil. Who am I? (A) Root (B) }) Stem (©) Leaf (D) Flower Scanned with CamScanner BMA's Talont & Olymplad Exams Resource Book ‘The diagram given below Tepresents a process that takes place in a plant in the presence of sunlight, The main function of this process is to help the plants to produce (A) water, (B) carbon dioxide, (©) food, (D) nitrogen, ‘The diagram given below shows tiny ‘openings found on the underside of aleaf, The tiny openings marked 'X’ are called (A) stomata. (B) feelers. (©) buds, (0) cotyledons, Match the following plant parts with their functions, ® ‘The diagram given below shows & leaf making food, What do the arrows P,Q, R and § represent? Carbon (A) Water | Food | Gionde |ox9e" Carbon (b) Water | food cnet Oxygen Carbon (0) Onygen) dioxide water | Food ib (0) food {water [oxygen [Gabon ® The diagram given below shows the germination of a seed, Which of these factors are required for a seed to germinate? (A) (i), (il), (ii) and (iv) (8) (i), Gi) and (il) only (©) (i), (i) and (iv) only (0) (i), (ili) and (iv) only BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Re' Which of the following set iy statements is incorrect about plant 'P and Plant 'Q!? Plant Q Ithas a trunk. Ithas leaves and fruits. Ithas flowers. Plant P (A) Ithasa trunk. (8) Ithas leaves and fruits. (C) Ithas flowers. (0) thas branches @ observe the figure given below. Ithas branches. Identify the function of part x’. (A) Enables the plant to make food. (8) Enables the plant to absorb water. (Q) Helps in the transportation of food and water. (0) Fixes the plant to the soil Pad Look at the diagram below car, Which part of the plant and its fy is labelled wrongly? Pp (A) P (B)Q (OR (D)s @ 00k atthe plant below. Which of the following labelled parts of the plant help to support, transport water and nutrients to the plant? (A)P (B)Q (OR (Ds TC! SOOO CIV © Diiferent trees have diferent shapes. Theirbranches and leaves are arranged so that they. (A) getas much sunlight as possible (8) absorb the most oxygen during the day (©) are able to get rid of the most carbon dioxide (0) are able to get rid of the most water © whardoes the sweet potato and carrot have in common? They are both bit) What do the objects given j, common? avail They can be found ona seedling. (il) They are fruits. (iii) They come from flowering plants. They have seeds. (iv) (i) food storage organs (ii) underground stems (iii) used to reproduce plants (A) Only (i) and (ii) (B) Only (i) and (iii) (C) Only (ii) and (iii) (0) (i, (ii) and (ii) The diagram below shows a plant under the microscope. Such openings shown in the diagram are mostly found : (A) on the underside of the leaf (8) on the surface of the leaf (©) in the root hairs of the piant (D) in the stem of the plant (A) Only (iii) (B) Only (i, (i (© Only (ii), (i (0) (i, (id, Gi) and (iv) The diagrams show the stages of developmentof a balsam plant. Which one of the following shows the stages in the correct order? (A) (i, Gi), (iv), (ii) (8) (i, Gti, tiv), Gi) (© (ii, (i), (i, iv) (0) (iii, Gi, (iv), @) Scanned with CamScanner T 1. Living and Non-living Things lat ACROSS 1 Food factory of the plant. Thick main root with hair like branch- ing roots. The part of the plant that grows above the soil. The process in which green plants synthesize their food. DOWN 2 Many tiny roots attached to the end of the stem 4 Reproductive part of the plant 6 Hard and strong stem of the plant that grows in- wo uw oo a ACROSS 4 Organism that breathe through air holes 5 Living things that move from place to place in search of food and shelter 6 the structure that helps in the ex- change of gases in plants DOWN 1 The plant that closes its leaves when touched Living things that breathe through gills Living things that make food by themselves v w J 2 Piant vite al Scanned with CamScanner Animals their Food and Home 3 Animals need food to get energy, to grow and to remain healthy. Animals have different kinds of teeth because of their different feeding habits. ° ° The chain which shows how plants are eaten by animals and animals are eaten by other animals is called a food chain. A food chain always starts with plants All animals directly or indirectly depends upon plants for their food, Flesh eating animals eat the flesh of those animals that eat only plants, Grass Grasshopper Frog ‘Snake Eagle Homes of animals: Animals Types of Animals Homes Lion Wild Den Rabbit Burrowing Burrow Cow Domestic Shed Horse Domestic _| stable Dog Pet Kennel Rabbit Pet Hutch Parrots Pet Cage Hens Domestic Coop Goat Domestic Pen (RR MO Scanned with CamScanner PLC AOU CCL Class Il! - General Sclence feeding habits of animals: ity Herbivo jivores le ‘Animals res Carnivores Omni cow, goat sheep, deer, lion, tiger, crow, bear, Examples rat, monkey giraffe, leopard, fox, human being and horse, buffalo, etc. eagle, snake, etc. rat. ants, fruits and both plants and Pr ca toed p flesh of other ol vegetables animals animals Eating habits of animals: Examples Method of eating food Type of animals bite or chew nuts, fruits and seeds with their front teeth rabbits, rats and squirrels Gnawing animals Cud Chewing sheep, giraffe, first swallow their food as a whole and animals cows, buffalos bring back it into their mouth and keep chewing, Flesh Teasing | tigers, lions, foxes pointed front teeth to tear flesh animals and dogs swallow their food as a whole snakes, frogs, crocodiles, lizard Swallowing animals tongue is used to lap up water or milk Lapping dogs and Cats animals. bees, butter flies suck the food with long thin tube and mosquitoes Scanned with CamScanner Oe ua Multiple Choice Questions 0 In what way are these animals similar? D < We Sith (A) They feed on other living things. (8) They reproduce in the same way. (©) They have the same type of outer body convering, (D) They have a tail that is detachable to help them escape from danger. © Which of the following animals have gnawing teeth? i) © which oF tne folowing are camivores? 4e/" Wa we ra 8 (A) OnlyPandS (B) OnlyQandR (C) OnlyRandS (D) OnlyQ ands Ablack bear eats many different things, including grasses, roots, and berries, It also eats insects, fish, and other small animals, Which of these BEST describe a black bear? (A) Omnivore (B) Carnivore (D) Producer Aco Class IN - General Why cannot animals live ith, plants? (A) All animals depends upon only for food. (8) Animals directly OF indirooy depends upon plants for thy! food, shelter and oxygen, (©) Flesh eating animals need plant, to hunt their prey. Plan, (0) Except for the plant-eatin animals, other could live even plants were not there. © which of the following is a correct food ( chain? ts) (Fos) —+Grake)—+itan) ©) Gass) —+Goat)—-Ction) © 0 The animals given below are similar, As they all are (A) flesh eating animals (8) both plant and flesh eating animals. (©) the animals that gnaw their food, (D) All of the above What is meant by prey? (A) A mammal with four legs (B) An animal that eats other animals (©) An egg laying animal (D) An animal killed by another animal for food, i Scanned with CamScanner BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Rosouren. 0 Which of these is a herbivore 7 (A) Acat that eats mice (8) Acow that eats grass (©) A frog that eats insects (D) An opossum that eats fruit Which of the following ina shed? Dy ay 6) As}, © rN y > Orso and fish animals is kept Ht © Which of the following is a plant and flesh eating animal? he feds oy sy © v YG FIR NONE Which of the following is an animal that swallows its food as a whole? mM Be (®) EE hp © yh 1 (0) i Which of the following Is kept in a OUT ® Which of the following animals chews the cud? a » AD © Bseo bs Alia) Which of the following animals swallow the food without chewing It, and then they bring back the food and chew it slowly? (A) (A) Gnawing animals (B) Cud chewing animals (C) Blood sucking animals (D) Flesh eating animals Which of the following list of animals and their shelters is paired WRONG? (A) Lion den (B) Dog = kennel (Q Cow- shed (D) Horse = burrow Which of the following has sharp tearing teeth? «Wy, Wi yy (0) eat, © Bie ES oO Omnivores are animals which eat (A) only plants, (8) only animal (A) (© both plants and aninals, () neither plants nor aninals, Scanned with CamScanner What does the diagram given below Wome De ‘Grass hopper Vrog Snake (A) The life eyelo of grass (O) A poputation (C) Animals living ina habitat (D) A food chain Which of the following is the CORRECT food chain? th» Drs Ny Grass, Lion 0) Drs \y, Lion Grass of Beene Door Lion Grass © ae ee Grass Deer Lion Which of the followin us milk? SY » 1 animals gives Mk (B) Cow (A) Horse oie Duck ® Which of the following y Hin domestic egg laying ving hy = (H) =i, Snake ocodig (© Fd (D) SY Hen hog Which of the following domestic nin needshigh amounts of energy giving Nike oll seeds, grains, ete 10 give Milk and ig do work? (A) ~ (8) Dog Buffalo i am i Ss Sheep Donkey Hing animals bite food and eth to chew the hy a) ye rage Rabbit Grass hopper ©) ty, (0) deer Buffalo Scanned with CamScanner which of the following animals has no. tearing teeth ? RR ods Dog Lion (0) Buffalo Cat 0 Which of the following animals stores fat in its hump? (A) ; i nm Cheetah Camel c Pp By oO ©) Yi) Squirrel Polar bear Lion and eagle in the given picture are feeding on other animals. Based on their feeding habit they are called aM’ Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Which of the following animals is @ herbivore? © study the following figure. ¥ -©- 2s The arrow sign (+) means “is eaten by’ which of the following animals can 'P’ be? (A) Frog (8) Eagle (© Fox (0) Deer © The figure given below shows an organism. 2 How does the given organism eat its food? (A) It chew the food. (8) It swallows the food as a whole. (©) It tear its food. (D) It cuts its food into tiny bits. Previous Contest Question: Which of the following statements is true for the given group of animals? Cow, Buffalo, Goat (A) They are domestic animals (8) They are called mammals (©) They provide us milk (0) All of these Scanned with CamScanner Match the following animals in Column - | with their homes in Column - I Kennel Rabbit Aquarium pal, 4: pi, Pil, (0) pi, gi, ri Which of the following is NOT an omnivore? i, s-iv The body covering of which following animals is used to m, wool? a) YW, Py ©) e ‘ 8 Which of the following animals give us both eggs and meat? & “Wova © which of the ‘aout match is of a 4] gq (A) © se a : correct? O (0) a Animal | Type of food they eat 6 Which ofthe following best completes | (A) Eagle | plant the given food chain? So (8) Bear | Both plants and animals ae Mouse }>(?)->f Eagle (C) Rabbit | Flesh of other animals 0) 4 ; (A) Earthworm (8) Rabbit tard _| Grains (OQ) Frog (D) Snake The following group of animals are Which of the following is NOT a food most likely to be found in chain? Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Parrot ees Fi a) Rees nop Pe!—> Frog (A) our houses (B) poultry meek (C) jungle (0) z00 The animal that lives on trees is (A) rat. (8) rabbit. (©. monkey. (D) tortoise. Scanned with CamScanner Birds are the only animals with feathers and a beak. The feathers help the bird to fly, keep it warm and protect it from injury. Some birds like sparrow fly at low heights. a Some hummingbirds are so small The body of a bird is made of a strong framework | that they are almost the size of a | of bones. These bones are hollow and filled with | bee! Hummingbirds can keep flying | air. Its body is light but strong, Itisboat-shaped | at the same spot, and are the only and so it is able to float in the air easily. bios ta a eee A bird has wings in the place of arms. These wings have feathers which help it to fly. Feathers that cover the body and keep it warm are called down feathers. Strong muscles that attach the wings to the breast bone are called flight muscles. The feathers attached to the wings and tail-bone help the bird to fly. These feathers are called the flight feathers. The tail of a bird acts like the rudder of a boat. The tail feathers are used for steering, slowing down and changing the direction. When the bird flaps its wings, the air under the wings pushes the bird up. When it reaches high in the air, it does not need to flap its wings any more. Bird flight consists of two main movements ~ upstroke and downstroke. Some birds like pigeon and crow fly long distances. Birds like hen fly only short distances. They usually walk. Some birds like eagle, vulture and kite fly at great heights. They have sharp eyes to locate their prey on the ground. Some birds live in water. They have oil glands which keep their feathers waterproof, They have webbed feet to swim in the water. Ducks, swans, gulls, pelicans and cranes are some examples of water birds. Scanned with CamScanner CSC ecu ee Ts - General Scien, The beaks of some birds and their uses are listed below. Birds Beaks Uses Short and Eat hard fruits hooked & Sparrow, pigeon, Short, hard and flinches and horny grains peacocks Break nuts and Eagles, vultures and | Strong, Tear flesh kites sharp and hooked in Woodpecker Chisel Make holes in tree shaped, trunks strong and heavy Short and broad with sticky mouth Catch flying insects Hoopoes Long slender Pull insects and curved Flat and broad Kingfisher Broad and Scias pointed Suck nectar Long, thin and Pointed Suck nectar Birds have different types of claws. Each claw has four toes. i *. Ill - Gonoral Science \ Based on their claws and nature some birds are listed below. ‘Tres of Birds | types of Claws Perching bird Crow, sparrow and Slender with three mynah toes front and one back | Climbing birds Parrot and Two toes front and woodpecker twoback 4 Preying birds Eagle, hawk and Strong and sharp ow! — a « ie Scratching birds Hen “Strong with three toes front and one back Wading birds Crane Long and spread Swimming birds Birds build nests to lay eggs and hatch them, They build nests to protect the young babies from heat, light, cold and rain. Birds use grass, feathers, twigs, paper, old clothes, grass, cotton, wool, small leaves, etc., to build their nests. Scanned with BASSO once Lucs The nests of different birds are different. Some of them are listed below, Sparrows On tree brane ventilators [= Straw, feather at Tailor bird On tree branches | tate leaves, bits of wool, cotton and hair Weaver bird Hangs down from | Fine grass, palm or the branch of a tree | banana leaves ¢ Woodpecker Tree trunk Holes in tree trunk ja Vulture On tall trees I Sticks Penguins ‘On the ground Pebbles and stones Big holes and grass Owls Hollow of a tree Feathers and grass Scanned with CamScanner Pee Luce ra Here is a picture of a bird whose beak is not shown. This bird feeds on dead animals. Which of the beaks given below will look like the beak of this bird? Which of the following birds have beaks that perform the same function as the STRAW? a“ ee ® = a These animals can be grouped @© Which of the animals has a foot as @ together because they all shown in the given figure? a (A) live in the water. (8) have webbed feet. ig oO (©) have feathers. (D) live in a cold place. Scanned with CamScanner ITY Ost © Which these beaks most ey use for scooping up small fish for food? (A) —— 0 , m= - ~~ less « ) a Which of the following parts of a bird is helpful to the bird in flying? (A) Down feathers (8) Flight feathers (©) Beak and legs (D) Colour of the bird Which of the following birds swims? (A) Duck (B) Kite (© Vulture (D) Swallow Which of the following birds can fly to great heights? (A) ff 8) 2 a Eagle Sparrow cs ~ a a Cock Penguin © wich ofthe folowing have sharp eyes that enable the bird to see its prey on the ground? a) 4 Hen Crane OT Which of the following were Used 5 carrying letters from one Dhace ¢ another in the olden days? I a) ~ ) r Sparrow Penguin oO ee» ® q Peacock Pigeon @ wien ofthe fotowing is a waterbi? (A) & (8) = Crane Sparrow ¢€ 4 Peacock Eagle Which of the following birds has special oil glands that make its feathers waterproof? & 4 a) @) D- Sparrow Duck Hen Eagle Scanned with CamScanner which of the following have webbed feet? “) w (8) i Duck Sparrow o ~~ ) ® Peacock Eagle Read the given table and fill the circle with the question mark. Climbing | Preying| Wading bird bird birds Woodpecker] hawk | @) (A) Crane (B) Duck (© Eagle (D) Parrot Some birds like crows have four toes three in the front and one at the back. They hold the branches of the trees very firmly and can even sleep at nights. Such birds are called. (A) climbing birds. (8) wading birds. (© scratching birds. (D) perching birds. Eagles attack and eat small animals. They are likely to have (A) webbed feet with skin between the toes. (8) long legs with wide spreading toes. (© strong legs with a short toe at the back to scratch. (0) strong and sharp claws to hold the prey. urce Book Class Ill - General Science Swimming birds usually have (A) broad, tong and pointed beaks. (8) broad, flat beaks with tiny holes on the sides | (©) long and slender beaks. | (0) strong and heavy beaks. | Which of the following is a perching bird? > Parrot Duck A bird can sleep on the branches of a tree while perching, It is most likely to have (A) two toes in the front and two toes at the back. webbed feet. Penguin (8) (©) three toes in the front and one toe at the back. (D) two toesin the front and one small wind toe at the back. Identify a climbing bird from the following. a Sparrow Crow | ow oe Parrot Duck } Scanned with CamScanner Pe an ecu taal ‘A woodpecker has two toes in the front and two toes in the back. Itisa (A) perching bird. (8) preying bird (© swimming bird. (0) climbing bird. Preying birds are powerful birds which attack and eat small animals. They catch and hold their prey and travel long distances. They have (A) feet with special webs of skin between the toes. (8) very strong and sharp claws. (Q two toes pointing upwards and two toes pointing downwards. (0) long, thin and slender legs. Identify a preying bird from the following. wae © r Sparrow Eagle oO ay o ap Parrot Crane Identify a scratching bird from the following. “a ®) a Cock Parrot @ & Duck Class Ill - General Science @ scratching birds have (A) webbed feet with skin between their toes. two toes pointing upwards ang (B) two toes pointing downwards, three long toes in front and one short toe at the back with sharp (@ horny claws. thin, long legs with wide spreading toes. The birds which can walk over shallow water are called wading birds. Which, of the following claws are they most likely to have? (A) Two toes pointing upwards and two toes pointing downwards (0) ® (8) Twotoes in the front and one hind toe at the back (©) Webbed feet with skin between their toes () Thin, long legs with toes that spread wide © Which of the following is a wading bird? -® - -_ Eagle Crane Hen Duck Scanned with CamScanner Which of the following is a swimming bird? ny we ©) “ES 0 PU LUO Olymplad Exams Resource Book Class Ill - General Science Swallows go round and round in the air keeping their beaks open. They catch tiny flying insects and flies which stick inside their mouth while flying. swallows have DUCK Sparrow (A) broad and flat beak. (8) long and slender beak. (©) strong and heavy beak. oO (0) (0) short and broad beak toad @ In the columns given below, match the Hen Peacock birds with the food they eat correctly. in the columns given below, match the Column -1 Column -Il birds with the type of caws comectly p.| Parrot i. | Insects Column =| Column - {1 aller iL Fruits p. Climbing bird |i. | Sparrow r. | Duck iii] Flesh q. Perching bird | ii. | Woodpecker s. | Woodpecker | iv. Tiny water animals | Preying bird _|ili.| Hen (A) p-ii, ql, iv, si | Scratching bird] iv.| Hawk ®) pili, qv, ri, si (A) pall, i, ri, 5 ree ee ‘ (0) pi giv, ri, 51 (B) pli, ¢ (O pig © Eases, owis and hawks have (0) priv, ql, ri, si (A) broad, flat beaks. Birds that crack nuts and eat grains and (B) broad, soft beaks. seeds have (© long, slender, curved beaks. (A) soft, broad beaks. (6) short, hard and horny beaks. (© long, slender and curved beaks. (D) broad, flat beaks with strainers. Which of the following birds has a strong hooked beak to tear flesh? Parrot Penguin © (0) (0) hard, sharp, curved beaks. €© A hoopoe bird has (A) long and slender beak. (8) broad and flat beak. (Q) strong and heavy beak. (0) short and broad beak. Which of the following bird lays its eggs in a crow’s nest? (A) Koel @) owl (© Penguin (0) Vulture Which of the following birds weaves its nest with leaves? (A) Tailor bird (8) Woodpecker (Q Penguin (0) Bulbul Scanned with CamScanner BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class III - General Scienc, © Birds buitd nests (A) to lay eggs. (B) to protect and feed their young ones. (©) to give shelter to their young ones. (D) all the above A bulbul builds its nest in (A) hedges and bushes. (B) barks of the trees. (©) holes in the trunks of trees. (D) under the ground. Which of the following birds joins two or three large leaves to make its nest? (A) Pigeon (8) Spider (©) Tailor bird (0) Woodpecker eo Weaverbird weaves its nest from (A) concrete, sand and iron, (B) pebbles, stones and cement. (©) sticks, tendrils and bushes. (D) grass, fine strips of palm and banana leaves. Which of the following birds collects pebbles and bones on the ground to make their nests? Penguin BX Eagle Crow © watch the folowing birds in Coup, | with their nests in Column ~y, "> Column -1 Column - i p.| Tailorbird |i. | Nest made of Pebbles q.| Woodpecker | ji. | Make a hole in the trunk of tree r. | Penguin iii.| Nest in the hollow of trees s. | Owl iv, Stitches large leaves siv sv (0 pry, ari, ri, sii (0) pv, qiv, ii, sii The tail of a bird helps it to (A) fly fast. (8) fly slow. (©) fly high. (D) change direction. A particular bird can swim in water and also fly comfortably. It lays eggs to reproduce. Which of the following could this bird be? (A) Sparrow (B) Swan (Q Pigeon (D) Parrot Identify the flightless bird, (A) (8) Eagle Penguin cao’ Sparrow Crow Scanned with CamScanner Class III - General Science \ 0G Birds are the only animals that have (i) wings (il) legs a f a i ® - ie DRS CUCL CET Tey (iii) feathers (A) Only (i) (8) Only (i) and (i) © ( Only (i) and (i) (0) Only (i) © which of the folowing birds is called A woodpecker has nocturnal bird? (A) chisel shaped strong and heavy beak. (8) broad, flat beak with strainers. (© long, slender and curved beak. (a) (0) broad, long and pointed beak, Which of the following can run the fastest? e “4 w&@ Eee eas rT 3. Animals: Their Food and Home across 1 Animals that feed on only plants FI | 3. Animals that eat flesh of other animals 4 The part of the plant from wheih, butterfly sucks nectar DOWN 2 Animals that eat both plants and animals 3. The food that is chewed by the | cow IP 4. Birds: Beaks, Claws and 4. The bird that lays the biggest egg Nests of the Birds S The only animals with feathers on be bots a 6 The process in which eggs break open and baby birds come out | 7 Sharp, curved claws in eagles and al hawks pr BE 1. The bird that has two toes in front and ‘two at the back 2. The feathers that keep the body of the bird warm 3. The long journey of birds moving from cold places to warmer places Scanned with CamScanner soil is formed by the breaking up of rocks. By the action of sun, wind and rain. pifferent places have different types of soil. The type of soil depends upon the kind of rock from which it is formed. Soils differ in the size of the grains and different constituents present in it. Most of the soils contain coarse particles of gravel, small pieces of stones, sand particles, Gay moisture and humus, Humus is made up of rotten in colour. Soil is a mixture of sand, clay and humus. soil, clay and loam. Gravel is made up of very large They hold a lot of air. The sandy soil has grai particles are loosely packed and t {water drains easily through sandy soil. up of very fine grains which stic Clay is made Clay is used for making toys an very little air. Loam is a kind of soil which hold enough water and air added, makes a soil which is best for tt Soil is found in three layers : top layer, The uppermost layer whi roots of plants and grass. The soil below the top layer some rock pieces is called sul If we dig further, we get soil wi solid rock. which consists of hich is hardel leaves and decayed bodies of plants and animals. H ins smaller than those of gravel. It is grey here is a lot of air in the spaces we get if we mix equal amount: for the use of plants. Loam, he growth of plants. subsoil and bed rock. ich consists of loose soil is called top soil. Top layer contains Plants grow in this layer. $f closely packed layer of soil containing beoil. It is harder than top soll + than subsoil. This is called bed rock or Soil provides shelter to organisms in return these organisms loosen the soil, and enrich it with minerals and nutrients by their castings {worm casts). e.g., Earthworm. lumus is dark brown or black The different kinds of soil are gravel, sandy grains which do not hold any water between them. or brown in colour.The between the particles. k together. Clay can hold a lot of water but id other articles. s of sand and clay. Loam can ‘to which humus has been some crops grow on sandy soil, Differe row in different types of soll. reek Cayey sla yy soil. To grow better crops, soil some need clayey soil and some should contain enough water, aif, mineral humus to the soil by adding manures ‘other grow on loam Is and humus. We also supply minerals and and fertilisers. Scanned with CamScanner meee a) Ot Cty rT Quest 6 AN experiment is conducted by 6 Worms and small organ) 1Ms * Oroy adding 50 mi of water to both clay and mostly in humus taken separately in two funnels (A) sub soll (8) top soi ara (C) bed rock. (D) all of these © which is the correct arrangement » Clay Humus the layers of the soil from top ty bottom, | Sub soil Bed rock == (a) [_Top soil Top soil What does this experiment shown in Radiod ana the figure prove? (A) Clay and humus do not hold water, Sub soil Top son (D) |_Sub soit Top soil Bed rock (8) Humus holds water more than (c) | Bed rock clay. (©) Clay soil holds water more than 8 Hari brought an unknown type of soi, humus. has very large grains and it does not hold (0) Clay and humus hold the same any water between the grains, What type amount of water. of soil could it be? © which part ofthe soit is most helpful (A) Humus (8) Clay to the growth of plants? (© Loam (©) Gravel (A) Humus If you want to grow plants in your (B) Sand garden, what is the best soil to use? () Clay (A) Sand (®) Loam (D) Small porous rocks (© Clay (0) Gravel Which of the following substances Which is @ natural part of si Present in the sol are required for the (A) Paper (8) Humus giouiherhicropel (© Plastic (0) Fertilizers (a) pcera Putlonts Humus, gravel,clay and sand are all (®) Pesticides en (Q Fertilisers a a pe (0) Weedicides A zai. . Which of these layer of soil contains ©) animals. (0) rocks. more humus? Soll is formed by ‘ (A) the breaking up of rocks. (@) me a (8) the breaking up of plants. os =p (© the breaking up of animals. pee re (©) the breaking up of birds, Scanned with SHE dsanved & ROMANS OF WATE ON LHS CONS! DOs WOT GV NAG \ gare’ ® an © WARS @ Mowe RiRanty the TRUE StATRRRNT HON we ANID. Sane sak DAT FOE ANE FONT v peas, ® Abtypes of sas NAVE HE ANE HE at grins, © Soak ater bythe ae of grains ON CAAT (© anes roe matty in the BARE RE | | ® dak oF HOw wie oF ye LY velo oF gree PVA WV A He PATRRS BR PANY PAS We DARE & AVE moe err * © pares WE RW) BESANT QD REAR PHREE SHMEHM RAW Sante ON RAY ATP @ RRA Bees, NS Ae RAN, © eases aA DORIS Ne GR RS, cs Scanned with CamScanner BUS Ce UN sence ieee id Class I - General Scien, © Identify the WRONG statement about @ Raju took three pots P,Q and Rael sandy soil, pot P with sand, pot Q with clay ang MS Por; (A) Sandy soil has grains smaller than with loam. He planted three sapting. ® host chlgravel them. Which is most likely to grow iy : a (8) The particles in the sandy soil are ean loosely packed, (A) The sapling in pot P (©) There is a lot of air in the spaces (B) The sapling in pot Q between the particles of sandy (© The sapling in pot R soil (D) None will grow (0) Sandy soil has grains larger than. | €]) Match the types of soln Column - iva gravel. their properties in Column - I © in clayey soit, (A) particles have very large spaces Column-t Column - It between them. P.| Loam i, | Hardest layer of the (8) there is a lot of air between the soil pralidiiles, 4.| Top soil_| ji. | The layer below the (©) particles hold a lot of air. top soil (D) there is less space and little air | [7 | sub so | mi] Best for the growth between particles. of the plants. @) which ofthe foliowing isadded to loam = | Bed rock | iv.| Roots of plants lie in for a better growth of plants? this layer (A) Bed rock (8) Humus (©) Sandy soil —_(D) Gravel A) pil, qv, Fi, sii ®) piv, qi, ri,si Match the following types of soil in (© pil, qv, ri, 1 (D) pri, qi, iy sil Column - | with their properties in | €£) Which soil holds a lot of air? Column - Il correctly. (A) Sandy soil (B) Clayey soil ae (©) Loam soil (0) Gravel ~- - Humus is made of p.| Clayey soil |i. | Has very large grains. ivtges .| Sandy soil | ii. | Holds sufficient (8) chemicals. amount of water and (©) dead plants and animals. air, (0) soil. Gravel _|iii.| Found in deserts and © The figures given here represent parts of the soil profile. What does '? beaches. - represent? Loam iv. | Used for making toys oa nee aa es Pp Q R (© piv, aii, Fi, (A) Bed rock (B) Sub soil (D) p-i, q-iii, r-iv, si (© Top soil (D) Mantle Scanned with CamScanner Prono eu Contest Questions \ The component of soil which is made up of rotten leaves and the decayed bodies of animals and plants is called (6) clay. (a) humus. (D) None of these (@ gravel. inthe experiment shown below, water was poured jintoa container which has some soil. Air bubbles were seen rising. What does this show? => Air bubbles Soil Water (A) Soil contains moisture. (8) Soil contains water. (Q Soil contains air. (D) None of these 6 Which of the following is an organic part of the soil? (a) Cloth (B) Stones (Q Plastic (D) Humus 0 Water and wind can break rocks into small pieces. What happens to these small pieces when they break away? (A) Plants use them for energy (8) They become part of the soil ( They become food for animals (0) They turn into earthworms. 0 Which of these statements is NOT (A) Soils the layer of the earth. (8) Soil provides water and minerals to the plants. (© Soil has no air. (0) Soil was formed by the breaking down of rocks. ‘true? Te US COLAC UOC LTT Class Ill - General Scionce 6 re Put some soil in a jam jar which led with water, She shook the jar erg allowed the soil to settle down. Which of the following figure Fepresents the correct position of different soil parts in jar? (A) ® Clay Stones Humus Sand Stones Clay Sand Humus © (0) Humus Humus Clay Sand Sand Stones Stones Clay Very fine particles of soil are found in which of the following types of soil? (A) Loamy (8) Sandy (©) Clayey (0) Gravel Which of the following layers of soi rich in nutrients? (A) Humus (B) Bedrock soil (Q Bottom soil (D) Both (A) and (8) is Which of these is called "farmer's" friend? (A) Tapeworm (8) Flatworm (Q Earthworm (D) Hookworm Which of the following is presentin the soil? (a) Air (B) Water (0) All of these (Q Moisture Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Cl 488 Ill - General Science i Water ae [@ 4 a cooling cooling Water vapour 1 ree forms of water can b + ve Jakes, ponds and sea reed into one another. The sun fatervapour. leats up the wat iter er in rivers, wells, The Wages in the art co lakes and streams evaporates t It cool er ous, Clouds give mare OURS into smalliWatak es a eA form : which goes back to seas, well ecg esse roplets This is called water cycle. , Well, lakes, streams and rivers. vapour; how much rain has fallen. It isa tall, ge collecting funnel. It empties rain ument used to measure round metal can. Inside this can is placed a lar‘ ing tube has marks which show us how Rain gauge is an instr llecting tube. The collecting water into a narrow CO! as fallen. many centimetres of rain h Scanned with CamScanner Why does water level drops down in the glass kept under sunlight on a hot sunny day? (A) It is due to freezing. (B) It is due to condensing. (© It is due to melting. (D) It is due to evaporating. Which form of water are ice cubes? (A) Gas (8) Liquid (Q Solid (0) All of these Which of the following would help conserve water ? (A) The turing off tap while brushing teeth (8) The daily washing of the car (©) The daily watering the lawn (D) The running of the dishwasher after each meal A puddle of water formed from rain ‘ona concrete driveway will disappear after a few hours during a sunny day. Where does the water go? (A) It goes into air. (8) Animal drink it. (©) It soaks into the concrete. (D) It become a different substance. When ice cream is left out of a freeze, the ice cream changes its form from ; (A) solidtoagas (8) gas toaliquig (O solid toa liquid (D) liquid to a gas The burning of fire needs (A) air. (B) water. (© rain. (D) All of these When Suresh blew air into a balloon it expanded. This shows that (A) air has no mass. (8) air occupies space. (© air has no weight. (D) air is visible. Anurag took a glass of cold water from the refrigerator and placed it on a table. After few minutes he observed water drops on the outer surface of the glass. How did they form? (A) Glass produced water droplets. (8) The water in the glass moved through the glass. (©) Water vapour present in the air is condensed. (D) Water came out from the gaps present in the glass. The following table contains some substances placed under the headings: solids, liquids and gases. Which of the following is placed under the wrong heading? Sugar Salt tron (A) Salt (0 Oxygen (B) Petrol (D) Kerosene Scanned with CamScanner Pate Oe cuS Ces Class Ill - General Sctence atch the different states of matter . o tien the mn with their properties Vishal took some water and poured it fh Column-tl correctly. into an ice tray and kept in a freezer. The water freezed and formed into ice. 1 Then he poured some water into amug i. | Theyhavefixed and water took the shape of the mug. volume butno When he heated the water, it formed fixedshape. into water vapour. With this fe ral brcoraene observation we can conclude that fixed shape and water exists in DO ees (A) only solid form 8 id f Gases iti) They have fixed (8) only liquid form Ape nal ited (©) only gaseous form volume. (0) Solid, liquid and in gaseous form W peiarii,e-ii (@) p-itha- Water has (© p-ina-iii,r-i ©) p- iha-ir-il (A) a fixed shape. (8) nofixed shape (OQ noweight (0) a strong smell @ A student took some unknown matter into a beaker. The matter took the shape Our earth is surrounded vy the beaker, Later he transferred the aaeied| Crater into a measuring cylinder. The Matter took the shape of the cylinder but (A) weather. Re volume remained the same. What is (© atmosphere. (0) rainfall. by a layer of (g) temperature. i. - a ne G When we take ice cubes into 2 jug of li as 4 (© Liquid (0) All of these i i= ea aie on ce is heavier than water. i ster we ® Loan Sete ae ™ (8) Ice is solid while water fs liquid. Nea @) evaporate (©) Ice has white colour. a bestest {b) do nothing (0) Ice is lighter than water. Which form of water can we feel, see i is wrong? f © wrich of the eo : and crush? a) Solid heating, Liquid (A) Solid (8) Liquid (B) Solid cooling Gas (©) Gaseous (D) Vapour Ice is__ form of water. (A) solid {B) liquid (©) gaseous (D) none of these 8 When we boil water in a kettle, steam comes out of the kettle. Steam is. form of water. (A) solid. @) (© gaseous Scanned with CamScanner BMA's Talent & De Cd Class Ill - General Scloney © evaporation i (A) changing fice into water by heating. (B) changing of ice into water vapour by heating (9 changing of water into ice by cooling, (D) changing of water into water vapour by heating. Condensation is (A) changing of water into ice by cooling, (8) changing of water vapour into water by cooling. (O changing of ice into water by heating, (0) changing of water into ice by heating. 'f we leave ice cubes on a table in our house, after sometime, it becomes water. What is the process taking place? (A) Freezing (8) Boiling (©) Melting (D) Evaporation 6 The clouds are formed by (A) condensation. (B) evaporation. (© melting. (0) boiling. Which of these statements is wrong? (A) Snow and ice are both in the same forms of water, (8) Onheating, water changes into steam. (©) Evaporation and condensation are reverse of each other. (D) On heating water changes into ice. If we heat water in a pot on a stove, water changes into water vapour, Now, if we hold a steel plate against steam, we can see small drops of water on the plate. This formation of small drops of water on the plate is due to (A) condensation. (B) evaporation. (© melting. (D) freezing. Which of the following conver Sion correct? s (A) Water heat_,Steam heat | (B) Steam cool _, Water Sool |. (C) Water cool , Ice cool , (D) Steam heat, Ice cool , War, The figure below shows the chang, in the state of water. F ft be Steam Water eet x Identify the process “x: (A) Boiling (8) Freezing (©) Melting (D) Condensation Why is watercycle important to us? (A) Oxygen from the earth to the sty is recycled. (8) Water from the earth to the sky is recycled. (©) Carbon dioxide from the earth to the sky is recycled. (0) Nitrogen from the earth to the sky is recycled. Stearn @ which set of pictures shows what happens to a glass of salt water when it is left out on a container for several weeks under sunlight? Sey (A) R->S + P4Q (8) P5R>055 (OQsP5R55 (0)5505P5F al Scanned with CamScanner wit ice cubes is shown here, The of water drops on the outer the glass is due to lass formatior surface Of — (8) transpiration. (a) evaporation. ) sublimation. (Q condensation. (0) strument is used to measure 6 which in the rainfall? (A) Vessel (B) Pot (0) Glass ( Raingauge 0 observe the figures given below. ee resent X and Y? Which of these rep! y-condensation (A) X-evaporation, () X-melting, Y-freezing ( X-cooling, Y-evaporation (0) X-heating, Y-condensation What does the figure given below represent? Pr eS ON ACLU Peta tg Class Ill - General Science e What do 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the processes shown below represent? Water D> steam —2)> water Ice ®, water _Q®, steam 2-cool, 3-cool, 4-heat 2-cool, 3-heat, 4-heat () 1-cool, 2-heat, 3-heat, 4-heat (0) 1-cool, 2-cool, 3-heat, 4-cool eG Four containers with water are shown below. In which of them will the rate of evaporation be the fastest? (A) 1-heat, (B) 1-heat, P Q R s we @a @R Os In how many states can water exist? (ayt (8) 2 (03 (D) 4 © Look atthe venn diagram below. as oo Which of the following can be placed in'Z? (A) Water (B) Salt (© Sugar (D) Kerosene © wrien ofthe following are insolid state? Scanned with CamScanner Class Hl - Gonors BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book ROBIE ACROSS Soft rock 4. The soil that holds water but ny air o Hardest rock ~ The tiny grains of soil DOWN I) LI 1 The soil that holds air but no water 3 Rotten plants and animals 5 Amixture of sand and clay EF 6-Air, water and weather ACROSS 2 Moving air 5 The process in which water changes to water vapour, and then cools and come down as rain. faaSaldiforn.of ae Scanned with CamScanner @uaPTER . ° * : Our Universe the sunisa huge ball of fire that gives us heat and light. Moon qhesun and eight planets together form the solar system The eight planets are - Mercury, Venus, garth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. All the planets move around the sun in fixed paths called orbits. Mercury is the smallest planet. Jupiter is the largest planet. Saturnis the lightest planet. Moonlight is actually the light of the sun, reflected by the moon to the earth (Reflect means send back of light from a surface.) The moon is a natural satellite of the earth. It is smaller than the earth and takes about 29 days to complete one revolution around the earth. It is about 384,400 km away from us. Ithas no light of its own but reflects the light of the sun. Changes in the shape of the moon are called the phases of the moon, When we see the complete moon likea round ball we call it full moon. The full moon day is called purnima. When we do not see the lighted face of the moon, it is the new moon, The new moon day is called amavasya.When itis a crescent moon we see only a part of its lighted face, Stars are big heavenly objects which can emit heat and light on their own, Some stars ° (carbon dioxide Identify the organ. (A) Small intestine (B) Kidneys (© Lungs (0) Stomach Scanned with CamScanner Pra While exercising, our body needs more Soyaen. Which ofthe following systems ensures that our body receive enough oxygen? P — Respiratory system Q Digestive system R —Circulatory system (a) Ponly (8) Qonly (© Pand Ronly (D) Qand Ronly Which of the following organs are protected by the rib cage? (a) PandQ (B) QandR (Q PandS (D) P.QandR @ Which of the following system is found attached to bone and helps us in moving Sboutandin doing differentkinds of work? (a) Muscular system (B) Nervous system (©) Respiratory system (D) Circulatory system @ Match the following organ systems in Column - | with their functions in Column - Il. aa] young ones. move movement of blood, ze air. Be ES USU COU CLL lg eneral Science A Pre cntccae | g sense organs Class II Which of the followin: helps in enjoying a sweet candy? (A) Skin » (B) Tongue (© Nose (D) Ear Which of the following is reaui our body for producing energy? (A) Oxygen (B) Urine (C) Sweat (0) Carbon dioxide Which of these organs of our body belongs to both the respiratory and the excretory system? (A) Lungs (B) Skin (© Kidneys (D) Intestine The diagrams below shows various organs systems. ‘t f ired by Scanned with CamScanner e The organs below are grouped according to the human body systems that they belong to. Which organ has been placed wrongly? Circulatory system Lungs Blood vessels Mouth | Gullet Heart Stomach (A) Stomach (B) Heart (© Mouth (D) Gullet @ bookar the istetow. Collar bone Rib Knee cap Backbone To which body system do the items in the list belong? « (A) Skeletal (B) Circulatory (C) Digestive (D) Muscular Muscles in our body p (i) Make our bones move (ii) Work in pairs (iii) Can become stronger through (w) (A) only! and Il (B) only! Iland Ill (© only! llland IV {U1 Iland IV $+ 4 The diagram below shows an organ in ‘our body. Why is the organ important to us? (A) It allows us to take in oxygen fror the air and remove carbon dioxide efficiently. (B) It pumps. blood carrying oxygen to all parts of our body. (© It ensures that the water in the undigested food is absorbed. (D) It protects our lungs. Which of these organs removes waste matter in the form of urine? er, “2 Our stomach expands when food enters and contracts when it goes out. Thus the stomach can expand and contract. Thisis possible because our stomach is made of (A) bones. (B) muscles. (© blood. (D) iron. Scanned with CamScanner Gee CASAL MUU CULS Ce. Cente rr Class Ill - General Science QSSWoR! ACROSS 3. The movement of the earth in a fixed path around the sun. The patterns and shapes of stars The imaginary line that is passing through the centre of the earth. DOWN 1. The spinning movement of the earth. 2. The shape of the earth ACROSS rT 8, Human Body The part of the nervous system that controls all the systems in our body The system which includes lungs kid- a neys and skin The framework that is formed by the joining of bones The process in which food is broken down into very small pieces that can be absorbed by the body DOWN 1 The system that is formed by the heart, blood and blood vessels | oe 3 Agroup of organs 6 “The part that has its own work to do @ Safety rules in the classroom: j and should not throw chalk pieces or dusters at + blades We should not play in the classroom, © Safety rules on the playground: «game We should not hit others with bat or quarrel | ac thorny hedges or barbed wires. We should share: nents or footpaths. We should cross thet 1 ride bicycle on the left side of the path.’ ur hands or head out of the 2 road. We should get into or off: Safety rules on the staircase: : We should not rush down the stairs. In school, we should go up and line. We should not pull or push other children. * Since accidents do take place, we should give possible help to time before a doctor or an elder comes. This is called First — When an accident occurs we should not get frightened or around the person who is hurt. If a person falls down, should take him toa hospital. |fhe is bleeding badly make! around the wound and call elders or a doctor, ma Scanned with CamScanner (cHaPreR] } fe Safety and First Aid : a 3 ~ synopsis | we follow certain rules. These are To ensure that accidents and injuries do not happen, called safety rules. We should use sharp-edged things like blades, scissors and SKE ISeenS uideeael knives very carefully. We should not leave bags and shoes on | a acsages, thefloor Weshould ot play with freandelectricalappliances. | hy" are safer while We should not touch electric wires. We should not take crossing a busy road. medicines without consulting elders and doctors. We should - not fly kites on the open terrace. We should not jump on the desks or benches and should not throw chalk others. We should use pencil sharpeners and not blades.We should not We should learn and follow the rules of game.We should not hit ott with playmates.We should not play near thorny hedges or barbed toys or sports material with others. ae We should walk on the pavements or footpaths. We should or safe places. We should walk or ride bicycle on the leftsideo traffic signals. We should not keep our hands or head a van. We should not play on the road. We should g stops. We should not rush down the stairs. In school, we sho line. We should not pull or push other children, Since accidents do take place, we should giv time before a doctor or an elder co Scanned with CamScanner eae Questions traffic signals, ___ light is used to O Mrop tne vehicles a 7 (8) Blue (o sreen (D) Yellow sich ofthe following isa safety rule na staircase? ) we should rush down the stairs, we should pull other children, (6) we should push other children, 1) We should climb the stepsiin a line, 0 we should not fly kites (a) in parks. (a) onschool ground. (Q) on open ground. (0) on the open terrace. 0 Electrical appliances and switches should only be tested with (8) a screw driver. (D) wires. A) fingers. C) tester. What is a zebra crossing? {A) Itisa place designated for pedestrians tocross the road, (g) It is a place in zoological parks where zebras can cross the road, (C) It is a lane where cyclists can ride. D) It is a place where a policeman, stands to control the traffic. » is making a model of a traffic signal | , .sing along box. He wants to colourit. what (A) traffic policeman, (®) police detective, (© driver, (0) bus conductor, © whicr te oon gine Zebra crossing? “A = (A) thele (8) therig © Scanned with CamScanner BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book ® Which of the following should NOT be (A) Weshouldnotgotoo lseto thefie, touched with wet hands? (8) We should tur off the 935 before (A) Electrical switches leaving the kitchen. | (B) Electrical appliances (OC We should not blow: at the fire with (© Both (A) and (8) cour mouth. eens (p) We should pour water to put out Math the following figures in Column ~1 the fire caused by an electrical short with their answers in Column -Il. circuit. [come] Column-th Which of te following can be used for sharpening a pencil? i. Zebra.crossing a A a he ; a? il, Stop o FH (0) None ofthese a Which of the following traffic signals indicates that a driver must stop the ii, Pedestrian crossing vehicle atthe traffic signals? (A) The green light (6) The yellow light (Q The red light (0) The blue light © ont teacher asked Rohit to (0) pit, qisri a simple first-aid box. Rohit co What does: the following figu the taskand drew somethingrela ase igure | the top of the box What did he (A) His name i \ \ (8) Awhite ambulance (© Ared cross i (D) Doctors’ phone number \\ \\ ® Where should we form a que (A) At the school bus sto (A) Pedestrian crossing (8) The place where U-turns can be made (©) Speed limit zone (0) Zone with no speed limit Which of the following is NOT a safety rule for handling fire? Scanned with CamScanner ingon the footpath hrow a banana will scold you. ¢ will buy you another meone may slip on it and get yf plant may grow from (A) When there is no traffic on the road When the street is full of traffic C) When you are tired no vehicles on the road CS ey a cere nl sharpner instead | Class IM - General Science : \® Observe the figures given below and identify the one that is in accordance with the safety rules? Rs i || 2 5 | Fhe Te Laer © wich of the following is Nora part of the First Aid box? (A) Pee © = (D) a= \ A subway is (A) a flyover bridge (8) a head over bridge (©) an underground passage (D) rail bridge i What causes accidents? : (A) Carelessness (B) Safety rules (QC) Obeying elders (D) Being disciplined Scanned with CamScanner ECR Cou © centity the figure that sin accordance with safetyrules while travelling ina Bus. Placing hands out of the vehicle (a) ee te Getting into the us in a queve Disturbing drivers Getting off frm - attention © Trerigure sven below isa (A) pedestrian crossing (B) place where U-turns can be made (C) speed limit zone (D) zone of no speed limit © Which of the folowing is important to avoid accidents at home? (A) Keep the bathroom floors always wet, (B) Toys, clothes and books should be left on the floor. celia CTs $$ Clas ical swi hould not be ctrical switches $ e arched with wet hands. (0) All ofthe above while riding a bicycle, | 1A) show hands when You taking a blind turn (8) place you feet on the handle bar (© put your hands off the handle bar (p) peddle fast when there is a slope Which of the following is @ road safety measure? ; (a) Ignore traffic signals after midnight (8) Drive under the influence of alcohol. (0 overtake without using your indicator lights. (0) Wear a safety helmet while riding a motorcycle. Which of these does NOT cause an. accident? (A) Playing with fire (8) Wearing nylon clothes during t Dewali festival (© Wearing slippers while r electrical appliances (0) Tripping and falling There are no traffic lights a roads. What should you do? - (A) Not cross the road at all _ (8) Wait for traffic policeme (© Wait till somebody comes to you. {D) First look to the left and to the crossing. you should Scanned with CamScanner Ppt ER) . Ss | Housing and their Surroundings wa is Coons sod house should be clean and ary with windows ventilators Sunlightand fesh ir keep the rooms a and free from germs. A good house should have | i 2 paar pace for eating, sleeping studying cooking, | An adobe isa washing and storage. od house should have an open space for sitting ytand for children to play. It should have bolts on tre doors and windows and locks on the cupboards, house made of sun-dried bricks of clay and strawin the USA. good house should have proper drains to take away dirty w bathrooms. It should have proper chimneys to let the smoke out nousehold garbage should be kept in closed dustibins taken to municipal bins or garbage dumps. Municipal truc from the city. Mosquitoes breed in stagnated water and cause water through drains. We should spray kerosene on larvae, Weshould have proper sanitary system in ourho {we keep domestic animals, then those stables dirt and germs. They should be frequently We should never spit in the open. Itis Spreading diseases and makes 0 x wf Scanned with CamScanner BNO Cesena ceca LU res eae melt rately 0 Which of the following is/are true? (A) Ahouse makes us comfortable cozy and secure, (B) Ahouse protests us from heat, cold, rain and wind. tidy. @ A004 house should have (A) bolts on the doors. (8) cupboards without locks. (0) only one room. (0) very closed space. (© Weshouldkeepourhouseneatand | @) jfatch the following and select the correct answer. cy ° (D) All of these Column -1 Column - tt Stagnant water breeds p.| Kitchen i. | for meeting guests (A) mosquitoes. (8) frogs. Drawing [oor atl REST (© fish (0) animals. or a 4 t. | Diningroom _ |i] forcooking The solid waste produced in our houses eee Storeroom | iv) foreat (A) sewage, (8) garbage. (A) pei qi rl iv (© stagnation. —_(D) waste. Which of the following should NOT be done to keep our surroundings clean? (A) Using safe water to drink (B) Do not spit in the open places (©) Throwing garbage on the roads (D) Cleaning our house daily © wich of the fotiowing isthe best way to dispose waste water from our kitchen? (A) Using it as drinking water (B) Using it as bathing water (C) Use it for watering plants (D) Letting it to flow on to the road Sunlight keeps the rooms dry and free from (A) dogs. (8) pili qi, tiv, sai © pivariivniissi (0) pig rivysii Scanned with CamScanner Poe Eres oe h the following terms in Column ~| 0 with their function in Column i! and ct the correct answer, (Teotwme 1 | Teotumn= ir) p.| Sunlight | To let the smoke | | goout. Tosit and enjoy the fresh air and |__| warmth of suniight, g.| Chimneys | Keep mosquitoes |__| and flies away, e netting] iv.| Keeps the rooms free from germs, iii, siv (B) piv q-iir piv.Gs,ri,siii (D) pail, qiy,rii,si 6 Which of these keeps the rooms dry and free from germs? mal (8) Plants alight (D) Wind ‘€ used to build houses because rd and strong, de of wood. le of plants. e from germs. solid waste collected from all our uses is thrown out of the city in a place called A) Sewage (®) Garbage. ) Stagnation, —_ () Landfill, ® Which of the following is not a feature of 4 good house? (A) A house should have good drains for sanitation, (8) For safety the doors and windows of a house should fit loosely, ) The house and surrounding area should be cleaned everyday. (D) None of these eat A house should have good for Sanitation, (A) Ditches (B) Drains (©) Doors (D) Safes Stagnant water breeds (A) butterflies, (B) grasshoppers, (C) mosquitoes. (D) silkworms. Which of the following helps in letting the smoke out from the kitchen? (A) Drain pipe (8) Chimney (©) Waterpipe (D) Bolts Why do houses have sloping roofs? (A) To absorb heat (8) To look beautiful (OQ) Tohelp the rain waterto slip offeasily (0) To absorb water Kind of roof depends on: (A) money and material (B) weather, climate and availability of material © ple and water é peo f & (D) people and place Sheds and stables: (A) should not be cleaned : (B) should be cleaned once in a eC SC esc Ls © which of these statements is TRUE? (A) Allow dirty water to stagnate near your house. (8) Throwing garbage in open places is a good habit. (C) Sheds and stables should not be cleaned with phenyl (D) Never spit in the open. Why do we need a house? (A) To protect us from heat (8) To protect us from cold (©) To protect us fron rain (D) All of these How can we prevent flies and mosquitoes from entering our house? (A) Throw garbage in covered dustbins (8) use wire netting doors and windows (© Donotallow dirty water to stagnate near your house (D) All of these Which of the following is a Kutcha house? (A) Bungalow (8) Multistorey (© Skyscraper (D) Hut © A pucca house is made up of (A) Bamboo, bricks, mud, steel (B) Mud, wood, cement, straw (C) Bamboo, mud, leaves, straw (D) Wood, bricks, cement, steel CTT a listo el gloat oe Match the two columns and slelet the correct option from the codes given below. © 1p which of these house Column - 1 Column - It p. | Igloo i, | Canvas q. | tent ii.| snow r. | Caravan iii.| Onwheels (A) p-i, q-ii, titi (8) psi q-iiii (© pri, qri ri (©) pri, qi ri Which of the following statements is correct for the given figure? (A) It is seen on lakes (B) It isin Kashmir (© Itisa house boat (D) All of these live? Scanned with CamScanner rhe cHWtelter 1 UN@ Given FQute lives which type OF HOuNEF & (W) MEF w dn os select the Correct alatennent (A) House beat ina haue an wheels Je any wonlen (A) iy) Suit houses are mad poles wo) pomads live jn an apartinent wy pucea howe ie Nut e Which oF awe a a purcen howe? AUN) ® \ ’ wo Caravans ale (A) Mavalle Naviaes (HY Barranyent Hanes 1) Muttatored hanes (d) Aorihene Hone riaele al Ea (A) tent R (O) Hanne haat © uutiiatarey Ditita ii (A) Metra (i) Villa 1) Fare ()) ALE ene Scanned with CamScanner y TA BMA's Talent Class tit - a \y CROSSWORD a 2. The side to which you should keep to, when you are cycling on the road. 3. The aid that is given to an injured 2 An opening on the upper side of a wall, that allows the circulation of ait and light for circulation of air and 3 ao oe 5 ee cheatarasinen of a house Scanned with CamScanner is measured in metres. 0) gt . One metre Lend" go 100 centimetres and one ‘oat e ded tr or wided into 10 millimetres. i verrong astances fe measured in kilometres, etre rod and measuring tape are some used to measure length. gulet, ™ devices sy lomett® = 1000 metres metre = 100 centimetres ntimetre = 10 millimetres yee ht is measured in grams and kilograms. weld! A bal 1 kilogram 4 gram = 100 milligrams measured in hours, minutes and seconds. Clocks an lance or 2 weighing machine is used for measuring. = 1000 grams Time is measuring time. + hour = 60 minutes 1 minute = 60 seconds The temperature tells us how hot or cold a body i it Temperature is measured in degrees Celsius [°C] ¢ Clinical thermometers are used to measure 35°C to 42°C. The body temperature of Volume is measured in litres an {in Scanned with CamScanner COO Cn rng Las Multiple Choice Questions 0 Suresh wanted to cook rice at home. He ‘Measured water in a measuring jar upto the level shown below and put it in the ooking bowl, How much water did he put? 1000 mi (A) 550 ml (B) 800 mi (©) 700 ml (0) 550 mi 8 Which group of weights has a mass of 32 grams ? a fo fal 198) © fal fol ©) foal fl al GG © Whats the weight of the frog ? (A) 39 grams (g) (© 41 grams (g) (8) 40 gran (429 Using the — picture, — which, measurement is closest to how far the frog jumped? (A) 12 centimetres (cm) (B) 14 centimetres (cm) (©) 18 centimetres (cm) (0) 20 centimetres (cm) Which of these graduated contains 16 ml of water ? Scanned with CamScanner

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