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SECUREIT DLP Feature List & Comparison with other vendors

Force Trend
Features Outcome Expected Velox Indescent Symantec
Point Micro
Restrict uploading & downloading of
files with specific extension.
Restrict specific applications like
Content Aware
anydesk, teamviewer, dropbox etc. √ √ √ √ √
Precise control over transfer of
documents - documents are restricted
to go outside company network
Full Hard Disk encryption with AES
256 algorithm.
FHDE Decrypt encrypted hard disk centrally √ x x x x
FHDE compliance report on central
Allow a particular USB drive on a
machine based on PID, VID and class-
USB Whitelisting Restrict/Allow USB access at device √ √ √ √ √
USB Compliance Report
Timebound access of machine.
Restrict login access after defined
working hours.
Outside Working If user is already logged, solution will
Hour Policy log him/her off from the system after √ x x x x
defined working hours post sending
justification to user
Compliance Report of such incidents
Monitor, restrict email based on
defined keywords, subject, body text
and attachments
Enforce Password Protected
Email Auditing encrypted attachments √ √ x x x
Monitor Sent & Received Emails
Monitor emails based on specific filter
Email Audit Report of scanned emails
Restrict external USB and MTP device
Monitoring of USB Activity with
External USB and report
√ √ √ √ √
Deny Execute Mode for USB
Deny Write Mode Deny for USB
Allow a particular peripheral device
like mouse, keyboard on specific
machine based on PID, VID and class-
Peripheral id
√ x x √ x
Allow / Deny right at Device levels
Unauthorized peripheral device
blocked report
Website Monitoring and maintain logs of all
Monitoring website history for defined period
√ √ √ √ √
Block print command activity on
specific machine √ x x x x
Print command activity Report
Force Trend
Features Outcome Expected Velox Indescent Symantec
Point Micro

User activity monitoring by capturing

User Activity screenshots √ x x x x
Generate screenshot report
Capture Pen drive Detect and Monitoring of data copied
copy on USB drive
√ x √ √ √
Prevent content paste from clipboard √ x x x x
Discover shared folder list with
Share Folder
Unshared shared folder from centrally √ x √ x x
Shared folder Permissions
Wipe all data of end user machine
Remote Wipe remotely with high security password √ x x x x
Data wipe activity report
Monitoring of local drive content
creation, deletion and modification
Drive Monitoring activity for a drive or for a specific √ √ √ √ √
Drive/Folder monitoring report
Restrict autorun script/files from
Auto Run USB
external device
√ x x x x
Restrict unauthorized application
Application installation or execution
Whitelisting and Define Whitelisted applications list √ x x √ √
Blacklisting Blacklisted & Whitelisted application
Print Screen
Restrict Print Screen Event √ x x x x
Website Allow specific website
Whitelisting and
Restrict specific website
√ x x x x
Flexible Database Works Independent of DB √ √ x x x
Uniform Policy Management √ √ x √ x
On Prem/Cloud
Flexibility in the deployment √ √ √ √ √
Alert Triggering through various
Alert Trigger
√ √ √ √ √

***End of Document***

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