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Recommendation Form for International Students by BIT Advisors

申请人姓名 申请编号 BIT No. 20210300369
Applicant’s Name MUHAMMAD Application number Initial Review No.

国籍 申请专业 BUSINESS
Nationality Applied Major ADMINISTRATION

申请类别 □硕士生(Master) 申请人电子邮件

Category(Level of Study) ■博士生(PhD) Applicant’s Email k

与申请人认识途径 您是否进行了学术面
□通过合作院校 试 ? Have you
Under what □是 □否
circumstances have you □学生自荐 conducted Academic
known the applicant Interview?
导师意见(Advisor’s Comments):

与我的研究领域一致。因此,我推荐录取学生到 专业(一级学科,原
则上与导师所在一级学科一致),推荐顺序为 。(如果您推荐了多名学生,请注明


签名(中文): 日期:

导师姓名(中文): 导师所在学科专业:(一级学科)

导师所属学院: 电话 Tel.:

电子邮箱 Email:

注:1. 本表请我校导师填写,请将该表电子版发给学生,由其上传至学校申请系统;该表原件交留学生中心 108A 办公室

(联系电话 68910992)。

2. BIT No. 指申请人在北京理工大学外国留学生网上申请系统中成功报名后由系统自动生成的申请编号;

Initial Review No. 指由留学生中心通过邮件发送给申请人的初审通知书上的编号;

Note:1. This recommendation form is filled by the advisor of BIT according to his/her knowledge of the applicant. Please submit
this original recommendation form to Room 109C, ISC and send the softcopy to the applicants to upload in BIT application system.

2. BIT No. is the application number systematically generated by the BIT application system at

Initial Review No. is the number on the Initial Review Notice sent to the applicant by the Office of International

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