Name: - Grade: II (Two) Day, Date: - Subject: English I. C Ross Out One Best Answer A, B, or C! Score TTD Ortu

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Score Ttd Ortu

Name : ________________________________ ***

Grade : II (two)
Day, date : ________________________________
Subject : English

I. Cross out one best answer A, B, or C!

(Silangilah satu jawaban yang tepat A, B, atau C!)

1. eleven = …………
a. 13 b. 12 c. 11

2. four = …………
a. 5 b. 4 c. 3

3. It is twelve o’clock = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a. Sekarang jam delapan
b. Sekarang jam sepuluh
c. Sekarang jam dua belas

4. birthday – my – on – is – January, nine

Susunan kalimat yang benar adalah . . . . .
a. Birthday my is on January, nine.
b. My birthday is on January, nine.
c. My birthday January, nine is on.

5. August = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a. bulan April b. bulan Agustus c. bulan Desember

6. March = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a. bulan Januari b. Bulan Februari c. bulan Maret

7. 20 = …………
a. twelve b. twenty c. thirty

8. 30 = …………
a. thirty b. twenty c. ten

9. twenty-eight = …………
a. 20 b. 28 c. 29

10. It is …………………….

a. nine o’clock b. ten o’clock c. eleven o’clock

11. It is …………………….

a. nine o’clock b. six o’clock c. three o’clock

12. It is …………………….
a. nine o’clock b. six o’clock c. three o’clock

13. Ulang tahunku pada bulan Maret, tanggal 10 = …………………….…………………….

a. My birthday is on March, sixteen.
b. My birthday is on March, ten.
c. My birthday is on March, six.

14. Ulang tahunku pada bulan Juli, tanggal 2 = …………………….…………………….

a. My birthday is on July, one.
b. My birthday is on July, two.
c. My birthday is on July, three.

15. Bulan Mei = . . . . . . . . . .

a. Mey b. May c. Mei

II. Read this text, then write down (True) if it is true or (False) if it is false!
Bacalah teks berikut, lalu tulislah (True) jika kalimat ini benar atau (False) jika kalimat ini salah!)

Tomas’s Birthday Party

Today is Tomas’s birthday. His birthday is on January, eleven. Now, he is eight
years old. He is celebrating his birthday party at a restaurant. His parents
prepared a birthday cake, food and drink. His friends come to his birthday party.
They bring many birthday gifts. Tomas is svery happy.

16 Today is Tomi’s birthday. ( …………………)


17 His birthday is on January, eleven. ( …………………)


18 He is celebrating his birthday party at a restaurant. ( …………………)


19 His friends come to his birthday party. ( …………………)


20 Tomas is not happy. ( …………………)


III. Draw the hands based on the sentences below the clock!
(Gambarlah jarum panjang dan jarum pendeknya berdasarkan kalimat yang ada di bawah jam!

21. 24.

It is twelve o’clock. It is eleven o’clock.

22. 25.

It is nine o’clock. It is one o’clock.


It is five o’clock.


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