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Student’s Book Student’s book contents coy ol rod are tancscapes Foland tan andxcapes outa, bade, radars, ‘tafjam se} Fresh of manent cs trove) ‘Compound nauns (ramen wend ec) G Falowng directors P38 Ae coene ‘oes of fin acto fn, sil, wesc) detest dese finsrpping. vole.) ed ant i saecies moje onan “seopoinedasappoing. 1 Except rom ns c Veda tories ues Be glared aig ames Bord: Sis oy 1 Son: Nobooyabes beter, *Laveunet Renew Uris - pf © SMS ROUND-UP Uns pap ma noess sn pte a 5 cits Be roe) err Saw AREA Se tiper toe Geant) etna Tein ee els ves Moe @ Conversations in shops. How long? aone 196 Ul 5 lend gong ce cn ore ‘Reading: The joy of tot Frenoncati gogo 6 is insioah Eletoncdees aig io, games conse, tc) Phrasal vers fa on teow Pua, a) Rade soennemens Teenager ane maptes Rtas ables sof and ea phe rt stetmessge ec) amv Rv Us mpl Sans nouns +) mt 64 by gat fan) ‘Gestures (bow, wave, wink, etc.) Phases nop oe, eo.) @ asim atone es P65 mest mistand cede 9 fa ren ta eine rani ng in te USA Beret @ ensoryornanserg P74 Glablistoes 5 Seton conatonat, 70 von geen ‘abla he arc tad fine. a) {@ Emeament ui Word format: aun Sues ton, fon ne) ‘en ation! @ Rado poranmnes Workbook Contents Ee o ° e © ce) @ e E Lendnaes —semeanyyauch, Theoden tle Ching diecons —Alait e om Imanvoltof. Kingdom ole ‘ p29 Sas mee 9 [Ame cnema —_ComparauvesaneueenseswHtl (noes. 65,100, SoMaCappola_Buyngthbes___ Aeon re spate Singh rae Br par Suan men Precentoeect The Emple State Buyingcates _Anlnformalltet, Sndpastsinle —olding Gm ees 1925 Areyou lonesome tonight? 930 Ging rections Funcaion‘vnel Manon Pepulatn: Frepoiios ples hind, the comraf ste] ogabula Aaetesta deste plates ast, Actes to describe paces leon noisy soe, Fle etme see ume) i oscetig.t) ei @ Fotowng dictions 38 cossing cures pao wong wets ‘amen ee Thing Fama: esis te ic Fcting unatuing Baton ary, Ady ey 2) Warde ad pve for nrssing ontast rato: nek ome Damen evertess ce) mrp pl Manone ge 980 Boyng ates 51 Annona eter ite Bains sera presents ouabain hap Ghanging om fe) ee? Yacgbuan: Bales areca shacove. Pronunciation Takin abel kes Sdim cl (@ Shopping eit E 38 ‘rannernoogy pou asanpng ro meet malar q 1G Making arrangements ify could {ook ord : Be ——— roto = Ear 3 = 978 Disaset 80 Ging avice say re ish tknew nr poner @ dissing woulel tobe) vacate Gotan, colase. detox. ete) Penunition Passat ceasing pon hick Feeley view Iciions Bank WHITING BARK EvIEWS eke Merever you see this ayibul, you wil id iterative practice fomouer —Inncovian Vena "a inthe coxresponding ection af the CD ROM or clase CD. 9 oO @ o.-°6©@ o e eau gadgets wil and going Moblephones Zero can Robotsofthe Aranglagtomeet_Afomalleter ys fate ssurcater 6 ‘fests, “UseofEagish «Listening «Weng » Speaking Bodylanquage ust, musnt, —Bonfre Night Fist condi Unusualfesvals —Maknginvations Arete ‘seat fngieh =Llctning = Weng = Spsoking ich Dusted hinge Aneseoy teding Use offngsh + Lstesig + Wing + Speaing lary» nal and urban landscapes» repostions of mveret compound nurs cjetnes ta descnae paces» pepsi of place * les = hold aciies aia ew» ountabl ané ing + describing places + ghing directions ing ete ibe a place fawn o country Look atthe pictures. Where would you preferto live? Why? 1.22 Label the pictures with the words in the hax. Listen and check, Thon check the meaning of the other words in your ditionary. cottage fleld footpath gate hedge hill lane stream village wood ‘advertisement bus stop pavement pedestian uvssing postbox road sign roadworks tubbish bin street lamp traffic lights Label the pletures withthe prepositions in the box. ‘across over past through along EGIETENGE] Work in pais. Student A. Give directions using the picture in exercise 4. Student B: Follow the directions on Ue picture. ‘Walk alone the edge ofthe lake ../ Walk across the field to Cael 2 3.4 5 7 2) Unit 3 « Town and country Corry 1. Fionais playing a computer game called SimCity Read the dlscription of her ideal town. Match the adjectives in the box with the paragraphs in the text. clean attiactive fivendly exciting dothes.and music shop: too. 1 Sunshine Citys very modern and beauttul. There arent any uly buildings and theres some beautiul scenery around the cty. 9 Is there any pollution in Sunshine Ciy? These isn't much pollution Doecause there in’ any traffic. Everyone travels by bike or walks, so there aren't many accidents * No one works, so everjane has got alt of free tims, Are thera ary Unfriendly people in Sunshine City? No ~ go come and spond a ite Aine heel 2- Find two examples of some and four examples of any inthe text Then complete the niles the Learn tis! box ZqliWeuse in affimative sentences SE 2Weuse in negative sentences and questions. 3. Mastin visiting his cousin Beth, Complete the dialogue with some or any. eth Let's goto the cinema, ere are” good fms on this week Martin prefer being outside. Lets go mountan-bkking Ave there ® Hills near here? Beth No, there aren't. Martin Oh. Maybe we could go fora walkin the countryside. Beth There isn't? countryside near here, but thereare* —_intoresting part of town. Martin Grest Lot's go and look at® traf lights. Beth —Don'the silly. There are ® streets in the centre where thereisn’t” traffic. You ust hate cites! 4 @ 1.24 usten and check. 5 Look at the words inbluo in the text in exercice 1, Which are plural countable nouns? Which are uncountable nouns? 6 Find alittle, «few, many, much and a lot of in the text in exercise 1. Complete the table. Ce ed alotof 5 1 4 2 5 T can talk about quantities We often use much and many in negative sentences and questions. We don’t often use them in affirmative sentences. We use a fot of (or lots of in both affimative and negative sentences. Reece 7 Choose the correct words In the text |e in a smal vitage in the south of ieland. There are "wnult a fot of uid houses in he vilaye, but there are many / much modern buildings. There area few / a litle {farms around the village. Everybody's got a car, 30 there is 4a lietle / much pollution, but much less than in the city “There isn't Smany J much entertainment, bu theres Smuch J a lot of beautiful scenery ad its very peaceful ew fing here B © 1.25 Licten and check, 9 EETETRING ork in pairs. tmagine ya ar playing SimCity Describe your ideal town. Wit six sentences. Use some of these words: some. any. much. many aloof. ite anda few. Tee 3 fo Yau ean nd ee 10 EIN Tell the class about your ideal town. The class votes for the best one, Unit 3+ Town and country e™ In the country ‘1 Describe the photo in the text 2, Read the text and match the headings in the box with the paragraphs (A-D). industry intioduction language scenery 3 Read the text again, are the sentences tue ut false? 1 Wales is an independent state. 2 here are 11 million people in wales. 3 Brtain’s highest mountain 1s in Wales. 4 About 600,000 peuple speak Welsh 5. Move peuple i nuith Wales speak Welsh as ther first language than English, 6 Sheep farmers make a lot of money. i 176 Usten toa adi programme aha en nah Wiles. Whe wants to 1 leove north Wales? 2 stayin noth Malet 3 stay, but thinks itl be ict? ae D Gareth © Bethan Don’t take detailed notes while listening. Take short notes: and use them to write ful sentences later. 1.26 Listen again and answer the questions. What ic Rry’s frst language? What does Brm's father do? What two disadvantages of lif on te fam does Brn mention? Why do tourists visit Liangollen? Why doesn't Gareth enjoy living there any more? What does Gareth plan to do in Cardiff or london? Where is Caemarfon? ‘Why are young people leaving Caernarfon? Is Bethan happy to go and lve in another place? 6 EERMUMS Workin pots Ackand answer the questions 1 What arth advantages of ving in your vile oo chy 2 What ae the dsalvaeyes? 3 iloveyou lve nthe same plac sl your if? 4 dovyeu wantt lve where you ate now forthe rst ofyour ited Why Why noe a) Unit 3 + Town and country ontation. in a guidelaak Canol y dref Town centre North Wales Qwest an independent state iis part the UK Ms stuatedin the west of tan. thas a poputon of oot tive lon sl the opel Car Mes tO terete nthe dsl south of he county, Gf Brian There te spectacles val andres Ther ate abo wonder mounans— nding Sow, J eras secontngrest nounan F) Qiwo languages are spoken in Wales: English and Welsh J) We isa Cetic anguage ands one ofthe oldest lnguages 7 in rope, Only 20% of the total population of Wales speak J) wes, butin the smal vilages and towns of west and north Wales, aout /5% of people speak tas the fst anquage The two main industries in the north are tourism and farming. Many people core to walk and climb in the ‘mountains or go kayaking on the-rvers. There are lots of | sheep farms inthe ils, but it dificult to make money ‘rom sheep farming, and many farms are dosing. Young people have dificlly funy jobs in worth Wales ant ian ‘of therm are leaving to get jobs in the city The village with the longest name inthe word isin north Wales: Lanfairawvlawynaylaoderyechwnrncrobuillantysiicaogoaach, ‘The name means: the church of St Mary in a vale of white hazel tres near a fast whirpoal ty the church of St fsio ofthe red cave ‘There are 3 Hill peuple in Wales anid 11 mln sheep. ET and ‘the! wit Look at the photo. Would you like to live inthis town? Why?/Why not? 2. Read the text and match the rules inthe Leurs tis! bux below with the words in blues [lve ina town on the east const of England. The town is called Grimsby. It's nice place, and Ike living by Ive 30, My dad’: fisherman. He's gota big boat. | sometimes go fiching with him on the boat we talk about something again. (I've doa, lke the doa best.) we say what someone's jb is (She's we describe what somebody ar a nice man,/I'sa lovely day) here is only one of something. ee 3 Find one more example of each rule in the text 4 Choose the best ansmer, 0 oF he. Wl Fi ule applies? MyTown.com Chatroom 4Je3322_ lve fa the sal vilaye. HS ar %a Une Its a / the really boring place, Dave76 HiJess. Whats the name of ‘a/ the vllage? ‘Jess22,_ Thurbury. isin Scotland, Winer do you lve, Dave? I can correctly use ‘a/an’ <> We don't use the when we are making generalisetions, What's the weather lke? but ! don't like hot weother. The lones near our cottage are very narrow. but Don't drive fast in narrow lanes. Grammar Builder (30): page 108 5 Read the Look out! box. Are the sentences generalisations or not? Choose the correct answers 1 Life /The life in a small village can be very boring 2 Weather /The weather in Scotland was terible last weekend, 3 This crossing isnt for bicycles /the bicycles, it's for pedestrians / the pedestrians. 4 \love indian food / the indian food 5 Fields / The elds around the village are full of cows, 6 hate advertisements /the advertisements. They're usualy s0 bong, 6 1.27 ERDVENSIGIIN Liston and repeat the phrases inthe hax. How do we pronounce the hefare a vowel sound? the advertisement the cotage theeast the end he English the gate the Industry the scenery he village the west 7 SEINE) Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions using. the table. Don't use the ifit’s a generalisation. bie cities? weather day? scenery in your county? ‘American films? the Malan ovu? ‘amencan President? = original tar Wars film? talkative people? tracksuits? songin Unit 17 new Pod? v0 you tke optimistic people? Dave76 Ashford dess22 Dave76 ttS7a/ the smal town ina / the south of England. Its OK here, ThereS’a/ the sports centre and athe onema, but “a / the cinema's only got one screen Jess22_Cinemal We haven't even got "a / the café 15 Dat %2/ he to us 8a the vilaye? Do you like big cities? es, ‘40. D0 you lke the weather today? No, | don't, Do you. Unit 3 + Town and country C 7 Look at the photos and the ttle of the text. What do you think tis about? Read only the ist sentence of eath paragraph and match it with the correct topic 1-5, 1A description of the town of monow! 2 finding work 3 Whv is Elsie and what dues she do? 4 Monowi inthe past 5 What Elsie thinks of life in Monowi Read the taxt and cherk your answers to exercises 1 and 2 Match the highlighted adjectives inthe text with the definitions below. 1 with nothing inside 2 very small 2 completely quiet 4 inthe countryside 5 incredible: very surprising 6 unhappy because you have nobody to talk to 7 very big a1 ) Unit 3« Town and country T can widerstand a nenupaper artile CO Fisie Filer is the mayor of Monowi, a \tiny town in northern Nebraska, USA. But that isn't her only joh She ig also the town clerk, the town. tveasurer, the librarian, and she works in the bar. Why has che got « lat af different jobs? Because there's nobody else ta da them. Manowi has got a population of one - Elsie 1 Monowi is an extraordinary sight. There are about twelve old wooden houses. They are all empty, and are surrounded by a few trees, some ‘ld ears and lots of rubbish. The town is ‘completely ili. An old yellow school bus. with ‘no wheels or seats, stands next to the small school. ‘The school closed 40 years azo. Opposite Else's bar is an old huilding, filed with rubbish. Tt was a shop but it closed in the 19508. Fven the church has been closed since 1960 (Bi The busiest time for Monuwi was in the 1930s. ‘Then, the population was 150, mostly farmers and their families. There was a rallway too, However, ‘the farmers couldn't compete with the enormous industrialised farms. They left the town to look for other work. In 19/1, the railway closed and the town. began to die. Three years ago, the last inhabitant, apart from Elsie and her husband, moved away. Then Elsie's husband died, and Elsie became the town’s only inhabitant. Tels’ son and daughter lett years ag to find work in Digger towns, The small farmers and businessmen can't make any money here, says Elsie, Its the same in other small towns inthe region. Between 1996 and ‘203, almost 500,00) people left the rural states ot Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, North Dakota, South Dakota and fowa, and went to live in big cities. now Elsie lives alone, but ste isn’t NOHeIy). Her Tuudl is good, the beer is cold, and farmers and truck dlrivers travel a long Way to eat at her café. ‘One day ‘Monow! will just be memories, and it will probably turn ‘to dust, she says. ‘But | like it here, and as long as Tan take care of myself, I'l stay here In true/false tasks. ead each sentence then lonk for the information in the text. Undertine the words in the text that give you the answer and compare them with the sentences inthe exercise 5 Read the text again, Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. 1 Elsie Eiler has got five jobs. 2 The shop closed first, then the church, then the school 3-In the past it was possible to take the train to Monowi 44 the farmers let Monowi because the railway closed. 5 Tinee yeas ago Elsie’s husband suved ana. G In this part of the USA, young people arc moving from rural areas to urban areas. 7 Elsie wants to move away from Monowi Match the adjectives 1~7 with their opposites a-s. Describing places 1 boring 2 polluted 2 clean D stressful 3 dangerous & exiting 4 modem dusly 5 noisy @ sale 6 pretty f old 7 relaxing quiet mach the questions wih se answers, 1 Where do you tive? 2 What's eke? 3 What's the best thing about where you tive? 4 Whats the wort thing about where you ve? 5 Would ys protest the countnythe iy? 6 Whv?/Why not? 2 Tote ae tw tings hat eal ike. I's very prety and it's by the sea. I'd preter to tive inthe county, but ear a big town, | live in Kingsbridge. 4 because lice clean ar and green countysige, But also oxcestnaly ie g sopping seen ¢ tsa small tow, There ae alt of ld buldings There aren many shops and thre ft a cnema LEENA Workin pairs. asthe questions in exercise 7 and give your ovn answers, Giving directions ‘Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the location of shops and buildings on the map below. Use the prepositions in the box. Prepositions of place behind between .. and neat resto un the comer uf —uppusite Where's the sports centre? > 1 can understand and give directions. ICS opposite the clothes shop. s 2. Read the dialogue and follow the directions on the map. Woman Excuse me. Is there a bank near here? Man Yes, there’s one in Churchill Road. Woman Can you tell me haw to get there? Man Go straight on, and, let me see, turn right at the traffic lights. Go past the cathedral and tum right inte Churchill Road. The bank is opposite the bar. Woman Thanks. “30 ) Unit 3 + Town and country 3 (@ia22e Listen and repeat the dialogue. ‘4 Match the sentences in the box with the diagrams. Directions Ga alang Aileen Street. Go past the bus ston. Gosstraight on. Goto the end of the road Take the frst left, Turn left at the traffic lights. 5 © 1.29 Listen tote datogues an follow the dvctons ante map. Where do the people want to go? 6 Read the speaking tip below. Find a filler inthe dialogue in exercise 2. Syd When you need time to think during a conversation, say let me think, um, ar let me cee 7. EEIENIG work in pis Prepare a dialogue using the map zd the char below Include some flrs A Ask about a place. > <= > < Excuse me. Is there a post office near here? Yes, there's one in St. John’s Street B Answer. ‘Ask for airections. Give directions, Say thank you. 8 GUZEN Act out your dialogue to the class. 9 ESTENRIIE work n pats. ask and answer question ebvut ow to get o places ea our scl A leaflet ‘1 Read the writing task and the two leaflets, Which place ‘would you prefer to visit? waiting task ‘write a tourist leaflet (70-80 words) about some beautiful or Interesting places in your county. Include: « atille to attract the readers’ attention + information about interesting things to see and places. tovisit ‘Information about what people can do there Tcan write a leate places of interest everyone Come and visit Devan, in the south west of England. There are miles of sandy beaches, Where you can swim, surt, dive or windsurt Or just relax on the sand with a good book. If you like walking, cycling or horse-riding, spend some time on Dartmoor, with its vast stretches of open moorland. Devon has got lots of interesting histaric huildings Visit Castle Drogo or the atmospheric castle at Totnes. AST aR) CCHS AC Li Cd 2. Which leaflet consists of 1 a single paragraph? 2 short ‘bullet points”? Which is more effective in your opinion? Divide leaflet A into three bullet points. 4 Which grammatical structure does each bullet point in leaflet B begin with? 5 Find adjectives inthe leaflets that mean: very big important in history 1 2 3 with a special feeling = a 4 very old 5 6 7 8 well-known fantastic = w. very interesting, very impressive 5 (ie ‘When you are writing 2 leafl + think ofa good ttle to atractthe readers’ attention. ‘use bullet points and short, informative sentences ‘use adjectives to make the descriptions more interesting. 6 Do the writing taskin exercise 1. Include information on some ofthese things: + historic towns * beautiful landscapes «interesting buildings holiday activities * tourist attractions (e.g. museums, churches) a C1 used a variety of adjectives? 11 written 70-80 words? Unit 3» Town and country ( Tia 1 GERERENIESIIG Match each word with one of the photos. ‘disappointed happy lose match’ eyelist. inaividual determination players race score team spirit win 2. Work in pairs, Think of some similarities and differences between the photos. Use these phases to help you. Describing photos Both photos show. Inthe nest photo {can see .. but in the second photo. 3 Dothe Speaking exam task. ‘Compare and contrast the two photos. thing ink about these 1 How are tive peuple feeling? Why? 2. How ave the sports different? 2 What qualities do you need to suecced in the two sports? 44 Which ofthe sports would you prefer to do (if any)? Why? 3 ‘Do the Reading exam tack. Read the text and match headings A-F with paragraphs 1-5. There is une extra heading that you don’t need. ‘A the future of cheerteaaing BA dangerous sport © Isita spon? Is cheerleading a sport? by Renee. Aington Hees HE canstive cieriending is very populoroctity for fain the USA, but moro than haf of Aaricans do ct belee it ' 8 sport Tis is becaue hey confuse wit sideline cheerleading These are two diferent activities, Sideline cheerleaders entertain the crowd during a sports match and encourage them to support their team, But in compettivecheereang two teams of cheerleaders compete agansteaoh ater Competitive cheerleading includes lat of physical activ. Like gymnasts, cheerleaders must learnt tumble They must be strong, andthe must earn to work wh ote teammates Sports ike fol ad Leshebal ave laws which the players follow, ond 20 deca competitive cheereading. The chaorleaders D The rules uf cheerleading Equipment fur cheerteading F Two types of cheerleading have to stay thin crtin are, ant compie thir routing wahin three minutes and 15 seconds. Aocordng tothe National Center for Catastrophe Sport Injury Research, hroreadng the number-one cause of Senous soar inuries to waren This i party because they do not wear any protective gar. ike helmets or knee gas also because they often do nat have proper training facts ~ for example they hve to use araom without hgh oetngs or mating on the foo. Senans rarely provide gow faites Uecause they donot ‘recognise cheerleading 08 prt Tso yny 00 mary peop think cneerieacng snot a spor? Perhaps iis because leerleading isnot a ball sport, and cheerleaders donot 2cors pointe or win ace, Howser the same is true of wresting ng gymnastics and many her sports. Perhan itis because ade see chereaers as enetainer, nt competors, bit isin a, chereaders ody compete aganst athe tears, an they hae totrain hard jut ine other ales EX poceuiy, everybody wil recognise cheerleading asa Sport, just ike otal or basketal could even become an Olympic spot one day. ARer al cheerleaders have tobe athetc and pysialy just ike corpettos in ote spots 5 Work in pairs. Answer these questions. 1. Find throe reasons in paragranh 4 why some people think cheerleading isn'ta sport 2 How does the writer disagree with these people? 3 What is your opinion? pairs. Answer the questions. 1. Doyoulive in a house ora flat? 2 What rooms hasit got? 3 What shops and amenities are there nearby? 2. Complete the text with the words In the box. Use your dictionary to help you. detached flatmates neighbours rent (0) fumished neighbourhood rent(n) share tube station Irma student at London University. live in a flat which |'___with two fiends. ttisn't our own fat; we it. But the flat isn't? so we've got our own furniture ‘The lat is part ofa" house. i's in a nice, quiet >__andthe* are very nice and always say hello Luckily the” isn't too high, so we can atford it. My two + are also at London Unwersity, so every morning we walk together tothe”, and take the underground Into the cy. 3. (GIEDED po the Listening exam task Read sentences 1-6. You are going to hear a conversation between a student who is looking fora flat in London, and a letting agent. Choose the correct answers, A, B or C. 1 The man wants ta rent a at hecause he Aisa studentin London. B is going to stay in London forthe rest of his life. can't afford to buy a flat, 2 He wants to rent a fat for A himself only. B himself and two flatmates. C his friends. 3. He wants the flat to be Atumished. B close to the university in central London, 4 The man seems (v be pleased thal there is Aa post office across the street D 2 pub in the neighbourhood an internet eafé near. 5 He doccn't accept the frst offer because A the ront is too high. B the flat isnt furnished C the neighbourhood isnt suitable. 6 He is very interested in the second offer because Athe rentis tow. Bit’s a detached house, C there are already four students in the house. 4 4 EEE Say which of these things are in the photos below. notice board e desk i window bb poster F shelves j bin chestof drawers g computer —k clock wardrobe h carpet 1 plants 5 Choose the adjectives you would use to describe the ruin, bright uncomfortable clean tidy comfortable dark untidy cold cosy relaxing 6 Complete the sentences contrasting the two rooms. Decide which sentence refers to which room, although difference however the ather but 1 The main __ between the rooms is that one is tidy, while the other is untidy. 2 One room looks bright the others quite dark. 3 One room looks more comfortable than 4 There is quite a lot of furniture in both rooms. the furniture in this room is more moder. 5 ‘one room is untidier than the other, rt100ks cosie. 7 vo the speaking exam task. ‘Compare and contrast the two photos. Think about these things: 1. How comfortable are the rooms? 2 Do they belong to boys or ails? Give reasons. 3 Can you tell what kind of hobbies the people have? Give reasons. 4 Which room do you prefer? Why? CS 1 Look.atthe photos. Do you recognise any ofthe films or actors? 2 Label the photos with the words from the box. Which types ot itm aren't illustrated? Types of film action film disaster film histavieal drama animated film comedy hhorearfilm musical science fiction film warfilm westem romantic comedy 3 §¥1.32 Listen and check. 4 EEENNITE work in pair wnat types of fim do you ike? What types don't you like? Give examples. Treally like science fiction films. for example Star Wars and X-Men. Tuite ike comedies, for example oeoerrerro=—e—evwece Tor fke 5 © 1.33 Listen to the film excerpts. What types of film are they? 6 Complete the definitions using the adjectives in the box. Adjectives to describe films boring entertaining sipping moving scary violent funny 1 You can't stop watching a giypns film because it's so exciting. 2A film is not a all interesting. 2A film makes you fightened, 4 A film makes you laugh. 5A film malas you fool strong emotions. 6 A film contains a lat of fighting and hload 7 ‘An film is one that you enjoy watching 7 1.34 Listen and check. REECE ec 34 ) Unit 4 « In the spotlight . iypestfim adlectvesto describe fs © and ing alecives ‘types of posanme Sissy Lnpsstve> snd superisives = nd vs Speaking = bie Hime and posrarimes «buying “ing opinions «checking understanding Wing » 2 Fi cevew 8 Make notes about a film you really tked and a fim you hated. Use adjectives from exercise 6 Nong Hal 4 ny, ving Mee Tomar rt gppping, boring 9 ERAN work in pairs. Tell your partner about the films. Du you agree mith your partner? loved Notting Hill. I's a romantic comedy. twas realy funny and it was moving too. Thated The Doy After Tomorrow. 1's a dicaster film Iewasn’t very gripping Infact, it was quite horing SOREN rp 1 Read the text and correct the sentences. 1 Tom Hanks is not very rich 2. You've Got Mail was one of the biggest thrillers of 1998, 3. Tom Hanks is the most attractive actor in Hollywood. ‘Tom Hanks is one of the most famous and | richest actors in Hollywood. Hes won the ‘Oscat for Best Actor twice, He can play serious roles as well az appearing in more entertaining and funnior films surh 3¢ Ye Got Mail, one of the biagest comedies of 1998, Tom Hanks isn't the most attractive actor in Hollywood, but most cites agree ‘that he is one of the best actors! 2 undertne the comparative and superiativ adjectives inthe text. Complete the table. erase [Sette | Short adjectives vie sicher au big bigger 2 funny Hears the funniest Long adjectives entertaining : the most entertaining attractive more attractive *___ Invegular adjectives, youd better 6 bad worse the worst 3. wite sentences comparing the two tims inthe table. Use ‘the comparative form of the adjectives Inthe box and than. boring entertaining funny long popular short violent “The Avior wa longer than Gate Denise [catatr | Length 170 minutes 155 minutes, Popularty = S BHO beoee Violence = & RAEY Entertainment © © @ eee Laughs tee + CEMEETICEACE ee Comparatives and superlatives can make comparisons. 4 Complete the chatroom texts with the comparative of supertative form of the adjectives in brackets, Saw itast night This is Spielberg’ rmarti@hirternetcom ‘re you era Sovng Private Ryan wae much Perit ee (Good) fim yt, Much (grpping) than hs (ear fms, posted 238 5 July (ood! (ule yes, and (tow), but intersting! tan WW kate32@demonmailcouk mot a Spat ‘rector, ou is rims are os How can you say that! Name a ®__ Sohinders Us or @ posted 2242 5 July fan, He maybe Hollywood's" _ (succesful (entertain T@switmalinet posted 2244 5 uly moving fim than (scary one than Jaws ateS2@demanmalLcouk posted 2250 $ July 5 Complete the questions using superlative adjectives. who | good-looking / actor in the world? ‘who's the est-laoking act in he weld? wit J funw J comedy on TV? who / beautiful / actress in the world? wiat | bo:ing / programme on TV? wino / good / film director in your country? wiat | scary | film that you've ever seen? wihat good | film that you've ever seen? [TE] Workin pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 5. bestooking actor the world? Brad Pitt. Who do vou thinks the most beautiful actress in the world? eGO7Tr Scarlett johanazon, What's the funniest comedy on TV? Unit 4+ in the ad os Licensed to kill 1 Look t the photos. Do you recognise the flm characte or the actors? A "The British do not make many action films. They are more famous fer historical dramas and, more ooontly, romantic comedies like Four Weddings and @ Aneral. However, in 1942 a film called Dr No appeared, It wae about an intelligence agent called James Bond and was an immodiata success. There are now over twenty Boné films, and they are some of tne most succesoful action films ever made BO Ian Fleming, the author of Uke James Bond books, was born in 19U8, and went W Bion, one of tho ‘most expensive private schools lun Britain. In the 1930s he worked as a journalist and « Lanker. Dut he wanted a more exciting Ife and ln the Seoond ‘World War he got a job in the British Intelligence Service, After the war Fleming returned wo journalism, but in 198 he startea writing thrillers, ‘using his wartime experience in tne intelligence services. In all he wrote fourteen Bond books, selling ilions of copies around the world. He died in 1964. James Bond works for MI6, the international part of the British Intelligence Service. His other name is 007 (pronounced ‘double-oh seven’) In the books and early films, Bond is charming, drinks and smokes a lot, and has many affairs with women. In more recent films, he is more sensitive and less reckless, and the female characters play a bigger role in the stories. Rond is famous for the way he introduces himself: ‘The name’s Bond. James Bond.’ po Six actors have played the part of Bond: Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dallu, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig a ) Unit «In the spotlight = Lean talk about a famous film character ead the texts (A-D) and match them with four ofthe hea 4. The man who created James Rand 2 Brtich action films 3. The actors who play Bond 4 5 ‘The Rnd books What's lames Bond like? [SQENUIIG work in pairs. Ask and answer Ure yuestions. 1. Have you seen any Bond films? Which onels)! 2. Did you enjoy the films? Which actors piayed Bond? 3. Describe James Bond’s appearance and personality. {4 Name some famous tim stars from your uty. ‘What types of films do they appear in? @ 1.35 Liston and complete the song from the film The Spy Who Loved Me. Use words from the box. asgood as better safe suyuod the best Nobody does it‘. Makes me fee sa tor te rest. Nobody does trait” you any, youre” | wasnt lanking but somehow you found me trie to hide from your lovelight But ike heaven above me, the spy who loved me Is keeping all ny seorets “tonight And nobody does 1 Though sometimes | wish sumeune cou NNopoay aes quite te way you do ‘ny do you hee to be §_——? The way that you hold me, whenever you hold me There's some kindof magic inside you That heaps me from running But ust Keep i coming How di you learn to doth things you do? Makes ine fel s0d forthe Nabody doco it half? you Baby, baby, daring. you're 191.36 Read and ste tothe dog. ete questions. 41 Who is old enough to watch Kil il? 2 In Jane's opinion, which film is beter, Kill ill or The Last Samurai? 3 Why can't they see Batman Begins? Jane Look. Kl Dilis on atthe cinema ‘Mike Yeah, but you have tobe eighteen to see it. We aren't old enoush, Jane mold enough. You're not. What haut The Last Samurai? lt ien't as good as Kil Bil, but we can both see it. Mike OK. I'l book the ticket online. .. Oh, no. We're too late. I's sold out, Jane Try Batman Begins. Mike That stats in fifteen ‘minutes. There isn’t enough time to get there Jane OK. Let's wateh a DVD, Mike Alright. better than nothing, 2. Complete the rules in tne Learn this! box with ater, before and between. 3 @ 1.37 ERIMNETNIM weak forms. Listen and repeat these sentences. How are the underlined words pronounced? 1 isn’t as good as Kl il 2 I's beter than nothing. 3. There isn't enough time to get ther. 4 write six sentences about yourself.Use not as... os and the adjectives 1-6, Un rt as ch 26 Siephen Spielberg 1 rich 3. short 5 talkative 2 tall 4 impatient 6 hardworking (not) as ... as, too, enough T cam sre different ctrace make comparisons 5 Write replies to the questions, Use t20 or not.» envuyf and the adjectives in brackets 1 Why dou you come tothe enema with us? Fm (busy) 2 Do you like the new jim Carrey comedy? No, Ie funny) 2 leita boring film? Yes.'s (ong) 4 Are you going 9 cee the new Tarantino film? No, can't. 'm (old) 5. Have vou got The Lord ofthe Rings trilogy DVD box set? No, I haven't t's (expensive) 6 Do you like war films? No, I don't. They're Giotent) ‘Complete the conversation between the wo casting directors. Use (v0, enough oF us « as and the words In Brackets, Martha Now, we need an actor forthe lead role, Brad Peters is cetaily spo4-\oatng snus (good-looking). But is he! (tall? ‘Max No, he isn't. He's only 1 metre 50. What about Tom Delaney? He's very atractve. ‘martha. But ne hasn't had * (experience). He's only acted in one film: Max Well, Miciae! Lamb is © (famous) Brad Peters ~ everyone knows hin He's appeared in (ots of films. Martha Yeah, but he's © (ole). Het be 50 next year. And look at hie photo — he hasn't got! _ (hat). This ig a romantic comedy, remember ‘Max What about Dave Wilson? Martha He's always very busy. 'm sure he hasn't gat (time), 7 © 1.38 Listen and check. 8 ATMA Workin pars invent reasons why you can't Follow the suggestions. Use foo and enough, 1 Why don't we goto the cinema? 2 Let's buy anew DVO player. 3. Shall we go tothe beach? 4 Why don't we have lunch now? 5 Let's goto Pans for our holidays. 6 Why don't you study maths at universtys Why don’t we go tothe cinema? | [Tm too tired. /Vhaven't got enough 7 | time. / The films are all too boring GN Unit 4 «In the spotlight ( 7 Against » the odds fl i Many European fim directors have. gone "Yi to Holywood hoping to make ther mark J) inthe Amencan ti industry, but few Me Tave nad a mv sucess thee 23 the 5 Cazchrborn firm director Milos Forman. Forman was bor in 1932 in Casa, in vats today the Czech Republic. Mos never saw hs parents aga: "Ey both ced in concerivation comps, i leaing him an orphan atthe age of 12 Milos ond hie brother were hraght un by one of heir unde. 2 Read the text quickly and answer the questions. 1 What is the man’s name? 2 Whereis he from? 3. Which country did he move to? ‘4 What are the names of three of his films? After the wa, Forman became fascnatea by fim and theatre, B_] He stated out nthe fit nds by 1s. Grecing raeVson downtetaries, before moving radu into dame, He gained international cognition {or Bek Pater (1964) and vas coon the leading figure in the ‘golden age’ of Czech cinema 111967 he wae his fest tip to the United States, and sn the flloning year went to Part organise the production of his fst American fm, Tokina Of EX] Rov wanting to retun to Czechoslovak, Forman stayed in Paris unt August 1969, when he moved to New York 3 Match the highlighted words inthe text withthe definitions below. 1 tie murds and directions that are written fora film 2 short pat of film in which the action usually happens in Taking Of, Frien's fistCogish language fim, 1». appeared in 1971, The film wae 2 ttical surcess and one ploee dion a numberof avi Bf] The fm became the 4 5p first film for forty years to win Oscars in all five major 4 people who direct the making of films cetenotes Best Fi, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best 5 film that tele fictional story Screenplay, and Best Diector for Forman. n 1984, 6 allthe companies and studios that make fms se Forman returned to Prague for the frst ome i 16 yeas 7 fis that give true information to tm scenes fr Amann, nich teste ife-story of the cnnoser, Moor. I] (a Forman’s bitter experiences of totalitarian regimes, Read the text quickly to get the general idea. Then read the ‘whether fascist or communist, have had a profound missing sentences. lank fo links with vocabulary before ss influence on his work. RJ] Natural, Forman fs avays and after each gap. (nthe side of the individual a“ ) unit ine spottight Six sentences have been removed from the text Choose from sentences a-g the one that best fits each gap. There is one extra sentence that you don't need, ‘a However, his big breakthrough came in 1975 when he directed One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. b He has always had to struggle to survive, ‘and his most interesting and successful fllms all explore the theme ofthe lone individual against ¢ hostile establistine «© His father, who was Jewish, and his mother were arrested by the Nazis during the occupation of Czechoslovakia during the Second World War. 4. The Film was another huge success, winning eight Oscars, including another Best Director for Forman He organised a drama elu at school and went on to study screen-writing atthe Film Institute atthe University of Prague. £ In spite of this, he returned to Czechoslovakia the following year. While he was there, Russia and its Warsaw Pact allies invaded Czechoslovakia. ‘Alot of famous actors and ditectors move away (ium their home counties, Look atthe photos and complete the text with the nationalities and countries inthe box. ‘American Austrian English Australian Welsh France the USA the UK 4 Catherine Zeta-Jones Nationality Lives in 2 Gnyneth Paltrow Nationality Lives in 3 Nicole Kidman Nationality Lives in 4 Alfred llitcheock Nationality Lived in 5 Amald Schwarzenegger Nationality Lives in ESIEQUIE Work in pairs. Can you name any af the films that the people in exercise 5 acted in or directed? What types of film were they? Did you see them? Arnuld Suinarcenegger appears it aw fins, He starved in The Terminator. Unit 4 Inthe spotight (~ 39"S8 Buying tickets ten to the dialogue above, Circle the G¥ 1.39 Read and lis howing that Clare books tikets for onthe film guide below. Listen and repeat Tickets, ‘dts: £6.50 (Children (under 14), (OAPs Students: £5 Box Office Tok a6064 Book ontine 2t swssccouk 2. EELEUAIIS Work in pairs. Practise reading the dialogue, changing the words in blue, Use intormation from the film guide. 3. 1.40 Listen to Chis booking tickets on the phone. Answer the quections, 1 What Is Chris booking tickets for? 2. How much do they cost in total? 0) unite tnthe poi Tan buy ticket for a concert or film 4 1.40 Listen again. Mark the seats on the theatre plan and complete the credit tard Cy pire 55 Read the speaking tip below. Find one of the phrases inthe dialogue in exercise 1. yas Don't be afraid to say you don't understand something Use phrases such as: Pardon? Sorry, did you say ..? Could you repeat that, please’ 6 EGZNWLE Work in pairs. Imagine you are booking tickets: ‘onthe phone for a concert. Prepare a dialogue following the chart below. Clerk answerthe phone. Customer Ask fortickets. Give the name of SP the concert, the date and number ofickets, Adults o children? Say the prices ofthe eats that ae available pe Say which price of seat you'd ke Tell the customer the total pie. Askforthe customers credit earl number, Give the number. Ask forthe expiry date. a = Give the expiry date, < Give your adaress. <= ‘Ask forthe customer's address. Thank the customer and say when you will post the tickets

) Unit 5» Gifts Tecan talk about giving “gifts on special eccasions. Gift-giving in Britain so they often have the buggest elebration on that birth “The enstom of giving gifts on 25 December only dates back t0 ‘Victorian times. Before tha it was more common Brita £0 exchange presents on New Years Eve (31 December) or Twelfth Night (3 January), These days, on Chast Eye parents put presents for young ciklen in stvckings and leave them in thei Frehunus while choy are aalep, When th cian wake up in hy sworning, mae of them baiewe char Sans Claus has visited dem it she night an herr thom thu presents Gifts for old children andl grown-ups are pat around the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve “Then, on Christmas morning, everyone sits around the tree and ‘opens their presents. Facing and Mother’ Day are also important days. Young children ‘usually receive chocolate eggs at Easter, and people often presents (usually chacolates or Rowers) co their mothers on Muthers Day People aso receive gifs on important occasions in their liv radionally bring a gift for ules sometimes For example, all che guests a¢ a wedi the bride nl groom, And these day presents fom thuir pa rts if they dowel in uit exanns! 4 @1.44 Read and ston tothe dialogue re the sentences true or false? 41 Both Sue and Mati have listened to Green Day. 2 Both Sue and Mark like Green Day's music. 3. Both Sue and Mark have seen Green Day in concert, Yes, | have. | gnt their latactalhum lact weekend for my birthday. t's great F've seen them in concert. Really? Were they good? Yes, fantastic. They played all my favourite songs. Sue Lucky you! I've never been to a rock concert, 2. Which tence are the ver nbs, present peract or past simple? 3. Study the information in the Learn this! box. Why are the verbs inthe dialogue past simple or present perfect? LEARN THIS}| 4 Choose the correct tense, 1 | usually get great Christmas presents from my family. but Ive received / | received a few bad ones too! 2. It was my birthday last week, and my parents have given / gave me a digital camera. 3 We went out for dinner last weekev:d, We've had / We had pasta 4 Hove Chinese food, but 've never eaten / I never ate Japanese food. > She's a Russell owe tan, She's seen / She saw all his flim {6 We went to the cinema lastnight, We've seen / We saw a Tarantino fi, Present perfect and past simple DD 55 so fe:an5 posesinple We often use the present perfect to ask and answer questions about an experience, and then the past simple lo give mare information about a specitic occasion, ‘have you ever been fo japan?” Yes, Ihave. {went there fast surnmer. 5 Study the information in the Laok aut! box. Then complete each dialogue with one verb from the box. Use the present perfect and the past simple. eat find forget meet see 1A ae sou ur (auntie somebody's birthday? B Yes, | have. | xi my brother's birthday last vear 2A a Woody Allen film? B Yes, Ihave. | Scoop a few weeks ago, 3A a famous person? B Yes, Ihave. | David Beckham when he visited our school. 4a Indian food? B Yes, Ihave. In tact, cnicken curry lastnight, DA ‘money on the pavement! B Yes, Ihave. !once £10, 6 1.45 Listen and check. T Complete the questions with the past participle ofthe verbs. inbrackets.. 8 ‘Workin pars. Ask and answer the questions. the answer i yes, give more information using the past simple. Have you ever bought anything in a deparment store” —————E—e——’—E—E_—=_—~—”uvvrre Yes, | have. | bought a jacket in C&A last month, Unit «Gis co Monumental gifts 41 Lookat the reading tip below. Read the texts and ning out which of the three buildings is: 1 the oldest 2 the newest 3 the highest ‘To lacate specific information in a text, look out for key words ‘wich will help you find the information you need. For example, information on height or age is likely to contain numbers, dates, and words such as metres, metres high, years and years ola. 2 Look at the reading tip below. Match the highlighted words in the texts with the definitions below. a building of any kind b the shape of tall buildings against the sky ¢ home (formal word) d land around a large building fe an open part of a building, high up F the act of building something g atall hin building or part oa building fh a large room for dances and parties i avery large room for formal meetings ja special occasion when peuple walk through the streets If there is a word in the text you don’t understand, tty to guess its meaning from the context, From Russia with love Poles either love it us hace it. The Palace of Culture an Scicuce has dominated the “Warsaw ME for over $0 years, and is still one uf the tallest buildings in Europe Ic was a personal gift from Joseph Stalin vo te Polish people. 3,500 building workers fiom the former Sovi ‘Warsaw and SGRSRRURHOR lasted from May 1952 antl July 1985. I tands 281 metres high and has got 3,288 rooms including three theatres, «swimming pool, a ‘muscum and « S@AgRSwIKal for 3,000 people. Ic now one of the most popular touriee attractions in Warsaw and every year thousands of people visi rhe ARIE oon the 35th floor and enjoy the views across the city. 18) units ois Union eame to, T can understand information ea tourist guide Taking liberties Since 1886, the Statue of Liberty has been one of the most famous ‘monuments in America ~ in fact, che world, The statue was a gift ro che USA from the French people. They built the statue in France, chen ccarmed it across the Atlantic Ovean tn 390 pieces and re-built in New York, They completed the work in 1886, and abou a million people ‘watched the opening jag on 28 October of that year, Ac the rinse, the Statue of Liberty was the tallest ‘truer ir New York, a& 93 mete ‘Since then, they have buile many taller buildings, but the Statue of Liberty is still an impressive sight, and millions Of visiuury have climbed the 354 steps to the top. 3. Choose the best answers. 1. They built the Statue of Liberty ain New York. b in France from pieces made in New York. Cin France and then canted it across the Atlantic in many pieces. din Russia, The construction of the Palace of Culture and Sclence took 4 over 50 years b 231 days. « over three years 4.35 yoars. 2 People visit the Palace of Culture end Science 23 toge swimming b to visit the museum + talank atthe views ofthe city 4 for a variety of work an leisure reasons 4 The castle we can See today at Balmoral a isthe original rastle b is anew castle. built in 1856 € isthe orginal castle, but with anew tower. 4 is too small forthe royal family 5 Today, Balmoral Caste is a a tourist atraction and the Queen’s home in Scotland b just a tourist attraction © aprivate home for the Queen and her family 4 & place for visitors to have dances and partes. Queen of the castle Balmoral Castle was a present for Queen Victoria from her husband, Prince Albert, in 1852. The countryside around the castle is spectacular, and includes Lochnagar, 4 mountain 1,160 metres high, The royal couple decided that the original eastle was too small, so they built a new ‘ine. They completed it in 1856, with a beautiful ower about 30 metres high, The castle and its rounds belonged tothe British royal family since that time, and cach new generation has improved the property. Today, the Queen and her family always stay at Balmoral when they vist Scotland. The eastle has been open to the public for aver 35 years, but visitors ean only enter the ~ the other rooms are the Queen’ privat 4 EEEYEIE work in pais, Think of tee other famous Ulings inthe wold, Answer the questions 1 What kind o building it” Choose rom the words in te box 2 wnere ist? 3 nich cetyl they batt? Buildings castle cathedral City Hall concert hall government building museum operahiouse palace stadium temple skyscraper tomer Buying clothes Complete the dialogue with words from the box. £24.99 black brother jumper jumpers medium Shop assistant Can |help you? Julia Yes, rm looking tora" ‘Shop assistant the*_____are aver there, near the changing rooms. julia OK. Thanks .. This one’s nice. Anu i's In Ue gale! Have you got iin” ? Shop assistant Yes. What size are you? Julia Itisn't for me, It's a present for my : He's a$__, I think. Shop assictant Here you are. Could you come over tothe All please? Tat’ © Iulia Can bring it hark ft dest RP Shop assistant Sure. ust keep the recent. © 1.46 Listen and repeat, copying the intonation, Find the words in the definitions. Ina shop Ail tont logue and match them with the changing room receipt sale size ‘atime when a shop sells things for less mongy than usual b how big or small something is the plare in a shan where yn pay for things da place where you try on clathes. the ticket you get when you buy something f tobe the right size Go to the Functions Bank in the Workbook for more phrases and expressions you can use in a conversation “50 ) Unit 5» Gifts I can go shopping (for clothes Talking about prices Wewnite — Wesay 1p Seventy-five p £15 teen pounds £4.99 Four pounds ninety-nine oF four ninety-nine 4 [ERMMNIE stusy tne information in the vox above, then say the prices, 1 £250 4 bap 2 50p 5 £10.99 3 £1995 6 95p 5 EGTA work in pairs. Practise reading the dialogue in exercise 1, using different words rom the box to complete (1,2) Fshirt(s)_jacket(s) @)blue green yellow @ sister” boytriend/siniriend (small large oxtralarge £1595 £35 £1950 tracksuits) 6 C107 Usten to oo dialogues end complete the table. Pn Tarcestcating [see [cor | Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Look atthe table before you listen to the recording. Make sure you know what information you are listening for. 7 Complete the sentences from the dialogues. 1 are you? Um, smal, think 2 Cant 1 Of course. The changing rooms are over there. 3 Cant help you? Yes, I'm looking for atop 4 How much are they? The ison te label. 5 iWin 14? Filjust have look, this skit 8 @ 148 Listen and check. 9 EZEQMINE workin pairs. Imagine you are in a clothes shop. Prepare a dialogue using the ideas below. Make notes. + Whats the customer * Size? looking for? © Tiyiton? Does it ht? * Clout! * Price? 10 Wirite your dialogue out. Practise reading it in pars 11 EREEQANG act out your dialogue tothe cass. An informal letter 1 Read the letter. Find three things that Amy go for her birthday. 2. Find colloquial words and phrases inthe letter that mean: 1 beautiful 5 think 2. to look good with something 6 aeroplane 3 toreturn something 7 friends 4 the USA 8 very good 3. Putwhat amy says in the corect paragraph and in the correct order. She says that she enjoyed her birthday. She says what Sophie gave her. She thanks her aunt forte scat dhe says what her parents gave ner. She thanks her aunt again for the scart. She says wht she tikes the scar. She says how often she's wun ne seat Paragraph 3 7 Paragraph 1 1 2 5 3 6 Paragraph 2 4 4 Read the writing tp below. What expression does Amy use to end her letter? put your 5 Imagine that you have received a present from a friend or family member. Choose a present from the box (or use your ‘nn idea) and say why you lke it, 6 Write an informal thank-you letter of 120-150 words. Use the plan to help you. Paragraph 1 ‘+ Say thank you. Say what the present ic and say snmething about it: What's it lke? Why do vou like i?” Have you used it? Paragraph 2 | * Say what you did on the special occasion, Say what other presents you received. Paragraph 3 * Say thank you again. “ rite an informal letter. 14 Northbrook Road Oxford Oxi aR 24th March 2007 Dear aunt Susan, Thank you so much far the scarf that you sont me for my birthday Ws yorgeous! I very warm and the elou realy ‘9005 with my eyes. ve worn it every Uay forthe last week Sophie wanted to Luriow it yesterday, ut | didn't lend it to hher~ she never gives things back! | ealy enjoyed my birthday. Mum and Dad gave me some ‘money because 'm saving for a holiday in the States, (reckon Ive nearly saved enough for the plane ticket) Sophie gave me a DVD of The Tivo Towers, the second film in The Lord of the Rings wilngy. Have you secn it? | haven't watched it yo, but my mates say is brilliant | hope you're well, Thanks again fr the luvely scat! Lot of love 11 Match three of the events with the reviews. 2. bo the Reading exam task, Pmamscconns ener praripereeer ier A there were a lot of other people waiting to gat in, es ee D she couldn't find her seat. 2. The best thing about the show was hess —— Bes ch ee a ae oa a ee ta ee oan ater an eee Aceh reir ‘A MetalHead’s performance only lasted an hour B the support band were better than MetalHead. C she didn’t recognise any of the songs they played. D her boyfriend wasn't impressed. 6 Who does Katie think will enjoy the concert? fre B Only people who realy ike MetalHead, & pein ett cme acai a of the wor’ top sealers and they ss lay. Tarte easly and hel to jin leg.gutut. gh rue the Iieing 50 mts teily miele beer T get to my sea gh programe, whch was pore with mtermaton abcd Apact fram Sere inal! saplaits,avteying che was Fanlasta the standard oF cating was paella youd exvest arc the coshunes anc lighing were wonder bah hat T enoyed most is the fee, whe al! the. performers arco together aed retired a Stary ciation fem the ‘aucence. Tt you want Ho see thi shew, book your Hekeds (peony before they sil cat ri 2) Get ready for your exam 5 eae stdyrg Romeo and Tuli a scoot and our Cg shee eae ard st 3 proc oh ate ques Teo he hel were very caps er wt seme af my Fee. Sxeqear’ ong i tele ai ftw ust 2 Ait peng he ain dss wry mh ower perfomed on Sage ab 2 campy trent xpress ud taser lo undesand (henge teach wa8 really go, oe. Fa recamend tis play oan ee, © Last night | ent vath my biyfiend ro see Mekalttead at she Avena. they are WS favourite band but | wasnt that impressed | ‘hugh te Sipe band Fgh were excelent ~ cur Mekattead do oppear We ae aor, and ten ony ped por an ‘ou he bard payee her bese fin hs; sgh ara haa re nate jap 60 ther (eh ad dang, Peco, gh nao 10 nd Fars of Mepaltead probably wort bed supported (thug etki ey pete) bt Par ke aovy ont music ployed at high volume, the & the yaw 3 What would and wouldn't you enjoy about these events? 4 CERERTIDESEI Put pinases 1-8 nto the correct sroups. 1 fdloveto. 2 Why don't we...2 3m not keen on (+ noun or ing form) 4 Let's 5. That's a good idea. 6 Vdrather 7 tort really want. & ra preerto Making suggestions 1 AN De dai Expressing dislikes apace Beep yen ag Expressing preferences 1 at 3 Accepting suggestions i asanneaetie oe oer 5. Do the Speaking exam task. Use the phrases In exercise 4 to help you. You and your friends want to go to one af the events in exercize 1. Agree on an event. Think about: 1 what you would enjoy about cach event 2. what you wouldn't enjoy about each event 3 the cost 1 Complete the sentences with the words inthe box. ‘ages cluties muiney shopping shops 1 How often doyougo? 2. Doyou like going round the with your fiends? 3 Do vouenioy trving on 4 Doyou spend a lot of on CDs? 5, Do you get annoyed it people spend —__ deciding what to buy? 2 ENEENICLISES Work in pairs, Ask and answer the {questions in exercise 1 3 ae Read sentences A-F. Then listen and match them with the speakers (1-5). There is one extra sentence that you don’t need. Do the Listening exam task, {A dont ike looking at thing’ in shop windows. B I nevergo shopping with my boyfriend. lke shopping more than my boyfriend does. D mostly buy the things I need online. E | never go shopping alone. F dont go shopping very offen but when | do, I spend a long time in certain shops. Speaker 1 4 (cUCELIEDIAASLG Complete the sentences wth the words inthe box. “cash cheaper choice faulty leave. touch hop assistant time 1 You can see and _ the goods. 2 You don't have to the house 3. There is usually a wider cof goods 4 You can easily retum goods. 5 You can payin 6 Goods are usually 7 You can shop at any you like 8 You can aska to help you. RTE In your opinion, whien sentences In exercise 4 refer to shop, ‘and which to real shops? 6 6 Foreach sentence ino these phrases. 2h make tun sentences using ‘one advantage of . Is that Owe disadvantage vf «is at nv avartagy of a shops ar you can see and tv gon i * x ne aSvortage of oni shopping Ha yu cnt ee ae 7 Ancwor the questions about each photo, 2 Where are the people? 2 What are they doing? I 8 Dothe Speaking exam task. Pee Compare and contrast the two photos. Which is better, shops or shopping online? Give reasons, 1 convenience 2 cost 3 sewing the things you waul lu buy 4 delivery ea ere ‘Ci returning feulty goods es pagal vers bie verb oun pases ace t+ Zero coniona + may, might and cots ion aranging to meet 1 can deserve electronic devices 1 Look at the photos. Which of the devices have you used in 2 Label the photos with words from the box. Which devices the last week? aren'tillustrated? Electronic deviecs calculator camcorder digital camera digtalradio DVD player games console hard disk recarder mobile phone MP3 player portable CD plaver satelite TY stereo video recorder 3) @/2i02 Listen, wepeat and check your answers. Check the igs in your ditionary. CON nee 4 Which devices belong to one or mora of the groups (a-c)? Which don't belong to any? a You cat listen to music on it bb You can record or watch moving pictures on it You can play games on it, 5 2.02 Listen to four radio advertisements. Which devices from exercice? ae they advertising? Listen for key words to help you understand the discussion, Ty to predict some of the words you might hear before you listen 6 Workin palrs. Which thhee devices from exercise {40 you think are the must useful? Why? 7 EEEENMINE toil the class what you think. Vote forthe three most useful devices. vocabulary Builder (part 2): page a ) units Teernolsy ~ er Debra Where's the map? Rick I didn't bring it. "'m going ta I'll use my new ‘mobile phone instead. I's gota satellite navigation system, Debra OK, fine. So where are we? Rick usta minute. I'm trying to suitch it on, Debra Well, hry up. I'm getting cold, Rick ‘I'm going to / I'l lend you my coat Debra Thanks. We're lost, aren't we? And look at tt black cloud. “t's going to / I'l rain. What ae you doing? Rick rm hitting my phone. It isn't working. Debra U0 you think “that’s going to that'll help? ick Probably not. Debis Look, ve gota better aca, ‘Im going to / rl call ataxi. Rick But we don’t know where we ave! 2 Study the information in the Learn this! box, Match examples 1-5 of mill and going to in the dialogue with the uses in the box. Rie use will tor 1 Predictions, especialy ater (don) think. J chink el ke hs preset. 2 Offers and promises Iitend you some money. ‘won’ tel anyone. 3 Decisions that you make while you are speaking LHe isn'tanswering his phone. Fisend a tet. feuse going to for Predictions. especially when they're hased nn what we aansee i Look out! You're going to drop that computer! FS intentions gong to work hard next term 3. Complete the speech bubbles with the rorrect form of will o aoina to. ‘Oh no! We bit that tree! Oh no! I've dropped my money! Don’t wor vr buy you a new one, I promise, ‘Oh no! Wy are you wearing those clothes? Ve tiay my room, % 2.04 BRAMMTPNIEM Listen and repeat the answers to exercise 3. How is the word to pronounced in going to? 5 Make notes about your own future. write down: * three things you're going to do next week * three things you think you'll do ater you leave school 6 ERERTEIE workin pire Tel your partner your intentions and treditinns from exercise 5. Ace any the same a6 Your patna? Unit Tetnaoey os A text education 1 Lookat the photos in the text and the tite. what does txt ‘mean? Why is it written tke this? 2. Read the text, Which paragraph (1-2) mentions: aWshow? «school essay? an addiction? the fastezttextr in the world? emails? a mobile phone company? the language of text? ompetitions? 3 Work in pairs, Try to say these words and phrases from ext messages, How would you write them In normal English? 1 cusoon 2 call me b4 2moro 3 urg’ 4 iw 5 im @ home 4 2.05 Listen tw four teenagers talking about how they use ¢ bile phone, Anawer the question. 2 | auf Paula ethan Darren 1 Who loves texting? 2. Who loves ringtones? 3 Who has got » 3G phone? 44 Who talks fora lang time on the phone? 5 2.05 Listen again. Complete the phrases with the nouns inthe hox. Translate them handset _ number wireless headset ringlune text message voice call ‘Mobiles: verb + noun phrases 1 upgrade a 4 diala 2 makea 5 download a 3 usea 6 senda 6 EGEXRNE] work in pairs. ask an 1 How often do you use a mobile phones 2 What do you use it tor? 3. What do you think you wil use I for inte future? iswer the questions. P36) iit o> Tecology peop eee I cam talk about bow vice mobile phone ba! ae more than st and the since nee 2 student ata Scotsh cho) wrote a essay etl Is teacher gave Hin ‘Cx 4 F4 (Cr for fort). ‘Athouah testing isa convenient and cheap metod of staying in touch wth your ends, ican abo bring problems. 2005, British teenager became the first person in the world ty receive: treatment for an addict to text messaging, In one ea, the rineteerr-yearold spent about £4,500 on tents. (He wat sering about 700 tore ace.) He was ak | adicted to esa, and sent 8.000 messages in one month from Fis computer at work The treatment iswocking vel, however andhe row spends no mare tan £10 week on texs. . a For some people, text messaging has changed their ves. Fr ‘example, James Tle rom Sussex in engiand wavels around te word Lakiny partin texting competitions and TV shows. Het the worlds fastest rster and recently sta new word record while he was appearing on Australian TV He tested: ‘The razor-toothed pranhas of the genera Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus are the most feroo0us freshwater fish in the word. in eat ey edo attack a human took him 67 second. (That fast. Tit) James sons lt of text meccages- about 2,500 a month Fortunately he does't get big bis because he works for large mobile phone company! Zero conditional 4 Read the text about the Truth Mac ifa person tells a lie? if you tell ali, your voice contains signs of stress. ‘You can't help it! This gadget is called the Truth Machine. It ‘measures the amount of stress in a person's voce. If the person is very relaxed, the green lights come on. The Fed lights come on t there 1s some stress in the voce. 2 Look atthe sentences in blue inthe text. Which tense do we use In the / clause? Which tense do we use in the main lause? Complete the rules in the Learn thst Box. use the zero conditional to talk about a result ich always follows from a particular action, We use he to describe the action and the to leserihe the result LEARN THISI, cif clause can come before or after the main clouse, it comes afer we don't use 9 comm, ur voice contin signe of streze if you tel i. 114 3 Work in pairs. Can you complete the facts? Use the zero conditional 1 Ifyou heat water to 100° Celcius, 2 Ifyou dial *#06# on your mobile phone, 2 Ifyou mix biue paint and yollow paint, . 4 Ifyou mix green light and red light, 5 Ifyou leave a fish out of water. 6 Ifyou multioly 1111111 by 1111111, 4 Complete the sentences with information that is true for you, Use the zero conditional 1 My teacher gets annoyed if. 2 I don't sleep very well if 3 I speak more in English classes if. 4 Igo to bed late it. 5 ‘feel nappy 6 get angry it SEEXAITG workin pairs. compare your sentences from exercise 4. Are any af them the same? Whit lights come on an tatk about outcomes may, might and could 6 Read tne text and undertine all the examples of may, might ‘and could. Which two are negative? Imagine a hoy is talking jet he secretly lover. But how dose ‘the fool about him? dhe may love rim to, ‘or she may not even ike him, How can he find out? ‘Ask her? That could be ~ ‘embarrassing for both of them and she might not give a ‘rue answer. No, this boy needs the Romance Reader. Load the software onto a pocket PC, oss ‘stan and just chat to the person you are interested in, The Romance Reader listens and tels you how he or she realy fees about you. It might be the start ofa big romance 7 Study the information in the Learn this! hax. Complete therules. a 1 To talk about possibility inthe present or future, we ‘an use may, might or could followed by the infinitive without fo, They may/might/could be at home now. (present) ' ‘She may/might/could buy a new DVD recorder. (future) LEARN THI: 2.We use may not or not for the negative. We don’tuse not. 8 GETING toll your part + might do this evening ‘+ may not remember to do next week ‘could have in your pocket or bag ‘+ may eat this evening might nat enjay ding tomacraw * could wear tomorrow ‘something that you: Nanotechnology 1. Do yuu agiee or disagree with this statement? Give reasons. Technology 's making the world « Letter place. 2. Read the text. Which paragraphs contain the information to complete the sentences? Complete them in your own words. 1 Nenobots could make the world a much better place because scientists might he ahle to 12 Nanobots could make the world a much worse place because they might 3. Match the highlighted words inthe text with the definitions below. 1 very small 2 abad dream 3. an imaginary situation 44 avehicle that can travel underwater 5 the world around us {6 a person who goes to see a doctor 7 whole, complete 8 tomake a person wl sill better 9 very frightening In true/false tasks, read each sentence then look for the information in the text, Underline the words in the text that give you the answer and compare them with the sentences in the exercise. MOEN in ce terhnaloo I can understand aan article in detail Mee Ua Cg then people try to make predictions about the \ ] future, they usualy get them completely wrong, like the prediction made by TJ. Watson, the head of IRM, in 1943: "I think there may be a market + for five computers in total in the world.” Today, about 45 million PCs are sold every year in the USA alone. [Nanotechnology is the science of builing tiny machines, so small that you cannot se them. Most stientists agree that nanotechnology wall change our lives iu che future 1» but how? I’ difficult to predict whether this new telwrology will be like a wonderful dream, ofa tersfying nighunse The dream : Inthe 1966 science Fiction film Fantastic Vowage, an inventor develope an amazing new way to cure diseases. He makes a group of scientists and rheir submari 1s iutiedibly small and patient. They ‘then siavel around the body of the patient, visiting the diffe pa and cepaeing them. OF cour, his is just fantasy ~ but the cclity of nanotechnology is nor very different. Scientist ae already making nanoboss tiny a» robots that are smaller than a virus Inthe fue, doctors | tmght be able to inject these into patient, and the hnanobots will travel aroused Use body and repair any ddamage. they'll be able ro Lue sinose every dase. The nightmare Some people are worried that nanotechnology could be +s diffieule to control, Nanabots might escape into the “environment and damage people, plants and animals. Others have even more serious worries. Bric Drexler is @ ist a scientist who makes predictions abour the farur In hic hook, Engines of Creation, he predicted the inveotian of nanobots, He also described a special kind cof wanobor thar can make a copy of itself using the materials around it ~ and this is where the nightmare begins In Michael Crichton’s book Prey, nanobots make copies of themselves so quickly chat they use all the atrial around and then look for more ... and more, tnd more, eventually ‘eating’ the world. Some people fre wortied that cic might rally happen. The most “asteme predictone (which wery few scientists believe) say that nanobots could destsoy the entire planet in aboo © three hows! jects them all nen a \ 4 Read the text carefully, Are the sentences true or fase? 1 TJ. Watson was correct about the future of the PC. 2 Must scientists think that nanotechnology will be SECU import 3. Is eacy to predict how nanotechnology wil affect our lives. 44 In 1966, an inventor develoned an amazing new way to cure diseases. 5 Inthe future scientists might be able to cure diseases by injecting nanobots into patents. 6 Eric Drexler invented nanobots. 7 Most scientists are worried that nanobots could destroy the worla n about three nours. 5 EEEINEIIG Work in pairs. Lookeat the photos and decide whieh of the inventians have: 1 made the world better. 2. made the world worse 3. made no difference, in the future Give reasons for your answers. 7 To express your opinion, use phrases and expressions suchas: ‘think (cars thave nucle the orld better/worse) because Jn my opinion, .. Because «. On the other hand, .» iii call nee aa MRD MSS SS tw a computer a digital wateh a) Arranging to mee, Tecan make arrangen to meet camebady. John Lewis a ee) 1. 2,06 Read and listen tothe dialogue. When and where are justin and Tracey going to meet? Justin Hello? Tracey Hi, Justin. t's Tracey. Justin Hi, Tracey. What are you up to? Tracey Nothing much, Do you fancy meeting up in town? Justin Sure. What tine? ‘Abt four v'Uloc OK. Where do you want to meet? Why don't we meat atthe department son? Fino, I'l ee you at foue Just a moment. Where are we going to meet, exactly? Tracey Let's meet outside the main doors lastin Ok, great. See you late! Work in pairs, Practize reading the dialogu Using your own names and changing the words in biuc. USe ‘words and phrases from the box and your awn ideas. Place leisure centre bookshop sports centre Exact meeting point bythe lifts / escalators / stairs just inside the main doors / side entrance inthe coffee bar 3. Find three difterent ways of making a suggestion in the dialogue in exercise 1 1 meeting up in town? 2 meet atthe department store? 3 rmee( vulside the main doors. 4 (2.07 Listen to the dialogue. Why don't Trarey and Justin meet at four o'clock? ‘Don't wory f you car’ understand every word in the recording. Just keep listening. 5 p27 ete agin. Whats the new arangement? Cele the corect information inthe table. cn 45 the sports shop a0 the library 5.00 the music shop 330 Ue museum 6 SEM chart below. A. Greet 8 Suggest meeting up intown Aves: wa tie. Rely. pate, Suggest place to met, Agree. Ask fora meeting pot. <= Dy customer services bythe back door ‘onthe top floor con the ground floor pairs. Propare a dialogue following the Confirm time, place and PP rmeeting pint. Agree. End conversation. gg: 7 ‘ct out your dialogue to the class. Lean write a — letter of complaint. om A formal letter 1 Work in pais. Student A: Read the fie lettar 2 Read the letters. In which paragraph does each writer: Student B: Read the second letter. Ask and answerthe questions. explain the problem in detail? 41 What isthe name ofthe gadget? 2. say why she is writing the latter? 2 Wheve did she buy it? 3. say what she wants the company to do? 3 When did she buy it? 4 Whats the problem with it? 3 Complete the rules for formal letters with the words inthe box. 5 What does she want the company to do? 11 Wood Close 1 Write the” __ in full. 14th May 2007. Newcastle NEI3 TTY 2 Start the letter Dear Mr/rs/Miss. etc. if ou know the 14th May 2007 ‘name of the person you are witing to, or” ityou don't Customer Services Department 3. Do not use colloquial language or slang, e.g, My mum Zenon Electrics bought me a CO player, and i's rubbish london Sw1d 7OF 4 Finish the letter with Yours sincerely if you used the Dae Sir or Madam, person's name at the start, or’__ifyou didn't. | om virting to report a fault with the new Zenon 2K400 - eee nonoke fen ihe Gadget Son a 5 Ityoutype the letter, include your*____ atthe Newcastle on 28th Apri end of the letter ater your signature. It sometimes stops in the mid of a tack. To make it stat, LURE eee {have toto the MP3 player off and then turn an again. a vl 1 axn returning the MP2 player to you with this eter I ‘would be grateful if you could pair the fait f this isnot possible, could you please send me a new MP3 player? ook forwerd to hearing from you. ‘Yours faithfully Madéliné Connor Madaline Connar 5 Imagine that you have bought one of the electronic 23 Marston Ra ‘devices on page 54. Then choose a tault from the ideas Bolton BO12 4FG ‘in the box below or invent your own. 3rd January 2008 Customer Services Department Computers Online Manchester MS SHI ae 6 Wite a formal letter of 130-150 words to the manufacturer 1 " using your ideas from exercise 5. Include this information: ‘am writing to complain about an UltraFast modem «© Say what the gadget i called, and where and when you (batt recently bought from your website. bowttit ‘ ‘When it arrived connected i to my PC. butt does + Say what the problem is work. [cannot access the Internet or send e-mails. + Tell the company you are returning the gadget. Ask Lam enclosing the modem together withthe receipt them to repair it or send you a new one. Could you please replace the modem as soon as || Possible ‘ook forward to hearing fram you Yours faithfully Victoria Swift Victoria Swift > Vocabulary 1 Complete the shops (1-7) and match them with the things that you can buy there (a) 1h k y [] 5 n_ws_g_ot's u 2b th_rs [] 6 p_st_ft_ce o ach_m_sts [] 7 etr_c.l st. a 4 iw_irs 0) a sausages e bread bb awateh stamps c amagazine aspirins camcorder im @ 2. Complete the gadgets with the words in the box. ‘camera console phone player recorder TV 1 digital 4 mobile — 2 MP3 5 satelite 3 games — 6 hard disk im Grammar 3 Complete the dialogue with the present perfert form ofthe verbs in the box. be buy do enjoy “have notrain spend visit 1's the last day of Peter's holiday in London Cath! you ynur holiday in London? Peter Yes, Ihave, |?___ a great time. Cath What? you _? Peter |" lots of interesting places, like the Tower of London and Madame lussauds. Cath > weather —___ good? Peter Yes, i( las. It atall! cath 7 you ‘any souvenits? Peter No, [haven't Cath Why don't you go shopping this afternoon? Peter Because |* all my money! ™ © 4. Complete the e-mail withthe present perfect or past simple form ofthe verbs in brackets. ‘ear Jom How are you? Thonke forthe Nw Yaar Eve party ~ 1 3 Thavel a great te, |? __.. {meet} some nice people too. Your fiend Mike was realy friendly |... (gvel Fim any phone number butine © (wot al we . you (epeei] to him eince your pty? {Dont tal him acho 5 yu coe) the new Brad Pit fm? 1? (sea es bran a Tamara 5. Complete the mini-dialogues with the corec form of will or ‘going to. 4. AThe rad top i FR, the blue top is £9. 8 |___ have the red top, please 2A Have you pot any plans forthe weekend? B Yes. |____ visit my friends in Brighton. 3 At’ really hot inthis room. B OK.| open the window. 4 Alsthe match neatly over? B Yes, thismight be the ast point. Roger ederer —_ 5 ASee you later. B OK.|____ giveyoua cal tomorow. 6 Aare you on holiday next week? stay in Ded al ming on Monday! — win. 6 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. dovt I have might might not comes on 1 She gets angry you interupt het, 2 {may phone you if! —_— time. 5 fiverpool don' score quick ney —_— win. 4 If press this button, a light _—. 5 | could fail my exam ir} ____ work hard. 6 she isnt at nome, she bein town Everyday English 7. Number the lines ofthe dialogue inthe correct ode. Yes. rm ooking foro jacket E] This ones nee, Hove you got itn green? 1 cont help your Wo, we haven't Sony Gi The jackets are over there, near the window. 8 Write the missing words to complete the Boy Hi! What are you’ to? Girl Nothing much, Do you want to meet up tom? Boy Sure, Why’ we meet atthe café? Girl time? Boy About one o'clock Girl OK,» meet outside the main doors. Boy Good idea. ia Reading ‘3 Match the highlighted words inthe text with the definitions ‘1 Kead the information about Brighton. Match the paragraphs ba with three of the headings, 2 famous 2 not nart of a big eampany i 3 rcestoay 4 men whoo shin as afb € Enteitainment 4 outdoors D History 5 things that vou can buy fora good price E Transport 6 a building fora king or queen, or their family 7 perfect toning 4 (GRPILE Listen to the conversations. joanna is shopping in Brighton. What does she buy Ulver for hs irtnday: a atshirt b a robot dog ¢ apen/ radio 5 (QUENT Listen again and choose the correct answer from Arighton began as a sal silloge. fn 1500, there were only the numbers in the box. sects: North Steet, South Steet, East Street, West Street seat a and Mid Sret. There were a few cottages by the sea for 3 Sea fehormen , but thre warert any large bulging. Around 41 How oldis Over gong to be next week? +4750, people fram lanian startet vt ous on he cuit __—veats old east hecause they belived thatthe sea was good for thelr 2 Wihat time do Maria and Joanna arrange to meet? ith, Briahton became very popular. By 1875, it was a large —— o'clock. mnwith a museum, a library, ahoscital and a royal palace 55 How much is the Tshirt that Joanna looks at? jody itis acy witha population of neatly 250,000. ae 4 How many words does Robo Dog know? -unghton s 2 great place for musi fans. me ofthe most words. jonable cubs in the UK are n-wwo steers Inigo, 5 How much is Robo Dog? 1 Steel ad Kinys Ra ACs re elven Ds eo cotter seform there Every year in May, the Brighton Festival 6 How much is the pen? coffers 9 progiarme of theate, dence, cassia concerts ond £ per. you prefer athe frm of entertinment, there ae many museume, af galeries and thostec in Bnghton, You can BS ako 600 fms t tho eldest indepondant. cinema in tho Uk, Writing Tho Duke OF York 6 Imagine that a relative has given you one ofthe precents in the box ae a birthday present. Write a short thank-you note. Include the following information: If you'te interested in fashion, Brighton is the ideal place ‘to shop. There are some large department stores, and also Jot o smal incependent cates shops. These often se * whatthe presentis ‘+ when you have used it / worn it ‘mote unusual cothes. The most famous aea for shopping in pe ores = why you like it Brighton is Ihe Lanes. Here you can buy mteresung jewelery, Hiss, shoes, pertume and all sons of her things. There are ‘bv uperet kets whee you can find great Laryains areiegaien obodor an MP3 eave a digital camera _asweatshirt Answer the questions. 1 How big was Brighton in 1500? Speaking: e ‘ie pone 2 visit the town around 1750? 7 Answer the questions. Make notes. ere can you find the most fashionable clubs? 41. Do you prafer giving prosents or receiving thom? Why? 4 What kind of music can you hear at the Brighton Festival? SRAM eiaeene de you EEE 5 What's the most famous shopping area in Brighton called? FoR RCT i a geet prbsond? ve masans © Which sells more unusual clothes: the department stores or the independent shops? 8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 7. Skills Roundup 1-6 ¢ os Cultures and eo ated ny Setters T can describe: kaw people greet each other in dij Body language 1 Look at the pictures. Describe how the people are greeting 2G 2.09 Listen and repeat all the gestures, doing them as (Gah other Use expressions fram the bos. ezine. meth ones that nvlve another Detsn. Gesllés econ ow [ase airoes TdWOUTaME, 3. Which ofthe gestures and greetings in exercise 1 do people hholdhands hug Kies nod_pat somebody on the back/head use in your country? point at somebody/something)_ shake hands ‘shake yourhead wave. wink They often shake hands. They rare SEMEN 2.10 Listen to three people talking about customs in their country. Match the two halves of the sentences. Lucy thinks that Australian people are Haruko thinks that Japanese nenple are Ludmila thinks that Russian people are quite formal and very polite very warm and friendly informal and teat everyone the same. 5 Choose the correct words. 1 In Australia, you should / shouldn't sit in the front ofa tax 2. In Australia, i's rude to wink at a man / woman. 2 In Japan, you shouldn't cross your legs / fold your arms ‘when you're in a formal situation. 4 Inapan, you should / shouldn’t kiss a woman on the ‘cheek when you meet her forthe first time. 5 When you visit a Japanese house, you should lookin the kitchen / bathroom. 6 In Russia, men and / but not women greet eacl other in public with a hug. 7 In Russia, close liends kiss twice / three times when they meet. 6 2.10 Liston again and check, 7 Workin pairs. Answer the questions, + Doyou kce/hug peonle you see everyday? 2 Do you kss/hug friends and family hat you haven't seen fora few works? «Do you shake hands with people when you meet them for the fist time? + Do you use anyother forms of greeting (for example, atin five)? er EMEC ED a ed 1 @ 2.11 Listen and complete the text with must. mustn't orneedn't How to be polite at a Chinese meal You'. start your food until the host picks up his or her chopsticks. in general, if your host offers you food, you *__ accept it. (it’s better to leave it in your bowl than refuse it) Periods of silence during a meal are not considered embarrassing in China, so you talk just to fill the gaps. As the Chinese proverb says: ‘Your ‘speech should be better than silence. If not, be silent.’ 2 study your ancwors to exercise 1. Complete the ules inthe Leor thst boxith must, must’ or needa. to express necessity (something thatis ant to do 2.We use___to expres lack of necessity (something at isnt necessary butis't against the rules) use__ to express prohibition (Something that important not to do). LEARN THIS!, Grin ee Er 3 Write sentences about your school with must, mustn't and needn't. Use phratet from the box. ‘un nthe coridor study English copy your rend’s homework ‘witch off your mobile phone in class wear a uniform sand up when the reacher comes in our schoo we must 4 workin pas. How many more sentences can you make about utes n your choo _must, mustn’t and needn’t 5 Complete the facts about customs around the world with ‘must, mustn’t or needn't 1 In many Arab countries. you arrive on time for meetings or social events ~ punctuality is nat considered important 2 In many parts of Asia, you touch or pat somebody on the head - its considered offensive, 3. In many Asian countries, you cet with your right hhand because your let hand is considered diy 4 In many countnes, you tse your index finger ro ‘beckon somebody ~ Its very rude. 5. Ifyou ate invited (e surnebouy's liome in Brazil, you take a gi, but it's normal to send a thank you note the next day. 6 In most Asian counties, you remove your shoes before entering samehody's house — it is offensive ta wear them indooes. 7 In indonesia. you use a knife and fork at mealtimes ~ you can use your fingers if you prefer. 8 In most European countries, you belch at the table because it's rude. However, in Arab countries itis a compliment. 6 EEZENUITE work in pairs. think about the customs in your country when you visit somebody's house for a meal. Are the ideas inthe box things you must do, mustn't do or needn't do? arive exactly on time belch at the table bring flowers take your shoes off when you enter the house eat everything thatyou are given eat with your fingers eat with knife and fork 1. Wte a short note to somebody who is isting your country. txplain now tobe polite when you goo somebody's house fora meal, Use yourlieas from exercise 6. ti Heres some advice about how tobe polit when you goto Somebody's nouse fra meal You must you musi ‘ov need Best wishes Unit 7+ Cultures and customs ( oN An American festival Thanksgiving in the USA ‘Americans celebrate Thanksgiving every yeer on the fourth Thursday In November. Its a very important festival for families, who usually come together for a ong weekend ~ even if some of thei have to travel Jong aistances to get home. According wu American tradition, the tist Thanksgiving took place in 1621, sou after the first European settlers arrived In North America “The most common meal at Thanksgiving in the USA is roast turkey end vegetables. According to tradition, the person whe gets the ‘wishbone’ must brea: it and make ‘4 wish, OF course, you needn't have turkey at ‘Thanksgiviny. Lubster and crab are also popular. ‘Apart from the family meal, the Thanksaivina weekend is also a time for sport, parades and shopping. There are ‘American football matches an TV, as well as colleae football matches arauind the country. In New York. the department store Macy's organises a famous fancy-dress parade which always ends with Santa Claus. The Friday of Thanksgiving weekend is traditionally a hucy shopping day because people start to buy prasents far Christmas Traditionally, autumn festivals are an occasion to give thanks for havina plenty of food. However, Thanksgiving is also an opportunity to remember those people who are less fortunate, In many US cities, volunteers spend, seme of the holiday working in soup kitchens which digtrihute free food to the poor and homeless. a6 ) Unit 7» Cultures and customs T ean understand the orig of an American festival 41 Read the text, Which ofthe activities is not mentioned? * dancing © eating 4 big meal = shopping ‘+ spending time with your family + volunteering for charity work + watching a parade + watching sport 2 Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 When was the first Thanksgiving, according to American tradition? 2 Whats the most common meal at Thanksgiving? 3 Who has to make a wish at the meal? 4 Where is Macy’s parade? 5. Why ae the shops busy on the Friday after Thanksgiving? 6 How do volunteers help less fortunate people? 3. @2.2 Uatento the story ofthe ist Thankivng dines hy aid the iis want to thank the Native Americans? Read the lask carefully before you listen to the recording. This way you wil Find out what the recording is about and it will be easier to understand. 4 Put the events ofthe story in the correct order. | The Pigeims had a good harvest [2] many of te Pligims becane very il (Cl ninety Native Americans had dinner with the Pilgrims, the Pilgrims went to North America [| Squanto and Semoset gave the Pilgrims advice =) The Pilgrims met two Native Americans: Squanto and Samoset 5 [-] he Pilgrims invited the Native Americans to a special meal 5 G9 2.12 Listen again and check. 6 EEDA work in pars. choose a festival that you both tke, Ask and answer te questions ebuut how tis celebrated. feltne class. 1 What do young children usually do? 2 What do teenagers and adits usualy do? 3 sthere any special ood? 4 wy do you lke tis estival? a eT about a future Tou bal situation. and its consequences First conditional Work in pairs, Answer the que 1 Vo you know any superstitions? form ofthe verb in brackets, 2 Do you belleve in any superstitions? 3 Du you hiuw anyure whois very superstitious? How does it affect their behaviour? 6 conmplete tne tent withthe correct 2. Read the text, Are any ofthe superstitions familiar to you? 5 Different countries have a oe Superstitions im nglna ts unluely ose one maga ‘Some superstitions are part of British culture, Ifa black cat walks ‘Korea, it's the opposite. f you ‘infront of you, you will have good luck. On the other hand, you will, ‘morning, you”. fare seen er of ted ck iyo bresk omar kt pape thenwege oc oe likes to take chances: if you look atthe seats on some aeroplanes, in manele aoe Petit die mae coon ons. Sx io ong believe in superstitions have worse luck than oeaole who don't broken mirr bliin tem nar words bel inal uk Dod tk yeu probably have itt in 3. Study the information in the Learn this! ox. Laok at the ifclauses and main clauses in in the text above and undertine two more examples. T result Sometimes, cities have lause can come before or ater the main clause. ‘their own superstitions, es after, we don't use a comma. You will have bad luck if you break a mirror Cenc oree betore atest, they * 4 complete the sentences about superstitions around the world (oo) wel, wut ttney Use the present simple of wil form ofthe verbs in brackets forge to rou te 1 (UK) fa catwashes behind its eas, it ___ (in. 2 (Wenezuela)Ityou ___ (give) somebody hanckerchiels the stone carving 38 agi, you wont have a good relationship with tat person at Salamanca University 3 (Grazil Ifyou eat lenis on Istlanuary, you {aake) alot of money during ie year. 4 Wore) fam (oie) atot during niswedaing, 7 [5 Work in pairs, Ask and answer the question his first child won't Be a boy, it will be awit nat wil you do it 5 (Turkey) fyou see a spiderin your house, you + you ca sleep (onight? have) visitors, + trains all weekend? 6 (Thailand) fa woman (Ging) inthe kitchen, she ‘= you can't do yourhomewor? will maerya very ole man, + you foe ill tomorrow? there's nothing gnod on TV this evening? 5G 2.13 [INIUTESILD isten and repeat the sentences in exercise 4, How are the words will and won't pronounced? What wilyou do you | —_ can'tsleep tonight? | [lead a book. Unit 7 «Cultures ond customs C a Look atthe photos. What are the people doing? Why do you think they are daing it? Use the title and headings ofthe texts tohelp you, The traditions they tried to ban T can wrderstand a description of different cultural traditions The weather in Thailand is very hot in spring, but if you are visiting chat country in April it might be a good idea to take an umbrella and a raincoat with you. Every year on 13 Apri, which is New Year in Thailand, there is a water throwing, festival. Young people run or drive through the streets with Wiekets of water or enormous water-guns and throw water ar anyhody they see. So if you don’t want to get wet, don’t stand in the stret. Participants must follow three important roles, Firstly, they mustn’t chrow water at old people. Secondly, they mustn't rouich people. Thirdly, they musta’t throw water at car drivers Fvery year people eet killed or injuced ip toad accidents during the festival, Some people are SoneerHEd about the number of casualties and want to ban the festival. However, the esrival isa big tourist suteaction, and will probably continue for many years. (78 Y Unit 7 Cultures and customs Nobody knows exacaly when this radition at Cooper’ Hillam the centre of England stauted, bu ie wae hundreds of years ago, The rules ae simple: you have to chase a large, round cheese down a very stecp ill. This dangerous event takes place every year atthe end of Mex Participants often break arms or legs, aud even the spectators are at risk: one year, a cheese jumped into the air and hit a 59-year-old grandmother on the hew. 1997 ‘was a particularly bad year for Casualties. Up v0 37 peur. were hurt, so in 1998, the local authorities banned the cheese rolling. However, because ofall the protests the ban only lasted a year and the tradition started again in 1999, To seduce the number of injuries, partteipants and spectators had to follow a few simple satety rules, Now, only about twelve people a year get injured! In matching exetcises, stat by reading the whole text. Then ‘ty to match the questions to appropriate parts of te text. Read the parts ofthe text carefully to see if they match the questions. they don't, look for the answers in other parts ofthe txt, Match the sentences tothe three festivals, Write WT for Water Throwing, CR for Cheese Rolling or BRfor Bull Running. 1 Nobody knows when the tradition beget. 2 Old people don't take part. 3 itwas banned because too many people got injured 4 Its part ofa longer festival 5 Ittakes place at eight o'clock in the morning 6 Ittakes place on the same day every year. 7 Participants have to chase something. 8 Participants have to throw something, 9 Participants have to escape from something. Bull running It is the most famous part of the Fiesta ddeSan Fermin, a week-long feseival char isheld every Jaly in Pamplana, Spain Every morning ar eight o’elock, Darricipants nan cheough the sects fron of «group of six bully, each about “610 kg, Anybody ean take part. You ‘needn't gn Up you just have to stand inthe street and wait fr the bulls. Buri’ dangerous event. In 2004, eight participants were injured when the bolle caught chem with theic hoes, All spectators must stay behind the dlomble line of fences along the road. This is hecanse the pasricipante need te empty space to eveape From the to the participants because, after the bull sunning, the bulls asc killed in bull fights 3. Match the highlighted words inthe text withthe definitions below. 1 in danger 2 large containers for carrying water 3. make smaller 4 people who take part in something 5 wormed 6 write your name un a it 7 people who get hurt 8 hard, pointed things on an animal's head 9 people who watch something 4 EBEEXMIN workin pairs. Each choose one of the festivals inthis lesson. Read the questions below, then spend a few ‘minutes reading about the festival again. Close your books and tell your partner about the festival. Your partner checks the answers are correct. 1 Where and when does it take place? 2 What happens? 3 What do you think ofthe festival? jump over the first line of fences into an Each year, there are people who want t0 than che bull cunning, They aren’e concerned about the number of injuries they're protesting Unit 7» Cultures and customs ( 69-N

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