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Accredited by ACSCU-AAI


SUBJECT Physical Education


LEVEL Grade 2


A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of movement in relation

to time, force, and flow.

B. Performance Standards Performs movements accurately involving time, force,

and flow.

C. Learning Competencies Observes correct posture and body mechanics while

(LC) performing movement activities. PE2PF-IIIa-h-14

D. Specific Objectives (SO) At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
1. identify the rules in Tumbang Preso
2. appreciate the value of tumbang preso through play; and
3. execute tumbang preso in an actual game.

Time, Force, and Flow

A. Reference Grade 2 Physical Education Learning Module

B. Other Learning
C. Teaching Strategies Projective Technique

D. Values
E. Materials Pictures and Instructional Materials

F. Time 35 minutes

Teachers Activities Students Activities

A. Preliminaries

a. Prayer “Let me call for someone (Pupil A stands and go in

to lead the prayer here in front of the class.)
front.” (The teacher will “In the name of the
call pupil A to lead the father, of the son and of
prayer.) the Holy Spirit. Amen!”

b. Greetings “Good morning, Class! “Good morning, ma’am!

How are you today?” We are good today.
Thank you.”

c. Checking of the “Say present if your name (Pupils will raise their
Attendance is called.” right hand when their
name is called.)

d. Review “What was our past It's all about folk dance
lesson, class?” teacher.

“Very Good! Aldren.

What is folk dance a popular dance,

children? considered as part of the
tradition or custom of a
Very good! particular people.

And what benefits we can improve their aerobic

get from this dance? capacity, lower body
muscle endurance,
Brilliant. strength and flexibility,
balance, agility and gait
through the dancing.

e. Motivation
The teacher shows
pictures of children playing
✓ Have you experienced this Possible answer:
kind of game?
✓ How do you find playing It is fun and very fulfilling
this game? when you hit the can.
Ask: What skill is used in
playing this game?
Possible answer: hitting
Very good!
B. Presentation of the lesson.

I. Activity

Our Topic for this morning

was all about Tumbamg
Preso challenge.

What is Tumbang Preso?

Students please read.

Tumbang preso,
also known as
tumba lata or bato
lata, is a
traditional Filipino
children's game.
The game
involves throwing
a slipper at a can
or bottle, which
one player - the
tayà - attempts to
guard. The game
is usually played
in backyards,
parks, or in
streets when
there is little traffic
Tumbang preso was
originated in the country of in an area.
the Philipines.


empty can milk and

a slipper Playing


playground or any
available space where
students can move.

No. of Players: 3 or more.

children are
expected to do this
activity, after
listening the
Students will be
divided into 2
groups and
whoever has the
most points on
hitting the can will
be the winner.

II. Analysis Ask:

Students did you all set? Yes teacher

Did you enjoyed the Yes teacher

No teacher
Did you find it hard?

I am so glady that you

really enjoyed the activity.

-Tumbang preso is a
✓ Pupils, How did you find traditional Filipino street
playing Tumbang Preso?
game that involves
Rosalita? throwing a slipper at a
can or bottle, which one
How about you Salee? player - the tayà -
attempts to guard.

III. Abstraction Pupils, what is tumbang skills in strategic planning

preso? and agility to avoid being
What skills did you apply
in playing this game? Hitting

Very good!

How many players does 3 or more players

Tumbang Preso have?


Pupils, how many meters 5-7 meters

does starting line away
from the empty can?

And what country In the Philippines.

Tumbang Preso

IV. Application I will divide this

class into 4 groups.
The Teacher will let
students to do this
activity and give the
instruction and
explain to them what
they are going to do.
1. Put an empty can
inside the circle
which has a diameter
of one (1) foot.
2. The starting line
will be 5 to 7 meters
away from the empty
3. To determine the
“IT”, each player
will throw his
slipper from the
starting line and
the farthest slipper
shall be the “IT” of
the game.
4. Each player will
start striking the
can with a slipper
and every time the
can is pulled-out
from the circle, the
“IT” will pick it up
and place it again
inside the circle is
an upright position.
Then the player will
get the slipper and
return to the
starting line, if he
can escape tagged
by the It.

Note: the “IT” cannot be

tagged the player if the
can is thrown outside the

C. Generalization Let me call someone.

Yes Rosalita?

Explain briefly what is

tumbang preso. also known as tumba lata
or bato lata, is a
traditional Filipino
children's game. The
game involves throwing a
slipper at a can or bottle,
which one player - the
tayà - attempts to guard.
The game is usually
played in backyards,
parks, or in streets when
there is little traffic in an
How about you libo?
Cite one rule in playing 1. Put an empty
tumbang preso. can inside the
circle which has a
Very good Libo!
diameter of one
Yes Gladys? (1) foot.

What do you think are the

benefits we get in playing •It provides the
tumbang preso? opportunity to exercise
without stress.
•It enhances creativity
and promotes better
socialization among kids.
•It can also help in
building a connection
between the children and
their elders.
D. Evaluation Answer the following Okay teacher!



1. Where do we usually

play tumbang preso?


2. What kind of game

Tumbang preso is?

3. What are the equipment

in the game of tumbang


4. What skill is used in

playing this game?_______

5. In what country did

Tumbang preso played?


E. Assignment Research more specific Okay teacher!

various pinoy games on

Prepared by: Stephen V. Dumaguit Jr. BEED- Generalist

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