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Cardiovascular Research 34 Ž1997.


Sulfonylurea derivatives in cardiovascular research and in cardiovascular
Carl E. Schotborgh a , Arthur A.M. Wilde a,b,)

Department of Clinical and Experimental Cardiology, Academic Medical Center, UniÕersity of Amsterdam, PO BOX 22700, 1100 DE Amsterdam,
The Heart-Lung Institute, UniÕersity of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Received 28 October 1996; accepted 14 January 1997


Sulfonylurea derivatives are hypoglycemic drugs frequently used in the treatment of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
ŽNIDDM.. In the b-cell sulfonylureas act by blocking ATP-sensitive potassium channels ŽK.ATP channels.. In several organ systems,

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including the cardiovascular system, sulfonylurea receptors and functional K.ATP channels have been identified. In the heart their role is
not clear; an endogenous cardioprotective effect has been suggested. There is no doubt that K.ATP channels are effectively blocked by
sulfonylureas. In the last decade sulfonylureas have been widely used as a pharmacological tool in experimental Žcardiac. research.
Blockade of K.ATP channels is the proposed cellular mechanism of action for all sulfonylurea-related effects. However, other membrane
currents are affected as well. In addition, myocardial metabolism is modified by sulfonylurea pretreatment. Hence, it should seriously be
questioned whether these drugs are suitable in assessing involvement of cardiac K.ATP channels in, for example, ischemia-related events.
The detrimental effects of sulfonylureas in experimental studies on myocardial ischemia have led to speculation whether the widespread
use of these drugs in patients with NIDDM, most often suffering from accompanying ischemic heart disease, should be reconsidered.
However, a review of the clinical literature reveals that the most consistent finding is a lower incidence of ventricular arrhythmias
associated with the use of glibenclamide, while no excess mortality has been shown for this agent in NIDDM with ischemic heart disease.
Despite some direct effects on systemic and coronary vasculature, there are, at present, no firm clinical data on the basis of which
sulfonylurea derivatives should be withheld from the cardiac patient.

Keywords: Sulfonylureas; Diabetes; Potassium channel, ATP-sensitive; Arrhythmias; Myocardial infarction; Myocardial ischemia

1. Introduction fonylurea receptors and functional K.ATP channels have

been identified in several organ systems and their role and
Sulfonylurea derivatives are hypoglycemic drugs fre- function in physiological and pathophysiological states has
quently used in the treatment of non-insulin-dependent been described in many of them. In mitochondrial mem-
diabetes mellitus ŽNIDDM.. The mode of action of sul- branes of various tissues, including myocardium, K.ATP
fonylureas on the b-cell has been elucidated and involves channels are also expressed w3–5x. On the molecular level
blockade of the ATP-sensitive potassium channels ŽK.ATP a second type of Žsarcolemmal. sulfonylurea receptor,
channels.. The b-cell sulfonylurea receptor has been puri- designated SUR2, has been identified, with the highest
fied and cloned w1x. In itself the sulfonylurea receptor expression levels in cardiac and skeletal muscle w6,7x. A
Žnamed SUR1. does not possess ion-conducting properties, further subdivision has been described with the demonstra-
but together with an inwardly rectifying Kq channel Žcalled tion of a SUR2 subtype, designated SUR2A, exclusively
Kir 6.2. it forms Kq channels with characteristics closely expressed in heart and skeletal muscle and SUR2B, ubiqui-
resembling functional pancreatic K.ATP channels w2x. Sul- tously expressed in these and other extrapancreatic tissues

Corresponding author. Tel.: q31 20 5663265; fax: q31 20 6975458. Time for primary review 29 days.

0008-6363r97r$17.00 Copyright q 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

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74 C.E. Schotborgh, A.A.M. Wilde r CardioÕascular Research 34 (1997) 73–80

w7,8x. In situ hybridization of the latter subtype shows myocytes revealed that the efficacy of glibenclamide-in-
specific staining in the vascular structures of these tissues duced inhibition of myocardial K.ATP channels is, com-
and for example in the muscularis layer of intestine w7x. In pared to pancreatic b-cells, relatively low with a half-max-
analogy with SUR1, co-expression of SUR2A and SUR2B imal inhibition concentration ŽIC 50 . in the order of 5–10
with Kir 6.2 reconstitutes functional K.ATP channels of mM w20,21x. Although lower values for cardiac K.ATP
respectively the cardiac and skeletal type w6x and the channels have been reported as well w22x, the affinity for
smooth muscle type w8x. pancreatic K.ATP channels is presumably 3 orders of
In general, K.ATP channels couple the metabolic state magnitude higher w15,18,23,24x. In line with these findings
of the cell to its electrical activity. Thus, in the b-cell a are the functional characteristics, including a higher affin-
regulatory role in determining insulin secretion has been ity for glibenclamide in the same order of magnitude of
established. In systemic and coronary vasculature, K.ATP SUR1 as of SUR2 w6x. Of particular relevance to the
channels are involved in the regulation of vascular tone w9x. question whether myocardial K.ATP channel block is in-
In neurons, K.ATP channels can modify neurotransmitter volved in the sulfonylurea-related deleterious effects is the
release. However, in myocardial tissue the role is not clear; observation that its efficacy to block the channel is in-
an endogenous protective role has been suggested. creased by a reduction in pH w25x and is reduced after
K.ATP channels are effectively blocked by sulfony- prolonged metabolic stress w20,26x.
lureas. This property has prompted many basic scientists to K.ATP channels are not the only cardiac ionic channels
use representatives of this group, most often gliben- inhibited by sulfonylureas. Recently, glibenclamide has
clamide, as a pharmacological tool in experimental re- been demonstrated to block the cAMP-activated chloride
search. Blockade of K.ATP channels is the proposed cellu- conductance Ž ICl, cAMP . w27x. The Hill coefficient for the
lar mechanism of action for all sulfonylurea-related effects. effect on ICl, cAMP and on K.ATP channels is roughly
Other effects of sulfonylurea derivatives have been de- similar, but the effective concentration range is consider-
scribed as well but are seldom considered to play a role. ably higher Žhalf-maximal inhibition of ICl, cAMP "30 mM
This review aims, in the first place, to address whether all w27x compared to 5–10 mM for half-maximal inhibition of

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sulfonylurea effects are indeed to be explained by block- K.ATP channels. Žsee above.. Glibenclamide also blocks
ade of K.ATP channels. the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator,
Opening of myocardial K.ATP channels is cardioprotec- another chloride channel, expressed in the heart with un-
tive, as is expressed in different functional and metabolic known function. The blocking action was irreversible with
variables w10x. Sulfonylureas consistently counteract the half-maximal inhibition in a concentration range compara-
beneficial effects of K.ATP channel openers Žsee Ref. w10x ble to affect ICl, cAMP w28x. It is not known whether factors
for review.. In the absence of openers of K.ATP channels pertinent to ischemia modify the glibenclamide sensitivity
sulfonylureas may even exert deleterious effects on is- of these currents.
chemic hearts: for example, in terms of reduced time In non-cardiac tissue effects on other ion channelsrcur-
before ischemic contracture develops w11,12x, increased rents have been described. Whereas in pancreatic b-cells
infarct size w13x, more stunning w11,14x, or prevention of sulfonylureas seem to be rather specific, with no effects at
preconditioning w15x. However, ischemia-related arrhyth- relevant dosages on other Kq channels w29x, glibenclamide
mias might be prevented by sulfonylurea pretreatment w16x. has been shown to inhibit a voltage-gated, Ca2q- and
The deleterious effects of sulfonylureas have led to specu- ATP-independent Kq current in the human neuroblastoma
lation whether the widespread use of these drugs in pa- cell line SH-SY5Y Žcells expressing several properties of
tients with NIDDM, most often suffering from accompany- noradrenergic neurons. w30x. In vascular smooth muscle
ing ischemic heart disease as well, should be reconsidered cells glibenclamide Ž10 mM. has been shown to modulate
w15–17x. In addition to the critical assessment of their the L-type Ca2q channel current Žboth an increase and a
mechanism of action, relevant clinical data with respect to decrease have been described, depending on the presence
these postulated deleterious effects will be discussed. of the agonist BAY k-8644. w31x and to abolish, at the
single channel level, the potassium channel opener-induced
increase in the Ca2q-activated Kq channel w32x. In con-
trast, in isolated smooth muscle cells from rabbit portal
2. Effects on membrane currents vein glibenclamide did not affect the Ca2q-activated Kq
channel w33x. In the same preparation glibenclamide inhib-
There can be no doubt that sulfonylurea derivatives ited the potassium channel opener-induced block of the
effectively block myocardial K.ATP channels. The most oscillatory outward current w33x. This current is believed to
widely used representative glibenclamide Žglyburide. is be elicited by Ca2q release from an intracellular store. The
one of the most potent sulfonylureas w18x. Clinically, in modulating effects of both the potassium channel opener
patients on glibenclamide a wide concentration range is pinacidil and glibenclamide suggest an effect on the kinet-
encountered Ž0–1.5 mMrl; mean 0.5 mMrl. w19x. In vitro ics of calcium release from these stores, which putatively
experiments on isolated guinea-pig and rat ventricular represent the sarcoplasmic reticulum ŽSR.. A similar con-
C.E. Schotborgh, A.A.M. Wilde r CardioÕascular Research 34 (1997) 73–80 75

clusion has been reached by Chopra et al. who described a glibenclamide w25x. Similar effects might be present for
direct action of K.ATP channel modulators Žincluding any other sulfonylurea-mediated effect.
glibenclamide in concentrations ) 1 mM. on intracellular Particularly the shortening of the action potential and
calcium stores in cultured airway smooth muscle of the the increased Kq efflux are widely believed to result from
rabbit w34x. Indeed, in skeletal muscle Ca2q transport hypoxiarischemia-induced activation of K.ATP channels.
across the SR membrane is influenced by the state of Kq This belief is almost exclusively based on the sulfonylurea
channels in the SR membrane w35x. K.ATP channels may sensitivity of these phenomena Žsee Refs. w16x and w42x..
be involved in this process. However, for example, with regard to the hypoxia-induced
action potential shortening a variety of other currents
might be involved, including ICl, cAMP as has been sug-
gested previously w43x. Indeed, modulation of the extracel-
3. Effects on myocardial energy metabolism lular chloride concentration and addition of chloride chan-
nel blockers Žwhich are devoid of any effect on the K.ATP
channel current. attenuate the early hypoxia-induced short-
Sulfonylureas affect myocardial energy metabolism. In
ening of the action potential w44x. Hence, potentially the
aerobic rat hearts tolbutamide Žin clinically relevant
glibenclamide-induced blockade of ICl, cAMP may be in-
dosages. markedly stimulated glycogenolysis, glucose up-
volved in the attenuation of the hypoxia-related action
take and utilization and at the same time decreased fatty
potential shortening. The observation that the forskolin-in-
acid metabolism w36,37x. The latter effect is due to direct
duced shortening of the action potential is reversed by
inhibition of mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase,
glibenclamide w27x corroborates this suggestion. The 3–6-
which is the key regulatory enzyme in fatty acid oxidation
w38x. Alternatively, it may be speculated that blockade of fold difference in effective blocking concentration would
preclude glibenclamide-induced block of ICl, cAMP being
mitochondrial K.ATP channels, with, compared to the
involved, but these values have been obtained in normoxic
sarcolemmal K.ATP channel, roughly similar affinity for
conditions. Although in later stages of metabolic depriva-
sulfonylureas w4x, is involved. As a result of stimulation of

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tion the glibenclamide K.ATP channel block becomes less
anaerobic glycolysis lactate production is increased, prior
efficient w20,26x, no information is available on the block-
to any metabolic challenge w39,40x, and within 30 min
ing efficacy of other currents in similar conditions. We
glycogen levels may decrease by 30% w36,37x. Due to
have previously noted that the observed time-delay for the
these effects the contribution of glucose metabolism to
channel to open in response to hypoxia w45x, ischemia w46x
ATP synthesis is greatly enhanced by tolbutamide w36,37x.
or metabolic inhibition w47x is indeed difficult to reconcile
These effects, which are independent of insulin, are even
with involvement of K.ATP channels in early action poten-
more pronounced in diabetic hearts w37x.
tial shortening w42x.
Observations that lactate production is inhibited during
In addition to theoretical considerations precluding a
myocardial hypoxia w20x and myocardial ischemia w41x
causative role for any Kq channel in determining in-
may reflect the reduced glycogen content prior to the
creased Kq efflux, the latter arguments also hold for a
experimental event.
potential role of K.ATP channels in explaining increased
Kq efflux w42x. Further, the observation that glibenclamide
might prevent hypoxia-induced Kq efflux by "50%, which
occurred in the absence of any change in action potential
4. Impact on sulfonylurea action during metabolic inhi-
duration, also suggests that the sulfonylurea effect on Kq
efflux is not related to K.ATP channels w48x. Pivotal to an
alternative explanation for the sulfonylurea-induced effects
Glibenclamide-sensitive effects during metabolic inhibi- on Kq accumulation might be the reduced levels of glyco-
tion include hypoxia- and ischemia-related action potential gen after pretreatment with sulfonylurea derivatives Žsee
shortening, a rise in the extracellular potassium concentra- above.. Such an effect will reduce glycolytic activity dur-
tion ŽwKqx o ., a decrease in incidence of arrhythmias and ing the subsequent ischemic episode. This may result in
the occurrence of preconditioning. The question now to less lactate production and in less intracellular acidifica-
address is whether it is possible that the sulfonylurea-in- tion. Attenuation of intracellular acidification has been
duced effects on membrane currents other than the K.ATP shown to be associated with less Kq accumulation w49x.
channel or on myocardial glucose and free fatty acid Indeed, ischemia-induced w41x and hypoxia-induced lactate
metabolism are of any relevance to these effects. It may be efflux w20x has been reported to be attenuated after gliben-
argued that the relatively high concentrations needed to clamide pretreatment and we have observed an inverse
affect other currents preclude any non-K.ATP channel linear relationship between the pre-ischemic lactate pro-
mediated effect. However, as mentioned before, with re- duction by glibenclamide and the effect on extracellular
gard to the blocking efficacy of glibenclamide, it has been potassium wWilde et al., unpublished observationsx. In addi-
shown that intracellular pH sensitizes the channel to tion, 3 P-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy during
76 C.E. Schotborgh, A.A.M. Wilde r CardioÕascular Research 34 (1997) 73–80

global ischemia in glycogen-depleted hearts Žby other channels in vascular smooth muscle has been questioned
means, including which preconditioning. revealed less in- w58x.
tracellular acidification than in control hearts w50,51x. Ex-
tracellular acidification is not affected by glibenclamide in
a variety of species where it does attenuate the ischemia- 5. NIDDM, sulfonylurea derivatives and cardiac disease
induced early rise in extracellular potassium w40x, but this
might well be a too crude measure for Žanaerobic. gly- NIDDM patients are at increased risk of cardiovascular
colytic activity. Lactate has been shown to reduce action morbidity and mortality w59,60x. In these patients sulfony-
potential duration w52x, which in itself may involve K.ATP lureas have always been the cornerstone of oral therapy
channel activation w53x. Hence, the sulfonylurea-induced w61x, despite the early report of the University Group
decrease in lactate efflux may serve as an alternative Diabetes Program which suggested an association between
explanation for the related attenuation of action potential tolbutamide therapy and an increased risk of cardio-
shortening. vascular mortality w62x. However, shortly after its appear-
The favorable effects of sulfonylureas on the arrhyth- ance this report became extensively criticized for method-
mias during acute ischemia may relate to attenuation of the ological and statistical reasons w63–65x. The results of 7
action potential shortening and the attenuation of the rise other epidemiological studies performed in the 1970s were
in wKqx o . Particularly slowing of conduction, which is contradictory and not conclusive either w66x. Later Rytter et
closely related to wKqx o , is considered to play a key role in al. retrospectively compared patients with IDDM to those
arrhythmogenesis in early ischemia. with NIDDM with respect to the prevalence and mortality
With regard to preconditioning, two sulfonylurea-in- of acute myocardial infarction w60x. They found a signifi-
duced effects can be regarded as seriously confounding cantly higher mortality rate from acute myocardial infarc-
factors in explaining the modulatory effects of precondi- tion in NIDDM patients treated with oral hypoglycemic
tioning: Ž1. the effects on metabolism discussed above and agents than in NIDDM patients treated with insulin Ž50 vs
Ž2. the possible modulation of adenosine release, which 9.1%; distribution of hypoglycemic agents not specified..

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seems to be a critical mediator of preconditioning. In This difference could not be explained by better in-hospital
general, preconditioning, which also leads to reduced metabolic control in the insulin-treated patients. However,
glycogen content prior to the index ischemic period, is the pre-hospital metabolic state, a determinant of outcome
abolished by sulfonylureas Žsee Ref. w10x.. Pre-ischemic in this study, was not reported for the two groups w60x. In
reduction in glycogen content protects the heart from another analysis of diabetic patients presenting with my-
subsequent prolonged ischemia, in terms of myocardial ocardial infarction, sulfonylurea treatment did not influ-
injury Ži.e., preconditioning. w54x. However, the concomi- ence hospital outcome in terms of morbidity Žpump fail-
tant sulfonylurea-induced prolonged action potential dur- ure. and mortality w67x. In this study prior metabolic
ing ischemia may outweigh this effect and therefore not control, assessed by glycosylated glucose, did not predict
lead to attenuation of ischemic damage. Finally, gliben- outcome either. Finally, Ulvenstam et al. reported on the
clamide has been shown to influence adenosine release. long-term follow-up of diabetic men who survived a first
Experimental results are controversial; ischemia-related myocardial infarction w68x. Only a trend towards a higher
adenosine release in rabbits was not influenced by gliben- mortality among patients treated with sulfonylureas com-
clamide w55x, but in rats the 5X-nucleotidase-mediated pared to those on insulin ŽIDDM an NIDDM. was found
adenosine release was reduced by glibenclamide Žin a w68x. The interpretation of the results concerning the sub-
concentration-dependent manner; EC 50 10 mM. w56x. Be- groups mentioned above is hampered by the small number
cause the adenosine release during ischemia invoked in the of patients and the lack of sufficient data on clinical
occurrence of preconditioning is mediated by the enzyme variables, such as metabolic control, infarction size and
5X-nucleotidase w57x, any sulfonylurea effect on this path- concomitant treatment.
way will have an impact on preconditioning. The discovery of the mode of action of sulfonylureas
In summary, in addition to blocking K.ATP channels Žblockade of pancreatic B-cell K.ATP channel. and of the
there are many other effects of sulphonylureas. Since these presence of K.ATP channels in the heart and vascular
effects might have impact on, probably all, ischemia-re- tissue eventually gave rise to new discussions on the
lated events, the suitability of these drugs for assessment clinical implications of the use of these agents in cardio-
of involvement of cardiac K.ATP channels has been seri- vascular patients w15–17x. These discussions were largely
ously questioned. Careful selection of the concentration based on experimental data showing significant interaction
might provide useful information. However, in the absence of sulfonylureas with the cardiovascular system. Most of
of relevant data on, for example, the blocking efficacy of these, predominantly negative, data have been reviewed by
glibenclamide on other currents in pathophysiological con- Smits and Thien w17x and by Leibowitz and Cerasi w15x and
ditions, the statement that sulfonylureas cannot be used at will not be repeated here. We will focus on studies evaluat-
all to serve this purpose might even be correct. Likewise, ing the Ždirect. cardiovascular effects of sulfonylureas in
the use of glibenclamide to prove involvement of K.ATP man. In reviewing these data the principle interest is not
C.E. Schotborgh, A.A.M. Wilde r CardioÕascular Research 34 (1997) 73–80 77

whether the sulfonylurea-related effects are mediated by clamide induced an increase of the relative changes in
K.ATP channel block or not. As argued by Smits and systemic vascular resistance index also after 4 weeks of
Thien w17x, plasma sulfonylurea concentrations in man on treatment whereas metformin, a biguanide, unrelated to
chronic treatment may well be sufficient to block vascular sulfonylureas, had no effect w75x.
and cardiac K.ATP channels.
6.2. Myocardial ischemia and preconditioning

Although the effect of sulfonylureas at therapeutic lev-

6. Direct cardiovascular effects of sulphonylureas in
els on the human coronary vasculature remains to be
determined, some evidence that human myocardium is
sensitive to such levels of glibenclamide already exists.
6.1. Vascular tone
The oral administration of 10 mg glibenclamide, prior to
the procedure, abolished the attenuation of ST-segment
Whereas in different experimental models sulfonylureas
shift at a second balloon inflation during coronary angio-
have been shown to interfere with coronary vascular smooth
plasty w76x. Inhibition of collateral circulation recruitment
muscle relaxation, there are no such data in man. In a
by glibenclamide as a possible explanation for this finding
study by Nahser el al. w69x, evaluating maximal coronary
was very unlikely Žbased on angiographic assessment.,
flow reserve and metabolic coronary vasodilation in dia-
suggesting a direct myocardial effect of glibenclamide on
betic and non-diabetic patients, no difference was found
ischemic preconditioning. Also in an in vitro model using
between diabetic patients on insulin treatment and those on
right atrial trabeculae glibenclamide prevented ‘ischemic’
sulfonylurea derivatives. This study, however, was not
preconditioning w77x. Since preconditioning is thought to
designed to investigate the effects of these agents on
protect the myocardium against subsequent ischemic
coronary flow characteristics. Furthermore, on the day of
events, resulting in less extensive myocardial infarction
the experiment oral hypoglycemic agents were withheld,
and better clinical outcome w78,79x, the use of gliben-
probably resulting in serum levels too low to elicit any
clamide might have deleterious effects in patients with

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repetitive myocardial ischemia treated with this agent.
More data are available on the peripheral vascular
effects of sulfonylureas in man. The acute effects of 6.3. Arrhythmias
glibenclamide on baseline flow and hyperemic response to
arterial occlusion in the human calf were studied recently In various experimental models of acute ischemia pre-
w70x. After oral ingestion of 7.5 mg glibenclamide there treatment with sulfonylureas proved antiarrhythmic during
was a significant decline in baseline flow Ž30 and 42% of myocardial ischemia w16x. Clinical data seem to corrobo-
control value after 1 and 2 h. and in peak reactive flow rate these results. In a randomized crossover study in
Ž22, 30 and 28% of control value after 1, 2 and 3 h., and NIDDM Žglibenclamide versus metformin., glibenclamide
an increase in the duration of the hyperemic response after significantly reduced the incidence of ventricular prema-
2 and 3 h. Total reactive hyperemic volume was not ture complexes and ventricular tachycardia during Žsponta-
significantly influenced by glibenclamide. Placebo did not neous. transient myocardial ischemia w80x. Glibenclamide
cause significant changes in any of these parameters w70x. did not alter the ischemic burden nor did it interfere with
In another study it was demonstrated that the vasodilator non-ischemia-related arrhythmias w80x. In a study on
effect of diazoxide was significantly reduced by concomi- NIDDM patients suffering from acute myocardial infarc-
tant infusion of glibenclamide w71x. An important finding tion, ventricular fibrillation ŽVF. occurred significantly
in these two studies is the fact that glibenclamide is able to less frequently in the glibenclamide-treated group than in
elicit measurable vascular effects at therapeutic serum NIDDM patients treated otherwise and than in non-diabet-
levels Ž250 ngrmls 0.5 mM. w19,72x. Taking into account ics Ž1.7 vs 7.9 and 9.9%, respectively. w81x. Although
the high degree of binding to serum albumin Ž) 99%. w73x, demographic, clinical and treatment parameters were com-
the serum levels of free glibenclamide in these studies parable in the three groups, there was a much higher
were lower than the threshold value for inhibition of the mortality rate in the non-glibenclamide treated diabetic
effect of potassium channel openers on vascular activity patients, which was related to the higher incidence of heart
Ž25 ngrmls 0.05 mM. in the experimental model w74x. failure in this group w81x. This finding suggests the pres-
These findings w70,71x might have clinical implications for ence of an unknown confounder, prompting cautious inter-
NIDDM patients with coronary disease treated with sul- pretation of the data from this study. On the other hand,
fonylureas. However, it should be emphasized that these recently presented data from a large retrospective study on
studies dealt with healthy volunteers and that there might patients with acute myocardial infarction, similarly showed
be different sensitivities for glibenclamide in coronary and that the rate of VF in patients on glibenclamide was lower
peripheral smooth muscle K-ATP channel receptors. In than that for diabetics on gliclazide or insulin w82x. In this
addition, by design only the acute effects of the drugs were study, in contrast to the former study w81x, VF rate was the
investigated, but it has been demonstrated that gliben- same as that of non-diabetics w82x.
78 C.E. Schotborgh, A.A.M. Wilde r CardioÕascular Research 34 (1997) 73–80

Studies involving first-generation sulfonylureas in dia- w3x Inoue I, Nagase H, Kishi K, Higuti T. ATP-sensitive Kq channel in
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