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1. An Instrument used to measure surface air pressure is called.

A. Wind vane
B. An anemometer
C. A barometer
D. A psychrometer

2. What happens to temperature as you move upwards through the

A. It decreases
B. It increases
C. It stays the same
D. It varies from place to place

3. Anemometer is an Instrument used to measure ____?

A. Wind direction
B. Humidity
C. Air Pressure
D. Wind speed

4. What is the atmospheric layer where most weather occurs?

A. Thermosphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Troposphere
D. Stratosphere

5. What is the full form of RADAR?

A. Radio detection and ranging
B. Radio application and ranging
C. Radius detection and ranging
D. Range detection and representation

6. Which waves are used in the RADAR?

A. Sound waves
B. Light waves
C. Electromagnetic waves
D. Ultraviolet waves

7. Which gas is used to fill in the weather balloons?

A. Carbon dioxide
B. Hydrogen
C. Oxygen
D. Nitrogen

8. ATRH sensor is used in AWS to measure?

A. Pressure and Wind
B. Temperature & Relative humidity
C. Rainfall
D. Wind direction

9. When does maximum temperature occurs in the day and why?

10. Write any three aviation hazards.

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