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Research Proposal

Hayley Norton
Independent Research

Cautions with Concussions: Precautions that the NFL is taking to limit head injuries in the NFL

Overview of Research

This research study focuses on the National Football Leagueathletes’ head injuries by changing
protocols to reduce the amount of forceful hits. This topic is important in order to reduce head injuries in the
NFL. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a neurodegenerative disease and can impact football
players' lives drastically. Over time these repetitive hits can lead to CTE. In order for the NFL to decrease the
amount of head injuries yearly, by changing protocols, interviews will be conducted to learn more about
precautions the league has to take. Some football players can benefit from this research because it could
affect athletes in the long run. NFL commissioners, refs and coaches could also benefit from this research
because more players in the NFL have to retire because of severe injuries. CTE can only be diagnosed from a
deceased brain so researchers and doctors have not diagnosed CTE from someone alive. This disease can
also affect their day to day life because of the changes in their behavior. Reducing the amount of concussions
in the NFL by changing protocols could save some players life and career.

Background/History of the Issue and Rationale for Research

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a neurodegenerative disease that can form from severe
hits to the head and repetitive head injuries (Boston University School of Medicine, 2018). The disease can
cause major symptoms, and it cannot be diagnosed while someone is alive (“Chronic Traumatic
Encephalopathy,” 2019). Some symptoms of concussions include headaches, dizziness, memory loss and
unusual behavior. Football hits can affect a player's brain and lead to memory loss and behavioral changes.
Doctors are finding symptoms such as behavior changes indicating Chronic Traumatic Encenthapohthy
(CTE) in a human's brain when they are alive (Kilgore, 2021).
Football has many impacts on the brain, so it is important to look at the evolution of CTE in football
players. To understand how CTE develops, it is important to look at the four stages. When wanting to see
changes in the brain, a CT scan is an x-ray and a computer controls the motion of the x-ray source/detectors.
The computer processes the data and displays an image of the brain (“Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy”,
2019). Even though MRI or CT scans can not show CTE when a person is alive, they can allow scientists to
recognize the development of the brain trauma and discover patterns in the brain (National Health Service,
2019). Repetitive brain trauma can lead to CTE because of the number of hits the head has had over time.
There are many hidden risks when it comes to playing contact sports. Every year there are about 140
concussions each year in the NFL (Yadikar et al., 2019). The National Football League (NFL)
commissioners are trying to take precautions in rule changes, matrical changes, protocols, coaching
techniques, etc. to prevent players from possible brain damage and developing CTE (ClinEdge, 2016).
Some football players can benefit from this research because it could affect athletes in the long run.
NFL commissioners, referees and coaches could also benefit from this research because more players in the
NFL have to retire because of severe injuries. Outside of professional athletics, it is also important to inform
parents about possible injuries for youth football players. This negorgdetaive disease causes severe
symptoms including memory loss and behavioral changes, which can affect a players day to day life. This is
concerning for the health and safety of athletes.
G/T Independent Research and G/T Intern/Mentor Program Curriculum
Research Methodology
● Research Question/Hypothesis
o What have athletic trainers and staff done to change protocols to decrease head injuries and
how it benefits players?
o Even though High School athletics have made progress from decreasing the amount of head
injuries, there is still work that needs to be done to dramatically decrease head injuries.
● Basis of Hypothesis
o I think that the National Football League (NFL) has worked hard to find safer tackle
techniques because of how many injuries happen when playing professional football. Former
NFL players have permanently damaged their brain because of football and serious head
injuries have impacted their life. However, tackling will always be a defensive technique in
football; therefore, there is always a risk for injury. One aspect of preventing injuries is
football gear. I think that helmets and pads should be improved for a safer outcome when
players are tackled or hit. This research can contribute to society because even though the
NFL has applied precautions and made more rules, it is still not enough when trying to
prevent CTE. Based on how these injuries have affected the NFL, these procedures and
precautions need to be applied at the lower level, such as High School. I have been informed
that High School is not required to check for concussions before the season starts. This is one
example of how trainers and staff have more work to do to limit head injuries which could
lead to brain trauma, such as CTE, in the future.
o Research Design
o I hope to pursue mix method descriptive research and this will include interviews. I am
conducting primary research that is creating something original by comparing the effects
football has on NFL players and how CTE can be formed through this contact sport. I think
the best way to find more information on my topic is to interview athletic trainers to
understand their point of view with CTE and some information that I cannot already find
● Operational Definitions
o Football players- All NFL football players that are involved in contact play
o Head injuries- forceful, aggressive, hard tackles/hits to the head that cause concussions and
can lead to CTE
o Effects that players have from injuries- symptoms that later shown from a CTE deceased
o Changing defensive protocols- new regulations to protect the head of a football players


Belson, K. (2012, November 15). Goodell speaks of changes needed in NFL culture. The New York Times,

sec. B, 13.


G/T Independent Research and G/T Intern/Mentor Program Curriculum

Boston University School of Medicine. (2018, January 18). Study: hits, not concussions, cause CTE [Video].


Chronic traumatic encephalopathy. (2019, April 17). National Health Service.

ClinEdge Staff. (2016, March 15). Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy’s (CTE) effects on the brain.


Cullum, M. (2019, September 27). Is football bad for the brain? We know little about the long-term effects of

concussions. STAT.

First Things First (2017, September 22). Aaron Hernandez had advanced stages of CTE - Cris Carter

emotionally responds | First things first [Video]. YouTube.

Kilgore, A. (2021, March 15). Doctors provide consensus symptoms of CTE among living, a major step for

researchers. The Washington Post.

Los Angeles Times. (2019, December 3). How CTE changes everything about football [Video]. YouTube.

Morgan, C. (2021, July 15). Larry Johnson was a dominant (& controversial) running back, but where is he

now? Fan Buzz.

New NFL rules designed to limit head injuries. (2010, August 6). National Football League.

Perez, A. (2017, April 20). Aaron Hernandez's lawyer says family will donate his brain for research. USA


G/T Independent Research and G/T Intern/Mentor Program Curriculum
NFL Football operations. (2021). Player Health & Safety.

G/T Independent Research and G/T Intern/Mentor Program Curriculum

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