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Instruction manual

GeoSwath Plus
Wide swath bathymetry system
Installation, user guide, maintenance and troubleshooting

GeoSwath Plus

Operation Manual


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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual


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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

1. Warnings ...................................................................................................................................... 10
2. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 12
2.1. Incoming Inspection ............................................................................................................ 14
3. System Description .................................................................................................................... 15
3.1. System Specification ............................................................................................................ 17
3.2. GeoSwath Plus: An Acoustic Measuring Device ............................................................ 18
3.3. Additional Sensor requirements ....................................................................................... 19
4. Installing GS+ ............................................................................................................................. 23
4.1. Instacal Version Check ....................................................................................................... 24
4.2. Uninstalling GS+ ................................................................................................................. 30
4.3. Running GS+ on Windows® 7 .......................................................................................... 31
4.4. Install Configurations ......................................................................................................... 32
4.5. GS+ Install Procedure ......................................................................................................... 34
4.6. GS+ Patch Updates .............................................................................................................. 40
4.7. Network Dongle Configuration ........................................................................................ 43
5. An Overview of GS+ ................................................................................................................. 44
5.1. Project Version Control ....................................................................................................... 45
5.2. Title Bar and File Menu ...................................................................................................... 47
5.3. Window Menu Options ...................................................................................................... 54
5.4. Help Menu ............................................................................................................................ 55
6. GS+ Software Settings .............................................................................................................. 56
6.1. Workspace Options ............................................................................................................. 57
6.2. Acquisition Options ............................................................................................................ 59
6.3. Processing Options .............................................................................................................. 61
6.4. Side Scan Options ................................................................................................................ 66
6.5. Grid/Mosaic Options .......................................................................................................... 67
6.6. Priority Options ................................................................................................................... 68
6.7. User Options......................................................................................................................... 69
6.8. Display Options ................................................................................................................... 69
6.9. History Options ................................................................................................................... 72
6.10. Warnings Options .............................................................................................................. 73
7. Data Displays .............................................................................................................................. 76
7.1. Load & Save Displays ......................................................................................................... 76
7.2. Depth .............................................................................................................................. 76
7.3. Coverage ........................................................................................................................ 79
7.4. Waterfall ......................................................................................................................... 84
7.5. Analogue......................................................................................................................... 84
7.6. Side Scan ......................................................................................................................... 88
7.7. Vessel (3-D Attitude) .................................................................................................... 95
7.8. Attitude Graph .............................................................................................................. 97
7.9. Echosounder .................................................................................................................. 98
7.10. Mini-SVS ....................................................................................................................... 99

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7.11. Navigation ................................................................................................................. 100

7.12. Grid ............................................................................................................................. 105
7.13. Mosaic ........................................................................................................................ 105
7.14. GridFly ....................................................................................................................... 106
8. Survey Manager ....................................................................................................................... 107
8.1. Settings & Offsets .............................................................................................................. 107
8.2. External Data Files ............................................................................................................ 108
8.3. GS+ Files ............................................................................................................................. 111
8.4. Basemap Files .................................................................................................................... 112
8.5. Pop-up Menu Operations ................................................................................................ 114
9. Vessel Editor ............................................................................................................................. 119
9.1. Vessel Centre of Gravity (COG)...................................................................................... 123
9.2. Importing a Vessel File ..................................................................................................... 126
9.3. Drawing a Vessel File: A brief tutorial ........................................................................... 128
10. Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats ................................................................................. 138
10.1. Navigation........................................................................................................................ 138
10.2. Seatex MRU-H & MRU-5 ............................................................................................... 143
10.3. Teledyne TSS DMS-05 & DMS-10 ................................................................................. 145
10.4. Teledyne TSS Orion INS ................................................................................................ 148
10.5. Ship Motion Control - IMU 108 .................................................................................... 150
10.6. Hemisphere V100/V110................................................................................................. 150
10.7. Hemisphere V103/V113................................................................................................. 152
10.8. Octans Subsea .................................................................................................................. 153
10.9. Gyrocompass ................................................................................................................... 154
10.10. Tritech Altimeter ........................................................................................................... 155
10.11. Kongsberg Mesotech 1007 Series Altimeter .............................................................. 156
10.12. Valeport Sensors ............................................................................................................ 157
10.13. CDL MiniPOS3 .............................................................................................................. 160
10.14. K-bridge, ECDIS Interface ........................................................................................... 161
10.15. Seatex Seapath 200 ........................................................................................................ 162
10.16. Position & Orientation System, Marine Vessels (POS MV) .................................... 165
10.17. 1PPS Interface ................................................................................................................ 166
10.18. VTG Decode in GS+ ...................................................................................................... 176
11. Geodetic Conversion Parameters........................................................................................ 177
12. Equipment Editor................................................................................................................... 181
13. Installation .............................................................................................................................. 188
13.1. Assembling the Over-side Transducer Mount. .......................................................... 193
13.2. Transceiver Connections ................................................................................................ 196
13.3. Pre-deployment Functional Test ................................................................................... 200
13.4. Deploying the Transducer Mount ................................................................................ 201
13.5. Measuring Offsets ........................................................................................................... 203
13.6. Galvanic Corrosion in Sea Water .................................................................................. 204
14. Acquisition .............................................................................................................................. 206
14.1. Using the Setup Wizard ................................................................................................. 206
14.2. Setting up a New Project ................................................................................................ 216
14.3. Import Vessel File & Enter offsets ................................................................................ 216

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14.4. Decode and Check Incoming Serial data ..................................................................... 219

14.5. Create an Acquisition Settings File ............................................................................... 222
14.6. Creating a new Calibration Offsets File ....................................................................... 222
14.7. Creating Run Lines .......................................................................................................... 223
14.8. Acquiring and Inspecting Raw Data ............................................................................ 227
14.9. Pulse/Ping Length, Gain & Power Settings ................................................................ 229
14.10. Acquisition Filters.......................................................................................................... 231
14.11. Peripheral Data Status LEDs ........................................................................................ 232
14.12. Recording Data (Using the Acquisition Controls) .................................................... 234
14.13. Data Displays (Summary of R Options) ................................................................. 237
14.14. Measurement Functions ............................................................................................... 244
14.15. Online Statistics.............................................................................................................. 247
14.16. Auto Gridding ................................................................................................................ 247
15. Raw Data File Functions ....................................................................................................... 251
15.1. Selecting Files ................................................................................................................... 251
15.2. Split & Extract Raw Data Files ....................................................................................... 252
15.3. Merge Raw Data Files ..................................................................................................... 254
16. Importing, Editing and Using Ancillary Data .................................................................. 255
16.1. Re-Projection .................................................................................................................... 256
16.2. Navigation Editor ............................................................................................................ 258
16.3. Attitude Editor ................................................................................................................. 262
16.4. Heading Editor................................................................................................................. 264
16.5. Echosounder Editor ......................................................................................................... 266
16.6. Mini-SVS Editor ............................................................................................................... 268
16.7. Tide Data Import & Editing ........................................................................................... 270
16.8. SVP Data Import & Editing ............................................................................................ 274
16.9. Pressure Depth Data Import .......................................................................................... 276
16.10. Image Basemap Editor .................................................................................................. 277
17. Processing Data ....................................................................................................................... 278
17.1. Processing Controls & Filters ......................................................................................... 280
17.2. Summary of Filter Flags.................................................................................................. 288
17.3. Processing Side-Scan Data.............................................................................................. 289
17.4. Other Sidescan Filters & Options .................................................................................. 302
17.5. Printing Side Scan Data .................................................................................................. 306
17.6. Recommended Processing Sequence ............................................................................ 308
17.7. Using Navigation Height for Tide ................................................................................ 310
18. Calibration ............................................................................................................................... 313
18.1. Pre-requisites for Calibration ......................................................................................... 313
18.2. Entering the Vessel Settings ........................................................................................... 314
18.3. Setting up the Calibration Offsets ................................................................................. 315
18.4. Measuring Attitude Latency .......................................................................................... 322
18.5. Summary of Patch Test Calibration Pre-requisites ..................................................... 324
18.6. Semi-Automated Calibration (Patch Test) ................................................................... 325
18.7. The Calibration Controls ................................................................................................ 328
18.8. Summary of GS+ Calibration ......................................................................................... 332
18.9. Checking the Calibration Results .................................................................................. 334
18.10. More on Latency and Yaw Calibration ...................................................................... 335

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18.11. Applying the Calibration Values Obtained............................................................... 337

18.12. Re-Apply Calibration Parameters .............................................................................. 337
19. Gridding Data......................................................................................................................... 339
19.1. How to Create a Grid File .............................................................................................. 341
19.2. How to Create a Mosaic File .......................................................................................... 344
19.3. Grid / Mosaic Display Options .................................................................................... 346
19.4. Filters................................................................................................................................. 352
19.5. Grid Options .................................................................................................................... 354
19.6. Mosaic options ................................................................................................................. 358
19.7. Multi-Grid/Multi-Mosaic Mode ................................................................................... 361
19.8. Virtual Grids .................................................................................................................... 366
19.9. Virtual Grid Statistics ..................................................................................................... 367
19.10. Virtual Grid Display Options ...................................................................................... 368
20. GridFly ..................................................................................................................................... 370
20.1. Changing the 3-D View .................................................................................................. 371
20.2. Display Options ............................................................................................................... 376
20.3. GridFly View Modes ...................................................................................................... 378
20.4. Vessel Settings ................................................................................................................. 380
20.5. Profiles .............................................................................................................................. 385
20.6. Generate X Profiles ......................................................................................................... 389
20.7. Flying a Route .................................................................................................................. 390
20.8. Making a Fly-through Movie ........................................................................................ 395
20.9. Filters................................................................................................................................. 398
21. GS+ Side Scan Differencing ................................................................................................ 400
21.1. Reference Survey ............................................................................................................. 400
21.2. Comparison Survey - Acquisition ................................................................................ 402
22. Data Input and Output ......................................................................................................... 405
22.1. Exporting Grids ............................................................................................................... 405
22.2. Exporting Mosaics........................................................................................................... 410
22.3. Exporting RDFs ............................................................................................................... 411
22.4. Export Raw Strings ......................................................................................................... 414
22.5. Export Swaths .................................................................................................................. 415
22.6. Side Scan Export .............................................................................................................. 417
22.7. Echo Sounder Export ...................................................................................................... 420
22.8. Importing RDFs ............................................................................................................... 421
22.9. Importing Navigation Data ........................................................................................... 423
22.10. Importing Attitude Data .............................................................................................. 424
22.11. Importing Heading Data .............................................................................................. 424
22.12. Importing Echo Sounder Data .................................................................................... 425
22.13. Importing Mini SVS Data............................................................................................. 425
22.14. Importing Pressure Depth Data .................................................................................. 426
22.15. Importing Swath Data .................................................................................................. 427
22.16. Importing Side Scan (SWP) Data ................................................................................ 428
23. Using SBET data with GeoSwath Plus .............................................................................. 430
23.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 430
23.2. Why Use SBET? ............................................................................................................... 430
23.3. Core Concepts .................................................................................................................. 431

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23.4. Real-Time Data Logging Requirements ....................................................................... 431

23.5. Data Processing ................................................................................................................ 434
23.6. Time Synchronisation ..................................................................................................... 434
23.7. Importing SBET Data ...................................................................................................... 436
23.8. Altitude vs Heave and Ray Bending ............................................................................ 438
23.9. Geodetic Conversions ..................................................................................................... 439
23.10. Vertical Datum ............................................................................................................... 439
23.11. Notes on Common Errors............................................................................................. 439
23.12. Step-by-Step Methodology ........................................................................................... 440
24. Data Converter ........................................................................................................................ 441
24.1. DAT to RDF ...................................................................................................................... 441
24.2. RDF to DAT ...................................................................................................................... 441
24.3. RDF to ASCII .................................................................................................................... 441
24.4. RDF to RDF (Repair Corrupt Files) ............................................................................... 442
24.5. True Heave Corrections using Data Converter ........................................................... 445
24.6. Applying True Heave ..................................................................................................... 445
24.7. RDF to RDF (Txdcr Corrections) ................................................................................... 447
24.8. RDF to RDF (DSSS Nav Fix)........................................................................................... 447
25. Creating and Using Audit Files ........................................................................................... 448
26. Generating Charts & Printing .............................................................................................. 453
27. GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance ................................................................................. 457
27.1. Removing the Sonar Electronics Assembly ................................................................. 457
27.2. Replacement of Fan Filters ............................................................................................. 462
27.3. Fuse Replacement ............................................................................................................ 462
27.4. Replacing the CMOS Battery ......................................................................................... 465
27.5. Equipment Cleaning & Connections ............................................................................ 467
27.6. GeoSwath Plus System Checks ...................................................................................... 468
27.7. Testing the Digital Acquisition (DIO) Board ............................................................... 475
27.8. Re-formatting the GeoSwath Plus Deck Unit .............................................................. 478
27.9. Antivirus Protection ........................................................................................................ 479
28. Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................... 483
28.1. Interpreting Bios Beep Codes......................................................................................... 484
28.2. Deck Unit Voltage Checks .............................................................................................. 485
28.3. Basic Deck Unit functional problems ........................................................................... 489
28.4. General Software & Installation problems ................................................................... 492
28.5. Mobilisation/Installation problems .............................................................................. 496
28.6. Problems when acquiring data ...................................................................................... 497
28.7. Problems when Processing data .................................................................................... 508
28.8. Problems when Printing ................................................................................................. 511
29. Survey Log & Calibration Sheets ....................................................................................... 513
30. Illustrations & Documents .................................................................................................. 517

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

1. Warnings
This system operates from a Mains supply.
This system operates with lethally high voltages.
It is essential that all equipment be treated with the greatest of respect and caution at all
times. Do not take unnecessary risks.
If the equipment has to be worked on, always ensure the following:
Mains power is disconnected from the equipment.
Appropriate, correctly functioning test equipment is available to verify that high
voltage circuitry is discharged to a safe voltage before any part is touched.
Only competent personnel should work with this type of equipment.
Always work in a dry, stable, controlled environment.
Be professional. Do not take chances!
Please also be aware of the following warnings:


Though tolerant of temperature extremes, the GeoSwath system should be installed

where the rear panel fan cooling capabilities are not inhibited. In warmer climates it is
recommended that air conditioning should be used if at all possible, this will increase
the reliability in terms of mean time between failure (MTBF) of both equipment and


Before connecting any peripherals to the GeoSwath box, check that there is no potential
difference or AC high voltage between the chassis earths of these different systems.
The inputs of the GeoSwath are protected against over-voltage to a degree, but will not
protect the inputs if, for example, the Nav system and the GeoSwath are powered from
different phases of a 3 phase mains supply. This can be tested using a multi-meter to
measure for the presence of both AC and DC voltages between the grounds of the
different systems when connected to the mains supply. If differences larger than a few
volts are found the cause should be investigated and fixed before proceeding with the


Manual re-formatting of the hard disk drive should only be performed as a last resort
when it is not possible to use the recovery utility or DVD disks provided with the
GeoSwath Plus deck unit.

Incorrect driver setup may result in unrecoverable errors within data collected in future

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

2. Introduction
This manual contains installation, operating and service instructions for the Kongsberg
GeoAcoustics GeoSwath Plus wide swath bathymetry system. It is a complete guide on
how to successfully use the system in a hydrographic survey; as such, it is assumed that
the user is adequately familiar with the skills required, common vocabulary and technical
terms used by the practicing hydrographic surveyor.

How to use this Manual

If you are new to the GeoSwath Plus or wide swath surveying then you should start by
reading the System Description (Chapter 3). This gives an overview of the GeoSwath Plus
system, how it collects depth and amplitude data and how it integrates into your survey
Chapters 4 through to 12 cover how to get started with the GS+ Software. These chapters
show how the user interface is laid out on the screen, where to access the main functions
the surveyor will need and how GS+ organises the information and data required for a
Chapter 13 describes the GeoSwath Plus installation and interfacing. Here you will find
instructions for preparations for use, installation (mobilisation) and rear panel
connections. An example checklist for a post mobilisation functional test is included.
Here it is assumed that the standard peripheral package (with the exception of the DGPS)
has been sourced from Kongsberg GeoAcoustics.
In Chapter 14 acquiring data and the displays available for data inspection are described.
This is the chapter on how to collect your survey data. The set-up, acquisition and quality
control options are described, as well as the on-line displays available. Read this chapter
before going out on a job - you will be much better prepared to use the system whilst on
the vessel.
Chapter 15 briefly looks at raw data file functions such as Split/Extract and Merge.
Chapters 16 and 17 look at processing the Data. This includes importing and editing
ancillary data and filtering outliers.
Chapter 18 describes survey practice for the proper calibration of your GeoSwath Plus
system. The semi-automated calibration (patch test) functions are explained and the
effects of common calibration problems are mentioned here.
Chapter 19 gives details of gridding the data. This is a vital step in the processing of high
density data to produce accurate and detailed digital terrain models (DTMs). Output of
DTMs, Mosaics and other data products are described.
Chapter 20 covers 3-D manipulation of Grids using GS+ GridFly. Creating routes,
profiles and making fly-through movies are also discussed.
Chapter 21 details a feature known as Side Scan Differencing which can be used to
highlight differences between data gathered on two surveys conducted over the same

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Chapter 22 looks at the various formats GS+ provides for data export and import.
Chapter 23 details using smoothed best estimate of trajectory (SBET) data with GS+ as
well as true heave corrections using Data Converter.
Chapter 24 continues to on the theme of Data Converter and its functionality.
Chapter 25 discusses the audit file system available with GS+.
Chapter 26 briefly gives examples of charts that may be generated.
Chapter 27 details checks and procedures for maintaining the GeoSwath Plus system.
Chapter 28 is a very useful section on troubleshooting; make this your first port of call
when running into problems whether they are related to software, hardware, installation,
processing or printing.
Chapter 29 contains sample blank survey logs and calibration sheets for the surveyor s
written records.
System illustrations and raw data file technical documents are included in Chapter 30.
Throughout this document, menu selections will be shown in the form File Exit, where
the File menu item is selected first, followed by the Exit selection.
In this manual Mouse actions are abbreviated as shown below:
(L) single click on left mouse button
(2L) double click on left mouse button
(R) single click on right mouse button
() move mouse up (away from you)
() move mouse down (towards you)
() move mouse left
() move mouse right

For Users with Previous Experience of GeoSwath

If you have used older models of GeoSwath (e.g. GeoSwath32) you will be familiar with
most of the theory, terms and operational procedures described in this manual. There are
several changes in the way the GS+ software handles files and data, including major
changes in the time stamping of data and how the user interface is used to manipulate the
data. Even experienced users will find it worthwhile to look through this manual and
practice on sample data sets.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

2.1. Incoming Inspection

After receipt of the packaged equipment, inspect the shipping cartons for damage or
indications of severe stress. If any of the shipping cartons are damaged request the
carrier s agent to be present when the equipment is unpacked. Inspect the units for cracks,
broken parts and dents.

Damage Claims
If any part of the system has been damaged during shipping, immediately notify the
carrier and the Kongsberg GeoAcoustics sales office or the leasing agent from which the
system was obtained. Retain the shipping carton and padding material for the carrier s

When the system is stored for extended periods of time, ensure that the GeoSwath Plus
unit is placed in a cool, dry area and covered with either a protective cloth or plastic sheet.
In high humidity environments it is advised that the units be securely wrapped and
absorbent material enclosed.

Retain the original shipping cartons for future use. Units should be shipped in the upright
position. If shipping back to Kongsberg GeoAcoustics do not send the operating

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
System Description

3. System Description
GeoSwath Plus is a PC based, shallow water wide swath bathymetry system, designed to
produce an accurate digital terrain map (DTM) of a survey area or route in water depths
up to 200 metres.
GeoSwath Plus is available in three frequency versions, 125 kHz, 250 kHz and 500 kHz.
The depth measurement accuracy of all systems exceeds the latest IHO specifications, as
set out in IHO Standards for Hydrographic Surveys, Special Publication 44, 4th Edition, April
The complete system accuracy will depend on the combined error budget of all peripheral
systems and upon the operating environment, but typically GeoSwath Plus will meet IHO
special order accuracy out to 6 times water depth and offers wide swath coverage of up to
12 times water depth, to a maximum of 600 metres.
GeoSwath Plus is easily portable and can be deployed using an over-side mount on
vessels of opportunity or a hull mount for more permanent installations. In common with
other Kongsberg GeoAcoustics products GeoSwath Plus is modular allowing users to
utilise existing equipment such as motion sensors, gyros and positioning systems.
The GS+ real-time software includes calibration, test and diagnostics features. The post
processing/QA software includes calibration functions that calculate static factors, ray
bending and speed of sound corrections. Depth and contour graphics can be output in a
range of file formats including ASCII, HPGL and DXF for use in proprietary CAD
packages and customer s software.
Your GeoSwath Plus system has been designed and manufactured to ISO 9001 in the UK.
The GeoSwath Plus system comprises of a PC based data acquisition and processing unit,
two transducers, associated cabling and all necessary software so that when interfaced to
appropriate peripheral sensors the user can acquire, process, display, present and print
high resolution bathymetry and Side Scan data.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
System Description

The GeoSwath Plus front panel has a

mains line switch, start button and a
DVD±RW drive. The rear panel houses
all connectors for mains voltage, port and
starboard transducers, keyboard, mouse,
up to two monitors, serial ports for
peripherals, USB and parallel ports for
printers and a +24V D.C. peripheral
power outlet. It is therefore a single box
integrated system.
The GS+ software contains all the
functionality of the modular software
provided with GeoSwath32 but
integrated into one coherent software

The GS+ Software contains tools for the following survey functions:
 Real-time acquisition of raw, ancillary data and swath generation.
 Post-processing of raw data and swath generation.
 System calibration.
 Post-processing to correct swath data for new offset and tide information.
 2-dimensional display of swath data.
 3-dimensional display of swath data.
 2-dimensional display giving quality control information within individual user
defined bins.
 Split, extract, convert & merge tools for raw data files.
In addition to the proprietary GS+ software, Surfer, a third party imaging and contour
generation software package from Golden Software, is supplied as standard with all
GeoSwath Plus systems.
Operation of the GeoSwath Plus can be divided into a data acquisition stage and a data
processing stage. The GS+ software is written for Microsoft Windows.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
System Description

3.1. System Specification

System performance
System Frequency 125 kHz 250 kHz 500 kHz
Maximum Water Depth 200metres 100metres 50metres
Maximum Swath Width 780metres 390metres 190metres
Range Up to 12 x depth
Depth Resolution 6mm 3mm 1.5mm
Beam Width 0.85º Azimuth 0.75º Azimuth 0.5º Azimuth
Transmit Pulse Length 128µs to 896µs 64µs to 448µs 32µs to 224µs
Max Swath Update Rate 30 per second (range dependant)
Transducer Dimensions 540x260x80mm 375x170x60mm 255x110x60mm
Transducer Weight 11.6kg (in air) 3.8kg (in air) 1.5kg (in air)
3.3kg (in water) 1.8kg (in water) 0.5kg (in water)

Technical Specification
Deck Unit Hardware Intel Quad Core i5 Processor, 4GB DDR3 RAM,
(as of Sept 2013) Onboard Dual Video (D-Sub/DVI-D) Graphics.

Deck Unit Data Storage 1TB SATA3 (6Gb/s) hard disk drive,
Dual Layer DVD±RW drive.
Deck Unit Ports USB 3.0/2.0, Ethernet (10/100/1000 Mbit), Audio,
6 RS232 Serial Ports (for GPS, MRU, Gyro, Echo
Sounder, mini-SVS).
Power Outlet +24V D.C. Power outlet for Sensors.
(Total Sensor Power not to exceed 55Watts)
Display 20 Widescreen LCD Monitor.
Keyboard & Mouse USB or PS2 Keyboard & Mouse.
Motion Sensor (MRU) GeoSwath accepts input from all standard motion
& Gyro Compass Inputs sensors and gyro compasses.

Sound Velocity Full correction using sound velocity profile for full
Correction water depth.
Software Real-time acquisition for bathymetry & Side Scan.
Real-time swath generation & partial gridding.
Post processing software for generation of swath data
(fully corrected) and gridding (for Digital Terrain
Mapping). Calibration software.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
System Description

3.2. GeoSwath Plus: An Acoustic Measuring Device

The hardware and software of the GeoSwath Plus system combine to form an acoustic
measuring device. GeoSwath Plus measures both the range and angle to any given point
on the seabed.

Resolution and Accuracy

The resolution of the range measurement is one wavelength:
Speed of Sound 1500ms 1
Resolution = 1 Wavelength =   12 mm
Frequency 125kHz
Range measurement accuracy depends upon the absolute accuracy of the transmitted
frequency (which is ±100 parts per million or ±0.01%) and on the speed of sound
correction (see below). Thus the uncertainties in the measurement of the speed of sound
in the water column, though small, are likely to be the dominant contributor to range
The resolution of phase measurement of each of the four receive staves is 1.4°. When the
phases of the four staves are combined to give the angle to the seabed, the angular
resolution is 0.04°. Noise in the angular measurement comes from two sources:
decorrelation noise where the acoustic footprint of each stave does not exactly coincide on
the seafloor and sea noise contributing a random element to the phases measured (seen
mainly at longer ranges).

Operating principle
The GeoSwath Plus transducers contain one transmit element (or stave) and four receive
staves. The high phase consistency of the staves across the very wide field of view is an
important feature of the GeoSwath Plus transducer design.
The GeoSwath Plus transmitters generate short pulses of acoustic energy which propagate
out from the transducers at the speed of sound in water, insonifying a narrow strip of
seabed perpendicular to the vessel track in the same way as a Side Scan sonar. The overall
time taken for the signal to return from the seabed is measured and used to determine
range, whilst the small phase delays between the differently spaced receivers are
measured and used to derive the return angle of the pulse. The transmitted pulse shape
and bandwidth need to be very carefully controlled to get accurate data from a phase
measuring system and this is another area where Kongsberg GeoAcoustics has
successfully applied its many years of sonar experience.
The phase measuring receive electronics are a key part of the system design. The
GeoSwath Plus will cope with over 90dB of dynamic range (sea noise to cavitation),
measure the relative phase on the 4 channels with accuracy of better than 1 degree across
the whole dynamic range and not drift or require adjustment under operational conditions
on survey vessels anywhere in the world.

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System Description

Once the time and angle measurements have been corrected for speed of sound variations
(refraction), this is sufficient to give a series of accurate range and angle measurements of
the seafloor relative to the transducer positions and the vessel upon which the
transducers are fixed.

3.3. Additional Sensor requirements

The GeoSwath Plus system accurately determines the position of points on the sea bed
relative to the transducer position. To turn these relative positions into absolute positions,
the three dimensional position and orientation of the transducers must be measured using
additional sensors. Because the transducers are fixed to a vessel floating on a fluid and
dynamic ocean, subject to the influence of tides, weather, currents, wave motion and
disturbances due to other vessels, then the variation of the three dimensional position and
orientation of the vessel with time must be measured and corrected for. The corrected data
points can now be used to generate a georeferenced Digital Terrain Map (DTM).

Vessel Motion Sensor

To correctly position each data point in all three planes, it is necessary to measure the
continuous motion and attitude of the vessel to which the GeoSwath Plus transducers are
connected. Heave, pitch and roll must all be measured to a high degree of dynamic
accuracy, as close to the acoustic transducers as possible so as to minimise errors caused
by relative motion between the vessel and the transducer mount.
Since the transducers measure swath depth profiles perpendicular to the main axis of the
vessel, the most important attitude correction is that of roll. In 20m of water a data point
100m away in horizontal range can have a ±1m error in depth if the roll angle is only
±0.55°. It is therefore extremely important to accurately correct for roll.
Pitch correction is less important, however it cannot be overlooked. If the vessel is
pitching up, with bow raised in respect to stern, the transducers point ahead of the vessel
(and vice versa). This will give an along track error as well errors in depth measurement,
although less than for roll.
Heading and yaw effect the horizontal position of the data points, with more distant
points affected the greatest.
Heave will affect all points in a ping equally and directly by the amount of heave.
To ensure the best possible attitude correction, the attitude sensor or motion reference unit
(MRU) used should have a minimum accuracy of 0.1° in all axes and 0.01m in heave.
Note It is recommended that the MRU is a full six axis attitude sensor system with
a dynamic roll accuracy of 0.05 such as a TSS DMS-05 or Kongsberg
Seatex MRU5 mounted near the transducers to maximise the accuracy of

These units will connect directly to the GeoSwath and typically update at a rate of 50 Hz
giving very good attitude compensation in real time.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
System Description

The attitude sensor must be aligned with the axis of the transducers and the heading
reference (gyro or flux gate compass). On-site checking of this alignment is part of the
calibration procedure described later in the manual.

Heading Sensor
The direction of travel must be known and updated at a fast enough rate to minimise
errors in the displayed vessel track.
Note It is recommended that heading data be provided by a survey grade
gyrocompass capable of 10Hz serial data output such as the TSS Meridian.

Flux gate compasses with serial outputs or other magnetic electronic devices can be used
for more cost sensitive installations if magnetic anomalies (such as steel hulled vessels) are
avoided and the local deviation from true North is known. Either will connect directly to
the GeoSwath giving real time heading correction.

Tidal Corrections
Tidal range varies depending upon which part of the world survey operations are carried
out and can vary from close to 0m (Caspian Sea) to over 14m (Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia).
Since the duration of a survey can be from hours to days, weeks, or even months, survey
lines will need to be corrected for tidal variation to some datum.
Tidal correction can come from two sources: predicted tides or from in-situ tide gauges.
Predicted tides are generally good but tidal data may only be available for a standard port
that is some distance from the survey area, which will result in a time difference and
depth error of unknown magnitude. Also predicted tides cannot account for tidal surges
due to weather. In channels or harbour environments these errors can be significant.
Note Direct measurement of the actual tides on site is recommended.

Tide files can be retrieved from the tide gauge using one of the available serial ports on the
GeoSwath deck unit, or imported from disk.
Errors in tidal correction or no tidal correction will result in a step change between
adjacent lines and curving of normally straight contour lines, especially on a flat seabed.

The absolute position (in terms of latitude and longitude, or eastings and northings) of the
vessel must be known and this is most commonly provided by a Global Positioning
System (GPS).
Note A survey quality DGPS should be used with a serial NMEA string update
rate of at least 1Hz.

Differential GPS (DGPS) is the most widely accepted form of navigation used in survey
work at present. In general, the accuracy of DGPS is around 1m. The effect of the small
error in DGPS is that any given data point will only be correctly positioned in the
horizontal plane within a 2m diameter circle. This should be taken into account when
choosing bin sizes during data processing.

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System Description

Occasionally during the course of a survey the accuracy of the DGPS data may change.
This can introduce random but small navigational errors. Most navigation systems give a
quality factor that should be monitored and any necessary action taken.
To increase the positional (x, y) accuracy from 2 m to tens of cm then RTK GPS can be
used, which gives the added benefit of allowing absolute height (z) to be extracted to
decimetric accuracy. If the real update rate of the RTK system is high enough (20 Hz or
better) then this gives not only local tide, but also the possibility of direct heave and vessel
squat compensation. However this means that an RTK base station must be set up and the
RF range limitations of this station must be considered when planning surveys.

Speed of Sound Correction

The speed of sound in water can vary, with a value usually somewhere between 1400ms-1
and 1550ms-1. This variation is largely due to changes in temperature and salinity of the
water. It is not always constant through the water column and may vary by tens of metres
per second.
As the GeoSwath Plus system is a wide swath system and is intended for shallow water
use, so path length differences and refraction of sound (ray bending) can lead to
significant errors in the outer parts of the swaths if the sound speed profile is not
measured and its effect is not compensated.
In harbour environments where there are mixes of fresh and salt water which change with
tide and weather, as well as short term daily variations due to solar heating and longer
term seasonal changes, then the sound velocity profile must be measured frequently as it
can vary dramatically with both time and position.
The sound velocity profile (SVP) is most commonly measured using a direct velocity
reading instrument.
Note It is recommended that a self-powered and contained unit such as the
Valeport Monitor SVP or AML Oceanographic SV Plus v2 is used for
sound velocity profile measurements.

These sensors can be configured to automatically log a depth against velocity file when
lowered into the water on a rope. This file is then read directly into a GeoSwath serial
port upon recovery, or transferred from a laptop via disk or network connection.

Single beam echosounder

Kongsberg GeoAcoustics can supply a single beam echosounder, which is integrated with
the GeoSwath Plus system. The purpose of this echosounder is to:
 Give a quality control check for the GeoSwath data, as the echosounder is third
party and the independent results are stored in the GS+ raw data files allowing
relative comparisons to be made directly and on line. The echosounder can easily
be calibrated allowing an absolute accuracy check of the along track bathymetry

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
System Description

 The echosounder free runs and therefore gives much higher along track data
density directly under the vessel than is possible with a swath bathymetry system,
which must transmit at a repetition rate allowing for the two way return time from
the maximum swath range. The echosounder files can be gridded with the swath
files, improving the data density directly under the vessel, where the time series
bathymetry samples are least dense.
Thus a complete installation should include not only a GeoSwath Plus system,
transducers, cabling and mount, but an integrated attitude sensor, echosounder, GPS
system, compass, tide gauge and sound velocity profiler as well.
Kongsberg GeoAcoustics provide a complete or part kit of recommended peripherals that
have been selected on a cost, reliability and performance basis. This does not exclude the
user from using other equipment, but the specification and ease of interfacing should be
considered. If there is any uncertainty then Kongsberg GeoAcoustics should be contacted,
as we have successfully interfaced many different peripherals and sensors with GeoSwath.

Above: Typical 250 kHz V-plate assembly fitted with echosounder and mini-SVS

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Installing GS+

4. Installing GS+
To install GS+ please follow the chart below and the related procedures detailed in this

Installing Yes
GS+ for the
first time?


or Processing


Instacal No
older than


1. Uninstall Instacal.
2. Install version 6.01.
3. Check board #.

Un-install all GS+


Install GS+

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Installing GS+

4.1. Instacal Version Check

Important notice for all customers with GeoSwath Plus Acquisition systems.
Please check the current version of Instacal installed on your system (see below).
If an update is required it can be found in the directory bin \ 3rd party \ Instacal
supplied with the GS+ software.

Start Instacal and check the current version installed by selecting Help About Instacal .

4.1.1. Uninstalling Instacal

Please ensure that Instacal version 6.01 is installed (when using GS+ 3.60 or newer). If
your system currently has an older version installed, please un-install Instacal as follows.
1) Open the Control Panel and choose Add or Remove Programs . From the list of
currently installed programs locate InstaCal for Windows and click on
Uninstall . When prompted to uninstall the application click Yes .

2) After uninstalling please restart the system.

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Installing GS+

4.1.2. Installing Instacal Version 6.01

Run the Instacal executable located in the 3rd Party installers directory supplied with the
GS+ software:

1) When the WinZip dialogue appears click OK .

2) Click Setup .

3) Click Next .

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Installing GS+

4) Once more click Next .

5) Click Install .

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Installing GS+

6) If running Windows 7 then you may be asked if you would like to install the device
software: tick the Always trust box then click Install .

7) Once the Installation is complete click Finish .

8) Click Yes to restart the GeoSwath system.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Installing GS+

GeoSwath Deck Unit Customers

Once the system has restarted open Instacal. Deck unit users may observe a PnP Board
Detection dialogue. If so click OK and then proceed to the Instacal Board # Check.

GeoSwath AUV, ROV and GS Compact Systems

For these systems it may be necessary to manually add the DIO card (only if one is not
listed in the PC104 Expansion bus board list). If a card is already installed then proceed to
the Instacal Board # Check.
 To add a card, begin by clicking on the Add Board button.
 From the Board Selection List window click on the PC104 tab.
 From the list of DIO boards choose PC104-DIO48.
 Choose the desired board number depending on your system and the mode you are
using (see Instacal Board # Check).
 Finally click Add .

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Installing GS+

4.1.3. Instacal Board # Check

After updating Instacal on acquisition systems please check that the DIO board number
has been set correctly as shown in the table below.

Serial Number
System Type DIO Board Number
GeoSwath Plus deck unit 101 to 299 0
GeoSwath Plus deck unit 301 to 600 2
GeoSwath AUV/ROV All Sno s 1
GeoSwath Plus Compact
All Sno s 2
(data logger mode data saved on GS Compact deck unit)

GeoSwath Plus Compact

All Sno s 1
(remote mode data broadcast and saved to a Laptop)

If the DIO board number needs to be changed, R on the board and choose Change
Board # .

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Installing GS+

Use the pull down menu to select the appropriate board number then click OK .

4.2. Uninstalling GS+

The GS+ software can be un-installed via Control Panel Add or Remove Programs (or
Programs and Features in Windows 7). Depending on the current version of GS+
installed there may be several GS+ components that should be removed (see footnote1).
For each component choose Uninstall to remove from the system.

1When un-installing GS+ software versions 3.17z through to 3.19f all associated files are removed from the
system (i.e. documentation, help files, maps and demo data). In GS+ version 3.50 and newer these
associated files have their own un-installers.

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Installing GS+

4.3. Running GS+ on Windows® 7


Turning off UAC (Windows® 7)

1. From Control Panel click on User Accounts .
2. Click on Change User Account Control Settings , again press Continue when

3. In the User Account Control Settings window move the slider down to Never
notify , then click OK .

When prompted to allow Windows to make changes click Yes then restart.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Installing GS+

4.4. Install Configurations

There are four choices of install configuration as outlined below:

ROV/AUV /Compact



GS+   
Data Converter  
Additional Language Files  
Demo Data  
Map data Files  
Documentation Files  
Help Files  
Adobe Reader  
UltraVNC  

General Install Configuration

This is the common install configuration for users who own a GS+ processing license, a
GeoSwath deck unit or a GS Compact in data logger mode. It is also suitable for those
who wish to try the software in demonstration mode2.
Note Adobe Reader will be installed by default. Please de-select this option if
already installed.

ROV/AUV/Compact Surface Install Configuration

With this configuration UltraVNC is also installed. Choose this configuration when
installing GS+ on a laptop for remote control of an ROV or GS Compact over Ethernet.
Note When using a GS Remote enabled dongle it is normal to receive a DIO
Board Error in the GS+ Log window running on the laptop and should not
be interpreted as a problem linked to the ROV or GS Compact system.

2GS+ will run without a dongle but only if the GS+ demo data is installed. Only the supplied demo dataset
can be used in this mode.

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Installing GS+

ROV/AUV/Compact Subsea Install Configuration

This is a smaller installation suitable for ROV/AUV bottle and GS Compact systems.
Note UltraVNC will be installed by default when choosing ROV/AUV/Compact
Subsea Installation; please de-select if a version of UltraVNC is already

Custom Install Configuration

This is a user selectable choice of components to install.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Installing GS+

4.5. GS+ Install Procedure

1. If installing on a laptop for processing or remote acquisition please plug the GS+
dongle into a spare USB port on the computer.
2. Insert the USB flash drive (or GS+ Software CD) into your computer. After a few
seconds the Kongsberg GeoAcoustics installer welcome page should appear. If not
then manually open the file index.htm which you will find in the route of the drive.

Note The documentation can be viewed (PDF format) by clicking on the

appropriate hyperlinks. The PDF documents are also installed along with
start menu shortcuts whenever the documentation is selected for install.

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Installing GS+

3. Under the heading of Software click on the Install GS+ button. After a short while
the installer setup page will appear. Click Next .

4. Read the software license agreement. Accept the terms of the license then click Next .

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Installing GS+

5. Choose the components to install either by choosing one of the predefined installations
from the menu or by selecting the components manually. Click Next once selections
have been made.

6. Desktop and Quick Launch icons can be created by default. Make selections and click
Next .

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Installing GS+

7. Click Install for the installation to proceed.

8. Once the installation process has completed click on Finish .

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Installing GS+

When installing GS+ for the first time Windows® may detect new hardware when
connecting the USB processing dongle to your computer. If prompted to let Windows
connect to Windows Update to search for software select No, not this time then click
Next .

Let Windows® search for the driver by selecting Install the software automatically .

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Installing GS+

Once installed a green LED should illuminate on the Dongle3.

GS+ can then be started by double clicking on the desktop shortcut.

3The dongle will be visible on processing and remote systems only. For AUV, ROV, GS Compacts and deck
unit systems the dongle is hidden from view.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Installing GS+

4.6. GS+ Patch Updates

GS+ patch updates are issued to re-enable expired dongles (GS+ Patch Setup.exe), to add
additional licenses or to change the Licensed to name (GS Security Setup.exe).
Patch updates may be supplied along with the main installer or separately either on CD,
USB thumb drive or via ftp download. The installer welcome page can be accessed by
opening the file index.htm .
Note Wherever supplied please ensure that the patch updates are installed after
the installation of the main GS+ application.

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Installing GS+

Installing GS+ Patch Updates

The following procedure is the same for both GS+ Patch and GS+ Security updates. On
the installer welcome page click on each update button shortcut to begin the install
1. The Install Setup Wizard will appear. Click Next .

2. Read the software license agreement. Accept the terms of the license then click Next .

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Installing GS+

3. Click the Install button to proceed with the installation.

4. Click Finish to complete the GS+ patch update.

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Installing GS+

4.7. Network Dongle Configuration

Network processing licences may be purchased that will enable multiple users to access
the GS+ software whilst only one dongle is attached to a designated server machine .
Please contact Kongsberg GeoAcoustics for more information.
To configure the network follow these steps:
1. Choose a PC to act as the designated server; this can be any machine on the network.
2. Plug the USB dongle into the designated servers USB port.
3. Install the dongle drivers by running the application setupdrv.exe .
4. Place the program ddnet.exe into the start-up folder on the server.
5. On the server create a new folder (e.g. c:\GeoSwath_Network_Share) then share this
folder so that it can be seen by all proposed GeoSwath users on the network. Give the
shared folder a share name, e.g. dinkey.
Important: This shared folder must have full read/write/delete permissions which can be setup by
entering the advanced security settings for the share.
Create a file called GeoSwath.ini which has the following contents e.g.-

In the example above severmachine is the name of the machine as identified on the network and dinkey is
the share name as created in step 5, (not the folder name).
6. Place the file GeoSwath.ini into the Windows® directory of every machine on the
network intended to run GeoSwath (including the server machine).
7. Install the GeoSwath software onto every machine intended to run GeoSwath.
8. Restart the server machine. When ddnet.exe runs for the first time (i.e. on start-up) it
will ask for a DinkeyNet path. This needs to be the path of the share, an example
would be:-
Where SERVERMACHINE is the name of a machine with the dongle attached and
DINKEY is the share name (not folder name) of a shared folder.
A file ddnet.ini will automatically be created and placed in the Windows® folder, its
contents are:-
Note: When using a networked dongle each copy of GS+ running represents 1 network use .

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
An Overview of GS+

5. An Overview of GS+
Start GS+ by double left mouse clicking (2L) on the desktop icon:-

The GS+ Graphical User Interface (GUI, sometimes called the desktop) will appear and the
last project will load with the screen laid out as when it was last used.

Survey Manager
The Survey Manager shows the entire folder structure of the current project including all
settings, raw and processed files. All file operations are performed within the Survey

Display Toolbar
All data display windows are opened from this toolbar.

View Toolbar
View manipulation functions are accessed from this toolbar.

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An Overview of GS+

Display Area
All data display windows are shown in this area.

Status Toolbar
This toolbar selects which status window is shown in the status area.

Status Area
The System Status windows are shown in this area. The default status area window
displayed when starting GS+ is the Log window.

The log window initially displays the current GS+ software version, registered user,
Windows® Time Zone, system type, system frequency and project currently open.

Control Toolbar
This toolbar selects which control window is shown in the control area.

Control Area
The System Control windows are shown in this area.

5.1. Project Version Control

GS+ differentiates between projects created in previous software versions.
When a project file is opened the version in the file is compared to the current version, if
the project file version is older or missing (e.g. all projects created prior to release 3.17)
then a message box appears asking if the project should be rebuilt.
When a project is rebuilt all settings and file selections are reset to defaults, a warning
about this is given. If the rebuild project option is not chosen the project is loaded as
In both cases the project file is saved with a new project file version hence you will only be
prompted the first time you open each project. The project version number will be
updated whenever changes are made to the project file settings in future releases of GS+.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
An Overview of GS+

Project Structure
GS+ projects are normally saved on the local hard disk drive (typically in
C:\GS+\Projects). Each project will consist of a main directory and associated *.pof file
both of which will have the same name. The main directory contains several other folders
(see below).

The *.pof file contains links to all the data files within the main project directory. If any
files are moved or deleted from the project using Windows Explorer the links will be
To maintain the project structure always move, copy or delete files from within the
GS+ application itself (not using Windows Explorer).

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An Overview of GS+

If files have mistakenly been moved or deleted using Windows Explorer then the project
structure can be restored by performing a Repair Project operation in GS+. Similarly if
the *.pof file itself has been deleted then a new one can be created in Windows by creating
a new empty text file named filename.pof (where filename is the same name as the main
project directory). When the project is opened in GS+ the structure of the *.pof will
automatically be re-populated.

5.2. Title Bar and File Menu

The current project is displayed in the GS+ title bar. The name of the current project is
also displayed in the Status Log window.

File New Project

A new project will be created in the current GS+ project folder. An empty folder structure
will be created and all project settings will return to their default condition.

File Import Project

One or more files may be imported from one or more existing projects. The read only
attribute can be set when importing files/projects direct from CD. Read only attribute
prevents GS+ from changing files and can result in unstable behaviour.
Before importing files or opening projects from CD/DVD please copy the selected
files to your local hard drive first and then clear the Read Only attribute.

File Open Project

A standard Windows® open file dialogue box is used to select the project file (extension
pof ). The current project is saved prior to opening the selected project.

File Save Project

The current project will be saved.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
An Overview of GS+

File Save Project As

Save Project As is the best way to create a new project from an old project while
including all configuration files previously created.
The current project can be saved under a new name using the Save Project As option.
From the File menu choose Save Project As then enter a name for the project to be saved.
The Import File Selection window will appear allowing you to choose the files to be
saved in the new project. To simply copy all files across click on Select All then OK .

File Reload Project

This reloads the current project (without saving first) clearing everything back to the initial
start-up state. This can be used if you see memory allocation errors in the status log.

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An Overview of GS+

File Backup Project

Enables the user to backup the project (or specific files within the project) currently in use.
Projects can be backed up to a local or networked drive and can also be split for future
writing to CD/DVD using the Span Disks option.

File Delete Project

The current project will be deleted. All files and folder structures will be deleted from the

File Quick Start

When the Quick Start option is enabled the project will load with all raw, grid and
mosaic files de-selected to speed up the project load time.

File Rescue Project

Every minute GS+ auto saves the currently open project and saves an additional copy to a
new folder (Rescue Projects) under the Projects folder. The file extension for rescue
projects is *.rpf. The last autosave project is named projectname.rpf, in addition all previous
autosaved rescue project files are stored in the Rescue Projects folder with time/date
referenced filenames as follows:-
Projectname (yymmddhhmmss).rpf

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
An Overview of GS+

The Rescue Project function loads the last rescue project file for the current project from
the Rescue Projects folder. If it is necessary to load a previous project then this can be
done from the Open Project function by selecting the Rescue Project File type in the file
section dialogue. Please note that in either case the main project file is overwritten.
Note *.rpf files are exactly the same format as *.pof and can be manually copied
and renamed from the rescue projects folder if required.

Recommended Use: If problems are apparent in a project then this function should be
used first prior to using either the Repair Project or Rebuild Project functions.

File Repair Project

The Repair Project function works on a two-pass basis as follows:-
1. All entries in the Survey Manager are checked to see if they refer to an existing file
on the hard drive, if they do not then they are removed from the Survey Manager.
2. All file type folders on the hard drive within the project structure are scanned for
valid file types. Any that are found are checked against the Survey Manager entries.
If they are not found in the Survey Manager entries then they are added.
This function does not reset the project settings or the file selections in the Survey
Manager. This function should be used in preference to the Rebuild Project function (see
Recommended Use: Repair Project should be used if files are manually re-arranged or
added to the project structure on the hard drive, (do not use the Rebuild project function
for this purpose).

File Rebuild Project

Rebuild clears all settings, files and file selections in the project and then rebuilds the
Survey Manager contents to match the files on the hard drive.
Recommended use: There are very few situations where Rebuild Project should be used
as it will reset all settings and de-select all files. This function should be considered as a
last resort if continual problems are found with a project file.
Note Repair and Rebuild project will not recreate the basic folder structure under
Survey Manager. All the basic folders need to be present in the project
directory for GS+ to function correctly.

File Setup Wizard

The setup wizard can be used to assist with entering survey settings and import of
external data.

File Generate Audit

Generates a set of HTML Audit Files for the entire project.

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An Overview of GS+

File Connect Send Navigation Data

When enabled GS+ will send Navigation Data packets over the local area network.
Another computer running GS+ on the same network may be used to display the
navigation data or as a helmsman s display.
A GS+ Navigation4 license can be purchased from Kongsberg GeoAcoustics which runs
GS+ with reduced functionality. The navigation only limitation of the software is
switched through the dongle. In this mode you can use a Laptop/PC as a helmsman s
display to show the vessels position relative to the planned survey lines.

4See GS+ Navigation A Quick Start Guide (document number GS00-6102) for further details on sending
and receiving Navigation data in GS+.

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An Overview of GS+

Above: GS+ Navigation in use

File Connect Send Raw Data

When Send Raw Data is enabled Raw Data File packets are sent by GS+ over the local
area network. Typically used when interfacing to other 3rd party software such as QINSy
or HYSWEEP®. Raw data can also be broadcast to a 2nd copy of GS+ running on another

File Connect Receive

GS+ will receive Raw Data File packets from the local area network. GS+ can control the
sending copy of GS+. Received data may be logged on the local machine.

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An Overview of GS+

File Connect Frequency: Auto/ 125 kHz/ 250 kHz/ 500 kHz
Automatic and manual override system Frequency settings5, (default Auto ). When
sending Navigation or Raw data (e.g. from a deck unit, Compact or ROV system) you
should leave the frequency set to Auto. On the receiving end (laptop/PC) the correct
manual override Frequency should be set in GS+.

File Geodetic Conversion Parameters

The geodetic conversion parameters used when converting latitude/longitude data into
eastings/northings (XY) in GS+.

File Options
Brings up the Options window from which various settings can be made to change the
software operation and appearance.

File Exit
Closes GS+, the current project is saved. While GS+ is logging raw data or busy with
background tasks it is not possible to exit. It is also not possible to exit from GS+ while
one of the peripheral data editors is open.

5 Note that the frequency settings are repeated in the GS+ Processing Options page. Setting the Frequency
from the File Connect menu or Processing Options page will have the same effect.

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An Overview of GS+

5.3. Window Menu Options

Window Survey Manager

Toggles the Survey Manager on (default) or off.

Window Status & Control

Toggles the Status and Control displays (both on by default).

Window Touch Panel Controls

Toggles the Touch Panel Controls6 which when enabled appear in the display area
(default off).

Window Show Verbose Log

Toggles the display of the Verbose log (default off).
Always turn the Verbose Log off whilst logging raw data

Window Arrange
The Arrange button automatically fits open data windows to the GS+ display area.

Window Auto Arrange

Automatically arranges the data display windows within the display area when new
display windows are opened/closed and when the display area changes size.

6 Note that the touch panel controls should only be used in situations where using a mouse is not practical
(e.g. GeoSwath on a jet ski)

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An Overview of GS+

Window Auto Select Settings

This enables you to choose which display windows will automatically open upon entering
each GS+ module. The defaults are shown below. Looking at the top row for example
you can see that when GS+ is put into Acquisition mode the Depth and Coverage displays
will open.

5.4. Help Menu

Help Online-Help
Opens the online help pages.

Help About
Displays the GS+ software version, release date, dongle registration information and the
current screen resolution. The spinning globe shows locations of all GS+ registered
dongles throughout the world. The globe will stop spinning and a flag will be placed at
the location of the registered dongle in use.

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GS+ Software Settings

6. GS+ Software Settings

File Options

There are a variety of options available, some with obvious functions, some more subtle.
Here we will explain some of the more important options available. It is worth having a
quick look through all the options that can be found in the Options window often if the
option you want is not available from the display you are viewing in GS+, it may be
available via Options.

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GS+ Software Settings

6.1. Workspace Options

Default Project Folder

This shows the default folder location where projects will be saved. Note: when opening a
project which is located elsewhere the location of this project becomes the new default
project folder.

Play Completed Sound

When selected GS+ will play a *.wav file on completion of processing a line, creating a
grid, creating a mosaic and generation of an audit trail. You can choose your own
alternate sound by clicking on the Browse button. The selected sound clip can be
previewed by pressing the play button.

Show Globe at Start-up

When selected will display a spinning globe as GS+ loads. The globe shows the locations
of all GeoSwath systems worldwide. The globe will stop at and highlight the location of
the dongle in use.

GS+ provides language support7 and can currently be switched to operate in English,
German or Korean.

Borderless Windows
Data display windows within the display area may be shown with or without borders, the
size and position of display windows cannot be changed when they are borderless.

7For your chosen language to be viewed correctly the operating system must have the appropriate
supplemental language support files installed. Language options will only be available if Additional
Language Files was selected during the installation of GS+.

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GS+ Software Settings

Borderless Acquisition
Resizing displays whilst logging data increases the processor load and is best avoided.
Borderless Acquisition mode prevents resizing to ensure that GS+ acquires at full speed.
If desired the option can be disabled in the Workspace Options window.

Animate Windows
Uses the Windows® animation when displays are opened or closed.

Show Toolbar Text

When ticked this puts text explanations under the graphic buttons in the Display Toolbar,
as shown below.
Show Toolbar Text off

Show Toolbar Text on

Menu Toolbar Exclusive

The main menu toolbar may be shown on its own as in earlier versions of Windows®.

Open Last Project

Allows the user to choose whether or not to load the last project that was in use when GS+
starts. The default is to load the last project but it may be disabled, (in which case GS+
will open no project on start-up).

Autosave Time
GS+ saves automatically the current project every minute. Users have the option to set
this interval to a different value via the Autosave Time option.

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GS+ Software Settings

6.2. Acquisition Options

Output Files
Acquisition Options allow the user to select whether Swath, Swamp and Echosounder files
are generated during acquisition (as well as the Raw Data File). CUBE, GSF and FAU files
can also be generated during acquisition. This can put a large processing load on the
GeoSwath Plus system, especially if filters and SVP corrections are applied. Standard
practice is to create these files in post processing.

Automatic Logging
When enabled this will set GS+ into Automatic logging mode. GS+ will detect when the
user has selected the start position of the current selected line and begin logging data

Water Column Offset

The offset distance from the seabed to the water column filter that will be used during
data collection.

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GS+ Software Settings

Raw File Auto Split

GS+ has a maximum recordable RDF file size of 1GB. A message is displayed at 500MB
recommending that logging continue to a new file, selecting yes will create a
continuation file (filename = linename Cont.n) . Selecting No will stop logging and
Cancel will continue logging to the existing file. When the raw file reaches 1GB logging
is automatically continued to a new file (linename as above) and a message is displayed.
Checking the Raw File Auto Split box lets the user set a user defined8 maximum raw file

1PPS Clock Synchronisation Options

Kongsberg GeoAcoustics recommends using the 1PPS interface to overcome issues related
to GPS latency. Here the user can set the 1PPS mode of synchronisation. The options
available are:-
1. Do not synchronise the clock with PPS Pulse
This is the standard mode when the 1PPS signal is not available, or will not be used.
When processing data the Use GPS Time option should not be selected, and all
timestamps used in processing will be the times of arrival of the data at the GS+. A
navigation latency will need to be found and applied.
2. Synchronise the clock at the start of line with PPS Pulse
In this mode the computer clock is synchronised with the 1PPS reference at the start of
acquisition and at the start of each line (including at the start of every continuation line).
The time stamps within GS+ are synchronised to the 1PPS reference but are then allowed
to drift for the remaining duration of the line.
This mode may be used if there is a requirement to use low update rate external data that
will be merged later using UTC time (e.g. heading, echosounder, telemetry tide gauge
High update rate data (like navigation) will need to be processed as in option 1 above,
because the drift between synchronisations of GS+ time and UTC could be significant,
especially for long survey lines.
3. Synchronise the clock with every PPS Pulse
In this mode the computer clock is synchronised with the 1PPS reference at the receipt of
every 1PPS pulse and its associated string. The time difference is set to zero and the time
parsed from the navigation string is used unmodified (other than time zone corrections).
All time stamps within GS+ are synchronised with the 1PPS reference at all times.
The 1PPS reference should be stable and reliable. This mode should be used where the
navigation latency is known to be variable such as when using a network navigation
system (e.g. Fugro Starfix). It is also recommended when high update rate external data is
to be used (e.g. attitude).

8Note that this user specified limit does not remove the 500MB warning or override the
1GB limit.

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GS+ Software Settings

Truncate ZDA Seconds

This option should be enabled when the GPS receiver is known to occasionally output
ZDA strings with times that differ from the occurrence of the PPS Pulse by a few
milliseconds, (e.g. Leica RTK systems). For GPS receivers that out put the pulse at the
time as seen in the ZDA string then this option need not be enabled.

Max Sync
The max synch setting is a gate window (default 20ms). This is the maximum change that
the system will apply to the GS+ clock to synchronise with UTC. Typically this is much
greater than the expected relative drift of the clocks from second to second. This is mainly
used to detect noise or other problems on the 1PPS logic line, where random triggers
might otherwise cause random re-sets of the GS+ time. If the correction is greater than the
Max Synch then a warning window will be seen. If this appears regularly then the 1PPS
signal should be checked (see troubleshooting section at the end of this manual).

1PPS Timeout
This resets the PPS pulse polling if a time-synch string is not received within the time
period of the value entered.

Data Port and Control Port

By default GS+ broadcasts on port 5001 and listens on port 5002. If necessary you can set
an alternative port number. Please ensure the 3rd party software is also changed
accordingly when choosing to broadcast on an alternative port.

6.3. Processing Options

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GS+ Software Settings

Output Files
Here the user selects files to be generated when processing raw data. By default Swath,
Swamp and Echosounder files will be generated. If you want to use different sets of filters
for Swath and Swamp file generation, this is where you select which output file you
generate. Output files are given the name of the raw data file (with different extensions).
During processing when the Flagged RDF option is enabled a new raw data file will be
saved to the Export directory within the current project. The file will be saved as filename
(Flagged).rdf (where filename is the name of the current raw data file selected in the GS+
Survey Manager). A flagged RDF file is post-processed and filtered, but is not corrected
(from tide, SVP, calibration, vessel settings, etc.).
Water-column flags from acquisition, acquisition filters (group and bottom filters) used in
post-processing and processing filters (amplitude, limits, across-track, along-track and cell
filters) flag the data. This option is recommended for 3rd party processing of data already
acquired but not broadcast.
CUBE, GSF and FAU files can also be generated whilst processing. These are saved to the
Export directory.

File Overwrite
Output files may be assigned a unique filename each time a raw data file is processed. If
desired GS+ can be set to always ask before overwriting processed (swath) output files.
The default condition is to overwrite the files without asking, the output filename will be
the same as the raw data file in each case.

Ping Delay
A time delay between pings during processing (default is 10ms), this can be used to slow
down the processing rate. This is useful for viewing data in detail or when processing
filters need to be changed continuously during the course of a line.

Minimum SNR
The Minimum SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) option works by rejecting pings with less than
a certain amount of acceptable data. SNR is calculated in real-time for each ping and is
used to reset the across and along track filters when they are not tracking the seabed
properly. When the reset is triggered the filters are disabled for the next five pings, which
are not written to the swath file. However, this data is still displayed in the Depth and
Waterfall windows.
This option is useful for rejecting data over wakes, but care needs to be taken in harbours
close to the walls. Rejection can be turned off by setting Minimum SNR at 0%.
The Minimum SNR trigger operates per side, and is not expected to be higher than 10%.

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GS+ Software Settings

Ignore SVP Heave

When processing with SBET data Ignore SVP Heave should be enabled and the
transducer depth Offset entered (see below).

The depth of the transducers below the water surface (negative offset) should be entered
here when processing raw data files with SBET data.

SVP Heave Window

To speed up processing GS+ populates a lookup table (LUT) for the sound velocity profile
raybending corrections. The lookup table cells are populated as data points fall into the
cells, you can see this happening if you select a SVP file and select 'show LUT' in the depth
display - the cells will turn from red to green as they are populated. The raybending
calculations slow down the processing so the processing ping rate is slow at the start of
line as the LUT is populated.
The raybending corrections depend on the transducer depth; as the vessel heaves the
transducer depth changes. If the change is large enough then GS+ will reset the LUT and
you will see the processing slow down as the LUT is repopulated. The magnitude of the
heave change that triggers a re-calculation of the LUT is set in the 'SVP heave window'
entry box.
In practice this should be used intelligently; if the wave action is big enough to cause large
heave changes then it is likely that the water is well mixed near the surface and the heave
will not make much difference to the raybending. In this case the SVP heave window can
be widened so that the LUT is not re-set too often. However there are circumstances
where this is not appropriate (i.e. a large thermocline or halocline well below the wave
affected zone). Here the LUT will need to be re-calculated as the vessel heaves, and there
will be a penalty in slower processing of the data.

Undo Watercolumn
Removes the effect of the watercolumn filter if used during acquisition.

Write All Points

When selected the processed swath files will contain all data points from the raw data file.
Instead of being filtered, the points are flagged. This option must be enabled to allow re-
processing of swath files.

Show Acq. Ping Rate

Shows the ping rate attained during data acquisition in the Status display area rather than
the processing ping rate.

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GS+ Software Settings

Use GPS Time

Use GPS time is a global setting for the entire project. When selected a message box will
ask if you wish to re-extract the navigation data for all raw data files. If the 1PPS interface
was not present when recording the raw data then GS+ will use the local time stamp as
normal for processing.
To avoid time mismatches between the logged GS+ raw data and peripheral files
such as tide, Sound Velocity Profiles, SBET etc, it is strongly recommended that
you work in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). On the GeoSwath deck unit please
set the time zone to (UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik which does not have the option to
apply daylight saving changes.

Invert Nav Height

When using the RTK navigation height to generate a tide file it may be necessary to invert
the value depending on the convention in use (default is Invert Nav height enabled)

Nav Z LR
Sets the learn rate (LR) for the navigation height filter. This learn rate is used in two
situations: in real-time processing for computing the navigation height (nav Z) as tide or
when exporting the height to a tide file.
Real-time computation of navigation height as tide
The software finds the interpolated navigation height used for the current ping time.
The navigation is filtered using a learning filter as follows: (old x (1 LR)) + (new x LR).
LR is a percentage: 0% never change, 100% use new value only.

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Post Processing: exporting navigation height as a tide file

There is a maximum of one navigation height sample every 10 seconds. The value is
derived from the mean of samples within a window.
The window width is defined by the LR value: window = 1 + ((1 LR) x 100)
LR defines the window width: 0% gives best smoothing, 100% gives lowest smoothing.

Peripheral Time Offset

This setting is to be used when processing with SBET data if the deck units time was set to
a time zone other than UTC during data acquisition. Using the Peripheral Time Offset the
SBET data can be shifted by the value entered (in seconds) to match the logged RDF, (see
later chapter on processing with SBET ).
e.g. if the rdf and SBET data were logged at 10am UTC but the time zone was set such that
the deck unit local time was UTC +5hrs then the required sign for the offset is +ve. In this
example the value to be entered in the Peripheral Time Offset box would be 18000 (i.e. the
SBET time will be shifted forward 5hrs to match the time of the rdf).

Pressure Filter Window

This setting is for an averaging filter which can be used to smooth the data from the
pressure sensor.

Ignore Pressure
Allows the ROV/AUV GeoSwath to ignore the pressure depth.; useful if the depth is
calculated externally and sent to GS+ in the navigation string.

Additional Filters
The following additional filters are available:-

Group & Bottom Track Filters

When the processing option Group & Bottom Track Filters is enabled during acquisition,
the filtered-out points are flagged. Please note that this option has a different effect than
the Group & Bottom Track filters located on the Control bar, where they discard points
(i.e. filtered-out points are neither logged in the rdf file nor broadcast in the rdf-stream).
When either of these filters is applied during processing, the filtered-out points are flagged
in the processed swath file (SWF) if the option Write all points is enabled. Otherwise
these points are discarded.
Note To preserve the full resolution of Side Scan data it is recommended that
these filters are disabled.

Undo Group/Bottom
When the Group and/or Bottom Track Filters are enabled during acquisition, the logged
RDF files are flagged. These flags may be undone with the processing option Undo
Group/Bottom .

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GS+ Software Settings

The behaviour of these filters is summed-up below:

Where are the filters What is the effect on logged Can it be undone?
enabled? data?
Acquisition tab Discard points No
Processing options Flag points Yes, at the processing stage
with the processing option
Undo Group/Bottom

Cell filter
This filter is essentially a 2-D version of the along track filter. A matrix of cells is created
(similar to the SVP look up table). A cell is defined by horizontal distance and vertical
distance at any point along a single ping. Each cell contains a count of all of the data
points that fall within. The filter rejects (or flags if the option Write All Points is enabled)
data points if less than a threshold number (set by Min Cell Weight) are present within a
Note The Cell filter is particularly good for processing difficult data such as
wrecks, river banks, harbour walls and other vertical structures. When
used with the Amplitude filter this can provide an effective processing

6.4. Side Scan Options

Tools for processing Side Scan data are available on this options page. Many of the
functions can be accessed via R menus from the Side Scan Analogue and Waterfall
displays, (see later chapter on data displays).

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GS+ Software Settings

6.5. Grid/Mosaic Options

Profile Filter
The profile filter does an across track binning of the data either in horizontal range bins
where a mean of depth is generated per bin or in angular bins (beams) where a mean of
slant range is generated per beam. The mean value may be amplitude weighted and a
moving window smoothing filter may be applied.
The filter may be used in two ways, either on existing swath data at the gridding stage or
during processing. The latter would only be used if decimated swath files were needed to
be generated for any reason. The output of the profile filter may be viewed in the
Waterfall displays by pop-up menu options. The Depth display does not show profile
filtered data unless viewing on received PC. The settings for the profile filter may be
found in the grid/mosaic options page.
Note Be aware that after enabling the Profile Filter you must choose at least one
output file format (O/P) for the filter to be applied. If you choose RDF, a
new (reduced) RDF file is created and placed in the Export folder.This filter
produces a clean profile which in many ways resembles the displayed data
of multi-beam systems. It is useful for pre-smoothing of swath data to help
with the retention of clean feature edges.

Mosaic Differencing
See later chapter on GS+ Side Scan Differencing

Allow Negative Co-ords

Some geodetic co-ordinate systems can use negative grid co-ordinates. If negative grid co-
ordinates are expected in the survey area then 'Allow Negative Co-ords' should be

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GS+ Software Settings

6.6. Priority Options

These are for debugging/system set-up only. Please leave on the default settings.

Application Priority
Sets the execution priority of the GS+ process (the application itself) and all threads (sub-
programs that perform background tasks) created by GS+.

Acquisition Priority
During the acquisition of a ping the process and thread priorities are changed to the
chosen settings.

CPU Affinity
Shows which processor GS+ is set to run on. Note that in Acquisition mode it is not

possible to run GS+ on more than one CPU. When Start is enabled GS+ checks and if
necessary overrides the CPU Affinity ensuring it is set correctly.

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6.7. User Options

These set up the User and Company Name for use during Audit file generation.

6.8. Display Options

Pixel Size
This sets the size of the data points in depth view, all data virtual grid views and other
displays. Large pixels can slow the display rendering down considerably.

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GS+ Software Settings

Box Size
Sets the Box size as used for the filters in the depth view while processing.

Fix Size
Sets the size of fixes as displayed in the navigation edit window.
3-D View Angle
Adjusts the view angle for the GridFly display in free view. A larger viewing angle will
result in a lower frame rate.

Default Coastline Resolution

GS+ includes basic coastline files in various resolutions. The default coastline resolution
can be set here. Only installed coastline files will be available for selection.

Bitmap Stretch Mode

Selects the 'bitmap stretch mode' of certain data display windows.
The following options are available:-
Preserves foreground colours in preference to background
colour, poor quality but fast.
Preserves background colour in preference to foreground
colours, poor quality but fast.
Merges foreground and background colours, default
HALFTONE Averages foreground colours, (highest quality but slowest).

The units of GS+ can be set either to Metres or US Survey feet. The units setting may be
switched9 in several other places such as popup menus from display windows or by the
little suffix buttons that have been added to some dialogue boxes.
There is a difference between International and US Survey feet
1m = 3.280 839 895 013 12 International feet
1m = 3.280 833 333 333 34 US survey feet
 All displays have labels displayed in either metres or survey feet without any
change to scales etc. Some cursor options may not switch but most are included.
 All control dialogue display in metres or survey feet except for the colour contour
levels which remain metric.
 All status dialogue and displays show in metres or survey feet, including
measurements and flags.

9Note that this switch is global regardless of which control is used to set it. Please also note that all internal
and stored data remains entirely metric.

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GS+ Software Settings

 Vessel editor control dialogue and display can be shown in metres or survey feet.
Offsets may be entered in survey feet, drawing resolution remains metric.
 Calibration offset editor control dialogue and display can be shown in metres or
survey feet. Offsets may be entered in survey feet.
 Tide may be imported as metres or survey feet.
 SVP may be imported as metres or survey feet.
 Input of navigation from user defined strings containing easting/northing must be
in metres only, lat/lon navigation data is unaffected.
 Existing options for exporting grids and swaths etc. as ASCII xyz files remain
unchanged, i.e. metres or survey feet.

3-D Track
When enabled the corrected height (z) for each navigation fix in the raw data files will be
extracted during processing. Once a Grid has been created the track plot can be overlaid
in 3-D by choosing Show Track from the GridFly R menu.

Above: 3-D track plot with data gathered using the Gavia AUV.

Clicking on the Font button enables you to choose a font to be used in the data displays.

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GS+ Software Settings

6.9. History Options

Coverage History
The Coverage display uses two types of history. The available settings apply to both
Coverage and Temporary Grid displays. GS+ generates an internal bitmap covering an
area of up to 3km x 3km which is reset and re-centred when the edge of the current bitmap
is reached.
The coverage history can only be saved if the Coverage display is open and Write
Enable selected prior to survey/processing. Always stop transmitting before
saving the coverage history.

Write Enable
If write enable is ticked then the position, depth, greyscale and side for each 1m bin of the
bitmap is stored to an external history file.

Show Enable
If show enable is ticked then the history file is read and plotted into the bitmap each time
it is re-centred (this operation maybe slow).

Clear On Exit
The Clear On Exit option deletes the history file when GS+ exits. This is recommended if
large history files have been generated during an acquisition or processing session.

Recommended History Settings

Kongsberg GeoAcoustics recommends running using the defaults, i.e. Show
Enable / Write Enable off and Clear on Exit set to on.

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If however you want to have the option of saving the coverage history over large areas
then it is recommended running with Write Enable on but Show enable off. The full
coverage can then be viewed at the end of each line.

6.10. Warnings Options

These settings turn on warnings for various (possibly unintended) file and window
actions. If you do intend to do these actions regularly (for example you may be deleting
files while tidying up a project) you can turn off the confirmation dialogues.
Inexperienced users should leave these enabled.

Confirm Delete Files

When selected a message box will ask for confirmation when deleting files.

Exit Editor Open Warning

If any of the data editors are open it is not possible to exit GS+, when selected a warning
message box will be displayed.

Exit While Logging Warning

It is not possible to exit GS+ while logging a file in acquisition. When selected a warning
message box will be displayed.

Exit While Busy Warning

While GS+ is busy with a background operation such as gridding, audit file generation etc.
it is not possible to exit GS+. When selected a warning message box will be displayed.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
GS+ Software Settings

MRU Status Logging Warning

It is unwise to log data during acquisition if the motion reference unit is not fully aided
and settled. When selected a message will be displayed warning of the motion reference
unit s current status before logging starts.

Recommended File Size Warning

When enabled a message is displayed after gathering 500MB of raw data recommending
that logging continues to a new file.

PPS Pulse Fault Warning

This warning message will appear if the PPS pulse is not seen for more than five seconds.
It indicates a problem with the 1PPS signal from the GPS receiver.

PPS Synch Maximum Exceeded Warning

This warning message indicates that the 1PPS signal was received, but was outside the
gate set by the Max Synch. This can indicate that there is electrical noise being picked up
by the 1PPS line.

GS+ will display a warning message if a sensor string drops out. The time taken before
the warning is displayed is set here.

Navigation Status Messages

The navigation status messages in GS+ match the GGA string in v4.00 of the NMEA
standard. If the quality flags in the string being supplied to GS+ do not conform to this
standard then custom messages may be entered via the Navigation Status Messages
After customising the status flag messages the Default button can be used to quickly
return the descriptions back to the v4.00 NMEA GGA standard.
Navigation fixes are rendered in the GS+ navigation editor as per the table below.
Navigation Status
Quality Flag Default GPS Status Message
LED/Fix Colour

Red 0 Fix not available or invalid

Yellow 1 GPS SPS Mode, fix valid

Green 2 Differential GPS, SPS Mode, fix valid

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GS+ Software Settings

Navigation Status
Quality Flag Default GPS Status Message
LED/Fix Colour

Dark Blue 3 GPS PPS Mode, fix valid

RTK. System used in RTK mode with

Light Blue 4
fixed integers

Float RTK. Satellite system used in RTK

Light Blue 5

Light Blue 6 Estimated (dead reckoning) Mode

Light Blue 7 Manual Input Mode

Light Blue 8 Simulator Mode

Navigation Quality Warning

When the Message Box option is selected a popup message window appears every time
the navigation status changes. The message remains on view until the user confirms they
have read the message by clicking OK .

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Data Displays

7. Data Displays
The data displays are available from the Display Toolbar:-

One of each display can be viewed in the display area. The displays can be manually
positioned or automatically opened and/or arranged using the Windows Auto Select
and Auto Arrange options.

7.1. Load & Save Displays

Once the various displays have been opened and arranged to your preference you can
save the setup by clicking the Save Displays icon on the View Toolbar. Display files have
the extension *.dsf . Previously saved display files can be loaded by clicking on the Load
Displays icon.

7.2. Depth
The depth display shows the across track depth profile of the last port and starboard
pings. Optional items (R on depth display) may also be displayed.

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Data Displays

Show LUT
The depth display is showing the look up table (LUT) of the sound velocity profile
currently in use, cells that have had values calculated are coloured green, un-calculated
cells are coloured red.

Show Good Points

The depth display is showing only the points that have passed through all of the currently
enabled filters.

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Data Displays

Show Filtered Points

The depth display shows all data points, filtered points are coloured as red.

Amplitude Coloured Points

When enabled the data in the depth display will be rendered according to the relative
amplitude (yellow for most intense through to dark blue for points with low amplitude).
To show off the amplitude points it is recommended that the depth display background,
line and text colours are changed. Making the data pixels bigger (GS+ display options)
will also help, see example below.

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Data Displays

Save Depth Profile

This function saves the depth profile currently on view (XYZ format). The default save
location for the file is the Export directory within the current project in use.

Window Colours
Enables the user to customise the colours used in the depth display.

Enables the user to set the units to metres or US Survey feet. This is a global switch
affecting all parts of GS+ and not just the depth display, (see earlier paragraph on display

7.3. Coverage
The coverage display shows the area of seabed that has been surveyed; the current vessel
position is also shown. The coverage display can operate in various modes (R on
coverage display):-

When selected the Coverage display will locate and jump to the current vessel position.

Centre Track
The Coverage display will remain static until the vessel moves out of view at which point
the display will jump placing the vessel at the centre of the Coverage display.

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Data Displays

Follow Track
The Coverage display will continually pan and track the vessel keeping the boat
positioned central to the Coverage display.

Track Only
In this mode only the vessel track is shown.

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Data Displays

Monochrome Coverage
In this mode the survey coverage is shown colour coded by port/starboard transducer.

Colour Coverage
In this mode the survey coverage is shown using the currently loaded depth colour

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Data Displays

Side Scan Coverage

In this mode the survey coverage is shown using the currently loaded Side Scan colour

Save History
Enables the user to save the current coverage history. The file will be saved with the
extension *.hif.
The coverage history can only be saved if the coverage display is open and Write
Enable selected prior to survey/processing. Always stop transmitting before
saving the coverage history.

Load History
Enables you to load a previously saved history file.

Clear History
Clears the history from the coverage display.

Show Tide/Show SVP Positions and Show Flags

When any of the above are selected the relative positions for each will be displayed on the
coverage display.

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Data Displays

Colour Scale
When selected the colour scale will be displayed in the right hand side on the coverage
display as pictured below.

Link View
When selected the coverage display view will move in synchronisation when you alter the
view of other displays such as the navigation window.

Enables the user to print the current coverage display view.

Window Colours
Enables the user to customise the colours used in the coverage display.

Enables the user to set the units to metres or US Survey feet. This is a global switch
affecting all parts of GS+ and not just the depth display, (see earlier paragraph on display

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Data Displays

7.4. Waterfall
The Waterfall display shows a vertical scrolling history of depth profiles, colour coded
using the currently loaded depth colour scheme. To show depths correctly the processing
filters need to be applied.

7.5. Analogue
The analogue display shows the amplitude data of the previous port and starboard pings,
the 'first return' for each side is shown as a red line.
Gain levels (yellow lines) are available which can be used to highlight features in the
watercolumn, e.g. fish shoals.

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The yellow lines set the colour scale limits for the range between 0 and the seabed (as
picked in the bottom tracking options). For example: when using the greyscale colour
scheme with white as zero return then the scale from white to black is mapped onto the
return intensity from white at 0% to black at the yellow line.
The R menu options are shown below.

Horizontal Range
Side Scan data will be displayed in correct geo-coded form.

Slant Range
Side Scan data will be displayed in slant range (distorted) form, (see Side Scan waterfall

Slant Range Correction

Although Side Scan data appears to be an image taken directly above the sea bed, in
reality each data point has some lateral or range distortion. For the data to appear true to
form returns from seabed features close to the transducers must be displayed further apart
than returns from distant features. This process is known as slant range correction.
At the same time as performing slant range correction the water column is removed so
that the port and starboard channels are combined into a contiguous image.

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Data Displays

Bottom Tracking
For the slant range correction to work well it is necessary to have good Bottom Tracking.
There are three different methods of Bottom Tracking in GS+. In all cases the red line on
the display shows the depth being used for the corrections.

First Return
Uses the first detected bottom return in the Side Scan amplitude for the bottom tracking
this is best where the first return is hard.
Centre depth
Uses the centre depth(s) from the profile underneath the vessel for the bottom tracking
this can be noisy unless the filters are setup properly.
This uses the echosounder on the transducer head for the bottom tracking usually the
best method unless there is interference from other sensors (i.e. ships echosounder).

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This assumes a uniform seafloor response and uses the range and angle information to
estimate the transducer beam pattern. The Side Scan data is then corrected for this
measured beam pattern. The Normalise function is built up continually (best over a flat,
uniform area).

Locks the current normalise function

Resets the normalise corrections.

Increase/Decrease Points
The law lines are shown in blue and may be adjusted my moving the square control boxes.
The number of points may be increased or decreased via the R menu.

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Data Displays

When selected the Law lines for the Starboard channel will be adjusted to match those on
the Port channel.

When selected the Law lines for the Port channel will be adjusted to match those on the
Starboard channel.

Loss Law
When 'loss law' is enabled the calculated loss law is shown in the analogue display, the
overall level of the law may be adjusted by moving the square control boxes.

7.6. Side Scan

The Side Scan display shows a vertical scrolling history of Side Scan pings, colour coded
using the currently selected Side Scan colour scheme. The Side Scan display can operate in
three modes (R on Side Scan display):-

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Data Displays

Horizontal Range
As all data points have X, Y, Amplitude, the Side Scan waterfall can be displayed in
horizontal range (its correctly geo-coded form). This control also affects the Side Scan
Analogue Display and the SWP file. Horizontal range uses XYZ information so the data
needs to be filtered and Filter Side Scan option enabled (in Side Scan options).

Slant Range
Displays true side-scan (time series of amplitudes), ignoring position (including the water

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Data Displays

Slant Range Correction

Applies slant range correction (removes the water column) using the bottom tracking
method selected to the Side Scan Waterfall display.

Low Pass Filter

Applies a low pass filter to the data giving it a smoothed less grainy appearance.

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Data Displays

Image Filters
Image filters can be applied to either the Side Scan waterfall or mosaic displays. To access
the filter options R on either display and choose Image Filters .

To apply a filter simply L in the box adjacent to the filter and where appropriate adjust
the sliders to increase or decrease the effect.

Note: Applying image filters may reduce the processing speed due to the increased
load on the CPU.

Brightness & Contrast

The left slider changes the image brightness (brightness increased when slider moved to
the right and decreased when moved to the left).
The right slider adjusts the contrast of the displayed waterfall (or mosaic).

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Data Displays

Images that have not been Gamma corrected can sometimes appear bleached or too dark.
This filter corrects for non-linearity in brightness.

Above: Filters off Above: Gamma corrected

Histogram equalisation
This filter modifies the dynamic range and contrast of the Side Scan data making its
intensity histogram have a more uniform distribution (i.e. a flat histogram).
Histogram equalisation accomplishes this by effectively spreading out the most frequent
intensity values.

Above: Filters off Above: Histogram equalised

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Histogram Stretch
This filter attempts to improve the contrast of the waterfall by `stretching' the range of
intensity values to span a greater range of values.
Left slider: percentage of pixels to set to 0 (black)
Right slider: percentage of pixels to set to 255 (white)

Above: Filters off Above: Histogram Stretch enabled

The de-speckle filter smoothes the image by removing grain but without affecting edges.

Above: Filters off Above: de-speckle enabled

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Data Displays

The sharpen filter aims to increase the clarity of the waterfall/mosaic detail. Moving the
adjustment slider to the right increases the filters strength.

Above: Filters off Above: Sharpened waterfall

The blur filter smoothes the image appearance reducing the overall detail.

Above: Filters off Above: Blur filter applied

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Data Displays

Median Cut
The concept behind the median cut filter is to find the 256 shades/colours that best match
the original image using an algorithm which repeatedly subdivides colour space into
smaller and smaller rectangular boxes.

Above: Filters off Above: Median Cut enabled

7.7. Vessel (3-D Attitude)

The 3-D attitude display shows the attitude of the currently loaded vessel.

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Data Displays

R on the 3-D attitude display and further options will appear. You can change the
background to a subsea view which may be desirable when using ROV or AUV GeoSwath
Plus systems.

You can also set the background to be blank.

You can also globally set the units to either metres or US Survey feet using the R menu

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Data Displays

7.8. Attitude Graph

The attitude graph display shows the attitude and heading data for the currently selected
raw data file. During acquisition or processing the current values are marked by a vertical
cursor scrolling horizontally. R on the Attitude Graph and you can globally set the
units to either metres or US Survey feet.

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Data Displays

7.9. Echosounder
The echosounder display shows the echosounder/altimeter data during realtime
acquisition and for the currently selected raw data file when processing. The current
value is marked by a vertical cursor which scrolls horizontally across the display.

Note The graphical display (above) shows the raw value from the echosounder
and is intended to be used to indicate the depth under the transducers
(important when surveying in shallow waters). The Depth Display (below)
is corrected for sound velocity. The depth displayed in the Status area is
corrected for both sound velocity and the transducer draft as entered into
the vessel offsets file. The final echosounder file generated when processing
(and grid produced from it) will be completely compensated for speed of
sound, heave, tide and vessel offsets. This should be used to compare
against the GS+ swath data.

The Echosounder display can be switched to Depth readout via the R popup menu. The
units for GS+ can also be chosen (metres or US Survey feet).

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Data Displays

Above: Speed of Sound corrected Echosounder depth display

Above: The depth in the Status display.

7.10. Mini-SVS
The Mini-SVS display shows the sound velocity sensor data for the currently selected raw
data file. During acquisition or processing the current value is marked by a vertical cursor
scrolling horizontally. The units for GS+ can be set by R on the Mini-SVS window.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Data Displays

7.11. Navigation
The navigation display shows navigation data during acquisition and processing:-

During acquisition the navigation display shows the individual navigation fixes as they
are logged. A maximum number of 10,000 fixes are displayed in the history trail.

The fixes are shown colour coded to the GPS quality indicator in the following way:-
Colour Meaning
Red Bad Fix (will not be used)
Yellow Unaided GPS
Green Differential GPS (default 'good' colour)
Dark Blue RTK GPS (Float)
Light Blue RTK GPS (Fix)

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Data Displays

During processing the navigation display shows all of the selected raw data files to be
processed, the line name is shown at the start of each line. The line currently being
processed is highlighted and the current vessel position is shown.

 Options
The following options are available for the Navigation display.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Data Displays

Centre Track
The Navigation display will remain static until the vessel moves out of view at which
point the display will jump placing the Vessel at the centre of the Navigation display.

Follow Track
The Navigation display will continually pan and track the Vessel keeping the boat
positioned central to the Navigation display.

Line Up
Displays survey run lines vertically onscreen. In this mode a compass is displayed in the
top left of the window, this shows the direction of the current line being surveyed.

Note: Both the line information box and compass are mouse-moveable within the
Navigation window (simply L, hold and drag to re-position).

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North Up
Positions run lines using north as the reference.

Above: Navigation display in North Up mode. The line displayed has a bearing of
approximately 44 degrees.

Show Run Lines

When selected the survey lines will be displayed in the Navigation display. The currently
selected line is highlighted in blue. A helmsman's (offline) indicator is displayed at the
bottom of the Navigation window (see screenshot above). This can be moved within the

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Data Displays

The Export option can be used to export the track of logged RDFs as a GeoTiff. If desired
the GeoTiff can be re-imported as an image base map and overlaid on the Grid10 display
during further survey work.

Show Tide, SVP and Flag Positions

When any of the above are selected the relative positions for each will be displayed in the
Navigation display.

Link View
When selected the Navigation display view will move in synchronisation when the view
of other displays is altered, e.g. if you zoom in on the Coverage display the Navigation
display will also zoom in by the same amount.

Enables you to print the current navigation display view.

Window Colours
Enables you to customise the colours used in the navigation display.

Enables you to set the units to metres or US Survey feet. This is a global switch affecting
all parts of GS+ and not just the depth display.

10Realtime AutoGrid mode must be used for the GeoTiff to be viewed in the Grid display during

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Data Displays

7.12. Grid
The grid display shows the currently loaded grid file using the current depth colour
scheme. For further information on the Grid display (including R options) please refer
to later chapter on Gridding data.

7.13. Mosaic
The mosaic display shows the currently loaded mosaic file using the current Side Scan
colour scheme. For further information on the Mosaic display (including R options)
please refer to later chapter on Gridding data.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Data Displays

7.14. GridFly
The GridFly display shows the currently loaded grid file as a 3-D view.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Survey Manager

8. Survey Manager

8.1. Settings & Offsets

Vessel Settings
The vessel settings folder contains one or more vessel files. The vessel file contains the
dimensions of the vessel in the form of a 3-D graphical representation and along with the
absolute positions (relative to centre of vessel) of the GPS antenna and the transducer
assembly. A vessel file may be edited using the Vessel Editor. The parameters of the
currently selected vessel file are used. Only one vessel file may be selected at a time.

Equipment Settings
The equipment settings folder contains one or more equipment files. The equipment file
contains the serial string type and serial port settings for all GS+ peripheral devices. An
equipment file may be edited by using the Equipment Editor. The parameters of the
currently selected equipment file are used. Only one equipment file may be selected at a

Acquisition Settings
The acquisition settings folder contains one or more acquisition files. The acquisition file
contains the acquisition settings as used in the Acquisition Control. The parameters of the
currently selected acquisition file are used. Only one acquisition file may be selected at a

Filter Settings
The filter settings folder contains one or more filter files. The filter file contains the filter
settings used in the Swath Filters, Grid Filters, Navigation Editor, Attitude Editor,
Heading Editor, Echosounder Editor and Mini-SVS Editor. The parameters of the
currently selected filter are used. Only one filter may be selected at a time.

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Survey Manager

Calibration Offsets
The calibration offsets folder contains one or more calibration offsets files. The calibration
offsets file contains the calibration offsets derived from the Calibrator along with the
transducer, motion reference unit (MRU) and echosounder physical offsets. A calibration
offsets file may be edited with the Calibration Offsets Editor. The parameters of the
currently selected calibration offsets file are used. Only one calibration offsets file may be
selected at a time.

8.2. External Data Files

Tide Files
The Tide Files folder contains one or more tide files. The tide file contains the tide level,
the time stamp and position of the tide station. A tide file may be edited using the Tide
Editor. One or more tide files may be selected. GS+ will use the file which is closest to the
current vessel position (unless linear tide interpolation is enabled).

Linear Tide Interpolation

Linear interpolation between tide stations is also possible. Simply import the two files
then R and select Linear Interpolation

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Use Navigation Height

GS+ can use the height contained in the GPS navigation string to work out the transducer
height relative to the GPS datum. For the calculations GS+ uses both the GPS height and
antenna height (from the vessel offsets file) along with the roll and pitch values to
calculate the sea level. It then uses the transducer depth along with the roll and pitch
values to calculate the transducer depth below the sea level. GS+ can then work out the
transducer height relative to the GPS datum (Geoidal or Ellipsoidal height depending on
the GPS message being used11).
 To use navigation height you need a good RTK GPS set-up where the GPS
height is stable and accurate.
 Be careful to send the correct navigation string so your data is processed to
the right datum.
 Ensure that the antenna height and transducer depth in the vessel offsets are
entered correctly (remember that 0 is the water level).
 Ensure the Nav Z LR filter is used appropriately to smooth the navigation
height and avoid double counting of heave.
 Always check the status of the Invert Navigation height setting in the
Processing Options window (default is invert enabled).
 For best results export the navigation height to a tide file.

During acquisition the height in the GGA/GGK string is stored as nav.z in the rdf file.
This is unchanged from the value in the GPS string unless the projection type is RDNAP
or there is a datum transformation (7 parameter shift).
When use navigation height is selected the height ( z value) in the RTK navigation string
will be used for tide corrections as follows:-
- GS+ gets a navigation sample at the current ping time.
- GS+ performs rotations using antenna and transducer offsets, again to give a series
of heights at the water surface.
- These are passed through a low pass filter using the Nav Z LR (LR = Learn rate*)
value in File Options Processing page, (default value is 1 which is no filtering).
- Values are inverted using the Invert Nav Height setting.
- The final result is used as the tide value.

11 When decoding a GGA navigation string you can choose whether the height is referenced to the mean-sea-
level (geoid, field 9) or the Ellipsoid. For a GGK string the antenna height is with reference to the Ellipsoid
(field 10).

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*the learn rate is essentially the percentage of the new value added to the reciprocal
percentage of the existing value, e.g.:-
NewValue = ((1 LR) x oldValue) + (LR x NewValue)
Note GPS receivers contain internal tables of geoid separation values from which
the height is derived. In reality such tables are not completely accurate as
the separation varies across the earth. It is therefore recommended that the
heights are exported from each RDF, checked and if necessary re-computed
in a 3rd party software package containing geoid models to enable accurate
computation of the mean sea level. The improved tide file can then be re-
imported back into GS+ for final processing of the RDF's.

Preventing double counting of heave

The navigation height will include heave and so requires filtering to ensure it is not double
counted. The 'Nav Z LR' filter is located in the processing options page (see below).

The learn rate filter is the proportion of the new value that is used to update a running nav
height average. A value of 1 means that it only uses the new value whilst 0.1 would mean
it used a tenth. Set the NAV Z LR value depending on the motion sensors heave
bandwidth setting and the GPS update rate (see formula below).
Navigation String Interval (sec onds )
Motion Sensor Heave Bandwidth (sec onds )
For example if the GPS is updating at 2 Hz (0.5s interval) and the heave filter on the
motion sensor is good for about 12 second heave, then the Nav Z LR should be set to
approximately 0.04 or less. This stops the short-period heave being applied by both the
GPS height and the heave sensor. Often a filter of 0.01 is used to smooth out GPS height
noise, although this also suppresses long period swell.

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Note Use Navigation Height can be applied during real-time processing however
due to decimation and improved filtering better results will be attained by
exporting the height to a tide file. In all cases the value stored in the
resultant swath file can be replaced using the re-apply tide function.

When Export Navigation Height 12 is chosen GS+ performs the following:-

- GS+ takes a sample every 10 seconds. The value is derived from a mean of
navigation height samples within a window.
The window width is defined by the LR value, 0% gives best smoothing, 100%
gives lowest smoothing.
Window = 1 + ((1 LR) x 100)
- The attitude value at that time is used to perform rotations using antenna and
transducer offsets to give the height at the water surface.
- The result is inverted and written as a time stamped value to a GS+ tide file. Note
that the exported tide value contains the water surface height relative to the datum.

SVP Files
The SVP Files folder contains one or more sound velocity profiles. The SVP file contains
the depth and velocity samples of the profile along with the time and position of the cast.
An SVP file may be edited with the SVP Editor. GS+ will use which of the currently
selected SVP files is closest to the current position and time. One or more SVP files may be

XYZ Files
The XYZ files folder contains one or more imported ASCII XYZ files. The XYZ file
contains the local grid position (eastings and northings) and depth of one or more
soundings. One or more selected XYZ files may be gridded into the current selected grid.

8.3. GS+ Files

Raw Data Files
The raw data files folder contains one or more raw data files. Raw data files contain the
raw information acquired by the Kongsberg GeoAcoustics GeoSwath Plus and are stored
in the RDF file format, (extension *.rdf). The files may be created during acquisition,
imported from another project, converted from GeoSwath32 raw data files or converted
from XTF data files. One or more selected raw data files may be processed.

12If you use the 'Export Navigation Height' option the sea level is exported into a text file that can be
imported as tide. Previous notes with regards to the vessel offsets and Nav Z LR filters also apply.

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Survey Manager

Swath Files
The swath files folder contains one or more swath files. These are georeferenced, filtered
(x,y,z) data files and are stored in the Kongsberg GeoAcoustics SWF file format (extension
*.swf). The files may be created during swath processing or imported from another
project. One or more selected swath files may be gridded into the current selected grid.

Swamp Files
The swamp files folder contains one or more swamp files. These are (x,y, amplitude) files
and are stored in the Kongsberg GeoAcoustics SWP file format, (extension *.swp). The
files may be created during swamp processing or imported from another project. One or
more selected swamp files may be mosaiced into the current selected mosaic.

Echosounder Files
The echosounder files folder contains one or more echosounder files. These files (x,y,z) are
useful for quality checking data collected using GS+, especially at nadir.
Echosounder files are stored in the ESF file format. The files may be created during swath
processing or imported from another project. One or more selected echosounder files may
be gridded into the current selected grid.

Grid Files
The grid files folder contains one or more grid files. Grid files contain one or more gridded
swath, echosounder or XYZ files. The dimensions of the currently selected grid may be
viewed in the Grid Control. All gridding and grid filters are applied to the currently
selected grid file. Only one grid file may be selected at a time.

Mosaic Files
The mosaic files folder contains one or more mosaic files. Mosaic files contain one or more
mosaiced swamp files. The dimensions of the currently selected mosaic may be viewed in
the Mosaic Parameters. All mosaicing is applied to the currently selected mosaic file.
Only one mosaic file may be selected at a time.

8.4. Basemap Files

DXF Basemap
The Data Exchange Format (DXF) basemaps folder contains one or more DXF basemap
files. DXF is a format for storing vector data in ASCII files which can be imported into
GS+, e.g. maps detailing Port, Harbour or Coastline outlines. The currently selected DXF
basemap file is displayed in the Coverage, Navigation, Grid, Mosaic and GridFly display
windows. Only one DXF basemap file may be selected at a time.

Preparing DXF files for use in GS+

The quickest way to convert complex DXFs is to use Surfer as follows:-

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1. Open Surfer and Click on the Import Basemap button (top right hand side of
2. The DXF Import options window will appear, click OK .
3. If desired de-select any layers which you do not wish to be displayed in the exported
4. From the File menu choose Export .
5. In the Export window change the file type to 'AutoCAD DXF (*.dxf)'. Choose the
destination for the exported file to be saved and type in an appropriate filename.
6. Click 'Save'. In the window that appears select the following:-
Scaling Source: Application
Format: ASCII
File Compatibility: AutoCAD Release 13 (or earlier)
Also ensure the following options are ticked:-
- All lines same color
- All lines same style
- All lines same width

7. Once the above options have been set click 'OK'. The DXF will then be exported. It
can then be drag-and-dropped into GS+. Once selected it will appear in the
Navigation display (click zoom extents if it is not initially displayed).
Note DXF files must be kept simple, i.e. lines and polylines only and preferably
only 2D. The format must be AutoCAD release 13 or earlier and ASCII.
Selecting All Same Style and all lines same colour is also advisable.
GS+ can handle a DXF containing 1,000,000 line segments; however large
files will be slow to draw.

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Coastline files are not loaded every time the geodetics are changed as this could cause
slow operation. In this case the wrong coastline can be displayed for the geodetics being
used. When changing geodetics please turn off the coastline display, set the geodetics as
desired then re-enable the coastline.

Image Basemap
The image basemap folder contains one or more image basemap files. Image basemap
files of the type JPEG, TIFF or BMP may be imported into the project. The currently
selected image basemap file is displayed in the Grid, Mosaic and GridFly display
windows. Only one image basemap file may be selected at a time.

Flag Files
The flag files basemap folder contains one or more flag basemap files. Flag basemap files
may be created using the flag mode of the Measure Status or imported into the project.
The currently selected flag basemap file is displayed in the coverage, navigation, grid,
mosaic, GridFly, waterfall and Side Scan display windows. Only one flag basemap file
may be selected at a time.

Route Definition Files

The route files basemap folder contains one or more route basemap files. Route basemap
files may be created using the route mode of the Profile Status or imported into the project.
The currently selected route basemap file is displayed in the grid and GridFly display
windows. Only one route basemap file may be selected at a time.

8.5. Pop-up Menu Operations

R on a file the popup menu will display the edit
option. Selecting edit will bring up the editor for
the particular file type. File types with editors are:-
Vessel Settings, Equipment Settings, Tide Files, SVP
Files, Calibration Offsets, Raw Data Files and Image

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When you R on a folder or file the popup menu will display the import option.
Selecting import will bring up a standard open file dialogue. File types with the import
option are include Vessel Settings, Equipment Settings, Acquisition Settings, Tide Files,
SVP Files, Calibration Offsets, Raw Data Files, Swath Files, Swamp Files, Echosounder
Files, Grid Files, Mosaic Files, XYZ Files, DXF Basemaps, Image Basemaps, Flag Basemaps
and Route Basemaps.

Create Route
When you R on a raw data file the popup menu
will display the create route option. Selecting
create route will create a route basemap file based
on the navigation data from the selected raw data

Generate Audit
R on a folder or file and the generate audit option will be available in the popup menu.
Selecting generate audit will start the creation of HTML audit files for the selected file or
all files within the selected folder.

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R on a file and the export option will be available in the popup menu. Selecting export
will bring up a standard save file dialogue. File types with the export option are:- Raw
Data Files, Swath Files, Swamp Files, Echosounder Files, Grid Files, Mosaic Files, Flag
Basemaps and Route Basemaps.

R on a deselected file and the popup menu will display the select option. R on a
selected file and the popup menu will display the deselect option.

R on a file and the popup menu will display the cut option. Selecting cut will add the
highlighted files to the clipboard. A subsequent paste operation will delete the
highlighted files from their current location.

R on a file and the copy option will be available in the popup menu. Selecting copy will
add the highlighted files to the clipboard. A subsequent paste operation will make a copy
of the highlighted files, they will not be deleted.

R on a file or folder and the popup menu will display the paste option if there are files in
the clipboard. Selecting paste will copy the contents of the clipboard to the current
location. If files were added to the clipboard using the cut option then the original files
will be deleted.

R on a file or folder and rename option will be available in the popup menu. Selecting
rename will allow the name of the file or folder to be changed, normal Windows® file
name conventions need to be followed.

R on a file or folder and the delete option will be available in the popup menu. Selecting
delete will permanently delete the highlighted files or folders from the project and the
hard drive, deleted files are not added to the Windows® recycle bin.

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New Folder
R on folder and the new folder option will be
available via the popup menu. Selecting
New Folder will create a new folder one level
below the current folder. The folder will have
the name New Folder , if a folder with this
name already exists the name will
automatically increment, New Folder (2) ,
New Folder (3) etc. When created the new
folder's name may be changed using the
rename menu option.

New File
R on a folder and the new file option will be
available via the popup menu. Selecting new
file will create a new file at the level of the
current selected folder. The file will have
name dependant on the file type, e.g. New
Grid . If a file with this name already exists
the name will automatically increment, New
Grid (2) , New Grid (3) etc. When created
the new file's name may be changed using the
rename menu option.

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R on a file and the properties option will be available in the popup menu. Selecting
properties will bring up a properties dialogue box showing information about the selected

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Vessel Editor

9. Vessel Editor
A three dimensional representation of the survey vessel can be drawn using the vessel
editor in GS+. The vessel editor also shows the XYZ position of the GPS antenna and
GeoSwath transducer assembly.

The vessel editor shows four views, XY (plan view), XZ (side view), YZ (end view) and 3-
D view. With each Left click of the mouse in the 3-D window area the orientation of the
view will change as illustrated below.

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The drawing area is represented as 'graph paper'. The grid spacing is set via the 'Drawing
Resolution' drop down window. Polygons can only be drawn to this resolution whilst
box and cylinder sections will have the drawing resolution as their default 'thickness'.

The current units for the offsets are shown by (metres). Clicking on this button will
toggle the units to feet as illustrated below. The drawing resolution remains in metric

Note that the units toggle is a global switch for GS+, i.e. switching to feet will mean that all
other control dialogues/displays and offsets outside of the vessel editor will also now be
in feet. All internal and stored data however remains entirely metric.
Apply will save the values you have entered. Reset will come back to the values from the
last time you pressed Apply.

Draw Polygon
When selected a polygon may be drawn in any of the three view windows (XY, XZ & YZ),
each polygon will have a minimum of three vertices and a maximum of 50.

Box Section
When selected a box section may be drawn in any of the three windows (XY, XZ & YZ),
the dimensions of the box will be as drawn in the chosen view and the thickness will be
the drawing resolution, (e.g. when drawn in the XY view the thickness of the box section
will be the Z dimension).

Cylinder Section
When selected a cylinder section may be drawn in any of the three windows (XY, XZ &
YZ), the dimensions of the cylinder will be as drawn in the chosen view and the thickness
will be the drawing resolution, (e.g. when drawn in the XY view the thickness of the box
section will be the Z dimension).

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When selected a circle may be drawn in any of the three windows (XY, XZ & YZ), the
dimensions of the circle will be as drawn in the chosen view, the circle will have no

When selected individual polygons may be highlighted from the three windows (XY, XZ
& YZ) by a left mouse click, the ctrl key may be used to highlight multiple polygons.

Area Select
When selected multiple polygons may be highlighted within an area.

Colour Chooser
Highlighted polygons may have their colour changed using the standard Windows®
colour chooser.

Move Selected
Highlighted polygons may be moved in any of the three view windows.

Copy Selected
Highlighted polygons may be copied to the clipboard.

Polygons on the clipboard may be pasted to the selected position in any of the three view

Delete Selected
Highlighted polygons may be deleted.

The vessel editor polygons are stored before each operation, selecting the undo button will
revert to the stored polygons; there is only one level of undo.

Flip Horizontal
Highlighted polygons may be 'flipped' in the horizontal plane in any of the three view

Flip Vertical
Highlighted polygons may be 'flipped' in the vertical plane in any of the three view

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Highlighted polygons may be rotated in any of the three view windows.

Antenna Position
The GPS antenna position (or navigation system datum) may be entered numerically as
XYZ values or graphically when this button is selected. The position can only be set
graphically to the drawing resolution.

Transducer Position
The transducer assembly may be entered numerically as XYZ values or graphically when
this button is selected. The position can only be set graphically to the drawing resolution.

Helmsman Position
The 'Vessel Fixed' viewing position in the GridFly window may be set when this button is

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Vessel Editor

9.1. Vessel Centre of Gravity (COG)

The typical motion sensor will only measure changes in heave, with a minimum period of
about 5s depending on the filters used. This is because heave is the second integration of
vertical acceleration. The 'DC' heave can't be measured by a heave sensor - a heave sensor
always settles to zero when stationary for a while. This is fine when the vessel is level
when surveying, so that the transducers are the same distance below the water level as
when the offsets were measured at the quayside, plus or minus the dynamic heave. But
sometimes this is not the case.
What happens if you have a bow mount and the vessel pitches up when at survey speed?
Or if everyone goes to one side of a small vessel to look at the transducers on an over-the-
side mount, and this causes the vessel roll over? This pitch or roll will change the depth of
the transducers by causing a heave, but because it is a slow change the heave sensor will
not pick it up (or will pick an initial change but the reported heave will then settle to zero
over 5 or 10 seconds).

Above: Measured transducer depth at quayside

Above: Slow survey speed, no pitch so Above: Fast survey speed, vessel pitches up
transducer depth is correct. so transducer rises. At speed pitch stays
constant so heave sensor settles to zero
resulting in a data bust.

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The CoG corrections try to compensate for this. They use a long term average of the pitch
and roll, and the lever arms as entered into the vessel offsets file, to work out what change
in transducer depth results from any long-term roll or pitch. For this calculation GS+
assumes that the vessel rotates around the Vessel CoG. For example, if the bow mounted
txds are 5m ahead of the CoG and the vessel pitches up by 5 degrees when at survey
speed, the txds will rise by 44cm. The red lines seen in the pitch and roll plots in the
attitude editor are the averaged values that are used.

Above: Vessel rotates around CoG, so pitch (shown) and roll results in heave

This is fine if the vessel offsets have been measured when the vessel is at the quayside and
at the same time the motion sensor is recording zero pitch and zero roll. This is very
unlikely - a little pitch or roll is inevitable when setting up a temporary mount with the
motion sensor on the head. It is a good idea to adjust the mount and straps to try to get
the pitch and roll near zero when setting up, but a small offset may remain. You should
take a look at the values of pitch and roll when the vessel is quayside and the vessel offsets
are being measured. These values should be entered in the 'Static' roll and pitch in the
CoG section of the vessel offsets editor. Otherwise GS+ will assume that the vessel offsets
were measured when the pitch and roll was zero, and the pitch and roll offsets will result
in an erroneous heave correction being applied to the measured transducer depth.

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Above: Here the mount has a static pitch i.e. the pitch reading is not zero when vessel
pitch is zero because the V-plate is not quite horizontal. The static pitch value needs to be
entered into GS+ (or POS MV), or the software will assume the vessel has pitched and
apply a CoG correction.
Note that some motion sensors (notably the POS MV) have the CoG corrections applied
internally - you will see that the reported heave from a POS often has a DC offset because
of this. If using a motion sensor that allows this then the vessel offsets and static
corrections need to be entered correctly into the motion sensor, and the CoG corrections
should NOT be enabled in GS+. The static corrections in the POS MV are entered in the
'vessel frame to reference frame rotation' section. Correct entry of the static corrections in
the POS can be checked by looking at the reported heave when at quayside - it should be
around zero. The TSS DMS-05 does not have these corrections so they need to be applied
in GS+.
One problem with the CoG corrections is seen when a long-term change happens quickly:
for example if the vessel is quickly accelerated to survey speed at the start of a line. This
will cause a fast change in pitch and thus heave, and the heave measured by the motion
sensor will show the initial change but then will settle to zero. Meanwhile the heave
calculated from the pitch and CoG will rise, but in some cases this can lead to some
'double counting' for a short time and result in heave errors of 10cm-20cm at the start of
each line. One way to help with this is to make sure there is a sufficient run-in to a line
and that the survey vessel maintains speed during end-of line turns.
Note that all the above is only used when the height reference is a tide file. If the vertical
reference is RTK height then the vessel CoG is not relevant and should not be enabled; the
RTK height will correct for these effects.

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Vessel Editor

9.2. Importing a Vessel File

GS+ provides pre-drawn vessel files for you to use. To import a vessel file you can either
use Windows explorer to drag-and-drop or R on Vessel Settings directory and choose
Import Import File. The normal location for the vessel files is C:\Program
Files\GS+\Vessels .

Generic Vessel

Once you have imported a vessel file ensure you tick the check box adjacent to it in the
Survey Manager. The selected vessel will then show up in GS+ displays such as 3-D

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Vessel Editor

All the common types of vessels have been included with the software, generic (a small
single hull boat), large vessel (large offshore vessel) and cat (a twin hull catamaran). All
the vessels can be resized to closely match the actual vessel used at least in terms of
dimensions by using the vessel size option. For example if you are using a large offshore
vessel 120m long and 40m wide simply import the large vessel file and resize it to 120m by
Note The boat drawn in the vessel file is only a graphic and does not affect the
data, the important factors are the transducer and GPS antenna positions
relative to one another. As long as these are in the correct positions then
the final data will be correct.

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Vessel Editor

9.3. Drawing a Vessel File: A brief tutorial

In this tutorial we will draw a very simple hull shape, obviously you can create a vessel
with as much complexity as you like.
 R on Vessel Settings in Survey Manager and select New Vessel File.

 When the new vessel file has been created R on it and select Edit.

 The vessel editor will open

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Vessel Editor

 Select a drawing resolution of 10cm.

 Press the draw button from the menu bar

 Click four times on the grid to position the corners of the first plane in the top left
Plan window.
 Think of the plane as a sheet of metal, in this case it will become the bottom of the
 R to finish.

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Vessel Editor

 Look at the side elevation (bottom left) and the front elevation (bottom right) the
section of hull is located at 0m depth or the water line. We will move it 0.5m down
into the water.
 Press select and click near one of the corners in the plan view so that the rectangle is
highlighted pink.

 Next press the move button

 Position the mouse over the rectangle in the side elevation window and click and
hold with the left mouse button. You can now move the rectangle down by 0.5m.

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 Create another rectangle as shown in the image below using the same technique as

 Position the second rectangle 0.3m above the water line as shown below.

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Vessel Editor

 We now have a top and bottom to the hull. Next we will create the sides. Using the
draw tool create a four sided polygon as shown in the side elevation window
(bottom left).

 Move the polygon from the centre to the side of the hull as shown below.

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 Because the second side is a copy of the first we can use the copy and paste tools.
Use the select tool to highlight the side you wish to copy, (make sure nothing else is
highlighted otherwise that will also be copied).
 Press the copy button to copy the selected part and then press the paste button.

 Paste the selection into the plan window on the top left corner of the hull.

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 Now create the rear of the hull in exactly the same manner, use the front elevation
to draw the polygon.

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 Use the select and move buttons to move the polygon to the rear of the hull.

 We now need to create the front of the hull which as you can see requires an angled
 To create that shape we will first create a standard rectangle as before and then edit
the points.

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Vessel Editor

 Place the polygon as shown in the image above.

 Make sure the polygon is highlighted.
 Press the move button and then press it again to enter point editing mode.

 Click and hold the left mouse button on the top corner of the polygon in the side
elevation window and then drag it to the top right at the front of the hull.
 You will have to do this procedure twice as there are two points to move.

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 When finished the polygon will be angled as in the image below.

 Although this tutorial has been very simple the same techniques can be expanded
to create any vessel of any complexity and dimensions.
 But remember it is far easier to use one of the default vessels and change its
dimensions to fit you requirements.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

10. Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

When choosing an output rate for RS232 strings please ensure that the baud rate is
set high enough to allow the data packets to be sent.

Choosing a Baud Rate

Each character in the RS232 string is packaged in a character frame that can consist of a
single start bit followed by 8 data bits, an optional parity bit, and the stop bit (or bits).
Assuming then that each character frame can consist of 12 bits we can approximate that
the required baud rate will be 12 times the number of transmitted characters per second.
E.g. for a TSS1 string containing 27 characters being transmitted with a 0.01 second
interval (100Hz) the minimum baud rate required would be:-
12  27
= 32400
So for the above example the baud rate should be set to 38400 baud.

10.1. Navigation
Along with user defined strings GS+ also supports the following navigation formats:-
$ - - GGA,
$ - - GLL,
$ - - GGK,
The navigation string is typically supplied at 1Hz, 9600 baud.
Note In circumstances when the navigation string is supplied at 10Hz the baud
rate should be increased to 19200 baud, (e.g. when interfacing to a POSMV
or Seapath).

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Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Field Item Definition

1 UTC Time of position
2 llll.ll Latitude in degrees and minutes
3 a Direction of Latitude (N: North, S: South)
4 yyyyy.yy Longitude in degrees and minutes
5 a Direction of Longitude (E: East, W: West)
6 q GPS Quality indicator
0: Fix not available or invalid
1: GPS SPS Mode, fix valid
2: Differential GPS, SPS Mode, fix valid
3: GPS PPS Mode, fix valid
4: RTK. System used in RTK mode with fixed integers
5: Float RTK. Satellite system used in RTK mode
6: Estimated (dead reckoning) Mode
7: Manual Input Mode
8: Simulator Mode
7 nn Number of satellites in use
8 v.v DOP of fix
9 x.x Altitude re: mean-sea-level (geoid)
10 M Height is measured in metres
11 x.x Geoidal separation
12 M Separation is measured in metres
13 x.x Age of Differential GPS data
14 xxxx Differential reference station ID, 0000-1023
15 *hh checksum

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Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

The navigation status messages in GS+ match the GGA string in v4.00 of the NMEA
standard. If the quality flags in the string being supplied to GS+ do not conform to this
standard (e.g. $PTNL,GGK format) then custom messages may be entered via the GS+
Warnings Options page.

After customising the status flag messages the Default button can be used to quickly
return the descriptions back to the v4.00 NMEA GGA standard.

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Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

Trimble $PTNL, GGK

PTNL, GGK is a Trimble proprietary string format. To decode the string in the GS+
equipment editor choose IEC61162 as the Navigation type and in the Decode window
select GGK.

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Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

The $PTNL, GGK string format is as follows:-

| | | | | | | | | | | |
1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Field Item Definition

1 UTC Time of position
2 mmddyy Date of position
3 llll.llllllll Latitude in degrees and minutes
4 a Direction of Latitude (N: North, S: South)
5 yyyy.yyyyyyyy Longitude in degrees and minutes
6 a Direction of Longitude (E: East, W: West)
7 q GPS Quality indicator
0: Fix not available or invalid
1: Autonomous GPS fix
2: RTK Float
3: RTK Fixed
4: Differential, code phase only solution (DGPS)
6: Network Float
7: Network Fix
8 nn Number of satellites in use
9 v.v DOP of fix
10 Ellipsoidal height of fix (antenna height above ellipsoid)
11 M M: ellipsoidal height is measured in metres
12 *hh checksum

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Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

10.2. Seatex MRU-H & MRU-5

There are two strings that can be used when interfacing the Seatex MRU-H/5 attitude
sensors to GS+. In both cases the SB7 subsea bottle must be wired with two Auxiliary
inputs to enable aiding of the sensor using Heading and Speed (VTG) data.

Aiding Inputs13
 Connect the Heading string from the gyrocompass to the MRU-H Auxiliary 1 input.
 Connect the speed data from the Speed Log or GPS (VTG String) to the MRU-H
Auxiliary 2 input.
 Configure the MRU s AUX1 and AUX2 port baud rates to accept the aiding inputs.
Do not supply the MRU-H with aiding data at a rate exceeding 10Hz as it could
overload the MRU.
Ensure the Heave Bandwidth filter14 is set to Hydrographic Survey mode with
appropriate period and damping values prior to survey.

Option 1 TSS1 Interface

Aid the sensor as above. The heading string should also be split and supplied direct to
Com 3 on the GeoSwath deck unit, (the Kongsberg GeoAcoustics data & power Spider
Cable GS05-0499-04 splits the heading string from the gyrocompass for you).
Configure the MRU-H to output the TSS1 string as below:-
.Recommended Baud Rate Output Interval
for TSS1 output
38400, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit 15ms (~67 Hz)
The maximum output rate for the MRU-H is 100Hz (10ms interval).
The TSS1 string from the MRU-H can be decoded in the GS+ equipment editor by
choosing TSS DMS: TSS1 from the list of attitude strings.

13 If desired the HDT and VTG aiding inputs can both be supplied to just one of the MRU-H s Auxiliary

14 The Heave Bandwidth should be set using the MRC configuration software. The Period is the average
time between two wave tops (defualt value is 10 secs). It is recommended that the damping figure is left at

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Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

Option 2 Simrad EM3000 Interface

When interfacing the MRU-H using the Simrad EM3000 string format do the following:
 Connect the Heading and Speed aiding inputs to AUX1 and AUX2 respectively as
per above but do not feed heading to Com 3 on the GeoSwath deck unit.
 Configure the MRU-H to output the Simrad EM3000 string at 19200 baud.
 Connect the Simrad EM3000 string output from the MRU-H to Com 2 on the
GeoSwath Plus deck unit.
 In GS+ equipment editor select SIMRAD EM3000 as the attitude string type and
set the Heading com port to None (see below).

When fitted in the SB7 (subsea bottle rated to 10m) the MRU-H can be mounted vertically
on the Kongsberg GeoAcoustics POS MV style V-plate in the same way as the Seapath 200.
Alternatively it may also be mounted horizontally between the transducers using nylon
mounting blocks (contact Kongsberg GeoAcoustics for further information). The
recommended horizontal mount orientation is with the connector facing Aft and the +R
indicator facing Starboard as illustrated below.

Always ensure the motion sensors mount orientation has been correctly configured
and that the Heave, Pitch and Roll motion data is valid in GS+ prior to survey.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

10.3. Teledyne TSS DMS-05 & DMS-10

When using either the DMS-05 or DMS-10 sensors they should be configured to output the
TSS1 string format.
:hhvvv MHHHHQMRRRR MPPPP<cr><lf>

:hh vvv S M HHHH Q M RRRR S M PPPP <cr> <lf>

Vertical Acceleration

Status Flag
Space Character

*Sign Character

Sign Character

Space Character

*Sign Character
Horizontal Acceleration


Positive Heave = above datum
Positive Roll = Port Side Up
Positive Pitch = Bow Up
*Sign Character (Space if positive, minus if negative)

The DMS sensor should be aided by supplying it with NMEA GGA & VTG strings on one
of its inputs and a NMEA HDT string on the other (see below).

Channel String Format Baud Rate Update Rate

Output TSS1 19200, 8, none, 1 Set to Continuous**
Aiding I/P 1 NMEA GGA & VTG 9600, 8, none, 1 1 Hz
Aiding I/P 2 NMEA HDT 9600, 8, none, 1 10 Hz
**when the output data rate is set to Continuous the sensor will output the string packets at the
highest rate possible for the selected baud rate.
The DMS-05 can be configured in HyperTerminal/GeoTerm by pressing the Escape

15 Ensure that flow control is set to None when configuring the Port Settings.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

Status Flag Meaning GS+ MRU Status LED

U Unaided Mode Settled
The MRU is operating without any aiding from
either GPS or Gyrocompass.
u Unaided Mode Settling Flashing
Operating without aiding and still awaiting
completion of the 3 minutes settling period
after being switched on or change of mode or
change of Heave Bandwidth.
G GPS aided mode Settled
The MRU is receiving GPS/Velocity aiding.
g GPS aided mode Settling Flashing
The MRU is receiving GPS/Velocity aiding but
still awaiting completion of the 3 minute
settling period after power on, change of mode
or change of Heave Bandwidth.
H Heading Aided mode Settled
The MRU is receiving Heading aiding data
from a gyrocompass.
h Heading Aided mode Settling Flashing
The MRU is receiving gyrocompass aiding but
still awaiting completion of the 3 minute
settling period after power on, change of mode
or change of Heave Bandwidth.
F Fully Aided mode Settled
The MRU is receiving heading and
GPS/Velocity aiding data from the
gyrocompass and GPS.
f Fully Aided mode Settling Flashing
The MRU is receiving gyrocompass and
GPS/Velocity aiding but still awaiting
completion of the 3 minute settling period after
power on, change of mode or change of Heave

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Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

Once the sensor is configured the string can be decoded in GS+ equipment editor; choose
TSS DMS: TSS1 from the list of Attitude strings.

Heave Bandwidth
Typically for small vessels (<20m length) in calm waters we recommend a Heave
Bandwidth setting of Medium.


Vessel of 8-15 metres length to be used for Short (heave period = 8secs)
shore and harbour surveys.
Vessel of 15-20 metres length to be used for Medium (heave period = 12secs)
shallow water or coastal surveys.
Vessel of 20-25 metres length to be used for Medium (heave period = 12secs) or
coastal surveys. Long (heave period = 16secs)
Vessel of 25 metres or longer to be used for Long (heave period = 16secs) or
deep surveys. Extended (heave period = 20secs)
Floating platforms, FPUs, or FPOs Extended (heave period = 20secs)

Note If the DMS-05 ever changes to RS422 mode of operation it can be returned
to the factory default (RS232) configuration by cycling the power and
holding down R on the keyboard. The sensor should be re-configured once

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

10.4. Teledyne TSS Orion INS

The Orion INS should be aided using a NMEA GPS input and configured to output a TSS1
string on Channel A and a NMEA HDT string on Channel C .

Channel String Format Baud Rate Update Rate

A (output) TSS1 38400, 8, none, 1 100 Hz
B (aiding input) NMEA GGA & VTG 9600, 8, none, 1 1 Hz
C (output) NMEA HDT 9600, 8, none, 1 10 Hz

The Orion can be configured in HyperTerminal/GeoTerm by pressing the Escape key or
by using OrionView for Windows (refer to the Orion operation manual for further details).
The status flag of the Orion s TSS1 string differs from that of the DMS series (see table
below). The Orion should be in Ready Mode prior to logging survey data in GS+.

Status Flag Meaning GS+ MRU Status LED

u Coarse Levelling
h Coarse Heading
H Aligned (AHRS Mode) Flashing
m Aligning (AHRS) Flashing
M Aligned (AHRS)
g INS Fine Alignment Mode with GPS input Flashing
G INS Ready Mode with valid GPS input
l Fine Alignment with EM Log input Flashing
L Ready with EM Log input
f GPS drop-out, invalid or rejected during Fine Flashing
Alignment Mode
F GPS drop-out, invalid or rejected when in Flashing
Ready Mode

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In the GS+ equipment editor choose TSS Orion: TSS1 from the pull down list of attitude
strings. The NMEA HDT string should be decoded on Com 3.

GPS Antenna to Orion Offsets

The distance between the Orion s datum and GPS Antenna should be measured to within
±0.25m. These measurements should be resolved into the relative X, Y and Z components
and entered directly into the Orion (see Orion operation manual for further details). To
assist with offset measurements please refer to the illustration below.

Above: Orion 250 kHz V-plate measurements

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

10.5. Ship Motion Control - IMU 108

The SMC IMU should be aided16 by inputting both NMEA VTG17 and HDT strings. The
SMC IMU should be configured to output a TSS1 string.
Both aiding strings may be provided to a single input port on the SMC IMU. If doing
so please ensure that Use GPS heading input for yaw aiding option is enabled when
configuring the SMC IMU.

Port String Format Baud Rate Update Rate

Output TSS1 38400, 8, none, 1 100 Hz
Aiding I/P 1 NMEA VTG 9600, 8, none, 1 1 Hz
Aiding I/P 2 NMEA HDT 9600, 8, none, 1 10 Hz
As when using a Teledyne DMS series motion sensor the string should be decoded in the
GS+ equipment editor by choosing TSS DMS: TSS1 from the list of Attitude strings.

10.6. Hemisphere V100/V110

Standard Configuration: Position & Heading
The Hemisphere is commonly used to supply position, heading and 1PPS synchronization
to GeoSwath. The Hemisphere should be configured using PocketMAX PC to output the
strings as outlined below.
Port String Format Baud Rate Update Rate
PORT A NMEA GGA,VTG & ZDA 19200, 8, none, 1 1 Hz
PORT B NMEA HDT 19200, 8, none, 1 10 Hz
1PPS O/P --- --- 1 Hz

16 The first generation of the SMC motion sensor does not have aiding inputs available.
17 Both NMEA GGA and VTG strings can be supplied on the Aiding I/P 1 port but only VTG is required.

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Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

In the GS+ equipment editor choose IEC 61162 for both the navigation and heading
string types.

When using the Hemisphere V100, V110, V103 or V113 sensors in the standard
configuration please ensure that the unit is mounted parallel to the boat. The recessed
arrow on the underside of the enclosure should face towards the bow. See the
Hemisphere documentation for further details.

Alternative Configuration: Heading & Roll

The Hemisphere can also be configured to output position, heading and roll. For this
setup the ports should be configured as follows:
Port String Format Baud Rate Update Rate
PORT A NMEA GGA,VTG & ZDA 19200, 8, none, 1 1 Hz
PORT B NMEA $PSAT, HPR 19200, 8, none, 1 20 Hz
1PPS O/P --- --- 1 Hz
Note: when configuring the Hemisphere to output heading and roll the unit must be
mounted perpendicular to the vessel with the arrow on the underside of the antenna
pointing to PORT as illustrated below.

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Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats


In the GS+ equipment editor choose IEC61162 as the attitude type on COM2 and set
heading decode port to None18.

10.7. Hemisphere V103/V113

Standard Configuration: Position & heading
Similar to the V100\V110 the newer V103\V113 sensors also supply position, heading and
1PPS synchronization to GeoSwath. However both the V103 and V113 units only have one
output port. The sensor should be configured to output the strings as outlined below.

Port String Format Baud Rate Update Rate

NMEA GGA,VTG & ZDA 19200, 8, none, 1 1 Hz
1PPS O/P --- --- 1 Hz

18 Heading will be decoded from the $PSAT, HPR string on COM 2 when the port is set to None.

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Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

10.8. Octans Subsea

When using an Octans with GS+ it should be configured to output the HDMS Thompson
binary string format (from the library files provided with the sensor). The Octans should
also be supplied with NMEA GGA and VTG strings.

Recommended Baud Rate Recommended Update rate

19200, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit 50 Hz (20ms)
The string from the Octans can be decoded in GS+ equipment editor; choose Octans
HDMS from the list of attitude strings. Set the Heading com port to None (shown
below), GS+ will then strip out and use the heading from the HDMS Thompson string.

Please refer to cable connection GA drawing number GS00-6200-03 when using the Octans
sensor with GeoSwath Plus.

Above: Octans 1000 mounted on Kongsberg GeoAcoustics LF V-plate

As with the TSS sensor the Octans may provide a user configurable Heave Bandwidth
filter (this depends on the current firmware version). The Octans also has manual speed
and latitude settings.
Recent firmware versions from Octans use an intelligent Heave filter which do not
require configuration. Please check your Octans firmware version before using with

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

10.9. Gyrocompass
When a separate Gyrocompass is used (e.g. TSS SG Brown Meridian) the recommended
output string format is NMEA 0183 HDT.
$HEHDT, XXX.X, T <cr> <lf>

Carriage Return
NMEA Identifier

Heading (Degrees)

Line Feed
Mnemonic for True Heading

Recommended Baud Rate Recommended Update rate

9600, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit 10 Hz
Remember to set the correct Latitude accordingly to your current world position.

The NMEA HDT string can be decoded in GS+ by selecting IEC 61162 from the choice of
heading strings in equipment editor.

During acquisition, you can choose the vessel track to be recorded as heading by selecting
Use Vessel Track for the heading string.

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Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

10.10. Tritech Altimeter

Three models of Tritech altimeter are used with the GeoSwath Plus system, see table

Model Frequency Max Range Beamwidth

PA200 200kHz 100m 20 degrees
LRPA200 200kHz 200m 10 degrees
PA500 500kHz 50m 6 degrees
All models are pre-configured to output depth using the following ASCII string format.
Where:- m <cr> <lf>

Carriage Return
Depth (metres)

Line Feed

Recommended Baud Rate Update rate

9600, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit Free running
To decode the ASCII string in GS+ choose Tritech from the pull down list of
Echosounders in the equipment editor.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

10.11. Kongsberg Mesotech 1007 Series Altimeter

Two models of Mesotech altimeters are used with the GeoSwath Plus system, see table
below. Both altimeters should be configured to operate in 809 mode.

Model Frequency Typical Range Beamwidth

974-7012 200kHz 0.75 200m 10 degrees
974-7005 675kHz 1 - 110m 2.5 degrees
GS+ accepts the Depth Below Transducer $xxDBT NMEA string format from the 1007
Series of altimeters.
$SDDBT,x.x, f ,x.x, M ,x.x, F *hh<cr><lf>
$SDDBT, x.x, f , x.x, M , x.x, F *hh <cr> <lf>
Depth in Metres

Carriage Return
NMEA Identifier,
String type

Depth in Fathoms

Line Feed
Depth in Feet


To ensure GS+ plots the depths from the Altimeter correctly please ensure the
sensor s internal speed of sound is set to 1473m/s prior to survey19.
A default *.cfg file with the speed of sound set to 1473m/s is not available. It is therefore
necessary to manually edit one of the existing files supplied with the altimeter (see table
below). Having changed the speed of sound in the associated *.cfg file to 1473m/s save
and re-program the altimeter using the AltConfig utility. Refer to the Mesotech altimeter
configuration procedure (document number GS03-0040-32) at the end of this operation
Model Frequency Config file to edit
974-7012 200kHz 974-70016001.cfg
974-7005 675kHz 974-70056001.cfg

19Kongsberg Mesotech altimeters sent from the Kongsberg GeoAcoustics UK office will have the speed of
sound set to 1473m/s prior to shipping.

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Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

To decode the $SDDBT NMEA string in GS+ choose MS1007 from the list of available
echosounders in the equipment editor.

MS1007 compatible sensor interface cables20 and V-plate mount blocks are available to
purchase from Kongsberg GeoAcoustics.

10.12. Valeport Sensors

mini-SVS Sensor
The mini-SVS sensor measures speed of sound only. It is recommended that the mini-SVS
is configured to output in Valeport Standard format (although any of the strings detailed
in table 1 will work with GS+).
Recommended Baud Rate Recommended Update rate
9600, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit 4 Hz
To decode the string in GS+ choose MiniSVS from the pull down list of Auxiliary 1
sensors in the equipment editor.

The output string settings may be changed in HyperTerminal or GeoTerm21. The table
below lists some of the common commands22 used when configuring the mini-SVS. For
further commands refer to the Valeport operation manual.

20 The 675kHz Mesotech Altimeter (P/N: 974-7005) has a 4 way Seacon connector whilst the 200kHz (P/N:

974-7012) has a 6 way Seacon. Please ensure the correct mating cable is used to interface with each
21 GeoTerm is supplied with deck units installed with Windows 7
22Note that all commands must be sent by pressing the Enter key exception for # which is required to enter
the sensor into setup mode. If using HyperTerminal ensure that the Send line ends with line feeds option is
enabled in the ASCII Setup.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

Command Action
# Stops the sensor and waits for a further command
#082;off Sets the speed of sound to mm/sec (Valeport Standard Mode)
#059;9600 Sets the baud rate to 9600
M4 Sets the unit to free run at 4 Hz

mini-SVS with built in Pressure Sensor

This sensor by Valeport provides both speed of sound and pressure readings
simultaneously. GS+ accepts any of the strings outlined in the table 1. Simply select
MiniSVS as the equipment type in equipment editor.

Table 1.
String Speed of Sound only* Speed of Sound* and Pressure**
Valeport <space>1234567<cr><lf> <space>{pressure}<space>1234567<cr><lf>
standard format
Alternative <space><space>1234.567<cr><lf> <space>{pressure}<space>1234.567<cr><lf>
format #1
Alternative <space><space>1234.56<cr><lf> <space>{pressure}<space>1234.56<cr><lf>
format #2
*Where:- **Where {pressure} can be:-
1234567 is speed of sound in mm/sec PPPP.P pressure in dBar to 1 decimal place
1234.567 is speed of sound in m/sec PPP.PP pressure in dBar to 2 decimal places
1234.56 is speed of sound in m/sec PP.PPP pressure in dBar to 3 decimal places

Please remember to set the pressure tare prior to survey when using any Valeport
sensor that measures pressure

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

mini-IPS Pressure Sensor

This sensor can be used on ROV installations to provide real-time depth readings to GS+
(although it is recommended to use the mini-SVS with built in pressure sensor to save on
com port resources).
The sensor should be configured to output pressure as a RS232 string in NMEA format.
$PIPS,PPPP.PP,M*hh <cr><lf>
$PIPS, PPPP.PP, M *hh <cr> <lf>

Carriage Return
NMEA Identifier

Units (metres)

Line Feed

The sensor can be configured using HyperTerminal/GeoTerm. The table below lists some
of the common commands.

Command Action
# Stops the sensor and waits for a further command
#009 Sensor takes a single reading to use as the pressure tare value
#020;M Outputs data in Metres
#013;NMEA Changes the output data format to NMEA
#059;9600 Sets the baud rate to 9600

Note All commands must be sent by pressing the Enter key exception for #
which is required to enter the sensor into setup mode.

Once the sensor is configured the string can be decoded in GS+ equipment editor; choose
IEC61162 Depth as the Auxiliary 1 equipment type.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

10.13. CDL MiniPOS3

GS+ can decode the binary string from the CDL MiniPOS3 inertial navigation sensor. In
the GS+ equipment editor choose MiniPOS3 from the attitude list and set the correct
COM port and baud rate. Ensure that the COM ports for navigation, heading and
echosounder are all set to None .

When decoded the navigation, attitude, heading and altitude data is shown in the GS+
equipment editor as pictured below.

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Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

10.14. K-bridge, ECDIS Interface

GS+ can output a real-time coverage plot to the Kongsberg K-bridge Electronic Chart
Display System. The EM swath datagram provides 10 depth/position points across the
whole swath and can be output on any free serial port.
String format:
$AARDS, TIDE, N, LAT1, N/S, LON1, E/W, DPT1, LATN, LONN, DPTN, <cr> <lf>
Datagram Identifier

ASCII character N or S
Real-time tide level (m)

First sounding depth

No. of soundings included

Nth sounding depth

ASCII character E or W
Latitude of first sounding

Longitude of first sounding

Latitude of Nth sounding

Longitude of Nth sounding

To output the EM swath datagram select $AARDS as the Output equipment type and a
free COM port.
Note When outputting the EM swath datagram please ensure the across track
filter is applied and the baud rate for the output string is set to at least
38400 baud. The string will only be output whilst transmitting.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

10.15. Seatex Seapath 200

The Seapath 200 can be interfaced to GS+ using the Simrad EM3000 string format which
contains Heading, Heave, Pitch and Roll information.

Seapath RS232 Configuration

Configure the Seapath top unit to output the following strings:-

Seapath Top unit Port O/P String Format Baud Rate Update Rate
COM 5 GGA 19200, 8, none, 1 10 Hz
19200, 8, none, 1
COM 6 Simrad EM3000 50Hz minimum
( or higher)
COM 8 19200, 8, none, 1 1Hz
(Format 13)
1PPS Pulse O/P - - 1Hz
In GS+ Equipment editor set the following:
- Navigation type to IEC 61162 , Port to Com 1 (Decode GGA)
- Attitude string type to Simrad EM3000 and Port to Com 2
- Heading com port to None , GS+ will then extract use the heading from the Simrad
- Auxiliary2 type to IEC 61162 Time Synch and Port to Com 6

In the GS+ Acquisition options set the following:

- PPS clock synchronisation mode to Synchronise the clock with every PPS Pulse .
- Truncate ZDA Seconds enabled.

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The PPS pulse from the Seapath is active high (the rising edge of the pulse is
synched to GPS time). The GS+ Sonar electronics is configured to accept this pulse
by default thus should not need to be changed.
It is advised however that you check the pulse configuration of both Seapath and
GS+ systems prior to survey.
Refer to drawing GS00-6200-05 at the back of the operation manual for GA illustration of
the Seapath setup.
The Seatex unit fits in the SB7 10m rated subsea bottle and can be mounted on the
Kongsberg GeoAcoustics POS MV style V-plate using an adapter (contact Kongsberg
GeoAcoustics for further information).

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

Above: Kongsberg GeoAcoustics 250KHz V-plate fitted with Seapath 200 and Mesotech

* Vertical distance between the centre of the transducers to the top of the Seapath
bottle (250kHz V-plate).
** Horizontal distance between the centre of the pole to the centre of the Seapath
*** Horizontal distance between the centre of the transducers to the centre of the
Seapath bottle.

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Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

10.16. Position & Orientation System, Marine Vessels (POS MV)

The POS MV should be configured as follows:-
POS MV PCS O/P String Format Baud Rate Update Rate
COM 1 19200, 8, N, 1 10 Hz
19200, 8, N, 1
COM 2 TSS1 50Hz minimum
( or higher)
**1PPS Pulse O/P - - 1Hz
**Please check the polarity of the POS MV 1PPS pulse output and configure the
GeoSwath electronics appropriately prior to survey (see later chapter on 1PPS Interface)
*GS+ will decode the Heading information automatically from Com 1 as long as the Com
port for Heading (normally Com 3) is set to None, see below.

The output from the POS MV PCS Com 1 should be interfaced to Com 1 on the GeoSwath
Plus deck unit; no splitting of the signal is required. The output from POS MV PCS Com
2 should be connected to Com 2 on the GeoSwath Plus deck unit. A BNC link lead should
be connected between the POS MV PCS and GeoSwath Plus deck unit.
The POS MV PCS should be interfaced to GS+ using the NAV, Heading & INZDA cable
(GS05-1299) and the TSS1 interface cable (GS05-1199).
See drawing GS00-6200-04 for more information.
If the IMU is not mounted on the pole along with the GeoSwath transducers please
ensure that the transducer mounting arrangement is as rigid as possible to prevent
any movement.
All lever arm offsets should be measured as accurately as possible and entered into
the POS MV controller software
If using the GeoSwath to control the POS MV (via Ethernet) it is recommended that
the controller software is closed during data acquisition.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

The IMU can be mounted either inboard or subsea (preferred method) using the
waterproof IMU bottle (refer to the GeoSwath POS MV documents at the rear of this

Above: The subsea IMU Bottle shown mounted on the 250 kHz V-plate

10.17. 1PPS Interface

Summary of 1PPS (one pulse per second) operation with GeoSwath Plus
The 1PPS synchronisation function enables the GeoSwath Plus software to synchronise the
timestamps it applies to incoming data with the UTC time. The purpose of this is to allow
the processing software to use the UTC times of position fixes (provided within the GGA
string) when processing navigation data.
When using 1PPS clock synchronisation the GeoSwath Plus uses the time received in the
time synch string and applies corrections for the local time zone. These corrections are
taken from the Windows® Date and Time Properties dialogue, and include time zone
and daylight saving information. If everything needs to be recorded in UTC then you
need to go to the Windows® Date and Time Properties dialogue and select the time zone
GMT +0 and make sure the Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes box
is not ticked. If the GS+ timestamps are required in a local time then the settings should
be changed accordingly.

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It is good survey practice to make a note in your survey log of the differences between
GPS time (on your GPS receiver), the GS+ time (in the GS+ Control Panel), the PC time
(from the PC clock) and the local time.
To avoid time mismatches between the logged GS+ raw data and peripheral files
such as tide, Sound Velocity Profiles, SBET etc, it is strongly recommended that
you work in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). On the GeoSwath deck unit please
set the time zone to (GMT) Casablanca, Monrovia which does not have the option
to apply daylight saving changes.

Details of 1PPS Operation

The typical data coming into the GeoSwath Plus during sonar data acquisition includes:
- Position information as GGA (GGK etc.) string from a GPS system.
- Attitude information form a motion sensor
- Heading information from a Gyrocompass
- Sonar data generated by the GeoSwath Plus
This data is generated by various sensors on the boat, processed and parsed, converted to
serial strings, and sent to the GeoSwath. This results in a delay (latency) between when
the data in a string was valid and when it is received by the GeoSwath system. This
latency will depend on the equipment being used. Attitude and position latencies have
the biggest effect on the data.
When data arrives at the GeoSwath a timestamp is generated and stored with the data. In
order to merge all this data correctly with the sonar data it must be applied at the correct
time. The time the data arrived at the GeoSwath is found from the timestamps, and the
latency is found during the latency calibrations.
The timestamps stored with the data are in GeoSwath internal time (called GS+ time). The
relationship between GS+ time and GPS time (UTC) is not known, and PC clock drift
causes this relationship to change (by up to several seconds per day). As long as all the
data is stamped in GS+ time then it can be properly combined with the sonar data, if the
latencies are known.
The position string (GGA) contains the UTC time that the position fix was valid, but this
cannot be used in processing if the relationship between UTC time and GS+ time is not
known. The UTC time will be meaningless when compared to the timestamps on the
other data or the sonar data. In this case the position of a ping must be found by using the
GS+ timestamps stored with the position data, and then applying the navigation latency
found from the calibration.

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Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

The GS+ time can be synchronised with UTC using the 1PPS functions. The 1PPS signal is
supplied by the GPS direct to the GeoSwath on a dedicated logic line. The GPS card
generates a pulse edge on this line at an exact UTC time, once a second, every second. The
UTC time of this pulse edge is provided separately in a ZDA message from the GPS
system to the GeoSwath. The GPS system should be set up so that the 1PPS edge is
followed (within 1 second) by the ZDA message containing the time of that 1PPS edge.
The GeoSwath 1PPS synchronisation works by recording the arrival time (GS+ time) of the
1PPS edge, and comparing it with the UTC time in the subsequent ZDA string. These two
times should be the same (the ZDA tells when the pulse was sent, the GS+ records when it
was received). Any difference in these times is applied as a correction to the GS+ time.
The synchronisation needs to be updated every second to combat clock drift and
If the GS+ time has been synchronised like this then the sonar data and ancillary data
timestamps are synchronised with UTC. This means that the UTC times included in the
GGA string can be used. The Use GPS Time button in GS+ tells the software that when it
is processing the navigation data it should extract the UTC time from inside the GGA
string rather than use the GS+ timestamp. Since the GGA string contains the time of the
position fix contained in the string, this time is correct and there will be no latency needed.
When using 1PPS synchronisation attitude latency will still need to be applied, as attitude
is typically provided as a string with no time information. The only timing information
available for the attitude is the time of arrival of the attitude string this is the GS+

Notes on Using PPS

Kongsberg GeoAcoustics recommends using a PPS interface to overcome issues related to
GPS latency. Prior to acquiring data remember to set the desired mode of PPS
synchronisation available in the GS+ Acquisition Options , (see earlier chapter on GS+
Software Configuration Options ).
Please check the configuration of your GPS receivers PPS pulse output. The GeoSwath
Plus deck unit by default requires a positive going pulse to sync with. This can however
be changed so that the system synchronises with a low going pulse, see below.
The pulse width is not critical as the internal deck unit sonar electronics re-shapes the
incoming pulse to a fixed width of 5msec.
Note Before processing data which has been collected using PPS always
remember to tick the Use GPS Time box which is located in the GS+
processing options page.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

Pulse Orientation
Deck units fitted with the new Sonar Interface Electronics Assembly can be configured to
sync from an active low pulse. To do this simply change the position of jumper J1 as
pictured below.

Left: Jumper in + position sets the electronics to sync with

an Active High Pulse (Default)

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

Left: Jumper in position sets the electronics to sync with

an Active Low Pulse

Note: Older deck units fitted with a sonar card rack are only compatible with an
Active High 1PPS signal. Please check and if necessary change the configuration
of your GPS 1PPS pulse output
Three NMEA strings can be used for 1PPS synchronisation. These are, in order of
preference based on accuracy:-
GPZDA and GPRMC both contain date as well as time and are therefore preferred to the
GPGGA string which only contains time.
Whichever string is used, the GPS system needs to be internally configured to output the
string once per second, and should be set up so that the timestamp in the string
corresponds to the 1PPS edge.

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Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

There are two methods of interfacing 1PPS to GS+, (see illustration below).

Option 1: Interfacing 1PPS when a Nav Computer is in use

The NMEA GGA/VTG/ZDA string from the GPS receiver should be split 3 ways using
the splitter cable (GS05-1099). One output should be connected to the Nav computer (this
should be used to translate the NMEA string into eastings/northings and connected to
Com1 on the GeoSwath Plus deck unit). The second output should be connected to the
VTG input on the spider cable assembly (GS05-0499-01) which will be used to aid the
MRU. The third output should be connected to Com6 and decoded in GS+ as Auxiliary 2
IEC61162 Time Synch .
If 1PPS is used then the timing string should always be taken directly from the GPS
receiver, never via navigation software.

Option 2: Interfacing 1PPS when connecting directly to a GPS receiver

Using the 3 way GPS splitter cable connect the GGA/VTG/ZDA string from the GPS
receiver directly to Com1 on the GeoSwath Plus deck unit and decode the NMEA string.
Use a second output on the splitter cable to aid the MRU (the third available output on the
splitter cable in this setup is spare). In GS+ ensure the com port for Auxiliary 2 is set to
NONE. Doing this will set GS+ to decode and use the ZDA string directly from Com1.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

Whilst the 1PPS interface is in use you cannot connect another sensor/string to Aux2

In the screenshot below the ZDA string is incoming on Com1 and GS+ indicates a correct
decode by colouring the strings in green.

If a com port is left selected for Auxiliary 2 then the ZDA string will not be decoded and
hence the synchronisation will not work. The ignored incoming ZDA string will be
coloured red.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

Checking 1PPS Status

The PPS LED indicates the current 1PPS status, the colour depends on the synchronisation
mode set in GS+ Acquisition Options (see chart below).

LED Colour 1PPS Status

Transmitting Stopped

1PPS Pulse or ZDA timing string not present23

GS+ Acquisition options set to Do not synchronise

1PPS is working in Synch Clock at start of line mode

1PPS is working in Synch Clock with every pulse mode

23 LED turns red when GS+ does not receive either a pulse or ZDA string for 5 seconds.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

The 1PPS corrections can be viewed in the Verbose Log (Window Show Verbose Log).

Important: Always ensure the verbose log is closed when acquiring data.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

1PPS and Clock Deviation

When GS+ is started the Control toolbar will be greyed out for a few seconds whilst an
estimation of the processor clock deviation is performed. This calculation is required to
ensure that 1PPS corrections are performed accurately. The calculation result may be
viewed in the Verbose log if necessary.

If the result of the calculation exceeds the Maximum allowed deviation (>±500Hz) then the
estimation will need to be re-calculated. This operation will occur when you press Start
transmitting. GS+ will inform you of this via an Internal Clock Error prompt as displayed

Once the internal clock estimation has provided a result which falls within the allowed
limits a message will appear informing you that the Internal Clock Estimation is OK .
Transmitting will start once you click on OK . Note: It may take a few calculations before
the clock deviation limits are satisfied, (see example below).

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Sensor Baud Rates & String Formats

10.18. VTG Decode in GS+

The vessel speed24 is derived from the VTG string.

If the VTG string is not present then no value will be displayed in the status area.

24The vessel speed is simply displayed to the status area and not logged into the Raw Data File (*.rdf). The
vessel speed is not displayed when processing.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Geodetic Conversion Parameters

11. Geodetic Conversion Parameters

GS+ can convert the navigation input strings (GGA, GGK or GLL) into different datum via
the use of the geodetic converter. To access the converter click on Geodetic Conversion
Parameters from the File menu.

This opens the following window allowing you to select a new datum or UTM zone as
well as some editing features.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Geodetic Conversion Parameters

Clicking on the Datum menu allows you to select one of the default datum.

Clicking on the UTM Zone allows you to select the zone; if the Lock box is checked then
the zone will stay locked even if you travel into a new zone.
Note: Whenever a new project is created the UTM Zone Lock will always default to
disabled (un-ticked). After decoding the navigation string in the new project
remember to re-enable the UTM Lock.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Geodetic Conversion Parameters

When the datum is set to User Defined you can manually change the datum
transformation and projection parameters by pressing the Edit button. The projection
can be changed between Transverse Mercator and Mercator. The parameters can be saved
to a file which can be loaded in at any time in the future. The translations, rotations and
scale factors are from WGS84 to local, with the rotations clockwise around the axis (right
handed rotations).

The algorithm used for transformation is Bursa-Wolfe. Units used when entering the
parameters are as follows:
Translation parallel to X = metres
Translation parallel to Y = metres
Translation parallel to Z = metres
Scale Change = Parts Per Million
Rotation about X = arc seconds
Rotation about Y = arc seconds
Rotation about Z = arc seconds
To check your parameters there is a Co-ordinate calculator which will convert from
Lat/Long to the new Datum.
A set of test coordinates should always be checked using the calculator to confirm
that the conversion from GPS Lat/Lon to local grid Easting/Northing is correct.
These test coordinates should preferably be taken from within or near the survey
area. If the test conversion gives the wrong answer, try inverting the sign of the
rotations - this is the most common error when providing transformation

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Geodetic Conversion Parameters

In the Calculator the height is only used in the datum shift, not the projection (Transverse
Mercator). When converting from E/N to Lat/Lon a height of 0 is used; therefore it will
not give the same original Lat/Lon.
Flag and Route positions may also be created by clicking on the relative buttons.
Note A flag or route file must exist and be selected in Survey Manager for the
positions to be written to each file.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Equipment Editor

12. Equipment Editor

The equipment editor allows the port settings and string types of the peripheral
equipment to be defined. Settings edited in the equipment editor are saved in the
currently selected equipment file.
To create a new equipment file R on Equipment Settings folder and select
New Equipment File.

Now expand the Equipment Settings folder (L on the icon), then select the new
equipment file (L in the box next to the equipment file). You can also re-name it
appropriately if you wish.

You may have an equipment file already in place in the project, in which case select that.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Equipment Editor

To bring up the Equipment Editor R on the equipment file then select Edit.

The equipment editor displays the received data from 6 COM ports, Navigation, Attitude,
Heading, Echosounder, Auxilliary1 and Auxilliary2. The expected data source and baud
rate shown in each window heading in the display area.
The Control Area allows you to choose the COM port, baud rate and decode options for
the different sensors.

It is best to avoid communication clashes if you need to swap com ports select none on
both then re-select the correct ports.

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Equipment Editor

Typical sensor baud rates are summarised in the table below. Your settings may be
different depending on the peripheral equipment used.

Input Typical Port Typical Port Typical Update Rate (+notes)

Type Format Settings
Navigation IEC 61162 COM 1 9600, 8, none, 1, Typically @ 1Hz
19200 baud when
10Hz when using GGK @ 19200baud
using GGK with POS
Attitude TSS: TSS1 COM 2 19200, 8, none, 1, Recommended @ 50Hz minimum
Octans Users please set device to
output HDMS Thompson string @
19200, 50Hz (20ms).
Heading IEC 61162 COM 3 9600, 8, none, 1, Recommended @ 10Hz

Echosounder Tritech COM 4 9600, 8, none, 1, Free Running


Auxiliary 1 Mini-SVS COM 5 9600, 8, none, 1, Recommended @ 4Hz


Auxiliary 2 Generic String, COM 6 9600, 8, none, 1,

Mini-SVS or or 7 none
Attitude sensor

Generally correctly decoded data strings are displayed in green. Incorrectly decoded or
strings that are not required are displayed in red.
When all communications have been setup close the Equipment Settings Editor using the
window close icon at the top right of the Control Area.

Navigation data can be supplied to GS+ in two forms, latitude/longitude or
eastings/northings. String types can either be IEC61162 (NMEA 0183) or as a user defined

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Equipment Editor

IEC61162 Decode
The IEC61162 decode supports three string types, $--GGA, $--GLL and $--GGK (where -- is
the identifier e.g. GP, IN etc). The GPS time, latitude and longitude are extracted from the
string and displayed.

The latitude and longitude are converted to local grid using the currently selected geodetic
transformation parameters and displayed as eastings and northings.

Height Reference For GGA Strings

The Geoid/Ellipsoid buttons enable you to choose whether you want your heights to be
referenced against the geoid or against the ellipsoid when using GGA strings.
Note Please note that this choice cannot be undone at the processing stage.

The Height is showing the navigation Z value after projection; therefore in the case
of UTM projection it is not changed.User Defined Decode
The user defined string decode allows the user to extract the eastings and northings values
directly from a navigation string.

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Equipment Editor

The previous screenshot shows easting in column 2, northings in column 3 and time in
column 5. It is also possible to extract other information from the navigation string such as
heading, height, and navigation quality factor. Many strings have a fixed value in one or
more columns. To check the validity of a received string it is possible to match the
contents of any column against a stored value. Pressing the Match button for a column
will store the entered field value and check against the incoming string to see if they

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Equipment Editor

If the string contains latitude and longitude values instead of eastings and northings then
the lat/lon button may be selected and the values will be converted to eastings and
northings using the currently selected geodetic conversion parameters.

Attitude data is supplied to GS+ from a motion reference unit (MRU). String types
supported include TSS1, HDMS Thompson, TSS1 Marinus, Simrad EM3000, TSS1 Orion
and MiniPOS 3 formats.

Heading data can be supplied to GS+ from a variety of sources including gyrocompass,
flux gate compass and GPS derived heading sources. The string types may be IEC61162,
SGBrown or Robertson. The IEC61162 strings supported are $HEHDT, $HEHDM,

Echosounder/Altimeter data can be logged by GS+. Strings are supported from various
sensors including Tritech, Kongsberg Mesotech 1007 series, Sonavision, Odom, Navisound
and GDS102.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Equipment Editor

Two auxiliary ports are provided. These ports can be used for sensors such as the mini-
SVS, mini-IPS, Attitude Sensor or any other generic string type.
The Generic string type allows GS+ to record any external string data with a time stamp,
the string must be terminated with a carriage return/line feed sequence.

Strings View
During acquisition the incoming RS232 strings can be viewed25 by clicking the Strings
button on the status toolbar.

Above: Incoming navigation data in the strings display.

25You must be in acquisition mode and transmitting to view the strings. The rate at which the strings scroll
through the status area will depend on the ping length set in the control area. Strings will not be visible on
GS+ running remotely over Ethernet.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

13. Installation

This section discusses the installation of the Kongsberg GeoAcoustics GeoSwath Plus
system. It is assumed that the complete peripheral package with the exception of the
DGPS has been supplied by Kongsberg GeoAcoustics. This is representative of the
majority of installations we encounter.

Prior to installation on a vessel, the equipment should be laid out and checked. This is
particularly important when moving equipment between vessels of opportunity. The
scenario of almost completing the installation and then having the whole survey delayed
because of a vital, minor, but missing connector lead is one to be avoided.
It is always better to check through this list as soon as possible, certainly before leaving
port. It should be noted that the checklist includes items which may not have been
supplied by Kongsberg GeoAcoustics, but nevertheless they will be required for successful

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

1. GeoSwath Plus deck unit and mains lead 
2. Mains extension power block with plug/adapter suitable for vessel 
3. Monitor and mains and video lead 
4. Keyboard and mouse 
5. Transducer/V plate assembly 
6. Over-side or bow mount with poles and strops 
7. Transducer cables (2 off) 
8. MRU, Echosounder & mini-SVS Sensor Cable Assembly 
9. O-lube and O-rings 
10. Attitude sensor (mounted to V plate if supplied by Kongsberg GeoAcoustics) 
11. Altimeter/Echosounder (normally mounted to V plate if required) 
12. Mini-SVS (normally mounted to V-plate) 
13. DGPS system, with serial output in NMEA format 
14. RS232 cable to connect GPS or Navigation computer to GeoSwath 
15. Gyrocompass or heading sensor with serial output in NMEA format 
16. RS232 data cable to connect gyro to GeoSwath 
17. Gyrocompass 24 V DC power supply (if required) and power lead 
18. Tide gauge with RS232 download capability or tide file in ASCII format 
19. Sound Velocity Profiler with serial RS232 output 
20. SVP interface cable and waterproof connector cover 
21. Rope (or cable if not self-powered) sufficient to lower SVP at deepest survey area 
22. Length of substantial earth cable to connect sea earth to GeoSwath Plus chassis 
23. 800W generator (min, 2kVA recommended) if no vessel mains supply is present 
24. On-line UPS for GeoSwath Plus deck unit 
25. Tape measure (for vessel/sensor offset measurements) 
26. Coloured Insulation tape (for marking depths on pole) 
27. Pen, Log book or note pad 
28. Basic toolkit (adjustable wrenches) for fitting over-side mount. 
29. Survey plan 
30. Local weather report for the time of survey 

When everything is in order installation can proceed.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

This section deals with installation and deployment of the GeoSwath Plus system. Though
some of the points may seem obvious to the experienced operator, first time users should
be able to rapidly install the system and get good results by following these guidelines and
thinking through some of the points below.
Some basic (but not comprehensive) considerations for installation are:
 Vessel size: Will the over-side mount or bow mount reach far enough below the
waterline to clear the hull? Will the transducer cables (standard length of 15 m)
reach from the transducers to the GeoSwath Plus deck unit? Is there room to
comfortably use the GeoSwath in a cabin protected from weather and seas?
 Vessel type: It cannot be overstated that the vessel should be as stable a platform as
possible in the anticipated types of waters and weather. Has the vessel got a metal hull
and if not, has it got a good sea earth to connect to the GeoSwath Plus chassis? Can
the bow mount or over-side mount be fixed securely to the vessel? Are the
thrusters known to interfere with acoustic systems? When the transducers are
lowered to clear the keel is there still sufficient clearance to survey the shallowest
areas of interest?
 Accessibility: Can the user get to the rear panel of the GeoSwath Plus deck unit to
make connections? Can a good cable run to the transducers be found? Can the
Gyrocompass be oriented accurately and fixed securely, allowing for the length of
the serial data lead?
 Mains supply: Has the vessel got a built in generator? If not, is a good generator
available? Is the mains voltage immune to dips or poor regulation? Is the vessel
mains system earth connected to sea earth?
 Interference: Are there any other sonar systems operating on the vessel which
could cause acoustic interference? Are there any sources of electrical and RF noise
on the vessel?
 Safety: Has safety been considered, in terms of installation, deployment and use?
These questions are posed so as to encourage the operator to adopt a critical, objective and
methodical approach to the installation and most will apply to fitting any sonar system. If
the operator is uncertain about any of the answers to these questions, or about the practical
issues raised by such questions, then the answers should be sought prior to installation
and certainly before attempting to run a cost or time critical survey.
Should problems be encountered in pre-deployment or initial tests, then in our experience
most of the causes will be rooted in the kinds of issues detailed above and can be solved
by taking simple common sense measures or precautions.

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Though tolerant of temperature extremes, the GeoSwath system should be installed
where the rear panel fan cooling capabilities are not inhibited. In warmer climates it
is recommended that air conditioning should be used if at all possible, this will
increase the reliability in terms of mean time between failure (MTBF) of both
equipment and operator.
The GeoSwath Plus deck unit should be operated in a sheltered area on a work surface or
bench. The unit should be placed where the transducer cable runs do not cause a physical
hazard. Though the unit weighs around 23 kg and can be lifted by one person, it is
recommended that two people lift the unit onto the work surface.

Example installation with plenty of room for the operator and rear access to the GeoSwath Plus
deck unit.
There should be enough room behind the unit for the transducer connectors and mains
connector allowing for the transducer and mains cable bend radii. This will normally
allow all other connections to be made easily to the serial ports and allow sufficient space
behind the unit for the rear panel fan cooling to operate efficiently.
The rubber feet on the unit will stop it sliding around in all but the heaviest seas however
if severe weather is expected then lashing the unit and monitor down will prevent

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

A convenient space for the operator should be provided in front of the work surface. The
equipment has a graphical user interface, so the position of the monitor, keyboard and
mouse are critical with regard to efficient system control and operator comfort. Access to
the front panel of the GeoSwath Plus is secondary, as the front panel only accommodates
the on switch, reset switch and removable storage media. If space is constrained, then the
GeoSwath Plus box can be placed as remotely from the monitor, keyboard and mouse as
the connecting leads allow.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

13.1. Assembling the Over-side Transducer Mount.

It is assumed that the over-side mount has been supplied by Kongsberg GeoAcoustics. If
another over-side mount or a bow mount is to be used then only the general points should
be followed.
Note Consideration should be given to the materials used when fabricating your
own over-side mount (see chapter on galvanic corrosion).

It is also assumed that this is an installation on a vessel of opportunity . Should a

permanent hull or bow mount installation be required then Kongsberg GeoAcoustics
should be contacted for advice.
Note It is recommended that appropriate safety footwear and gloves be worn
when installing the over-side mount and V-plate assemblies.

The position of the transducer mount is critical for successful data collection. An over-side
mount will minimise pitch induced heave errors, if placed near the centre of the vessel. A
point should be chosen which allows the whole pole to swing out of the water either
towards the front or rear of the vessel whilst in transit to the survey site (this may not be
so important if the transit distance is small). If the pole is fixed, then this will limit the safe
transit speed of the vessel, as the hydrodynamic drag forces on the pole increase
dramatically with vessel speed, to the point where the pole can bend.
The rectangular Boom mounting plate (see below) should be fitted flat to the deck of the
vessel. If this is not possible, then the plate should be screwed or bolted to a thick plank
and this may then be mounted to the deck or fixed securely to the vessel. The plate should
be mounted at 90 degrees to the keel or direction of travel and have the pivot pointing out
away from the side of the vessel.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

Above: Fixing locations on the Boom Mount Plate .

Transducer and Sensor Cables

The transducer cables (GS05-0299) should now be attached to the transducers (the
echosounder is normally at the front of the V plate, so it points ahead in the direction of
travel when under way). The cables feed into the rear of the V plate and connect to the
transducers in the triangular cavity between the transducers.
The neoprene connector bodies on the end of the transducer cables must be fully
tightened. This is achieved by pushing the connectors hard into the transducer and then
tightening the locking ring. This action should be repeated until the locking ring is fully
Note Where appropriate ensure O-rings are fitted and O-lube is applied to the
connectors before mating (see maintenance section for further details).

The sensor cable assembly has several 9 way D type connectors and a smaller 3 way
bayonet connector at the top end and connections for the sensors at the bottom (see
illustrations at the end of this manual). This cable provides power to the echosounder,
attitude and mini-SVS sensors. This cable also supplies data from the navigation and
gyrocompass for aiding the attitude sensor.
Make all connections to the sensors mounted on the V-plate assembly. The Tritech
echosounder connector should also be secured using four cap head screws.

Fitting the OSM Shafts

Fit the Bottom shaft to the V-plate assembly ensuring that it is bolted on tightly. At this
stage it is a good idea to apply some tape markers to the bottom shaft at regular intervals
from the centre of the transducers (e.g. at 0.5m intervals, see below). These markers will
be useful when measuring the depth of the transducers below the waterline later.
Tape and/or Ty-rap the cable run up the back of the pole (e.g. spaced 30cm apart) to hold
the cables in place.

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Above: Example V-plate assembly with Pole fitted and depth markers attached.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

13.2. Transceiver Connections

All of the GeoSwath Plus connections26 (apart from the sea earth stud) are made on the
rear panel of the GeoSwath Plus deck unit. Please also refer to the GA-drawings at the
rear of this manual. For information on recommended Baud rates please also refer to
section on Sensor Baud Rates and String Formats.

Item No. Connection

1 Port Transducer
2 Starboard Transducer
3 Keyboard
4 Mouse
5 Mains Inlet
6 Mains Outlet
8 +24V D.C. Outlet
9 Video / Monitor
10 RS232 Ports
11 1 PPS Input

26This chapter details connections that would typically be made when interfacing to the Tritech Altimeter,
TSS DMS-05 motion sensor, Valeport mini-SVS, SG Brown Gyro Compass and a standard DGPS receiver.
Other equipment combinations may require different connectivity.

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As with any sonar equipment, consideration must be given to proper grounding of the
GeoSwath Plus system. It is recommended that a direct path to sea ground be available
for use if necessary. This should not be shared with high energy equipment such as
boomers, sparkers, radio equipment or radar etc. It is important to check the earthing
system on board any vessel which is intended to be a platform for sonar work.

Before connecting any peripherals to the GeoSwath box, check that there is no
potential difference or AC high voltage between the chassis earths of these different
systems. The inputs of the GeoSwath are protected against over-voltage to a
degree, but will not protect the inputs if, for example, the Nav system and the
GeoSwath are powered from different phases of a 3 phase mains supply. This can
be tested using a multi-meter to measure for the presence of both AC and DC
voltages between the grounds of the different systems when connected to the
mains supply. If differences larger than a few volts are found the cause should be
investigated and fixed before proceeding with the installation.

Mains supply
The GeoSwath Plus transceiver has one mains Inlet (5) and Outlet (6). The mains voltage
input is universal, 95 to 265 VA.C. so there is no need to change mains settings. Ensure
that the line switch on the front panel is in the OFF position (down) before connecting the
mains lead to the rear of the unit.

Connect the mains adapter lead between

the generator and the input on the back of
the un-interruptible power supply (UPS).
(Remember to check both the oil and fuel
levels before starting the generator).

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

Connecting the GeoSwath to a UPS will

allow data collection to continue on
battery backup in the event of a power
failure. Connect IEC mains leads
between the UPS and both the GeoSwath
deck unit and monitor.

The video lead from the monitor (DVI connector) should be connected to the matching
video 1 connector (9) on the rear panel of the GeoSwath Plus and the locking screws
tightened. If a supplementary monitor is used (for example to provide a helmsman s
display from GeoSwath Plus) then this monitor should be similarly connected to video
2 .

Keyboard and Mouse

The keyboard (3) and mouse (4) should be connected to the appropriate matching
connectors and on the rear of the GeoSwath Plus deck unit.

GPS Receiver Interface

Configure the GPS receiver to output NMEA GGA, VTG and ZDA strings (typically 9600
baud at and update rate of 1Hz). It is assumed that the GPS has already been fitted to the
vessel, with all aerials and cabling in place.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

Interface the GPS splitter cable

(GS05-1099) between the output
of the GPS and COM 1 on the
GeoSwath Plus transceiver.

Connect one of the spare splitter cable outputs to the D type on the sensor cable labelled
NMEA + VTG Input .

1PPS Input
Connect the BNC link lead
between the 1PPS output on the
GPS and the 1PPS input (11) on
the back of the GeoSwath Plus
deck unit.

The Gyro should be fitted to the vessel and fixed so that it is in line with the keel. It
should be in a position which does not obstruct walkways, where the power supply can
feed the +24VDC for the gyro and where the RS232 cable will reach to the GeoSwath unit.
It is vital that the gyro cannot be knocked out of alignment by vessel motion or passing
crew during the survey.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

The Gyro power supply, if needed, should be connected and the Gyro should be powered
up. This will allow the gyro to settle, as this can take up to 1.5 hours. Check that the
Gyro update rate is set to 10 Hz and that the Latitude is set accordingly to your world
location, (refer to the Gyro manual for further information on baud rate dip switch settings
and Latitude setup).
The RS232 serial cable from the Gyro should be connected to the D type male (pins)
connector labelled GYRO INPUT . If the cable is terminated in a 25 way D type
connector then a 25 to 9 way converter will be required.
The female D type connector labelled GYRO COM3 should be connected to COM 3
on the rear of the GeoSwath Plus deck unit.

The 9 way D type connector labelled ECHO COM4 (carrying the serial echosounder
data strings) should be connected to the COM 4 on the rear of the GeoSwath Plus deck

Mini-SVS Sensor
Connect the 9 way D type connector labelled SVS COM5 to COM 5 on the rear of the
GeoSwath Plus deck unit.

Attitude Sensor
The 9 way D type connector labelled MRU COM2 (carrying the serial attitude sensor
data strings) should be connected to the COM 2 on the rear of the GeoSwath Plus deck
The three way bayonet connector should be connected to the +24VD.C. OUTLET (8) on
the rear of the GeoSwath Plus deck unit. This provides power to the connected sensors.
The GeoSwath Plus deck unit installation is now complete.

Transducer Cables
The port and starboard transducer cable connectors (GS05-0299) should be fitted to the
appropriately labelled connectors on the rear of the GeoSwath Plus deck unit (1) (2).

13.3. Pre-deployment Functional Test

Prior to deploying the transducer mount in the water a functional system test should be
performed, (see later section on system maintenance). These checks will highlight possible
faults with the sensors, electronics, cables and transducers.

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13.4. Deploying the Transducer Mount

Once the Pre-deployment check has been successfully performed and no errors found the
V-plate assembly can be deployed over-side the vessel.
Attach a strop to both the front and rear of the V plate assembly. Using the orange
strops attached to the V plate lower the transducer mount over-side the vessel
supporting the top of the shaft as it is lowered. Feed the shaft into the bottom of the
bearing mount assembly (item 12). Align the V-plate assembly with the fore-aft axis of
the vessel then insert the locking pin which will prevent the V-plate assembly from falling
into the water. Inspect the current depth of the V-plate assembly. The transducers need to
have a clear line of sight below the vessel keel to the sea bed. If necessary adjust the height
of the V-plate by first removing the locking pin before dropping or lifting the assembly to
the appropriate height. Re-insert the locking pin once the height has been set.
Note For larger vessels the additional middle and top extension shafts can be
screwed into the bottom shaft. Ensure the pole locking bolt is screwed
into position when attaching additional poles.

Once the V-plate assembly is sitting at a suitable depth secure the Swing clamps (item 14)
by tightening the Lock Screws .

To prevent any Port/Stbd movement of the V-plate assembly during survey a suitable
pole stabiliser mechanism should be used. A stabiliser can be supplied with the GeoSwath
system if the vessel does not already have a clamp attached to the side of the vessel.
Attach two ropes to the stabiliser then lower over-side sliding into position between the
vessel and pole assembly, see below.
Note The reach of the stabiliser can be adjusted if required.

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Figure 5: The V-plate assembly mounted over-side and secured fore and aft.
Fit the stabiliser securing bolt into a free hole in the pole. Loosen the cap head screws of
the boom mount clamps (item 26) then pull the Boom arm in so that the stabiliser rests
firmly against the side of the vessel. Feed a strop around the pole and partially tighten
using the ratchet mechanism, (this will provide additional stability once fully tightened).
The strops attached to the V plate should now be secured and alternately tightened fore
and aft (a little at a time) until the pole is aligned vertically (again using the ratchet
mechanisms supplied with the strops).
The axis of the V plate must be accurately aligned with the fore-aft axis of the gyro and
preferably both should be aligned to the fore-aft axis of the vessel. If this can be done
accurately it will minimise the yaw correction which will have to be applied as a result of
Once the pole assembly is secured, fully tighten the pole support strop. Finally tighten the
cap head screws of the boom mount clamps (item 26) which will lock the boom arm in
The transducer and sensor cables should be arranged to allow the pole to swing back into
the storage or transit position and routed on deck so as not to create a hazard.

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Note The GeoSwath Plus transducers are passive (no pre-amps) and the signals
coming up the cables are very low voltage. Even though the cable cores are
individually screened the cables should not be laid parallel to power cables
or other sonar equipment cables, to avoid interference. The minimum bend
radius of these cables is 15 cm or 6 inches and this should be observed for
maximum cable reliability. They should not run across walkways without
protection, or be placed where they could be crushed by heavy objects.

13.5. Measuring Offsets

Transducer Draft
The transducer draft is the depth of the transducers below the water line of the vessel.
Measure the distance from the waterline to the nearest tape height marker. Subtract this
distance from the height marker to determine the correct transducer draft. Make a note of
this value as you will need to enter it into the GS+ software later.

Figure 6: Transducer draft in example above is 1.5m 0.25m = 1.25m

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GPS Antenna to V plate offsets

 Measure and record the height of the GPS antenna above the waterline.
 Measure and record the fore/aft distance between the GPS antenna and the centre
of the transducers on the V-plate.
 Measure and record the port/starboard distance between the GPS antenna and the
centre of the transducers on the V-plate.

13.6. Galvanic Corrosion in Sea Water

Aluminium corroding in seawater when in contact with stainless steel is a well known
problem. The effect is called galvanic corrosion and occurs when two dissimilar metals
come in contact with an electrolyte (sea water) forming a cell in which a current flows.
The rate of corrosion depends upon the differences in electrical potential as defined in the
table Galvanic Series of Metals and Alloys . During reaction the less noble of the metals
(Aluminium) becomes the anode (+) and corrodes, whereas the more noble metal
(Stainless Steel) becomes the cathode (-) and is less affected.
Factors such as the presence of oxygen in the sea through aeration can increase the
aggressiveness of the corrosive attack.
If the sea water (electrolyte) becomes more conductive, then the problem gets worse. It is
also possible for scratched aluminium to corrode simply due to aggressive nature of sea
water, as it is a relatively reactive metal.
Corrosion caused by current flow due to bad or inappropriate earthing will have identical
effects on aluminium with identical current flow (same mechanism), though the potential
can be far worse as the voltage difference can be much greater than the fixed electro-
potential difference between stainless steel and aluminium.

Measures to prevent corrosion

- Items made of dissimilar metals (e.g. stainless steel peripheral sensors and the
aluminium V-plate) should be isolated from each other. Kongsberg GeoAcoustics
provide acetal blocks for mounting the altimeter and mini-SVS in isolation from the
V-plate. Similar insulating plates are available for the motion sensors.
- Any customer made over-side mount components such as brackets, poles, V-plates
should be correctly treated to give a layer of protection during the final stage of
manufacture e.g. by anodising (Aluminium) or by passivating (Stainless Steel).
Using the same metal for all over-side mount components will help. If not possible
then metals should be used that have similar potentials on the galvanic scale. The
more closely matched the individual potentials, the lesser the potential difference
and hence the lesser the galvanic current.
- Any damaged/exposed areas where the anodising has been removed should be
repaired by touching up with a suitable paint barrier. Note that any areas not
protected will corrode quicker. Black dye used in the treatment process may fade
over time but the anodised coating should remain.

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- Attaching a sacrificial anode (made of zinc) can help prevent corrosive attack
(Cathodic protection). The anode must be regularly inspected and replaced when
- Whenever possible (e.g. between surveys/after demobilising) the V-plate, sensors
and transducers should be washed down with fresh water.

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14. Acquisition
The following chapters do not attempt to cover all aspects of Hydrographic Survey using
GS+, but will provide guidance on obtaining successful results.
It is assumed that the system has been installed correctly and that the pre-deployment test
has been successfully accomplished. System calibration is described later in this manual
and should be carried out prior to survey as calibration relies on collected survey data
the chapters on how to operate the software, collect useful data and process it successfully
have been included first.
These chapters will show you how to:
 acquire raw data and check it using the displays available for real-time QA/QC.
 process the data applying all the ancillary data, offsets and filters.
 bin the data into a grid and view the results.
 output the data in the required format.
 use the Setup Wizard.
These chapters also describe the displays and statistical tools used to check the data
The first section below describes setting up a new project. If you want to work on a new
PC with a project that has already been set up remember that all the files in the project
directory and the *.pof project file need to be copied to the new machine.

14.1. Using the Setup Wizard

The setup wizard can be used to assist with entering survey settings and import of
external data. This is a useful tool for beginners however the normal method of project
management is to use the Survey Manager.
Start the setup wizard by selecting File Setup Wizard (L).

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This opens a series of dialogues that will set up the file structure and project files for the
survey you will be doing. The complete set of Wizard dialogues are shown on the next
four pages.
Note If you select I want to use the currently loaded project in the first dialogue
you will be modifying an existing project file. This means that the Setup
Wizard can also be used as a quick and easy way to add something to a
project. If you start the Wizard and select the default option for a window it
will not modify the existing settings you can go through the windows until
you reach the one where you want to make changes.

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In the next six windows the com settings can be changed by selecting the com port in the
Port option. This opens the settings dialogue. The various input formats available can be
chosen from the String Type option.

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Selecting the import ASCII option in the next three windows opens the file chooser. To
use this you must have an appropriate tide, SVP or external xyz file ready.

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Your project file will now be populated and the folders in the Survey Manager window
can be expanded to show the newly created files.

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To finish setting up the project create a new Calibration Offsets file (R on the
Calibration Offsets folder and select New Offset File). In the window that appears
choose the transducer frequency and design from the pull down menu.

Choose the echosounder type27 (if used, see footnote).

Choose the motion sensor type28 and mount orientation where given (H = Horizontal, V=

27 Currently it is not possible to have an echosounder with the single-head transducer arrangement
28When using a motion sensor where lever arm measurements have been entered to set the frame of
reference at the centre of the GeoSwath transducers (e.g. POSMV) chose INS as the MRU type. Alternatively
an MRU type may be chosen and the offsets manually changed to X=0, Y=0 and Z=0.

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After re-naming the files your Survey Manager window should look something like this:

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14.2. Setting up a New Project

From the File menu select File New Project (L) and give it an appropriate name. You
will notice the both the status window (bottom left of the screen) and the GS+ title bar now
show the project name you entered.

14.3. Import Vessel File & Enter offsets

Import a vessel file and ensure you tick the check box adjacent to it in the Survey Manager.

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Edit the vessel file and enter the measured offsets for the GPS antenna height above the
waterline and depth to the centre of the transducers below the waterline, GPS fore/Aft,
port/starboard and transducer draft..

This can be done graphically by first clicking on or then L on the correct

position on the 2D graphical display to place.

Alternatively the positions may be entered numerically in the control area by first clicking
on the appropriate tab (e.g. Antenna Position, Transducer Position etc.) then entering the

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Antenna Position offsets:-

Z = 0 is the waterline
+ve X is to Fore
+ve Y is to Port
+ve Z is Up

The transducer draft is entered in the Transducer Position (Up/Down) Z box in the control
area (+ve is Up).

The effect of transducer draft can be seen in the depth display the transducer position
will now be displayed correctly in relation to the waterline. Note that if a tide file has been
selected when collecting or processing data the depth displayed will also include tide, (i.e.
depth will be shown relative to local tide zero datum).
The Vessel size can also be changed by entering the appropriate values in the Vessel Size

If a navigation computer is used to output corrected position data to GeoSwath Plus then
any offsets between the GPS antenna and the GeoSwath Plus transducers may be taken
into account in the navigation computer. This makes the effective antenna position the
same as the transducers.
One issue here is lever arms: if the antenna is on a long pole then roll will show up as
position wander (5 degree roll on a 6m pole will wander by over 1m). This will only be
corrected properly by lever arm software that uses the roll data from the MRU. The GS+
software does correct for this, some navigation software does not (an example of other
software that does use lever arms and motion data is the software provided with the
Applanix POS-MV).

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Be careful not to have the antenna offsets entered twice: GS+ has no way of telling if
offsets have already been entered in the navigation computer (and vice-versa). It is best to
double check the offsets entered in the navigation computer/GPS system and write them
in the survey log, even if they are zero.
To close the Vessel Editor click on at the top right of the Control Area

14.4. Decode and Check Incoming Serial data

In Survey manager R on Equipment Settings and choose New Equipment File.

Expand the Equipment Settings tree then R on the newly created equipment file and
choose Edit.

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Decode the data streams from the ancillary sensors. This should look something like the
screenshot below.

The Com port setup screens can be accessed by selecting (L

) the Com port (Com1 to
Com6) in the control area. The Decode button is used to select the type of incoming
position data (IEC 61162 GGA, GLL or GGK string, or user defined Grid of Lat/Long

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The Geodetic Conversion Parameters can be accessed via the Decode dialogue.
Alternatively this dialogue can be accessed via File Geodetic Conversion Parameters in
the main menu.

Interfacing with ancillary data is described in more detail later in this manual (see chapter
on Sensor Strings and Baud Rates).
Close the Equipment Settings Editor using the window close icon at the top right of the
Control Area.
The status of the incoming strings can also be checked when transmitting, (see later section
on Peripheral Data Status LEDs).

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14.5. Create an Acquisition Settings File

Create or import an acquisition settings file. This will retain all settings made during
acquisition. Once created ensure that the new file is ticked.

14.6. Creating a new Calibration Offsets File

To create a new Calibration Offsets file R on the Calibration Offsets folder and select
New Offset File. This opens the dialogue to choose the appropriate transducer,
echosounder and motion sensor being used.

The calibrations offset editor and settings are described in more detail in the chapter on
system calibration.
The calibration offsets do not have to be correct before collection of survey data:
processing data will apply the calibration offsets selected in the Survey Manager.

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14.7. Creating Run Lines

This creates the empty raw data files for data recording at the same time as storing
information on the survey run lines (if required). To create a new set of survey lines R
on Raw Data Files in Survey Manager and choose New Survey .

In the New Survey window that appears enter your desired line parameters.
Note Entering a positive value for the line spacing will create run lines stbd of
the first line. A negative value will create run lines Port of the first line.

Line positions do not have to be entered if you are using an external Navigation and
Survey Planning PC to plan and run your survey.
It is good practice to enter an appropriate unique New Folder name and Line Identifier
(for example HarborZone1, HZday1line) to make it easier to identify the lines while

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Once entered click on Apply then close the New Survey window. The raw data files will
now be appended to the Survey Manager (they will be selected, ready for recording raw
data). The run lines can be viewed in the Navigation window (when R  (on the
window) show run lines is selected).

Important Notes on File Names & Management

- All file names in GS+ must be unique (for all file types).
- You cannot have two files of one type with the same name even if they are in
different folders.
- If you want to move processed files into folders then you should do so within GS+
Survey Manager as GS+ will append a (2) to the copied file, (it is recommended to
avoid moving files using Windows explorer).
- If for some reason you have to use Windows explorer to move files within and
between projects then you should ensure the file names are unique before using
repair or rebuild project operation is performed.
- Files must not be renamed using names that match existing files in other folders.

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Line Definition File Import

Run lines can also be setup by importing a line definition file (via drag-and-drop).
A line file can be created in notepad and should be saved with the extension *.ldf. The
format of the file should be as follows linename,solx,soly,eolx,eoly

Above: Example of a line file created in notepad

Alternatively you can directly import line files which are in the UKOOA P190 Post Plot
Positioning Data Format.

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Changing Line Properties

To change the properties of a line R and choose Edit line from the popup window.

In the Edit Line window you can change the lines position, direction, length or you can
simply reverse the direction if you wish.

Note A line direction can quickly be reversed by R on an rdf and choosing

Reverse Line from the popup menu instead of Edit Line.

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14.8. Acquiring and Inspecting Raw Data

The Acquisition button on the Control Toolbar opens the acquisition controls.

The Acquisition Controls are described below. After the description is a section on typical
use of the controls when using GS+.

Acquisition Control Buttons

Start and Stop buttons; these start/stop the acquisition process29.

Transmit button. When selected this turns on the transmit pulse to the transducers.
Test Signal button enables the receiver test signal; the same signal is applied to all four
receivers. If there are no problems with the GeoSwath Plus circuit boards then all data
points will have a return angle perpendicular to the transducer face, an inverted V will
be seen in the depth display.

29 Data is only logged when the record button is pressed.

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Note that the test signal does not give any indication of possible faults with either the
transmitter board or the transducers/cables. If the vessel is moving then you will see the
cross profile and depth waterfall displays moving with the vessel motion (see image

File Control Buttons

The Line: comment shows which line is currently selected. Below this is the date and time
that will be used for time stamping the data files. In your survey log you should record
the data and time shown here, along with local time, the PC time shown on you
computer s clock and UTC (available in the GPS string). Recording how these times relate
to each other at the start of your survey can save a lot of effort when having to input tide
and SVP data later.
The disk space bar shows how much total disk space has been used. The colour coding is
green for 0-80%, yellow for 80-90% and red if over 90%. The overlaid text shows the
amount of data written to the currently selected file and the amount of disk space
remaining in the form of uuuuMB/rrrrMB.

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The Data File buttons show, from left to right, the Record, Previous, Next and Stop

 Record: When pressed data will be logged to the currently selected raw data

 Previous: Will select the previous raw data file when pressed if available.

 Next: Will select the next raw data file when pressed if available.

 Stop: When pressed logging to the currently selected raw data file will stop, the
raw data file will be de-selected. If another (empty) raw data file has been
previously selected (ticked) in the Survey Manager, then this will become the active
file for data recording when the record button is next pressed.

14.9. Pulse/Ping Length, Gain & Power Settings

These settings have slider controls:

Side Scan Gain: This sets the gain for the Side Scan channel, (typically set at 1 or 2 for
normal use). In deeper water (e.g. >50m deep) and softer bottoms this may need to be
Pulse Length: This sets the length of the transmit pulse in the water, (typically set at 1)
which gives a pulse length of 16 cycles. Longer ping lengths give poorer resolution.
Power: Again typically set at level 1. For 250 kHz power level 10 gives approximately
221dB re 1µPa @ 1m. Other settings scale this down as shown in the chart below. This
transmit level is the tested in-band output of the transducers. In standard mid water
depth survey conditions power levels of 10 can be used to increase the signal levels. In
shallow waters a signal level of 5 or less may be necessary to prevent the side-scan signal
from saturating (being limited by the input protection diodes on the receive staves). This
will be seen in the side-scan image as a dark band in the centre of each line typically in
15m and less water depth the power setting might need to be reduced, especially if the
survey is over a hard seafloor. Note that the Power should not be adjusted during a
survey, as this will cause banding in the side-scan mosaic and GeoTexture processing will
not be useable.

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224.0 SL, 250kHz (dB re 1uPa at 1m,+/-

SL, 125kHz (dB re 1uPa at 1m, +/-
SL (dB re 1uPa @ 1m)


218.0 Log. (SL, 250kHz (dB re 1uPa at

Log. (SL, 125kHz (dB re 1uPa at
1m, +/- 1dB))



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Power Setting

Ping Length: This sets the range which is effectively the listening time after each transmit
pulse. The ping rate is the number of pings per second (pps) and will depend on the ping
length set, (see table below):
Ping Theoretical Ping Typical Ping Pings per Along track Pings per m
Length Rate * Rate*** side** Separation of Along track (at
Pings (at 5 kts) 5 kts)

25m 30 pps 23 pps 11.5 pps 0.22m 4.5

50m 15 pps 12 pps 6 pps 0.42m 2.4
100m 7.5 pps 6.5 pps 3.25 pps 0.77m 1.3
150m 5 pps 4.4 pps 2.2 pps 1.14m 0.9
195m 3.25 pps 3 pps 1.5 pps 1.67m 0.6
* Using 1500m/s speed of sound in shallow water in deeper water you will need to consider the
geometry, as the ping length sets the maximum slant range, not horizontal range.
** The GeoSwath plus uses two transducers and transmits alternately port then starboard.
*** can be limited by system load check the specifications of your system.
The above table is important in survey planning. You should chose the ping rate to suit
the swath width required and must also consider the along track coverage needed to meet
the survey objectives.
Units: The current units are displayed adjacent to the Ping Length value. The default is
metres. Clicking on the units button will globally toggle the units of GS+ to US Survey
feet .

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14.10. Acquisition Filters

The next set of buttons are the Acquisition filters.

These affect the recording of data to the raw data file so should be used with care. Their
function is to reduce the processing load in acquisition and post-processing by automated
rejection of outliers and noise points.
The first two acquisition filters use the phase information. They are useful for reducing
data density which can speed up processing significantly in deeper water; however they
will degrade the Side Scan data.

Group Filter
When enabled the group filter is applied to the data prior to logging. The filter works
through the range/angle samples in each ping in forward order. Samples are rejected if
the sine of the angle is greater than a (learning) threshold. Points that are not in groups
tend to be removed: this can be thought of as a spike filter operating on sine values.

Bottom Tracking Filter

When enabled the bottom tracking filter is applied to the data prior to logging. The filter
works through the range/angle samples in reverse order generating a continuous mean of
the sines and rejecting sines outside a threshold (approx ±17°). The result is that points are
removed if sine values are wildly away from the general trend of the data. This can be
thought of as a very loose bottom tracking filter starting at far range.

Watercolumn Filter
When enabled during acquisition the filtered points are flagged (as
ACQ_WATERCOLUMN in the rdf-file/stream) so that the filter may be undone when
post-processing. If the Automatic setting is off then the water column filter can be set
using the mouse in the depth display.
When this filter is applied during post-processing the filtered points are flagged as
SWATH_LIMITS in the processed swf-file.

Watercolumn Filter Automatic

When enabled the height of the watercolumn filter is automatically set based on the mean
water depth, this should not be used in areas of rapidly changing seabed topography or in
very shallow water. A setting in the File Options dialogue (Acquisition tab) sets the
water column offset.

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14.11. Peripheral Data Status LEDs

The status LEDs give an immediate visual indication of the quality of the ancillary data
coming into the GeoSwath Plus.

LED Nav MRU30 Gyro Echo SVS PPS

No Port Selected No Port Selected No Port Selected No Port Selected No Port Selected Transmitting Stopped

No Data or Bad No Data or Bad No Data or Bad No Data or Bad No Data or Bad PPS Pulse or ZDA string Bad

GPS Unaided* N/A N/A N/A Do not synchronise selected

DGPS or good Fully Aided* or Good Good Good Good Synch Clock at start of line

RTK Float GPS Aided* N/A N/A N/A Synch Clock with every pulse

RTK Fix Heading Aided* N/A N/A N/A N/A

*A flashing MRU LED indicates the MRU is in its settling period.

A logging status LED is also shown at the right hand side of the Acquisition Control, the
meaning is as follows:-
LED Meaning
No Raw Data File Is Selected
A Raw File Is Selected But Not Logging

Data Is Being Logged To The Currently Selected Raw Data File*

Logging To The Currently Selected Raw Data File Is Paused.

*The LED also flashes between Dark Green and Light Green while logging.

30MRU states listed are for the Teledyne TSS DMS series when outputting a TSS1 string. Other motion
sensors may give different states depending on the string format supplied to GS+.

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When acquiring data it is useful to have the Status Area displaying the Status. This has
various text displays that allow real-time QC of system operation. Particularly note the
Ping: figure for pps (pings per second). This can fall below that required for the survey
objectives (see above comments on Ping Length) if you have too many windows open.
Keep an eye on this you can record what ping rate is actually being achieved in your
survey log.

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14.12. Recording Data (Using the Acquisition Controls)

The Acquisition controls would typically be set up and used in the following sequence:
Action Comments
Select Acquisition on the Control Toolbar Not available on processing only or training
Select desired real-time displays. Normally Window - Arrange if necessary and set
Depth from the Display Toolbar. Side-Scan appropriate extends using the tools on the
and Analogue are also useful. View Toolbar
Select Status in the Status Toolbar
Expand the Survey Manager and make sure Files to check:
appropriate files are created and selected
Vessel Settings
Equipment Settings
Acquisition Settings
Calibration Offsets
Filter Settings (if processing on-line)
Raw Data Files
Set the transmit parameters. Typical settings:
Side Scan Gain: 1
Pulse Length: 1
Power: 5
Ping Length: as required for survey

Press the Transmit On followed by

Start buttons.
Turn on the Acquisition Filters Group Filter and Bottom Tracking Filter as
standard, Watercolumn Filter on Automatic
if appropriate. Note that Water Column
Automatic offset is set up in the File
Options dialogue under the Acquisition tab

The Depth display should now show the seafloor under the vessel.

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To recap the steps in this manual so far, the recommended

sequence of actions is as follows:-

1. Select the 'Acquisition' system control window.

2. Create or import a vessel file, enter antenna and

transducer offsets using the vessel editor.

3. Create or import an equipment settings file, setup

all peripheral equipment using the equipment

4. Create or import an acquisition settings file.

5. Create the Calibration Offsets file

6. Create one or more raw data files ready for logging.

7. Open the necessary display windows.

8. Select the 'Status' system status window.

9. Start acquisition.

The Setup Wizard can be used for some of these steps, but
you should become familiar with doing them manually and
checking that the appropriate files exist and are Selected.
It is best to leave the Survey Manager file structure
expanded so you can see that the correct files have been

You can now record the data coming into the GeoSwath Plus by selecting an empty raw
data file to record to (make sure it is ticked in the Survey Manager and is shown in the
window Line003 in the next figure) and pressing the Record button in the Acquisition
Control Area.

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The Logging indicator LED will start flashing light and dark green showing data is being recorded.
The Raw Data Files which have already been used (i.e. contain data) are indicated by a red
dot in the Survey manager. A Green dot indicates a file that is set up, empty, and ready
for recording.
Raw file length should not exceed 1.0GB. This is for ease of data storage, retrieval,
processing and archiving. The automated splitting parameters can be adjusted for
smaller file sizes using the File Options dialogue under the Acquisition tab, but
this will not override the maximum file size of 1.0GB.

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 Options)
14.13. Data Displays (Summary of R
There are various views available to inspect data during acquisition, (see earlier chapter
on data displays). Be careful not to overload the processing capabilities of the computer
being used check in the Status display that the Ping: time shown in pings per second
(pps) is high enough for your survey objectives with the required windows open. If not
you will need to reduce the processing load by closing windows, reducing the amount of
on-line data filtering/processing and/or making the windows smaller to reduce the
graphics processing load. You could also reduce the swath width as this will mean less
data is being collected and processed per ping.

Above: Real-time logging image showing Depth, Depth Waterfall & Side Scan Analogue/Waterfall

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The options from each data window are summarised in the following table.
Display Options (R) Comment
Depth Show LUT Shows the extent of the SVP lookup table and
which lookup cells have been populated (green).
Show Good Points The depth display is showing only the points that
have passed through all of the currently enabled
Show Filtered points The depth display shows all data points, filtered
points are coloured as red.
Save Depth Profile Saves the displayed ping to a xyz file.
Window Colours Enables you to customise the colours used in the
depth display.
Units Enables you to set the units to metres or US
Survey feet. This is a global switch affecting all
parts of GS+ and not just the depth display.
Coverage Locate Centres the view on the current position.
Centre Track Centres the view on the current location. Re-
centres the view when the vessel leaves the
visible window.
Follow Track Continually centres the view on the current
Track Only Shows the vessel track
Monochrome Shows the track and coverage
Colour Coverage Shows the track and coverage, depth shaded
Side Scan Coverage Shows the track and coverage with overlaid side-
Save History Enables you to save the current coverage history.
The file will be saved with the extension *.hif
Load History Enables you to load a previously saved history
Clear history Clears the track and coverage history also see
the File Options History Coverage History
Show Tide positions Shows a flag and label at the tide stations. The
Tide Files must be loaded into the Survey
Manager with correct locations
Show SVP Positions Shows a flag and label at the SVP dip positions.
The SVP Files must be loaded into the Survey
Manager with correct locations.
Show Flags Shows the flags in the Flag Files selected (Base
Map Files Flags in the Survey Manager)
Colour Scale Displays the depth scale being used for the

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Display Options (R) Comment

Link View Links the view to other linkable displays
(Navigation, Grid, Mosaic)
Print Opens the Print dialogue for this window
Window Colours Enables you to customise the colours used in the
Coverage display.
Units Enables you to set the units to metres or US
Survey feet. This is a global switch affecting all
parts of GS+ and not just the Coverage display.
Waterfall Colour Scale Displays the depth scale being used for the
Window Colours Enables you to customise the colours used in the
Waterfall display.
Units Enables you to set the units to metres or US
Survey feet. This is a global switch affecting all
parts of GS+ and not just the depth display.
Analogue Horizontal Range As all data points have X, Y, Amplitude, the Side
Scan can be displayed in horizontal range. This
control also affects the Side Scan Waterfall
Display and thus the SWP file.
Slant Range Displays true side-scan (time series of
amplitudes), ignoring position.
Slant Range Correction Applies slant range correction (removes the water
column) using the bottom tracking method
selected to the Side Scan Waterfall display.
Bottom Tracking First Return: Uses the first detected bottom return
in the side-scan amplitude for the bottom
tracking this is best where the first return is
Centre Depth: Uses the centre depth(s) from the
profile underneath the vessel for the bottom
tracking this can be noisy if unless the filters are
set up properly.
Echosounder: uses the echosounder on the
transducer head for the bottom tracking usually
the best method unless there is interference from
other sensors (i.e. ships echosounder).
In all cases the red line on the display shows the
depth being used for the corrections.
Further set-up options can be found in the File
Options Side-Scan dialogue.

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Display Options (R) Comment

Normalise This assumes a uniform seafloor response, and
uses the range and angle information to estimate
the transducer beam pattern, then corrects the
side-scan data for this measured beam pattern.
The normalise function is built up continually
(best over a flat, uniform area).
Lock Locks the current normalise function.
Reset Resets the normalise corrections.
Increase Points Increases the points used in the TVG correction
curve (for manual set-up).
Decrease Points Decreases the points used in the TVG correction
curve (for manual set-up).
Loss law Applies a smoothed loss law (modified by the
return shape) for TVG correction.
Window Colours Enables you to customise the colours used in the
Analogue display.
Units Enables you to set the units to metres or US
Survey feet. This is a global switch affecting all
parts of GS+.
Side Scan Horizontal Range As all data points have X, Y, A, Amplitude, the
Side Scan waterfall can be displayed in horizontal
range. This control also affects the Side Scan
Analogue Display and the SWP file.
Slant Range Displays a true side-scan (time series of
amplitudes), ignoring position (including the
water column).
Slant Range Correction Applies slant range correction (removes the water
column) using the bottom tracking method

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Display Options (R) Comment

Bottom Tracking First Return: Uses the first detected bottom return
in the side-scan amplitude for the bottom
tracking this is best where the first return is
Centre Depth: Uses the centre depth(s) from the
profile underneath vessel for the bottom tracking
this can be noisy if unless the filters are set up
Echosounder: uses the echosounder on the
transducer head for the bottom tracking usually
the best method unless there is interference from
other sensors (i.e. ships echosounder).
In all cases the red line on the Analogue display
shows the depth being used for the corrections.
Adjustments can also be made, and further
options are available, in the File Options Side-
Scan dialogue.
Low Pass Filter Applies a low pass filter to the data giving it a
smoothed less grainy appearance.
Window Colours Enables you to customise the colours used in the
Side Scan display.
Units Enables you to set the units to metres or US
Survey feet. This is a global switch affecting all
parts of GS+.
Vessel Lock View Vessel will be shown pointing to the top of the
(3-D screen. Otherwise North is to the top of the
Attitude) screen.
Surface Background Shows seascape horizon background image.
Subsea Background Shows Subsea background image.
No Background The background will be white (blank).
Units Enables you to set the units to metres or US
Survey feet. This is a global switch affecting all
parts of GS+.
Attitude Units Enables you to set the units to metres or US
(Attitude Survey feet. This is a global switch affecting all
Graph) parts of GS+.
Echosounder Depth Display Switches the display to show the current depth
measurement. The displayed depth is the raw
value from the echosounder giving the water
depth below the transducers.
Units Enables you to set the units to metres or US
Survey feet. This is a global switch affecting all
parts of GS+.

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Display Options (R) Comment

Mini-SVS Units Enables you to set the units to metres or US
Survey feet. This is a global switch affecting all
parts of GS+.
Navigation Centre Track Re-centres the view on the current position.
Follow Track Keeps the vessel (current position) in the centre of
the view.
Line Up The currently selected survey line will point to
the top of the screen.
North Up North will be to the top of the screen.
Show Run-Lines Shows the run-lines, which are stored as part of
the survey plan.
Show Tide positions Shows a flag and label at the tide stations. The
Tide Files must be loaded into the Survey
Manager with correct locations.
Show SVP Positions Shows a flag and label at the SVP dip positions.
The SVP Files must be loaded into the Survey
Manager with correct locations.
Show Flags Shows the flags in the Flag Files selected (Base
Map Files Flags in the Survey Manager).
Link View Links the view to other linkable displays
(Coverage, Grid, and Mosaic).
Print Opens the Print dialogue for this window
Window Colours Enables you to customise the colours used in the
Navigation display.
Units Enables you to set the units to metres or US
Survey feet. This is a global switch affecting all
parts of GS+.
Often many of these screens are only used when setting up the survey and confirming
proper operation of GeoSwath Plus system including peripherals. Take care not to have
too many windows open as this may slow the ping rate down below that required for the
survey objectives. A typical setup for the Acquisition display when on survey would have
only the Depth and Coverage displays on and the Status window open.

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Navigation Display
The Navigation display shows the survey run lines and the relative vessel position. This
requires that the survey run lines are set up as described in the section on setting up a new
project above. When the boat strays off line a colour coded arrow indicates the required
direction to steer the vessel back on line. In the top right hand corner of the Navigation
window further information is provided. This is Sol (Start of Line) Distance, Sol Bearing,
Eol (End of Line) Distance, Eol Bearing and distance Offline. The navigation fixes
(maximum of 10,000) are displayed as squares in a history trail.

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14.14. Measurement Functions

In the Status Toolbar press the Measure button . To determine the position of a
seabed feature L on the feature in the open display. The Measurement status area will
show the feature position in Easting/Northing.
To make a measurement between two points L on the first measurement point, keep the
mouse button pressed and drag the mouse to the second measurement point.

The status area will display the position of both points and the distance between them.
When performing measurement operations within the depth display the depths and
gradient will also be displayed as in this example.

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Placing Flags

In the Measurement status area click on the flag button . To flag a particular feature on
the seabed simply L on the feature in one of the open data displays. The flag will be
placed and displayed on the open displays, e.g. Coverage, Waterfall, Side Scan etc. To
return to the measurement mode click on the flag button again.

The flag can be labelled by typing in the Label box then clicking Add .

Flag balloons can be toggled on and off by clicking on the Show Balloons button .
The balloons show the label, position and bin depth information.

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Measure Depths
Pressing this button interpolates the flag (bin) depth to give the exact depth at each flag
position. In the example below the measured depth of the wreck is 24.96m.

Delete Flag
Individual Flags can be deleted by selecting the unwanted flag then pressing the delete
flag button.

Clear Flags
Pressing this button will clear all flags.

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14.15. Online Statistics

Clicking on the Statistics button within the Status Toolbar will show the online
Statistics display.

The pie charts show the percentages of points filtered, colour coded according to each
filter. The display on the right shows the distribution of depths within each ping and
some statistics. This display are most useful in post-processing to determine which filters
work best at cleaning a particular data-set or section of data. The statistics are calculated
after the acquisition filters are applied.

14.16. Auto Gridding

The Auto Grid feature allows you to create grids during real-time (an alternate method of
generating a coverage plot to using the traditional Coverage History). To use this feature
(called Auto Gridding) prior to survey perform the following:-
1. Ensure you have enabled real-time Swath generation in the GS+ Acquisition

2. Using Survey Manager create a new grid in the normal way (see chapter on
Gridding data).

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3. On the Control toolbar click on the Grid icon to display the grid parameters.
Type in the co-ordinates of the complete planned area of survey.

4. Type in a desired bin size then click the Apply button

5. Enable the Auto Grid feature by clicking on the box as highlighted below.

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6. Start acquisition and press record to start logging data. Open the grid display and
you will see your processed coverage displayed.
The Grid will be saved automatically when:-
 acquisition or logging is stopped
 GS+ is closed or a new project opened

 the save button is pressed in Grid Filters .

Note: Using Auto Grid may reduce your acquisition ping rate by approximately 1.5 pings
per second (at typical Ping Length of 50m).

Tip for customers that own a 2nd user licence of GS+ Processing software:-
An alternate method is to perform the Auto Gridding on a slave PC/Laptop and broadcast
the rdf data to it. Using the broadcast option in this way enables you to create online
coverage grids without hindering the acquisition ping rate on the deck unit (see Auto
Gridding on a slave PC below).
The LED next to the bin size is to indicate the status of the available physical memory. See
table below for meanings.

LED Colour Free Memory Status

approaching low

The Auto button can be used to automatically set the bin size for the entered grid size
based on the amount of free physical memory on the PC in use.

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Auto Gridding on a slave PC

1. Link the GeoSwath deck unit to the slave processing PC using a RJ45 crossover
patch cable.
2. Open GS+ on both systems. On the deck unit choose ‘File | Connect | Send Raw
Data’, and on the Laptop choose ‘File | Connect | Receive’.
3. On the slave PC select ‘Process Received Data’ in the Processing Controls.

4. Follow the Auto Grid process as previously described for deck units but perform
the steps on the slave PC instead.

Swath files will only be produced in real-time on the slave PC for customers that own
ROV control processing dongles as long as ‘swath’ has been selected in the list of output
files (see GS+ Acquisition options).
For customers with standard processing dongles swath files will only be created when
processing the rdf after it has been logged. Grids however can still be created in real-time
using the Auto Grid method as described.
If you are encountering problems receiving the data over the ethernet link please check
that the Windows® firewall is turned off. If the link still does not function try restarting
the slave PC after which check again that GS+ has been set to ‘Receive and on the deck
unit to ‘Send Raw data .

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Raw Data File Functions

15. Raw Data File Functions

15.1. Selecting Files

To select a file from the Survey Manager simply 2L on the file. A tick () will indicate
that the file is selected.
To select multiple files start by selecting the first file at the top of the list e.g.
‘CaisterRoad009 (Part 1)’. Then whilst holding down the shift key select the last file, e.g.
‘CaisterRoad009 (Part 9)’. All files between and including two selected will now be
highlighted (see below) and ready for a chosen operation, e.g. choosing delete would
delete all selected files.

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Raw Data File Functions

15.2. Split & Extract Raw Data Files

Raw data files (*.rdf) can be broken down into smaller files or data can be extracted using
the ‘Split & Extract’ option. R on a selected file in the Survey Manager and select ‘Split
& Extract’ as illustrated below.

The Split & Extract options window will then appear as shown below.

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Raw Data File Functions

Split File
A raw data file can be Split into small pieces to aid storage and processing of large files.
The pieces are defined either by Size, in MB (1MB minimum), or by number of Pings.

Extract from Inside or Outside a defined Area

A portion of a line can be extracted or excluded by using the Extract from file
inside/outside area option. Here the area to be extracted or discarded from the data set is
defined by the Min X, Min Y, Max X and Max Y settings.

Extract Between Ping Numbers

A section of data can be extracted from a file between ping numbers entered.

Extract Between Times

A section of data can be extracted from a file between times entered.
After choosing a split/extract option and entering the desired values click on ‘OK’ for the
operation to execute. The chosen raw data file will now be split/extracted and the
resultant data output to a new file and will be visible in the Survey Manager.
In the example below a 70MB line named ‘CaisterRoad009’ was split into 15MB lines. This
operation generated five lines which can be seen listed in the Survey Manger,
(CaisterRoad009 Parts1-5)

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Raw Data File Functions

15.3. Merge Raw Data Files

Two or more raw data files can be joined together using the merge function.
In the Survey Manager R on the chosen files and select merge.

The resultant combined file will be appended to the Survey manager as illustrated below.

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Importing, Editing and Using Ancillary Data

16. Importing, Editing and Using Ancillary Data

This section describes the import and use of ancillary survey data. Some of the ancillary
data is already stored in the RDF, including the motion, heading, position, mini-SVS and
echosounder data (all time-stamped on collection). Other data required for the survey
(usually entered after collecting raw data) are SV dip(s) and the measured tide file(s).

Ancillary Data in the RDF

As well as the bathymetry and Side Scan data the RDF contains Navigation, Attitude,
Heading, Echosounder and Mini-SVS data. This data set can be edited by R on the raw
data file in the Survey Manager and selecting Edit data type.

These data sets can also be exported for external software inspection using the Export

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Importing, Editing and Using Ancillary Data

A choice of export formats are available:

Note If the data is supplied as a binary Lat/Lon over Ethernet (typically AUV
systems) the exported navigation has limited resolution.

You can edit these files externally then re-import, if required:

16.1. Re-Projection
Raw data files can be re-projected in a different map projection. R on the raw data file
that is to be re-projected and select Export Raw Strings.

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Now select File Geodetic Conversion Parameters and choose the new geodetic
parameters. Click OK to confirm.

R on the raw data file again and select Import Navigation Data.

Now go to the project export directory and select the navigation string exported earlier
that relates to the raw data file.

Click open and the navigation data will be imported and projected using the new geodetic

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Importing, Editing and Using Ancillary Data

16.2. Navigation Editor

The Navigation Editor allows the navigation data stored in the raw data files to be edited
or filtered. The screenshot above shows both differential GPS and unaided GPS where the
differential correction signal was lost during acquisition.
Fixes are displayed in the navigation editor colour coded to a GPS quality indicator in the
following way:-

Colour Meaning

Red Bad Fix (will not be used)

Yellow Unaided GPS

Green Differential GPS (default 'good' colour)

Dark Blue RTK GPS (Float)

Light Blue RTK GPS (Fix)

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Show List
Large quantities of peripheral data can sometimes cause GS+ to operate slowly when
opening the data editors due to the loading of the data into the list box. These list boxes
are now disabled by default for navigation, attitude and heading editors to increase the
speed of opening of these editors.

Above: Nav editor shown with List Box hidden (Default)

The list box may be enabled by pressing the ‘Show List button in the editor control.

Above: Nav editor pictured with List Box shown

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Importing, Editing and Using Ancillary Data

Navigation Editor Filter Controls

The navigation filter calculates the apparent speed and acceleration between fixes and
uses these speeds and accelerations to apply a series of filters to the navigation data. If the
navigation data is of high update rate the filters may need to be widened.

Minimum Speed
If the calculated apparent speed is less than this value the fix is considered bad and

Maximum Speed
If the calculated apparent speed is greater than this value the fix is considered bad and

Maximum Acceleration
If the calculated apparent acceleration between pairs of fixes is greater than this value the
fix is considered bad and discarded.
An area can be defined using the Minimum Easting, Minimum Northing, Maximum
Easting and Maximum Northing values. Any fixes outside of this area are marked bad.

Minimum Quality
You can specify the minimum quality value in this box. If a fix does not satisfy the quality
factor value then it will be considered bad and discarded. A table of GPS quality factors is
detailed below.
Quality Factor Fix Status
0 GPS not available
2 Differential GPS
3 RTK Float
4 RTK Fix
5 Unspecified

Use GPS Time

When pressed will apply the GPS 1PPS correction to the line being edited.

When pressed this will re-extract the data from the rdf without applying the filters (note
that this will overwrite any navigation edits or imported navigation data).

When pressed will apply the entered filter settings.

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Allows you to move to the previous or next line in the project.

Navigation Editor Toolbar Functions

Manual editing of the navigation can be performed with the following options:-

Mark Fix Bad

When selected clicking on a fix will mark it as ‘bad’, it will change colour to red and will
not be used during processing. When an area is selected all fixes within the area will be
marked bad.

Mark Fix Good

When selected clicking on a fix will mark it as ‘good’, it will change colour to green and
will be used during processing. When an area is selected all fixes within the area will be
marked good.

Move Fix
This will enable a fix to be moved; when an area is selected all fixes within the area can be

Select From - To
This enables a series of fixes to be selected between the first and second fixes selected.

Area select
When an area is selected and the mark bad, mark good, delete fix or move fix buttons are
pressed that action is performed on all fixes within that area.

The last operation may be undone by pressing the undo button.

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Importing, Editing and Using Ancillary Data

16.3. Attitude Editor

The Attitude Editor allows the attitude data stored in the raw data file to be edited or

The following filters may be applied to the attitude data:-

Rate Filter
The rate filters will mark an attitude sample bad if it exceeds the maximum rate of change
between consecutive samples.

High Pass Filter

The high pass filter will remove the low frequency component from the attitude data; this
is useful when the MRU has produced a false heave.

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Low Pass Filter

The low pass filter will remove the high frequency component from the attitude data; this
is useful if vibration in the mounting has caused erroneous MRU data to be produced.

A multiplier or scale factor may be applied to the attitude samples. This might be useful
when the heave filter in the MRU may have been incorrectly set.

Jitter Filter

This filter compensates jitter and should only be used as a last resort. If extreme jitter
is present in the attitude data then the underlying cause should be found and fixed.

When pressed this will re-extract the data from the rdf without applying the filters (note
that this will overwrite any attitude edits or imported attitude data).

When pressed will apply the entered filter settings.

Attitude Editor Toolbar Functions

Manual editing of the attitude data can be performed with the following options:-

Mark Sample Bad

When selected clicking on an attitude sample will mark it as ‘bad’, it will change colour to
red and will not be used during processing.

Mark Sample Good

When selected clicking on an attitude sample will mark it as ‘good’, it will change colour
to green and will be used during processing.

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Importing, Editing and Using Ancillary Data

16.4. Heading Editor

The Heading Editor allows the heading data stored in the raw data file to be edited or

The following filters may be applied to the heading data:-

Rate Filter
The rate filters fill mark a heading sample bad if it exceeds the maximum rate of change
between consecutive samples.

High Pass Filter

The high pass filter will remove the low frequency component from the heading data.

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Importing, Editing and Using Ancillary Data

Low Pass Filter

The low pass filter will remove the high frequency component from the heading data.

When pressed this will re-extract the data from the rdf without applying the filters (note
that this will overwrite any heading edits or imported heading data).

When pressed will apply the entered filter settings.

Heading Editor Toolbar Controls

Manual editing of the heading data can be performed with the following options:-

Mark Sample Bad

When selected clicking on a heading sample will mark it as ‘bad’, it will change colour to
red and will not be used during processing.

Mark Sample Good

When selected clicking on a heading sample will mark it as ‘good’, it will change colour to
green and will be used during processing.

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Importing, Editing and Using Ancillary Data

16.5. Echosounder Editor

The Echosounder Editor allows the echosounder data stored in the raw data file to be
edited or filtered.

The following filters may be applied to the echosounder data:-

Minimum Depth
The minimum depth filter will mark an echosounder depth bad if it is less than the
minimum depth value.

Maximum Depth
The maximum depth filter will mark an echosounder depth bad if it is greater than the
maximum depth value.

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Spike Filter
The spike filter will mark bad echosounder depths that are greater than the preceding
depth by the spike filter depth setting.

Smoothing Filter
The smoothing filter can be used to de-spike the data.

When pressed this will re-extract the data from the rdf without applying the filters (note
that this will overwrite any echosounder edits or imported echosounder data).

When pressed will apply the entered filter settings.

Echosounder Editor Toolbar Options

Manual editing of the echosounder data can be performed with the following options:-

Mark Depth Bad

When selected clicking on an echosounder depth will mark it as ‘bad’, it will change
colour to red and will not be used during processing.

Mark Depth Good

When selected clicking on an echosounder depth will mark it as ‘good’, it will change
colour to green and will be used during processing.

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Importing, Editing and Using Ancillary Data

16.6. Mini-SVS Editor

The mini-SVS Editor allows the mini-SVS data stored in the raw data file to be edited or

The following filters may be applied to the mini-SVS data:-

Minimum Speed
The minimum speed filter will mark a mini-SVS sample bad if it is less than the minimum
speed value.

Maximum Speed
The maximum speed filter will mark a mini-SVS sample bad if it is greater than the
maximum speed value.

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Spike Filter
The spike filter will mark bad mini-SVS samples that are greater than the preceding
sample by the spike filter velocity setting.

When pressed this will re-extract the data from the rdf without applying the filters (note
that this will overwrite any mini-SVS edits or imported mini-SVS data).

When pressed will apply the entered filter settings.

Mini-SVS Editor Toolbar Options

Manual editing of the mini-SVS data can be performed with the following options:-

Mark Sample Bad

When selected clicking on a mini-SVS sample will mark it as ‘bad’, it will change colour to
red and will not be used during processing.

Mark Sample Good

When selected clicking on a mini-SVS sample will mark it as ‘good’, it will change colour
to green and will be used during processing.

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Importing, Editing and Using Ancillary Data

16.7. Tide Data Import & Editing

Importing Tide Data
Tide files can be imported into GS+ either by the drag-and-drop method or choosing
‘Import|Import File’ from the ‘Tide files’ directory R menu in Survey Manager.
Note A tide file can contain a maximum number of 86,400 samples. GS+ can
have a maximum of 20 tide files in any given project.

When multiple tide files are being imported the position of each file should be typed in.
One or more tide files may be selected. GS+ will use the file which is closest to the current
vessel position (unless linear tide interpolation is enabled).

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Importing, Editing and Using Ancillary Data

Linear Tide Interpolation

Linear interpolation between tide stations is also possible. Simply import the two files
then R and select ‘Linear Interpolation’

The Tide Editor

The Tide Editor allows the tide data to be edited or filtered.

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Importing, Editing and Using Ancillary Data

R on a tide file in Survey Manager and select Edit, this will open the tide editor.

Tide Editor Controls

The tide station position may be entered as eastings and northings.

Time Offset
A time offset may be applied to the tide data, the offset may be entered as hours or
minutes (or both).

Tide Offset
A tide offset may be applied to the tide data.

Tide Factor
A scale factor may be applied to the tide data.

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When pressed this will re-extract the data from the rdf without applying the filters (note
that this will overwrite any tide edits).

When pressed will apply the entered filter settings.

Tide Editor Toolbar Functions

Manual editing of the tide data can be performed with the following options:-

Mark Sample Bad

When selected clicking on a tide sample will mark it as ‘bad’, it will change colour to red
and will not be used during processing.

Mark Sample Good

When selected clicking on a tide sample will mark it as ‘good’, it will change colour to
green and will be used during processing.

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Importing, Editing and Using Ancillary Data

16.8. SVP Data Import & Editing

Importing SVP files
SVP files can be imported into GS+ either by the drag-and-drop method or choosing
‘Import|Import File’ from the ‘SVP files’ directory R menu in Survey Manager.
Note Prior to importing SVP files into GS+ the sound velocity values should be
edited so the file contains data from the downcast only. GS+ has a limit of
200 samples per SVP file and there should not be any repeated depths.

When multiple SVP files are being imported the position, date and time that each dip was
performed should be typed in. To help save on re-typing of information two ‘Keep’
selection boxes are available in the SVP import window. When enabled the position and
or date/time will be kept for subsequent SVP files that are imported.

The following should be observed when using multiple SVP files in GS+:
- If no positions are set then the most recent selected SVP file is used.
- If positions are set GS+ will use the closest SVP by position of all the SVPs selected
within +-12 hours of the current ping time. Setting a SVPs time to 0 (00:00:00
01/01/1970) forces it to be included.
- If there are no times or positions set then the first selected SVP is used.

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The SVP Editor

The SVP Editor allows the sound velocity data to be edited or filtered. R on a SVP file in
Survey Manager and select Edit, this will open the SVP Editor.

SVP Editor Controls

The SVP position may be entered as eastings and northings.

The date(dd/mm/yy) and time (hh:mm:ss) of the SVP may be entered.

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When pressed this will re-extract the data from the rdf without applying the filters (note
that this will overwrite any SVP edits).

When pressed will apply the entered filter settings.

SVP Editor Toolbar Functions

Manual editing of the SVP data can be performed with the following options:-

Mark Sample Bad

When selected clicking on a SVP sample will mark it as ‘bad’, it will change colour to red
and will not be used during processing.

Mark Sample Good

When selected clicking on a SVP sample will mark it as ‘good’, it will change colour to
green and will be used during processing.

16.9. Pressure Depth Data Import

Pressure depth data can be applied to a raw data file by right mouse clicking on the RDF
in Survey Manager and choosing Import|Pressure Depth Data. In the ‘Pressure Depth
Import’ window choose the correct delimiters and columns for the associated data fields in
the text file, then press OK.

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16.10. Image Basemap Editor

The Base Map Image Editor allows the dimensions of a base map image to be edited. R
on a basemap file in Survey Manager and select Edit, this will open the Basemap Editor.

The minimum easting, minimum northing, maximum easting and maximum northing
positions may be entered; the Pixel Size of the image is calculated automatically from its
The position of the image may be adjusted graphically by opening the Grid display and
using the four arrow buttons in the editor to shift the image. The image will shift by the
number of pixels entered in the centre of the image shift buttons.

When importing a .tiff or .jpg file, it should be accompanied by a world file (.twf or .jwf) in
order to be geo-referenced. The world file should be placed in the same folder as the
image and have the same name.

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Processing Data

17. Processing Data

Processing of data has 4 main stages:
1. Combining the bathymetry and ancillary data to give georeferenced XYZ and
XYAmplitude points.
2. Filtering.
3. Statistical combination/filtering to give a grid of depths (and a grid of amplitudes,
often referred to as a mosaic).
4. Preparation of the data product required from this grid.
This Chapter covers filtering using the post processing tools supplied in GS+ on a line-by-
line basis.
These tools are a vital part of the whole survey process. The post-processing tools
described here are supplied as part of the GS+ software package, so are available on the
acquisition systems as well as the post processing systems.
The layout of this chapter is to explain the controls available, then in the last section show
how all this comes together in the processing sequence. If you feel you learn best by
pressing buttons while reading, then you may want to quickly scan the last section now.
All the windows described in the Acquisition section (previously) are available in Post-
processing. They can be used for inspecting the data and checking the quality of
peripheral data.
Processing a raw data file will create a Swath File (.swf), a Swamp File (.swp) and an
Echosounder File (.esf), depending on the options chosen in the File Options dialogue,
(Processing tab).

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Raw data files (.rdf) also contain navigation and attitude which are extracted for
processing into navigation (.naf) and attitude (.atf) files. These are all time-stamped file
formats, and time is used as the reference when any processing is carried out. Navigation
and Attitude can be edited prior to processing, or re-applied post-processing.
The Processing Options dialogue window has several important features, described in the
table below.
Section Option Action
Output Files Swath Enables output of Swath (bathymetry) files
Swamp Enables output of Swamp (side-scan: georeferenced amplitude) files
Echosounder Enables output of Echosounder files
CUBE Enables output of CUBE data format
Frequency Override Allows operator to manually override automatic frequency selection
Override (125/250/500) when processing
File Unique Filename When processing creates a unique filename each time a line is
Overwrite processed, for example ‘Line001 (1)’ if ‘Line001’ exists, etc.
Always Ask Asks if overwrite is intended when processing.
Additional Group Filter This filter rejects single data points which do not have close slant
Filters range/angle neighbours. Default is off.
Bottom Track This filter rejects single data points which do not have close
Filter horizontal range/depth neighbours. Default is off.
Cell Filter The cell filter allows data points to be rejected if less than a threshold
number (Min Cell Weight) are within a cell defined by horizontal
distance and vertical distance at any point along a single ping.
Min Cell Weight Threshold value for Cell Filter
Settings Ping Delay Sets the delay between reading pings when processing data. Useful
when inspecting data in detail, ping-by ping.
Minimum SNR If there is less than this much accepted data in the ping after filtering,
then the whole ping is rejected. Useful when hitting wakes or if the
transducers come out of the water on a wave, where the filters will
get confused as everything is noise. Be careful if near a quay wall or
other situations where the ‘good’ data is expected to only be a small
proportion of the whole ping.
Write All Points This option allows all data points (good and bad) to be written to a
processed file, points which are filtered are flagged. This allows re-
processing of processed files, i.e. undoing data filtering. Processed
files will be large.
Undo Watercolumn This option undoes the effect of the automatic watercolumn filter, i.e.
allows all watercolumn data points to be viewed.
Use GPS Time This forces the system to use the GPS time embedded in the data
Show Acq Ping This option allows the user to see the actual ping rate which was
Rate used whilst acquiring data, rather than the rate at which data is
being processed.

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The File Overwrite options are important because by default GS+ uses the raw data file
name (with different extensions) when creating processed files. This means that re-
processing will automatically overwrite the original processed files unless these options
are selected. It is useful to have these options off when checking data, where you may re-
start processing several times. In that case having these options off will stop multiple
copies of the processed files being created.

Swath Files
These are georeferenced, filtered (x,y,z) data files created on a line-by-line basis.

Swamp Files
These are (x,y,amplitude) files created on a line-by-line basis.

Echosounder Files
These are the extracted echosounder files (x,y,z) and are useful for quality checking data
collected using GS+, especially at nadir.

CUBE Files
These files can be imported into 3rd party software for processing using the CUBE

17.1. Processing Controls & Filters

The Processing Controls are shown below.

The dialogue shows the line name, the date and time tagged on the line.
The controls are:
Start processing, Pause Processing, Rewind, Previous File, Next File and Stop
The controls and effects of the filters are explained in order below. While the section
below tries to give a comprehensive introduction to using these filters, every survey
situation is different and we could not possibly hope to cover all situations. The best use
of post processing filters is found by experience, practice and understanding of their
effects in your survey situation – the demo survey and data set is ideal for gaining this
Note that these filters do not have any effect on the Raw data file (*.rdf). Re-processing a
line will not be affected by any prior processing, so while learning to use GS+ you are able
to ‘play’ with the settings to investigate their effects without corrupting your collected

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The filter control buttons allow the filters to be set up, applied and viewed. Filter viewing
is in the Depth display. A useful option in the depth display is the Show All Data option,
which shows the points that have been rejected by the filters in red and those accepted in
green (colours are customisable).

Filter Sequence
This set of post-processing filters is designed to remove outliers caused by the water
column, sea noise, electronic noise, small things floating above the seafloor (i.e. fish and
bubbles) and the extreme tails of the distribution. What should be left is a distribution of
points around the true seafloor depth. These points are used in the gridding to give the
accurate seafloor depth. Do not filter too hard at this stage: while cutting off the
‘shoulders’ and ‘tails’ of the distribution can be done (i.e. by making the threshold in the
along track filter just a few cm), this will only make the profile look good: it will seriously
compromise the accuracy of the bin depths and will make the statistical analysis tools
meaningless. Hard filtering also risks removal of real features, so be careful – when doing
hard filtering you should inspect the swath very carefully to keep an eye on what has been
The filter settings can be stored and re-used by creating and selecting a Filter file in the
Survey Manager before setting up the filters. The main filters applied are amplitude,
limits, along track and across track.
Note Once data is rejected by a filter it is flagged as rejected and does not
contribute to the next filter.

Filter Initialisation
GS+ employs an enhanced method of initialising the tracking filters the operation of which
is as follows:-
 Start Button is pressed.
 All filters are disabled.
 Group and Bottom Track filters are enabled.
 The first 100 pings of the raw data file are read and processed but without display
or output.
 At ping 10 the amplitude filter is enabled (if used).
 At ping 20 the along track filter is enabled (if used).
 At ping 30 the across track filter is enabled (if used).
 At ping 80 the limits filter is enabled (if used).
 At the end of the 100 pings all filters are returned to user enabled as per user
selection and normal processing starts at the beginning of the raw data file (or from
the slider starting position).

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Amplitude Filter

The amplitude filter sets the amplitude below and above which all points are rejected.
This is set in terms of percentage of max scale (as shown on the Side Scan Analogue
display). Although the settings are visualised in the Analogue display, they are not
applied to the Side Scan data, but to the bathymetry data. Every echo return arriving after
minimum range and above maximum value is filtered out. The same for every echo return
arriving before maximum range and below minimum value (see image below).






The button automatically sets the filter based on the current histogram of values.
Take care with this; if the histogram changes significantly this could cause unexpected

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The settings can be set differently for the port and starboard channels, or the port can be
set equal to the starboard channel (or vice versa).

Note Check the filter setting on each channel using the two buttons to
make sure they are set as desired.

When this filter is applied at acquisition, the filtered-out points are flagged as
ACQ_AMPLITUDE in the rdf-file/broadcast stream. During post-processing the filtered
points are flagged as SWATH_AMPLITUDE in the swf-file.
During post-processing the filtered points are flagged as SWATH_AMPLITUDE in the

Limits Filter

Limits that can be selected and set in this Control Area are shown above and below:

Everything outside the blue boxes is filtered out (min/max horizontal range and depth) as
well as everything outside the ellipsoids (max slant range).

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 This filter uses only the data that has got past the previous filters.
 This set of filters set hard limits for the various parameters that can be chosen.
 These can be set differently for the port and starboard channels.
 The water depth multiplier will automatically adjust and track the outer horizontal
range limit to be a multiple of the mean depth on each side. The minimum range
setting allows a minimum range to be set.

 The extents button sets the filter extents to the limits of the current depth
window (or the last one displayed if not open).
 The port channel can be set equal to starboard (or vice versa) using the green/red

arrow buttons .
 Note that the data from each channel can extend across the nadir, so it is worth
having the filters crossing as shown above. On very sloped seafloors this crossing
may be more exaggerated.
 The Horizontal range tick box limits the swath width to a multiple of the average
water depth per side. This can be useful where the depth changes greatly during
survey (especially in very shallow water).
When the limits filter is applied at acquisition, the filtered-out points are flagged as
ACQ_LIMITS in the rdf-file/stream.
When the limits filter is applied at processing, the filtered-out points are flagged as
SWATH_LIMITS in the swf-file.

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Across Track Filter

 This is a learning filter which uses a percentage of the previous ping to guide the
filtering of the new ping. The number of points can be adjusted and points can be
dragged on-screen.
 This uses only the data that has got past the previous filters.
 The edges of the windows are defined by the midpoints between the blue drag-
 This filter finds a mean for each specified window and this mean goes into an
infinite learning filter with each new ping contributing the ‘%’ shown in the Learn
Rate dialogue.
 The thresholds above and below this tracking value are set as specified in the
control windows and everything outside the thresholds is rejected.
 These thresholds apply at the blue drag-boxes; linear interpolation is applied
between the drag-boxes.
The settings can be set differently for the port and starboard channels, or the port can be
set equal to the starboard channel (or vice versa).

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Note that when increasing the number of points in this filter you should press the extents

button – this will put the new points in about the right place ready for manual fine
When the across track filter is applied at acquisition, the filtered-out points are flagged as
ACQ_ACROSS in the rdf-file/stream.
When the across track filter is applied at processing, the filtered-out points are flagged as
SWATH_ACROSS in the swf-file.

Along Track Filter

 This uses only the data that gets through all the previous filters.
 It finds a mean of the data within each specified step (and only uses the data from
the current ping). It then defines a depth window (box) either side of this mean as
set up in the controls.
 The tracking filters track on a per side basis (i.e. the overlap at nadir can be tracking
2 depths, one for port, and one for starboard)

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 Take care on slopes or near features not to have the Bin Size too wide or the
Threshold too narrow.
The settings can be set differently for the port and starboard channels, or the port can be
set equal to the starboard channel (or vice versa).
When the along track filter is applied at acquisition, the filtered-out points are flagged as
ACQ_ALONG in the rdf-file/stream.
When the along track filter is applied at processing, the filtered-out points are flagged as
SWATH_ALONG in the swf-file.

All Filters Used Together

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17.2. Summary of Filter Flags

Filter Acquisition Flagged in rdf-file? Processing Flagged in swf-file?

Minimum SNR No n/a Yes No
Group Yes No, data rejected Yes SWATH_LIMITS
Bottom track Yes No, data rejected Yes SWATH_LIMITS
Cell filter No n/a Yes SWATH_ALONG

Below: Table summarising flag names and values.

Acquisition flag31 Value Processing flag32 Value

31 Acquisition flags are at the 4 most significant bits in the Amplitude field (16 bits) of the RAA ping
structure. Therefore, true amplitude precision is 12 bits and the flag can be extracted as follows:
filter_flag = raa[sample_number].amplitude & 0xf000;
32 Processing flag is an 8-bit field in every element of a ping in the swf-file.
33 ACQ_ERROR flag is defined but never used.
34 SWATH_ERROR can occur if a sample has the following:
a) Range greater that Ping Length
b) Domain error in sine of plate relative angle (sprang < –1.0 or sprang > +1.0)
c) No attitude data available at the sample time
These checks are made at the start of the processing chain for a sample and the sample is not processed any
further it is simply flagged as SWATH_ERROR

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17.3. Processing Side-Scan Data

Side Scan data (XYA) can be processed as well as bathymetry data (XYZ). The processed
Side Scan data files are called Swamp (Swath Amplitude) files and have the .swp suffix.
Side Scan processing options are selected from the File|Options|Side Scan menu below.
Once Side Scan files have been generated, then they can be mosaiced in GS+ or passed to
GeoTexture for further enhancements or texture classification prior to final mosaicing.

Prior to processing Side Scan data you should perform all standard quality control checks
on the rdf data and set up the additional ancillary files (vessel offsets, calibration offsets,
SV profile, tide etc.) as required. There are two ways to display Side Scan data depending
on how you want to correct for horizontal range:
Option 1: Use slant range correction only (assumes a flat seafloor) using the complete time
series of amplitudes in the data:
For this method you should make sure the acquisition filters are OFF during data
collection. This will give more side scan data, including data in places where the
bathymetry is not good (for example in shadows, at long range). The georeferencing of
features will not be exactly correct due to the flat seabed assumption.

Option 2: Use true horizontal range but only display the data with good bathymetry:
This has better georeferencing but relies on good bathymetry for each data point, so the
bathymetry filters must be applied. Any data points rejected by the bathy filters are not
plotted in the SS. This method has lower resolution and does not show sonar shadows.
The preferred method is option 1 because it has better resolution and the sonar shadows
help image interpretation.

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Processing Data

1. Select an rdf for processing

2. Open the processing controls

3. Open the Analogue and Side Scan display windows by clicking on the associated

4. Arrange windows as required in the display area.

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5. Play the data.

6. Right click on display window to select bottom tracking mode.

Bottom tracking
Bottom tracking correction is important. There are three options for bottom tracking,
echosounder, first return and centre depth. You should try out each method to see what
works best.

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Echosounder Bottom tracking

If the echosounder data is good, then this is often best. A small offset (e.g. 0.1 or 0.2m) can
be applied in the options if required. This sometimes improves the appearance of the
centreline data in the mosaic.

First Return Bottom Tracking

If the echosounder is not good then the first return is the next best choice. This can
sometimes go wrong in complex terrain or turbid waters.

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For manual adjustment you should deselect ‘Use Mean Amplitude’ and use the red grab
boxes in the analogue display window to set the ‘holdoff’ and ‘threshold level’.

The ‘Holdoff’ and ‘Level’ can also be set numerically for each side in the
Options Sidescan window. The Window for bottom tracking and the learn rate can also
be set here.

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Centre Depth Bottom Tracking

Finally, centre depth can be used for bottom tracking. This requires that bathymetry filters
are applied.

The horizontal ranges of the data used for the centre depth is also set in the
Options Sidescan window.

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7. The bottom tracking should be checked by playing through the data and making sure
the red vertical line stays on the seafloor (as illustrated below).

8. The time variable gain (TVG) can be adjusted in the Analogue Display using the blue
drag-boxes. These initialise with 2 points at 50%. Add points using the ‘Increase
Points’ option.

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9. Adjust the blue checkboxes to normalise the waterfall Side Scan image. The colours go
from minimum at 0 to maximum at the blue line: in the ‘greyscale’ colour scheme this
is from white (0) to black (blue line). Adjust the blue grab boxes to make the Side Scan
contrast acceptable and uniform across the swath, (you may have to zoom and pan the
Note: the left hand scale is in % of full scale for the A/D converter (range = 0-100%).

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10. Select Slant Range Correction.

11. In the Options Processing tab select Swamp (SWath AMPlitude, extension .swp):

12. Process the data.

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You can adjust the colours displayed using the colour controls.

And then re-process the line to see the new colours

13. In the Survey Manager select the swamp file (or multiple files) that you wish to mosaic.

14. Right click on the mosaic file folder and select New Mosaic file.

15. Open a mosaic display window (icon below). This mosaic display will be blank.

16. Right click on one of the selected swamp files and select Mosaic.

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17. If the area to be mosaiced is very large then select Multi-Mosaic (this works in a similar
way to Multi-Grid).
18. The mosaic controls will open and the mosaic size will be pre-set from the swamps

19. Select the Pixel Size and Method as required.

20. Click on the Apply button .

21. The mosaic will be created and you can adjust the colours as required.

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Processing Data

22. Mosaic Filters can also be applied (any changes need to be saved using the button).

The alternative method is to use the true horizontal range to calculate position. This
requires good bathymetry so the bathy filters must be set up. This replaces step 10 above.
 Select Horizontal Range.

 Set up the bathymetry filters.

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 Select ‘Filter Sidescan’ in the Options Side Scan window.

 Process the data: notice how the Side Scan data is less dense because it does not
include the points which were rejected by the bathymetry filters. Once the swp files
have been generated a mosaic can be created as before.

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17.4. Other Sidescan Filters & Options

A low pass filter can be applied to the Side Scan data (accessible from the Side Scan
waterfall R menu). This applies a simple 2-D smoothing filter to the data as it appears.

Above: Applying the Low Pass filter (filtered data shown below)

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Both the Analogue and Side Scan window colours can be customised (accessible from both
Analogue and Side Scan R menu).

A normalisation function can also be enabled (accessible from the Analogue window R
menu). This function looks at the spread of amplitude values across track and builds up a
history of the amplitude distribution with time (training period). This distribution is used
to calculate a normalisation function which is then applied to the data. If lock is then
enabled this function remains fixed from that point on. This function effectively
compensates for roll-corrected vertical beam pattern and significantly reduces grazing
angle effects assuming the system has been trained over a typical sea bed. If the sediment
changes, or the slope changes, then lock can be turned off to achieve a degree of automatic
compensation at the expense of time varying corrections being applied.

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Tip: Switching the Bitmap Stretch Mode from Colour on Colour (default) to Halftone
effectively doubles the displayed resolution of the Side Scan waterfall (note that the
processing speed will be reduced in Halftone mode due to the extra load on the
processor). The Bitmap Stretch Mode is accessible from the Display options.

Above: Side Scan waterfall rendered using Colour on Colour Bitmap mode.

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Above: Side Scan waterfall rendered using Halftone Bitmap mode.

Various Side Scan image filters can be accessed via the Side Scan R menu (for more
information refer to the earlier section on Image Filters within the chapter on Data

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17.5. Printing Side Scan Data

GS+ provides a basic interface to the GeoPrinter (Kongsberg GeoAcoustics) thermal
recorder. Pressing the Recorder button displays the Recorder Settings window.

GeoPrinter Configuration
When using Kongsberg GeoAcoustics GeoPrinter ensure the Printer is configured for
Parallel communications (see GeoPrinter manual for further information).
Note: The GeoPrinter s Address must be set to - - - - - when interfaced to GS+.

Head Calibration
When head calibration is off, greyscale images will be printed much faster, however there
may be streaks in the image. This will be more apparent when printing on high-resolution
The Head Calibration is set to ON by default. This may be modified as follows:-
1. Turn the printer power off.
2. Press and hold the PAPER key and turn the power ON, (the printer begins printing the
constant test pattern).
3. Press either the TEST or ADDRESS key to toggle the head calibration between ON
and OFF.

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Processing Data

4. Press the ONLINE key to put the printer online ready for printing.

The default and recommended port for printing is LPT1.

Paper Width
When printing Side Scan data the waterfall image will by default print with a page width
matching the range set in the depth/waterfall window (the printout will cover the width
of the loaded media). An override to this default can be applied by firstly entering a value
besides the Paper Width then activating the button. (A waterfall of width 100m when
printed with Paper Width set to 200m will cover 50% of the media).

Repeat Lines
The default Repeat Line value is 1. This may be increased to effectively stretch the printed
image (along track). A Repeat Line value of 5 will produce a printed image that
approximately mirrors the waterfall.

Tick Marks
When this button is pressed a Tick Mark consisting of Ping Number and Position will be
printed on the waterfall every x pings, (where x is the value entered).

Range Marks
When this button is pressed Range Marks will be printed on the waterfall at intervals
entered by the user. The user has the option of printing range marks in metres or metres-

When the Event button is pressed the Event No, Ping Number and Position will be printed
on the waterfall printout.

Start & Stop

Controls the printing status of the connected printer.


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Processing Data

17.6. Recommended Processing Sequence

The recommended sequence to processing GS+ raw data is as follows:-
Select output file types. This is done in the File Options dialogue under the Processing
Tab. Options are Swath (bathymetry xyz), swamp (xy amplitude) and echosounder (xyz).
If the data has been collected using 1PPS synchronisation tick the ‘Use GPS Time box’ also.

1. Create or select a filter settings file.

2. Select one or more tide files to be used.
3. Select one or more SVP files to be used.
4. Create or select a calibration offsets file.
5. Select one or more raw data files for processing.
6. Edit peripheral data using the data editors (see

7. Open necessary displays. Depth, Side Scan, Amplitude and Attitude are useful. Other
displays listed in the Acquisition section can also be used.
8. Select Processing in the Control Area and Status in the Status Area, (you may have to
re-select the files).

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Processing Data

9. Start processing.

10. Adjust displays as required.

11. Enable and adjust filter settings as required.
12. Re-start processing from start of file when you are happy with the filters.

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Processing Data

17.7. Using Navigation Height for Tide

The navigation height can be used as tide during real-time processing or when post
processing. Regardless of the method used the value stored in the resultant swath file can
be replaced using the ‘re-apply tide’ function.
Note Due to both decimation and improved filtering during the export process
better results will be attained if the navigation height is applied at post-

For both instances the navigation height learn rate (Nav Z LR) should be set correctly.

Nav Z LR Value
The navigation height will include heave and so requires filtering to ensure it is not double
counted. The 'Nav Z LR' filter is located in the processing options page (see below).

The Nav Z LR value should be set depending on the motion sensors heave bandwidth
value and the GPS update rate (see formula below).
Navigation String Interval (sec onds )
Nav Z LR =
Motion Sensor Heave Bandwidth (sec onds )
For example if the GPS is updating at 2 Hz (0.5s interval) and the heave filter on the
motion sensor is good for about 12 second heave, then the Nav Z LR should be set to
approximately 0.04 or less.

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Processing Data

Real-time Processing
To enable this option for real-time processing right-mouse click on the ‘Tide File’ folder in
Survey Manager and choose ‘Use Navigation Height’.

When enabled the height in the RTK navigation string will be used for tide, (see section
‘8.2. External Data Files’ for methodology).
Note If the geoid was chosen as the height reference during acquisition then we
recommended that the heights are exported from each RDF. To ensure
accuracy the tide file should be checked and if necessary the heights re-
computed in a 3rd party software package containing geoid models. The
improved tide file can then be re-imported back into GS+ for final
processing of the RDF's.

Post Processing
To enable this option for post processing right-mouse click on the ‘RDF’ file in Survey
Manager and choose ‘Export Navigation Height’.

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Processing Data

A tide file will be created in the export directory for the current project in use. It will
contain tide samples at 10 second intervals based on a mean of values within a window.
The width of the window is derived from a calculation based on the learn rate value.
The resultant tide file can be imported either by drag-and-dropping the file from Windows
Explorer into Survey Manager or by right mouse clicking on the tide file folder and
choosing ‘Import Import File’.

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18. Calibration
With each new installation, the relationship of the peripheral equipment may vary.
Knowing the relationship of these sensors is of paramount importance to ensure the
highest quality survey data.
The calibration (or patch test) is used to find the time and angle offsets between the
various positioning systems and the transducer head. This should be done after every
mobilisation and before and after each survey. The GeoSwath Plus gives you high
resolution bathymetry data – a good calibration will mean that your survey is also
accurate and is traceable to the survey datum.
There are several offsets which must be accounted for, some are easily measured on the
vessel, others require the calibration procedure to be carried out.
Please also see the Survey Log and Calibration records at the rear of this manual which can be used
to record your offsets.

18.1. Pre-requisites for Calibration

The information that is needed for accurate calibration is:
1. Accurate vessel offset measurements.
2. Tide data
3. Sound velocity Profile(s)
4. Good survey data from the patch test area(s)
Kongsberg GeoAcoustics recommend that vessel offsets should be measured and entered
prior to surveying and raw data acquisition, though they can easily be entered for post-
processing after the data has been collected. If the system offsets are entered first, then
their effects can be eliminated should any other offsets or problems become apparent
during the survey.
The basic vessel offset measurements are:
 The vertical distance from the centre of the transducers to the water surface. This is
the Heave offset.
 The vertical and horizontal distance from the GPS aerial (or position reference
point, if the offsets are applied in the navigation system) to the transducers (the
centre point of the of the V plate).
 The vertical and horizontal offset from the attitude sensor transducers centres (the
centre point of the of the V plate).
The first two above are set up in the Vessel Settings editor, the last in the Calibration
Offsets editor.

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18.2. Entering the Vessel Settings

A typical small vessel can be loaded into the Vessel Settings folder using the File Setup
Wizard, or by importing a pre-defined vessel (Vessel Settings R  Import Import File
(browse the Vessels folder in the GS+ installation directory, typically C:\Program
Files\GS+\Vessels), or a vessel can be drawn using the editor.

The transducer and antenna offsets are entered in the control area, and their relative
positions on the vessel can be checked in the display. Note that the waterline is at z=0,
and the transducers should be at the correct draft in order that the SV corrections are
applied properly.

When measuring the offsets on a larger vessel you need to be aware that the GS+ assumes
the offsets are being measured along the axes of the attitude sensor (the roll, pitch and yaw
axes). If the motion sensor is not aligned with the vessel, then the offsets will not be
correct if measured along the vessel axes. Pitch is easiest to check: when the fore-aft and
port-starboard offsets are measured, is the pitch zero (as measured by the attitude sensor).
If so, the measurements can be made in the horizontal plane. If there is significant pitch or
yaw then the offsets will have to be corrected.

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18.3. Setting up the Calibration Offsets

The Attitude sensor offsets are entered in the Calibration Offsets files. A new offsets file
can be created using R
 New Offset File.

In the window that appears choose the transducer frequency and design from the pull
down menu. The Calibration Offsets dialogue gives choices for the most common
transducer/sensor combinations supplied by Kongsberg GeoAcoustics. This includes the
new single-head transducer design. Once the selections have been made an Offsets35 file
will be created with the correct X, Y and Z values entered.

35 The offsets have been accurately measured in CAD between the centre of the GeoSwath transducers and
the frame of reference for the sensors when mounted on V-plates manufactured by Kongsberg GeoAcoustics.
If you have manufactured your own transducer V-plate then it is advisable to check and if necessary adjust
the X, Y, Z offsets appropriately.

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Choose the echosounder type (if used, see footnote36).

Calibration Offsets Name Echosounder/Altimeter Editor Graphic

Tritech ES Tritech PA200 or PA500

LR Tritech ES Tritech LRPA200 long range


Mesotech ES Kongsberg Mesotech 1007

Series Altimeter.

36 Currently it is not possible to have an echosounder with the single-head transducer arrangement.

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Choose the motion sensor type and mount orientation where given (H = Horizontal, V=

Calibration Offsets MRU Type Editor Graphic

TSS DMS 2-05H Teledyne TSS DMS 2-05
series mounted

TSS DMS-05H Teledyne TSS DMS-05

series mounted

TSS DMS-05V Teledyne TSS DMS-05

series mounted Vertically.

SeatexH Kongsberg Seatex MRU 5,

H or Z series mounted

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Calibration Offsets MRU Type Editor Graphic

SeatexV Kongsberg Seatex MRU 5,
H or Z series mounted

SMC IMU-108 motion sensor by

Ship Motion Control.

Octans 200-3000 Octans 200 or 3000 series

motion sensor by IXSEA.

INS Any motion sensor with

the lever arm
measurements entered
putting its frame of
reference centrally
between the GeoSwath

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You can check and change these offsets manually in the GS+ software by editing the
Calibration Offsets file (R
 Edit).

The graphical representation of the transducers and sensors as shown in the Calibration
Offsets can also be imported into the vessel file - R in the editor’s display area for this
and other options.
The Calibration Offsets editor has numerical entry of the offsets and a graphical display to
help ensure correct entry (the front of the vessel is to the right of the displays).

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Calibration Offsets

There are three tabs in the control area of the editor where all the offsets in position, angle
and time can be entered.
The Calibration Offsets tab is where the angle and time offsets are entered from the
calibration between the attitude sensor, navigation system, transducers and heading
The Navigation Latency, Roll, Pitch and Yaw values in this dialogue are found using the
calibration patch test and semi-automated calibration software included with GS+, as
described later in this section.
The Roll settings are the transducer plate angles. The zero values are referenced to the
nominal 30° angle of the standard ‘V’plate assembly. Typically the transducers are on the
‘V’ Plate, so the calibration values should be less than one degree.
The Yaw is the offset between the GeoSwath transducers and the heading device.
Typically it’s the difference between the direction that the Meridian Gyro is pointing
versus the transducer ‘V’plate.
The Pitch is the (fore/aft) angular difference between the attitude sensor axis and the
transducers. On the standard V plate head the attitude sensor and transducers are
mechanically aligned, so pitch is near 0. In shallow waters the pitch value can be left at 0
as the errors will be small.
The Navigation Latency is set to 0 when operating with 1PPS synchronisation, as
described elsewhere in this manual. When not using 1PPS synchronisation the
Navigation Latency describes the delay between the time of the GPS fix and the time the
fix is received (time stamped) by GS+. The value should be low for raw GPS data at
around 100ms to 300ms. However values may go up to approximately 2-3 seconds if the
navigation is taken in via a hydrographic survey program applying coordinate transforms.
The Attitude Latency is the delay between the attitude sensor measurement and the
receipt of the data by GS+. This is most visible in roll: a maximum roll rate of 10 degrees
per second means that a latency of 10ms will cause errors up to 0.1 degrees. Typical
values seen are between 5ms and 35ms, depending on the make and model of attitude
sensor deployed. Measurement of the Attitude Latency is described later in this section.
Heading Latency can usually be left at 0, as the rate of change of heading is usually small
compared to the latency.

The apply button should be used to save your calibration values.

The reset button reverts the values back to the last time the values were applied .

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Transducer Offsets

The Transducer Offsets tab shows the offsets from the centre of each transducer to the
mid-point of the two transducers (centre of the transducer head). It also shows the offset
of the single beam echosounder to the centre of the head. These should be checked before

MRU Offsets

The MRU Offsets tab shows the offset of the attitude sensor from the centre of the
transducer head, and the yaw angle offset between the transducers and the roll axis of the
attitude sensor (see the section on Pitch/Roll Crosstalk below). These should be checked
before the survey (or default values used when using any of the standard mounts supplied
by Kongsberg GeoAcoustics).
The default measurements are the measured offsets when using the standard Kongsberg
GeoAcoustics sensor head. If an alternative echo sounder has been interfaced located at a
different part of the vessel, or the MRU or transducers are mounted other than in the
standard configurations, then the offset values will need to be accurately measured. This
is particularly critical if an in-board motion sensor is being used.
When the offsets have been checked, the drawing of the sensors can be imported into the
Vessel Settings file using R
 Copy to Vessel File

Close the Calibration Offsets Editor using the window close icon .

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18.4. Measuring Attitude Latency

The GeoSwath Plus is a very accurate wide swath system. This means that it is sensitive to
roll errors. Roll is measured by a motion sensor (usually rigidly mounted on the
transducer head). This motion sensor may have a processing latency and there may be a
comms latency between the motion sensor output and the GeoSwath time stamping. Does
this matter? A 10° per second roll rate a 10ms attitude latency error will give a 0.1° roll
error which equates to a 9cm error in depth at about 50m range in shallow water. This
kind of error will be easily visible in the swaths on a flat seafloor. The best way to find the
correct attitude latency is as follows:
 Run one line slowly (<3kts) over a flat, shallow piece of seafloor (~10m or so),
collecting as wide a swath as the data quality allows.
 In the middle of the line rock the boat as much as possible – on larger vessels you
may have to wait until the vessel is rolled by the sea or a wake
 Process this to grid without calibrating (we are only looking at one swath, so yaw,
pitch and navigation latency do not affect us)
 Look for roll artefacts in the grid using low sun illumination along the vessel track.
 Re-process with different attitude latencies (Survey Manager – Calibration Offsets
- R - Edit Control Area Calibration Offsets tab).

 Re-inspect the grid and find the attitude latency that gives the flattest seafloor.

Test line with processed with no attitude latency (left) and with 23ms attitude latency (right). The
section of line shown had 6 degrees of roll with a 4s period.

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The accuracy required for this calibration will depend on the roll rates seen in your survey
and the accuracy of the motion sensor used.
Attitude latency cannot be applied to Swath files using the Re-Apply Calibration function.
Attitude latency will only be applied when processing a raw data file whilst the calibration offsets
file is selected.
The attitude latency can depend on the make and model of the attitude sensor deployed. You should
measure your sensor s attitude latency before carrying out the Patch Test calibration.

Adjusting for Roll/Pitch Crosstalk

This is most common when operating an attitude sensor that is not attached to the
transducer head. If an in-board attitude sensor is used then the axis of the attitude sensor
may not be aligned with the transducers. The effect of this is seen mostly in roll, where
Pitch/Roll crosstalk occurs. This is not seen when using the standard transducer V
bracket with the head-mounted motion sensor, because in this configuration the axis of the
sensor is mechanically aligned with the transducers.
Process a single line over a flat seafloor with the best value of attitude latency (the one
which gave the flattest seafloor when rate of roll was high). Chose a line where there was
significant pitch. You may not be able to get rid of all the visible roll artefacts in this single
line by adjusting the attitude latency. There are two possible reasons for this:
1. Check the size of the remaining artefacts and see how they compare to the specification
of your motion sensor- if they are comparable then this is the best you can do.
2. Have a look at the pitch plotted in the Attitude graph display and see if the artefacts
are worse where the pitch is worse – in this case there is probably a misalignment
between the transducers and attitude sensor (yaw offset), which causes pitch to bleed
into roll.
If you suspect there is a yaw offset in the motion sensor then try re-processing the test line
with different MRU Angle settings (Survey Manager – Calibration Offsets - R - Edit
Control Area MRU Offsets tab - Angle).

When inspecting single lines like this for roll artefacts you can use the smooth grid filter to
suppress noise in the grid image – this can make any roll artefacts stand out more,
especially towards the swath edges.
Once you have made the test line as flat as possible by adjusting the Attitude Latency and
MRU Offset Angle you are ready to proceed with the main patch test calibration.

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Note on GPS Accuracy and Calibration

The Patch test calibration relies on matching data from different survey lines. This means
you cannot calibrate a system to a higher accuracy than allowed by your GPS positioning
system. For example, when trying to calibrate latency using a GPS system which is
accurate to 1m in horizontal position, you need to calculate what effect a 1m position drift
between your two lines might have on the latency cal.
If your latency calibration lines have been run at 2m/s and 4m/s (difference of 2m/s),
then a 1m position drift will have the same effect as 0.5s latency. It will be difficult to
obtain a figure for latency more accurate than this, and the survey should be processed
with bin sizes that reflect this uncertainty.

18.5. Summary of Patch Test Calibration Pre-requisites

Before starting the semi-automated calibration using the patch test data the following
should be checked:
 Are the Transducer, GPS antenna, and attitude sensor offsets accurate?
 Have adequate sound velocity profiles been taken?
 Is the Tide data of good enough quality?
 Is the attitude being properly sensed: it must be accurate (sensor specification) and
have accurate time stamping (Attitude Latency, as measured from survey data)?
 If using an in-board attitude sensor has the MRU Offset Angle been accurately
measured using survey data (to minimise pitch/roll crosstalk)?
 Is your GPS system accurate enough for the calibration accuracy you want to
If the above cannot be confirmed for any given installation or survey location then it must
be accepted that the results obtained will not meet the stated system specification.
Once these have been confirmed you are ready to collect and process the patch test data.

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18.6. Semi-Automated Calibration (Patch Test)

The Patch Test calibration describes the use of survey data for measurement of the Roll
and Pitch offsets between the attitude sensor and the transducers, the Yaw offset between
the heading sensor and the transducers, and the Navigation Latency (the time delay
between the generation of a position fix and the time stamping of that fix by GS+). When
using 1PPS synchronisation the GS+ software time is synchronised with UTC, so the time
message in the GPS string can be used as the time of the navigation fix with zero latency.
An accurate calibration patch test relies on a specific survey pattern of overlapping lines
with accurate seafloor depths from each swath. It is assumed that the differences between
overlapping lines only come from the parameters that are being calibrated (hence the
accuracy requirements on tide and sound velocity etc., described earlier).

Calibration Line Requirements

General GS+ calibration (patch test) requirements are listed below. Repeating sets of these
lines will allow checking of the calibration accuracy.

1. Latency (if not using 1PPS)

A line run at normal survey speed (2ms-1) run over one of the following:-
a. A steep slope, perpendicular to contours.
b. A dredged channel, perpendicular to channel.
The same line is to be run again in the same direction at a faster speed (3ms-1).
If the vessel is crabbing due to currents and the amount of crabbing is different for the two
lines then the line direction should be adjusted to reduce the effect. If this is not possible
then a new latency calibration site should be chosen.

2. Roll
Three lines are to be run in opposite directions with 100% overlap in data, i.e. if ping
length is 50m the line spacing should be a maximum of 50m. There should be a good Port-
Port and a good Starboard-Starboard overlap.
The lines are to be run at normal survey speed (2ms-1) over a flat seabed.
Line direction should be chosen to minimise vessel crabbing.

3. Pitch & Yaw

Three lines are to be run in opposite directions with 100% overlap in data, i.e. if ping
length is 50m the line spacing should be a maximum of 50m.
The lines are to be run at normal survey speed (2ms-1) over one of the following:-
a. A steep slope, perpendicular to contours.
b. A dredged channel, perpendicular to channel.
Line direction or location should be chosen to minimise vessel crabbing.

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For most shallow water surveys using standard Kongsberg GeoAcoustics 'V' plate
assembly the pitch offset may be assumed to be zero (the attitude sensor is mechanically
aligned with the transducers). For deeper water (where more accurate pitch is required)
or an in-board attitude sensor pitch calibration will be required.

Recording Calibration Lines

The length of the Patch Test survey lines depends on the seabed terrain, however
Kongsberg GeoAcoustics recommends that they be about 400m to 500m long. Using
latency as an example, if the change in depth occurs very gradually then long lines will be
required in order to accurately determine the calibration value. There are no hard and
fast rules, but the time spent on ensuring that the relevant seabed terrain is found and
good length of lines used will yield the best calibration parameters and ultimately the
highest quality survey.
During the Patch Test the vessel should be steered in straight lines over the calibration
site. Turns at the ends of lines should be kept wide, and a significant lead in should be
allowed before the start of line after turning to allow the heave sensor to settle (this can
take tens of seconds, depending on the sensor).
Observe the Coverage, Depth and Side Scan displays to continually check the suitability
of the sea bed. In the Depth window check the raw unfiltered data coming back is suitable.
If the water column is free from very large amounts of suspended sediments, the
transducers are not going through a vessel wake and the sea bed is reasonably flat, firm
and forms a good reflector at the frequency used by GeoSwath, then a wide depth profile
will appear in the depth window. If the vessel is relatively ‘quiet’ both acoustically and
electrically and the system earth is good, then this profile should be clean with relatively
few outliers and random noise points.
It will be readily observed that the data appears to ‘spread’ with range, this is due to the
higher signal to noise ratio of the return signals from the sea bed closer to the vessel. As
the range increases, so does the grazing angle and the acoustic spreading loss and the
frequency related losses which are characteristic of any sonar system. The high data
density means the mean depth even at large ranges is still accurate so the data can still be
used for calibration.
When processing calibration data some filtering should be applied to remove spikes,
water column noise and other outliers. Do not over-filter (as discussed in the chapter on

Summary of Patch Test Lines Needed

The Patch Test lines should be straight, at least 400m long, and have 100% overlap. The
lead-in should be long enough for full settling of the heave sensor.

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The patch test pattern should look like this:

X1 Line X2 Line X3 Line

For roll calibration you need at least these three lines, over a flat area.
For Pitch and Yaw calibration the three lines should be over a slope or area with large
For Latency calibration repeat line X2 over the slope area at twice the speed.
Additional similar overlapping lines, repeat lines along a reciprocal heading, and cross
lines will help you check the accuracy of the calibration.

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18.7. The Calibration Controls

The recommended order of calibration is:-
1. Calibrate for Latency (Time)
2. Calibrate for Roll (Port and Starboard)
3. Calibrate for Pitch
4. Calibrate for Yaw
5. Repeat above as necessary.
This is called the LRPY sequence.
Lines are calibrated two at a time using the processed swath files. The lines run can be
inspected in the Navigation window, and appropriate pairs of lines noted.
Select the Calibration control area, open a Coverage window, and select the 2 lines
(processed swath files). These lines will be displayed as shown below, showing the port
and starboard extent of the data for each line and also the area selection tool (blue hatched
area). The area used for the calibration can be altered using the grab buttons at the edges
of the hatched area.

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The Calibration Control Area

There are four calibration options: Latency, Roll, Pitch & Yaw. These can be selected
individually or as a combination depending on the calibration lines that have been
selected (note that selecting a combination may take a long time to iterate).
The Accuracy vs. Speed slider allows the user to select between fast calibration iterations
or the most accurate calibration iterations which uses more of the available data and
therefore takes longer.
Mean Difference shows the calculated mean difference for each iteration.
The ‘Iteration’ Status Bar indicates the status of the calculation taking place. When the bar
is full the iteration is complete.
The ‘Total’ Status Bar indicates the status of all calculations taking place. When the bar is
full all iterations have been completed.
The Calibration controls are as follows:-

Start : The Start button starts the calibration, if none of the calibration items have been
selected then a single mean difference value will be calculated.

Stop : At any time during calibration the Stop button may be selected, the calibration
procedure will finish at the end of the current iteration.

Save : Pressing the Save button will save the calibration offsets to the currently selected
calibration offsets file.

Reset : Pressing the Reset button will return the calibration control to its starting values
and all calibration offsets to zero.
Port : When the Port button is selected only data from the port transducer within the
two swath files will be used during calibration. This does not affect latency which used
both port and starboard transducer data by default.

Starboard : When the Starboard button is selected only data from the starboard
transducer within the two swath files will be used during calibration. This does not affect
latency which used both port and starboard transducer data by default.

Coarse : When enabled the Coarse button selects the default coarse iteration settings for
the calibrator.

Medium : When enabled the Medium button selects the default medium iteration
settings for the calibrator.

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Fine : When enabled the Fine button selects the default fine iteration settings for the
Automatic: Coarse, Medium and Fine iterations are run one after the other automatically.

Calibration Statistics Status

Select the Statistics window of the status area.

The left side of the Calibration Statistics Status window shows the population of data
within the bins generated at the gridding stage of the calibration process. As automatic
iterations are made and mean difference values determined the spread of the data around
the mean can be viewed.
The right side of the Calibration Statistics Status window shows the mean difference value
and its relationship to all the other iterations that have been made. If more than one
calibration parameter has been selected then a series of parabola curves will be seen as the
iteration process takes place.

Calibration Profile Status

Select the Profile window of the Status area.

A profile or cross-section through the overlapping calibration lines may be displayed in

the Calibration Profile Status window; this provides an additional 'visual' check to the
veracity of the calibration offsets generated.

Using the Calibration Controls

The sequence of operations when using the calibration controls is:
 Select a pair of lines in the Survey manager, and open a Coverage window. Adjust
the area to be used.
 Select port or starboard (has no effect when calibrating for Latency).
 Select one of the Automatic tick boxes (Latency, Pitch, Roll or Yaw).
 Select coarse.

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 Press Start (and adjust the Accuracy/Speed slider if required). Watch the Statistics
Status window to see the progress of the calibration.
 Repeat for Medium and Fine.
 Repeat for the other calibration parameters as needed, and for other pairs of Patch
Test lines.
It is possible to iterate more than one of the calibrations at once, but this can take a long
time to go through all the values.
Once the calibration parameters are found, use the save button to save these parameters to
the currently ticked Calibration Offsets file.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

18.8. Summary of GS+ Calibration

1. Measure and enter the Vessel Offsets.
2. Collect test lines to find the Attitude Latency (and MRU Angle Offset if required).
3. Collect and QC the Patch Test data.
4. Open the Navigation display, select (tick) the raw data files of interest, and highlight
the particular pair to be used - check they are OK (straight, correct separation, of
adequate length and over an appropriate seafloor).

5. Process the raw data to swath files using correct vessel offsets, correct tide and SV, and
the default calibration offsets (use the correct Attitude Latency, found earlier). Make
sure all these ancillary and offsets files are selected (ticked) when processing.

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6. Select (tick) two appropriate Processed lines (swath files) for calibration and open the
Calibration Control Area

7. In the Coverage display window adjust the blue shaded area to select the portion of
the lines to be used for the calibration.
8. Use the Calibration Control Area (and Statistics Window) to run through the
automated calibration sequence for the calibration parameter(s) required

Note: check that you only do port calibration for port overlap lines.
9. Repeat 6, 7, and 8 to obtain all the calibration parameters (LRPY), using appropriate
pairs of lines.
10. Repeat the LRPY sequence for appropriate lines as necessary until the values converge
on sensible numbers
11. Enter the numbers obtained in the Calibration Offsets file. The save button also
transfers the current values to the selected (ticked) calibration file.
12. Re-process and grid several overlapping lines over features and slopes to check the
calibration results.
Once the calibration has been checked, the rest of raw dataset can be processed into swath
files for gridding.

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18.9. Checking the Calibration Results

This is best done using overlapping survey lines over seabed features:
Process and Grid the swath lines prior to calibration, and after calibration
The effect of calibration can be checked using Survey Manager R
 - Grid
Compare and Survey Manager R  - Grid Difference.
Observe how many of the artefacts have gone
Note how it affects features such a trawl scar. These will line up much better than
on un-calibrated image.
Examples of un-calibrated (left) and calibrated (right) lines are shown below:

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18.10. More on Latency and Yaw Calibration

There are cases where an accurate automated latency calibration can be difficult to obtain,
for example where the seafloor slope is too shallow, or the speed difference between the
latency run-lines is too small. For example, if the latency calibration lines have 2m/s
difference, a 250ms latency makes a position difference of just 0.5m. This will be difficult
to detect on a shallow sloping seafloor, but later on a 250ms error with survey lines
running in opposite directions at 3m/s will cause breaks in features of 1.5m.
These latency calibration errors will also have a large effect on the yaw calibration values,
possibly giving large and unreliable values. Different values may be seen when
calibrating using different pairs of lines, and for port and starboard transducers. Seafloor
features will not match between survey lines even after calibration.
There are two ways to get a more accurate latency calibration, described below (both
assume accurately measured vessel offsets, especially the Transducer-GPS offset, and a
GPS system that is accurate enough for the latency calibration required).

Latency using reciprocal lines.

Latency can be found by running reciprocal lines at higher speeds (this makes the
difference in speed large, so magnifying the effect of small latency errors).
 Carry out a roll calibration on a flat area.
 Chose an area with well-defined features (a pipeline or trench running across the
line is ideal).
 Run a survey line at high speed with a fast ping rate (reduced swath width)
 Run exactly the same line in the opposite direction, again at a high speed.
 These two lines should be processed and gridded separately.
 The position shift of features can be measured using Grid Compare and the
measure tool.
 The latency can then be calculated using the speed difference and the apparent shift
(latency = (1/speed difference) x (shift/2)).
 The lines should be re-processed using the latency found, to check the feature is no
longer split.
This method assumes the pitch calibration is 0, so is most accurate when using the
standard V-plate and in shallow water (where pitch makes only small differences). It also
relies on the reciprocal lines being over the same path and the port and starboard yaw
being the same (applies when using the V-plate).

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Latency using consistent yaw

A latency offset will have the same effect on the position of a seafloor feature for both port
and starboard. Yaw will have the opposite effect on port to that on starboard. This
difference can be used to improve the latency and yaw calibrations. By comparing the
port and starboard yaw calibrations for different latencies, the correct latency can be found
– this will be where the yaw values given by the automated calibration are the same for
the port and starboard transducers. This only applies when using the V-plate transducer
mount, where the yaw calibration offset should be the same for each transducer, as they
are in alignment on the plate.
To carry out this calibration, first complete the roll calibration on a flat area, then:
 Collect a set of yaw calibration lines (at least 3 lines with 100% overlap over a slope,
as described earlier in this section).
 Obtain a value for the latency from either port or starboard.
 Run through the coarse, medium and fine calibrations for port yaw, using this
 Run through the coarse, medium and fine calibrations for starboard yaw, using this
 Check if the yaw values are the same; if not, change the latency and repeat.
Try reducing the latency value by 0.05 seconds each time. Once the yaw values start to
converge then start reducing the latency in 0.01s steps. A typical set of yaw values found
using this technique is shown below:
Yaw Port Latency Yaw Starboard
0.2 0.4 3
0.4 0.35 2.9
0.5 0.3 2.1
0.7 0.25 1.5
0.8 0.2 0.9
0.9 0.19 0.9 * equal yaw
1.0 0.18 0.8
1.5 0.15 0.7

So from this calibration the yaw is 0.9° and latency is 0.19 seconds. These results can also
be plotted graphically (plot the two lines of latency vs. yaw): the best result is where the
lines cross.
Note: If there is zero latency (as when using 1PPS synchronisation) this method can be
used for Pitch and Yaw calibration.

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18.11. Applying the Calibration Values Obtained

Once the calibration values have been determined, right click on the calibration file and
select edit.

Now enter all the calibration parameters into the relevant boxes.

Press to apply these settings.

Once the offsets have been checked close the ‘Calibration Offsets’ editor using the close
window icon (at the top right of the control area).
Now the raw data files can be processed. Make sure that the correct calibration file is
ticked otherwise these parameters will not be applied.

It is always wise to re-check the calibration values on your survey data by first processing
a few overlapping lines over flat areas and features. You should create grids from the
lines and confirm that the survey results from different lines are consistent. Any
differences should be within those expected from the specification of the ancillary sensors

18.12. Re-Apply Calibration Parameters

Note: Re-apply calibration should only be used as a tool for experimenting before a
final set of known good calibration values are found. Data should then be
processed from Raw using these values in the normal way.
For each Re-Apply function to work correctly the following files must exist:-

Re-Apply Navigation
 The swath file itself.
 The audit file for the swath file.
 The navigation file, this file or the RDF must be in the location it was when the
swath file was created.
 The attitude file (for roll/pitch antenna correction), this file or the RDF must be in
the location it was when the swath file was created.

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 The correct vessel file must also be selected to obtain antenna offsets.
 The correct calibration offset file must also be selected to obtain navigation latency.

Re-Apply Calibration:
 The swath file itself.
 The audit file for the swath file.
 The navigation file, this file or the RDF must be in the location it was when the
swath file was created.
 The attitude file (for roll/pitch antenna correction), this file or the RDF must be in
the location it was when the swath file was created.
 The correct vessel file must also be selected to obtain antenna offsets.
 The correct calibration offset file must also be selected to obtain all calibration
offsets to be Re-Applied.
Re-apply calibration only re-applies transducer Roll, Pitch and Yaw. Other offsets (e.g.
MRU yaw) are not re-applied when using this function.

Re-Apply Tide:
 The swath file itself.
 The audit file for the swath file.
 The correct tide file(s) must also be selected.
Sound Velocity Profiles cannot be re-applied thus it makes no difference if any SVPs are selected.
In addition to the above file requirements there is a file size check so that the original
swath file is not overwritten if the output swath file is not the same size (may happen if
large or incorrect offsets are applied). There are error messages associated with all
requirements above. Messages that may be seen when Swath Re-Apply fails are:-

Situation Error Message Displayed

When a swath or audit file is missing ‘Swath Audit File (nnnnn) is missing or
incomplete, unable to re-apply settings’
When a navigation file is missing: ‘Open Navigation File Fail’
When an attitude file is missing: ‘Open Attitude File Fail’
For File size mismatches/missing or broken ‘Re-Apply Error’
swath file/unable to write swath file:-

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Gridding Data

19. Gridding Data

Processed Swath Files may be merged to form a digital terrain map (DTM) or grid, this
process in GS+ is known as 'Gridding'. The main window below shows a plan view of the
grid, which is colour coded for depth.

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Swath amplitude files (swp) can be merged to form a mosaic file (mof). The main window
below shows a plan view of the mosaic.

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19.1. How to Create a Grid File

R ‘Grid Files’ in the Survey Manager and select New Grid File.
Next the swath files to be included in the grid file need to be selected. This is done by
expanding the ‘Swath Files’ folder in the Survey Manager window and ticking the swath
files required, (2L on them). See example below. The swath files to be gridded are
selected and a new grid file is ready to be written to.

The grid file is created by right clicking on the selected swath files and selecting the ‘Grid’
option. Once this is done the Grid Control window is automatically displayed.

Grid Control Window

The Grid Control window allows the limits of the grid to be defined.
The origin (bottom left of grid) is defined by the minimum settings of both eastings (E)
and northings (N).
The dimensions of the grid are defined by the Size settings for both the X and Y directions.
The bin size of the grid is set by the Bin Size setting, in the above example it is set to 5

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When the swath files have been ticked and the ‘Grid’ option selected, values for the origin
and limits of the grid are adjusted automatically if the ‘Scan Swaths’ box is ticked.
Otherwise these parameters can be adjusted manually as detailed above.
The ‘Port’ and ‘Starboard’ boxes are ticked by default, but if the user only wants to grid
either the port or starboard section of the swath then the appropriate box can be ticked.
The accumulative value of any bin is defined by the Method setting.
Mean selects a mean depth value where each value added to a bin forms part of an overall
mean value.
Weighted Mean uses amplitude values (Side Scan amplitude) to give higher weighting to
data points which are higher in amplitude when calculating the mean depth value. This is
advantageous for several reasons:
 Noise points and outliers in the water column are often lower in amplitude than
real sea bed data. These noise points are given less weighting.
 Close range (higher signal to noise ratio) data will have a higher weighting than
any far range (lower signal to noise ratio) data which it may overlap.
 Higher weighting will be given to more highly reflective data points (such as those
from vertical features or objects on the sea bed). This is useful for object detection.
Min selects the shallowest value (the value in the bin reflects the shallowest value entered
into that bin).
Max selects the deepest value (the value in the bin reflects the deepest value entered into
that bin).
Virtual allows information on all data points in the swath files to be retained in each bin
in the grid file. This allows viewing of all data points in 3-D views, and allows any of the
above gridding methods to be subsequently used on the virtual grid to view and export
the gridded data. This is discussed in more detail later on in this chapter.
The default settings are a 5.0m Bin Size and Mean depth value within the bin for the Grid

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Once the grid parameters have been selected, the swaths are painted into the grid window
one by one. A message at the bottom of the window informs the operator which swath file
is being loaded. This operation is very rapid. Finally the screen is refreshed with the final
colour coded grid containing the selected files as below.

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19.2. How to Create a Mosaic File

R on ‘Mosaic Files’ in the Survey Manager and select New Mosaic File.
Next the swamp files to be included in the mosaic file need to be selected. This is done by
expanding the ‘Swamp Files’ folder in the Survey Manager and ticking the swamp files
(2L on them). See example below. The swamp files to be gridded are selected and a
new mosaic file is ready to be written to.

The mosaic file is created by right clicking on the selected swamp files and selecting the
‘mosaic’ option. Once this is done the Mosaic Control window is automatically displayed.

Mosaic Control Window

The Mosaic Control window allows the limits of the mosaic to be defined.
The origin (bottom left of grid) is defined by the origin settings for both eastings (E) and
northings (N).
The dimensions of the mosaic are defined by the Size settings for both the X and Y
The pixel size of the mosaic is set by the Pixel Size setting, in this case its set to 1.

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When the swamp files have been ticked and the ‘Mosaic’ option selected, values for the
origin and limits of the mosaic are adjusted automatically if the ‘Scan Swaths’ box is
ticked. Otherwise these parameters can be adjusted manually as detailed above.
The ‘Port’ and ‘Starboard’ boxes are ticked by default, but if the user only wants to mosaic
either the port or starboard section of the swath then the appropriate box can be enabled.
Once the mosaic parameters have been selected, the Side Scan images are painted into the
mosaic window one by one. The method by which this is done can be selected from the
‘Method’ drop-down menu.

The current swamp will be placed on top of any swamps that have already been mosaiced.

The swamps will be merged.

The current swamp will be placed beneath any swamps that have already been mosaiced.
A message at the bottom of the window informs the operator which swamp file is being
loaded. This operation is very rapid; finally the screen is refreshed with the final mosaic
containing the selected files as below.

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19.3. Grid / Mosaic Display Options

The View Toolbar

View manipulation functions area accessed via this toolbar. They are as follows

The pan commands allow the operator to move around the zoomed image.

Zoom Cursor
This option is chosen by selecting the magnifying glass icon. This allows the user to zoom
into a particular area of interest by placing the cursor over the area and clicking the L to
zoom in and the R to zoom out.

Zoom Vertical
This option is not available for use with grids or mosaics.

Zoom Horizontal
This option is not available for use with grids or mosaics.

Zoom Area
This zoom feature allows the user to click on a point at one corner of an area of interest
and drag the cursor to the opposite corner, so that the area encompassed represents the
new zoomed area.

Zoom Extents
This zoom feature allows the user to zoom to the extent of the area chosen for
gridding/mosaicing by clicking on the ‘zoom extents’ icon and then clicking on the
grid/mosaic display window.

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Grid Display Options Menu

A grid display options menu can be accessed by R on the grid display window. The
various options can be toggled by highlighting them and then L . Once selected options
appear ticked:

Displaying Depth Data

Select the option ‘show depths’ to display depth values on the grid. The type of depths
displayed can be chosen by expanding the ‘Type’ sub-menu. The options are:
 ‘Spot Depth’ Displays the bin value.
 ‘Mean’ Displays a mean value at the centre of a matrix of bins.
 ‘Minimum’ Displays the minimum value within a matrix of bins at its bin
 ‘Maximum’ displays the maximum value within a matrix of bins at its bin
The size of the matrix used for mean, minimum and maximum is calculated according to
the current zoom level.
Depth values are displayed at an angle when the ‘Angled Depths’ option is selected.

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Displaying Contours
Contours are displayed on the grid when the ‘Show Contours’ option is ticked. To display
depth values that relate to the contours select ‘Show Labels’. To display contours in
colours that match the grid palette select ‘Colour’. The contour level is selected in the
Colour Control.

Show Grid
Tick ‘Show Grid’ to toggle the chosen grid on/off.

Show Tide Positions

Tick ‘Show Tide Positions’ to display the position(s) of where tide data was gathered on
the grid display.

Show SVP Positions

Tick ‘Show SVP Positions’ to display the position(s) of where SVP dips were taken on the
grid display.

Show Flags
Tick ‘Show Flags’ to display the position(s) of flags on the grid display.

Show Scale Lines

Enables you to display Grids with the scale lines on or off as shown below.

Above: Scale Lines Shown Above: Scale Lines Off

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Show Route
Tick ‘Show Route’ to display route files on the grid display.

Lock View
This is one way of comparing a particular section of a Grid or Mosaic. When lock view is
selected and the user zooms in to view a feature the view will not change when the user
loads another grid or mosaic.

Link View
This links the viewing position between the XY displays (navigation, coverage, grid and
mosaic), when ‘link view’ is selected and a feature is zoomed into on the Grid window (for
example), the Mosaic window will also zoom in to show the same feature.

Select the ‘Print’ option to print the grid that is being displayed.

Click on the ‘Properties’ option to obtain the grid properties dialogue.

Window Colours
Selecting ‘Window Colours’ allows the background, line and text colours to be changed.

Clicking on ‘Units’ allows either metres or survey feet to be used.

Mosaic Display Options Menu

A mosaic display options menu can be accessed by R on the mosaic display. The
various options can be toggled with a L. Once enabled options appear ticked:

Show Tide Positions

Tick ‘Show Tide Positions’ to display the position(s) of where tide data was gathered on
the mosaic display.

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Show SVP Positions

Tick this ‘Show SVP Positions’ to display the position(s) of where SVP dips were taken on
the mosaic display.

Show Flags
Tick ‘Show Flags’ to display the position(s) of flags on the mosaic display.

Show Route
Tick ‘Show Route’ to display route files on the mosaic display.

Link View
This links the viewing position between the XY displays (navigation, coverage, grid and
mosaic). When link view is selected and a feature is zoomed into on the mosaic window
(for example), the grid window will also zoom in to show the same feature.

Lock View
This is one way of comparing a particular section of a grid or mosaic. When lock view is
selected and you zoom to view a feature the view will not change when loading another
grid or mosaic.

Select the ‘Print’ option to print the mosaic that is being displayed.

Click on the ‘Properties’ option to obtain the mosaic properties dialogue.

Window Colours
Selecting ‘Window Colours’ allows the background, line and text colours to be changed.

Clicking on ‘Units’ allows either metres or survey feet to be used.

Colour Control Window

The ‘Colour Control’ window is opened by clicking on the ‘colour ‘option as above.

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Load Colour File

Click on the ‘Load Colour File’ button to select a new palette to apply to the
gridded/mosaiced data. Any colour file can be selected from the available presets. The
depth range that this palette is applied to can be set by entering a minimum and
maximum depth in the ‘Min’ and ‘Max’ text boxes respectively.

Depth Colours
Select the ‘Depth Colours’ button to adjust colour settings for the selected grid file.

Side Scan Colours

Select the ‘Side Scan Colours’ button to adjust colour settings for the selected mosaic file.

Click the ‘Save’ button to save colour control settings.

Click the ‘reverse’ button to reverse the order in which colours in the chosen palette are
applied to the gridded/mosaiced data.

Click the ‘Redraw’ button to redraw the grid/mosaic with the current colour control
settings applied.

Data Limits (only applicable to grids)

When the ‘Data Limits’ button is depressed the palette is applied over the entire range of

Wrap (only applicable to grids)

This will assign one colour to each contour level. The size of the contour interval can be
adjusted by entering a value in the ‘Contour’ text box. When not ticked the full number of
colours selected will be applied to all depths between the minimum and maximum depth.

Apply From - To

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A range of colours can be set using the Apply (From - To) function. When pressed it will
set the colours in the ranges shown in the boxes above (shown here as 0 and 255) to the
colours selected in each. Colours between the two limits will be a gradual change between
the two colours. The number of colours used can also be adjusted in the ‘Number of
Colours’ text box.

The grid/mosaic display can be sun illuminated as shown below:

The controls for the sun illumination are to the right in the ‘colour control’ window. To
illuminate the grid/mosaic the ‘Illumination’ tick box must be checked.
The position of the light source in the xy plane can be set by moving the ‘sun’ graphic
using the mouse. Just click and drag the ‘sun’ to the desired azimuth and elevation.
The Brightness of the light source can be adjusted by moving the brightness bar up and

19.4. Filters

This section details the filters available in the ‘Filter Control’ window, pictured above.

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Note The currently loaded grid will only be saved with any changes if the Save
button is pressed. Selecting another grid or just closing down GS+ will
cause the changes to be lost.

Grid Filters
Select ‘Grid Filters’ to filter grid data.

Mosaic Filters
Select ‘Mosaic Filters’ to filter mosaic data.

Area Select
Allows you to click and drag over an area which will be affected by any subsequent filter
operations. Data outside this area will remain unaffected.

The effects of any filter operations are saved to the currently selected grid/mosaic file
when this button is pressed.

The currently selected grid/mosaic file is re-loaded, any filter operations will be lost.

The grid/mosaic is returned to the state prior to the last filter operation; five levels of
undo are available.

Smoothing Filter
The ‘Smoothing Filter’ is a matrix weighted mean filter, the ‘Matrix Size’ and ‘Centre
Weight’ values are used with this filter to define the amount of smoothing. It is used to
smooth the contours in a grid file. The smoother filter may be applied as many times as
necessary until the contours between colour (depth) changes are smooth. ‘Use Bin Weight’
allows any weighting of the bins to be accounted for.

Spike Filter (only applicable to grids)

The ‘Spike Filter’ will effectively remove spikes from the grid. The depth value of each bin
are, in turn, compared to the matrix weighted mean of the surrounding bins, the ‘Matrix
Size’ and ‘Centre Weight’ values are used with this filter to define the tolerance to varying
seabed topography. If the values differ by more than the ‘Spike Threshold’ value the bin is
set to the mean of its neighbours or cleared if the ‘Clear Centre Bin’ option is selected.

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The interpolate filter will interpolate across empty bins in a grid (pixels in a mosaic). The
‘Interpolate’ value is used with this filter to define the maximum gap that can be
interpolated. The interpolate filter works linearly in both horizontal and vertical
grid/mosaic lines.

Limits Filter (only applicable to grids)

The ‘Limits Filter’ will clear bins whose values are outside of the defined depth limits. The
‘Minimum Depth’ and ‘Maximum Depth’ values are used to define these boundaries.

Offset Filter (only applicable to grids)

The depths in the grid may be offset in the Z direction with this filter, the Depth Offset
value is used to define the operation of this filter.

19.5. Grid Options

Once a grid has been created the ‘Grid Options Menu’ is accessed by R on a specific grid
file in the ‘Survey Manager’:

‘Import from Project’ – Enables you to import a grid file from another GeoSwath project to
the current project.
Import from File
Enables you to import a grid file to the current project.

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Generate Audit
This can be used as a quality control tool. Once selected it produces a number of audit
files that relate to the chosen grid file that are exported to the ‘Audit’ folder in the project

‘Export’ provides the option of exporting the chosen grid file in a number of formats.
These include GeoSwath grid file format (.grf), ASCII format (.xyz), Surfer grid format
(.grd), and Tiff (*.tif).

This option enables you to compare two grid files. Select one grid file and then R and
select ‘Compare’ on the grid file that is to be compared with. Once this is done both grid
files will be appear in a split screen display like below:

This display is accompanied by a dialogue box like the one above. This contains
information relating to both grids such as the limits, bin size and the creation method.
There is also a ‘Difference’ section which shows the difference between the two grids in
the XY axes and the Z axis. The bins that are compared are selected by moving the mouse

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By clicking on the ‘Profile’ icon in the control and status window, profiles cut in identical
places can be compared for the two grids.

The ‘Merge’ option allows you to merge two grid files into a new grid file. To do this tick
one of the grid files to be merged, then R on the other grid file and select the ‘Merge’
option. This function compares the two grids and takes the mean of all the depth values
which it uses to create the new grid file.

To aid in quality checking procedures it may be necessary to take differences between two
Grids used for differencing must have the same bin size but the overall dimensions can be
different. To use the ‘Difference’ function a grid file has to be selected, then R on the
grid to be subtracted from this and select the ‘Difference’ option. After this a new grid is
created which is the difference between the two grids.
On completion of the difference calculations statistics relating to the two grids are shown,
(see below for explanation). These are useful for looking for tidal correction problems or
other processing problems.

The maximum difference value between the grids.

The mode is the difference value that occurs most frequently.

The arithmetic mean of all the bins within the difference grid.

1   2     n    
n n
The total number of bins in the difference grid.

Standard Deviation
Standard deviation is defined as the square root of the average values of the squares of the
deviations from the mean of the original values and represented thus:

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    

Where  = a single bins value

 = mean of all bins
n = total number of bins
Standard Error
Is the standard error of the mean. The standard error of a sample of sample size n is the
sample's standard deviation divided by the square root of n. It therefore estimates the
standard deviation of the sample mean based on the population mean.

Clear Grid
The option ‘Clear Grid’ clears any data from the grid file.

You can ‘Deselect’ the current grid file by choosing this option. The same can be achieved
by double clicking (2L) on the grid file icon.

The option ‘Cut’ enables you to cut a grid file to the clipboard.

The option ‘Copy’ enables you to copy a grid file to the clipboard.

The option ‘Paste’ enables you to paste a grid file from the clipboard to a desired location.

Select this to ‘Rename’ a highlighted grid file.

Select this to delete a highlighted grid file.

New Grid File

‘New Grid File’ enables the user to create a new grid file that is empty and ready to be
written to.

Select this option to obtain a properties dialogue relating to currently selected grid file.

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19.6. Mosaic options

Once a mosaic has been created the ‘Mosaic Options Menu’ is accessed by right clicking on
a specific mosaic file in the ‘Survey Manager’:

Import from Project

Enables you to import a mosaic file from another GeoSwath project to the current project.

Import from File

Enables you to import a mosaic file to the current project.

Generate Audit
This can be used as a quality control tool. Once selected it produces a number of audit
files that relate to the chosen mosaic file that are exported to the ‘Audit’ folder in the
project directory.

‘Export’ provides the option of exporting the chosen mosaic file in a number of formats.
These include GeoSwath mosaic file format (.mof), ASCII format (.xya) and Surfer grid
format (.grd).

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This option enables you to compare two mosaic files. Select one mosaic file and then R
and select ‘Compare’ on the mosaic file that is to be compared with. Once this is done
both mosaic files will be appear in a split screen display like below:

This display is accompanied by a dialogue box like the one above. This contains
information relating to both mosaics such as the limits, bin size and the creation method.
There is also a ‘Difference’ section which shows the difference between the two grids in
the XY axes and the Z (Amplitude) axis. The bins that are compared are selected by
moving the mouse pointer.

The ‘Merge’ option allows you to merge two mosaic files into a new mosaic file. To do this
tick one of the mosaic files to be merged, then R on the other mosaic file and select the
‘Merge’ option. This function compares the two mosaics and takes the mean of all the
amplitude values which it uses to create the new mosaic file.

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To aid in object detection (i.e. was there object there before and after) or quality checking
procedures it will be necessary to take differences between two mosaics.
Mosaics used for difference must have the same bin size but the overall dimensions can be
different. To use the ‘Difference’ function a mosaic file has to be selected, then R on the
mosaic to be subtracted from this and select the ‘Difference’ option. After this a new
mosaic is created which is the difference between the two mosaics. If reflective objects are
in one grid, and not in another, then these will be prominent in the difference grid.

Clear Mosaic
The option ‘Clear Mosaic’ clears any data from the mosaic file.

You can ‘Deselect’ the current Mosaic file by choosing this option. The same can be
achieved by double clicking (2L) on the mosaic file icon.

‘Cut’ enables you to cut a mosaic file to the clipboard.

The ‘Copy’ option enables you to copy a mosaic file to the clipboard.

The ‘Paste’ option enables you to paste a mosaic file from the clipboard to a desired

Select this to ‘Rename’ a highlighted mosaic file.

Select this to delete a highlighted mosaic file.

New Mosaic File

Enables you to create a new mosaic file that is empty and ready to be written to.

Select this option to obtain a properties dialogue relating to currently selected mosaic file.

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19.7. Multi-Grid/Multi-Mosaic Mode

In GS+ the maximum size of a grid is dependent on the available system memory. As this
will vary from machine to machine so it is not practical to enforce a fixed limit to the size
of a grid or mosaic. GS+ therefore has a Multi-Grid mode which enables you to create
grids for large survey areas or route surveys. This mode is accessed from the swath file
popup menu in the same way as Grid but it is not necessary to create new grid to do so.
After selecting the required Swath files select Multi-Grid mode from the popup menu, a
screen like the one pictured below will be shown:-

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The Multi-Grid display shows the track of all selected Swath files with their names, SVP
and Tide positions are shown if selected. A single grid is selected to cover the entire area
as with the existing Grid mode, with its dimensions and grid method shown. The grid
dimensions and method may be changed manually (as usual) or graphically:-

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Additional grids may be added to the list by pressing the New button, the current grid is
selected by clicking in the list box, its name may be changed by entering and pressing the
Apply button (grid names are checked against all existing grids to prevent duplication).
The selected grid may be deleted with the Delete button. Many grids may be created (50
maximum) to cover a large survey area or route:-

When grid dimensions, methods and naming is complete the grids can be created by
pressing the Create Grids button, enabling Add Swaths will automatically add all selected
swaths to all grids upon creation (this may take some time to complete).

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Gridding Data

The colour of the grid box reflects its size as a percentage of available memory, colours are
blue (>50%), red (40-50%), yellow (30-40%) and green (<30%).

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Operation of Multi-Mosaic mode is as for Multi-Swath above.

In addition to the Multi-Grid and Multi-Mosaic modes a check has been added for grid
and mosaic size when using the existing Grid or Mosaic modes. If the size of the grid or
mosaic is greater than 30% of available memory (yellow, red or blue in multi-mode) the
user is asked if they would prefer to use Multi-Grid or Multi-Mosaic instead:-

Selecting ‘Yes’ will go straight to Multi mode and the selected grid file (New Grid) will not
be used. Selecting ‘No’ will continue using the existing Grid mode, (it is possible that this
may fail to complete).

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19.8. Virtual Grids

The main function of the ‘Virtual Grids’ is to give statistical quality control information
within individual bins. These virtual grids have the functionality of normal grids, but
retain the information from the individual depth data points within each bin. Virtual
grids are created in the same manner as normal grids; just select the ‘Virtual’ method for
grid creation.
There are a number of different virtual grid methods that can be selected from the ‘Virtual
Grid Method’ drop down menu:

Mean – bin values set to mean depth.

Minimum – bin values set to minimum depth.
Maximum – bin values set to maximum depth.
Mode – bin values set to mode values of each bin.
Population – bin values set to the population of each bin.
Range – bin values set to the depth range in each bin.
Standard Deviation – bin values set to the standard deviation of each bin.
Standard Error – bin values set to the standard error of each bin.
Normal Distribution – bin values set to the normal distribution of each bin.
Weighted Mean – bin values set to the weighted mean of each bin.
All these statistical terms are explained earlier in this chapter.
Once a virtual grid has been created the binning method can be changed by highlighting a
different ‘Virtual Grid Method’ and clicking on bin data.

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19.9. Virtual Grid Statistics

Statistics relating to each individual bin can be obtained by clicking on the ‘Statistics’

The maximum difference value between soundings in the selected bin.

The mode is the depth value that occurs most frequently.

The arithmetic mean of all the depths within the bin.

1   2     n    
n n

The total number of soundings in the selected bin.

Standard Deviation
Standard deviation is defined as the square root of the average values of the squares of the
deviations from the mean of the original values and represented thus:

    
Where  = a single depth value
 = mean of all depths
n = total number of depths

Standard Error
This is the standard error of the mean. The standard error of a sample of sample size n is
the sample's standard deviation divided by the square root of n. It therefore estimates the
standard deviation of the sample mean based on the population mean.

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Bin Diagram

This diagram shows the distribution of soundings within the selected bin. The bin size is
also displayed above the diagram.

19.10. Virtual Grid Display Options

There are some extra display options associated with virtual grids which can be accessed
by R on the grid display.

View All Data

Selecting ‘View all data’ shows all the individual data points and allows the operator to
assess factors like overlap, variations in across track density with range and along track
density. This also gives visual feedback of the contribution of each swath to the final grid.

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Show Swath Information

Colour codes each swath within the virtual grid. This is to help in isolating particular
swath file(s) that may have a problem which can then be re-processed or left out of any
subsequent grid.
The Colour Scale in the grid window displays the swath names.

Above: Virtual Grid Shown with Show Swath info enabled.

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20. GridFly
The main function of GridFly is to display DTM grids in a 3-D format.

GridFly can be started by clicking the GridFly button on the control toolbar.

A grid must be selected in Survey Manager to be able to display in 3-D.

Usually the grid window is displayed at the same time to make it easier to navigate the 3-
D surface.

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20.1. Changing the 3-D View

In GridFly the following buttons are available for changing the 3-D view.

You can use them together with the mouse or keyboard to move around and change the 3-

Keyboard Controls
See below for a summary of keyboard shortcuts available for changing the view in

 Rotate heading anti-clockwise

 Rotate heading clockwise
 Pitch nose down
 Pitch nose up
Shift +  Increase speed (2ms-1 increments)
Shift +  Decrease speed (2ms-1 increments)
Ctrl +  Increase vertical exaggeration
Ctrl +  Decrease vertical exaggeration
Page Up Decrease Depth
Page Down Increase Depth
End Stop (set speed to 0ms-1)

Exaggerate +
This will increase the Z scale by 1 on each press, (keyboard shortcut <Ctrl>+).

Exaggerate -
This will decrease the Z scale by 1 on each press, (keyboard shortcut <Ctrl>+).

Visibility +
This will increase the viewing range.

Visibility +
This will decrease the viewing range.

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Mouse Move
The mouse can be used to control some of the ‘fly through’ functions of the 3-D display.
To enable the mouse as a controller click Mouse Move or press F9. To exit from mouse
move press F9 once more.
 Rotate heading anti-clockwise
 Rotate heading clockwise
 Pitch nose down
 Pitch nose up
L +  Move forward
L +  Move backwards
R +  Decrease depth
R +  Increase depth

Show Position
This shows the 3-D view point on the Grid display as blue point with the viewing distance
radiating out as a blue cross hatched area.
You can change the view point by dragging the Position Handle to the desired location
with the mouse. You can also increase and decrease the view distance and the direction
by dragging the Range & Heading Handle to the desired position.

Range &


Mosaic Overlay
This will overlay a Side Scan mosaic on the 3-D DTM. You must select a Side Scan mosaic
in the Survey Manager window first. The mosaic must also be of the same area as the 3-D

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Grid with view point set

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Side Scan mosaic with view point set

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3-D DTM with Side Scan draped over

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20.2. Display Options

There are various ways of displaying the DTM in GridFly; all options can be selected by
R on the GridFly Window.

Colour Lines + Rendered, Normal Mode

Colour Lines + Lines, Line Mode

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Lines, Line Mode No Colour

Rendered + Black Lines

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Lines, Dot Mode

20.3. GridFly View Modes

The viewing location in the GridFly display is free in 3-D space.

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Vessel Fixed

The viewing location in the GridFly display is at the helmsman position as defined in the
currently loaded vessel settings.

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Vessel Relative

The viewing location in the GridFly display window is relative to the current vessel
position; the currently loaded vessel is shown at the centre of the display.

20.4. Vessel Settings

Dots While Moving

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If Dots While Moving is selected the DTM will change from the display setting selected to
dots when the view point is moving. This is to speed up the screen update rate on slower
computers as dots require less processing than a rendered view.

The HUD option will toggle the HUD (Head Up Display) on and off from the GridFly

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Show Track
A 3-D vessel track can be overlaid in GridFly. The track plot is generated by extracting the
corrected height (z) for each navigation fix within the raw data files.

Above: 3-D Track plot with data gathered using the Gavia AUV.

How to display the 3-D Track

If the ‘3-D Track’ option was enabled in the Display Options prior to processing the raw
data files then simply R on the GridFly window and choose ‘Show Track’.

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Alternatively if you have previously processed/gridded the data with the ‘3-D Track’
option off but you now want to show the track then perform the following:
 Open the GS+ Display Options page and enable the ‘3-D Track’ option.
 In the Survey Manager select all the raw data files used in the gridded area on
which you wish to display the track.
 R on any one of the selected raw data files and choose to edit the navigation.
 Close the navigation editor, return to the GridFly display, R and choose ‘Show

Background Colour
This option allows you to select the background colour for the GridFly window, by default
this is set to black which provides the clearest image in terms of contrast.

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Colour Scale
The colour scale option will display a colour scale on the left side of the window; the scale
shows what each colour in the DTM represents in depth.

The Properties option displays the properties for the grid file in use.

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20.5. Profiles
To open the Profile display click on the Profile button.

Click on the Grid and hold the mouse button to show the profile between two points on
either the Grid or GridFly

A profile is shown as a line in the Grid display; it can be resized and moved via the

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The profile is also shown as a fence draped over the 3-D bathymetry, the fence will move
as the profile is moved in the Grid window.

When pressed this will save the current profile as an ASCII file.

Pressing this button will put the system status profile window into 'Route' mode.

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Profile Route Mode

Clicking the route button will allow you to create routes that may be exported as multi
point profiles or tracks to fly around.

Every time you click on the Grid a route is built up, the more points the longer the route.
The Profile display shows the entire profile formed by the multi-point route.

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The multi-point route is also displayed in the GridFly window as a multi-point fence.

When pressed will save the current profile as an ASCII file.

When pressed will clear the contents of the currently selected route file.

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20.6. Generate X Profiles

Create a route in the normal way then R on the route file in Survey Manager and select
‘Generate X Profiles .

A set of profiles will then be placed perpendicular to the route at 10m intervals.

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The profile length and interval can be changed via the ‘settings’ window.

Once the desired profile settings have been made the final step is to generate the profiles
by clicking on the save button.

The ‘Save Profile’ window will then appear where you can choose a name and file type,
(default profiles in GS+ have extension *.pro). The individual profiles will be saved in the
‘Export’ directory of the current project in use.

20.7. Flying a Route

To fly a route you must first create a route file in the Survey Manager.

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Then using the mouse create a route on the Grid window.

The route will be saved to the route file just created.

Alternatively use the save ASCII profile option and import.

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Set the file type to ‘All Files (*.*)’ and then select the ‘*.pro’ file previously created.
A Route File Import window will appear. Make sure that the northings and eastings
appear in the correct columns and then press ok.

Double click (2L) on the new Route file so that the Box is ticked. The route will then
appear on the Grid and GridFly windows (show route must be selected from the right
click menu in the GridFly Window).

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Above: Route Shown In Grid Window

Above: Route Shown In GridFly Window

To fly the route select ‘Fly Route’ in the GridFly right button menu.

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The display view point will then move to the beginning of the route.
To fly the route you must start moving forwards. To do this hold down the shift key and
press the up arrow. Every time you hold down shift and press up arrow the speed will
increase by 2m/s. To decrease speed hold down shift and press down arrow. To change
your view as you fly along the route use the arrow buttons.
Left Arrow - Rotate View Point Left
Right Arrow - Rotate View Point Right
Up Arrow - Look Up
Down Arrow - Look Down
To stop moving press the End button.

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20.8. Making a Fly-through Movie

Tips on Movie Generation
Manoeuvring through grids is very processor intensive especially if the data set is large
and fully rendered. To speed up the process of movie creation it is worth experimenting
with the 3-D/render settings.
If you are encountering problems try:-
 reducing the Visibility.
 increasing the Bin Size.
 changing the view to dots while moving.
 turning off the HUD.

Creating an AVI
To make a movie press the Record Movie button . This will bring up the Record Movie
options window. This window lets you select the area to be captured in the movie.

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Extents- Window
The movie will capture the chosen windows. It the example below ‘Display Area’ was

Extents - Client Area

The movie will capture the selected client area (Grid or GridFly) only.

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Once you have set the area to be captured click on ‘OK’. In the ‘Save Movie’ window that
appears choose a directory and filename for the avi file you wish to create, then select
Digital video files can be very large. A few seconds of video may consume several
megabytes of disk space. GS+ gives you the option of using a CODEC to pack a video file
to a fraction of its original uncompressed size. Several CODECS are available each with
their own compression adjustments. Compressing the *.avi can help reduce the data rate
to a level that is more manageable by the playback device, e.g. CDROM.
Note that although many CODECs are listed it may be necessary to install the chosen
CODEC before GS+ can use it.
To pack the output *.avi select a compressor from the list, otherwise the video will be left
and saved uncompressed.

Now fly your chosen path through the 3-D grid. Having finished flying press Record
Movie again (or press F12).
The *.avi will now be created. A progress bar at the bottom of the Status area will track
the *.avi generation. This may take several seconds or minutes depending on the video
frame count.
Once created the *.avi may be viewed using a suitable application such as Windows®
Media Player.

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20.9. Filters
Filters can be applied in GridFly mode.

This section details the filters available in the ‘Filter Control’ window, pictured above.

Grid Filters
Select ‘Grid Filters’ to filter grid data.

Mosaic Filters
Select ‘Mosaic Filters’ to filter mosaic data.

Area Select
If selected you can click and drag over an area which will be affected by any subsequent
filter operations. Data outside this area will remain unaffected.

When pressed the effects of any filter operations are saved to the currently selected
grid/mosaic file.

The currently selected grid/mosaic file is re-loaded; any filter operations will be lost.

The grid/mosaic is returned to the state prior to the last filter operation; five levels of
undo are available.

Smoothing Filter
The ‘Smoothing Filter’ is a matrix weighted mean filter, the ‘Matrix Size’ and ‘Centre
Weight’ values are used with this filter to define the amount of smoothing. It is used to
smooth the contours in a grid file. The smooth filter may be applied as many times as
necessary until the contours between colour (depth) changes are smooth.

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Spike Filter (only applicable to grids)

The ‘Spike Filter’ will effectively remove spikes from the grid. The depth value of each bin
is in turn compared to the matrix weighted mean of the surrounding bins; the ‘Matrix Size’
and ‘Centre Weight’ values are used with this filter to define the tolerance to varying
seabed topography. If the values differ by more than the ‘Spike Threshold’ value the bin is
set to the mean of its neighbours or cleared if the ‘Clear Centre Bin’ option is selected.

The interpolate filter will interpolate across empty bins in a grid (pixels in a mosaic); the
‘Interpolate’ value is used with this filter to define the maximum gap that can be
interpolated. The interpolate filter works linearly in both horizontal and vertical
grid/mosaic lines.

Limits Filter (only applicable to grids)

The ‘Limits Filter’ will clear bins whose values are outside of the defined depth limits, the
‘Minimum Depth’ and ‘Maximum Depth’ values are used to define the these boundaries.

Depth Offset Filter (only applicable to grids)

The depths in the grid may be offset in the Z direction with this filter, the Depth Offset
value is used to define the operation of this filter.

XY Offset Filter
Moves the position of the selected grid/mosaic by an amount determined by the entered X
and Y offset values.

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GS+ Side Scan Differencing

21. GS+ Side Scan Differencing

Side Scan Differencing can be used to highlight differences between data gathered on two
surveys conducted over the same area. This feature can be used either in real-time during
acquisition or post survey whilst processing.

21.1. Reference Survey

The baseline or reference survey should be conducted as normal bearing in mind that
subsequent surveys will need to be carried out in the same location using the same
settings and parameters.
The data should be processed to swamp files as normal:-

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GS+ Side Scan Differencing

Once the swamp files have been generated create a mosaic from each of the lines and re-
name each mosaic with the line-name that will be used during subsequent surveys.

Above: A mosaic is created and renamed ‘Line001’ (i.e. same name as the rdf)

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GS+ Side Scan Differencing

21.2. Comparison Survey - Acquisition

Before survey ensure all parameters and settings are the same as for the reference survey
Settings for Mosaic differencing can be found in the ‘Grid/Mosaic’ options page. To turn
on differencing tick the box adjacent to ‘Enable On-line’.

The ‘minimum difference’ setting controls how large the difference between any given
point in the reference and difference mosaic must be before being highlighted. Note that
the ‘Apply’ button must be pressed for an alternate value to take effect.
Three modes of operation are possible, ‘highlight positive’ will cause a feature to be
highlighted if it appears in the difference survey mosaic but not in the reference mosaic,
this is the default. ‘Highlight Negative’ will highlight any feature that appears in the
reference mosaic but not in the difference mosaic. ‘Highlight All’ will highlight all
differing features between the two mosaics.

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GS+ Side Scan Differencing

The Highlight Differences options can also be accessed with a R on the Mosaic display.

When logging is started (or at the start of line in processing) GS+ will attempt to find and
load a reference mosaic with the same name as the raw data file, if it cannot find a mosaic
with the same name then it will use the currently loaded mosaic. A difference mosaic is
created with the same parameters as the reference mosaic with ‘difference’ appended to
the filename.

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GS+ Side Scan Differencing

The difference mosaic is continually updated and displayed in the mosaic display; any
differences are marked with the highlight colour. The mosaic is saved at the end of line
and may be loaded for inspection or comparison with other mosaics at any time.

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Data Input and Output

22. Data Input and Output

Once the DTM’s or Side Scan Mosaics have been created it is possible to export them in
different formats so that they can be used by other programs such as GIS software.

22.1. Exporting Grids

In Survey Manager R on a selected grid then choose Export.

A standard Windows® save window will appear from which you can choose to export in
six different formats. In all cases the exported files are placed in the Export folder
contained within the Project directory.

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Data Input and Output

GS+ (*.grf)
Exports the current grid in native GS+ grid file format (extension *.grf).

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Data Input and Output

ASCII Export (*.xyz)

Choosing ASCII makes the following window appear:

Sounding Interval
Spacing between soundings in metres.

Sounding Type
The following options are available for the sounding type37:
- Spot Depth = the depth at the centre of the bin.
- Mean Depth = mean of all the depths within the bin.
- Minimum = the minimum depth within the bin.
- Maximum = the maximum depth within the bin.

The delimiters used (space or comma).

37The chosen sounding type only has an effect on the depth when the sounding interval is set greater than
the original binned grid file (grf).

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Data Input and Output

Integer/Decimal Output
Data output type either integers or decimal.

Invert depths
Select this option if the depths are required to be negative (not positive).

Along with the default eastings and northings values the Format section allows you to
choose additional fields to be populated into the exported file, namely:
- the depth (based on the gridding method used to create the original grid, the
sounding interval and sounding type chosen).
- the population (number of soundings within the bin/sounding interval).

Surfer Export (*.grd)

When selecting to output Surfer files the following window appears where you can select
to invert the output or not. Surfer expects all soundings to be negative which GS+
defaults to.

Tiff Export (*.tif)

Exports the current grid as a TIFF image file.

ESRI Export (*.asc)

Exports the current grid in ESRI ASCII grid file format.

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Data Input and Output

Google Earth (*.kml)

GS+ Grid and Mosaic files can be exported in KML format. When the *.kml file is drag-
and-dropped into Google EarthTM the Grid/Mosaic will be added to the ‘My Places’ list in
the Sidebar. The Grid/Mosaic will be overlaid in Google EarthTM at the correct position38.

Above: GeoSwath Bathymetry data in Google Earth

38 In GS+ ensure the Geodetic parameters are set correctly prior to exporting the KML file.

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Data Input and Output

22.2. Exporting Mosaics

Exporting Mosaics is very similar to exporting Grids, fist you must select a Mosaic to
export and then R on it and select Export.

There are four export formats available.

GS+ (*.mof)
Use to export mosaics to Kongsberg GeoAcoustics GeoTexture classification software.

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ASCII (*.xya)
This is the same as an XYZ file except that the z components is replaced with amplitude.
The user can select the bin interval, invert the depths, delimiters and units.

Surfer (*.grd)
Select this option to export the mosaic in Surfer format.

Tiff Export (*.tif)

Exports the current mosaic as a TIFF image file.

Google Earth (*.kml)

As with grid files, GS+ mosaic files can be exported in *.kml format for viewing in Google

22.3. Exporting RDFs

Individual Raw data lines can be exported in various formats, R on a RDF and select

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This will bring up the Export Raw Data File window where you can select various file
formats to export in.

GS+ (*.rdf)
This option simply exports the file in the native GS+ raw data file format.

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The following ASCII text files will be exported when this option is chosen.
*.raa = file containing Range, Angle, Amplitude values
*.atf = file containing Attitude values
*.ecf = file containing Echosounder values
*.gyf = file containing Gyro/Heading values
*.msf = file containing mini-SVS (speed of sound) values
*.naf = file containing Navigation values
Each data file contains the date, time stamp and relative sensor values as decoded and
used to process the associated RDF.

Above: example attitude (atf) file Above: example mini-SVS (msf) file
A time (*.tmf) file is also exported when ASCII is chosen. This file contains:
- the GS+ time stamp (GS+ TStamp)
- the GPS time extracted from the string during acquisition (GPS TStamp 1)
- the GPS time extracted from that stored in the RDF file (GPS TStamp 2)
- the time the last 1 PPS pulse was seen (PPS Time)

Above: example time file (*tmf)

XTF (*.xtf)
This option will export an XTF file (Extended Triton Format; industry standard format for
Bathymetry and Side Scan).

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Multi File Export

To speed up the process of exporting many files GS+ enables you to apply the desired file
output settings to all selected files.

After choosing the desired output format GS+ will then proceed with the export of all
selected files without the need for further confirmation. This works for the following file
types: swath/swamp/echosounder/rdf/rdf strings and rdf navigation height.

22.4. Export Raw Strings

The raw sensor strings as received by GS+ during acquisition can be exported to
individual text files. To export the raw strings R on the line you wish to extract the data
from and select ‘Export Raw Strings’. Choose a filename (default is the name of the
selected line) and location to save the text files.

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Text files will be created for Navigation, Attitude, Heading, Echosounder, mini-SVS,
AUX1 and AUX2 sensors. Each file will contain all the strings received along with the
associated date, time stamp and position (calculated eastings, northings based on the
Geodetic conversion parameters set in GS+).

Above: example of an exported navigation string

22.5. Export Swaths

Processed Swath data can also be exported, R on the line to export data from and choose

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Choose the desired format to export in from the pull down list.

Swath files can be exported as:-

GS+ (*.swf)
This option simply exports the file in the native GS+ processed swath file format.

ASCII (*.xyz)
A text file with Eastings, Northings, depth and slant range

The following options are available for ASCII XYZ output:

- Delimiters (Space, Comma).
- Include Horizontal range.
- Include Time Stamp.

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- Remove Tide.
- Invert Depths.
- Units (metres or survey feet).

Above: example XYZ containing eastings, northings, depth and slant range.

XTF (*.xtf)
This option will export an XTF file (Extended Triton Format; industry standard format for
Bathymetry and Side Scan).

22.6. Side Scan Export

Side Scan (SWP) data can also be exported in a number of file formats. R on a SWP file
then click on Export.

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Choose the desired format to export in from the pull down list.

Side Scan can be exported in the following formats:-

GS+ (*.swp)
This option simply exports the file in the native GS+ processed Side Scan (SWP) file

A text file with eastings, northings, amplitude and slant range.

The user has the following option for ASCII XYA output:

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- Delimiters (space or comma).

- Include Grey Scale (8bit).
- Include Raw (16 bit).
- Include Horizontal Range.
- Include Slant Range.
- Units (metres or survey feet).

Above: example XYA file containing eastings, northings, amplitude and slant range.

XTF (*.xtf)
This option will export an XTF file (Extended Triton Format; industry standard format for
Bathymetry and Side Scan).

Image (*.bmp, *.jpg)

Exports the Side Scan data as a bitmap or jpeg. The image resolution can be entered or left
at 0 for automatic generation of the output image.

Full Res Image (*.bmp)

Exports a bitmap at full resolution.

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22.7. Echo Sounder Export

Echo Sounder data can only be exported in the native GS+ echosounder file format (*.esf).
To export R on a file in Survey Manager and select Export.

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22.8. Importing RDFs

Importing rdf files into a project can be accomplished in three different ways:-

Open Windows® Explorer and select the RDFs to be imported into the project, then drag-
and-drop the RDFs into the Survey Manager section of GS+.

The files will be automatically imported to the project one at a time.

You can also import from another project. R on the Raw Data Files folder and select
Import Import from project.

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A window will open asking you to choose a project to import from.

Choosing a project will open the following file selection window. Select a file or multiple
files and press ok, the RDF files will be imported one at a time.

The third method is to import a file. This method only allows you to import one line at a

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22.9. Importing Navigation Data

If it is possible to import navigation data as a text file. R on the RDF line to import
navigation for, click on import data and then click on Navigation Data.

Select the text file that contains the navigation data pertinent to the RDF file, once OK is
pressed the Navigation File import decode window opens.

This window allows most types of text file to be decoded, the text file must contain Day,
Month, Year, Hour, Minute, Second (ms resolution), Eastings (or Lat) and Northings (or
long). Simply check the boxes next to the delimiters used and then use the pull down
menus to select the correct column for Day, Month etc. In the image shown Year is in
Column 2, Hour is in Column 3 ……… Press Ok when done.
If Lat/Lon data is imported then the current geodetic parameters will be used to convert
to local grid.

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22.10. Importing Attitude Data

Importing attitude data is done much the same way as importing Navigation.

22.11. Importing Heading Data

Importing heading data is also done much the same way as importing Navigation.

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22.12. Importing Echo Sounder Data

Importing echo sounder data is also done the same way as importing Navigation.

22.13. Importing Mini SVS Data

Importing mini-SVS data is yet again done much the same way as importing Navigation.

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22.14. Importing Pressure Depth Data

Pressure depth data can also be applied to a raw data file by right mouse clicking on the
RDF in Survey Manager and choosing Import | Pressure Depth Data. In the ‘Pressure
Depth Import’ window choose the correct delimiters and columns for the associated data
fields in the text file. Once the OK button is pressed the depth data will be applied to the

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22.15. Importing Swath Data

Importing Swath files into a project can be accomplished in three different ways:-

Open Windows® Explorer and select the Swaths to be imported into the project, then
drag-and-drop the Swaths into the Survey Manager.

The files will be automatically imported to the project one at a time.

You can also import from another project, R on the Swath Files folder then select Import
Import from project.

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A window will open asking the user to choose a project to import from.

Choosing a project will open the following file selection window. Select a file or multiple
files and press ok, the Swath files will be imported one at a time.

The third method is to import a file, this method only allows the user to import one line at
a time.

22.16. Importing Side Scan (SWP) Data

Importing Side Scan files into a project can be accomplished in three different ways:-

Open Windows® Explorer and select the Side Scan files to be imported into the project,
then drag-and-drop the Side Scan files into the Survey Manager.
The files will be automatically imported into the project one at a time.

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You can also import from another project. R on the Side Scan Files folder select Import
Import from project.

A window will open asking you to choose a project to import from.

Choosing a project will open the following file selection window. Select a file or multiple
files and press ok, the Side Scan files will be imported one at a time.

The third method is to import a file, this method only allows you to import one line at a

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Using SBET data with GeoSwath Plus

23. Using SBET data with GeoSwath Plus

23.1. Introduction
When carrying out a GeoSwath survey the POS MV can be set up to log the raw GPS and
Inertial observables. These observables can be post-processed along with external GPS
corrections or base station data to provide a very accurate record of the position and
attitude of the GeoSwath sensor head. The post processed position and attitude data can
then be combined with the raw sonar data prior to sonar data processing.
The GS+ software (version 3.18 and newer) provides a tool to import post-processed
position and attitude data. The GS+ importer uses the Smoothed Best Estimate of
Trajectory (SBET) ‘.out file from the POS MV POSPac MMS software; this replaces the
real-time position and attitude data extracted from the GS+ raw data file .rdf . After
importing the SBET solution the GS+ software can be used to process the sonar data in the
standard way.

23.2. Why Use SBET?

There are several reasons to use the post-processed SBET data:
 Post-processed GPS position data is much more accurate and robust than real-time,
especially if RTK (real-time kinematic) corrections are not available. Even if RTK is
available, real time telemetry is often a problem, with data gaps and other dropouts
being an issue.
 A GPS aided inertial approach increases accuracy further.
A 3-dimensional position solution including altitude will give better vertical data than tide
and heave. This will deal with problems associated with:
 inaccurate tidal models, especially in estuaries, around complex coastlines, and
 combining heave and tide data, especially with very long period swell.
 vessel squat and settlement as speed through water changes.
 changes in sensor height due to vessel loading.
 difficulties in accurately determining the vessel centre of rotation (esp. in

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23.3. Core Concepts

The POS MV can log raw GPS and Inertial observables in real time, and can combine these
in post-processing with external GPS base station data (e.g. in the RINEX format). The
combination of post-processed GPS and Inertial data gives a much more accurate and
robust position and attitude solution than is typically available in real-time. The Applanix
post-processed file contains the accurate 3-dimensional solution in terms of latitude,
longitude, altitude and attitude (pitch, roll and heading), with a microsecond accurate GPS
(or UTC) timestamp.
The GeoSwath raw data files (rdf) contain the raw range, angle sonar data relative to the
transducer face. The GeoSwath system can be synchronised with GPS time to a fraction of
a millisecond. The rdf file also contains the ancillary data recorded in real-time, including
position, roll, pitch, heave and heading.
From GS+ version 3.18 (and newer) it is possible to import the position and attitude from
SBET files. This replaces the real-time position, roll, pitch and heave with the position, roll
pitch and altitude data from the SBET file. The data is coordinated using the GPS
timestamps in both the rdf and SBET files.

23.4. Real-Time Data Logging Requirements

To avoid problems when importing SBET data into GS+, do not survey during the
start of week boundary which occurs every Saturday evening at midnight (UTC).
Post-processing the GPS and Inertial data requires a lead-in and lead-out time of at least 3
minutes in order to achieve maximum accuracy during the survey. The POS log files
required for SBET generation should be continuously logged from 3mins prior to the start
of the survey to 3 minutes after the survey ends. It is important that the SBET file is
continuous over all the rdf lines collected during the survey. If the POS logging needs to
be stopped in the middle of a survey this should not be done until 3 minutes after the end
of the last survey line is finished. After any break you should start logging the POS data 3
minutes before recommencing survey lines

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Time Tag Anomaly check

The Ethernet message file can be logged on the GeoSwath Plus deck unit simultaneously
as running GS+. It is recommended however that a Time Tag anomaly check is performed
to verify your GeoSwath Plus deck unit is capable of running both operations without
causing time errors.
Record approximately 1hrs worth of data in GS+ whilst simultaneously logging the
Ethernet message file using MV-POSView.
Process the (*.000) Ethernet message file in POSPac MMS then choose Reports | Message
Logs. In the Message Logs window use the pull down menu to select ‘IMU Data
Continuity Checking’. Check that 0 time tag anomalies are found as pictured below.

Ethernet Logging using MV-POSView

In MV-POSView choose ‘Ethernet Logging’ from the Logging menu.

In the Logging Control window click on the ‘POSPac’ button (this will enable the Ethernet
message groups required by POSPac).
If the real-time heave is not accurate and the SBET accuracy is poor a further fall-back is
the True Heave data (see the later section on True Heave data corrections). Note that True
Heave requires an additional group ‘111 Heave data to be recorded in real time (in
addition to those required for SBET processing). Use the vertical scroll bar to locate and
enable this additional group.

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Above: POSPac groups enabled along with additional group 111 for True Heave

True Heave File Size Management

For true heave corrections to work each rdf has to have an associated logged Ethernet
message file spanning the same time frame as the rdf plus an additional 3 minutes of data
before and after the rdf’s start and end time. The logged Ethernet message file may be 1
file or several files automatically created of size set by the ‘File Size Control’ value.

If you wish to have the fall-back option of being able to apply True Heave
corrections then please ensure you manage the logging of Ethernet messages to
avoid a split being generated between the start/end times for any RDF in the
corresponding time frame.

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Using SBET data with GeoSwath Plus

23.5. Data Processing

Processing the POS MV data is described in the POSPac MMS manual. Before import of
the SBET into GS+ it is important to check the accuracy of the SBET solution using the
POSPac MMS tools. If the vertical accuracy is not good enough then the GS+ data will
need to be processed using real-time position, attitude, heave and tide. This is why it is
important to have the real-time data recorded in GS+ and to keep a record of the local tide.

23.6. Time Synchronisation

The coordination of the SBET and rdf data relies on accurate time stamping of the two
files. The GeoSwath time is synchronised using the 1PPS/ZDA method described earlier
in this manual. It is important to check that this has been enabled and is working properly
prior to starting the survey. One vital check is that the POS and the GS+ are synchronised
to the same edge of the PPS pulse.
Check also that the logs used to create the SBET are set to use UTC timestamps. The
reference for the ‘Time Tag 1’ time stamp may be set via ‘Settings Installation Tags,
Multipath & Autostart’ in the MV-POSView software, see the dialogue below. The
default setting is UTC.

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The SBET contains UTC timestamps. GS+ can synchronise with the time in the ZDA
message from the POS MV (which will be in UTC) and add offsets to allow for local time
zone and daylight saving (obtained from Windows®). To make sure the SBET and GS+
times match it is important to set the deck unit Windows® PC time to UTC with no
daylight saving so that all the GS+ timestamps are in UTC. An easy way to do this is to set
the GS+ deck unit Windows® clock time zone to (GMT) Casablanca, Monrovia,
If during data acquisition the deck unit was set to a time zone other than UTC the
appropriate time offset (seconds) should be entered into the ‘Peripheral Time Offset’ box
in the GS+ ‘Processing Options’ page prior to importing the SBET data. This will then
apply the entered offset to the SBET data during import.
e.g. if the rdf and SBET data were logged at 10am UTC but the time zone was set such that
the deck unit local time was UTC +5hrs then the required sign for the offset is +ve. In this
example the value to be entered in the Peripheral Time Offset box would be 18000 (i.e. the
SBET time will be shifted forward 5hrs to match the time of the rdf).

Above: The Peripheral Time Offset value (seconds) in GS+ Processing Options

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Using SBET data with GeoSwath Plus

23.7. Importing SBET Data

If necessary enter the correct ‘Peripheral Time Offset’ value in the GS+ ‘Processing
Options’ Page. Right click on the rdf and select Import Import from POSPac (SBET) .

Multiple rdfs can be selected, but only one SBET can be imported at a time. It is a good
idea to turn on the verbose log when importing SBET data as this will give confirmation
when the process has completed.
Note: If you split or extract data from an RDF the files generated will revert back to
the original (non SBET) Navigation and Attitude values.

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Above: The Verbose Log will report ‘Done POSPac’ when the import has completed
When the SBET data is imported it overwrites the extracted navigation and attitude files in
the raw data directory (the .naf and .atf files). It does not overwrite the data in the rdf. If
the SBET processing fails to provide the required improvement in accuracy then the real-
time data can be re-extracted from the rdf using the reset buttons in the navigation and
attitude editors39.

Above: The reset button in the Attitude editor

39The reset button must be pressed in both Navigation and Attitude editors to completely revert the RDF file
back to the original real-time values.

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23.8. Altitude vs Heave and Ray Bending

The SBET 3-dimensional position solution does not reference the water surface. The
altitude is referenced to whichever datum is set up in the POSPac MMS software. This
gives a problem with the GS+ raybending calculations: usually the vessel offsets will tell
GS+ how far the transducers are under the water surface and this will be combined with
the heave to set the transducer depth for raybending calculations. The SBET does not
provide heave data directly; the altitude is a combination of heave, tide and transducer
depth. When importing SBET data GS+ uses the altitude as if it was a heave in the
seafloor depth calculations, so the tide must be set to 0 and the vessel offset must be set to
0 to avoid double counting. Since the altitude is not referenced to the water level it can’t
be used in the raybending calculations. However the depth of the transducers is required
for raybending; GS+ now provides a separate place to enter the transducer depth when
using SBET processing (see image below).
To overcome the issues detailed above the following steps must be taken when
processing with SBET:
 set a zero Tide (can be done using the Setup Wizard)
 set the transducer and antenna Vessel Offsets to zero
 in the Calibration Offsets file set the Navigation and Attitude latencies to zero
 in the Options-Processing dialogue the Ignore SVP Heave box should be ticked
 in the Options-Processing dialogue the Offset from the water surface to the
transducers must be entered (this should be a negative number).

Above: When processing with SBET ensure ‘Ignore SVP Heave’ is enabled and the
transducer depth ‘Offset’ has been entered. Prior to importing the SBET data enter a value
for the ‘Peripheral Time Offset’ (if necessary).

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23.9. Geodetic Conversions

The GeoSwath uses a flat projection (usually UTM) for positioning soundings. The
conversion of the SBET lat/lon to grid is done using the geodetic conversion parameters
chosen in the GeoSwath software. It is important to ensure the correct geodetics are
selected during real-time data collection and in post-processing prior to SBET import.

23.10. Vertical Datum

The vertical datum in the SBET is determined by the reference frame in which the base
station coordinates are supplied (see the POSPac MMS manual). Using the UK OSNet
stations for example, the base station coordinates are in ETRS89 so this defines the SBET
datum. If you use the base station listed built into the POSProc software the output will be
in ITRF2000 (survey epoch).
A geoid offset can be applied using the POSPac MMS output utility. This can be either one
of the built in models or a user defined one.
All soundings and grid output from the GeoSwath Plus software will be referenced to the
SBET datum. Conversion of the depths can also be carried out by exporting the grid as
ASCII xyz file and using an appropriate GPS tailored geoid model in third party software.

23.11. Notes on Common Errors

Below are listed some common sources of errors when using SBET data:
 1PPS synch not enabled or time synch set to wrong edge of PPS pulse.
 GS+ deck unit not in UTC (PC in local time zone or daylight saving applied).
 Offsets to sensor 1 not measured correctly, or not entered correctly in the POS.
 Offsets set up once but not saved in the POS; after power down last saved offsets
are re-loaded.
 Base station not enabled in POSProc processing.
 SBET poor accuracy due to wrong base station (too far away) or data gaps.
 SBET accuracy check not done: poor vertical accuracy resulting in busts.
 Wrong geodetics selected during SBET import.
 Success of SBET import for all selected rdf files not confirmed in the GS+ verbose
 Vessel settings not zeroed in GS+, (gives fixed offset to final grid).
 Heave Offset not entered, (SVP raybending calculations will be wrong).

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Using SBET data with GeoSwath Plus

23.12. Step-by-Step Methodology

During Mobilisation
 Set GS+ deck unit Windows® time zone to GMT Casablanca (no daylight saving).
 Set-up Ethernet, serial and 1PPS links between GS+ deck unit and the POS MV.
 Set-up the POS MV to output position and attitude data for Sensor 1, (transducer
head), via the Reference to Sensor1 Lever Arm.
 Set-up the POS MV to output the appropriate messages for SBET processing.
 Check that the logs used to create the SBET are set to use UTC timestamps.
 Set-up POSView on the GeoSwath Plus deck unit to log the SBET packets.
 Synchronize GS+ using 1PPS/ZDA.

During Survey
 Start logging the POS MV ‘POSPac’ data over Ethernet (Logging|Ethernet Logging
in the MV-POSView Software).
 Wait 3 minutes.
 Record several lines of GS+ survey data.
 Wait 3 minutes.
 Stop logging POS MV data.

During Post-processing
 In POSPac MMS load in the POS MV raw data (filename.000, filename.001, etc.) land
GPS base station data. Process the GPS/INS solution, apply any geoid offset, and
output the SBET file.
 Check the geodetic conversions are set up correctly in GS+.
 Create a GS+ Vessel Offsets file with the transducer and antenna position at 0,0,0
 In GS+ Vessel Offsets make sure Vessel COG is NOT enabled.
 Use the GS+ setup wizard to create a fixed tide file of 0m.
 In Options|Processing select ‘Ignore SVP Heave’.
 Set the ‘Offset’ to the correct depth of the transducers below the water (-ve down).
 If necessary enter the correct value for the ‘Peripheral Time Offset’.
 Turn on the Verbose Log.
 Import the SBET file into GS+ (check that Verbose Log reports ‘Done POSpac’).
 In the Calibration Offsets file set both Navigation and Attitude latencies to zero.
 Process the GS+ rdf data.

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Data Converter

24. Data Converter

Data Converter is included with GS+ version 3.18 (and newer). It was originally
developed to enable conversion between raw data gathered with the first generation of
GeoSwath software (GeoSwath32) and second generation (GS+). This update of Data
Converter sees the addition of True Heave corrections and the ability to repair corrupt raw
data files (for instances where the pause button has been used during Acquisition).

24.1. DAT to RDF

Converts GeoSwath32 raw data (*.dat) to GS+ raw data (*.rdf) for processing of
GeoSwath32 data in GS+. To perform the conversion select ‘DAT to RDF’ then drag-and-
drop the *.dat file into Data Converter. A rdf file will be created named ***.rdf, (where ***
is the original file name of the *.dat file).

24.2. RDF to DAT

Converts GS+ raw data (*.rdf) to GeoSwath32 raw data (*.dat) for processing of GS+ data
in GeoSwath32. To perform the conversion select ‘RDF to DAT’ then drag-and-drop the
*.rdf file into Data Converter. A *.dat file will be created named ***.dat, (where *** is the
original file name).

24.3. RDF to ASCII

Converts GS+ raw data (*.rdf) to ASCII (*.raa). To perform the conversion select ‘RDF to
ASCII’ then drag-and-drop the *.rdf file into Data Converter. An ASCII file will be created
named ***.raa, (where *** is the original file name).

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Data Converter

24.4. RDF to RDF (Repair Corrupt Files)

Repairs GS+ raw data files that have corruption in the form of extra bytes after each ping
within the rdf. The standard rdf reader in GS+ can skip over these bytes and find the next
ping (up to 100 pings ahead). Data Converter has a user variable ‘Skip Max Pings’ value
to enable repair of more heavily corrupted rdf files.
To perform the fix select ‘RDF to RDF (Repair Corrupt Files) then drag-and-drop the
faulty *.rdf file into Data Converter. A rdf file will be created named *** out.rdf, (where ***
is the original file name of the rdf file).

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If the process stops part way through (illustrated above) press the escape key to abort (see

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Data Converter

Increase the Skip Max Pings value until the process completes.

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Data Converter

24.5. True Heave Corrections using Data Converter

If the real-time heave is not accurate and the SBET accuracy is poor a further fall-back is
the True Heave data. True heave corrections are applied to GS+ raw data files (*.rdf) using
‘Data Converter’.
For True Heave corrections to work the following must have been performed:
 ethernet message files must have been logged using MV-POSView with the
addition of group ‘111 Heave data during acquisition (in addition to the POSPac
groups required for SBET processing).
 each rdf has to have an associated logged Ethernet message file spanning the same
time frame as the rdf plus an additional 3 minutes of data before and after the rdf’s
start and end time.
If you wish to have the fall-back option of being able to apply True Heave
corrections then please ensure you manage the logging of Ethernet messages to
avoid a split being generated between the start/end times for any rdf in the
corresponding time frame.

24.6. Applying True Heave

Start Data Converter. Select RDF to RDF (Attitude Replace)’. Drag-and- drop the logged
Ethernet message file (extension *.000) into Data Converter. The Roll, Pitch and Heave
values will be loaded into memory.
If during data acquisition the deck unit was set to a time zone other than UTC the
appropriate time offset (seconds) should be entered into the ‘Offset’ box prior to importing
the Ethernet message file. This will then apply the entered offset to the RDF Attitude time
stamp during the True Heave correction.
e.g. if the rdf was logged on a deck unit on which the time was set to UTC +1hr then the
rdf must be shifted back 1hr (i.e. negative offset). For this example the required
‘Peripheral Time Offset’ value would be -3600 seconds.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Data Converter

Note: Enabling the Verbose Log will display a more detailed view of the operation (useful
for diagnostics but processing the data will take much longer)

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Data Converter

Now drag-and-drop the GS+ rdf (s) into Data Converter. The true heave correction will
then proceed and new rdf file(s) will be created renamed as *** out.rdf, (where *** is the
original file name). If the files are large the process may take a few minutes to complete.

The output rdf files can then be imported into GS+ and processed as normal.

24.7. RDF to RDF (Txdcr Corrections)

GS+ raw data files (*.rdf) are not corrected for transducer face corrections. If you wish to
process rdf data in 3rd party software then the transducer corrections need to be applied
(unless already accounted for by the processing software).

24.8. RDF to RDF (DSSS Nav Fix)

Repairs Digital Side Scan data files gathered using the Kongsberg GeoAcoustics DSSS
Viewer Software. If the transceiver and towfish times were not synched during
acquisition the resultant rdf will not play back in DSSS Viewer. Data converter fixes this
by replacing the time in the *.rdf with GPS time. To perform the fix select ‘RDF to RDF
(DSSS Nav Fix)’ then drag-and-drop the faulty *.rdf file into Data Converter. A rdf file
will be created named *** out.rdf, (where *** is the original file name of the rdf file).

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Creating and Using Audit Files

25. Creating and Using Audit Files

An Audit file is a method of tracing the history of a Swath file/Grid file etc. from GS+.
The audit file contains all the information about the data used to create the source data.
To create an audit file R on the file you wish to export then select Generate Audit.

The audit file is created in the Audit folder within the project folder and saved as a HTML
file. For large projects it is recommended to run a partial GS+ Audit to avoid potential
problems due to limits with system resources.

Below: An audit file for the vessel settings

GS+ Audit
Project: posmvtrials_15_07_2004
Vessel Generic.htm Generated @ 09/12/2004 13:44:20 By Operator of Kongsberg
GeoAcoustics Ltd.

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Creating and Using Audit Files



Vessel Size 12.000m 4.348m 4.500m

Transducer - -
Position: 2.200m 0.820m

Antenna -
-3.500m 2.000m
Position: 2.000m

Swath Files

Line013 line1 line10 line11 line12 line13

line14 line2 line3 line4 line5 line6

line7 line8 line9_original cal001 (2) cal001 (3) (2) cal002 (2) (2)

cal002 (2) cal003 (2) (2) cal003 (2) cal004 (2) cal005 (2) cal006 (2)

crossline027 crossline027 crossline028 (2) crossline028 crossline029 crossline029

(2) (3) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)

crossline030 crossline030 Line001 (4)

Line001 (2) Line002 (2) (2) Line002 (2)
(2) (2) (2) (2)

Line005 (4)
Line003 (2) (2) Line003 (2) Line004 (2) (2) Line004 (2) Line005 (2)

Line006 (2) (2) Line006 (2) Line007 (2) (2) Line007 (2) Line008 (2) (2) Line008 (2)

Line009 (2) (2) Line009 (2) Line010 (2) (2) Line010 (2) Line011 (2) (2) Line011 (2)

Line012 (2) (2) Line012 (2) Line013 (2) (2) Line013 (2) Line014 (2) (2) Line014 (2)

Line015 (2) (2) Line015 (2) Line016 (2) (2) Line016 (2) test ---

Swamp Files

Line001 Line003 Line011 Line012 Line013 Line014

Line015 Line016 Line001 (2) (2) Line001 (3) Line002 (2) (2) Line002 (3)

Line003 (2) (2) Line003 (3) Line004 (2) (2) Line004 (3) Line005 (2) Line006 (2)

Line007 (2) Line008 (2) Line009 (2) Line010 (2) test ---

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Creating and Using Audit Files

Echosounder Files

cal001 (2) cal001 (3) Cal001 cal002 (2) cal002 cal003 (2)

cal003 cal004 Cal005 cal006 crossline027 (2) crossline027 (3)

crossline027 crossline028 (2) crossline028 crossline029 (2) crossline029 crossline030 (2)

crossline030 Line001 (2) Line001 (3) Line001 (4) Line001 (5) Line001 (6)

Line001 Line002 (2) Line002 Line003 (2) Line003 Line004 (2)

Line004 Line005 (2) Line005 (3) Line005 (4) Line005 Line006 (2)

Line006 Line007 (2) Line007 Line008 (2) Line008 Line009 (2)

Line009 Line010 (2) Line010 Line011 (2) Line011 Line012 (2)

Line012 Line013 (2) Line013 Line014 (2) Line014 Line015 (2)

Line015 Line016 (2) Line016 test --- ---

Below: An example audit file for a merged grid

GS+ Audit
Project: posmvtrials_15_07_2004

Grid Grid_cal_30ms_AL + Grid_Crosslines_30ms_AL +

Grid_1to16_30ms_AL.htm Generated @ 09/12/2004 15:21:07 By Operator of
Kongsberg GeoAcoustics Ltd.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Creating and Using Audit Files


Minimum Easting: 653637.00m

Minimum Northing: 309263.00m

Maximum Easting: 655010.00m

Maximum Northing: 310204.00m

Size X: 1373.00m

Size Y: 868.00m

Bin Size: 1.00m

Grid Method: Merge

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Creating and Using Audit Files

Merge Grid

Grid_cal_30ms_AL + Grid_1to16_30ms_AL

Grid Filter History

Matrix Centre Spike Max Min Max Depth Min Min Max Max
Type Centre Time
Size Weight Threshold Interpolation Depth Depth Offset Easting Northing Easting Northing

Smooth 3 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Spike 3 8 0.20m Yes --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Spike 3 2 0.10m Yes --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Interpolate --- --- --- --- 10.00m --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

XYZ Files

line10 --- --- --- --- ---

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Generating Charts & Printing

26. Generating Charts & Printing

Finally the grids can be viewed in Surfer and presented and printed as contour maps, spot
depth charts, false illuminated charts or 3-D views. Refer to the Surfer manual for details.

2L on the Surfer icon, when

the Surfer window opens move
to the right hand edge and select
the appropriate icon for the
required image format, in this
example the ‘image’ format has
been selected.

Then open the GeoSwath grid

file previously saved in Surfer
format and the image will
appear on screen as in the
examples here.

The data adjacent shows a

colour mapped GeoSwath grid
imported into Surfer.

The image on the right is a ‘sun

illuminated’ shaded relief map,
generated in Surfer from the
same GeoSwath Grid.

This image format can show

underlying geology quite
dramatically, as here and can
also show up system errors and
artefacts very well, giving visual
feedback of potential errors and
usually vital clues as to their

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Generating Charts & Printing

In this example a high resolution

grid from Portsmouth NH has
been loaded into Surfer and as
can be seen, there is an artefact
resembling a ‘rosette’ in the
centre of the window.

This is the result of a heave

induced error caused by the
vessel turning through a
complete 360 degree turn in

This image is the same data as in

the first two examples, but this
time represented as a contour

This image shows a 3-D view of

the same area.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Generating Charts & Printing

Printing charts
Once the charts have been generated they can be printed out using the print options in

Printing from GS+

To print a grid or mosaic from GS+ 2L on the file you want to print in Survey Manager
so that the box beside the file name is Ticked.
Next press either the Grid or Mosaic button from the top menu to open either a grid or
mosaic window. R on the grid to open the display menu then click on Print.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Generating Charts & Printing

Setup your paper and print preferences then click ‘Print’.

Select ‘Fit To Page’ or alternatively choose your own Print Scale, then click on ‘OK’. GS+
will then send the grid file for printing.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

27. GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

WARNING! Mains Voltages Present Inside
This procedure requires access to the internals of the GeoSwath unit. Please
ensure that the system is shut down and removed from the mains before

27.1. Removing the Sonar Electronics Assembly

The sonar interface electronics assembly may need to be removed e.g. when changing
system frequencies40.
1. Remove the top cover from the GeoSwath by undoing the 6 captive screws that secure
it to the unit.

Above: The GeoSwath Plus Deck unit with top cover removed.
2. Locate the Sonar Module and unplug the TX Port and Stbd looms.

40 After changing the Sonar electronics for an alternate frequency it is advisable to create a new project in GS+.

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GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

4. Unplug the Port/Stbd RX looms.

5. Unclip the cable retainer on the Sonar Module cover.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

6. Unplug all other power and ribbon cable connectors from the Sonar Interface
Assembly as indicated below.

7. Loosen the 4 captive screws that secure the assembly to the top shelf.

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GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

8. The Sonar electronics module can now be lifted out of the deck unit.

To install a new Sonar module simply insert the assembly, secure the 4 screws, reconnect
all cables then finally fit the deck unit top cover.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

27.2. Replacement of Fan Filters

Over a period of time the filters (where fitted) on the GeoSwath Plus rear panel will clog
with dust. To maintain the fans efficiency Kongsberg GeoAcoustics recommends that the
filters be replaced at least every 6 months. Replacement fan filter kits may be purchased
from Kongsberg GeoAcoustics.
1. Gently remove the plastic fan filter covers on the rear panel. Lay the covers to one side
as these will be refitted later.
2. Remove the metallic filter and inspect for any contamination. If necessary clean with a
brush and put to one side.
3. Remove the disposable acrylic filter and replace with a new one from the filter
replacement pack.
4. Refit the metallic filter and the plastic fan filter cover.

27.3. Fuse Replacement

Mains Inlet Fuse
The mains fuse in the GeoSwath Plus deck unit is a 20mm Time Delay rated at 5Amps.
The fuse holder is located on the rear panel adjacent to the mains outlet.
1. Using a screwdriver undo the fuse holder (turn anti-clockwise)

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GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

2. Remove the fuse holder from the rear panel to expose the fuse. Discard the blown
fuse and replace with a new one.

3. Guide the fuse and holder back into the rear panel then secure using a screwdriver
(turn clockwise).

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

+24V D.C. PSU Fuse Replacement

Both of the internal AC-DC +24V power supplies are fused. See illustration below for fuse

The fuse in both supplies is a TR5®, time delay, 3.15Amp (250V), 374 Series by Littlefuse®.

The fuse is a PCB mount type and therefore requires the use of a soldering iron to replace
it. The PSU would need to be removed from the deck unit and the PCB taken out from it’s
open frame casing in order to get access to the underside.

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GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

27.4. Replacing the CMOS Battery

The CMOS battery retains the time and date and also ensures the CMOS setup
configuration of the BIOS is also kept. It is recommended that the CMOS battery is
replaced every 3 years. Note that when the battery is removed the CMOS/BIOS settings
will be lost and must be reconfigured.

Replacement Battery Typical Specification

Type: CR-2032 Lithium Coin Cell Battery
Nominal Voltage = 3V
Capacity = 220mAh
Operating Temp = -30 to +60 deg C

Before proceeding remember to observe proper anti-static precautions when
working inside the GeoSwath Plus deck unit. If you do not have an anti-static strap,
touch your hands on the metal portion of the case to discharge yourself of any
static build-up.

1. Turn off the GeoSwath Plus Deck Unit and remove from the mains supply.
2. Remove the top cover and sonar electronics shelf assembly. Locate the battery on the
motherboard, (see below for approximate location).

Above: Location of the CMOS battery

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

3. Remove the old battery and replace it with the new one.
4. Record the date you replaced the battery.
5. Replace the sonar electronics shelf assembly ensuring all connections are properly re-
6. Replace the deck unit top cover and re-connect the Keyboard, Mouse Monitor and
Power Connections.
7. Turn on the Deck Unit at the line Switch then press the system start button. As the
system begins to boot-up press ‘Delete’ on the keyboard to enter into the BIOS main
8. Re-configure the Bios correctly41 and ‘Save & Exit’ when complete.

Please contact Kongsberg GeoAcoustics if you are unsure how to correctly configure the Bios of the

GeoSwath Plus system’s motherboard.

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GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

27.5. Equipment Cleaning & Connections

 The v-plate (transducers and sensors) should be washed with fresh water regularly
to prevent salt water corrosion and biofouling from marine organisms such as algae,
sea worms or barnacles etc.
 The best method of cleaning the face of the transducers is by using tissue with a
small amount of household washing up liquid applied.
 Connections to the transducers should be cleaned regularly to ensure best
connectivity. This is easily achieved using a swab to get directly onto the contact.
Cans of compressed air are also useful for blasting out dust and dirt.

Above: Cleaning out the transducer cables using a swab,

Note Solvent sprays should be avoided wherever possible as these can deteriorate
the rubber body of the connectors.

 When reconnecting Subconn connectors do so by firstly applying a thin layer of O-

lube to the body of the connector pins (not to the contacts themselves). Do not pack
O-lube into the female half of the connector as shown in the 3rd photo below. The
connectors should be pushed together and ensured that they are fully engaged before
tightening the locking sleeves. Try to avoid using the screwing action of the
locking sleeves to pull the connector halves together.

 Always use O-rings where required, e.g. in the connectors for the Altimeter and
motion reference unit.
 Avoid flexing the connector cables into sharp bends near the connector region as this
may fatigue the wires inside and eventually cause them to break or short together.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

27.6. GeoSwath Plus System Checks

Performing these checks will help highlight possible faults with the internal electronics,
transducer cables and sensors. The test signal check may be performed without the
sensors connected although GS+ will issue a sensor ‘error’ message in the display area.
For the Side Scan rub test the transducers must be connected.

Test Signal Check

1. Start GS+. Using the equipment editor setup and decode the incoming strings for the
sensors. Close the equipment editor once the strings are successfully decoded.
2. Click on the Acquisition button in the Control Toolbar. Using the sliders set the
‘Power’ level to ‘10’, Ping Length to 195m (95m if system frequency is 500kHz) and
Side Scan gain to 1 as per below.

3. Close all data displays then open the Depth, Waterfall, Analogue and Side Scan
displays only. From the Window menu select ‘Arrange’. Using the Zoom Horizontal

tool increase the displayed range in the Analogue and Side Scan waterfall displays
to ±200m (±100m for 500kHz). Using the mouse bring the Analogue gain law curve
down to a value of ~30. Turn the Test signal on by ticking the box then press

‘Start’ .
4. Observe the Depth display and check that the test signal (inverted V) is present as
pictured below.

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GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

5. Turn off the test signal (by un-ticking the box ) and observe the Analogue
display. Not rubbing the transducers this should look similar to the image on the left
below, the gains being no greater than 10 on the vertical scale.

Transducers Connected
If your transducers are connected and the analogue signal is higher or has more noise
spikes on one channel this could indicate a fault possibly in the transducer cable. In such
cases try swapping over the transducer connections on the rear of the deck unit. If the
suspect channel swaps then the fault must lie either in the cable or transducer itself.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

Side Scan Rub Test

6. Rub the Stbd transducer and check that the signal return is visible on the right hand
side of both Analogue (Green Data points) and Waterfall displays (greyscale shading).
Note: The Transducer face must be dry to produce an effective rub-test.

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GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

7. Now rub the Port transducer check the return signal is visible on the left hand side of
the Analogue and Side Scan displays.

8. Repeat the rub test for each of the remaining Gain Settings 2, 3 and 4 in turn checking
that the signal return is visible each time. (Note: The strength of the return signal
should increase slightly with each increment of the gain slider).

Motion Reference Unit Check

9. Place the MRU/V-plate assembly within view of the monitor. Open the Vessel and
Attitude displays. Once the MRU has settled temporarily roll the sensor to port and
observe both displays and check they reflect the movements made.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

Left: the 3-D Attitude display

showing the Vessel rolling to

Below: The roll values in the

Attitude Graph will display a
negative dip when the MRU is
rolled to port.

10. Temporarily roll the sensor to starboard and observe both displays and check they
reflect the movements made.
Left: the 3-D Attitude display
showing the Vessel rolling to

Below: The roll values in the

Attitude Graph will peak
positive when the MRU is
rolled to starboard.

11. Pitch the sensor astern (upwards) by approximately 15 degrees then return to zero.
Observe both displays and check for correct magnitude and sign.

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GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

Left: the 3-D Attitude display

showing the Vessel pitching

Below: The pitch values in the

Attitude Graph will peak
positive when the MRU is
pitched upwards.

12. Pitch the sensor to bow (downwards) by approximately 15 degrees then return to zero.
Observe both displays and check for correct magnitude and sign.
Left: the 3-D Attitude display
showing the Vessel pitching

Below: The pitch values in the

Attitude Graph will dip
negative when the MRU is
pitched downwards.

13. Gently lift the MRU/V-plate approximately 0.5m off the floor keeping the assembly
horizontal, then return to ground level. Observe both displays and check they reflect
the movements made being correct in magnitude and sign.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

Left: the 3-D Attitude display

showing the Vessel heaving

Below: The heave values in the

Attitude Graph will dip
negative when the MRU is
raised off the ground. Upon
lowering the sensor back to
ground level the heave value
may initially overshoot but
should rapidly settle back at

Transmit Check

14. Enable the transmit pulse by ticking the box then press Start .
15. Listen to each transducer in turn and check for an audible transmit pulse. Once

satisfied that the transducers are transmitting you can press Stop .

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

27.7. Testing the Digital Acquisition (DIO) Board

If any of the following errors occur then it is possible that a problem exists with the digital
acquisition card (DIO card):
 ‘Deck Unit Dongle’ error reported when starting GS+.
 DIO board error in log window.
 no data is seen in the Depth, Waterfall or Side Scan data displays.
The integrity of the DIO card can be checked by performing the following steps.
1. Start the application ‘InstaCal’ via the start menu.

2. In the ‘PC Board List’ check that the device ‘PCI-DIO48H’ is present (for GeoSwath
deck units) or ‘PC104-DIO48’ (for GS Compact/ROV/AUV systems). If no board is
listed then it is possible that the DIO board is not seated properly or the drivers have
not been installed.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

The Board# (number) set for the DIO card is important; this will differ depending on the
age and design of your deck unit. For deck units fitted with a card rack the board number
must be set to 0 (Board# 0), for Sonar Interface Module fitted systems the board number
must be set to 2 (Board# 2). The board number may be changed by R on the board and
choosing ‘Change Board Number’. (Note this must only be set to Board# 1 for ROV/AUV
systems and on a GS Compact when logging data to a remote laptop).
3. To test the functionality of the installed DIO card select ‘Digital’ from the Test menu.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

4. In the ‘Board Test’ window select the ‘Internal DIO test’ tab then press ‘Test’. The
internal registers will then be tested and should pass with no failures. Click ‘OK’ once
you are satisfied with the results.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

Note: For new systems fitted with a sonar interface assembly it is normal for the 3rd test to
Fail as illustrated above. If you want to observe the test passing with no failures you must
first remove the 50 way ribbon cable which interfaces to the sonar module, (see below).

If the test fails it is possible that the DIO board has un-seated itself from the PC
motherboard. In this instance shutdown the GeoSwath and remove from the mains. Re-
seat the board then perform the Internal DIO test once again. If this still fails it may be
due to a faulty DIO card and you should contact Kongsberg GeoAcoustics.

27.8. Re-formatting the GeoSwath Plus Deck Unit

Manual re-formatting of the hard disk drive should only be performed as a last
resort when it is not possible to use the recovery utility or DVD disks provided with
the GeoSwath Plus deck unit.
Incorrect driver setup may result in unrecoverable errors within data collected in
future surveys.
For the Brainboxes RS232 serial ports the UART receive trigger level must be adjusted42,
(see document GS01-6315 at the end of this manual).
For the DIO board its number must be set correctly; refer to the earlier chapter ‘Post
Installation Software Configuration’.
Note Please refer to the Deck Unit Hard Disk Drive Recovery Procedures at the
end of this operation manual for more information.

42Depending on the revision of the Brainboxes RS232 board installed the UART Receive Trigger Level may
not be adjustable. In such circumstances this procedure does not need to be performed. If in doubt contact
Kongsberg GeoAcoustics.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

27.9. Antivirus Protection

A virus is a parasitic program that can infect system files and documents possibly altering
the way a computer operates without the user’s permission or knowledge.
The deck unit comes pre-installed with AVG Antivirus protection software. A scan can be
performed on any hard drive or removable media automatically locating and cleaning
infected files keeping your valuable data secure.

Performing a System Scan

Kongsberg GeoAcoustics recommends that a full system scan be performed on a regular
basis before and after a survey. It is especially important to scan any new media that is
inserted or linked externally (e.g. USB storage device).

Full system scan:-

1. Start AVG antivirus.
2. From the Tools menus choose ‘Scan computer’.

3. A complete virus scan will then be performed. On completion a results window will
appear and inform you of any threats found.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

4. Click ‘Close results’ once the details have been reviewed.

Virus Definition Updates

To keep the Antivirus software equipped to combat all new viruses it is necessary to
regularly update the virus definition files. This should be done at least once a week or
whenever new viruses are discovered.
There are two methods of updating:-

Internet Updates
This automates the process by obtaining and installing the virus definition files
automatically from the Internet. This method only works if an Internet connection is

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

To update the antivirus software using an internet connection R on the AVG icon in the
Taskbar and choose ‘Update now’.

Manual Updates
This method requires you to manually download the latest virus definitions using a PC
with an Internet connection. The updates can then be transferred to a directory on the
deck unit (e.g. C:\AVG antivirus updates). AVG can then perform the update from this
Priority updates can be manually downloaded from the following Web address:
To update manually choose Update from directory’ from the Tools menu.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
GeoSwath Plus System Maintenance

Browse to the folder where the updates have been saved to then click ‘OK’. AVG
antivirus will then update its database thus providing maximum protection against
current virus threats.

AVG will detect the new updates, click ‘Update’ to apply the changes.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

28. Troubleshooting
This section is intended to guide the operator through common (and not so common)
problems, based on field experience to date, not only with GeoSwath but with other
systems designed and manufactured by Kongsberg GeoAcoustics. This represents over 20
years of accumulated field experience.
Should a problem occur which is not discussed here, please contact Kongsberg
GeoAcoustics to allow us to include the problem and solution in this manual.
It should be noted here that modern well designed electronics hardware is very reliable,
that most reported problems in the field are due to:

1. Operator error, inexperience or misunderstanding

2. Incorrect or unsuitable installation
3. Operating system errors (including driver compatibility issues)
4. Kongsberg GeoAcoustics software errors
5. Mechanical failures of drives (optical, HDD etc.)
6. Failures of external connectors (failure proportional to numbers of mating cycles)
7. Failures of external cabling (often intermittent)
8. Internal electronic system failures

These are listed in order of probability from statistical analysis. Most problems are
covered by 1 and 2, the remainder being a small minority. It should be emphasised that
the system is relatively simple to use and reliable and that most problems are relatively
Problems are now listed in the natural order of installing, recording data and processing.
They are categorised, causes are listed in order of probability and solutions are in order of

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

28.1. Interpreting Bios Beep Codes

Beep Code Likely Fault Recommendation

1 Long, 2 Short Graphics Card Faulty video card or not correctly
Continuous Repeating Memory Error Check the memory is properly seated or
Beeps replace.
1 Long, 3 Short No Graphics Reseat or replace graphics card.
card or Bad
Video memory
High Frequency beeps while Overheating Check that all fans are running freely
system running Problem including the one fitted to the CPU
Repeating High/Low CPU problem Check CPU seating or replace. Check
also for possible overheating issues as
Continuous Tone CPU temp above Start-up the system and press ‘Delete’
warning temp on the Keyboard to enter into the Bios.
set in Bios. Check current CPU temp reported in
‘PC Health Status’. Report CPU
temperature to Kongsberg

Page 484 of 517 9-GS00-6100/BD

GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

28.2. Deck Unit Voltage Checks

If the GeoSwath Plus system is suspected to have a fault then voltage checks can be
performed to help locate the cause. The easiest voltages to measure are on the Sonar
Interface Assembly and the +24V D.C. outlet. Further voltage checks can be performed on
the lower shelf assembly after un-latching the front panel.
The main sonar electronics module of the GeoSwath Plus deck unit sits on the top shelf.
This assembly contains the receiver and two transmitter PCBs. The sonar electronics are
powered from a +24V D.C. PSU situated on the lower shelf which is adjacent to the front
panel assembly. The output (+HV) of the programmable PSU is controlled by the ‘Power’
setting in the GS+ software and feeds into the Transmitter PCBs. A second +24V PSU
feeds power to the rear panel fans and also to the peripheral sensors via the ‘+24V D.C.
Outlet’ on the rear panel.

Above: Illustration of the main electronics and power supplies in the deck unit

9-GS00-6100/BD Page 485 of 517

Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

Mains Voltages Present Inside
The following procedure involves taking voltage measurements inside the deck unit
whilst the system is switched on. Please take utmost care not to short the power
supply outputs to the chassis metalwork.
1. With the deck unit connected to the mains supply and turned on at the Line Switch
check the D.C. voltage between pins 1 & 3 on rear panel connector labelled ‘+24V D.C.
Out’, (see table below). This should read +24V (± 1V).
If the voltage between these pins falls outside the limits then the internal +24V PSU
may be faulty, proceed to check 6.

Connector: +24V D.C. OUT Pin Signal

1 0V

2 n/c

3 +24V

2. With the deck unit connected to the mains supply and turned on at the Line Switch
check the D.C. Voltage between pins 1 & 2 on the ‘Sonar Interface Assembly’ module.
This should read +24V (± 1V).
If the voltage between these pins falls outside the limits then proceed to check 3.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

3. Check the D.C. Voltage between pins 3 & 1 on each ‘Transmitter’ input. This should
read +31.6V (± 2V).

Above: Voltage check points on the Sonar Interface Assembly

4. Check the D.C. voltage between pins 1 & 4 on the output of the programmable PSU.
This should read +31.6V (± 2V).
If the voltage falls outside the limits then the programmable PSU may be faulty,
proceed to check 5.
5. Check the D.C. voltage between pins 6 & 1 on the input of the programmable PSU.
This should read +24V (± 1V).
If +24V is present on the input but no output is present then the programmable PSU
should be replaced (contact Kongsberg GeoAcoustics). Alternatively If no voltage is
present on the input then it is possible that a fault exists with the +24V PSU, proceed to
check 6.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

Above: Voltage check points for the Programmable PSU (left) and two +24V PSUs.
6. Check the D.C. voltage between pins 4 & 1 on the output of both +24V D.C. power
supplies. This should read +24V (± 1V).
If the voltage falls outside the limits then the PSU could be faulty, proceed to check 7.
7. Check the D.C. voltage between pins 3 & 2 on the output of both +24V D.C. power
supplies. This should read +24V (± 1V).
If the voltage falls outside the limits then the PSU could be faulty, proceed to check 8.
8. Set the DMM to measure A.C. voltage and measure between pins 2 & 1 on each +24V
PSU in turn. An A.C. voltage between 90-264V should be present at the input to both
power supplies.
If the A.C. voltage is present on the input but no +24V D.C. is present on the output
then either the fuse has blown or the power supply is faulty and should be replaced,
(see chapter on Maintenance for instructions on replacing the fuse or contact
Kongsberg GeoAcoustics if the unit is faulty).
9. Change the DMM to measure continuity or resistance in the range of 0-200 ohms Check
continuity between front panel earth stud and the chassis metalwork of the deck unit.
This should measure near to 0 ohms.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

28.3. Basic Deck Unit functional problems

Problem Possible causes Solutions

System does not power up. Problem with mains supply. Check mains supply. Switch
on the deck unit and check
that the front panel line
switch LED is on.

Faulty IEC lead mains fuse. Replace fuse or cable if


Faulty fuse in GeoSwath Replace fuse.

deck unit.

System Start button not Press Start button

pressed. momentarily (i.e. do not
keep finger pressed on the
Start button).

Internal power connector to Remove deck unit top cover

ATX PSU disconnected. and check the IEC connector
is properly pushed into the

Fault with the System Start Perform continuity check on

button or with the internal system start button. Check
connections to the internal connections to the
motherboard. motherboard. Contact
Kongsberg GeoAcoustics.

Faulty PC hardware. Contact Kongsberg


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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

Problem Possible causes Solutions

System seems to start-up but Monitor not connected or is Connect Monitor to Video 1
no display on monitor. connected to wrong video output.

Monitor not turned on. Turn on monitor.

Refresh rate set out of Boot using safe mode (F8).

monitors range. In Device Manager delete
any listed monitors. Reboot
and install monitor with
correct resolution and
refresh rate.

Graphics card un-seated Check that graphics card is

from motherboard. properly seated.

Memory Problem Remove all but one of the

memory DIMMS and try
booting the system. Try
booting with each of the
other memory modules to
see if one is at fault.

CPU or other PC/ hardware Listen for Bios Beep error

problem. codes on start-up. Refer to
Bios error code table for
possible cause of fault.
System starts but does not Loose IDE or power Check internal connections.
detect hard drive. connection to hard drive.
Post Bios reports that CPU is Glitch in PC hardware or Restart the system and press
damaged or unworkable Bios. ‘Delete’ on start-up to enter
into Bios. Now select ‘Save
Settings & Exit’. The system
will restart and hopefully
Windows® will now load as

Faulty PC hardware. Contact Kongsberg


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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

Problem Possible causes Solutions

System boots but restarts or Error with Windows® Press F8 on the keyboard
shuts down before getting operating system whilst the system starts. Try
into Windows®. booting using the ‘last
known good configuration’.

Problem with memory Check that the system

memory is seated correctly.
Also try booting with one
memory DIMM fitted at a
time to determine if you
have a faulty DIMM.

Problem with Windows® If possible restore Windows

installation or Hard drive. to an earlier Checkpoint.

Run Microsoft Scandisk to

check the drive for errors.

If none of the above works

backup data to external
drive then perform a system
restore from master image
using either Xpress2
Recovery or Symantec Ghost
as per procedures supplied
at the end of the manual.

Contact Kongsberg
GeoAcoustics to discuss
Mouse moves erratically on Windows® is interpreting On entering Windows®
entering Windows® XP. incoming NMEA string for a disconnect the serial strings
serial ballpoint mouse. on all com ports. In ‘Device
Manager’ disable all listed
‘serial ballpoint’ mice.

Windows problem Install ‘No Serial Mouse’ fix

to prevent problem from
occurring. Contact
Kongsberg GeoAcoustics for
further information.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

28.4. General Software & Installation problems

Problem Possible causes Solutions
Software hangs during Corrupt Installer. Contact Kongsberg
Installation. GeoAcoustics for another
copy of software.
GS+ crashes instantly when Corrupt project. Delete the workspace.cfg file
starting the application. (C:\Program Files\GS+)
then re-start GS+ and create
a new project.

Windows User Account Turn OFF UAC as detailed

Control (UAC) turned ON. in the GS+ release notes.
Un-install GS+ then re-
install (again following the
instructions in the release

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

Problem Possible causes Solutions

Deck unit Dongle error DIO board drivers not Install ‘Instacal’ and
when trying to run GS+. installed. configure the DIO board
number appropriately for
your design of deck unit.
Contact Kongsberg
GeoAcoustics if in doubt.

DIO board number set in- Start Instacal and check that
correctly. the board # is set correct for
your system type. (see GS+
release notes and also
chapter on maintenance).

Problem with DIO board Check that the DIO board is

seated properly, drivers
installed and configured

Run a ‘Digital’ test in

Instacal and check that it
passes. Contact Kongsberg
GeoAcoustics if the board
fails or is not detected by

Wrong dongle type Deck unit dongles can only

be used on acquisition
systems. They will not work
on a stand-alone desktop PC
or Laptop.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

Problem Possible causes Solutions

GS+ reports dinkey dongle Dongle not connected. Connect a GS+ licensed
error. dongle.

Old version of GS Security Contact Kongsberg

installed. GeoAcoustics for the latest
version of GS Security that
has your dongle enabled.

Dongle Drivers not Check in Device Manager

installed. that a ‘Software Security
Token’ is installed. If an
exclamation mark is seen
then make Windows®
Search for an appropriate

Possible Fault with dongle Contact Kongsberg


GS+ runs but in demo mode Dongle Drivers not Check in Device Manager
only. installed. that a ‘Software Security
Token’ is installed. If an
exclamation mark is seen
then make Windows®
Search for an appropriate

GS Security update Install the latest GS Security

required. update. Contact Kongsberg

Cannot access the GS+ GS+ Acquisition system Open the GS+ Options page
acquisition controls. type not set in GS+ Options. and click on the
(True for GS+ Software ‘Acquisition’ tab. Under
versions prior to 3.17a only) System click in the circle
adjacent to GeoSwath. The
acquisition controls will
now be available.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

Problem Possible causes Solutions

GS+ acquisition tab greyed Wrong dongle connected to Acquisition mode can only
out. Laptop/PC. be selected on deck units or
when using a Remote
control enabled dongle, e.g.
when connecting to ROV
and GS Compact systems.
Status log keeps reporting Trying to connect to the Check equipment editor
‘Set Com Port State Failures’ same Com port twice in the com port assignments.
or ‘Com Open Failed: COM GS+ equipment editor. Change if necessary and
* (5)’. restart GS+.

Com Ports not installed. Check Device Manger to see

that all com ports are
installed and functioning
properly. Install and
configure any com Ports that
are not.

Error in GS+ Project Try creating a new project

Management. from scratch and see if error

Close GS+ then rename the

current project in use. Start
GS+ and create a new
project from scratch using
the Setup Wizard.

If above steps fail to resolve

issue then uninstall GS+
software completely then re-
Cannot view Online Help GS+ Help not installed. Install online help from CD.
Internet Explorer not Install Internet Explorer
installed. version 5.0 (or above).
Cannot view Online Help Windows® Media Player Install Windows® Media
videos. not installed or not Player Version 9.0 (or
compatible. above).

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

Problem Possible causes Solutions

After minimizing GS+ I Windows® Funny. R on the GS+ Taskbar
cannot maximize the application icon and select
application as you normally Maximize or Restore.
would by clicking on GS+ in
the taskbar.
GS+ reports program error Project corrupted. Ignore error and try
when starting. repairing project
(File|Repair Project), then
restart GS+.

GS+ Default Project folder Ignore error then in the GS+

not defined or incorrect. create a new project then
restart GS+.

28.5. Mobilisation/Installation problems

Problem Possible causes Solutions

Transducer mount moves Fore and aft strops are not Tighten strops, check pole.
backwards and forwards tight. Pole is not rigid
when under way. enough. Locking bolts are
not tight enough.
Transducer mount swings Pole is too free. Tighten all mount bolts, if
port and starboard when necessary attach strop to top
turning. of pole and pull back to
keep rigid.
Traffic lights at bottom of Data format is incorrect, or Re-configure sensor to
acquisition window are red, is not being correctly output correct string format
or error messages are being decoded. and use equipment editor to
returned. decode string.

Multi-port RS232 card not Check that card is properly

installed properly. seated and also that all ports
are reported to be working
in Windows® Device

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

28.6. Problems when acquiring data

Problem Possible causes and Checks Solutions

GS+ Status display DIO board configured in- Check DIO board
reports DIO board error. correctly. configuration using Instacal
and perform digital Test, (see
advanced Troubleshooting

DIO board un-seated. Check DIO board is seated


Internal ribbon cable interface Check connection and

between DIO board and integrity of ribbon cable.
backplane faulty.
GS+ detects incorrect Glitch in GS+ frequency Close then restart GS+. Check
system frequency. detect on start-up. frequency setting again.

Card Rack PCB frequency Check frequency of fitted card

Jumpers in wrong position. rack PCBs and if necessary
move Jumpers to correct

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

Problem Possible causes and Checks Solutions

RS232 strings not seen in Incorrect baud rate or com Check baud rate and com port
equipment editor. port set in equipment editor. settings in equipment editor

Data cable connection Check connections.


Power supply problem. Check +24V D.C. voltage on

rear panel. Check voltage to

Sensor not configured Check output string formats

correctly. and baud rates.

Sensor set to communicate Set sensor to broadcast with

using Handshaking. no Handshaking. If this is not
possible (e.g. in the case of
some GPS receivers) then
make up a cable that has pins
2,3 & 5 connected straight
through and pins 7&8
connected together at the GPS
end. This will force the GPS to
broadcast. (If a Kongsberg
GeoAcoustics Splitter cable is
in use then the new cable
should be placed before the
GS+ detects correct Current project in use was for Create a new project and
frequency however the system of alternate restart GS+.
maximum settable Ping frequency.
Length for the frequency
is wrong.
GS+ data windows are Data windows need re- From the Window menu select
not being displayed or arranging. ‘Arrange’.
appear as small boxes.
Test Signal not displayed Attitude sensor connected Disconnect the Attitude RS232
correctly. and either not settled or string when viewing the Test
mounted/configured in Signal.
correct orientation.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

Problem Possible causes and Checks Solutions

1PPS time No time synch string on Ensure the GPS is outputting a
synchronisation not COM1. ZDA time string @1Hz.
ZDA string not being Ensure Aux 2 com port is set
decoded on Com 1. to ‘none’.

No PPS Pulse input on rear Interface a BNC cable (from

panel BNC. the GPS pulse output) to the
PPS pulse input connector on
the rear panel of the deck unit.

Incoming pulse voltage too Check that the logic high level
low. D.C. voltage is >2.4V.

1PPS Synchronisation mode Set desired mode of

set to ‘Do not Synchronise’ in Synchronisation in Acquisition
Acquisition Options Options.

Windows® time and date Ensure Windows® ‘date’ is set

differ greatly from GPS time. correctly.

‘Use GPS time’ option not Select ‘Use GPS Time’ in

selected. processing options.

Faulty internal connection. Check integrity of internal

1PPS pulse connection from
rear panel to backplane board.

Problem with DIO card. Check ‘Instacal’ to see that the

DIO card is installed and set to
the correct board number.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

Problem Possible causes and Checks Solutions

1PPS Maximum Synch 1PPS not synchronised. Stop Transmitting then Start
Gate error message again.
repeatedly being
displayed. GPS Setup to output a PPS Change GPS PPS pulse output
pulse of opposite polarity to polarity or change Jumper ‘J1’
that set on the Sonar position on Sonar electronics

BNC cable loose Ensure the 1PPS BNC cable is

securely attached to the
mating connector on the real
panel of the GeoSwath deck

Time in ZDA string not In the GS+ acquisition options

output by the GPS receiver enable the “Truncate ZDA
exactly on the integer second. seconds” option.

Navigation baud rate not Try changing the Navigation

high enough to allow the string baud rate to 19200 baud.
strings to be output at the set
update rate

Handshaking set on GPS Check that the GPS is setup to

Com port. broadcast the ZDA message
with no Handshaking. If this
is not possible then make up a
cable that has pins 2, 3 & 5
connected straight through
and pins 7&8 connected
together at the GPS end. This
will force the GPS to
broadcast. (If a Kongsberg
GeoAcoustics Splitter cable is
in use then the new cable
should be placed before the

Problem with DIO card. Check ‘Instacal’ to see that the

DIO card is installed and set to
the correct board number.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

Problem Possible causes and Checks Solutions

GeoSwath deck unit Illegal software operation Make a note of the action that
unstable. System performed or possible bug in causes the crash and report to
repeatedly crashes or GS+. Kongsberg GeoAcoustics.
Corrupt installation of Install latest virus definitions
Windows® or driver and run a full scan.
Restore Windows to an earlier

Run Microsoft Scandisk to

check the drive for errors.

If none of the above works

backup data to external drive
then perform a system restore
from master image using
either Xpress2 Recovery or
Symantec Ghost as per
procedures supplied at the
end of the manual.

RAM/Memory Problem Remove system from mains

power, remove one of the
memory DIMMs then reboot
and check for improvement.
Replace memory if deemed

System overheating. Check the CPU temperature as

reported in Windows® or Bios
(PC Health). If this is >70
degrees centigrade then there
could be a problem with the
deck unit.

Check functionality of all

system fans.

Faulty Hard Drive. Listen for any unusual clicks

or noises from the hard drive.
Replace the hard drive if
suspected to be faulty. Use
supplied DVDs to re-install
from master image.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

Problem Possible causes and Checks Solutions

No seabed profile seen in Transmit is not turned on. Turn transmit on.
depth window on either
one or both channels. Depth/range settings are not Adjust settings for correct
set appropriately. display.

Filters set inappropriately. Turn all filters off, or re-adjust.

Transducer connections not Check connections and tighten

connected or not fully mated. transducer connections fully.

Internal deck unit connection On old deck units remove rear

problem. panel fan assembly and check
sonar card alignment and
mating in card rack. Check for
loose connections especially at
both ends of the internal
Port/Stbd looms.

Faulty internal electronics. Turn ‘Test on’ and check

diagonal signal in depth

Disconnect power from rear

panel fan assembly and see if
seabed returns. Phone
Kongsberg GeoAcoustics
Technical support and report

Attitude sensor not settled or Close GS+ then disconnect the

mounted incorrectly incoming attitude string from
Com2. Restart GS+ and see if
the seabed is now seen in the
depth display.

Check the mount orientation

of the attitude sensor and also
the firmware configuration.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

Problem Possible causes and Checks Solutions

No data seen in either DIO Board Number not set Open InstaCal and check the
Side Scan Analogue or correctly in InstaCal. PCI –DIO48H board number is
Waterfall displays. set as follows:
Deck Unit Snos 101-299:-
Board #0
Deck Unit Snos 301-399:-
Board #2
All AUV/ROV units:-
Board #1
GS Compact being used in
remote mode: -
Board #1
GS Compact being used in
data logger mode: -
Board #2

GS+ system type not set in Open the GS+ Options page
the GS+ software options. and click on the ‘Acquisition’
tab. Under System click in the
circle adjacent to GeoSwath.
Now check to see if the Side
Scan is working.

Possible fault with sonar Contact Kongsberg

electronics module. GeoAcoustics for further
Mini-SVS status LED is Com port and baud rate not In Equipment editor ensure
red. set. AUX1 is set to mini-SVS and
to decode on Com5 @ 9600

Mini-SVS not configured to Close GS+ and open a

begin sampling on power up. HyperTerminal connection to
the mini-SVS.
‘#’ stops the sensor.
‘#082;off’ sets data format to
‘#091;on’ unit immediately
begins sampling on power up.
‘#059;9600’ sets the baud rate
to 9600.
‘M4’ sets the unit to free run at

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

Problem Possible causes and Checks Solutions

Ping rate is slow during SVP file is selected. Ensure that SVP files are not
acquisition. selected during acquisition.
Data is poor quality, Poor earthing. Check that a sea earth is
diagonal ‘lines’ radiating connected to GeoSwath.
out from transducer on
depth display. Noisy mains due to ships Try running the GeoSwath
inverter. system from a generator.

Transducer connectors are Tighten connectors fully.

not tight.

Interference from other Try turning off other

electronic equipment equipment (check for switched
(diagonal lines are caused by on mobile phone chargers or
constant frequency inverters in close proximity to
interference source). transducers). Check earthing
of other equipment. Try
moving transducer cables to
see if noise reduces.

Thrusters from vessel have Try changing pitch and speed

acoustic harmonics which of thrusters.
affect electronic receivers.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

Problem Possible causes and Checks Solutions

Data is of poor quality on Check if problem is internal Swap transducer connections
one channel only (either to the deck unit or external. over on the back of the deck
port or stbd) unit. If the poor data swaps
channels then the problem is
not with the deck unit, (i.e. it’s
either cable or transducer
related – see next check).

Water ingress at wet end Clean and re-mate cable

transducer connections. connections to the transducers.
Check if data quality has
improved. If it hasn’t then go
onto next check.

Possible faulty transducer or Ensure that the first check has

cable. been performed to prove that
the problem is external to the
deck unit. Now swap over the
connections at the wet end
(where the cables connect to
the transducers). If the poor
data channel swaps sides then
the problem is transducer
related. If the poor data
remains on the same channel
then the problem is cable

Data is poor quality, Transducers have been fitted Note markings on transducer
artefacts and strange upside down. ‘Top’ and ‘Bottom’.
outliers dominate data.
Data is good, but on Transducer plate angles are Check transducer plate angles
depth display a ‘Flat’ sea different from default 30 and calibration offset file.
bed is not appearing flat. degrees, or calibration offset Check SVP is being corrected
file has different plate angle for and default SV at
setting. transducer.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

Problem Possible causes and Checks Solutions

Data is good but severe Transducer connectors are Check Side Scan waterfall
roll is apparent. swapped port to starboard display when at berth to see
(Port and Starboard on which side the harbour
transducers are identical). wall or pilings appear.

Motion sensor is fitted to V- Check attitude sensor

plate incorrectly, translating mounting and corrections.
corrections from port to
starboard, effectively
doubling the roll.

Attitude sensor not fully Check that the sensor is being

aided or is still settling. aided properly and that it has

Attitude sensor not Check that the motion sensor

outputting at a high enough is outputting at a rate of at
update rate. least 50Hz and the baud rate is
high enough (e.g. 38400 baud).

Severe latency. Check time calibration.

Faulty sensor. Send back to manufacturer for

calibration check.
Data is good but severe Motion sensor is fitted to V- Check attitude sensor
Heave is apparent. plate upside down. mounting, (the MRU is
normally mounted
Horizontally with the
connector facing towards the
echosounder/front of the
Data is good but some Setting of attitude sensor Check Heave Bandwidth
roll is apparent. filters is inappropriate. settings and try changing
them or matching to frequency
of swell.

GS+ limitation of real-time Process a line of data and see

roll compensation. if roll is still present.

Weather is severe or boat Wait for calm weather or

dynamics are causing change vessel.
excessive errors in roll.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

Problem Possible causes and Checks Solutions

Data has intermittent Vessel is crossing wake. Wait for wake to disperse,
fading along track. Check water for aeration or Side Scan will show up this
wakes from vessels up to a problem better.
minute previously.
Data is not clearly Sea bed is very soft and Try system in better area to
defined and swath width reflectivity is very low, check, contact Kongsberg
is not wide. leading to poor signal to GeoAcoustics and change to
noise ratio. different frequency.
Large gaps evident in Process or other program Terminate any process or
data. than GS+ running during program other than GS+.
Try turning off mouse effects,
e.g. Pointer Trails.
Coverage history not Coverage display not open. Open the Coverage display.
History Options not set In the GS+ ‘History Options’
correctly. ensure ‘Show Enable’ and
‘Write Enable’ are selected for
the Coverage display.

In-correct method being Set history options and open

used. Coverage display as per

Run survey. Once finished

stop transmitting then R on
the coverage display and
choose ‘Save History’.

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Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

28.7. Problems when Processing data

Problem Possible causes and Checks Solutions

GS+ Processes data but very Data contains a lot of noise Use the watercolumn filter
slowly. which GS+ has to generate during acquisition to
an SVP solution for. minimise noise in

If using multiple SVPs try

manually selecting the
correct profile for the line
being processed or split the
lines up so that they can be
used with one SVP only.
Data appears to have gap in Data has least across track Binning to larger bin size
centre of data. density in centre, due to will reduce effect.
time series geometry, when
binned to high resolution. Adding the echosounder
files to the grid will increase
data density.
Use interpolation filter.
Data is good but has bad MRU mounted incorrectly Try editing the attitude data
Heave. on V-plate during and change the Heave &
acquisition. Pitch multipliers to -1.00.
Data is good but small Incorrect attitude latency Edit the Calibration file and
heave, pitch & roll artefacts used when processing. within the ‘Calibration
are visible. Offsets’ change the ‘Attitude
latency’ to a value which
minimises the artefacts in
the processed data. This
value is typically 0.025 s for
a TSS DMS-05.
Data is good but there are Water column noise is not Adjust filters, use
ridges in centre of gridded being filtered out and is Amplitude filter and
data. biasing central bin values tracking box filters to
upwards. remove water column noise.

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GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

Problem Possible causes and Checks Solutions

Data is good but there are Reflections from vessel hull. Swing transducer port to
ridges, troughs or gaps starboard, if the gaps follow
away from the centre of the direction of swing, it is
gridded data. transducer related, if the
gaps move opposite to the
direction of swing, then it is
due to a reflection, try
lowering the transducers
further down.

Errors in sound velocity Edit sound velocity profile

profile. and check for incrementing
depths and sensible
Data has along track gaps or Nav problem. Check if the swath files have
strips. had the Nav filter applied.

Min SNR set too high Adjust value of Min SNR in

Processing Options.

Vessel speed too high for Re-grid at lower resolution.

this along track resolution.

One or more swaths cause Nav corruption has placed Re-apply the nav filter and
errors when gridding. data points off grid. then re-grid.
Gridder trying to delineate
too large a boundary.
One or more swaths cause Nav error or file corruption Apply Limits filter (default
GridFly to produce has placed data points above setting often works).
monotonic colour map when or below surface and colour
colour scale is changed. scale tries to map to include
these error points.
In a Virtual Grid, the spread Poor data quality, or could Re-grid to higher resolution
of values within bins is be due to objects, slope or and re-check for ripples,
large. ripples within bin boundary. objects etc. When the
number of points is large
and the spread is low, the
data is ‘good’.

9-GS00-6100/BD Page 509 of 517

Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

Problem Possible causes and Checks Solutions

Swath contour lines do not Offset between the GPS Check offset values are in
line up with adjacent aerial and the transducers Vessel settings file.
swaths. not entered.

Latency, heading, or pitch Check time and yaw

errors. calibration.

Check transducer mount is

aligned with gyro.

Check pole is vertical and

rigid, port to starboard and
fore to aft.
Re-Apply Calibration does Associated Swath, Swamp Ensure associated audit files
not work. or echosounder audit file are present within the
missing (*.auf) from project. project. When migrating
files to a project always do
so using the GS+ import
function, (do not transfer the
files within Windows®
GS+ closes when generating Limitation of PC on which Try making audits of
an Audit Trail. GS+ is running. smaller parts of the project
rather than the whole
project at once.
Sbet data does not appear to GS+ is failing to read the Close GS+. Using Windows
be importing. RDF audit file. explorer locate the
“Error: Missing Audit File” associated RDF audit file
(*.auf) and delete it. Start
GS+ and re-import the Sbet

Page 510 of 517 9-GS00-6100/BD

GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual

28.8. Problems when Printing

Problem Possible causes and Checks Solutions

Side Scan data does not Printer not switched on. Turn on Printer.
print when pressing Start in
the recorder window. Parallel Cable not connected Check Cable connection.
or loose.

Address not set to ‘-----‘ or Ensure that the printers

printer not ‘Online’. address is set to ‘-----‘, its
status is ‘Ready’ and

Generic Printer not installed. Manually install a Local

LPT1 ‘ Generic/Text only’
printer and set it as the
default printer.
GeoPrinter prints out Incorrect sequence for Upon pressing ‘Stop’ in the
spurious characters after stopping the current print recorder window GS+ will
stopping the print process. job. Data still in print prompt you to Press Offline,
buffer. Offline, Online. Press OK
then wait for the current
print to finish before
pressing Offline, Offline,
Online on the GeoPrinter.

9-GS00-6100/BD Page 511 of 517

Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus

Page 512 of 517 9-GS00-6100/BD

GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Survey Log & Calibration Sheets

29. Survey Log & Calibration Sheets

9-GS00-6100/BD Page 513 of 517

Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Survey Log & Calibration Sheets

Page 514 of 517 9-GS00-6100/BD

GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Survey Log & Calibration Sheets

9-GS00-6100/BD Page 515 of 517

Operation Manual GeoSwath Plus
Survey Log & Calibration Sheets

Page 516 of 517 9-GS00-6100/BD

GeoSwath Plus Operation Manual
Illustrations & Documents

30. Illustrations & Documents

GS00-6200-01 GeoSwath Plus system connections – DMS-05
GS00-6200-02 GeoSwath Plus system connections – Hemisphere V100/V110
GS00-6200-03 GeoSwath Plus system connections – Octans
GS00-6200-04 GeoSwath Plus system connections – POS MV
GS00-6200-05 GeoSwath Plus system connections – Seapath
GS01-6200 GeoSwath Deck Unit Dimensions
GS01-6201 GeoSwath Front Panel Controls
GS01-6202 GeoSwath Rear Panel Connections
GS02-0299-01 GeoSwath LF V-Plate Assembly
GS02-0399-01 GeoSwath HF V-Plate Assembly
GS02-0052-0499-01 OTS Assembly with 500kHz T Plate – MRU-H/SMC
GS02-0052-0499-03 OTS Assembly with 500kHz T Plate – Octans/POSMV
GS02-0056-0499-01 OTS Assembly with 250kHz T Plate – MRU-H/SMC
GS02-1099-01 125 kHz Transducer
GS02-1199-01 250 kHz Transducer
GS05-0299 Transducer Cable Assembly

Deck Unit Hard Disk Drive Image Recovery Procedures

GeoPC-6321 Windows 7 Disk Image Recovery Procedure
GeoPC-6322 Symantec Ghost Backup & Restoration Procedure
GS01-6323 Xpress2 Backup & Restoration Procedure

POS MV Setup Documents

POSMV-6105 POS MV Setup Guide
POSMV-5000 POS MV Lever Arm Distances
POSMV-2500 POS MV Cabling General Assembly

RDF Documents
GS00-6400 GeoSwath File Formats

ROV/AUV Documents
GS00-6320 Ultra VNC Setup Procedure

Configuration Documents
GS03-0040-02 Seatex MRU-5 & H Configuration Procedure
GS03-0040-05 SMC Configuration Procedure
GS03-0040-32 Mesotech Altimeter Configuration Procedure
GS01-6315 UART Receive Trigger Level Adjustment Procedure

43 More illustrations are available on request. Contact Kongsberg GeoAcoustics for further information.

9-GS00-6100/BD Page 517 of 517

Shuttleworth Close, Gapton Hall Industrial Estate,
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 0NQ, UK.
Tel +44 (0)1493 600666
Fax +44 (0)1493 651100


Windows® 7 Disk Image Recovery Procedure


Project GeoPC Print Control (Printed 03-07-2013)

Document Windows® 7 Disk Image Recovery
Title Procedure
Document 9-GeoPC-6321/B
Author Phil Carpenter

Distribution Master: Drawing File

Amendment History
Issue Date Status Pages Checked Approved Client
B 11-06-2012 Approved 7 J.Baxter A.N.Beck

Amendment Details
AMD CTD Details

KONGSBERG GEOACOUSTICS LTD currently operate an accredited Quality Management System to BS EN ISO 9001.
Windows® 7 Disk Image Recovery Procedure GeoPC

1. Scope
This document describes how to replace the hard disk drive (HDD) in a deck unit
manufactured by Kongsberg GeoAcoustics and recover the system files from a DVD disk
The replacement hard disk drive must have at least the same capacity of the original
drive that the image was created from. It is not possible to recover to a hard drive
of smaller capacity.

2. Requirements
The following components are required for this procedure.
 Replacement hard disk drive (see note above).
 5.5mm slotted screwdriver.
 PH1 Phillips or PZ1 Pozidriv® screwdriver.
 Windows® System Repair Disk (supplied in the deck unit software pack).
 Windows® Disk Image DVDs (supplied in the deck unit software pack).
 Keyboard.
 Mouse.
 Monitor.
 110-230V A.C. Power Source + Mains leads.

Page 2 of 7 9-GeoPC-6321/B
GeoPC Windows® 7 Disk Image Recovery Procedure

3. Replacing the Hard Disk Drive

Mains Voltages Present Inside
This procedure requires access to the inside of the Deck Unit. Please ensure that
the system is shut down and removed from mains power before proceeding.
Observe proper anti-static precautions when working inside the deck unit. If you do
not have an anti-static strap, touch the deck unit casing to discharge any static.
3.1. Remove the top cover from the deck unit using the 5.5mm slotted screwdriver.
Unplug the SATA and power connectors from the HDD.
3.2. Remove the silver latch panel fasteners which hold on the front panel assembly,
(using two screwdrivers enables this operation to be performed without damaging
the side-frames). Put the latch panel fasteners to one side.

3.3. The front panel assembly can now gently be eased away from the deck unit. Using a
Phillips or Pozidriv® screwdriver undo the 4 screws that secure the shock mounted
hard drive assembly above the optical/DVD drive. Now remove the HDD from the
deck unit.

9-GeoPC-6321/B Page 3 of 7
Windows® 7 Disk Image Recovery Procedure GeoPC

3.4. Remove the shock mounts from the faulty HDD by loosening the 2 screws on each
side of the drive.

3.5. Fit the shock mounts to the replacement HDD and fit back into the deck unit
following the above steps in reverse.

Page 4 of 7 9-GeoPC-6321/B
GeoPC Windows® 7 Disk Image Recovery Procedure

4. Recovery Procedure
4.1. Attach a mouse, keyboard and monitor to the deck unit. Connect to the mains
supply and switch on the power at the line switch. Press the system start button. As
the system starts up press the eject button on the DVD/RW drive and insert the
System Repair Disk.

Above: The system repair disk was supplied in the software pack for the deck unit
and be labelled similar to the illustration above.
4.2. Restart the deck unit by pressing Ctrl Alt delete on the keyboard. As the system re-
boots press F12 to enter into the boot menu. Use the keyboard cursor keys to select
CDROM then press enter.

9-GeoPC-6321/B Page 5 of 7
Windows® 7 Disk Image Recovery Procedure GeoPC

4.3. The deck unit will now re-boot. Press any key when prompted to Boot from
4.4. When the Windows Boot Manager appears leave the Windows Setup [EMS
Enabled] option highlighted and press enter.
4.5. After a short while the System Recovery Options window will appear. Choose a
desired keyboard layout then click Next.
4.6. In the next window choose ‘restore your computer using a system image that you
created earlier’, then click Next.

4.7. When informed that Windows® cannot find a system image on this computer eject
the system repair disk and insert the last DVD from the backup image set supplied in
the software pack, then press Retry.

Page 6 of 7 9-GeoPC-6321/B
GeoPC Windows® 7 Disk Image Recovery Procedure

4.8. The system will now scan for an image to recover from on the DVD. Leave the
option set to use the latest available system image then click Next.

4.9. Leave the additional restore options set to defaults and click Next.
4.10. In the next window to appear click Finish.
4.11. When warned that all disks to be restored will be formatted, click Yes.

4.12. The re-imaging process will now proceed. Follow the onscreen instructions changing
DVDs when prompted until the recovery process is complete.
4.13. Once the process has completed eject the DVD and return with the other disks to the
software pack.

9-GeoPC-6321/B Page 7 of 7
Shuttleworth Close, Gapton Hall Industrial Estate,
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 0NQ, UK.
Tel +44 (0)1493 600666
Fax +44 (0)1493 651100


Symantec Ghost Backup & Restoration Procedure


Project GeoPC Print Control (Printed 03-07-2013)

Document Symantec Ghost Backup & Restoration
Title Procedure
Document 9-GeoPC-6322/B
Author Phil Carpenter

Distribution Master: Drawing File

Amendment History
Issue Date Status Pages Checked Approved Client
B 08-06-2012 Approved 6 J.Baxter A.N.Beck

Amendment Details
AMD CTD Details

KONGSBERG GEOACOUSTICS LTD currently operate an accredited Quality Management System to BS EN ISO 9001 .
Symantec Ghost Backup & Restoration Procedure GeoPC

1. Scope
The Symantec Ghost utility allows you to perform a complete backup or restoration of the
deck unit’s hard disk drive’s contents. This is useful for example when the installation of
the current operating system has become corrupt. This document describes the process of
using the Ghost utility.
If the hard disk drive is faulty then it should be replaced and the contents recovered by
following the Windows ® 7 Disk Image Recovery Procedure (GeoPC-6321).

Note Older deck units along with GS+ Compact, ROV and AUV systems will not
be configured for Symantec Ghost operations.

Page 2 of 6 9-GeoPC-6322/B
GeoPC Symantec Ghost Backup & Restoration Procedure

2. Performing a System Backup using Symantec Ghost

Prior to shipment the deck unit would have had a system backup performed. If you have
since installed additional software or files and wish to update the backup you can do so,
this will replace the existing backup (see warning below).
The partition allocated to the backup image on the deck unit’s hard drive is
relatively small. Attempting a new backup after collecting large amounts of survey
data may result in failure of the backup process. It is recommended that the current
backup is left intact to allow emergency restoration of the system back its original
configuration as setup by Kongsberg GeoAcoustics.
Backup Procedure
2.1. When the deck unit starts press F3 to boot into recovery mode.

2.2. When the recovery tool command prompt window appears choose to ‘Backup
system’ by typing 2 and then press Enter.

9-GeoPC-6322/B Page 3 of 6
Symantec Ghost Backup & Restoration Procedure GeoPC

The Symantec Ghost window will appear and proceed to backup the system (a
backup image called iei_user.gho is created in the hidden recovery partition).

2.3. When the system backup is complete, press any key to reboot.

Page 4 of 6 9-GeoPC-6322/B
GeoPC Symantec Ghost Backup & Restoration Procedure

3. Performing a System Restoration using Symantec Ghost

When performing a restoration using Symantec Ghost all data will be lost. Please
ensure any survey data or files that you do not wish to be erased are backed up
You can either perform a factory restore where the system will be returned to its original
configuration when shipped from Kongsberg GeoAcoustics (option 1).
Alternatively you can restore from the last performed backup (option 3)
Restore Procedure
3.1. When the deck unit starts press F3, when the recovery tool command prompt
window appears type 3 and then press Enter.

3.2. When the recovery tool command prompt window appears type either 1 or 3 to
perform a ‘factory Restore’ or a ‘restore from your last backup’, then press Enter.

9-GeoPC-6322/B Page 5 of 6
Symantec Ghost Backup & Restoration Procedure GeoPC

The Symantec Ghost window will appear and proceed to restore the system.

3.3. When the system restoration is complete, press any key to reboot.

Note After performing a system restoration it may be necessary to update the

acquisition software (e.g. GS+, GeoUTS) to the latest release.

Page 6 of 6 9-GeoPC-6322/B
Shuttleworth Close, Gapton Hall Industrial Estate,
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 0NQ, UK.
Tel +44 (0)1493 600666
Fax +44 (0)1493 651100


Xpress Recovery2 Backup & Restoration Procedure


Project GS01 Print Control (Printed 03-07-2013)

Document Xpress Recovery2 Backup & Restoration
Title Procedure
Document 9-GS01-6323/B
Author Phil Carpenter

Distribution Master: Drawing File

Amendment History
Issue Date Status Pages Checked Approved Client
B 01-06-2012 Approved 5 T.Armes J.Baxter

Amendment Details
AMD CTD Details

KONGSBERG GEOACOUSTICS LTD currently operate an accredited Quality Management System to BS EN ISO 9001 .
Xpress Recovery2 Backup & Restoration Procedure GS01

1. Scope
The Xpress Recovery2 utility allows you to perform a complete backup or restoration of
the deck unit’s hard disk drive’s contents. This is useful for example when the installation
of the current operating system has become corrupt. This document describes the process
of using the Xpress Recovery2 utility.
If the hard disk drive is faulty then it should be replaced and the contents recovered by
following the Windows ® 7 Disk Image Recovery Procedure (GeoPC-6321).

Note Older deck units along with GS+ Compact, ROV and AUV systems will not
be configured for Xpress Recovery2 operations.

Page 2 of 5 9-GS01-6323/B
GS01 Xpress Recovery2 Backup & Restoration Procedure

2. Performing a System Backup using Xpress Recovery2

Prior to shipment the deck unit would have had a system backup performed. If you have
since installed additional software or files and wish to update the backup you can do so,
this will replace the existing backup (see warning below).
The partition allocated to the backup image on the deck unit’s hard drive is
relatively small. Attempting a new backup after collecting large amounts of survey
data may result in failure of the backup process. It is recommended that the current
backup is left intact to allow emergency restoration of the system back its original
configuration as setup by Kongsberg GeoAcoustics.
2.1. When the deck unit starts press F9, shortly the ‘Xpress2 Recovery2’ console will
appear1. Using the keyboard cursor keys select the ‘Backup’ option then press the
return key.

1If the Xpress Recovery2 console does not appear after pressing F9 then try booting from the Gigabyte
motherboard driver CD (supplied with the deck unit software pack).

9-GS01-6323/B Page 3 of 5
Xpress Recovery2 Backup & Restoration Procedure GS01

2.2. When asked if you want to overwrite the existing image choose ‘YES’.

2.3. The backup will then proceed. Please be patient whilst the backup performs.

Page 4 of 5 9-GS01-6323/B
GS01 Xpress Recovery2 Backup & Restoration Procedure

3. Performing a System Restoration using Xpress Recovery2

When performing a restoration using Xpress Recovery2 all data will be lost. Please
ensure any survey data or files that you do not wish to be erased are backed up
3.1. When the deck unit starts press F9, shortly the ‘Xpress2 Recovery2’ console will
appear. Using the keyboard cursor keys select ‘Restore’ then press the return key.

3.2. When asked if you want to ‘Restore Image’ choose ‘YES’.

3.3. The restoration will then proceed. This may take a while to complete.
Note After performing a system restoration it may be necessary to update the
acquisition software (e.g. GS+, GeoUTS) to the latest release.

9-GS01-6323/B Page 5 of 5
Shuttleworth Close, Gapton Hall Industrial Estate,
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 0NQ, UK.
Tel +44 (0)1493 600666
Fax +44 (0)1493 651100


Setup Guide

Project POSMV Print Control (Printed 16-05-2013)

Document Setup Guide
Document 9-POSMV-6105/BA
Author Marylou Gentilhomme

Distribution Master: Drawing File

Amendment History
Issue Date Status Pages Checked Approved Client
BA 16-05-2013 AMD 1 13 P.Carpenter J.Baxter
B 27-01-06 Approved 8 P.Carpenter A.Beck

Amendment Details
AMD CTD Details
1 3405 Update template & document detailing Wavemaster ‘E’ offsets.

KONGSBERG GEOACOUSTICS LTD currently operate an accredited Quality Management System to BS EN ISO 9001 .
Setup guide POSMV

1 Scope
This document explains how to setup the POS MV Wavemaster ‘E’ to be used in
combination with a GeoSwath system. Please note that this document only presents how
to setup this IMU on a 250 kHz or 500 kHz T-plate. Should you need to install this IMU on
another mount then please contact Kongsberg GeoAcoustics. For further information
about the POS MV, please contact Applanix.

2 Connections

Install GPS antennas

 Mount the GPS antennas as high as possible (clear 360° view of sky).
 The antennas should be rigid with respect to each other and the IMU.
 Antennas should be separated by at least 1 meter and less than 5 meters.
 Both antennas should face in the same direction.
 Connect the GPS antenna cables to the antennas.
 Seal the GPS cable connectors with self-amalgamating tape.
 Clearly mark the primary antenna cable at both ends.
 Run antenna cables to the PCS (POS Computer System) location.

Setup a Network Controller PC

The Network Controller PC is used to configure the POS MV.
 Connect 10/100BaseT LAN cable to LAN connector on the PCS.
Connect the LAN cable to a Network Controller PC Ethernet port or Hub (crossover
cable required for direct connection, orange cable in transit case, straight through
cable required for LAN connection via hub).
 Install POS MV POSView software on the Network Controller PC.
 Configure the IP address of the Network Controller PC:
o The PCS IP address is, subnet mask; this is
already setup and you should not attempt to modify it
o Set the Network Controller PC IP address should be set to,
subnet mask

Connect the PCS to a power supply.

IMU bottle
Connect the IMU bottle to the PCS.

Page 2 of 13 POSMV-6105/BA
POSMV Setup guide

Connect to the GeoSwath PC

 Connect the PCS COM port 1 to the navigation COM port of the GeoSwath PC.
 Connect the PCS COM port 2 to the attitude COM port of the GeoSwath PC.
 Connect the PPS cable between the PCS and the GeoSwath PC.

3 Power up the POS MV system

 Ensure GPS antennas, LAN, and IMU cables are connected.
 Power on by using the power switch on the rear of the unit, then by pressing
and holding the green power button on the front panel. (To power off,
press and hold the power button until the LED begins to flash).

Do not connect or disconnect cables from POS MV system when the system is
powered up, as it could cause the system to fail.

POSMV-6105/BA Page 3 of 13
Setup guide POSMV

4 Configure the POS MV

On the Network Controller PC, open MV-POSView software.

Press on ‘Connect’ and ‘Standby’ mode:

Setup input/output ports

Under the file menu ‘Settings’, open ‘Input/Output Ports…’:

Page 4 of 13 POSMV-6105/BA
POSMV Setup guide

The following window opens to allow you to setup the output strings from the POSMV:

Use the following settings:

COM1 is used to send navigation data to the GeoSwath system.

Baud Rate: 19200

Output Select: NMEA
NMEA Output:
 Strings: $INGGK, $INHDT, $INZDA
 Update Rate: 10Hz

Press on ‘Apply’.

COM2 is used to send attitude data to the GeoSwath system.

Baud Rate: 19200

Output Select: Binary
Binary Output:
 Update Rate: 50Hz
 Formula Select: TSS1

Press on ‘Apply’.

POSMV-6105/BA Page 5 of 13
Setup guide POSMV

COM3 is used in case an external RTK modem/radio or GPS is available.

External RTK modem/radio:

Input Select: Base 1 GPS
Set the ‘Baud Rate’ and ‘Input Type’ accordingly.

External GPS:
Input Select: Aux 1 GPS
Set the ‘Baud Rate’ and ‘AUX GPS Input’ accordingly.

Press on ‘Apply’.

Internal integrated DGPS

If an internal integrated DGPS is available, open the menu Settings Integrated DGPS.
Select ‘ON’ under ‘DGPS’ and choose the appropriate ‘DGPS Source’.

Note The antennas need to be installed in order to see the ‘Integrated DGPS’

Save/load your settings

Save your settings under: Settings Save Settings.

You can create a file to record your settings under: File Save POS Config.
You can load a configuration file under: File Load POS Config.

5 Measure Your Lever Arms Offsets

Conventions and reference point

Remember that POS MV uses a Right Hand Cartesian co-ordinate system: X+ is forward,
Y+ is starboard and Z+ is down.

Page 6 of 13 POSMV-6105/BA
POSMV Setup guide

Kongsberg GeoAcoustics always use the IMU as the reference point: looking at the top of
the IMU the black and white disk is the reference point.

Lever Arms & Mounting Angles window

Open Settings Installation Lever Arms & Mounting Angles. This will open the
following window:

POSMV-6105/BA Page 7 of 13
Setup guide POSMV

Ref. to IMU Target

Since we choose the IMU to be the reference point, these 3 offsets are left to 0.0m. Fill
these offsets if you choose a different reference point than the IMU.

Target to Sensing Centre and Resulting Lever Arm

These values are filled automatically by MV-POSView.

Ref. to Primary GPS Lever Arm

Enter the offsets from the reference point to the centre of the primary GPS antenna.

Ref. to Vessel Lever Arm

Enter the offsets from the reference point to the centre of the transducers: this will enable
the POS MV to output the navigation referenced to the transducers.

Ref. to Centre of Rotation Lever Arm

Enter the offsets from the reference point to the Centre of Rotation if known. The Centre of
Rotation refers to the point on the vessel that can only move vertically because of heave.
Therefore these offsets are important for heave computation.

Page 8 of 13 POSMV-6105/BA
POSMV Setup guide

Ref. to Sensor 1 Lever Arm

Enter the offsets from the reference point to the centre of the transducers: this will enable
the POS MV to output the attitude referenced to the transducers.

Ref. to Aux 1 GPS Lever Arm

Enter the offsets from the reference point to the centre of the auxiliary GPS antenna if
There is no need to enter offsets if you are only using a modem/radio to output

Setup the timing as follows:

POSMV-6105/BA Page 9 of 13
Setup guide POSMV

Position of the POS MV Wavemaster ‘E’ IMU on the T-plate

Wavemaster ‘E’ Offsets


Plate Type X Y Z H P
250 KHz T-Plate 0.106m 0.00m 0.203m 0.357m 0.138m
500 KHz T-Plate 0.126m 0.00m 0.173m 0.327m 0.138m

Note When measuring offsets it is important to note that the OSM pole is not
positioned at the fore/aft central point of the GeoSwath transducer.

Page 10 of 13 POSMV-6105/BA
POSMV Setup guide

Example: offsets in MV-POSView for a 250 kHz T-plate

POSMV-6105/BA Page 11 of 13
Setup guide POSMV

6 Calibrate the POS MV: GAMS

Set the GAMS parameters

 Open View GAMS Solution.
 Open Settings Installation GAMS Installation Param. Setup.
 Set the X, Y and Z components of the Baseline Vector to 0m.
 Set the ‘Two Antenna Separation’ to 0m.
 Set the ‘Heading Calibration Threshold’ to 0.5˚ (use 1˚ for large vessels).
 Select Settings Save Settings.
Calculate the GAMS Solution

 Turn the POS MV Status to ‘Standby’ and then to ‘Navigate’ to reset the system.
 Wait for GAMS Status to change from ‘Not Ready’ to ‘Ready Offline’.
 Progress can be monitored under View GAMS Solution. This should take
approximately 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the GPS environment.
 Manoeuvre the vessel through moderately aggressive turns (figure of 8’s)
incorporating changes of speed and direction.
 Wait for the ‘Heading Accuracy’ on the main screen to show an accuracy below the
threshold value entered (try to obtain lowest value possible) when the GAMS
Status shows ‘Ready Offline’. Until the ‘Heading Accuracy’ reaches the threshold
value entered, keep making ‘figure of 8’s’.
 Stop the vessel and hold a constant heading. Select Settings GAMS Calibration
Control Start. This should take about one minute to complete: the GAMS Status
should then change to ‘Online’, and the final heading accuracy should be 0.0x˚.

Page 12 of 13 POSMV-6105/BA
POSMV Setup guide

7 Troubleshooting

The GAMS Status does not change to ‘Ready Offline’

The calibration can only be performed when the number of satellites in view exceeds 5 and
PDOP is much less than 3.0. If the GPS environment is acceptable but ambiguities are not
fixed within 45 minutes, then check the antenna mountings for rigidity.
Otherwise, you might consider a different vessel heading as the GPS geometry might be
poor or there are too few space vehicles.

The ‘Heading Accuracy’ does not decrease below the threshold value entered within
a reasonable amount of time
Try to make more aggressive turns if possible and check whether the ‘Heading Accuracy’
decreases faster.
If the heading accuracy is not reached within half an hour, make a note of the heading
accuracy value and modify the GAMS Parameters Heading Threshold to be larger than the
achieved heading accuracy.

POSMV-6105/BA Page 13 of 13
Shuttleworth Close, Gapton Hall Industrial Estate,
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 0NQ, UK.
Tel +44 (0)1493 600666
Fax +44 (0)1493 651100


GeoSwath file formats


Project GS+ Print Control (Printed 08-10-2012)

Document GeoSwath file formats
Document GS00-6400/B
Author Marylou Gentilhomme

Distribution Master: Drawing File

Amendment History
Issue Date Status Pages Checked Approved Client
B 08-10-2012 Approved 30 P.Carpenter A.N.Beck

Amendment Details
AMD CTD Details

KONGSBERG GEOACOUSTICS LTD currently operate an accredited Quality Management System to BS EN ISO 9001 .
GeoSwath file formats GS+

1 Scope
This document details the proprietary data formats generated by the GeoSwath Plus wide
swath bathymetry system. It is not an exhaustive list, but aims to cover file formats that
could be used by third party software.

1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
Contents ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
2. Binary Data Representation .......................................................................................................................... 4
3. Raw Data File Format .................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1. RDF structure .......................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.1. File Structure ................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.2. File Header ....................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.3. Ping .................................................................................................................................................. 5
3.1.4. Ping Header ..................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.5. Ping Data.......................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2. RDF Filter Flags ....................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.1. General Description ......................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.2. RDF files created during acquisition (including broadcast raw data files) ...................................... 8
3.2.3. Flagged RDF files (post-processing) ................................................................................................. 9
3.2.4. Reduced RDF files (post-processing) ............................................................................................... 9
3.2.5. Review ........................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.6. Flag names and values ................................................................................................................... 10
4. Broadcast ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.1. Broadcast scenarios .............................................................................................................................. 11
4.2. Broadcast RDF files ............................................................................................................................... 12
4.3. Broadcast Control Packets .................................................................................................................... 13
4.4. Broadcast log messages........................................................................................................................ 16
4.5. AUV Communication Specification ....................................................................................................... 16
4.5.1. Device Communication Protocol ................................................................................................... 16
4.5.2. Message Format ............................................................................................................................ 17
4.5.3. Header ........................................................................................................................................... 17
4.5.4. Navigation message (message ID: 1) ............................................................................................. 17
4.5.5. Depth message (message ID: 2) .................................................................................................... 18
4.5.6. Sound Velocity message (message ID: 3) ...................................................................................... 18
5. Swath File Format ........................................................................................................................................ 19
5.1. Swath file structure .............................................................................................................................. 19
5.1.1. File Structure ................................................................................................................................. 19
5.1.2. File Header ..................................................................................................................................... 19
5.1.3. Ping ................................................................................................................................................ 19
5.1.4. Ping Header ................................................................................................................................... 20
5.1.5. Ping Element .................................................................................................................................. 20
5.2. Filter flag values .................................................................................................................................... 20

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5.2.1. Post-processed swath file .............................................................................................................. 20

5.2.2. Reduced swath files ....................................................................................................................... 21
5.2.3. Review ........................................................................................................................................... 21
5.2.4. Flag names and values ................................................................................................................... 22
6. Swamp File Format ...................................................................................................................................... 23
6.1. Swamp file structure ............................................................................................................................ 23
6.1.1. File structure.................................................................................................................................. 23
6.1.2. File Header ..................................................................................................................................... 23
6.1.3. Ping ................................................................................................................................................ 23
6.1.4. Ping Header ................................................................................................................................... 24
6.1.5. Ping Element .................................................................................................................................. 24
6.2. Filter Flags Values ................................................................................................................................. 24
7. Connection between RDF and swath/swamp files ...................................................................................... 25
8. Echosounder File Format ............................................................................................................................. 26
9. Grid File Format ........................................................................................................................................... 26
9.1. Grid file structure ................................................................................................................................. 26
9.1.1. File structure.................................................................................................................................. 26
9.1.2. File Header ..................................................................................................................................... 27
9.1.3. Bin Data ......................................................................................................................................... 27
9.2. Grid Method Values.............................................................................................................................. 27
10. Mosaic File Format .................................................................................................................................... 28
10.1. Mosaic file structure ........................................................................................................................... 28
10.1.1. File structure................................................................................................................................ 28
10.1.2. File Header................................................................................................................................... 28
10.1.3. Pixel data ..................................................................................................................................... 28
10.2. Mosaic Method Values ....................................................................................................................... 28
11. References ................................................................................................................................................. 29
12. FAQ (AUV broadcast procedure) ............................................................................................................... 29

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2. Binary Data Representation

All data written in a GeoSwath file format has the variable types detailed below:

Type Name Bytes Range Of Values

char 1 –128 to 127
unsigned char 1 0 to 255
short 2 –32,768 to 32,767
unsigned short 2 0 to 65,535
int 4 –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
unsigned int 4 0 to 4,294,967,295
long 4 –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
unsigned long 4 0 to 4,294,967,295
float 4 3.4E +/- 38 (7 digits)
double 8 1.7E +/- 308 (15 digits)
long double 10 1.2E +/- 4932 (19 digits)

All data is written using Intel 80x86 byte ordering (LSB to MSB). If a raw data file is to be
processed on a non-Intel computer such as one from Sun Microsystems™, Inc., Silicon
Graphics®, Inc., or Apple Computer®, Inc., the order of the bytes in all values must be
exactly reversed. For example, a float value (4 bytes) would need to be reordered from
(1,2,3,4) to (4,3,2,1) in the target machine’s memory before treating the number as a
floating-point value. This effectively converts the value from little-endian (least significant
byte first) to big-endian (most-significant byte first).

3. Raw Data File Format

The RDF format structure remains the same if it is saved as a file on a hard drive or
broadcast over Ethernet.

3.1. RDF structure

3.1.1. File Structure

The RDF format uses a ping by ping basis, each ping record containing all the necessary
information for that ping. Each raw data file begins with a file header record and is
followed by one or more ping records.

File Header Ping 1 Ping 2 Ping 3 … Ping n

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3.1.2. File Header

Element Name Bytes Type Description

creation 4 unsigned int File creation time
raw_header_size 2 short Size of raw header in bytes
raw_ping_header_size 2 short Size of ping header in bytes
filename 512 char[512] Original filename
frequency 4 int System frequency (hertz)
echo_type 2 short Echosounder type index
unsigned File mode mask (0x00 bathy & sidescan,
file_mode 1
char 0x80 bathy, 0x40 sidescan, 0x20 seismic)
version 8 char[8] Recording software version number
pps_mode 1 char PPS synch mode
spare 8 char[8] Reserved

3.1.3. Ping

Each ping within the raw data file following the file header record starts with a ping
header record and is followed by the ping data record.

Ping Header Ping Data

3.1.4. Ping Header

Element Name Bytes Type Description

ping_number 4 int Ping number
ping_time 8 double Start time of ping
previous_ping_position 4 int File position of previous ping
ping_size 4 int Size of ping data in bytes
unsigned Number of navigation samples in
navigation_number 1
char ping
attitude_number 1 Number of attitude samples in ping
heading_number 1 Number of heading samples in ping
unsigned Number of echosounder samples in
echosounder_number 1
char ping
miniSVS_number 1 Number of MiniSVS samples in ping
aux1_number 1 Number of aux1 samples in ping
aux2_number 1 Number of aux2 samples in ping
ping_length 2 short Ping length in metres
pulse_length 1 Transmit pulse length index

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power 1 Transmit power index
sidescan_gain 1 Sidescan gain index
Number of range/angle/amplitude
sample_number 4 int
samples in ping
unsigned Side mask, LSB = 0 for port, LSB = 1
side 1
char for starboard
navigation_strings_size 2 short Size of navigation strings
attitude_strings_size 2 short Size of attitude strings
heading_strings_size 2 short Size of heading strings
echosounder_strings_size 2 short Size of echosounder strings
miniSVS_strings_size 2 short Size of miniSVS strings
aux1_strings_size 2 short Size of aux 1 strings
aux2_strings_size 2 short Size of aux 2 strings
ping_delay 2 short Ping delay in metres
pps_time 8 double Time of last PPS synch
unsigned channel mask (not used with
source 1
char GeoSwath)
unsigned Sample interval of data (not used
sample_interval 2
short with GeoSwath)

3.1.5. Ping Data

Element Name Type Description

Raa RAA[] (1) Range/angle/amplitude samples
Navigation NAV[](1) Navigation samples
Attitude MRU[](1) Attitude samples
Heading GYRO[](1) Heading samples
Echosounder ECHO[](1) Echosounder samples
MiniSVS MINISVS[](1) MiniSVS samples
Aux1 times double[] Aux1 time stamps
Aux2 times double[] Aux2 time stamps
Navigation strings char[] Navigation strings
Attitude strings char[] Attitude strings
Heading strings char[] Heading strings
char[] Echosounder strings
MiniSVS strings char[] MiniSVS strings
Aux1 strings char[] Aux1 strings
Aux2 strings char[] Aux2 strings
Aux1 data AUXDATA[](1) Aux1 samples
Aux2 data AUXDATA[](1) Aux2 samples
(1) The data structures are described below:

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Element Name Type Description

RAA[] time unsigned short Time in wavelengths (2)
sine short Sine of return angle (2)
amplitude unsigned short 16bit amplitude value
NAV[] x double Easting
y double Northing
z float Antenna height
time double GPS time
time_stamp double Time stamp
quality unsigned char GPS quality indicator
MRU[] roll float Roll in degrees
pitch float Pitch in degrees
heave float Heave in degrees
time_stamp double Time stamp
GYRO[] heading float Heading in degrees
time_stamp double Time stamp
ECHO[] depth1 float Depth1
depth2 float Depth2
time_stamp double Time stamp
MINISVS[] velocity float MiniSVS velocity
time_stamp double Time stamp
AUXDATA[] type unsigned char Aux type
value float Value
spare char[3] Spare

(2) Details about how to use the RAA structure are given below:

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: sine of angle relative to transducer face (conversion from ‘short sine’ to

sine of angle)

: absolute angle, where 30.0˚ is the

transducer mounting angle

: depth
: horizontal range

3.2. RDF Filter Flags

3.2.1. General Description

Each range/angle/amplitude (data type RAA) sample in the raw data file also contains a
series of flags that denote the condition of the sample. The data type RAA is described

typedef struct
unsigned short time; //Time in wavelengths
short sine; //Sine of return
unsigned short amplitude; //16bit amplitude value
} RAA;

The 16-bit amplitude value is actually only 12-bit; the upper 4-bits are used for the sample
filter flags which can be extracted in the following way:

filter_flag = raa[sample_number].amplitude & 0xf000;

3.2.2. RDF files created during acquisition (including broadcast raw data files)

The acquisition filters work as follows:

Group and bottom track filters discard points (i.e. filtered-out points are not logged), while
the water column filter flags the data (ACQ_WATERCOLUMN).

The processing filters work as follows (real-time processing):

All processing filters flag the data. These flags are detailed below, ordered by filter
 Amplitude filter: ACQ_AMPLITUDE
 Limits filter: ACQ_LIMITS
 Across-track filter: ACQ_ACROSS

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 Along-track filter: ACQ_ALONG

 Cell filter: ACQ_ALONG

Good points are flagged ACQ_GOOD.

3.2.3. Flagged RDF files (post-processing)

Flagged RDF files are created in post-processing when Options Processing Flagged
RDF is enabled.

Note: Applying filters at the post-processing stage will not add filter flags to an existing
RDF file.

Only acquisition flags (i.e. water column filter flags) are used during post-processing.
These flags have priority: points that have been filtered-out are not processed and keep
their acquisition flag.

The acquisition filters work as follows:

Group and bottom track filters can be applied during post-processing. At that stage, they
flag the data (ACQ_GROUPBOTTOM).

The processing filters work in the same way as in acquisition.

3.2.4. Reduced RDF files (post-processing)

Reduced RDF files are created when Options Grid/Mosaic Profile filter and RDF are

The filtering of the data works in the same way as for a flagged RDF file. Then, the profile
filter only uses good points to compute the bins or beams of the reduced RDF file. As a
result, recorded points will all be flagged ACQ_GOOD.

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3.2.5. Review

Filter Flag in RDF file Flag in flagged RDF file

Group Data rejected ACQ_GROUPBOTTOM
Bottom track Data rejected ACQ_GROUPBOTTOM
Acquisition filters; processing filters

3.2.6. Flag names and values

RDF flags Value

ACQ_ERROR (1) 0x5
(1) ACQ_ERROR flag is defined but never used.

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GS+ GeoSwath file formats

4. Broadcast

4.1. Broadcast scenarios

The Broadcast RDF format may be used to implement routines for receiving Broadcast
RDF data in real-time over Ethernet for processing in 3rd party software and also for
controlling the GeoSwath system remotely (e.g. when broadcasting to a laptop/PC or
AUV as illustrated below).

Figure 1: In this example, data is recorded in the RDF file format and stored locally on the GeoSwath Plus
deck unit. This can also be simultaneously sent via Ethernet using the Broadcast RDF format to another

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Figure 2: On ROV installations the GS+ bottle is mounted on the ROV. Data is broadcast from the ROV
to the topside PC where it is logged in the RDF file format.

Figure 3: The data is logged locally on the hard drive of the GS+ hardware module in RDF form. The
AUV PC sends control commands and peripheral data to the GS+ module. Data can be broadcast but
only for QC purposes (see RC_SEND_HEADER command in 4.3. Broadcast Control Packets).

The AUV communication specification (see 4.5. AUV Communication Specification) should
be referenced when writing routines for controlling the GeoSwath in AUV systems.

4.2. Broadcast RDF files

RDF data can be broadcast over an unconnected socket on port 5001. When the GeoSwath
starts or when relevant information changes (i.e. start logging a new line, which could
include a continuing line) it sends an RDF file header packet. Each ping is then broadcast
starting with a ping header packet followed by the ping data in 1024 byte blocks.

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4.3. Broadcast Control Packets

GeoSwath can be controlled remotely by a remote control packet; this is broadcast on an

un-connected socket on port 5002. The remote control packet size is 600 bytes and
contains the following information:

Element Name Format Description

Toggles pinging (0 or 1)
pinging unsigned char
Default: pinging (1)
Kongsberg GeoAcoustics use only
strings unsigned char
Default: editing_equipment (1)
Toggles transmit (0 or 1)
transmit unsigned char
Default: tx_on (1)
Toggles internal test signal (0 or 1)
test unsigned char
Default: amp (1)
Transducer select (port/stbd or both)
side unsigned char 0: port; 1: stbd; 99: both
Default: tx_flag (1)
Toggles group filter (0 or 1)
group_on unsigned char
Default: consec_on (1)
Toggles bottom tracking filter (0 or 1)
bottom_track_on unsigned char
Default: tracker_on (1)

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Toggles water column filter (0 or 1)

water_column_on unsigned char
Default: nelson_on (1)
Toggles water column filter auto mode (0 or
water_column_auto unsigned char 1)
Default: nelson_auto (1)
Manual setting for water column filter, in
water_column_height metres below transducers
Default: nelson_height (1)
Ping length in metres
ping_length short
Default: rt_ph.ping_length (1)
Transmit pulse length (2)
pulse_length unsigned char
Default: rt_ph.pulse_length (1)
Transmit power (2)
power unsigned char
Default: rt_ph.power (1)
Selects sidescan gain (2)
sidescan_gain unsigned char
Default: rt_ph.sidescan_gain (1)
Kongsberg GeoAcoustics use only
update_comms unsigned char
Default: FALSE
comm_port[10] unsigned char Unused
comm_string[4][10] char Unused
commconfig[10] COMMCONFIG Unused
logging_control unsigned char Logging control byte (3)
line_id[4] char Line identifier, e.g. “Line”
line_number short Line number, e.g. 1234

(1) External variable

(2) The units of pulse_length, power and sidescan gain are the same than in GS+. All
values are zero indexed.
(3) logging_control values are described in the table below:

logging_control value
Bytes Description
Used in conjunction with line_id and line_number to
create a new line on the GeoSwath Remote machine
(e.g. line_id = “Line” and line_number = 1234 creates
RC_LOGGING_NEWLINE 1 a new line named Line1234.rdf on the GeoSwath
Remote machine). The new line is automatically
selected ready for logging. If the line already exists it
is selected and will be overwritten.
Select existing lines as identified by line_id and
Directly control the logging start button on the
GeoSwath machine.
Directly control the logging pause button on the
GeoSwath machine.
Directly control the logging stop button on the
GeoSwath machine.

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RC_SEND_ENABLE 6 Enable the broadcasting of raw data.

RC_SEND_DISABLE 7 Disable the broadcasting of raw data.
Shut down the GeoSwath Remote PC after the
RC_SHUTDOWN 8 current project is saved. GS+ and all other
applications are closed forcibly.
Reboots the GeoSwath Remote PC after the current
RC_REBOOT 9 project is saved. GS+ and all other applications are
closed forcibly.
A new project is created with default settings; the
RC_NEWPROJECT 10 project name is in date/time form (e.g.
RC_SEND_HEADER 11 Broadcast ping headers only, for QC purposes.

Please note that all the remote control packets are echoed back to indicate the status of
GS+ (i.e. current values, logging mode, selected line). The control packets are echoed back
on port 5001.

REMOTECONTROL remote_control;//see remote control packet description
short rc_command;
short bytes_sent;

remote_control.pinging = pinging;
remote_control.strings = editing_equipment;
remote_control.transmit = tx_on;
remote_control.test = amp;
remote_control.side = tx_flag;
remote_control.group_on = consec_on;
remote_control.bottom_track_on = tracker_on;
remote_control.water_column_on = nelson_on;
remote_control.water_column_auto = nelson_auto;
remote_control.water_column_height = nelson_height;
remote_control.ping_length = rt_ph.ping_length;
remote_control.pulse_length = rt_ph.pulse_length;
remote_control.power = rt_ph.power;
remote_control.sidescan_gain = rt_ph.sidescan_gain;
remote_control.update_comms = FALSE;

rc_command = RC_SEND_ENABLE;

//set line id and number to create a new line “Line1234”
strcpy(remote_control.line_id, "Line");
remote_control.line_number = 1234;

//set line id and number to select line “Line1234”
strcpy(remote_control.line_id, "Line");
remote_control.line_number = 1234;


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//start logging

//pause logging

//stop logging

//enable broadcast of raw data

//disable broadcast of raw data

//cause remote PC to shutdown

//cause remote PC to reboot

//create new project on remote PC

//enable broadcast of ping headers only

remote_control.logging_control = rc_command;

bytes_sent = sendto(control_sock, (const char *)&remote_control,

sizeof(remote_control), 0, 0, 0);

if(bytes_sent == SOCKET_ERROR)
print("Socket Send Error");

4.4. Broadcast log messages

Broadcast log messages (as displayed in the GeoSwath log window) are broadcast on an
un-connected socket on port 5001. Message packet length is 256 bytes. The log messages
are ASCII strings.

4.5. AUV Communication Specification

4.5.1. Device Communication Protocol

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Navigation data is distributed on the AUV Bus by sending UDP multicast messages over
Ethernet. The messages are sent to IP address on port 8001. GPS NMEA
$GPZDA strings are sent to port 8000.

4.5.2. Message Format

The message consists of a header followed by a data section. The data is transmitted in
little-endian byte order (LSB to MSB).

If messages are received from more than one source, the message with the highest priority
is data that has the highest accuracy.

4.5.3. Header

Bytes Data Description Format

Message The type of
0-1 Unsigned Short
ID message
2-3 Priority Unsigned Short
Identifies the
4-5 Devise ID Unsigned Short
Number of bytes in
6-7 Size Unsigned Short
the data section

4.5.4. Navigation message (message ID: 1)

Bytes Data Description Precision Format

0-3 Latitude -90° to +90° 180° x 2- 31 Long
4-7 Longitude -90° to +180° 180° x 2- 31 Long
8-11 Depth 0.01m Long
12-13 Roll -180° to +180° 180° x 2- 15 Short
14-15 Pitch -90° to +90° 180° x 2- 15 Short

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16-17 Heading 0° to +360° 180° x 2- 15 Unsigned Short

18-19 Surge (vx) 2 -10 m/s Short
20-21 Sway (vy) 2 -10 m/s Short
22-23 Heave (vz) 2 -10 m/s Short
24-25 Roll rate 2 -13 radians/s Short
26-27 Pitch rate 2 -13 radians/s Short
28-29 Heading rate 2 -13 radians/s Short
30-31 Acceleration X 2 -10 m/s2 Short
32-33 Acceleration Y 2 -10 m/s2 Short
34-35 Acceleration Z 2 -10 m/s2 Short
36-39 Altitude 0.01m Unsigned Long
40-41 Surge (vx) water 2 -10 m/s Short
42-43 Sway (vy) water 2 -10 m/s Short
44-45 Heave (vz) water 2 -10 m/s Short
46-49 Valid (1) N/A Unsigned Long
Message valid
50-53 UTC time time in GPS UTC 2 -14 sec Unsigned Long
units (2)
(1) The valid field is a bitmask showing what fields in the message are valid. Bit 0 is for

latitude, bit 1 for longitude etc.

(2) The
time stamp in the navigation message is time only, not date. It is in seconds elapsed
since midnight UTC. This is a floating point value, not whole seconds and needs to be the
same time-stamp as used in the PPS synch from GPS/INS. GS+ is configured such that if
no PPS synch is being used then the navigation packet time-stamp is ignored and the
internal GS+ clock is used to time stamp the received data. Furthermore, as the time
stamp is seconds from midnight the GeoSwath Remote PC must be set to the correct date
and UTC time zone. The time should also be set as well as possible to avoid issues while
passing through midnight during a survey.

4.5.5. Depth message (message ID: 2)

Bytes Data Precision Format

0-3 Depth 0.01m Long

4.5.6. Sound Velocity message (message ID: 3)

Bytes Data Precision Format

0-3 Sound Velocity 0.01m/s Unsigned Long

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5. Swath File Format

5.1. Swath file structure

The swath file format (.swf) is used to store the processed bathymetry information
acquired by the GeoSwath Plus wide swath bathymetry system.

5.1.1. File Structure

All bathymetry data is stored within the swath file on a ping by ping basis; each ping
record contains all of the necessary information for that ping. Each swath file begins with
a file header record and is followed by one or more ping records.

File Header Ping 1 Ping 2 Ping 3 … Ping n

5.1.2. File Header

Element Name Bytes used Type Description

creation time 4 int Creation time of swath
header size 2 short Size of file header in bytes
ping header size 2 short Size of ping header in
element size 2 short Size of ping element in
port azimuth 2 float compressed into Port transducer azimuth
short angle in degrees
starboard 2 float compressed into Starboard transducer
azimuth short azimuth angle in degrees


Each ping within the swath file (after the file header) record starts with a ping header
record and is followed by one or more ping element records.

Ping Header Element 1 … Element n

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5.1.4. Ping Header

Element Name Bytes Type Description

Number of elements to follow ping
elements 2 unsigned short
Transducer easting position in
nav X 8 double
Transducer northing position in
nav Y 8 double
heading 4 float Transducer heading in degrees
Transducer heave applied to this
heave 4 float
ping time 8 double Ping time at the start of this ping
tide value 4 float Tide value applied to this ping

5.1.5. Ping Element

Element Name Bytes used Type Description

float compressed into Horizontal range of element
hrange 2
short from transducer
depth 4 float Fully corrected depth value
float compressed into Fore/aft range of element
farange 2
short from transducer
filter flag 1 unsigned char Filter flag for data point
1 unsigned char 8 bit amplitude value

5.2. Filter flag values

5.2.1. Post-processed swath file

Only acquisition flags (i.e. water column filter flags) are used during post-processing.
These flags have priority: corresponding flagged points are not processed and are flagged
(SWATH_LIMITS) if Options Write All Points is enabled, they are discarded otherwise.

The acquisition filters work as follows:

Group and bottom track filters can be applied during post-processing. They flag the data
(SWATH_LIMITS) if Options Write All Points is enabled, they are discarded otherwise.

The processing filters work as follows:

All processing filters filter (or flag with Options Write All Points enabled) the data.
These flags are detailed below, ordered by filter priority.
 Amplitude filter: SWATH_AMPLITUDE
 Limits filter: SWATH_LIMITS

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 Across-track filter: SWATH_ACROSS

 Along-track filter: SWATH_ALONG
 Cell filter: SWATH_ALONG

Good points are flagged SWATH_GOOD.

5.2.2. Reduced swath files

Reduced swath files are created when Options Grid/Mosaic Profile filter and Swath
are enabled.

The filtering of the data works in the same way as for the post-processed swath files.
Then, the profile filter only uses good points to compute the bins or beams of the reduced
swath files. As a result, the output points will all be flagged SWATH_GOOD.

5.2.3. Review

Filter Flag in swath file

Bottom track SWATH_LIMITS
Across track SWATH_ACROSS
Along track SWATH_ALONG
Cell filter SWATH_ALONG
Acquisition filters; processing filters

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5.2.4. Flag names and values

Swath flags (1) Value

(1) A swath flag is an 8-bit field in every element of a ping in the swath file.
(2) SWATH_ERROR can occur if a sample has the following:
a) Range greater than Ping Length
b) Domain error in sine of plate relative angle
c) No attitude data available at the sample time
These checks are made at the start of the processing chain for a sample. The sample is
not processed any further: it is simply flagged as SWATH_ERROR.

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6. Swamp File Format

The GS+ swamp (SWathed AMPlitude) file (.swp) is used to store the raw and processed
backscatter information acquired by GS+.

6.1. Swamp file structure

6.1.1. File structure

All backscatter data is stored within the swamp file on a ping by ping basis, each ping
record containing all of the necessary information for that ping. Each swamp file begins
with a file header record and is followed by one or more ping records.

File Header Ping 1 Ping 2 Ping 3 … Ping n

6.1.2. File Header

Element Name Bytes Type Description

Creation Time 4 int Creation time of swamp file
Header size 2 short Size of file header in bytes
Ping header 2 short Size of ping header in bytes
Element size 2 short Size of element
Port azimuth 2 float compressed into Port transducer azimuth in
short degrees
Starboard 2 float compressed into Starboard transducer azimuth in
azimuth short degrees

6.1.3. Ping

Each ping within the swamp file following the file header record starts with a ping header
record and is followed by one or more ping element records.

Ping Header Element 1 … Element n

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6.1.4. Ping Header

Element Name Bytes used Type Description

Previous Ping
4 int Position of start of previous ping
unsigned Number of elements to follow ping
Elements 2
short header
Nav X 8 double Transducer easting position in metres
Nav Y 8 double Transducer northing position in metres
Heading 4 float Transducer heading in degrees
Depth of water beneath transducers in
Altitude 4 float
Roll float Roll angle of transducers in degrees
Sound velocity used for this ping in
Sound Velocity float
Ping Time 8 double Time at the start of this ping

6.1.5. Ping Element

Element Bytes Type Description

Name Used
float compressed into Horizontal range of element from
ahrange 2
short transducer
grey 1 unsigned char Grey scale value of element
float compressed into Slant range of element from
srange 2
short transducer
amplitude 2 unsigned short Raw 12 bit value of element
float compressed into Depth of element relative to
depth 2
short transducers in metres
float compressed into Fore/aft range of element from
farange 2
short transducer
filter 1 unsigned char Filter flag

6.2. Filter Flags Values

The flags of swamp files are the same as for swath files (i.e. the points are flagged in the
same way when both swath and swamp are created during post-processing). Option
Sidescan Filter Sidescan must be enabled.

Page 24 of 30 GS00-6400/B
GS+ GeoSwath file formats

7. Connection between RDF and swath/swamp files

Filter Flag in RDF file Flag in flagged RDF file Flag in swath/swamp file
Bottom track Data rejected ACQ_GROUPBOTTOM SWATH_LIMITS
Acquisition filters; processing filters

RDF and swath/swamp flags are coded in the same way:

RDF flags Value Swath/Swamp flags


 Both flagged RDF and swath files are post-processed and filtered. However, only
swath files are corrected (from tide, SVP, vessel settings, calibration, etc).
 Min SNR is not a filter itself, but and is used to reset the across and along track
filters. However, when the reset is triggered the filters are disabled for the next five
pings, which are not written to the swath file. A high Min SNR value can thus
discard points in post-processing, even if no other filters are used.

GS00-6400/B Page 25 of 30
GeoSwath file formats GS+

8. Echosounder File Format

The echosounder file export format (.esf) is described below. nnnnnn.nn ddd.dd dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.sss hh.hh yyy.yy tttttttttt.ttt

Format part (in order of appearance) Meaning Easting in metres
nnnnnn.nn Northing in metres
ddd.dd Depth in metres
dd Day
mm Month
yyyy Year
hh Hour
mm Minute
ss.sss Seconds Tide in metres
hh.hh Heave in metres
yyy.yy Heading in degree
tttttttttt.ttt Ping time in seconds since 01/01/1970 00:00:00

9. Grid File Format

The GS+ grid file (.grf) is used to store the merged swath files processed by GS+.

9.1. Grid file structure

9.1.1. File structure

Each grid file begins with a file header record and is followed by the bin data.

File Header Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 … Bin n

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GS+ GeoSwath file formats

9.1.2. File Header

Element Bytes Type Description

Name Used
double compressed into Grid origin easting in
Easting 4
unsigned int metres
double compressed into Grid origin northing in
Northing 4
unsigned int metres
Horizontal size of grid in
Grid X 4 unsigned int
Grid Y 4 unsigned int Vertical size of grid in bins
Bin Size 2 float compressed into short Bin size in metres
Grid Method 1 unsigned char Grid method
Reserved 3 unsigned char[3] Reserved

9.1.3. Bin Data

Element Bytes Used Type Description

float compressed into
Depth 2 Depth value of bin in metres
Weight of bin (number of depths in
Weight 2 short

9.2. Grid Method Values

Value Identifier Meaning
0 GRID_MEAN Bin value is the mean of all depths within the bin
1 GRID_MIN Bin value is the minimum depth within the bin
2 GRID_MAX Bin value is the maximum depth within the bin
3 GRID_VIRTUAL Bin value is define by the virtual grid method
4 GRID_DIFFERENCE Bin value is the result of the subtraction of two grids
5 GRID_MERGE Bin value is the result of the addition of two grids
6 GRID_WEIGHTED Bin value is the mean of all depths within a bin, weighted
by amplitude

GS00-6400/B Page 27 of 30
GeoSwath file formats GS+

10. Mosaic File Format

The GS+ mosaic file (.mof) is used to store the merged swamp files processed by GS+.

10.1. Mosaic file structure

10.1.1. File structure

Each Mosaic file begins with a file header record and is followed by the pixel data.

File Header Pixel 1 Pixel 2 Pixel 3 … Pixel n

10.1.2. File Header

Element Bytes Type Description

Name Used
double compressed into
Easting 4 Mosaic origin easting in metres
unsigned int
double compressed into Mosaic origin northing in
Northing 4
unsigned int metres
Horizontal size of mosaic in
Mosaic X 4 unsigned int
Mosaic Y 4 unsigned int Vertical size of mosaic in pixels
float compressed into
Pixel Size 2 Pixel size in metres
1 unsigned char Mosaic method
Reserved 3 unsigned char[3] Reserved

10.1.3. Pixel data

Element Name Bytes Type Description

Pixel Value 2 short Greyscale value of pixel
Pixel Weight 2 short Weight of pixel

10.2. Mosaic Method Values

Value Identifier Meaning

0 MOSAIC_OCCLUDE Pixel value is the last greyscale within a pixel
Pixel value is the mean of the greyscale values within a
2 MOSAIC_OCCLUDED Pixel value is the first greyscale within a pixel

Page 28 of 30 GS00-6400/B
GS+ GeoSwath file formats

11. References

This document supersedes the following documents:

[1] GeoSwath Plus - Raw Data File Format and Broadcast Raw Data File Format, ref. 9-
GS+ -6063/BB, 2009
[2] GeoSwath Plus – Swath File Format, ref. 9-GS00-6406/B, 2011

12. FAQ (AUV broadcast procedure)

1. Which protocol (UDP/TCP) does the GS+ module use?

All data exchanges with the GS+ module use the UDP protocol by default.

2. What is the IP destination address in the UDP pseudo-header of the frames emitted by the
GS module (IPv4 pseudo-header)?

3. Can I modify the IP address of the GS+ module?

Yes, you can modify it through UltraVNC. Default IP addresses are only used for
UltraVNC (which is handy to check wet end, etc).

4. Can I setup a network?

You have to do it yourself. This can be useful to upload raw data files stored in the
internal SSD of the GS+ module, create a shared volume, etc. It is advised to do it with
FTP, which is the easiest way.

5. How and when can I use RC_LOGGING_PAUSE?

It is not recommended to use this command.

6. All the data sent by the GS+ module is broadcast on port 5001. How can I identify them?
File headers, ping headers, ping data, remote control packets echoed back and
broadcast log messages have different sizes, which you can use to differentiate them.
This will work since they are sent by packets and not as stream.

7. Which values can take line_id?

line_id should be treated as 4 characters, not as a string.

8. Which values can take line_number?

Since line_number is a short, it can take any value in the range [-32767, 32767].
However, the maximum number of raw data files in a project being 500, it would be
more sensitive to number the files from 1 to 500.

9. Are all data blocks 1024 byte, even the last one?

GS00-6400/B Page 29 of 30
GeoSwath file formats GS+

Yes, all packets are 1024 bytes. The receive code needs to take into account the true
size of the ping in ph.ping_size.

10. How can I test if my code is working, or if my system has a fault?

Ask the support team of Kongsberg GeoAcoustics to send you the GeoSwath Remote
Control application, which sends fake strings to the AUV.

11. Are all the peripheral data sent by Ethernet?

Yes, this is the recommended way of communicating with the AUV.

Page 30 of 30 GS00-6400/B
GeoAcoustics Limited
Shuttleworth Close, Gapton Hall Industrial Estate,
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 0NQ, UK.
Tel +44 (0) 1493 600666
Fax +44 (0) 1493 651100

GeoSwath Plus

UltraVNC Setup Procedure


Project GeoSwath Plus Print Control (Printed 27-01-2010)

Document UltraVNC Setup Procedure
Document 9-GS00-6320/B
Author James Baxter

Distribution Master: Drawing File

Amendment History
Issue Date Status Pages Checked Approved Client
B 12-01-2010 Approved 10 J.Baxter A.N.Beck

Amendment Details
AMD CTD Details
Supersedes 9-0100-6100/BA

GeoAcoustics Limited currently operate an accredited Quality Management System to BS EN ISO 9001.
UltraVNC Setup Procedure GeoSwath Plus

Remote Management Of GeoSwath AUV/ROV/GeoSwath

Once the AUV or ROV GeoSwath electronics are sealed in their sub sea housing there is no
direct physical way to control the GeoSwath PC except via Ethernet, thus a remote
desktop program is required so that the user can operate the ROV or AUV s operating
The GeoSwath Plus Compact has a VGA monitor connector and 2 x USB connectors for
mouse and keyboard so it is easy to operate directly but it is still very useful to have
remote control over the Compacts operating system.

Warning Do Not Operate The GeoSwath

AUV/ROV For Prolonged Periods Out Of Water
Place the bottle in a container of water to provide cooling when performing maintenance.
The GeoSwath ROV/AUV bottle will be cooled by sea water when fitted to the vehicle.
The GeoSwath Plus Compact may by used at any time and does not require extra cooling.

UltraVNC has been provide to allow control of the GeoSwath PC over the Ethernet link for
testing and setup of the system, the software can be found on the ROV/AUV utilities CD
or USB memory stick provided with the system or is installed by the GeoAcoustics
GeoSwath Installer.

It should be noted the UltraVNC is not a GeoAcoustics product and as such is only
provided as a useful utility for the customer.

To install UltraVNC manually if not installed by the GeoAcoustics GS+ software installer
double click on the UltraVNC-102-Setup.exe file in the VNC folder on the CD, follow the
instruction on screen and perform a complete install, do not set up any of the configurable
items during installation, press the Next button at each stage.

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GeoSwath Plus UltraVNC Setup Procedure

9-GS00-6320/B Page 3 of 10
UltraVNC Setup Procedure GeoSwath Plus

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GeoSwath Plus UltraVNC Setup Procedure

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UltraVNC Setup Procedure GeoSwath Plus

Page 6 of 10 9-GS00-6320/B
GeoSwath Plus UltraVNC Setup Procedure

The installation will install two main programs, Server and Viewer, the Server software
must be configured with a password and also a shortcut placed in the Windows® Start
menu Startup folder to enable the server software to start as Windows®XP starts.

Locate the UltraVNC server program in the start menu, right mouse click on it and select
create shortcut.

9-GS00-6320/B Page 7 of 10
UltraVNC Setup Procedure GeoSwath Plus

Drag and drop the newly created shortcut to the Start Menu Start up Folder.

Start VNC Server, the following window will open.

Type the password remote in the VNC password dialogue and then press ok.
No other setting need be changed.

Restart the GeoSwath AUV/ROV/Compact and check that UltraVNC Server has started
automatically by looking for the VNC Icon in the Task Bar.

VNC Icon

Page 8 of 10 9-GS00-6320/B
GeoSwath Plus UltraVNC Setup Procedure

Network Settings
The default network setting of an AUV,ROV or GeoSwath Plus Compact are:-

GeoSwath AUV/ROV/GeoSwath Compact IP address

Subnet Mast

If the GeoSwath AUV/ROV/GeoSwath Plus Compact has a second Ethernet port it will
not be set to a specific IP address, the customer may change this as required.

Set the PC that you wish to use to connect to the GeoSwath AUV, ROV or GeoSwath Plus
Compact bottle to the following settings, if you are using a laptop you can use Alternative
Settings found under Network Connection, Properties, TCP properties.

Connecting PC IP address

Subnet Mast

Connect an Ethernet Cable to the Ethernet connector on the GeoSwath AUV,ROV or

GeoSwath Plus Compact to the PC and wait for the IP negotiations to finish, this usually
take a few minutes. You can then test the connection by using the Ping command from
Command Prompt.

Start Command Prompt, found under Start All Programs Accessories. When the
window has opened type the following:-


You will get the following reply:-

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

If you receive this return then a successful connection has been established.

9-GS00-6320/B Page 9 of 10
UltraVNC Setup Procedure GeoSwath Plus

Start UltraVNC Viewer -

Type in the VNC Server drop down list box and then press the connect

This opens the password window, type remote and then press the Log On button.

After a short pause a new window will open displaying the Windows® environment
running on the AUV/ROV/GeoSwath Plus Compact itself, using the mouse you can
operate the Operating System on AUV/ROV/GeoSwath Compact as if directly connected
with a mouse and keyboard.

Warning Do Not Operate The GeoSwath

AUV/ROV For Prolonged Periods Out Of Water

Page 10 of 10 9-GS00-6320/B
GeoAcoustics Limited
Shuttleworth Close, Gapton Hall Industrial Estate,
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 0NQ, UK.
Tel +44 (0) 1493 600666
Fax +44 (0) 1493 651100

GeoSwath Plus

Seatex MRU-5/H Configuration Procedure


Project GeoSwath Plus Print Control (Printed 03-07-2013)

Document Seatex MRU-5/H Configuration Procedure
Document GS03-0040-02/BA
Author Phil Carpenter

Distribution Master: Drawing File

Amendment History
Issue Date Status Pages Checked Approved Client
BA 10-03-2011 AMD 1 17 T.Armes J.Baxter
B 28-10-2010 Approved 16 T.Armes A.N.Beck

Amendment Details
AMD CTD Details
1 3223 Additional instruction to set Heave Filter to Hydrographic Mode.
Supercedes SWATH-0051

GeoAcoustics Limited currently operate an accredited Quality Management System to BS EN ISO 9001.
Seatex MRU-5/H Configuration Procedure GeoSwath Plus

This document details the procedure required to configure the Seatex MRU-5 or MRU-H
ready to be used with the GeoSwath Plus wide swath bathymetry system.
If it is requested that the MRU be configured differently (e.g. to output a different string
format) then please consult a member of engineering.
Only adjustments described in this document should be carried out. If any other
adjustments or repairs are necessary, or if the result of any test is not as indicated, the unit
shall be deemed to have failed the test. A red ‘Rejected’ label should then be attached to
the unit and an Inspection Defect Report (GEO QA 04/89) should be completed.

Configuration Sequence
Check that the UUT has a ‘grn’ label attached to show that the unit has passed the Goods
Inwards Visual Inspection. Do not proceed until this has happened.
Test/Configuration Procedure
Carry out the procedure detailed on the following pages completing the configuration
record ‘GS03-0040-02-CR’ and online test results ‘GS03-0040-02-TR’.

Page 2 of 17 GS03-0040-02/BA
GeoSwath Plus Seatex MRU-5/H Configuration Procedure

Test Procedure
General Purpose Equipment:
• Monitor, Keyboard & Mouse.
• GeoAcoustics MRU-5/H Interface cable
MRU-T-21 interface cable (supplied with sensor)

• DC Bench Power Supply capable of outputting +24V @ 1Amp

• GeoSwath deck unit (or PC with an RS232 port).
• Seatex ‘MRC’ configuration software (supplied on USB flash drive with sensor)
• Connect a Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor and an IEC power lead to the GeoSwath deck
unit or PC, (which ever is being used).
• If the GeoAcoustics MRU-5/H interface cables are being used to configure the sensor
then connect the cable assemblies together. Connect the 9way D-type labelled ‘MRU
Com2’ to ‘Com1’ located on the rear of the GeoSwath or to a free Com port on a PC.
• If a GeoSwath deck unit is not available for powering the sensor then a bench PSU
should be used. Setup the output for 24V D.C. with the current limit set to 1Amp
(leave the output off for the moment). Connect the Red (+) and Black (0v) Banana
plugs to the corresponding connectors on the PSU.
• Install the Seatex MRC configuration software on the Deck unit/PC by running the
installer ‘MRCSetup.exe’ located on the supplied USB flash drive in the ‘WinMRC403’
• Record the Serial Number of the unit under test (UUT).
1. Do a visual inspection of the UUT. Check that the general condition of the UUT is
acceptable. Pay particular attention to the pins of the connector checking that all are
MRU-H Configuration
• Connect the 8-way connector onto the MRU.
• Connect the 3-way bayonet connector (of the GeoAcoustics sensor cable) onto the
+24V D.C. outlet on the deck unit (or turn on the bench power supply +24V D.C.
• Start the MRC application via start menu shortcut.

GS03-0040-02/BA Page 3 of 17
Seatex MRU-5/H Configuration Procedure GeoSwath Plus

• Press the connect button

• The baud rate should automatically be detected. When communications is established

the MRU info window will be displayed

2. Record the firmware version number on the configuration record GS03-0040-02-CR

(3.50 in above example) and on the configuration results ‘GS03-0040-02-TR’. Now
press the ‘Continue’ button.

Page 4 of 17 GS03-0040-02/BA
GeoSwath Plus Seatex MRU-5/H Configuration Procedure

• In the list of Configuration items click on the Sensor ‘Geometry’

• Click on the Mounting Wizard button. In the window that appears select ‘Manual’
mode then click ‘Next’.

GS03-0040-02/BA Page 5 of 17
Seatex MRU-5/H Configuration Procedure GeoSwath Plus

Sensor Geometry (Mount orientation)

The geometry must be set correctly for the style of the V-plate on which the MRU will be
Vertical Orientation: e.g. for Teardrop or POSMV style V-plate
• Configure the sensor by setting the ‘Connector direction’ to ‘Up’ and the ‘+R’ arrow
direction’ to ‘Bow’ as shown below.

Horizontal Orientation: e.g. for 125 kHz V-plate

• Configure the sensor by setting the ‘Connector direction’ to ‘Aft’ and the ‘+R’ arrow
direction’ to ‘Starboard’ as shown below. (Note: In order to be able to set the
connector direction to ‘Aft’ it may be necessary to browse the configurations by
clicking the ‘Next’ below the 3-D illustration.

Page 6 of 17 GS03-0040-02/BA
GeoSwath Plus Seatex MRU-5/H Configuration Procedure

• Once the orientation has been correctly set click ‘Next’ at the bottom of the ‘Axis
Orientation’ Window.
• In the next window do not enter any bracket misalignment angles, simply click on

• When prompted ‘Are you sure?’, click ‘Yes’.

• The values for the Mounting angles should look as follows:-

Mounting Angle values
for Vertical Sensor

Mounting Angle values
for Horizontal Sensor

GS03-0040-02/BA Page 7 of 17
Seatex MRU-5/H Configuration Procedure GeoSwath Plus

• Back in the list of configurable items click on ‘Heave Config’ under the heading of
‘Sensor’. Use the pull down menu selection to set the ‘Filter Mode’ to
‘Hydrographic’. Change the ‘Period’ to 10.000s and the ‘Damping’ to 0.700 by typing
in the relevant boxes.

• Back in the list of configurable items click on ‘Digital’ under the heading of ‘Digital
Interface’. Click on the ‘Port Setup’ button and change the ‘baud rate’ to ‘38400’.
Also set the Protocol to ‘TSS1’ and the Interval to ‘15ms’ (this sets the update rate to
approximately 66Hz).

Page 8 of 17 GS03-0040-02/BA
GeoSwath Plus Seatex MRU-5/H Configuration Procedure

• Under ‘Data Interface’ click on ‘Auxiliary’ and check that both AUX 1 and 2 serial
Inputs are enabled and set to ‘9600 n 8 1’ baud as illustrated below.

• Under Parameter Management click on ‘Download’. Now click on the ‘Download

Parameters to MRU’ button.

GS03-0040-02/BA Page 9 of 17
Seatex MRU-5/H Configuration Procedure GeoSwath Plus

Functional Tests
• In the MRC software ensure that the ‘MRC Mode Select Bar’ option is selected in the
‘View’ menu.

• Position the MRU on a flat surface in the orientation in which it will be mounted on
the V-plate (i.e. Vertically with ‘+R’ arrow facing forwards or Horizontal with ‘+R’
arrow to Starboard.
• Click on the ‘Data Presentation’ button then click ‘Graph Setup’.

Page 10 of 17 GS03-0040-02/BA
GeoSwath Plus Seatex MRU-5/H Configuration Procedure

• Click within the Auto scale column to bring up the Graph axis options

• Set the Autoscale options for ‘PosMonD’, ‘Roll’ and ‘Pitch’ as follows:-

• Click the ‘Run’ button

• Wait for the Heave, Pitch and roll values to settle to approximately zero.
3. Roll/incline the UUT gently to STBD and back again. Check and record that the graph
of Roll goes positive then returns to zero (approximately).

GS03-0040-02/BA Page 11 of 17
Seatex MRU-5/H Configuration Procedure GeoSwath Plus

Above: Horizontally configure MRU-H being rolled to Starboard

4. Roll/incline the UUT gently to PORT and back again. Check and record that the
graph of Roll goes negative then returns to zero (approximately).

Page 12 of 17 GS03-0040-02/BA
GeoSwath Plus Seatex MRU-5/H Configuration Procedure

Above: Horizontally configure MRU-H being rolled to Port

5. Incline the Bow end of the UUT gently upwards (Pitch Up) and back again. Check
and record that the graph of Pitch goes positive then returns to zero (approximately).

GS03-0040-02/BA Page 13 of 17
Seatex MRU-5/H Configuration Procedure GeoSwath Plus

Above: Horizontally configure MRU-H being Pitched Upwards

6. Incline the STERN end of the UUT gently upwards (Pitch down) and back again.
Check and record that the graph of Pitch goes negative then returns to zero

Page 14 of 17 GS03-0040-02/BA
GeoSwath Plus Seatex MRU-5/H Configuration Procedure

Above: Horizontally configure MRU-H being Pitched downwards

7. Lift the UUT on a bench /table top and let the Heave settle to zero. Now gently
remove from the table and lower to the ground, then bring back to the table. Check
and record that the graph of Heave (PosMonD) goes negative then returns to zero.
(Note that it is normal for the graph of Heave to overshoot positively as the sensor is
raised back to the bench but this should return to zero shortly afterwards).

GS03-0040-02/BA Page 15 of 17
Seatex MRU-5/H Configuration Procedure GeoSwath Plus

8. Now move the UUT onto the floor. Let the Heave value settle to zero (this may take a
minute or so). Now gently lift the UUT to waist height then lower back to the ground.
Check and record that the graph of Heave (PosMonD) goes positive then returns to
zero approximately as per image below. (again it is normal for the Heave to overshoot
this time negatively as the sensor is lowered back to ground level but the graph should
return to zero shortly afterwards).

• Click the ‘Stop’ button, then exit from the MRC configuration software.

• Turn off the power to the sensor and disconnect from the interface cable.
• Attach a signed/dated tested sticker to the UUT.

Page 16 of 17 GS03-0040-02/BA
GeoSwath Plus Seatex MRU-5/H Configuration Procedure

• Ensure the serial number record for the UUT on the engineering network is complete.
9. Check that all test result boxes have been completed. Sign the completion box on the
configuration Record ‘GS03-0040-02-CR’.
• Print out a copy of the configuration record and file in the shipping box for the UUT.

GS03-0040-02/BA Page 17 of 17
Shuttleworth Close, Gapton Hall Industrial Estate,
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 0NQ, UK.
Tel +44 (0)1493 600666
Fax +44 (0)1493 651100

GeoSwath Plus

SMC Configuration Procedure


Project GeoSwath Plus Print Control (Printed 03-07-2013)

Document SMC Configuration Procedure
Document 9-GS03-0040-05/BB
Author Phil Carpenter

Distribution Master: Drawing File

Amendment History
Issue Date Status Pages Checked Approved Client
BB 03-07-2013 AMD 2 8 J.Baxter A.N.Beck
BA 17-05-2011 AMD 1 8 T.Armes A.N.Beck
B 07-05-2010 First Issue 7 T.Armes A.N.Beck

Amendment Details
AMD CTD Details
2 3417 Add Use GPS heading for Yaw aiding & template updated.
1 3240 Update procedure for SMC MKII motion sensor

KONGSBERG GEOACOUSTICS LTD currently operate an accredited Quality Management System to BS EN ISO 9001.
SMC Configuration Procedure GeoSwath Plus

This document details the procedure required to configure the SMC motion sensor ready
to be used with the GeoSwath Plus wide swath bathymetry system.
If required that the sensor be configured differently (e.g. to output a different string
format) then please consult a member of engineering.

Only adjustments described in this document should be performed. If any other

adjustments or repairs are necessary, or if the result of any test is not as indicated, the unit
shall be deemed to have failed the test. A red Rejected label should then be attached to
the unit and an Inspection Defect Report (GEO QA 04/89) should be completed.

Configuration Sequence
Check that the UUT has a grn label attached to show that the unit has passed the Goods
Inwards Visual Inspection. Do not proceed until this has happened.

Test/Configuration Procedure
Carry out the procedure detailed on the following pages completing the configuration
record GS03-0040-05-CR and online MRU serial number records.

Page 2 of 8 9-GS03-0040-05/BB
GeoSwath Plus SMC Configuration Procedure

Test Procedure
General Purpose Equipment:
Monitor, Keyboard & Mouse.
GeoAcoustics SMC Interface cable (e.g. GS05-0399-05 or -16),
SMC junction box interface assembly and travel adapter
GeoSwath deck unit or PC with at least one com port.

SMC IMU Configuration Software (Supplied with SMC)

Connect a Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor and an IEC power lead to the GeoSwath deck
Install the SMC IMU configuration software on the PC/deck unit being used to
configure the sensor.
If using cable assembly GS05-0399, connect the 9way D-type labelled MRU Com2 to
a free com port on the GeoSwath deck unit.
Alternatively if using the SMC junction box connect the 9way D-type to a free com
port on the PC/GeoSwath deck unit.
Record the Serial Number of the SMC sensor.
Do a visual inspection of the SMC. Check that its general condition is acceptable. Pay
particular attention to the pins of the connector checking that all are straight.
Sensor Configuration
Connect the SMC to cable GS05-0399 or if using the junction box to the subsea cable.
Connect the 3-way bayonet connector (of cable assembly GS05-0399) onto the +24V
D.C. outlet on the deck unit.
Alternatively if using the junction box connect to the 110V mains supply via a travel
adaptor and switch on.
Start the SMC IMU Configuration Software. Click on Search IMU.

9-GS03-0040-05/BB Page 3 of 8
SMC Configuration Procedure GeoSwath Plus

Page 4 of 8 9-GS03-0040-05/BB
GeoSwath Plus SMC Configuration Procedure

Click on the Protocol tab. Use the pull down menu to choose TSS1 as the output
protocol and then click Set.

9-GS03-0040-05/BB Page 5 of 8
SMC Configuration Procedure GeoSwath Plus

Click on the Serial Input tab. Change the Input 1 and Input 2 serial port bitrates to
9600 and click the Set button adjacent to each.
If the sensor is intended to be used with a GPS receiver that outputs heading (e.g.
Hemisphere) then tick the option Use GPS heading input for yaw aiding if
available . If enabling this option then place a tick also in the relative box on the
Configuration Record.

Page 6 of 8 9-GS03-0040-05/BB
GeoSwath Plus SMC Configuration Procedure

Click on the Setup tab. Change the IMU Bitrate to 38400, then click Set. When
prompted with a Warning asking to confirm the change click Yes.

Check that the Mounting Offset Angles, Axis Inversion settings, IMU Output
Coordinate system, Output Rate and Kalman Filter Settings are all at the factory
defaults as pictured above.
Record the IMU Firmware version.
Click on the Received Data tab then tick the Receive Data box. Check that the TSS1
string scrolls down the display as pictured below.

9-GS03-0040-05/BB Page 7 of 8
SMC Configuration Procedure GeoSwath Plus

Close the SMC IMU Configuration Software, remove all cable connections and
disconnect the SMC.
Complete the configuration record for the SMC (GS03-0040-05-CR) and pack with the

Page 8 of 8 9-GS03-0040-05/BB
GeoAcoustics Limited
Shuttleworth Close, Gapton Hall Industrial Estate,
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 0NQ, UK.
Tel +44 (0) 1493 600666
Fax +44 (0) 1493 651100

GeoSwath Plus

Mesotech Configuration Procedure


Project GeoSwath Plus Print Control (Printed 11-07-2011)

Document Mesotech Configuration Procedure
Document 9-GS03-0040-32/B
Author Phil Carpenter

Distribution Master: Drawing File

Amendment History
Issue Date Status Pages Checked Approved Client
B 17-03-2011 Approved 9 T.Armes A.N.Beck

Amendment Details
AMD CTD Details

GeoAcoustics Limited currently operate an accredited Quality Management System to BS EN ISO 9001.
Mesotech Configuration Procedure GeoSwath Plus

This document details the procedure required to configure and test the Mesotech 1007
Series Altimeters ready to be used with the GeoSwath Plus wide swath bathymetry
Only adjustments described in this document should be carried out. If any other
adjustments or repairs are necessary, or if the result of any test is not as indicated, the
sensor shall be deemed to have failed the test. A red Rejected label should then be
attached to the device and an Inspection Defect Report (GEO QA 04/89) should be

Configuration Sequence
Check that the UUT has a grn label attached to show that the unit has passed the Goods
Inwards Visual Inspection. Do not proceed until this has happened.
Test/Configuration Procedure
Carry out the procedure detailed on the following pages completing the configuration
record GS03-0040-32-CR and online test results GS03-0040-32-TR .

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GeoSwath Plus Mesotech Configuration Procedure

Test Procedure
General Purpose Equipment:
Laptop/PC with at least 1 RS232 port.
Bench PSU capable of supplying +24V D.C. @ 2Amps.

Special Equipment:
GS03-0040-32-TS Mesotech Altimeter Test Lead Set.
Access to test-tank facility.

HyperTerminal or GeoTerm (pre-installed on Laptop/PC).
AltConfig software (supplied with Altimeter).

Altimeter Configuration Files (supplied with AltConfig software):

974-70016001.cfg for 200kHz Altimeter (Model/Part No. 974-7012)
974-70056001.cfg for 675kHz Altimeter (Model/Part No. 974-7005)

For the PSU:
Setup for +24V @ 2A (leave the output off for the moment)
Connect the power leads from the test cable to the bench power supply.
For the Laptop/PC:
Plug the test lead 9 way D type onto com1 on the Laptop/PC.
Install the AltConfig configuration software.
Locate the Configuration file directory and make a copy of the correct *.cfg file for the
frequency of Altimeter being configured (see table below).

Altimeter Part No. Frequency Configuration File

974-7012 200 kHz 974-70016001.cfg
974-7005 675 kHz 974-70056001.cfg

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Mesotech Configuration Procedure GeoSwath Plus

Edit the copied config file using notepad . Change all references to the speed of sound
to 1473 as per the example *.cfg file below and save.

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GeoSwath Plus Mesotech Configuration Procedure

Record the Serial Number of the unit under test (UUT).
Record the Revision of the unit under test (UUT).
Record the Part Number of the UUT.
1. Do a visual inspection of the UUT. Check that the general condition of the UUT is
acceptable. Pay particular attention to the pins of the connector checking that all are
Altimeter Configuration
Start AltConfig (altimeter turned off).
From the Initialize menu choose Port .

Select the com port that the D-type is connected to (e.g. Com 1) then click OK .

Connect the sensor to the correct Seacon connector on the test cable.

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Mesotech Configuration Procedure GeoSwath Plus

Switch on the PSU output. Wait 2-3 seconds, then select Initialize Altimeter. Click
OK if prompted to Stop sending initialization characters to the Altimeter .

Now select Configure Altimeter and it should connect with no timeout errors.

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GeoSwath Plus Mesotech Configuration Procedure

In the Altimeter Configuration window click on Load from File .

Point Windows to the previously modified config file for the correct frequency of
Altimeter being configured.
In the Altimeter Configuration window use the vertical scroll bar to check that the cfg
file has the Sound Velocity set to 1473m/s.

Please ensure that the speed of sound in the config file has been changed to
1473m/s prior to Writing to the Altimeter.
Now click the Write to Head button and it again should complete with no errors (see

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Mesotech Configuration Procedure GeoSwath Plus

Close the Altimeter Configuration Window.

If you are using a plug-in com port (e.g. via PCI or USB bus) and are
experiencing problems communicating with the Altimeter it may be necessary to
reduce the com ports RX Interrupt level down to 20%. Alternatively try interfacing
using a com port that is native to the laptop/PC.

Functional Tests
Close the AltConfig application.
Re-cycle the power to the UUT by turning off, then on the +24V D.C. PSU output.
Start HyperTerminal (or GeoTerm). Open a new connection to Com1 at 9600 baud, 8
data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and no flow control.
2. Check that the $SDDBT string can be seen scrolling down the communications

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GeoSwath Plus Mesotech Configuration Procedure

3. Dip the sensor vertically into the test tank submerging the transducer face just below
the water surface. Observe the communications window and record the measured
depth as highlighted below.

Above: Measured Depth of 3.3505 metres

Remove the sensor from the water, turn off the +24V PSU output.
Disconnect the Altimeter from the test cable and wipe clean. Attach a signed/dated
tested sticker to the UUT.
Print out and put a copy of the completed configuration record GS03-0040-32-CR
with the UUT.

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GeoAcoustics Limited
Shuttleworth Close, Gapton Hall Industrial Estate,
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 0NQ, UK.
Tel +44 (0) 1493 600666
Fax +44 (0) 1493 651100

GeoSwath Plus

UART Receive Trigger Level Adjustment Procedure


Project GeoSwath Plus Print Control (Printed 03-07-2013)

Document UART Receive Trigger Level Adjustment
Title Procedure
Document 9-GS01-6315/B
Author Phil Carpenter

Distribution Master: Drawing File

Amendment History
Issue Date Status Pages Checked Approved Client
B 20/07/10 Approved 5 J.Baxter A.N.Beck

Amendment Details
AMD CTD Details

GeoAcoustics Limited currently operate an accredited Quality Management System to BS EN ISO 9001.
UART Receive Trigger Level Adjustment Procedure GeoSwath Plus

1. Scope
This document describes how to adjust the UART receive trigger level for optimum
performance when used in the GeoSwath Plus wide swath bathymetry system.

2. Procedure

2.1. From Control Panel open the ‘System Properties’.

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GeoSwath Plus UART Receive Trigger Level Adjustment Procedure

2.2. Click on the ‘Hardware’ tab and then enter into ‘Device Manager’.

2.3. Expand the ‘Ports (COM & LPT)’ tree.

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UART Receive Trigger Level Adjustment Procedure GeoSwath Plus

2.4. For every com port listed in Device Manager perform the following:-
Double left mouse click on the com port. In the Serial port properties window that
appears click on the ‘Port Settings’ tab and then click on the ‘Advanced’ button.

2.5. Now click on the ‘UART Settings’ tab

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GeoSwath Plus UART Receive Trigger Level Adjustment Procedure

2.6. Using the mouse reduce the ‘Receive Trigger Level’ to 20% as shown, then click on

Once all com port UARTs have been adjusted the procedure is complete.

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