Forget Me Not Script

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Forget me not: Planning and production booklet

> Script pg. 2-12
> Storyboard pg. 13-20
> Mood board pg. 21
> Prop list pg. 22
> Locations pg. 23-24
> Production schedule pg. 25
> Cast and crew list pg. 26
> Contingency plan pg. 27
> Risk assessment pg. 27
Scene one

A spell book is left closed on the floor surrounded by sticks in a

circle. SAGE’S hand traces over the book.

SAGE looks deep in thought at the book. RAVEN appears behind her for
a split second as a figment of her imagination. SAGE turns around
quickly but sees nothing.


(distressed whispering)

She’s not real, she’s not real, she’s not real.

RAVEN appears behind SAGE next to her ear.


(Menacing and teasing)

Who’s not real?


(Quickly turning around towards RAVEN who disappears, shouting)

Leave me alone!

RAVEN laughs but is not seen. SAGE opens the spell book and flips
through the pages frantically until finding the spell. She traces
over the book silently skimming over the words. She stops when she
finds the spell she needs.

SAGE picks up the flowers that will be used in the spell. She sits
back in front of the spell book placing the flowers on top. She
looks up from the page and sees RAVEN sat cross legged in front of
her smiling.

SAGE leans forward to push RAVEN but RAVEN disappears leaving SAGE
to fall onto the dirt. SAGE pushes herself back up using the back of
her hands to wipe the dirt away from her eyes.


(Looking around for RAVEN)

Please just get out of my head


Leave me alone

RAVEN’S laugh is heard again but she is nowhere in sight. The audio
cuts out as SAGE begins to read out the spell. The book starts
shining light and the pages start to move on their own.

SAGE continues to read out the spell but looks like she’s in pain.

The lighting floods white over the screen.

Scene two
Fade in

Close up of SAGE laying on the ground, her eyes are closed. RAVEN is
lying opposite her exactly the same as SAGE is lying.

SAGE and RAVEN both open their eyes and begin to sit up at the same
time until they both spot each other.


(Alarmed she starts to push herself away from RAVEN)

What?! Why are you here?!

RAVEN looks down at her hands confused, then looks up at SAGE and
smiles menacingly.


(Smiling to herself)

Wow. Didn’t expect that.

SAGE grabs the spell book from the middle of the stick pile and
starts to frantically flick through the pages looking for the spell.

(Muttering to herself)

No, no, no this was not meant to happen

(Finds the page and traces along quickly looking for the spell)

I don’t understand, I did everything right!

(Looks up at RAVEN)

You're meant to be gone, not here! Not real, you were never real!


(turns hands over in front of SAGE)

I don’t know I look pretty real right now

SAGE continues to look through the spell as she turns the page a
leaf growing out the back of her hand catches her attention. She
gasps, pushing her hand away.



What is that?!


(Bored, looking up at SAGE)

What you whining about now?


(Exasperated still looking at her hand)

My hand, look at it!


(stands up and walks over to SAGE as SAGE displays her hand to
RAVEN, RAVEN laughs)

That does not look good


(looks up at sage, shouting)

Yeah no shit that doesn't look good!

RAVEN grabs SAGE’S hand making SAGE wince. RAVEN brings her other
hand up besides SAGE’S displaying a similar leaf.


(Looking at both of their hands)

Would you look at that.


(Pulls her hand away)



(In thought, looking down)

What flower did you put in the spell?



I don't know, uh

(Moves her hands gesturing vaguely)

A Brunnera

(Pointing to the book)

Like it says


Oh my god you idiot you put a forget me not.


(Frantically grabbing for the book)

What?! No I didn’t look the picture and flower look the exact same

(Holds the book and flower up for RAVEN to see)


(Pointing out)

Yeah doesn’t mean it's the same thing.

(looks at RAVEN angrily and points at her hand)

Yeah well it's happening to you as well


(crossing arms, looking annoyed)

So how do we get rid of it?

SAGE grabs the book skimming over the lines until finding what she's
looking for.


(Reading from the book)

Here it says to regain control over both personalities the original

spell must be performed with DNA from the personality that will be
taking over.

(Looking back up at RAVEN)

So all I need to do is perform the spell again but with something

like a strand of my hair to be the DNA.

(Looking disgusted)

What makes you think you're going to be in control of us. How about
if I want to be the leader for once.


(Laughing to herself)

You know that would never work.


(Looking offended)

That's not true.

(Pointing at the page)

Plus it says here you need me to say part of the spell to make it
work anyway.




(Imitating SAGE’S voice)

So, I’m not going to help you if I can’t be incharge of us.


(Irritated, hand gesturing)

God you are so annoying, just help me perform the spell and
everything can go back to the way it was, I won’t even get rid of
you as long as I can be incharge.


(starts to walk the opposite direction to sage)

Wow thanks, you won’t even get rid of me.


(Rolling eyes)

Come on Raven, I don't really want to have leaves sticking out of me

for the rest of my life.


(Continuing to walk away, sticking middle finger up)

Anythings better than being controlled by you.

Scene cuts

Scene three

SAGE walks along the wood path. The leaves and flowers covering her
hands have increased and some have appeared on her neck. She reaches
a flower patch with forget me nots covering it. She walks over and
crouches next to the flowers.


(speaking to the flowers)

This is all your fault you know.

(She looks down to the base of the flower where a shirt lays, she
realises that the flowers are people causing her face to drain and
eyes to widen)


(She gets up quickly grabbing the shirt and running into the woods)

Scene cuts

Scene four
RAVEN is walking along looking at the leaves and flowers growing all
over her when running footsteps are heard behind her.


(Out of breath)



(Bored, still turned away from SAGE)

What do you want Sage?


(Still out of breath)

The flowers, come look


(Annoyed, turning around)

What about the flowers?


(Grabs Ravens arm and starts pulling her away)

Come and look


(Grabs her arm away)

Leave me alone


(Desperate holding up the shirt)

No! Look what I found next to the flowers.




(Imitating RAVENS voice)

So the leaves aren’t just growing on us, they're turning us into

forget me nots.


(Looking alarmed, she looks up at SAGE)



(tugging on RAVENS arm)

Come on, we have to perform the spell.


(Looks down in thought)



Please RAVEN.


(Looks back up at SAGE)

Okay fine.

Both girls run towards the woods clearing.

Scene cuts

Scene five
RAVEN and SAGE are walking into the clearing with the sticks still
in a circle. RAVEN is seen playing with her hair.


(Patting SAGE’s back to reassure her)

Hey, don’t worry okay we’ll be fine, you just need to perform the


(Confused and suspicious)

But I thought you wanted to be incharge.


(Brushing past it)

Oh that was just a moment I don’t really want all that

(Shrugging shoulders)

Too much work.


(Still suspicious)



(Holding a strand of hair up from SAGE’S back)

Here I even found the last ingredient.


(Takes the strand of hair and puts it into the book)

Okay sit the other end of the circle and repeat the spell after me

Both Girls sit at either end of the circle cross legged. SAGE places
the book open in the middle of the circle. Audio cuts as SAGE
recites the spell with RAVEN saying each line after her. The book
begins to light up.

Scene fades to white

Scene six

The camera is focused on the spell book until it pans up revealing

RAVEN looking at the camera with hooded eyes and a smiling face.

Scene cuts to black

Prop list:

Prop item Scene no. Page Character Location Description

Spell book All scenes All pages Sage Woods Old, leather
bound book
filled with spells

Forget me 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3, 4, Sage Woods Blue flowers

nots 5, 6, 7 that look like

Brunnera 4, 5 8, 9, 10, 11 Sage Woods Blue flowers

that look like
forget me nots

Satchel All scenes All pages Sage Woods Brown satchel to

fit with a fantasy
wood aesthetic

Shirt 3, 4 7, 8, 9 Sage Woods Old, dirty shirt

that originally
belonged to
someone who
turned into a
forget me not

Location recce:
Photo of location: Type of area:
Location address:
Haywards close, woods

Post code:
Nearest train station:
Henley on Thames station
Nearest bus stop:
Hart street bus stop A

Site contact name and contact: Availability:

Public sight, Unnamed woods Available 24 hours a day

No permission needed

Sustainability/Shots for production:

Used for all shots in production
Lighting information: Solutions:
Natural lighting Natural lighting will be used in my production
using the camera settings to make the lighting
look professional.

Sound information: Solutions:

Wind due to shooting outside Deadcat used over mic to make the audio clearer
and to reduce noise of wind

Power information: Solutions:

No power sources located close Using backup batteries for cameras and not
using plug in lights.

Hazards: Solutions:
Branches and roots as trip hazards Making sure I shoot in a clear area that has as
many reduced hazards as possible.
Production schedule:

Date Plan of action Evaluation/ Behind the scenes

16th May Planning Weekly blog

17th May Planning

18th May Planning

19th May Filming 4pm- until dark BTS photos/ weekly blog

20th May Filming 4pm- until dark

21st May Filming 2pm- until dark

22nd May Film/ edit

23rd May edit Weekly blog

24th May edit

25th May edit

26th May edit

Cast and crew:

Nonnie Luke

Character/ crew member: Sage

Timing needed: > Friday 4pm-until dark

> Saturday 2pm-until dark

Props used: > Spell book

> Forget me nots
> Brunnera
> Satchel
> Shirt

Costume: > Black leggings/ jeans

> White t-shirt
> Boots
> Jacket
> Satchel

Sofia Salas

Character/ crew member: Raven

Timing needed: > Friday 4pm-until dark

> Saturday 2pm-until dark

Props used: >None

Costume: > Black leggings/ black jeans

> Black t-shirt
> Boots
> Jacket (black preferably)

Will Bonser
Character/ crew member: Assistant camera operator

Timing needed: > Friday 4pm- until dark

Contingency plan:

Incase of problems with actors or equipment these are my backup plans.

Back up actors Roles

Amelia Sterjo Raven

Yasmin Lakatos Sage

Equipment Problems Solutions

Camera Run out of battery Bring multiple batteries as


Mic Surround sounds Use a deadcat as blockage for

wind sound

Tripod Tripod breaks Makeshift tripod using books if

needed to stabilise shots

Risk assessment:

Activity Hazard Risk H/M/L Precautions

Tree roots Could trip people up M Film in places that are

pretty much clear of
floor hazards

Falling back Fall back and hurt self M Make sure the actress
falls and catches
herself on soft ground
Stinging nettles Sting self on nettles L Film away from nettles
and if near them take
extra care

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