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Entrance Single Person Supply Closet Supply Closet Single Person
Entrance Door Exit Door
Bathroom Bathroom
Diversity Poster

Diversity Poster


Student Cubbies
Whiteboard/ Projector

U-Shaped Student Seating

4 Chairs at each desk (green squares)

20 students possible

Large rug with shapes

Bookshelves with books

Teacher’s Desk


5 computer stations
Teacher’s Cabinets

Paragraph below:
I worked at a school for a short while in a few different Pre-K classrooms, and this is a mash-up of some of the classrooms. I’ll start
going counter-clockwise to describe the classroom. First is the entrance to the classroom, separate from the exit. The big rug with
shapes will be used as a way to organize students. Each student will be assigned a shape and that was their space on the rug as well as
their assigned seat at the table. The u-shaped desks make it easy to get in front of the students and for all of them to see the teacher.
Hopefully the classroom will not have twenty students, but there is enough room for that many. The whiteboard will be large and can
double as a screen for a projector. The teacher’s desk will be in the far corner so that it is out of the way but still viewable to students
and staff that may enter. Filing cabinets for the teacher will be by the teacher’s desk for easy accessibility for the teacher but not for
the students. A personal printer is a must. If the school does not have built in speakers for the projector/computer, one will be needed
to project sound to the class. Five computer stations seems reasonable so that when students are engaged in different activity centers,
not everyone is at a computer. Lots of age appropriate books (and some more advanced for the strong readers) would be available in
the bookshelves. A student cubby is next to put all of the backpacks and lunches so they are not crowding the student area as the
school will provide most supplies needed. Two single person bathrooms would be available because kindergarten students go to the
bathroom a lot. The exit door would be on the opposite side of the bathrooms of the entrance. A drinking fountain in the room would
be helpful to fill water bottles or just to have if a student does not have one. Lots of storage cabinets to store supplies meant for the

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