L.D. College of Engineering: Gujarat Technological University

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Chandkheda, Ahmedabad

L.D. College of Engineering

A Project Report On
“Operative Logisim”
Under Subject

Prof. Hitesh Rajput

(Faculty Guide) Dr. Chirag S.Thaker

Academic Year

Submitted by:

Sr.No Name of student Enrolment No.

1 Dushyant Mukundbhai Rathod 210280107541

2 Konkani Krunalkumar Vinodbhai 210280107523

3 Pinkal Jayantilal Patel 210280107540

4 Hadvani Dev Harsukhbhai 210280107529


Sr. No. Title Page No.

1 Introduction 1

2 AEIOU Canvas 5

3 Mind Mapping 8

4 Empathy Mapping Canvas 9

5 Ideation Canvas 12

6 Product Development Canvas 14

7 LNM Canvas 18

8 Prototype 19

9 Conclusion 21

1.1 Design Thinking:

What is Design Thinking?

Design Engineering is the best example of critical thinking

and solving problem by developing a product which can be the best
solution of that problem. Suppose if we saw a problem then we don’t
think about solving it rather we go and register acomplain about it.

A cognitive problem-solving process.

Origins = Edison and other inventors.
Encourages creative consideration of a wide array of innovative
Can be applied to any field, including higher education.
Approaches challenges from the point of that user’s unmetneeds.
A skill that allows a designer to align.
What people want with what can be done and produce a
viable business strategy that creates customer value and
market opportunity.

The given diagram defines the steps to detect the problem andsolution
of the problem by Design Thinking.

In design thinking we believe

that rather waiting for genius to
come and show us the way we
should try something new on
our own! With design thinking,
we can build thebridges to cross
over the other side to the new
land of promised future, so we
can reliably manufacture our

Innovation is iterative and the outcome of series of experiments.

Effective innovation involves risk-taking, assessment andmitigation.
Innovation begins with creativity.
Innovation is smooth linear process.
Innovation is about risk-taking.
Innovation begins with Curiosity.
Encourages creative consideration of wide array of innovative
Can be applied to any field, including higher education.
Approaches challenges from the Point of View (POV) of theend
Calls for a deeper understanding of that user’s emotional

1.2 Abstract

There are many different ways for people to be educated and trained
with regard to specific information and skills they need. These methods include
classroom lectures with textbooks, computers, handheld devices and other electronic
appliances. The choice of learning innovation is dependent on an individual’s access
to various technologies and the infrastructure environment of a person’s surrounding.

In a rapidly changing society where there is a great deal of available

information and knowledge, adopting and applying information at the right time and
right place is needed to main efficiency in both school and business settings.

Because of some current circumstances and living with today's

generation’s technologies we should accept some ways to learn anything. Some of the
ways like online platform like Google Meet, Microsoft Team, and other apps that use
AR-VR-MR Technologies.

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that allows computer-generated

virtual imagery information to be overlaid onto a live direct or indirect real-world
environment in real time.

AR Technology is our basic concept which we are going to implement in

our app for better experiences and reasons why we are using this type of technology
is given below.

1.3 Survey

Not all humans have same grasping power, especially in kids. So,
sometimes kids weak their motivation towards the education and that leads to big
problems further. According to several researchers, they have suggested that learners
can strengthen their motivation for learning and enhance their educational realism-
based practices with augmented reality.

Sometimes steady papers and videos couldn't manage to teach topics to

kids because of their limits. Like Picture in paper can't be 3D or more realistic. In
videos, Objects are already created, so it can't be controlled by user at that time. In
another hand, AR has the promise to attract, excite and inspire learners with exploring
and controlling objects from a number of different perspectives that have not
previously been taken into consideration.

Some objects of prehistoric animals (dinosaur), chemistry, mathematics,

biology, physics, Astronomy and all other objects that are hard to draw and show
lively in papers and video from different perspective. In AR, the environment is real,
but extended with information and imagery from the system. In other words, AR
bridges the gap between the real and the virtual in a seamless way.

Observation through AEIOU methods.
1. Activities:

Fig 2.1 Activities

 Render AR Model.
 Capture Video & Photo of that model with Real world Place.
 Save and share that photo and video.
 Control that model (by angle, size, distance).

2. Environment:

• Workplace
• School
• College
• Anywhere

Fig 2.2 Environment

3. Interactions:

• Human to AR Model
• AR Model to Human
• Camera to Real world place

Fig 2.3 Interactions

4. Objects:

• Phone

Fig 2.4 objects

5. Users:

Fig 2.5 Users

• Students, Teachers
• Photographers
• Photo & Video editors
• Kids
• Mentors

CHAPTER 3 Mind Mapping
“A mind map is a visual representation of hierarchical
information that includes a central idea surrounded byconnected branches of
associated topics.”

Helps brainstorm and explore any idea, concept or problem.
Better understanding of relationships and connections between
ideas and concepts.
Make it easy to communicate new ideas and thought
processes. Allow students to easily recall information.
Help students take notes and plan tasks. easy to
Make it organize ideas and concepts.


 College
 School
 Companies
 Hospital
 Laboratory

 Kids
 Students
 Teacher
 Mentor
 Photographer
 Photo/ Video Editor


 Render AR Model
 Save and share the photos and videos
 Control that Model by (angle, size, model)
 Capture Videos and Photos of that model with real world place.

Story Boarding:
A kid once lost his connection with his teacher because of some circumstances
and he could not manage to learn his syllabus. one day his mentor suggested him to
use 3D AR Camera. Now he is back to his academic life and learning his topic

A kid once lost A kid was suffering from his school project of solar system due
to lack of imagination. Later he used "3D AR Camera" application and now he has
lots of 3D AR Models so that he can easily view any stars and planets.

A kid was suggested to use "3D AR Camera" app but that app needs latest
generation's mobile. That kid did not have capable device so he could not study with
the help of that app.

A student had project to make video of human body. She had found "3D AR
Camera" app, she made video by rendering various body parts onto plain wall of her
room and she achieved 10 stars ranking.


Now kids are too dependent on "3D AR Camera" app for learning anything,
they are decreasing their power to imagine something by their own mind.

1. People

Fig 5.1 People

 Kids
 Teachers
 Students
 Mentors
 Photographers
 Photo/Video Editors

2. Activities

Fig 5.2 Activities

 Render AR Model
 Save and share the photos and videos
 Control the model by (Angle, Size, Distance)
 Capture video & photo of that model with real world place.

3. Situation/Context/Location

Fig 5.3 Situation/Context/Location

 Workplaces
 Colleges
 Schools
 Home
 Anywhere

4. Props

Fig 5.4 Props

 Phone
 Camera
 Microprocessor
 Software coding


 Purpose

▪ Well Learned Students

▪ Keep Students motivated all the
▪ time with excitement
▪ 3D AR Model app as project helper.

Fig 6.1 Purpose

 People

▪ Teachers
▪ Students
▪ Kids
▪ Photographers
▪ Mentors
▪ Photo/Video Editors

Fig 6.2 People

 Product Experience

Fig 6 .3 Product Experience

▪ Best Guide
▪ Free Available
▪ Easy to use
▪ Portable

 Product Functions

Fig 6.4 Product Functions

▪ Self-Learning
▪ Accurate
▪ Automatic Render

 Product Features

Fig 6.5 Product Features

▪ Smart
▪ User friendly
▪ Accessible Anytime
▪ Accurate

 Components

Fig 6.6 Product


▪ Microprocessor ▪ Microphone
▪ Various types of sensors ▪ Database
▪ Higher version of operating system ▪ Touchscreen
 Customers Revalidation

▪ Client
▪ Coder

Fig 6.7 Customer Revalidation

 Reject, Redesign, Retain

▪ Continuous Updating
▪ Updating user Interface
▪ Increase the
Accuracyfor 3D
Model are smoothly

Fig 6.8 Rejec

Fig 6.8 Reject, Redesign, Retain


Fig 7.1 Learning Needs Matrix

LNM Canvas helps us to make an application by giving us information about
the skills and the tools required for developing an app.

In our Project we need

▪ Machine Learning ▪ Database Analysis
▪ Microprocessor ▪ Project Management
▪ Software Skills ▪ Testing Skills
▪ Networking ▪ Risk Management


Fig 8.1 Prototype

Prototype- A sample model of an actual Project.

This shows the flow of the application and also explains how ourapplication
named “3D AR Camera” works.

1. First screen describes welcome screen.

2. Second screen describes list of categories like animals, gaming,
birds etc.
3. Third screen will display after any of the category is selected.
4. Fourth screen describes loading time of selected models.
5. Fifth screen describes model, here users can change size, distance
And angle of model. Fifth screen will display when you click
Capture button of 4th screen. now there will be 2 options first for
to capture photos and second for videos.
6. After captured, 6th screen will be displayed. That describes either
you want to save or share or cancel or retake.


By using “3D AR Model” users will have better option for learning especially
when study is in online mode. Teachers will teach any topics practically with an
entertainment. Users will have larger varieties of models those will help them to make
more attractive projects. Students will get basic knowledge and experience of what is
AR Technology because in future these types of technologies have bright future.


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