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Data structures and Algorithms-SIMP 22

By the TIE review team


1.Data Structures definition and types with different operations

2.Representation of Linear array in Memories
3.An array Program to demonstrate inserting, deleting, searching, and sorting(10M)
4.Define Pointers. Give advantages and disadvantages of pointers.
How do you declare and initialize the pointer. How do you access the value pointed to by a
5.Diifferent types of memory Allocation?and Different functions that supports Dynamic
Memory Allocation
6.Define the Concepts and write a C program to implement (i)Pattern matching (ii)strrev()
(iii)strcpy() (iv)strcat() (v)strcmp()
7.What is Polynomial? What is the degree of a polynomial?
Write a C Program to add 2 polynomials A and B, store the result in polynomials C.
→Consider 2 polynomials, A(x) = 4x15+3x4+5 & B(x) = x4+10x2+1. Represent polynomials
using array of structures (show diagrammatically show these 2 polynomials can be stored
in 1D array) and also give its C representation
→Consider 2 polynomials, A(x)= 2x1000+1 and B(x)=x4+10x3+3x2+1 with a diagram to
show how these polynomials are stored in 1D Array.


1.Definition and A Program to demonstrate basic operations in Stack(10M)

2.Infix to postfix conversion and evaluation of postfix expression.
ex1:Write a C Program to Convert infix expressions to postfix expressions. Convert the
following infix expressions to postfix expressions :1. (a+(b-c)*(d-e)%f) 2. (a+b) * d – e / (f +
a * d) +c 3. (( a / ( b – c + d)) * (e – f ) * g)
Ex2: Evaluating the Postfix (i) • a / b – c + d * e – a * c, Where a=6,b=3,c=1,d=2,e=4. (ii)•
abc + * de / - Where a=5,b=6,c=2,d=12,e=4.
3​.Definition, with different types and A Program to demonstrate basic operations in
4.Define Recursion. What are the properties of recursion? Write recursive procedure for (1)
factorial of a number and (2) Tower of Hanoi
5.Write a note on the Ackermann function. Write its algorithm. Evaluate A (3,2) using
Ackermann function.
6.Write QINSERT and QDELETE procedures for queues using arrays


1.Define Linked Lists. Explain in detail, the primitive operations performed on Singly Linked
Lists. List the different types of linked lists.
2.What is the Doubly linked list? Write C functions for the following operations on Doubly
Linked List (DLL).
1.Concatenation of 2 DLL. 2. Search the DLL for the given key element.
3.Insert a node at the beginning 4. Deleting a node at rear end
5.delete_front 6. Inserting a node at specified position.

3.Write the function to perform the following on SLL: (usually using integer data type)
a.Creating an ordered SLL. (or create a list) b. Count number of elements (Length)
c.Search an element (Linear & Binary – Integer) d. Display all the elements in SLL
e.Deleting a node at rear end of SLL. f. Insert a node at front end of SLL.
g.Inverting a singly linked list. (Reversing) h. Finding the length of a circular list.

4.Explain the advantages of DLL over singly linked lists? Explain with example.
5.Write a note on Sparse matrix.


1.What is a tree? Write the routines for the following

i. Pre-order traversal ii. In-order traversal iii. Post-order traversal iv.Copying binary trees
v.Test equality of binary trees
2. Define the following with an example(2*5)
i. Binary tree ii. Complete binary tree iii. Binary search tree iv. Threaded binary tree
v. Skewed binary tree
3.(a) Construct a binary tree for given expression: ((4+ (8-2)*5) ^3+3).
(b) Construct BST for the element step-by-step:
100, 85, 45, 55, 110, 20, 70, 65, 113, 145, 132, and 96.
4.Find the inorder,preorder and postorder for the following

1.Define the following:

i. Graph ii. Multi-graph iii. Graph with self-edge iv. Sub-graph v. Complete graph.

2.Define fite. List basic file operations. Explain any four operations with syntax and
3.Define Hashing. Explain the_:method of sorting data using a Hash function in a Hash
table. identify the problem that occurs during the value storage. Explain how you resolve
the problem using the Hashing technique.
4.What are the different types of traversal techniques? Find the resultants of the types of
graph traversal methods on the following graph :

5. Write algorithm for BFS and DFS graph traversal methods.

6.What is graph? Give matrix and adjacency list representation of graph. Show adjacency
matrix and list for the below graph

7.Explain how an insertion sort works? Suppose an array A contains 8 elements as follows:
50,30,10,20,40,60,70. Trace insertion sort algorithm for sorting in ascending order

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