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Takeaway The Party

The Party English > Level A1.1 Starter
English > Level A1.1 Starter

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• Let’s Start! • Let’s Explore! • Let’s Practice! • Extension Activity • Target Words • Learning Points

Let’s Start!

Let's review!

Learning Outcome Can Do Statements

Accurately use information about • I can talk about what people do and what people
people, their likes and dislikes, homes or are doing.
countries in communicative situations. • I can express possession.
• I can exchange personal information.
Ask your partner:

• What do you like to do in your free

• What are your friends doing right

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Copyright © ELL Technologies 2020. All Rights Reserved.
Takeaway The Party
The Party English > Level A1.1 Starter
English > Level A1.1 Starter

Let’s Explore!

Peter calls Vanessa. What does she say?

Instructions: Read the text aloud.

Peter: Hey, John. What are you doing?

John: Hey, Peter. I'm getting a drink. Why don't I get one for you?
Peter: This is mine, thanks. Hmm ... where is Vanessa?
John: Vanessa? Oh, right. The woman you met.
Peter: Can I borrow your phone? I want to call her.
John: Where's yours? Just kidding ... sure, here.
Vanessa: Hello?
Peter: Hi, it's Peter.
Vanessa: Oh, hi Peter. I'm not coming to the party, sorry.
Peter: Oh. Why not?
Vanessa: It's raining and I want to stay inside. My cousin, Natalie, is here, too. She's
cooking dinner.
Peter: Natalie? I met a Natalie in my class. What does she look like?
Vanessa: She has blond hair.
Peter: Oh, it's not the same Natalie. Well, I have to go.
Vanessa: Why don't we meet tomorrow?
Peter: Maybe ... Bye.
Vanessa: Ok, Bye.

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Copyright © ELL Technologies 2020. All Rights Reserved.
Takeaway The Party
Takeaway The Party English > Level A1.1 Starter
English > Level A1.1 Starter > At the Coffee Shop

Let’s Practice!

What did Peter and John talk about?

Instructions: Select the correct answer.

1 John is… 2 Peter asks John to borrow …

 drinking a coffee.  money.

 getting a drink  his notes.

 calling Vanessa.  his phone.

Let’s Practice!

Where is your phone?

Instructions: Complete the sentences. Write the missing word. Use yours, mine, your, My,
you, me.

1. This is _________, thanks. Hmm … where is Vanessa?

2. Can I borrow ________ phone? I want to call her.

3. Where’s __________?

4. _______ cousin, Natalie, is here, too.

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Takeaway The Party
The Party English > Level A1.1 Starter
English > Level A1.1 Starter

Extension Activity

Let's role play! Practice this situation with your partner.

Instructions: Complete the following steps. Fill in the Self-Assessment.

a) Choose a role from the role card.

Self-Assessment Yes No
b) Read your situation.
c) Write a dialogue (4-6 lines) with your
I talk about things that
happen regularly.
I talk about things happening
at the present.

I use 3 target words.

I describe something that

belongs to me or someone

Role 1: You are not going to the party. Your friend calls. Tell them why you are not
going to the party.

Role 2: Your friend is not at the party. Call them and ask them where they are.

Target Words

• to borrow (verb): to take something from • to have to (verb): to need to; must
someone and give it back later e.g. I have to meet a friend.
e.g. Can I borrow some money? • maybe (adverb): possibly
• inside (adjective): located in something or e.g. Tom: Can you come to the party?
someplace Trisha: Maybe ...
e.g. It is raining ... I'm staying inside. • to stay (verb): to remain in a place; to
• same (adjective): exactly like another not leave
e.g. We are in the same class. e.g. It is raining. I am staying here!
• blonde (adjective): yellow color, used for hair • Just kidding (expression): say this
Example: She has blonde hair. after you make a joke
• party (noun): a social event where people eat, e.g. Your notes are bad! Just kidding!
drink and/or dance
e.g. Do you want to come to the party?

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Copyright © ELL Technologies 2020. All Rights Reserved.
Takeaway The Party
The Party English > Level A1.1 Starter
English > Level A1.1 Starter

Learning Points

Review of Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives

Compare possessive adjectives and pronouns in this chart:

Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns

I It's my juice. It's mine.

You That's your coffee. That coffee is yours.

He It's his computer. The computer is his.

She It's her bag. The bag is hers.

We Those are our books. Those books are ours.

They It's their car. The car is theirs.

Review of the Present Continuous

You use the Present Continuous tense to talk about current actions.

Current actions are things that are happening NOW.

Remember, to ask questions, you use the phrases:

What is he doing?
What is your mother doing?

You make the Present Continuous tense negative by adding not after the verb to be and
before the verb-ing.

• I am not looking for anything right now.
• He is not eating dinner.
• She isn't playing video games.

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