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Hospital Engineering Department

Chief Engineer: Er. Syed Nayeem Ahmad.

Superintending Engineer: Er.Vijay Kumar Raina.
Department of Hospital Engineering is headed by Chief Engineer, under whom Executive Engineers of different wings
execute construction works and provide round the clock service/support (maintenance) for the patient care activities by
various Divisions which are as under:

Civil Engineering Division

Executive Engineer: Zahoor Ahmad Pandit
There are several division looking after the affairs of engineering related issues Civil Engineering Division takes
care of all development works of the existing structures and other new assignments. Since the SKIMS is a
tertiary hospital and Deemed University also which fall under the scope of the continuous change / addition /
alterations and modifications from time to time to provide latest medical services. Presently following
development works have been taken up:-

1. Construction of Multi Storey 120 Bedded IPD and Geriatric & RCC Block.
In view of Emergence of new faculties the need for having separate Block for Geriatrics and Regional
Cancer Centre a double winged Multistory Ward Block has been proposed and initially a 4 storeyed
building will be constructed having provision for other 3 storeyes also , which will cater the increasing
inpatient load. The second wing would be taken up once the acquisition of land is finalized. However
the tenders for the work stand invited.

2. Construction of Additional Block for Accident & Emergency Phase 3rd.

There is continuously increasing Patient load being referred to SKIMS A&E department. Since there is
hardly any space to cater the load although reorganization and reorientation of available space by
creating level 1st and Level 2nd which stand completed. However the phase 3rd:
In view of space constraints a separate block has been proposed to accommodate patients and their
attendants. The work stands advertised and tenders were received recently.

3. Construction of state Virology Lab:

The Microbiology department has been entrusted with a state virology . The lab requires at last 2500
feet of space but due to space unavailability it was proposed to have additional floor over the main lab
as the lab needs to be in close vicinity of the Microbiology department. The work has been tendered

4. Construction of Burn ward:

The plastic Surgery department keep on receiving burn cases for which no separate facility is
available ,that is why authorities deemed fit to have the facility in ground floor area of paying Ward .
The work was approved and tenders stand invited.

5. 6. Construction of Patient parking for IPD and Causality:
This is a major issue of cancer, due to increase in patients attending SKIMS face lot of parking
constraints. Authorities after taking cognizance of several proposals approved construction of patients
attendant Parking near Nurses Hostel and near C type having for causality patients. The work
has been tendered.

6. Construction of Bunker for Linear Calculator:

This being a highly profile cancer treatment equipment which has to be housed in a specially
radiation proof bunker which is under construction and near competition now.

7. Construction of Drug and Common Store:

The drug and common stores area the priority issues as there is increasing demand of space for
these items and it was agreed to have a separate block for them .The case was referred to DDF
consultants who designed a building with all future gadgetry to meet the demand
Development of Acquired land:
The land recently acquired is a low lying area which needs to be developed and can be utilized for
parking and other developmental use. The work has been tendered.
In addition works which are in progress:

1. Conversion of day care in to OT’s:

The area has been developed into three OT’s . the work is complete and OT’s are functional now.

2. Construction of additional 5 Nos of OT’s:

The Emergency OT’s area had developed snags due to sinking of partition walls . These OT’s are 3 in
number were reoriented and 5 Nos of modernized OT’s have been proposed and are under
construction work in full swing.

3. Ward 4P and 5P:

These wards are dedicated to cancer treatment activities. Both these wards have been given
specified finish and renovated accordingly to suit these highly sensitive patients. Work stands
completed and wards are functional.
Moreover the maintenance of buildings is also a challenging job which is catered by utilizing
meager amount of annual grant.

Electrical Engineering Division

Executive Engineer: Er. Ali Mohammad Rather.
Asstt. Exec. Engineer: Er. Yasir Arafat
Of the various services which are indispensable for delivery of patient care for the hospital, Engineering
Services are perhaps the most vital services. The advent of high-speed computerized biomedical machines like
PET, MRI, CT etc, have been a watershed in the diagnostic procedures and all this has become possible due to
vast Research and Development in the field of medical engineering. Engineering services in general and
Electrical Engineering services in particular play a pivotal role in any health care institute. It would be
appropriate to mention that the efficiency of delivery of health care of a hospital is a direct function of
efficiency of Electrical Engineering Services and all other services are, in one way or the other dependent on
this vital and indispensable service. Even the slightest breakdown of power supply system or malfunctioning of
vital equipment has a direct impact on all other services. The scope of services generally includes maintenance
repairs and of existing facilities to ensure optimum operational reliability, risk reduction and their safety for
the patient, staff and public.

Functions of the electrical engineering service:

1. Ensuring that all the facilities, systems and services under the scope of electrical engineering services are well
maintained and kept in a state of optimum operational efficiency through planned preventive maintenance.
2. Conceiving of power requirements for existing and new departments followed by estimations, tendering and ex -
3. Estimating the growth of power demands of various departments in view of their expansions and devising proce-
dures for catering to the increased demands.
4. Up keeping of (6.3 + 4) MVA 33/11KV Receiving Station at SKIMS Soura and sub-station at MCH Bemina.
5. Regular maintenance of 11KV lines feeding various distribution transformers installed at different areas.
6. Up keeping different capacities of stabilizers at SKIMS Soura and MCH Bemina.
7. Up keeping different capacities of DG sets at SKIMS Soura and MCH Bemina.
8. Maintaining an up-to-date inventory of all the equipment available and their distribution in the hospital.
9. Maintaining an up-to-date history sheet for each and every equipment unit in the hospital.
10. Anticipating the requirement of commonly used spares and arranging for their adequate stocking.
11. Ensuring that breakdown maintenance of electrical equipment (excluding UPSs ) is prompt enough to ensure un-
interrupted services.
12. Ensuring that the facilities / services coming under scope are safe and hazard free.
13. Ensuring that the facilities / services provided under scope of responsibility are conducive to efficient and high
quality patient care.
14. Ensuring timely action for renewal of maintenance contracts of the facilities / equipment under its purview.
15. Advising the management about the most cost-effective ways of managing the facilities / services under their
purview (saving of energy, purchase of equipment with low life cycle cost and high efficiency).

Department of Electric Engineering Wing is headed by the Executive Engineer under whose subordination
Assistant Executive Engineers, Assistant Engineer, Junior Engineers & Sr. Foremen work to ensure smooth and
uninterrupted power supply round the clock to the hospital for best patient care.

The electric supply to SKIMS Soura is being fed from 33/11 KV, (6.3 + 4) MVA Receiving Station located within
the premises of SKIMS.. The receiving station is supported by two 33KV lines from two different 132/33 KV
Grid Stations one at Wanganpora and other at Habak, with one line acting as standby. The changeover facility
to the 33KV line is available within the switchyard of receiving station. The distribution transformers located at
various locations like Main Electric Sub-Station, Faculty Sub-Station, Trust Hospital and Hostel Blocks are being
fed from various 11 KV feeders emanating from the receiving station. Main sub-station where 04 distribution
transformers of various capacities are installed is entirely feeding the main hospital. In case of power failure
/interruption/shutdowns, the power supply to the main hospital is being fed through various Generators of
different capacities installed within main sub-station.

Similarly, the electric supply to MCH SKIMS Bemina is fed through 33KV/440 volt sub-station with 2x630 Kva
transformers. In case of power failure/interruptions on 33Kv line, DG sets are used to provide backup power

Mechanical Engineering Division

Executive Engineer: Mohammad Afzal Bhat
Executive Engineer Er. Mohmmad Afzal Bhat
Asstt. Exec. Engineer Er. Mohmmad Farooq
Asstt. Exec. Engineer Er. Imran Firdous

The Mechanical Engineering Division is vital for keeping the extensive patient care facilities available in the
SKIMS as well as in the SKIMS, Medical College and Hospital Bemina. This division is rendering services round
the clock for the whole year. The division is looking after the works pertaining to the following units/sections;
This facility is provided to the Main Hospital, Trust Hospital, and Hostel blocks at SKIMS, Soura & also at SKIMS,
Medical College and Hospital Bemina.
• Carbon dioxide (CO2) facility for laparoscopic surgeries is being installed this year in main operation theaters at
• All the machines installed in the central air conditioning plant stand renovated/ replaced by new air condition-
ing units of ACCEL make.
• New dewatering system has been commissioned at SKIMS, Bemina.
• The latest DAIKAN make (hot and cold) inverter technology HVAC System has been commissioned in the new
emergency operation theaters of SKIMS, Soura.
• The areas deficient in heating / cooling facility have been provided with (hot & cold) inverter technology split
• New HEPA filters for AHU’s of operation theaters have been ordered from DYNA filters, Pune.

There are 17 lifts being looked after in SKIMS Soura and 01 lift at SKIMS, Medical College and Hospital Bemina
under the mechanical Engineering Division.
• Nine old lifts have been replaced with new OTIS Make lifts at SKIMS, Soura.
• New lifts are in pipe line for Genetic centre and emergency operation theaters area of SKIMS, Soura.

(Generation, storage, Treatment and lifting by pumps to overhead tanks.)
• The potable water is provided round the clock for drinking purposes, machine use, labs, kitchens, laundry, Boiler
houses, Conveniences, and irrigation purposes as well. The major portion of potable water is taped from under-
ground by a number of tube wells spread in the SKIMS premises. Around 20lakh liters of potable water are gener-
ated, stored and treated before distribution for consumption. The water is consistently got tested from Microbiol-
ogy Department of SKIMS and also from state PHE department laboratory. The test results have been consistently
declared excellent by the Microbiology laboratory of the SKIMS, Soura.


There are around 71 vehicles which includes
04. Buses =08
05. Star buses =02
06. Macropolo =06( including 05 new)
07. Swaraj mazda =06(05 proposed for condemnation)
08. Ambulances =26 (including 06 new & 01 proposed for condemnation)
09. Ambulance car=06
10. Sumo=01
11. Gypsy=02
12. Maruti van=04
13. Etios car=01
14. Pick up van=01
15. Piaggo auto=04
16. Armada jeep=01
17. Tractor=01
18. Mini crane=01
19. Blood bank vehicle=01

05Nos. Vehicles are hired from PVT. Transport agency for meeting the transportation and utility demands of
the Institute. Major portion of the repairs on the vehicles is effectively done at the Automobile workshop of
the Institute itself.


New oxygen, Vacuum, Nitrous oxide, console system have been introduced in the section of the Manifold and
medical gases department. This system has been made operational in DAY CARE WARD (ward 2P), WARD6, part of
the Accident Emergency Area, ward 3P, VIP rooms, Post operative ward, ward 7, ward 2 etc. The medical gas
system has been installed in ward 4P & 5P also. Now all the cubicles of ward block are fitted with the bed side
medical gas consoles.
 Surgical ICU and isolation in observation ward has been fitted with Medical gas system.
 New Medical Gas system along with the pendants is installed in the new Operation Theaters (old day care ward) at
SKIMS, Soura.
 New medical gas automatic control panel has been ordered for manifold section.


The steam is used in the Hospital Kitchen for maintaining highest hygiene in cooking the patient/Attendant Diet.
The Laundry and Linen machinery is using steam for washing to keep infections away from the linen for patient
and medical personnel. The successful functioning CSSD and TSSU and of all the operation theatres is based only
on the regular steam supplies.
 3RD steam boiler of 2500kg/hr. capacity has been installed and the steam line to Laundry/ CSSD/ TSSU are being re-
placed by new ones this year.


The petroleum gas plant is functioning for the day shift and provides gas for laboratory burners for Diagnostic
investigations of the samples collected from the patients.


Two incinerator plants are functional at SKIMS, Soura. These plants are operational for two shift to dispose of the
solid biomedical waste of SKIMS Soura as per environmental legislation of the State. The Pollution Control Board
is regularly monitoring the functioning of the waste management practices of the SKIMS, which have been found
satisfactory on the bases analytical test results.
 Thermax make and Alpha therm make incinerator plants have been overhauled and repaired this year.

9. STP (Sewage Treatment Plant):-

The Sewage treatment plant at SKIMS, Soura is processing about 1.5 to 2.0 million liters of sewage per day.
 The State Pollution Control Board monitors the working of the STP and reports the same to J&K High Court on reg-
ular basis. The tests have been found satisfactory.
 In-House Monitoring cell is functioning under the convener ship of Medical Superintendent to enhance the as-
sessment of the working of the STP.
 New aerators stand installed at STP in replacement to old worn out aerators.

The mechanical division also carries out regular maintenance and troubleshooting of Autoclaves, Window ACs,
Refrigerators, Bottle coolers, walk in coolers, pumps, tube wells and other machinery equipment of SKIMS, Soura
and SKIMS, Medical College and Hospital Bemina as and when need arises on the round the clock schedule.

Electronics & Communication/Information Technology Division

Executive Engineer: Farooq Ahmad Wani
In an endeavor to improve the IT & IT enabled services in SKIMS and simultaneously bringing transparency in
day to day tasks at Hospital, IT department this year has undertaken ambitious projects to extend its existing
services to various uncharted areas and facilitate its information flow to public thus taking a step forward in
becoming the epitome of patient care in Kashmir. SKIMS has 3 important aspects of IT activities:

I. Providing Service, Support and Maintenance to existing Hardware/Soft-

ware & Networking Resources:
1. 1/4th of the Computer Associates (12 Nos) constitute the dedicated team of professionals assigned the
task of providing, supporting and optimizing the computer hardware, network resources and internet
services to different areas of the institute through appropriate channels of communication. The team
also provides on-spot services to computers, printers and networking infrastructure 24*7.

2. This year we have expanded the reach of SKIMS LAN to paying Ward Block of the institute and
extended internet facility to the Hostels under Voice & Data Project. Through this project we would be
able to add 50 more nodes for both HIS and NKN networks.

3. Thus, constant up gradation of the existing system created under the project “Computerization &
Campus vide LAN at SKIMS” and integration of NKN to the existing system, has created a fully
functional integrated system consisting of more than 550 nodes, out of which 150 are on HIS network
(intranet) and 350 are on NKN (LAN + internet). Apart from that 50 more are in place for File Tracking
System and Office Use.

4. Under Point to Multi Point Project 9 sites have been identified and all the 9 access points have already
been put in place.

5. Computer network has been established in the Nursing College as well. Further LCD Projectors and
Smart Boards have been procured for enhancement of teaching activities at the College. have been
procured, installed, tested & Commissioned at college of nursing.

6. In 2013 Genetic Center at SKIMS got inaugurated and there too IT section has commissioned 50 nodes
across the 3 floors providing LAN connectivity as well as internet facility to the respective sections of
genetic center block.

7. In trust hospital 24 network nodes have been connected to provide internet and to extend HIS services
to the hospital. Further, 50 nodes have been added over WiFi for providing internet services.

During the current financial year various offices like Estates, Transport Department, Civil Engineering Block will
be connected to the existing Network for which the tenders has already been floated and the jobs are planned
to be executed under the scheme “Up gradation of voice and data communication system at SKIMS”.

II. Developing New Applications, Optimizing/Customizing the existing Infor-
mation system.
Software development & employee training wing of IT section came into being by identifying a group of 4-5
people well versed with process of software development, 5-6 for implementation and 5-6 for training
among the Computer Associates, so that the existing operational HIS modules are carried forward as such and
other modules (ready for operationalization but not implemented due lack of required hardware and/or
network support) are developed in house and commissioned to the user community after proper training at
their end accordingly once the necessary hardware requirements in terms of Computers, Printers, Network
are fulfilled.

Thus, again a team of 15 Computer Associates comprising of five developers along with respective
implementation/training team was constituted who have been developing software for SKIMS and have been
able to complete the following:

1. Online recruitment/admissions
Online Registration for aspirant/student has been done for all the recruitment/entrance examinations
conducted by SKIMS as part of Academic Automation. Soon we will enable online payment for such
registrations making the process totally paperless vis-à-vis offering online patient services like appointment
system and online patient’s reports over the internet by accessing our website.

2. Development of e-Complaint System

A Complaint System is a computer software package that manages and maintains list of issues/complaints for different
service departments of SKIMS. Complaint System is commonly used to create, update, and resolve issues reported by
the rest of employees of the institute. This system has been successfully tested in 12 Nursing Stations (Ward 1 to Ward
6) and would be soon implemented in the whole user departments.

 Lack of paper movements will provide complaint management operations the speed which can never be
envisaged in manual mode at all.
 Software allows a registered staff member to lodge complaints and automatically schedules it to concerned
 The software infuses accountability for the complaints and their resolution.
 Reports will be generated on demand which can include our own sorting and analysis parameters which may
be more relevant to us.

3. Integration of new auto analyzers with existing HIS.

In year 2014, Software Development Team Department of IT has successfully interfaced following Analyzers with the LIS

• Chemiluminescence Analyzer (ACCESS 2) in Department of Immunology & Molecular Medicine. This automatic
and modern analyzer has replaced the old RIA system in the lab.
• Two newly installed AU 680 Biochemistry Analyzers in Lab 2215 in Biochemistry Department.
With these analyzers operational in immunology/Biochemistry labs the efficiency of the labs has increased 10 folds and
reports are being delivered to patient in wards as well as at OPD reporting counters.

The total no of Test samples processed by these analyzers during 1 Jan 2014 till 7 Nov. 2014 is 131569.

Total no. of investigations done in year 2014 is 1772810.

4. Implementation of E-Tendering and utilization thereof in 2014.

Total No of Tenders uploaded on form Jan. 2014 to 31 Oct 2014 = 80

1. Civil Division = 29 amounting to Rs. 257071000

2. Electric Division = 14 amounting to Rs. 7327000
3. Mechanical Division = 22 amounting to Rs. 22114975
4. I.T. Division = 06 amounting to Rs. 7294000
5. Landscape Division = 01 amounting to Rs. 17,69,000
6. Medical College Bemina = 05 amounting to Rs. 8628000
7. Material Management Section= 03 amounting to Rs. 4982000

TOTAL AMOUNT = Rs. 309185975

5. Implementation of File Tracking System and utilization thereof in 2014.

The main aim of File Tracking System is to provide flexibility to various departments of SKIMS to keep track of every file
electronically and provide better search facilities in this domain.

In its 4th phase of the implementation, 5 more departments were brought into the auspices of FTS after imparting
training to the concerned staff. Further, additional staff of the departments, where FTS is already running has been
trained to keep them updated of the new features incorporated in the system from time to time and ensure smooth
functioning of the system in case of transfer or leave of the concerned staff member.

6. Development of new OPD Consultation/Laboratory Management Module

In year 2014, Software development team of IT department of SKIMS has developed and implemented OPD Consultation
Module at SKIMS Medical College, Bemina.

The OPD consultation module provides features like

• Patient Details
• Investigation Orders
• Patient History
• Diagnosis
• Treatment
• Follow-up
The software generates Barcodes at sample collection, with this feature automation of sample processing at various
Labs is possible without any human intervention .It is to bring in notice that SKIMS IT team has already automated the
sample processing at various Labs by interfacing the latest analyzers.

The module generate various reports like

• Day wise user cash

• All user cash
• User wise Refunds
• Test wise cash/ count

The software has been implemented and is under production successfully.

The same module is planned to be deployed at SKIMS in future.

7. Development of Nursing Management Module

Nursing station has been developed by IT department of skims in year 2014 ,which consist of following
separate but interrelated applications software modules;
• Bed Board Chart
• Bed Transfer
• Vital Signs
• Allergies
• Discharge Summary
• Patient Input/output
• IPD bill
• User Login creation
• Master creation
• Order Booking
• Reports
The module is under testing and would be implemented soon at SKIMS MCH and later in SKIMS.

III. Training and Human Capacity Development for overall IT growth at SKIMS:
Keeping in view of the fact that capacity building should be carried out in parallel with the automation process
to prevent the user from technical shock, concurrent training was provided to all the stake holders involved in
the process of computerization. In fact, for continuing improvement a training cell at SKIMS is in place carrying
out capacity building. Training has already been given to 90% of the user community including nursing staff
which in itself is a milestone in the process of capacity building.

  Consolidated Summary of Training Phase I to Phase IV

S.No Module Name Department/ Purpose/ Phase Phase Phase Phase No of officials/ Attended
Institute Course I II III IV students called
for Training

HIS (Nursing
1 Nursing Nursing/Wards 45 38 20 0 103 103
2 Laboratory (LIS) All Labs Information 32 0 0 0 32 32
Medical Record Medical Record
3 32 0 0 0 32 17
(MRD) Department  
Store Central Store I & Store
4 Mgmt.System II/All Concerned Management 129 0 0 0 129 75
(SMS) deptt/sections System
Pharmacy Mgmt. Pharmacy
5 21 9 0 0 30 30
System (PMS) Stores/Counters  
File Tracking Adminstraion/
6         92 62
System (FTS) Policy/  
Blood Bank Man-
7 26 8 2 70 106 45
agement System Blood Bank  
Child Health Cen-
8 tre & Trust Hospi- Trust Hospital 0 10 0 0 10 10
tal (CHC)  
Kashmir Govt Short Term Ob-
9 Diploma KGP Polytechnic servership Train- 0 0 0 10 10 10
Srinagar ing Prog.
B.Sc Nursing 4th
10   0 0 0 15 15 15
M.Sc Nursing 4th
11 Madre-meharban   0 0 0 24 24 24
College of Nursing
B.Sc Nursing 1st
12 SKIMS   0 0 0 35 35 35
Year Nursing 1st
13   0 0 0 25 25 25
14 M.Sc IT Central University Indutrial Training 0 0 0 2 2 2
15 M.Sc IT Central University Project Work       1 1 1
  Grand Total     285 65 22 182 646 486

IV. RTI/ Citizen Charter

As part of legal binding for providing information to general public, every Government Department/Organization must
have a “Citizen Charter”. The citizen charter initiative is a response to the quest for solving the problems which a citizen
encounters, day in and day out, while dealing with organizations providing public services. In order to conform to RTI
ACT, SKIMS too has constituted a high level monitoring committee accumulation of the information from various
sections of SKIMS in the following format and making it available on the SKIMS website after proper authentication:

 The particulars of organization, functions and duties. The powers and duties of officers and employees
 The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability
 The norms set for the discharge of services. The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by
SKIMS or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions.
 A statement of the categories of documents that are held by public authority or under its control. The
particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public
in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof.
 A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted
as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees
and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public.
 A directory of officers and employees. The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees,
including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations.
 The budget allocated to each agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports
on disbursements made.
 The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of
beneficiaries of such programmes. Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorisations granted .
 Details in respect of the information, available to or held by public authority, reduced in an electronic form
 The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library
or reading room, if maintained for public use

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 The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers
For the first phase the following 15 departments have responded to the format circulated for acquiring the information
of the departments under Rule 4(2) (b) of RTI Act and the same would be made available on SKIMS official website after
proper scrutiny and authentication:

1. Telecomm/IT
2. D&T
4. MIS
6. MRD
7. Laundary & Linen
8. AMMO Purchase I
9. Urology
10. Central Store
11. Hospital Admn.
12. Sanitary
13. Mobile Tranport & Ambulance
14. Hospital Engineering Electric
15. Hospital Engineering Civil

V. Telemedicine
Telemedicine network, provided by ISRO comprising of 12 nodes spread across the state, has been restored
this year after a gap of four years (after 2010). This network has started the operations with other nodes in the
state and rest of India. AIIMS New Delhi has started its monthly lectures for Skims and other connected
hospitals across India from Oct 2014. About 10 to 15 lectures are delivered per month. The schedule for Nov
2014 for various departments is as under:

S. No. Date/Day Time Doctors Name Topic Title

1. 05.11.2014 3 pm - 4 pm Dr. Randeep Guleria Sleep Medicine
2. 07.11.2014 3:40 pm – 4:40 pm Dr Namrata Sharma Diagnosis and management of
early and end stage Ocular surface
3. 10.11.2014 3:40 pm – 4:40 pm Dr. Baibaswata Molecular diagnostic for hepatitis
Nayak virus infections
4. 11.11.2014 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Dr. Sanjeev Sharma Interpreting chest Radiograph
Heart Diseases
5. 12.11.2014 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Dr. D.K. Pawar Peri operative Fluid management in
6. 14.11.2014 3 pm - 4 pm Dr. Pramod Garg How to establish ERCP
7. 17.11.2014 3 pm - 4 pm Dr. Nikhil Tandon Management of Type 1 DM: with
special reference to children
8. 20.11.2014 3:40 pm – 4:40 pm Dr. Rama Chowdary Atypical Pneumonia
9. 26.11.2014 3:40 pm – 4:40 pm Dr. Chitra Sarkar Medulloblastoma-Current concepts

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10. 28.11.2014 3 pm - 4 pm Dr. Atin Kumar CT Eneroclysis how to establish

IT Development at SKIMS Medical College and Hospital Bemina at a glance
This Year under the project “Computerization of MRD, LAB and Nursing” at SKIMS MCH, MRD has been fully
implemented and after thorough testing it has been acknowledged that the same is ready to replace the man-
ual system. OPD billing, Sample collection and JSSK has also been implemented

Status report of various ongoing projects at SKIMS MCH Bemina is as under:

S.No Name Of Work/Project Current work Status

1 LAN cable networking for Computerization and for providing of Work in final stage of completion
internet facility to various important areas
2 Up gradation of telephone cable networking system of IPD and Work Completed
OPD block
3 Up gradation of telephone cable networking system of Admin/ Work Completed
Accounts building.
4 Voice and Data system installation testing and commissioning of Work Completed
new Lecture Hall building has also been done
5 Telephone cable networking system up gradation of remaining Tenders already received and are
areas in final stage for award of work
6 LAN cable networking for providing internet and extension of Tenders received and are under
Wi-Fi facility for boys hostel and girls hostel blocks process for pre check
7 Supply installation testing and commissioning of point to multi Tenders have already been
point system to interconnect the various areas/blocks of SKIMS received and are being
MCH with central server evaluated.

Also, 34 Nodes have been installed at the SKIMS MCH, Bemina under the project “Computerization of MRD,
LAB and Nursing” during the year 2013. To build capacity before the computerized system is commissioned
and put to use, an I.T. Training Center, equipped with latest PC and Server, has been created at the Hospital
premises which is able to accommodate 15 trainees. In fact training of 1 batch of Human Resource of MRD,
Nursing and Central Lab has already been completed on new HIS developed in-house.


There is always a need for full utilizations of the project with the cooperation of user departments clinical as
well as non-clinical which is progressing increasingly.

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