ANA Stars Program 2022

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Based on activities 12/1/21 - 11/15/22

Volunteer Stars Comments

Serve as an Exhibitor or Judge at National Money Show 1 Per 2022 employee
Serve as an Exhibitor or Judge at World’s Fair of Money 2 Per 2022 employee
Per 2022 employee,
Write an approved column in The Numismatist 1
Per column
Per 2022 employee,
Write an approved feature article in The Numismatist 3
Per feature article
Per 2022 employee,
Serve as a Contributing Editor to The Numismatist 2
Per Year
Serve as a District Representative 2 Per 2022 employee
Must be reported to ANA each year to receive stars.
Promote a live link to on homepage 2
Please email with active link
Serve as a Treasure Trivia stop at ANA convention &
2 Per convention
sponsored events
Participate in the ANA YN Friendly Dealer program 3 Must be registered and approved by ANA
Per 2022 employee,
Serve as an Instructor at ANA Sponsored Seminars 2
Per seminar

Memberships Stars Comments

ANA Life Member or 25+ year Regular Member 1 Per 2022 employee
Per 2022 employee
ICTA Member 1
Gold Level membership or higher

Summer Seminar Stars Comments

Per 2022 employee,
Serve as an Instructor of a week-long course 10
Per course
Per 2022 employee,
Serve as an Instructor of a Mini Seminar 3
Per Mini-Seminar
Per 2022 employee;
Pay for Instructor airfare 1
Receipts must be provided
Per 2022 employee;
Pay for Instructor lodging & per diem 2
Receipts must be provided
Per week lent; ANA loan paperwork required
Lend coins for use in grading courses 3
ANA reserves the right to refuse loan at time of offer

Official Convention Hotel Use Stars Comments

Stay at an ANA hotel during World’s Fair of Money 4 Per room/up to 3 room maximum per company
Stay at an ANA hotel during National Money Show 2 Per room/up to 3 room maximum per company
Bourse Participation Stars Comments
Cumulative per five years attended,
Table holder at summer World’s Fair of Money 1
Up to 30 years
Table holder at 2022 World’s Fair of Money 3
Table holder at 2022 National Money Show 2
Table holder at ANA Dealer Day official Pre-Show 1
Table holder at all ANA 2022 conventions 2 Excluding Pre-Show

Advertising Stars Comments

Advertise in The Numismatist 1 Per $500 paid in 2022
Advertise in Official Show Guide(s) 1 Per $500 paid in 2022
Advertise on ANA website(s) 1 Per $500 paid in 2022

Sponsorship Stars Comments

World’s Fair of Money Sponsor 1 Per $500 paid in 2022
National Money Show Sponsor 1 Per $500 paid in 2022
Summer Seminar Sponsor 1 Per $500 paid in 2022

Donations Stars Comments

Per 2022 employee,
Current calendar year donation 1
Per $500 paid in 2022
Lifetime cumulative donation,
3 Per 2022 employee
Per $5,000 - $14,999
Lifetime cumulative donation,
5 Per 2022 employee
Per $15,000 - $29,999
Lifetime cumulative donation,
7 Per 2022 employee
Per $30,000 - $44,999
Lifetime cumulative donation,
9 Per 2022 employee
Per $45,000 - $59,999
Lifetime cumulative donation,
11 Per 2022 employee
Per $60,000 - $74,999
Lifetime cumulative donation,
15 Per 2022 employee
Per $75,000 or more

Questions? Call 719-482-9849 or email

The ANA reserves the right to add promotions without notice,

which will be categorized as specialized, miscellaneous star entries.
Stars are nontransferable.
Company employee must be reported to, and approved by, ANA Meeting Services.

Revised 09/22/2021

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